A no —_ THE CENTRE REPORTER FRED KURTZ, Editor TERMS, —One year, $1.50, when paid in advance. Those in arrears subject to previous terms, §2.00 per year. ADVERTISE MENTS.~20 cents per line for three jnsertions, wand 5 cenw per line for each subse quent inse: tion. Other rates made made known on application, CENTRE HALL, PA., THURS, March 15 ASSEMBLY, We are authorized to announce thatJ. W, Kep ler, of Ferguson township, wili be a candidate for Assembly. subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention Wo are anthorized to announce that J, H, Wetzel, of Bellefonte, will be a candidate for As rembly, subject to the decision of the Demociatio County Convention, In the Senate the vote on the ques- tion to seat Quay has again been post- poned for a week. mec ——— After all the Philippine war is not over. Fighting has started anew, and there has been some lively skirmish- ing. me oe Ex-Speaker Reed has this to say of the Porto Rico tariff’ bill: *‘The at- tempt to make three-quarter citizens out of the Porto Ricans is certainly original.” Beat The managers of the Pennsylvania Railroad have demonstrated in the past year that they can carry freight at an average rate of a small fraction less than half a cent per ton per mile. dm Secretary Gage expresses the opinion that the paper circulation of the coun- try will be increased to the amount of not less than $75,000,000 by the Finau- cial bill, which is about to become a law. ere i e———— The legislative bribery trials in the Quay struggle last winter are to take place at Harrisburg next week with- out further postponement, The ac cused are Messrs, Byrne, Coyle, Moyles and Evans, lo — Kruger is said to want peace and de- sires the United States to use its good offices in that direction. England, on the other band is making such prepa- rations as indicate that it believes the war will last six months yet. ———— ————— Free trade or a tariff shackle for poor Porto Rico is puzzling and dividing the Republicans in cougress. As the Record truly puts it, the Sugar Trust is on one side, four-fifths of the people of the country are on the other side, and President McKinley both y is sides, on am—r————— Senator Beveridge's speech in favor of McKinley's expansion scheme has started up anew the din of war in the Philippines where the speech has been widely circulated, and the natives gather from it that the plans of the administration bode no good for them and mean now to continue the fight for freedom. oi afm The water is becoming more than boiling hot for the Shamokin council- men, charged with acting fraudulent- ly in makiog improvements, and in collusion with contractors to furnish material, swindled the borough, the councilmen sharing the boodle. Sha- mokin is not the only town where _ such doings may be unearthed, A SA. Ex-Senator Edmunds, the greatest constitutional lawyer in the Republi- can party, alludiog to the Porto Rican tariff bill, says: *‘I believe that the Porto Rican tariff bill is clearly uncon- stitutional, and violates all our agree- ments with and pledges to the Porto Ricans. If I were in the Senate I should certainly vote against it.” tens ‘‘Between the civilizing expansion of Jefferson and the brutal imperialism of McKinley there is a difference as great—well, as great as the difference between the two men. There Is no Democrat that opposes imperialism as McKinley seeks to introduce it who would not support expansion as Jefler- son inaugurated it.” —Bourke Cockran. —— Since the new bankruptcy law went into effect 900 petitions in bankruptey have been filed in Pittsburg from the western district of this state, Of these 708 were voluntary and 102 involunta- ry. Of the 46 counties in the district petitions have not been received from Cameron, Fulton, Mifflin, Montour and Union, There have been 404 dis- charges from bankruptcy. One «ase was refused a discharge, a — Matters began to look warlike in Kentucky since Saturday. The courts decided the contested goveruship against Taylor, and now that defeated patriot threatens to resist and has call d a force around him for that pur- bse. Governor Beckham, on