The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 23, 1899, Image 3

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    Save the Nickels,
From saving, comes having, Ask your
grocer how you can save 1b6e by investing
be. He ean tell you just how you can get
one large 10¢ package of “Red Cross”
starch, one large 10¢ package of “Hubln-
gor's Best” starch, with the premiums, two
beautiful Shakespears panels, printed ip
twelve beautiful colors, or ons Twentieth
Century irl Calendar, all for 52. Ask your
grocer for this stareh and obtain these
beautiful Clristmns presents free,
Prof. George T. Ladd, formerly of Yale,
but who now occupies the chalr of philoso-
phy in the University of Tokyo, Japan, has
one of the most magnificent houses in the
Japanese capital.
He That Any Good
yr ry
Would Win
Should have good health, Fure, rich
blood is the first requisite. Hood's Sarsa-
parila, by giving good blood and good
health, has helped many a man {o success,
besides giving strength and courage fo
omen who, Befoe taking d, could not
even see any good in life to win.
Hoods ¢
An Artistic Appetite.
From the Boston Transcript: Ros-
sini and Paganini were one day ban-
tering each other about eating, and
Rossini made a wager of a large sum
that he would eat six full-grown lob-
sters at one Paganini accepted
the wager, and Rossini actually won,
but came very near dyiug from the
who get on best with
those who talk regard-
he other has to ‘say.
The persons
each other are
less of what t
1] Ee ET
Cures a Con
h or Cold at once,
Conquers Croup without fail.
Is the best for Brouchitis, Grippe,
Hoarseness, Whooping-Congh, and
for the cure of Consumption.
praiseit. Doctors prescribe it,
doses ; quick, sure results,
bT [I LR]
Loe Liver
“I have been troubled a great deal
with a tor rpid Jiver, which produces constipa-
tion. I found CASO ARE TS to be all you claim
for them. and ured such relief the rst trial,
that I purchased another supply and was com-
pletely cured Ishali only be wo glad to regc~
ommend Cascarets whenever the opportunity
is presented. ™ J. A Sarr
200 Susquchanna Ave., Philadelphia, Ps
Pleasant, Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do
Good, Never Ricken, Weaken, or Gripe. Ife. Tc. lic
ay Remedy C »y Chisage, Maatesd, Sew Yank,
id and guar aptoed iby ail Step
NO-TO-BAG Bou wo C URE’ Pobaceo Hab ie
Has a good deep color and does
not strain the eves
Cured by the Telephone.
There is a popular character
Pendleton who has a slight impedi-
ment in his speech. He talks eloquent.
ly, but he stammers some, He recent-
ly located in Pendleton because he ad-
mires Missourians, and he has found
the right kind here. The other day he
went to the telephone talk tc a
friend in Portland. When talk was
finished the Portland man said: “Well,
old man, you seem to talk better since
you went Pendleton. You do not
stutter anything like as much as you
did.” “No,” sald the Pendleton man,
clear and straight as a bell, “a man
cannot afford to stutter through a tele-
phone when to talk costs 70 cents a
minute. ”-— East Oregonian.
Fler Point of View.
Enpeck—Saunders is a man of un-
usually sound judgment. Mrs, Enpeck
In other words, 1 suppose his opin-
fons always coincide with yours.
frerren vO Mus. PINEHAM NO. 94.395]
“lam so grateful to you for what
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound has done for me that I feel as
though I must
tell about it. A
year ago I was
taken very sick.
Doctorscould do
me no good only
to deaden the
pain which 1
had almost con-
stantly. I got
some of your
Compound and
took one bottle
and received benefit from it at once.
I have taken it ever since and now
have no backache, no pain in my
side and my stomach and bowels are
perfectly well. Iecan honestly say that
there is nothing like it. If I conld only
tell every woman how much good yonr
medicine has done me, they would
surely try it."—Manrua M. Kine, Nos
The way women trifle with health
shows a degree of indifference that is
pastunderstanding. Happiness and use-
fulness depend on physical health; so
does a good disposition. Disease makes
women nervous, irritable and snap-
pish. The very effort of ailing women
to be good-natured makes them ner
hel mn can, hie w/ wil
p you to
It costanothing toget Mrs, Fiakhans
advice. Her address is Lynn, Mass.
