The Living Dead. What shall we do with our dead? The dead who have not died Who meet us still in the very paths Where they once walked by our side, Not those that we love and mourn, At rest on a distant shore, But the lost yet living women men Whom we loved and love no more, There are shroud and flower and stone To hide the dead from olir sight, But these are ghosts that will not be laid They come "twixt us and the light; And the heaven loses its blue, And the rose has worius at the core, Because of the living women and men Whom we loved and love no more, -Edith Bigelow, in the Critic. Rain! Will it never Clover Beaver with an “Rain! raining!” stop HITE of the window upon the drenched tlelds and muddy roads. “No tennis this afternoon. and I had #0 set my heart upon playing with the new guest, Will the sun never come out again?’ A loud rapping upon the door was the only answer, “Come!” called Clover, petulantly, too, The door was thrown open and a girl, radiant in her youth and sweet beauty, rushed up to Clover, and, kiss ing her, said as she twined her arms about her waist: “I knew you would be consumed by the blues, dear, thinking how the rain had spoiled our projected pleasure, but I bring goood news.” “Good news?" said Clover, brighten ing at once, “what is it, Alice?’ “Just the nicest thing in the world! At the hotel we were quite as disap pointed as you, and while we sat about grumbling someone suggested that we have an impromptu fancy ball to-night.” “Splendid!” cried Clover. “Yes: we all jumped at the as the girls began to dresses | ran over to tell “You all smiles. the hotel and rather dress and their iden, arrange you n dear girl” exclaimed In five minutes she with Alice 4 gray morning gown costume, It was at burban resort. A ls center of iife and ber of beautifu these lived Clover Beaver idol, while Alice Hilton, er, mother and brother, staying at the hotel dies bad just « out of th and they vers and Clover dark The est of los WHS a young man had pected for several days. Clover get her upon and she was very therefore, to find went to the hotel friend and her Carlton Just close Harold into group of gushing with the news of the robbery of in the express office at a station eral miles away. He bad just heard the tale from the watchman office, who had been surprised by two robbers and bound while they their work. [Ie described them Harold as being most dashing and said they wore black cloaks, and with clanking spurs which a most brigandish appearance leader was particularly hand forma and feature, he sald, and fA very gay humor. As he went his work he quoted poetry, and philosophy, but lost two soon clatter horses, This story ntiractwd and talk about fhe interval until the assemble in the large room in the ov “Falka” there ablaze with diamonds whi wore rather in a joke to dim the imita tion splendor of the uapopular The brilliant flashes from the stones in ber Lair, in her ears were seen in al revels. Bhe had ‘cavaliers in plenty, but the most attentive was a tall Me phistopheles, Frank Carlton, Dance followed dance enade after promenade was in busily into a a fash ee about it changing “Falka" mable su hotel was the Were 4 num in one of her parents’ fath was CoOtiages, with her Harold, ath Olle were pretty, new gu whom ( erspoke who been ex- had him, surprised, after was an old Frank heart capitis much not ating long she that he ardent admirer day wi Hilton busy as the 1% drawing rusinesd SOWers to a the over a safe “ev of did large