his be half, with the law and courts on his pide, is accepting the offer of volun- teers to sustain himself, ————— A ——- A ——— 5 sh Two sideshow parties have put Pres jdential tickets in the field. The Mid- die-of-the-Road Populists nominated Wharton Barker, of Philadelphia, for ident, and Ignatius Donnelly, of nesota, for Vice President. The PR i en A SAF A Socialists named V. E, Debs, of India- na, for President, and Job Harriman, of California, for Vice President. There are some more side-shows that will nominate tickets, along with the Democrats and Republicans, The Porto Rico tariff not only pro- poses worse treatment for the Porto Ricans than the reciprocity treaties negotiated with Jamaica and Trini- dad proposed for those British islands, but it declares for worse treatment than the last Republican administra- OUR OWN WAR NOT OVER, Brisk Fighting On in the Philippines, | There it much fighting in the Phil- ippines again, and the cherished hopes for quick end of the war are blasted, | Otis, with 60,000 soldiers, is unable to | wipe out the insurrection. | The Philipinos have gathered a new | army, and thousands of natives have entered the service to resist our forces. Two engagements a short time ago | cost the lives of our gallant men who | tion proposed for Porto Rico. The law imposing 15 per cent of Dingley tarifl’ rates upon the Porto Ricans. On the 31 o. July, 1801, Mr. Harrison issued a proclamation announcing the consummation of a coffee and hides were to be imported from Porto Rico into the United States free from any duty whatever, while a factured in the United States were to be imported into Porto Rico free of duty. ——————r err — France and England, it is rumored, are likely to get into war with each other. Great Britain has now on hand will care to engage at this time. Until she has practically ended the conflict in Bouth Africa she is not likely to seek to make any move to precipitate hostilities with any European power. France also is pot in a position to at- tack Britain singlehanded. much as many of her hotheads would like to She could not hope to land a force in Great Britain because of the superiority of the British fleet, and do sO, eluded and some French troops were landed, the British would be able to greatly outnumber them and doubtless prevent their reinforcement. The French government not anxious for war at this time with Brit- Such a war also is ain or any other power. would spoil the Exposition, upon the success of which the heart of the Na- tion is set. a m———————— ee ico— FAIR AND SQUARE VIEW Referring to the wrong proposed by the administration against poor Porto Rico, the Chicago Inter Ocean, Rep., swerable quescions ; propounds the following unan- extend liberty, prosperity and equal rights to Hawaii and not to Porto Ri- Why do we open our arms to the islands of the Pacific and turn backs the island of the Atlantic? Why bave we nothing but imperialism on? our on of is we oir shores while we confer the territorial upon lands in Why wantonly violate our promises and our gift the do Oy * mid-ocean ? erunment obligations to the one and gladly ful- fill them to the other? Why do we follow the traditions of the American people for our possessions to the West the sea with our possessions to the East: and cast them into nc A Postoflice Ruling The postoffice department has au- thorized the issue and use in the mails of reply envelopes and reply eards without prepayment of postage. To the merchant having an extensive mail business this measure is of great importance. In sending out reply cards under the said system the sender must prepay the postage and take the risk of receiving any reply at all. merchant who sends out thousands of tnese cards is thus subjected to a great loss because the reply cards on which hie has paid postage are frequently left unused. Under the new plan he will uot be called upon to pay the postage upon the reply cards until they are re- turned to him. EE — Does This Hit You ? A well known pen pusher rises to re. mark: The place to take the true measure of a man is not on the street, nor in the amen corner, nor