—— THE CENTRE REPORTER FRED KURTZ, Editor TERMS.—One year, §1.50, when paid in advance, Those in arrears subject to previous terms, $2.00 per year, -» ADVERTISEMENTS. 20 cents per line for three insertions, and 5 cen per line for each subse quent inse: tion, Other rates made made known uit application, CENTRE HALL, PA., THURS. Feb, 1 ASSEMBLY, We are authorized to announce thatJ, W. Kep- ler, of Ferguson township, wili be a candidate for Assembly. subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention So far the Boers have made big his- tory for their little Republic. a — Ask any farmer whether the *‘ad- vaoce agent of prosperity’”’ has been helping things on his farm. cl How the McKinley-Hanna party | will be able to get over the trust issue | will be a poser. The people are mad. { During the past few days the num- | ber of horses shipped through Pitts-| burg runs up into the thousands, for | use as British cavalry in South Africa. te — Quay’s governor Stone has appoint- | ed granger R. H. Thomas a member of | the state board of agriculture in place | of Leonard Rhone, late master of the | state grange. | intel iatlwetimma— Let us count up—there is yet outside | the trusts air, water, (in the rivers,) daylight, sunshine, moonshine, and | certain portions of the earth. Let us| take a new grip and be thankful for| what we have. Er —_—— —— a, PLP’ Judge Stewart, of York, made a rul- ing to correct a lax method which has been in vogue in the granting of mar- riage licenses in that county. He de-| cided that both parties to the license | must appear in person to make the ap- plication. A fp Prices at Ladysmith, on Christmas, ran thus: Potatoes shilling each ; eggs tenpence each ; carrots sevenpence each ; ducks half a guinea each ; cigar- ettes 42 pence per thiee-penny pack- age, and whisky, from $20 to $30 a bot- tle. sn———— The 800 Kentucky Republicans who their guns, to intimidate the legal au- thorities in investigating ballot frauds, marched back again. They had better find plenty of that kind of game and wonderfully larger, ce Mss not partly surrendered to the insurgents, and at Bellefonte have agreed to go half-an’-half on local nominations, In all parts of the state leading Quay latest that tumbled is ex-Lieutenant Governor Watters, A A at comsmsstmtsans are exported from New York at $2.14 Barb wire is sold to Americans for $1.13 per 100 pounds ; $3.25 and to Europeans at $2 20, that's protective tariff. ———— A — Sp named Harrisburg as the place and ing the Democratic State convention to select delegates to the National con- vention and two congressmen-at-large, auditor gen- eral and presidential electors, SE trict, Hon. J. K. P. Hall, was unani- mously chosen by the Democratic rep- the Democratic campaign committee, Our member is proving both useful and popular at Washington and will prove faithful to the public interests. I a he Republican organs, now that the Trust has put up paper to a high fig- ure, are ill in the stomach, tariff and trust prices hits them on the bread- basket. As long as tariff and trusts gave the farmer and laborer the pinch, the organs didn’t pity these, but since the price of paper has been advanced, now the organs howl. Why not repeat the proverb, “What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.” mss AA SA SASS Speaking of Puerto Rico, the Philad. Times remarks it is causing some of our statesmen great concern that we cannot annex foreign territory to the United States and let it remaia foreign territory still. They wish both to eat their cake and to have it, to sell goods to Puerto Ricans without the obstacles of the Spanish custom houses, but would continue to tax the products of Puerto Rico at the custom houses of the United States. While advoeating the adoption of an amendment to the federal Constitu- tion requiring the election of United States senators by the vote of the peo- ple direct instead of by the state legis Jatsiros, there