THE NEWS. B. B. Wyatt, of Roanoke, Ya,, was nriested on a charge of felonious assault on Mrs. Thomas N. Simpson, of Newport News, who had been kind to him when he was sorely in need of food. Edward Doyle, of Chicago, has aumd John Robson. & Board of Trade operator, for $600,000 damagos, several times the amount of losses in speculation. Howard Tryday and his wife inhaled {llu- minating gas in Philadelphia. The husband is dead and the wife in a critical condition. Charles Tracy, confidential bookkeeper for ¥. B, Bayley & Co., of Chicago, has been missing for nearly a month, The strike of the girls at the Allen & Gin ter Tobacco Works in Richmond, Va,, was amicably arranged. Malor Taylor, surgeon in charge at Hono lulu, reported six deaths from bubonic plague up to December 15, Governor Roosevelt Cignaraie, who for murdering her husband. The accounts of ex-County Treasurer Her shey, of Lancaster, Pa., were found to be $£65.000 short, Peter Dunkle was arrested near Henpeek, Iud.. on the charge of murdering May Wol wig fn 1886. F. Bianchi & Co., wholesale dealers in mi linery goods in New York, n ade an assig: ment, Five death. two of them on the st Pass, Freeman of the Iron Hall, died in Phils W. Murray governor of Massachusetts, pardoned Chiara was serving a lilo sentence Klondikers wera fo I. Somerby, supr rand Was oan; Governor Hoosevelt's message 10 the New York legislature was largely taken uj discussion of trusts, Ha advocated the peal of the Horton boxing law. The United States tug Resolute in Boston harbor by colli ocean tug Swatara, except the engineer, North Carolina Republican the constitutionality of ment to the cor August, At the United States mi during 1889 there made, representing a 000.000. George LL. y with a sunk the steal Was vere saved contest amend- 1 next were months in the 8 i eceny of phot Edwayd Cressing was hanged in Sun! of Dalsy Smith The Dem legisiature nd the long term. The girls at the Company WOrks Birike Fleming ty te = 1 5 I. Suyder sdicted in rin s fnereased ir - his trial set TUary Fire ix part of and $50_000, Former Senat United States n ombe rs The lL. vote five mil roads all ove Water was age canal. n dollars Star York county, as paralysis, A baby's were injured ina fire York. Junius Robinson Dinwiddie county, Jolly. The wages of 25.000 men in [itis sdvanced from five to ten per cent aged Edwards, Charles J. Harrington, Kent county, Del. isdead. register f the Order of his home enty-five under o George ¥V. Metael, fe Heptasophs, died suddenly at Stewartstown, Pa. aged se On Pecember 15 he wedding. He was a native of Baltimore, The system of years eolebirated his goldes peasioning « | employes of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company on the lines east of Pittsburg was Nine hundred and fifty men were started, retired. The executive committee of the Nati } Anti-Trust Conference jssued an address de jaring that the special privileges of tha trusts should be taken from them, of arstiviens gas ot fire to Burch in Stromsberg meeting was in pro An explosion the Eden Baptist ( Keb, while 2 waleh ress Captain W. W. Marshall, former postmaster at Des Me lowa commit suicide, His death is During the week eight men of the Central Phosphate Works at Lady's laland, 8. C., died under mysterious cirenmstances, Ellen Labash was secidentally kilied af Passaic, N. J.. by the discharge of a pistal in the bands of Michael Be The stores of the. MeCorkls Company, and W. J. Clary, ia N.C. were destroyed by fire, Andrew Carnegie has given 2000 000 Lo Cooper Union to found a day school similar in seope to the night school, deputy tried to ex preted, ines, hwarts Dry tireennbora, Cyoods of the birth wichirated in The ons hundred anniverssir: of Dr. Constantin Hering was Philadelphia, ¥. RB. Hershey, county, Pa., is a defauiter. Hie to be in Canada, Eugenes 1. Packard, of the Lobioson In- yestment und Security Company, of New York, was sentenced to eighteen months ime prisonment in Sing Sing for uniawinily using the malls, Judge Sanborn, of the United States Cire euit Court in St, Paul, Minn, discharged the rocelvers of the Northern Pacific Hallroad Company, A strike of miners in the bituminous conl regions of Pennsylvania is threatened, The men want a general increase of thirty per cant, in wages, By