The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 04, 1900, Image 3

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    Savage Biohelor.
The Sweet Young Thing—"Did you
know there is a man in the mogn no
longer? Some one has discovered a
woman in the moon" The Savage
Bachelor—"'No wonder the man left.”
~Indianapolis Journal,
Deanty Is Dlood Deep. :
Clean blood mepns a clean skin, No
beauty without it, Ugscarets, Candy Cathar-
tic elean your biood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving al: ime
urities from the body. Begin to-day to
vanish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug-
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10¢, 25¢, 50¢.
China has six smokeless powder manufac
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
hy local applications as they cannot rench the
diseased portion of the ear. There is only ote
way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu.
tional remedies. Deafness is caused by anin-
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube, When this tube gets in.
flamed you have a rumbli ud or imper-
foot hearing, and wh entirely closed
Deafness is the res ess the inflame.
mation ean be taken out and this tube re-
stored to its normal cond tiHn, hearing will be
destroved forever, Nine. nses'out of ten are
caused by catarrh, which is nothing but anin.
flamed condition of the mucous surfaces,
We will give One Hundre t Dollars for any
case of Deafness {caused by catirrhithatoan-
pot ba cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Senc
tor circulars, free.
4 I. Cuexey & Co. Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggiste, The, ;
Hall's Family Pills are the
Two swords which the people of
olis iad made for presentation to
Lawton will now be presented to his
and family,
Kweat and fruit acide will not discolor
goods dyed with Purxam FapeLess Dyes,
Sold by all druggists,
The Duke of Abercorn has sung
English Red Cross Bociety with 300
specially soft pocket handkerch
light woolen wraps.
How Are Your Kidneys ?
Dr. Hobbs’ Sparagus Pills core all kidney (lls. Bam
ple free. Add. Sterling Remedy Co. Chicago or N.Y
World's ids cover 471.800
coal fis
VieAaraTy dl
by Dr. KI!
trial bot
Pad, B51 Are
California's ofl
Educate Your Dowels With Cascarets.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever
10c, Se. If CC. C. tail, druggists refund money.
Misa B A. Mulroney, of I leiphis, has
made over
A vu
Lion, a;
Piano's Care | the modi
shildren's Coughs and Colds
Bouse, Sprague, Wash, March
Take Casearets a
BC CC fail to cure, de
Cure Constipation Forsver.
rent Cathartic 10e or Se.
isis reload money.
batt in the
“‘An Empty Sack
Cannot Stand Upright.”’
Neither can
nogrish and sus
For strength of
ot be
muse murs,
Hood's Sarsaparilia
standard preparai;
many r
six years I was a victim of dys-
pepsia in its v Lt i
but mill
1 eat noth
K toas sel wonld
not retain and ; t March §
began takin ' and sin then i
Rave 5 a. t i
gyn was in
rst form. | cow ping
Davip H
Pleasant. Paistable. Potent. Taste Good. De
. Nover Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe, Ie, Ze. bo
Serling Remedy Company, (hinnge, Mondronl, Sow York, 1
Sold and
NO-TO-BAC 3253
HOICE Vegetables
will always find a ready
naranteed by all drug.
JRE Tobacco Habit,
market—Dbut only that farmer
the great secret how to ob-
tain both quality and quantity
use of well
No fertil-
izer for Vegetables can produce
by the judicious
balanced fertilize
a large yield unless it contains
at least 89; Potash. Send for
our books, which furnish full
information. We send them
free of charge.
oa Nassau St, New Yirk,
Felentineally made
Therefore THE BRET,
| Thompson's Eye Water
Sabject: Cradle of ChristeShadows and
Sunshine on That Lowly Bed—The
Story of the Incarnation Told in =a
New WaywlUses of the Festival,
[Capyright, Louis Klopsch, 1809.)
Wasnisarox, D, C.—The story of the in.
enrnation is hero told by Dre. Talmage in a
new way, and practical use is made of
these days of festivity; text, Matthew, |.