at the fo- ram, or the field, but at his own fire- side. There he lays aside his mask, and you learn whether he is an imp or an angel, humbug or hero. We do not care what the world says “of him, whether it crowns him with jewels, or pelts him with eggs. We care not a copper what his reputation may be. If his children dread his home coming and his better half swailows her heart every time she asks him for a few cents, he's a fraud of the first water, howls hallelujaly till he shakes the eternal hills, 0 AN, ES, hte tin Attempted Suicide In Union County, Lewisburg Journal : Howard C. Or. wig, who lives on the Miller farm one mila west of Kelly Point, was found early on Thursday morning lying un- consious alongside of the watering trough in his barn yard, with a wound on his head. Mr. Orwig had gone to the barn in the evening aud not re turning a search was instituted for him later, finding him in this serious condition. He had two bullet holes in his bead and the supposition is that for sonue unexplainable cause Me, Or- wig attempted to take his life. Thurs day afternoon his condition had not improved and he was ina dangerous state, . were led up against insurgents in un- The rainy season is close at hand, | gents time to gather up their scattered | bands, a ——r—l eee — Beans Go Up-Blow Up, On Saturday, at Scotia, Mrs. Stewart | | Heberling, in preparing dinner, boiled | | some beans in an air-tight vessel, An | explosion followed, the pot was blown | into fragments and the beans went fly- | | ing all over the kitchen. Mrs, Heber- | ling with a little daughter was stand- | ing alongside the stove, and was badly | | scalded and had her face cut, leaving | | her in a serious condition. The little | | girl was not injured, i ssa A A A————— | i amano Tribute of Respect, Whereas, Ithas pleased God 0 call 0 | Ewernal home our beloved and faithful co-work- | i er, Rebeces Finkle, be it ! Resolved. That we bow to the will of the Cre- | | ator, knowing tant He doeth all things well, | ! Resolved, That while we feel our joss, and those having no hope. Though her body slumbering in the dust, her example still lives on, and is worthy of imation | by those whom she joved and entrested wo meet | {| her iu Heaven Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions | plscedon the minutes of the Georges Fe eran Sunday sch ol, and that & copy sent othe County paper MRE C. E ROYER MRS. R (i. Keunley MES. E C. HAKTER, A——————— YA be be nal, Doyelstown, Ohio, suffered for a number of years from rheumatism in his right shoulder and side, He says: “My right arm at times was entirely useless. 1 tried Chamberlain's Balm, and was surprised to receive re- lief immediately. The Pain Balm has been a constant companion of mine ever since and it never fails." For sale by J. H. Ross, Linden Hall; SB. M. Swartz, Tusseyville; F, A. Mills; H. F. Rossman, Bpring Mills; J. F. Bmith, Centre Hall. almost son, Potlers Sale Register, MARCH 15. «Daniel PP. Houser, west Hall; 4 horses, 5 cows, 16 head young head bogs, wagon, plows, harrows, farm implements of Centre cattle, B® and other MARCH 16-8 P. Hockman, on the Krape farm, 1 of Spring Mills: borses 1% miles Dorth-west callie, farm lmplements, sheep. household ¥ ¥ J. R. Bitde, 1 mile north of Potlers oh tows, young catile, sheen and a complete line of farm implements, neat iy all as good as new. Wm. Goheen, Aves MARCH 19-W_ H.and A FE Mever, on the Bar Wagner farm, pear Centre Hill: [10 head of live stock, milch cows, young ostile. all farm implements and machinery, Sale st 7am MARCH 20-W. C. Farner, st Colyer oung cattle, hogs, and complete line of itments, also household goods. Wm Auct COWS MARCH N.-Alfred Durst, one mile west of Pot tors Mills; houses, 20 bend of short horn catile sud other articles MARCH 21.