the will of the late Daniel Sharp Ford, of the Youth's Companion, the Baptist Social Union eomes in for a large bequest, The stock and plant of the Charles Helser Hhoe Company, at Hanover, Pa, was de- stroyed by firs, John 'T, Whitehead, a wesithy Virginia farmer, died at hils home, near Buy View. Charles L. Pike, one of the original Free Boilers, died in St. Paul, Minn, ©. B. Turner was murdered at his home, near Ferguson's Wharf, Va, Comptroller of the Currency Dawes says the general financial condition of the country is sound and stable, and thers Is nothing to trensurer Lancaster is supposed CURRENCY BILL. PROPOSED MADE IN THE AMENDMENTS PRESENTED. Tue CHANGES TO BE TEXT. Provisions May Be Made for the Hedemp tion Authorizing the Exchange of Bonds Will Make the In tention of the Bill More Clear When En weted Into Law. of Greenhacks Washington, members of the Senate Finance Committee authorized Senator Aldrich to presest amondments to the financial bill which he offered in the Senate, The most important relates to the greenbacks, and ix as follows (8pecial,)- The Hepubiean The New Ulause. Alter the word authority, in line 5, page 14, sirike out remainder of the section, insert “and the gold coin received trom the sulle of said bonds shall first be covered int the general fund of the Treasury and then exchanged, in the manner hereinbefore pro vided, for an equal amount of the notes re aud the Uni. and leemed and held for exchange, led States potes exchanged in accordance ith the provisions of this covered into the Treasury, be reissued god coin with the re. ded in sedition shail, p provided by law, and the s reserve fund, together notes held for use as provi section, shall at no time 1 sum of 2150 000,000." An Eliminated Section, All of Section © is sliminated owing new section substitute Nee, 6--That the Secretary of t is hereby authorized to receive att the oy nited NSiates bearing ioteres ury any of itstanding i per annum, payable F any bonds of the sluruary United States terest at J August 1, therefor an equal ame per annu cent, per 1908 ' istered bonds of the form as he i of £80, or terest at the rales payable quarteriy 4 fh f eh 1 prieasure « the years from the date of tl bonds to be payable, principal in of the present italian interest LUere x after such call, The Gold Reserve. dmenl iat where iL pr id reserve. The t the duty of ii AB the Seoretary of ported 3 iry to maintain the gold reserve al $100 000. ( 3 bonds, T pendmen rovides that when the reser int it shall be his duty s of $ members of ithe Treas # Ane i ve vit 10 the maxima It is stated sittee that the amendments are for the pur pose of the Intention of Uy the the com Te 8 al Stier masking and t struct { the law when more Ciear v 2 : : or +1 ’ ee Ui, leave no question as 1 bL enue CREENSBORO'S BIG BLAZ) Store Destroyed S100 Large Dry Goods O00 Damages. vO, { Special Fire nt Green ri § 1 Nf sateen [Osnes y $10: 000, partly [he fire started in the elev Hague Me( + ala WOOWsa L£ aggregating nes vered by insurance ator shaft of the Pry CGoods and soon enveloped that rkie Compan 1a, building and spread to the adjoining store weapied by W, J. Clary. Water frome Ls { sre it struck the burning building and added the hardship of subduing the flames, A quantity of cloth and notions damage done by the wa arge burned and much wr. The losses are estimated as follows Hague-MeCorkle Dry Goods Con $820,000. insurance, 55.00). W. J, Clary $6.50), The damage he buildings will ageregate $4,000 wer $12 500; insurance, Mas Save Mrs, Maybriek. New York, (Special, A Iotter from Lads fiandolph Churchill has been reesived by Mra. Caroline J. Taylor, chairman of the Committees of the Physiologica Medico-Jegal Society, in which she says the only rational way to base a petition tor the release of Mrs, Maybriek is not on the piga that she Is fnnocont, but that even if she is guilty, she has been pun tahed enough, deetion of the and Children, Chattanooga, Tenn. Mills, a collector for an lnstallment house attempted to seize furniture in the house of Mary Venable, for a small delt. The womas suempted to prevent it, and, in the struggle that ensued, Mills shot the woman and her Hitle son, nod danghter, all seriously, {(Bpecinl, je Bamue) Fight Men Lost in a Wreek, gt. John, N. F., (Special.