17, ‘80 ail the generations from Abraham
to David are fourteen generations, and
from David until the carrying away into
Babylon ars fourteen generations, and
from the carrving away into Babylon unto
Christ are fourteen generations”
From what many consider the dullest
and most unimportant chapter of the New
agent I take my texe and find it
, startling and eternal inter
The chapter is the troat door of tho
Testament, through which ail
spiendors of evangelism and apostolieity
enter, Three times fourteen gonerations
are spoken of in my tex! that is,
wo generations-——reaching down to Christ,
Phey al! had relation to Him, and at
forty-two generations past affect us, If
they were good, we feel the result of
goodness, 1f they ware bad, wo feel
sult of thelr wickedness, If some were
wl and some ware bad, it is an inter-
influence that puts its mighty
i U8, t
Inturn Influence at
nticns to con
thousand yey
is more important thant
I prop «how y¥
ws upon the Chrl-tie
aud then th» sunshine
the straw,
that Lifan
there a spe
inoestry., Beantifal
Oh, vy Devont Asa one of His
Oh, ves] Honest Joseph His
yes! Holy Mary lis Mo
But in that genealogical
atrous and cruel Ammon
least forty-two
Inst a
wa some of
eradie of Bethilsher
S50, son,
yee Lo the shi
shadows ou
wus here an simen o
Huth His a
be particularized., Bo you
in | ever
knew was the son of a man who Hved
Hed a Liasphamer,
Hehoboam comes a gracious
merciful and glorious Christ,
eonragement for those who
forty-two generations that
however close by or 3
instances of
nay not
«00 bad men may
One of
IVR go
the most RCTS
line an op-
pressive nnd
(arent en
aver lar back
1s and
the {iospel
* aires sanctity
Chat record
hy agi
the Herodie
worais of a nation
aria of sin in the air when
Dirist Best breathed it, Th
wild not the Babe warn w
at wintry month with His o rn
r a fugitive
rinse say that it was at a time o
that C was boro. but His birth
an antagovism of which the Bet
jehemn massacre was only a
rior War of the mightiest nation
earth opened against that eradie!
fluence that eame forth that night from
that surrounding
oxen challenged the iniguities of all the
centuries and will not ceases until It has
destroyed them. What a pronunciaménto
went forth from that black snd barbarian
throne, practieally saying,
babes under two years of age, and that
wide slaughter will surely include the
death of the one child that most threatens
my dominion.”
occupant ot that eradie!
WAS a ma
niant { ‘i oat
peace print
fo 2
frais aX Dros.
of the
paw or the bandit’s clutch or the midnight
chill between Bethlehem of Judma and
Cairo, Egypt, will secures His destruction,
of hisll bombarded that cradle,
Another shadow upon that
David, the sbapherd boy, had been born
there, but after he bacame general and
king he gave it no significance, I think
never mentioning it but to ask for a drink
of water out of the old well to whieh he
usted to go in chiidhood-—the village so
small and unimportant that it had to be
geparated in mind from asother Bethlehem
then existing, and so was called Bethlehem
of Judma, There was a great capital of
Jerusalem; there were the fiftesn boauti.
ful cities on the beach of Galilee, any of
them a good place to be born In; there
were great towns famous at that time, bat
the nativity we celebrate was in a
village which Christ intimated bad been
ealled by some “the jeast among the
princes of Juda.” Obrist Himself was to
make the town famous for all time and all
O men and women of Messianic opper-
tunity, why do you not make the piace of
your nativity memorab’s for your philan-
thropies<by the churches you build, the
free Dibrarios you open, the colleges you
endow? Clo back to the village where you
wears bors, as George Peabody wan® back
to Danvers, Mass,, and with your wealth
bless the neighborhood here {n childhood
you played and near by *.'vare your father
and mother sleap the last viesp, There are
seoros of such villages fn America being
genarodsly ramembered hy prosperous men
during Hie or helped in their lust wiil and
testament, and thore are a hundred neigh.
borhoods wating for such benediction
from their prosperous sons, By some such
charity invite the Bethlehem nngels to
come k again and over the plain house
of your nativity ring out the old anthem of
“Good will to men.” Christ, born fa an
obscure pase. made it so widely known bv
- —
Flia self aaerifices and divine eharity that
all round the earth the village of Bathile-
Lem has its pame woven in garlands and
chanted in “Te Doums” and built in houses
of prayer,
But {tis time wo seo some of the sun.