should at the same time be proposed an amendment to the Con. instead of the cumbersome electoral system, Me —————— The assassination of Governor Goe- bel was a cowardly crime, for which the Taylor gang is responsible, having been planning and threatening this disgraceful act for weeks. There was infinitely more regularity and legality about the proceedure de- claring Goebel the governor elect than there was in the methods used to put Hays in the presidential chair, charged against each other by both parties, they are as a drop in barrel alongside the notorious, gigantic bal- lot frauds committed by the machihe tional election and by which the hon- est voters of that city and the state are disfranchised. i. ator Gallinger, Commissioner of Pen sions Evans sent to him a statement each of the wars of the United States, | under which they were granted. {ers is as follows : On account of the revolutionary war, 4 widows and 7 daughters, | War of 1812, 1 survivor and 1998 wid- OWS, Indian wars, 1832 to 1842, 1656 ors and 3880 widows. Mexican war, 9204 survivors and 8175 widows, surviv- 321,555 invalid and widows and other dependents. of 1800, invalids 420,912 widows and dependents 130,226, 92,901 Asim ————— po Mivister Hesigus So He Can Dance, Rev. James C. Maclnnes, pastor of Chapel, Oakland, Cal., the other day announec- Said be: “I believe in dancing and a long list church when in ministers, goers indulged by When I meet a man on the street I like to slap him on the back and ‘Hello there, Jill,’ in a good hearty voice. I believe in God and Christianity, but the Church is burdened with false ideas and full of sinful hypocrites, aud some of my friends who might be called are infinitely better than these frauds of piety. “The ministry say, is po place for a liberty. He must use too much hy- poerisy himself and overlook too much hypocrisy io others.” In the Reporter's opinion, Maclnnes A fs — Readable Clippings. The Rams Horn “A jealous person is a harm in any community, doing evil and sowing discord on the sly continually.” The Tribune says a kicker and scratcher has no right to complain if Saye, In Amsterdam 2000 dismmond cutters laid oft diamonds will be doubled. A steamer from Sydney brings io- telligence of the killing of the captain and crew of the schooner Nikamarra | on one of the islands of the Admiralty group by the natives. It is said all of the viefims were eaten, Ulrich Winter has been awarded verdict of $10,000 against the Pittsburg | & Western railway for shutting off the | water power of his grist mill at Eide- | nau station and driving away his cus. tom. He had sued for $20,000, The exact geographical center of the | United States, calculating between longitudinal and latitudinal extremes, is a spot in Kansas about 20 miles north of the point at which the bound- aries of Kansas, Oklahoma and the In- dian Territory meet. Dreyfus is still in southern France, where his health shows continued im- provement. His brother says: ‘He has lately had several distressing fits of blues, but he has now regained his health and all his faculties, and at the present moment he is absolutely hap- py with his wife and children. Frank Gould, the youngest son of Jay Gould, has bought a splendid gi- ant St. Bernard dog for $10,500 of a Pa- risian dealer. He has not yet seen his the recommendation of the Countess Castellane, formerly Miss Anna Gould, Harry Baughman of Mount Union lost a favorite huntiog dog that is said to nave helped capture 1010 coons, 850 opossums, besides treeing hundreds o squirrels. No doubt the dog has gon over to the shore of animal spirits to see how the coons and possums are doing. Rev, Dr. Bprecher, of Cleveland, an eminent Presbyterian minister, ex- presses the belief that the world is about to experience a great religious awakening. ‘The character of Jesus was never so appreciated as at the pres. ent time,” he says. “We are on the eve of a great revival in the true sense of the