5F } Thempaon’s Eye Water
Would Suro
ly Try Mrs.
Medicine if
They Only
Knew, Says
a ah a
8 ayes,
Subject: Settled In Heaven-The Fate of
Natlous as Well as of Individuals In
God's HandseThs World Not Gov.
erned in & Haphazard Way,
Copyright, Louis Klopsch, 1860.1
Wasmnarox, D. O.—The idea that things
fn this world are at looses ends and going
at haphazard is in this discourse combated
by Dr. Talmage, Thoetextis Psalms exix.,
89, “Forever, O Lord, thy word Is settled
in heaven.”
This world has been In proceas of shange
ever since it was created mountains born,
mountains dylog, and they have both
eradle and grave. Once this planet was
all fluid, and no being such as you orl
have ever seen could have lived on it a
minute, Oar hemisphere turns its face to
the sun and then turas its back, The axis
of the eartn’s revolution has shifted, The
earth's centre of gravity is changed, Once
flowers grew in the arctic and there was
snow in the {ropie. There has been a re.
distribution of land and sea, the land
crumbling into the sea, the sea swallowing
the land, Jeeand fire have fought for the
possession of this planet, The chemical
composition of itis different now from what
it once was, Volcanoss onee terribly alive
are dead, not ons throb ol flery pulse, not
one breath of vapor the ocean changing
its amount of saline qualities, The inter.
nal fires of the earth are gradually eating
their way to the surface—upbesval and
subsidence of vast realms of continent
Moravians in Greenland have removed
their boat poles because the advancing sea
submerged them. Linnmus records that
in eighty-seven yoars a great stone was 10)
foet nearer the water than when he wrote
Forests have been buried by the sea, and
land that was euitured by farmer's hoe can
be touched only by sailor's anchor,
Loch Nevis of Scotland and Diugle bay
of Ireland and the flords of Norway, where
pleasure boats now float, were ones valleys
and glens, Many of the islands of the sea
are thet sunken mountains, Six
shousand miles of the Pacifle Ocean are
sinking. The dinmeter of the earth, ae
sording to scientific nunouncement, is 180
miles lsas than it was. The entire cone
figuration of the earth is allered, Hills
are denuded of their forests, The frosts
aod the waters and the alr bombard the
earth till it surrenders to the assasit,
The 20 called “everiusting hills” do not
last. Many railroad companies to
build iron bridges because the fron has »
life of its own, not a vegetable life or an
animal life, but a metallic life, and when
that life dies tl wn, Oxida-
tion of minerals is only another term for
describing death, Mos and zea.
weeds heip destroy the rocks ey de
‘lie changes of the nani
18 bridge goes d
their S88
rhs +
aa Ya
pate earth
Danas, Koel
OF Worse
ins Are
ar better
nse them,
inws and cus.
@ ver bacomes dilly
tied until
Uncertainty strikes thr
toms and
of this world
At a time when we
Jogis ation characteristia
gin it is setting, i
pad that the arbi.
tration planoed last Summer nt The |
Hague, Holland, would forever sheaths |
the sword and spike the gan and
the for the worl 1 has on
wars which are digg (ing graves
flower « 1d American sol
From the! { ¥ such geoiog
social and nati and internation:
reat we turn with thanksgiving and
tation to my text and find that there
things forever but higher
tudes than we hav tro “Forever,
¢ in heaven
a sun A at least
18 willed
is that'ne
dismantle |
tress ian two i
exul- |
are |
inti |
are se
spiritual o«
3 Ho
a school. |
gradus- |
world is
for splendid or di
with or with
tio a scene
purity: that all wh
aralisied One of
and Golg
A superual
» ars adioined t
Ba i an
tha will
taking off
n-that |
t 37? Wo have
ation all the elements oi
Y We nood not
borrow To ot be ay yweals for up
ion. Ele
anihillsm, infdeiity, agnostio.