shine breaking through the shadows on
that cradle. For we must have jubllance
dominate the Christmas festival, That
was Walter Beott’'s opinion when in “Mare
mion'’ he wrote,
A Christmas gambol oft wonld cheer
A poor man's heart through hall tho year,
It was while the peasant and his wife were
on u visit for the purposes ol enrollment
that Jusus was born, The Bible transiators
got the wrong word when they sald that
Joseph and Mary had gone to Bethlehem to
pe “taxed.” People went no farther thon to
got taxed than they do now. The effort of
has been to eseape
Besides that, these two humble
tax. The man's tur-
was not worth taxing: the woman's sandais
whieh kept her feet from belng cut by the
rock, of which DBotblshem {is
were not worth taxiog.
No; the fact {8 that a proclamation had
ple between Great Britain and Parthia and
of those lands included should go to some
appoloted places aud give thelr names io,
be rozisterad and announce thelr loyalty tu
They had walked
miles over n
lieglance, Would woe walk
va our allegiance to
Cwasnr Augustus
ounth of a
eighty miles to anaoun
king, one Jesus
wanted to know by rd on which
tint man and that v wrote their
names or had them writ MW many
13 conld de on in
our ’
the rec
on, jus
sage of exigency, How many
the Bomsn ea
1 §
ys dupanads
IW any wamen «
ake care of the wou i on
¢ troubles fa that 4 1)
Christ we do not know how
Are 80 t
ver give
y serve the Lord
not announces their aliegl
who, in the batties t
troops, Ia
there are so many hail
an tha
on X
ples, a0 one.third
¢, at any
+ parts of it, and they hope O10 he
ristianity will 4 b
FLuey stay away
nmunion days and be
us long as they can {a this
wnehow sneak into
Be rogist .
ind {a t}
! Lot ali
sia stand, i ye
eighty mites before
form of worship
. nm {
giana «
y shadows above (hal
a speaial
The nster §
tratagem for the
t ng His just staried,
amatized pl 10 suddenly got re.
1 woul s his palace
and have steads wi
eoull kane
ile nt what
i leony
tit |
el guarded
and down
sradin was
t that Lhe
rause it
wera wings hb
¢ por: thers
sndished swo
: thers were char
be rumble of whose
ald hear. God
@¢ to save our
suld stop Him
y account |
the the
prot A
likewise defended $
many children, with
cradles are
ganderstan why 80
the epi pred HE a) liam
dau us
ous experi tA with »
thelr ranning
i daring of tro va and
yw @al
oye of high spirit and t
gount to much? 1 ace
ming tl agh afl right, wit
wounds and bruises, by the [a
are divinely protects i. All you
do this" and “Don’t
thers geen 1
¥ sre the same ro
ION YOU ars ¢on
fering what Is
jinst i Revs
carts fast
vel some
ing. The
fares abn wi
Divinely protected!
sther gleam of light, scattariog aome
of the gloom of that Christie pillow in
Bethichem, was the fact that it was
starting piace of the most wonderin
careers, Looking at Christ's I
mers worldly standpolats it was an in
beyond all capacity of pen or tongue
canvas to express, Without taking a year's
etirriculam 1 any eollege or sven 4 day at
saying things that the
mightiest intellects of subsequent days
bave quoted acd tried to expound! Great
literary works have for the most part been
the result of much slaboration Edmund
against Warren Hastings sixteen times,
Lord Brougham rewrote his speach in be.
hall of Queen Caroline twenty times, hat
mount seamed exiem.
porancons, Christ was eloquent without
ever having studied one of the laws of ora-
tory. He was the greatest orator that ever
it was not an eloquence Demos.
thenie or Ciearonle or like that of Jean
Baptiste Massillon or like that which Will
fam Wirt, himself a great orator, was over
come with in log cabin meeting houss of
Virginia, when the blind preacher eried
out in his sermon, “Sodrates died like a
philosoplier, but Jesus Christ died like a
But we must not only look at Him froma
worldly standpoint. How He smote whirl.