-P. A. Lelster, Potters Mills 2 horses, Bpaniah Jack, milch cow, lumber sled. top bugey. spring waeon, hartess, organ, chamber suit. sewing mach ine, tables, sink. beds, sofas writing desk, chairs, barrels, lot vinegar, pots tors, ole Sale st | o'clock MARCH 27. «James W_ Loe. at Parmers Mills, © bead of horses, 16 bead of cows and young cat- tie. 10 head sheep, 20 head fail Blood d Poland hows, mower and lot of other farm implements Wm. Goheen, suct MARCH 28 «Kate Horner, Centre Hall tables, sink, chairs, stands, bedetends, dishes, carpets, tubs, onpper ke tie, sewing ma. chine, Estey organ, eto. sale at | o Jock A. Sandoe, Aug't MARCH 28 —~Wm. Strong. at Colyer, 2 Jersey heifer, 2 sh onte Jheavy 2 horse wagon, pew bob sled slave tack, Jersey cow, fiynets, harness, hay ‘adders, ete, MARCH 2 «DD. J. Meyer, 2 miles south of Lip den Hall: ® hors § colts, 15 covers, 3 | young cattle, 5 head bogs, alon { stook of new farm implementa Aue't, fm. Gobeen, 1 : i t 65s : C NATURE'S CURE mn I ST A Cure for Constipation. 1 have been troubled with constipation for ears. It was ruining my health, my com. ort and ny complexion, and 1 am glad to say that Celery King has restored all three, and this afler trying many other medicines that were su posed to be good, but which were of no value whatever. | would like to tell every Rufering woman what Celery King has done for me.-Nellie Gould, Medina, Ohio Celery King cures Constipation and all dis eases of the Nerves, Stomach, Liver and Kid neys, Sold by druggists, %e and i0e., 3 Bold by J. F. Smith, Centre Hall : ¥. BE. Wieland Linden Hall! G. H. Long, Spring Mills. They are Here For Spring. The Walk-Over Shoe for Men $3.60. A $5 Value in every palr. Hundreds who have been waiting on them, are pleased they have the style, come in any leather. They are like wearing old shoes for fit, We get 1200 pairs of them, Don't be misled by others advertis ing they have $3 shoes just as good for they havn't even $5 shoes that will be near as good. For the ladies, the Saracens and the famous “Herrick” Shoes from $2.50 to $3.50 are the leaders, Powers Shoe Co. I A AN ss If you have rheumatism, neuralgie, cramp, lumbago, stomach trouble or jn- digestion, use Love's Rheumat je Cure! and Blood Cleanser, a sure cure. Sold by J. D. Murray, 26 and 50c, 104¢ | NERVITA PILLS. Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood | ory, all wasting diseases, i all effects of self-ubuse or 60 excess and indiscretion, i blood builder. Brings PILLS the pink glow to pale chooks and restores the wh B50¢ por box. 8 boxes for CTS. | 82.50, with our bankable gaurantee to cure | paid. Bend for circular | Nervita Tablets xr sreexer (YELLOW LABEL) Immediate Results Positively guaranteed eure for Loss of Power, | Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostra. tion, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity, Paralysis and the | Results of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Oplum or | box, 6 for $56.00 with our bankable guar- | antee bond to cure in 80 days or refund money paid. Address Cure Impotency, Night Emissions, Loss of Mem. i A nerve tonic and fire of Jouth, By mail { and copy of our bankable guarantee bond, Varicoeels, Undeveloped or Bhrunken Organs, Liquor. By mail in Pais package, $1.00 a | NERVITA MEDICAL CO... Boid by J. D. Murray drug store, Centre Hall RIVATE BALE THE UNDERSIGNED | offers al private sale the following ard A large wardrobe, Range stove, No. large refrigerator with glass, F.F. CHRISTINE Centre Hall, clos Ia the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County No 54, January Term, 1990 | The undersigned sn Audi. | tor appointed Lo make dis tribution of the the bands of 1h arising from ‘he sale defendant's Perot propery 10 and 10 receive Lhe same, notice that he will meet for the purposes Adam Bartges funds } Bherity | of | YE, H. FP. Confer, the of Pa ih day of April, 1900, at 10 o'clock a.m of said day. All pares interested, when apd where you sre, are requested (o sttend or be from coming In and claim WM J. BINGER, Auditor, Lis lellefante of the Wie © g upon said fund Lhe helrs and lege! repre Bis ww Shoe, Oettres County Edna Waiker, Edith dd Margaret Walker 3 Pa. and for to. Pu. t or Hower, pointed goardia Take notice ¥ rd he Urry MORDAY oe APRII At 312 Yeonsacd pre-ent SURO, t snow 5h e¢ Township of Pennsylvania t Wwe Oo wit No. 1 tuate 1 belong and desigoated wk ¢ in #i fn the vil carded is hire Ertanted fa