word.” stitution to elect President and Viee President by a direct vote of the people! Try the Reporter for all job printing. Repbulioan Law and Order (7) Men, Kentucky came very near entering on a season of civil war on. Thursday, 25. From 800 to 1000 desperate, armed men from the mountain region of the Btate were brought to the Btate capi- tal on special trains by Republican leaders and camped on the eapitol grounds with the evident purpose of intimidating and using violence should the Legislature act on its own judg- ment and not obey the will of these outlaws, The dispatches indicate there was some mistake about this move- the ground too soon, returned to At any rate they their homes, with the All, if persisted in, is a certain prelude to civ- All that is needed to start the business The contest on on in the mode prescribed by the con- The presence of an armed mob, evi- dently organized and put in the field of rebellion against lawful and consti- tutional authority. SL —— BRITISH, WORST YET OF THE WAR, Spionkop, which the British had ta- | The British beat a hasty retreat and yielded all that had been gained. A most terrific fight took place, British 1500 British are reported by the Boers | been killed, while the Boer loss is not large, The British were if by a scythe. The firing of Boer shells was remark- | mowed down as | Two weeks of heavy British, was wiped out. The enemy found the Boers strong beyond belief. Lady: mith render, work by the is now doomed to sur-! ms fp A Weekly Weather Report-Uentre Hall Government Service. Temperature : Highest, A Je be wd Lowest 29 cloudy. 09 cloudy. 10 clear, 17 clear. 2X clear. HH 30 06 part cloudy. 31 - clear. afternoon, .29 inch, at and § inch snow. On = inches of snow, 3 «ty om -i 3 = Rain : On 25, night, .07 inch, evening, Total rainfall in Jaouary, 1.35 es; snow 6! inches EE on for the Cough There is no better medicine than Chamberlain's Remedy. Its pleasant taste and prompt and effectual cures make ita favorite with mothers and small child- ren. It quickly cures their coughs and colds, preventing poueumonia or other It also used in tens without single CONMMjULnCes, cures croup and has been thousands of cases a able to learn. It not only croup, but when given as the croupy cough appears, will prevent the attack. In cases of whooping cough it lique- fies the tough mucus, making it easier to expectorate, and lessens the severity of the paroxysms of Cures a8 »OOn dangerous consequences. For sale by J. H. Ross, Linden Hall; 8. M. | Swartz, Tusseyville; F. A. Carson, Pot-4 ters Mills; H. F. Rossman, Sprin Mills; J. F. Smith, Centre Hall. Sale Register, FEB 17.~John Spangler, Centre Hall: 3 stoves kettles, dishes, sausage stuffer, lard press, 2 chamber suits, chairs, washing machine, car Jes canned fruit, barrel vinegar, ew. Sale at yelock: W. A. Bandoe, Aue’, FEBRU ARY 2h Lizz'e M. Jacobs, Centre Hall horse, 3 top tuggles, open buggy, spring wag on. truck wagon, nora sheller, ploughs. sleighs, sed, double and single harvess, saddles and bridles, 2 book cases, 2 ooml stoves, lounges, | chairs, ete, Sale st 12 o'clock, MARCH !.~tGoorge A. Michael, one mile west of Centre Hall, 5 horses, clover buller, 2 horse wagons, binder, mower, sud other farm imple meus, MARCH 2 -8usan A. Stump, 134 miles enit of Centre Hail; 4 horses, | male, 7 colts. i mileb cows, 14 head young cattle, 3 brood sows, 2 shots, 4 sheep, binder, mower, and lot of oth- er farm implements Sale al 2 o'clock. MARCH 3 Reuben Bojer, at Colyer, stove, cup board, chairs, tables, lion kettle, chest stands, bedsteads, copper Keltle, household goods, MARCH 6.