winds into silence, and made the waves of
the sea lie down, and openad the doors of
light into the midaight of thossa who had
been born blind, and turned deal ears into
galleries of music, and with one touch
made the soabs of incurable leprosy fall
off, and renewed hesithy ofrcuiation
through severest paralysis, and made the
dead girl waken and ask for her mother,
and at His erncifixion pulled down the
clouds, until at 12 o'clock at noon It was as
dark ns at 12 o'clook at night, and starting
an influence that will go on until the jast
desert will grow roses and the last work
lang make full inhalation, and the last
ecnse of paresis take healthful brain, and
the last tiiness become rubleund of shesk
and robust of chest and bounding of foot,
and the last pauper will get his palace,
and the last sinner taken (oto the warm
bosom of a pardoning Godl Where did all
this start? In that eradie with sounds of
bleating sheep and bellowing cattle and
amid rough bantsring of herdsmen and
enmel drivhrs, What a low piace to start
for such great heights! © artists, turn
our camera obscara on that village of
thiehom! Take it all inthe wintry okies
foworing, the flocks shivering in the chill
aft Mary the pale mother, aud Jesus the
Annual Report of Dr. Nathan , Schaeffer,
Superintendent of Public
No Allusion to the Governor's Veto of
the School Appropriation Resident of
Franklin Suddenly Hegains Mis Speech,
I'he report of
Buy erintendent
Dr. Nathan C. Schaeffer,
of Publie lostruction, for
the past vear has been mad public, and Is
ehiefly remarkable for the fact that Dr,
Beha fer makes no reference to the action of
Governor Stone in cutting down
ppropriation, except where h
in me the revenue may warrant the restor
ation « { the appropriation to #
order that
the school
hopes that
y ol 0.000, in
township high schools may be
It does not oecur to th
intendent of Public
i“ Bu per.
mide by the
n that the aj
nas sinture was
wWU.0 0 per annum, no rest
tion i . 3 :
ton is necessary, but ontinunnae
The report shows that
yoar ending Jane b
8 of the 2493 scho
amounted to #
» compri
number of
and the averags put
A increase of
was K58 177 graded
onducted the ed.
AS Bumnaer-
ueationnl affairs of the vi jus distriets,
ity superintends
ous as male t nyerage sal.
lower and
, fis compared
igures are as
ary of
had a
with the previ
UR Year
Male teachers,
£44.27; ine
per month, renee
ts. The
Of term was 8.030 n
. B35. de.
iengih of the
The estimated
crease 61 BYErage
value of all = 10048 pr
$408, 401 585.59,
his “The most in f+
leg enacted during the
perty in the State was
Dr. Schaeffer slso says
report riant
sinlion last de
the ast eneral * Aspen
glhening the minin i school tert
was the net of
1 a tern
Outlaws Terrify Farmers,
t appears to be an ganized
i gan
Ark brown on
f Levi Overly
National Guard Orders,
By an
y order bus iy
Regiment, The!
placed un the retired
Assistant surgeon of
Ring, Twelfth Regi: (iastave
aptain Company sith Regiment
i PP. Packard, int ential and adjo
"ifteenth Regime
Hegalned His Speech,
i Burkett, of n. BRE
y was a mate for five Chars
power of spe rough an a
140 vears,
ah regained his
ident, Five
an ofl lease
sear Bradford and one day aceldentally fell
nto the tank. When he recovered from his
injuries he was spesahioss remained so
ili Tharsday. engaged in piling
bark when beslipped and fell, his head strik-
ng on a tie, The accident #0 enraged Bur
kett that he began to and was not a
little frightened that he heard his curses,
Hoe was so elated and so fearful lest he should
again lose his voloe that he began to sing
and talk to himself, His voice gradually
became stronger, and he now talk as
well as ever he did,
venrs ago he was employed on as
He was
Misunderstood and Died,
A neighbor informed Mrs Edward Swale.
worth, residing near Glen Richey, of the
death of a near relative, The information
was conveyed in such & way that Mee,
Swatsworth supposed it related to her hus
band and that he war the sudden victim of
some calamity. Before the bewildered mes.
songer conid rectify the error Mem. Swale.
worth sank to the floor, and when ald ar.
rived it was found that she was a corpse,
Mrs, Swateworth was 5) years old, and
leaves a large family.