which 1s by his last w jCeathed page GH Ans stable and the town of Snow Rh i south eust her 4 degrees east thence sth ce north thenoe a th fe § 0 feet to the ’ i in Fifth 0 with 45 degrees weal BUING, being parte of ngs Jo's 558 s the plan of sald town ETonn twoafnry *, Small slore room, stalile Powe! the erecind a Situsle in the sald town of Sn an the norit-west sido of Nectarine Ktrest ® distance of 127) fel northward from Fifth Street i and known and designs od In the gener or plot of the sald town ss lot No. 5585, | on the north-west by lot No, 39 the | easl by Nectarin Bireet, on the south east by No. Mi, on the south-west by a 21 feet wid alley containing in frout or breadth ine street 60 tool and extending back 2% 10 Street or Alley ow Hhow wi on © street Net fet CYRUS BRUNGART, i Sheriffs Offioe, Bberift | Bellefonte, March 12. 110) | EAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE —PURSU ant 10 sh order of the Orphan's Court Mills, Pa., on THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 19% At 10 o'clork, the following described valuable real estate situated in Gregg township, Cestre Onauty, Pa. TRACT NO. 1. Beginning al post along lands of Jouas Confer and Susan Crader, thence along Innds of Busan Crader north 63 degrees east 163 540 perches 10 stones, thence slong lands of Thomas P. Cope south 27 degrees esst 108 7.10 perches to ones, thence along lands of Gotsch ali and Co. and estate of John Crader deceased north 27 degrees west 108 7.10 perches to post and plas e of beginning, contaiog 105 ACRES AND 154 PERCHES, About half of the above described tract fs well timbered with yellow pine, oak and chestnut No buildings, TRACT NO. 2 Baginniog at stones. thence along lands of Gutachall aod Co. north 63 degroes east 86 2-10 perchen to stone pile, thenos north 27 degrees west 40 perches to stones, thence alone lands of Jonas Confer south 63 degrees west 45 perches to chestnut tree, thence south 27 degrees east § perches 10 stone, thence south 63 degrees west 41 2-10 perches 10 stones, thenoe south 27 degrees east 34 perches to stones and place of be gloniog: containing 20 ACRES, About one-half of above tract is cleared and ina state of cultivation and the b.Jance is well imbered with oak and chesthot, Thereon is erected a good Dwelling House and bank barn: choioe frait on the premises, good spring near the hulitinegs, TERMS Ten per cent, of purchase money to be paid when property is knocked down, balanoe of one-third upon confirmation absolute, one. third in one year from confirmation absolute and balance in iwo years, deferred payments 10 be secured by and mortgage on the premises and to bear interest at 6 per cent. from date of confirmation absolate PEALER, WM Adm’ o Lhe estate of John Crader, HENCH & DROMGOLI at | \ “ Bush Arcade. Bellefonte. A 4 » PENNSYLVAXNI, a. KR | Philadelphia & Krie BR. R. Divisio and Northern Central Railway, Time Table, in effect Koy THE NORTH AMERICAN (PHILADELPHIA | TRAINB LEAVE MONTAXDOR, | 7.823 m.~Traip 20. Wek day {| Harrisburg. srriviog st Philsd } New fork 2.15 p. m., Baithr ore | t {ingion 100 p. 10. {wo Philadelphia {| 927 a. m.- Train 30 Daily f ikerbmrre, Peronton, B | toediate stations { zleton, aud Potwvilie, | Baltimore, Wast gion { couches to Philadelphia ! 13 p. m.~Train | Wilkesbmrre, Berantor, Haze i rishurg and Philadelphia at 6.23 { Baltimore, 6 (0 p. m It serves no political . No creed, | Parlor car throug a 4 or ne Ts ihe tint 8 no class prejudic 1 mere riis i hog 8 LO Fulisdeiphis purpose. { bl p. mm, ae REE . barre, Beranton, Hezl IT'S DIFFERENT, because it advocate: for Harrisburg snd intern d {kt Puiu delohie 10.20 p mo. : | Baltimore 9.45 p.m. West | i seuger conches 10 Philadel ¥ a gil p m.