—Joseph E. Bpapgler, eest of Centre Hall; 6 horses, 1 00it, 9 milch cows, 15 heed {oie cattle, 3 fat steers, tgll blooded Durham all, 25 shoats, 2 brood sows, along with large Int of farm machinery and household goods, Wm. Goheen, Auc't, MARCH 7A. 0, Detwiler, two miles west of Tuseyvilie; horses, cows, hogs, shoals, young cattle, farm implements, household goods, ete, Wii Goheen, Auc't, MARCH 8 Wm. A. Curry, one mile west of Cen- tre Hail, 3 horses, 3 mich cows, 4 head young cattle, lot of hogs, wagons, plows, barrows, and other farm implements, Sale at 1 o'clock. W. A. Sandoe, auc't, MARCH 9 -~W. W. RBib'e, near Potters Mills, horses, cows, young cattie, farm implements and household goods. Bale to begin at 10 o'clock. Wm Goheen, auc't, MARCH 10.-Wm. B. Ripka, one mile west of Spring Mills, | horse, 4 milch cows, 17 head young cattle, 4-horse ws, , corn soraper, and articles. James J, LObY, ane ane’, MARCH 17.-W. A. Kerr, about one mile east of Centre Hi); horses, miloh cows, Joung cattle, a large ‘Tot of good arm implemen MARCH 14,~W. W, Bpargler, one lle: b pang ho, Aid 5 Fall hie oT Herr a fall line household goods. Wal ea un MARCH 15. «Daniel P, Houser iB f Deine ed head 1 horses. cows, 16 head yon Sysile. 2% wm implements, anc 16-8 P. Hockman, on miles north-west of Spring a tle, farm at wep. goods, ete, and many other mile wt hg indents Ae, the tape farm, Mills; horses, uaRon 17=J. R. Bible, 1 mile porth of Potters ja; horkes, in mileh cows, young cattle, sheep, ie line | oy im implements, near: Gobeen, Auc't, ew. g pooh KE. M In the Bun Tart, heat Centre Hil: fio.» ha, Song cae 1 rk MA Eo A Wm ATA MARCH 20-W, C. Farner, at Colyer: horses COWS, young cattle, hogs, and complete line of farm implements, also household goods. Wm Goheen, Auc't, MARCH 21. Alfred Dnrst, one mile west of Pot ters Mills; horses, 20 head of short hora catile, aud other articles, MARCH 27, ~James W, Loe, at Farmers Mills, © head of horses, 16 head of cows and young cate tie. 10 head sheep, 20 head full blood=d Poland hoes, mower and lot of other farm implements, Wm, Gobeen, suet, MARCH 20 —~D. J. Meyer, 2 miles south den Hall; 8 horses, 4 colts, 15 2ows, 30 head young cattle, 60 head hogs, alopg with stock of new farm implements, Wm. Aue, of Lin- of inrge Goheen, Sr CURE. A Young Girl’s Experience. | My daughter's nerves were terribly out of | order, Bhe was thin and weak; the least | noise startled her, and she was wakeful at | night. Before she had taken one package i of Celery King the change in ber was so | great that she could hardly be taken for the | same girl, She is rapidly growing well and | strong, her complexion is perfect, and she | sleeps well every night.—Mrs. Lucy MeNutt, | Brush Valley, Pa. { Celery King cures Constipation and all dis. | eases of the Nerves, Stomach, Liverand Kids neys. Bold by druggists. 2c, and We. 4 : Bold by J. F. Bulth, Centre Hall ; F. E. Wicland | Linden Hull: G. H. Long, Spring Milla i Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Lo WELL EH, Git OF s of Mom. 60 PILLS ein 50 ¢ youth. Hy mail| CTS. wr box, Cure Impotency, Night Emiscions, ory, all wasting g all effects of id CROHNS and is sOretion., PEA nerve tonic and iblood builder. ro th 16 pink kable Fanrantee to cure or refund the money paid. Send for ¢ dre ilar and copy of our bankabie guaranties bor ! Ni Tablets EXTRA STRENGTH (YRLLOW LABEL) immediate Results oly + gusrantesd eure for Lo loveloped or Shrunken we of he wer, Vari {3 i nor. By mal | in 8 for $5.00 wit our Poankable Fuhr antee bond to cure in 30 days or refund money paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO. £5 Als Solid by J. D reay drug store, Centre Hall RECUTOR'S NOTICE LETTERS TESTA of Martha PV. Oder ‘ deren sed mentary tind the same ad 1 or selllem 0 4 Ehaeffer ! re, Dede and pore cha Deranng periy. ali meddle wild same in bis ProsscEs On anliag Sevrased 1 5 of Af w MINISTRATOR'S of Wm. A T tie oie beret vou v gives pdebited 1o 1} 1 resent 1 Thetwon erected large Lank wagon shod, hea pra and a. DECessary oul- Is suppl water from we! r exteliont on gx fepsoes, ut Gove orvherd with THe fam § hurches, and Peninin Hire of J H.8P1" HER MICHAEL SI’ Extr's of Michael 8piche . ‘ PENN CAVE FOR SALE. The well known Penn Cave, Penn. | eyivasia’s finest.nataral wonder, is of- | Parties desiring | safe investment, can find nothing better. The cave has | 5% a0otow pel measur & iwo-story stone dwelling boom ¥ 1 yeti soil ated 0 schools, « ing illing to offer special induce ne For further information apply LONG BROS, Pehin Cave, Pa. to | febldm \News and Opinions OF National Importance THE SUN Alone Contains both. Dally, ty mil. ..omiisimieiinisi son Dally and Sunday by mail,............ $6.00 a year $300 a year The Sunday Sun greatest Sunday Newspaper in the world. The Price 5c. a copy. By mail $2 a year Address THE SUN, New York. B50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS Trav Manny Desian CopvymiouTs “ac. [SCRIBNER'S] FOR 1900 INCLUDES J. M. BAREIE'S “Tom my and Grizel” Serial, THEODORE ROOSE- VELT’S “OLIVER CROM- WELL” Serial, RICHARD HARDING DAVIS'S fiction and special articles; HENRY NORMAN'S The Russia of to-day. Articles by WALTER WYCKOFF, Workers.” SHORT STORIES b Thomas Nelson Page Henry J: Henry + van Dyke Ernest Seton Th: ompson k i ith \ Wh arton Octave Thanet William SPECIAL The Paris E FREDERIC artic sport tion. “HARVARD YEARS AGO,” Hoar. NOTABLE ART TURES. THECROMWI ILLUSTRATIONS, America; | A. author of “The NCR A Hen ART 4 X posit IRLAND'S and ICLES | 101. Hes Oh CxXplora- i 3 brated artists PUVIS 1) JOHN L CHAVANES ] A FARGE, by . Charles Scribner's Sons, New York THE MILD POWER CURES. HUMPH REYS’ ani. Don, fre bry Yete rinary Speci- yadie, That the diseases of domestic Houses, Carnie, Suse, and oi CLIRY, Rare ge on rally pewing oar sow with bent stabdes mpd Army Cavalry Oficers. recomn E500 PAGE BOOK on treatment and careo! Domestic Animals, and stable chart mounted on rollers, sent free, VETERINARY corel | Fevers, Congestions, Infasmmation, A.A. | Spinal Meningitis, Milk Fever. I. B.-Sirains, Lameness, Rheumatism Us Co Distemper, Nasal Discharges. DP. D.~Bots or Grubs, Werms, EE. B.-Ceoughs, Henves, Pocumeoenia., ¥. F.-Colic or Gripes, Bellyache., G. Go~Misrarriage, Hemorrhages., H.H.~Urinnry and Kidaey Diseases, Eraptive Diseases, Mange. K.~Disenses of Digestion, Stable Case, with Specifion, Manual, Vel Oure Ol and Medicator, Price, Single Bottle (over 80 dost, « SPECIFICS. Soild by Drugeists; or Sent Prepaid anywhere and in any quantity on Receipt of Price. HUMPHREYS MEDICINE CO. jorner William and Joba Ste, New York HUM PEREYS HOMEOPATHIC 2 8 97.00 SPECIFIG No. =n use » years. The only succesefnl remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from over work or other causes, $1 per vial, or 3 viale and large vial powder, for 85, Bold by Drogeiote, or sont postpaid an ressipt of prion, HUMPHREYS’ MEDICINE CO, Corner William and John Sts, New York HENCH & DROMEOLD’S A wonderful Improvement in EE et Bok Hn aa ni Tray pote Ao all the ford gearing 10 stand pe ihe ing: great say in og . ting, Harrews, elo, we and aitivarors, Corn Pina $e & DPROMGOLD, Mire, York, Pa. RS En PENNSYLVANIA B R.R. and Northern Ce Central Railway. Time Table, mn effect Kov, 19, 1599, - 7.828. m.~ Train 20. Wek days for Bunbury, m., Balter ore 11.60 p, m., Wash- Parior car aod passenger cosch $9.27 a m~Train 20 Dually for Bushbury Ecronton, Fearrsbiig and inter medinie stations. Week days for Bers mon, Ha ziewn, sudPousvilie, Phlledeipbin, sew York, Baltimore, Washington. Through conches to Philadelphia, 155 p. m~Trein » } umenger Weekdays for Bunbury, Wilkesbarre, Berepton, Hazleton, Pottsville, Har. risburg and inlerm edinte stations, arriving on Philadelphia st 6.23 p m., New York. 9.90 p, Baltimore, 600 p. @m Wash iuglon ai 716 p. ry Parlor car through Wo Pl lindeiphin, and pas. reuger conches 0 Phlladelphis, Baitimore and Washington. bul p. m.