Avoided One Train, Killed by Another.
John Moran, aged 65 years, and a resident
of Mt, Carmel, was struck and Instantly
killed at Alaska by a Reading Railway ox.
press train. Moran bad noticed a freight
train approaching on the southbound track,
and to get ont of its way stepped in front of
the express. He leaves a wife and eight
Brakeman Killed by Train.
Howard & Markel, a young man of Har
risburg, died at the hospital from Injuries
roceived on the Reading Hallway, He wm
a brakeman and after turning » switch he
stopped on the track and was strgek bys
draft of cars,
Yost Foot Nat Saved Lie,
John Hazden, a raliway emploves, was
working in the Glenwood yards, Pittaburg,
when his foot was eaught in a frog. A teain
approached, and in order to save his life
Hasden throw himsolf to one side snd allow.
ed the wheels of the cars t¢ out off his foot.
The “Ivory” is
makes a profuse rich
be removed
It costs
purpose for years
The vegstable
which other
Daily Freshets.
ne x
the m
i ahd by 1
Bpring ard
phe nome are
ER (raveier in
Thirty One War
Spain haz had thirty-one
war during the present century
/ f you will
coupon and three
return this P
onc cent stamps to the ]. C.
Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass, you
will receive in return 8 copy of
he 20th Centory
Year Book
This 1s not an ordinary almanac,
but a handsome book, copiously
illustrated, and sold for 5 cents
on all newsstands. (We simply
sllow you the two cents you
spend tn postage for sending.)
Grest mea have writtea for
the Year Book. In it 1s summed
up the progress of the 19th cen-
tury. Ia each important line of
work and thought the greatest
living specualist has recounted
the events and advances of the
past ceatery snd has prophesied
what we may expect of the next.
Among the most noted of
our contributors arc:
Secretory of Agnioulture Wilson, on
Agncaltute; Senator Chauncey M,
Depew, on Politics ; Russell Sage, on
Finance; Thomas Tdison, on El
tricity; Dr. Madison Peters, on Re
ligion; General Merritt, on Land War
fare; Admiral Bichbom, on Naval
Warfare; Al" Smith. on Sporty ete;
making a complete review of the whole
field of human endeavor and progress.
Each article is beautifully and
spproprutely illustrated, and the
whole makes an iavaluable book
of reference, unequaled eny-
where for the money.
Address J. C. Avan Co, Lowell, Mass,
A Hundred.
an Banker
Dr. Bull's Pills cure L Traml, 20 for gb
We wish to gain th
AP ew
yory WOLD
+ 5
orth $100, we will
: geiser with ous
sing, telling all sbont
pleithis notice & (de.
vite your trade, end
pee iry Sairer's
mever da with 1
Pras ¥ tn Ralper's § per ¥
set sarliedt Tomave Giant on earth A € »
abhvont &
grout Os
Spon ver
Went to bears al)
How fo Pu
Good One® Anow In
Horse" Et a Je
thos and »
Frand' Detect ldsease nnd
Effect a Cure whey
Guard against
sae i
the Tooth?
Tell the Age by
What te call the Different Partie of the
How to Shoe a Hotes Properis® All thie
and other Valuable Information can Ls obtained by
HORSE BOOK, which we will forwarl posi
padd, on recep! of only 26 cents in stam on.
128 loonard St, N.Y. Clty,
The prandest and Torte gelling book ever publisived,
Pulpit Echoes
Personal Px we. me bold
y DD. L. Moody
Somnel?. With a complete history of Hie 1 hy Blew, CHAR T°,
othe, Jaton of My Moody ¢ Olionge Church for NE
ne "”» ntrafuction be bey oo ANID ry TT. X
rated view BOE Fasaprrts Eo ¥ ht Rd
AGENTS Watkin wa Woes © eis
a ai) Swng vr Agena r teens aa
AB WORTHINGTON & Cu, Hartierd, Conn.
DROPSY xx eucormyey
Hach LR oth, Pa
ws ES i