~Tral 6 WVeekas Harrisburg and all ute rime ug at Philadelnbin, 4 5 {A mm. Baltlinore, 2.80 a Pulimsn sleep to Philadelphia and P| passengers can antil 7.50 EARTWARD, lor Bunbury, 148 a.m., ; m., Wash FRO Car aud pasmenger coach ITS DIFFERENT, all the news, is true, IT'S DIFFERENT, nd brisk, not yellow. ITS DIFFERENT, policy is to covert or person a rs A ana all 1 ir Bunbury end inter ion, Ha ew York, } usenger Ve becau up-to-date and vigorous for Runbury, ville, Har. Brriving st “op. om. “i p. m, 800 pas. witimore and because iri al interests ' { Te th ~ ambitio Train 82, stop je viet i i kV ‘ 1a VY eckdays Wilkes auily equal taxation ar existing system, w 4 ¥ Corporation a farmer, the merc and the wage-¢ We LE Cary New for remain ix war name 10 those T : er Republ upon all f Renublicar of Republic principi es, t ty 108 #pd PREEr COMChos Yu soda ls + BRilimoe WESTWARD few, 653i. wo. ~Tralr {4% for Brie. Can- ! Falls, and Oud hes 10 sons, aye only sped 8 IT'S DIFFERENT, be ali r ( > He OF VA . «k Haven & Jor irg ang IT'S DIFFER it is 1 tho, w cekadng ENT. because SeClarian and broad; every pas faith, every « the workings , and equan Wi Cc munonai hearing in iis « mn IT'S DIFFERENT, i e it upt ? is, with aud Bocns ‘or Benovo, rik k Haven, and intermediate stations THROUGH TRAINS FOR MON] EAST AND 80 tk | Baluimore 4 Woilkeshar 1, ARDUOUS FhouM 1 leaves New Ye 8458 In am, anily, Philadels Harrisburg : Woeek- pid f a ng at Mouta: Or Fhliages phi Bait Re Washing Eesberre 28000005 00C00000E0OOOGEOGOO andon Penns Valley Shoe Store. wo O30 i di ANG HL UA 1 days, x dai. sIniving at r Oar irom i BLOG SDC LE : iro Lhisdeipliin a1 Ha 1 LEWIBBURG AND TYRONE & Week dass WILEOAD. Westward FM AM. BTATIO}N A $U Mou Fastwerd, » ¥ ER WMOQol - 3 C. A. KR SPRING MILLS. 20000000000000C0000000600 NBS V0000090000000000000000000000000000 - os te SHRIRCSERENKERS THE POWER CURES. HUMPHREYS’ £TY ) ) Xi idea , the disonses of « foment) Carrie, Tuer, LTRY, ured * Yeterinary Speci. gde ride are t ADAM MN RR 00 Be oe 1 Nontan- & m, LIS on railroads, 1h the UT. 8S, Army Cavalry Oicers, §# 500 PAGE BOOK on treatment and careof Domestic Animals, and stable chart mounted op rollers, sent free. VETERINARY cones ( Fevers, Congestions, Inflammation, A.A. | Spinal Meningitis, Milk Fever. NB. B.~%Stralos, Lameness, Rheumatism Cs Co Distemper, Nasal Discharges. D. D.~Bots or Grubs, Worms. E. E.~Coughs, Heaves, Pocumonin, F. FP.-Celic or Gripes, Bellyacke, G. G.~Miscarriage, Hemorrhages., H.H.~Urisary and Kiduney Diseases, I. I. “Eruptive Diseases, Mange. J. K.~ Diseases of Digestion, Stable Case, with Specifics, Manual, Vet, Care Ol and Medicator, Price, Slagle Bottle (over 50 doses), Used 1a best stables and re i 4 a Bad wf wf 8 al oF sf ad wf oF wf Mackervii FOedar Spring Salon MiLL &7.00 60 i 45% 81 Jervey Shore. Ss P E C i Fl C Ss 1412 34 411 30 Tor } Wm'po'T } Ate m [fi23 160 lve § pd 2 ‘ | PHILA Atiantir Cisy NEW YORK. {Via Tamegue ) NEW YORK (Via Phila) BB Be er 6 50 00 G0 Sold by Drugeists; or Sent Prepaid anywhere and in any quantity on Receipt of Price. HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE ©O., 10 4 Corner William and John Bt, New York ) HUMPHREYS 5h { * Daily HOMEOPATHIC 28 | SPECIFIO No. In use 3 years. The only successful remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prosteation, from overwork or other causes, $1 per vial, or § vials and large vial powder, for §5. Bold by Drupeiote. or seni povipald ow reset of Prive, 1980 m. Arr Lye. a. mp o, Week Days # 00 p. m. Sunday , $10 10a. m, Sunday, Philadelphia Sleeping Cars sitached to Hawt bound train from Williamsport a1 1130p m and West-bound from Philade pola at il. pm, « W. GEPHART, General Superintendent PERN CAVE FOR SALE. The well known Penn Cave, Pean- s¥ivas ia's finest natural wonder, is of HUMPHREYS’ MEDICINE CO. fered at private sale. Parties desiring Corner William and John Sts, New York |to make a good and safe investment, io vv STED - YOR COUN RY o TRA DE : A ! oan find nothing better, The cave has good reliable man with team to | RlVays enjoyed a large run of Visitors, act as agent for our tess, onffrs baking rowder, (and oa party willing to offer special induoe- ete. An exoellent opportunity for a hostler, i ments, the Cave can be made a far better paving For further information apple ta thing thao ever. Fur farther information apply GRAND UNION TEA CO. i tn LONG BRON, #5 N. od st, Harrisburg, Pa, feblm Penn Cave, Pa. To select from at the same oid price. No advance. ~ John Smith & Bro.