~Train 32, Veekdsys for Wilkes barre, Scranton, Hazleton, Pouavilie, snd daily for Harrisburg and intern diate points, Array iiig #1 Poi delp Piialom sm ws ew York 33 un, m., Baltimore 2.45 3 erbingion 101 Cl m, Pas wenger evan hes Ww Philadeljpbir and Baltimore, Bilp ~Treiu 6. Weekdays for sunbyry Harr “and ai! Int ormediste slat Lions, arrive lug at Ph bin, 4.2 a. m. Kew Yourksi 713 a mm, Baltimore 250 uw. m., Washington, 405 a. mw Pu an sleeping cars from Harrbsburg Ww Philadelphia and New York Philsdelphin passengers can remain in sleeper undisturbed anti 7.8 sa. m. 204 Bn. m~Train 4. burg end poluts east an Philadelphin wt 6.528, m, woek days, 10.75 a 1m, Bus m, Washington, 7.4/ (Dat) is.) For Harris south, siriving ot Th York, 9.53 a ya. day, Baltimore 655 a, & mm. Pullman sleeping cars to Phi tindelph ard Washiugion, spd passenger coaches ¥ Philadelphia and Baltimore. WESTWARD. A a2 532 a. ~Train 2. (Dally) Vor Erie, Usn- AuURIg Pu Bx hester, Butlaio, Nisgera Falls, and interme diate stations, wilh Plan Luger cosches 10 Ere une OC Hester Week days for DuBais, Belle fonte, en Fitsburg. On rude only Pullman alceptm Wo Kochester and Fr 4 10.00 a.m. —Train 31. (Dally) Vor Lock Haven S04 jutermedinte stations, snd weekdays ior Tyrone, Clearfield, Philigeburg, Fit isburg and the West, with through car to iyro L381 pm ~Train 15. Wes kdny» tor Kane, Ty» rope, Clearfield, Philipsburg, Pitsbur E. Osinue daigus sud intermediate siations Byracime, Rochester, Buflalo and Nisgare Valls with through Janes uger coaches 10 Kane aud Rocos ester, and Parlor car ww Bochester 6:6 p, m.~Train 1 Eimira and intermediate stations 943 p. m.~Trein 13. Daily for Lock Haven, and intermediate stations Week days for Renovo, THROUGH TRAINS FOR MO NTANDOR FROM. EAST AND BOUTH. Train 21 leaves New York rp 3 Philadel jie 4.00 Bn, Bal Harrisburg Week- i239 night, we dbb a mm am, daily Kesher “30 a m. days arriving st pans Wwudon 10 00s m. 1 caves Philadelphia 8.40 a tn, Washing ba mw, Balt snore 800 8m, Willkesberre Week days, arriviog a! Mouilsndon wr car from Philade Iphiin nger Coaches from Phils wil more al 1145 arriving st Montag - wilh Lrough ja ls. and Baltimore, Phiisdel- po. Bu days, AD pm del LK sha 1€, 6.00 pw. (week days arriving st taucon #43 pm. Through Parior Car from lindelpbin, week de; passenger coach from Poilsdeiphis ana Wes Train 3 leaves New York at COs ties fron saves New York 1b Bp in, weekdays, 4.30 wpm, Halilimo m * LEWISBURG ASD TYRONE RAILROAD, : Week days, Westward F AM. BTATIOF b #0 Montandon «T0O0L §0' Paddy Mounts'n Mn Coburn i iderby { Kins ug Spring i Penn Cave riCeuire Hall Hire 3 iL ingon Hail WOuk Ha | 39lLemor 5 4 Dae = 5 what at wad EER RNEEAEX ETL » “4 ¥ mal nmi I Vieasant ony 5M A xem ar ¥ 00 Bel lofonte » EEFEGSESS TE sp“ Additional trains leave Lewis: mirg for Monta Gonat 5.20 a m, 7.18 m., 24 a m, 1.15 and £00 p m. Jets ru og save Montandon for Co isburg at 7 $. 0a m, 0008 a. m., 5.08, COs pm, and 5 12 Uns pm indays trains leave Montandon iamandbiWpm bug 30a mm. 1043 J.B HUTCHINSON, fsnmaral Mansger $28 and JTeturning leave Lewis am. and 5.04 p.m i. 8 WOOD Gen" Pager Agt PBELLER INTE CENTRAL RAI AD. T0 take effect Mav 25, 1896, EASTWARD WESTWARD “4 BTATIONS, 1 38 | | i Po io 44 » 4110 6 # Sootia ( Srossing.... SArumrine 5 B12 2. ( State College. i 50 3 ii Ilamsport onnect with train No. Afternoon trains from Mon. Morning trains from Montapdon, wi 7 for State College Train No. 11 for State Coll ege. Traips from Hate Coliege connect with Penna. R. R. trains at Bellefonte {Daily except Sunday, F.H. THOMAS, Supt. RAIL ROAD OF PENNSY LVANIA, Condensed Time Table Reed Down Rend Up. No. 1 No 5 No May 18, 1806, » Ve NG ", m p.m. p.m. Lv, P t 20/47 0.43 45, BELL EFNTE. TM BY inn Nigh... 41 vy & 08... a. dion. 08 Heels Park. 10... Donkies ..... 4. a LERSB'G.. we oo Cd S3FveRgtERELes uRY 2. Er *intondale.. Krider's ®'ng. : Mackeyville... | : 1.Oedar ings. ih Salo a MILL HALL rene wd OTREY SHOT... 55 Arr, } ¥m'PO'T Lve | yA x TYeYwevewww Fommmomes Bgagses BEEEREREnnassE Soevevcovncnve gx Bea $5 zeae 8 8 gee "aq » Bg gEze i ot BsEeDDe B_SER TWEE Daya. 110 10a. m. Bu “8 v E | HE NEW YORK 151.448: aT THEATRICAL LIN WORLD OF SPORTS Ta (92 vg edd FREE Sid YN { i NEW NEW ($128.0