lesacration, inebriety, sensg. |
fraud; they are all |
Elements of salsty-—Go worship. i
and women by the ores
honesty, evolence, truthle
BL ustry, sob ay ad :
more religioe than has characterized any |
nation that has ever existed; they are all |
The only question is as to which of |
gain dominaney-——the one
and this United Stated |
I think, will continue as long |
the world exists; other class as.
esndant, and the United States goes late |
all pieces that olher government %
would hardly think them worth pleking up
Have you ever noticsd the size of the |
hia vast Groan.
wood and Pere le Chaise, where mighty |
kingdoms were buried? Open the gate and |
walk throagh this cemetery and road the!
epitaphs, Here lies Carthage, born 100
years before Rome, great commercial}
metropolis on the bay of Tanis, a part of |
an empire that gave the alphabet to the
Greeks and their great language to the |
Hebrews; her arms the terror of pations,
commanding at one time 16.000 miles of |
const; her Hamilear leading forth thirty |
myriads, or 300,000 troops; her Hannibal
carrying out in manhood the oath he bad
taken in boyhood to preserve eternal en.
mity to Rome, leaving costly and impos.
ing monuments at Agrigentum a ghastly
heap of ruins; Carthage, her colonies on
every coast, her ships plowing every sea;
Carthage—where ars her aplendors now? |
All extinguished, Where are her swords? |
The last one broken, Where are her towers
and lung ranges of magnificent archi:
tecture? Buried under the sands of the
Bagradas., As baliast of foreign ships
much of her radiant marble has been ear.
ried away to bulld the walls of transmedi-
terranean cathedrals, while other blocks
have been blasted in modern tlhines by the
makers of the Tanls raliway. And all of
that great and mighty eity and kisgdom !
that the tourist flads to-day is here and |
there a broken arsh of what was once “|
§ posit
fitty--aile aqueduct,
Our talented and genial friend, Henry |
M. Field, in one of his matehless books of
travel, labors hard to prove that ihe slight
rains of that eity are realiy worth visiting.
‘thage buried 12 the cemetery of dead
na ons, Not one altar to the true God
did she rear. Not one of the Ten Com-
mandments but she econspienousiy vio
Inted, Her doom was settled in heaven
when It was desided far back io the eterni-
ties that the nation and kingdom that will
not serve God shall perish,
Walk on in the cemetery of nations and
ses the long lines of tombs Thebes and
Persian and Macedonian and Roman and
Hazon heptarchy, great nations, small na.
tions, nations that lived a year and nations
that lived 500 years,
Our own nation will be judged by the
game moral laws by which all other na.
tions have been judged, The judgment
day for individuals will probably ing far
on In the future, Judgment day for na-
tions 5 avery po AN every day weighed,
every day app or every
demned. Never befors in the x
this country ig Jha American
rurel he baiane than it Is this
and we go up. Do
to know what this
warrior thioks we we had
better do with Cuba and Porto Rico ant
the Philippines as I am anxious to know
what God thinks we bad better do, The
destiny off this nation will not be decided
on yonder capitoline hill or at Manila oi
at the presidential ballot box, for it wiil be
settled in heaven,
Another thing deelded in the same high
place is that happiness Is the result of spir.
{tual condition and not of earthly environ.
ment, If we who may sometimes havo a
thousnnd dollars to Invest find it such a
perplexity to know what to do with it and
soon after find that we Invested it where
principal and joterest have gone down
through roguery or panic, what
the worriment of those having millions t¢
invest and whose losses correspond in mag.
nitude with their resources! People who
have their threes or four dollars a day
wages age just as hapey ag those who have
Bometimes happiness Is seated on a foots
stool and sometimes misery on the throue,
All the gold of earth in one chunk eannot
purchase five minutes of complete satis.
faction. Worldly success is an atmosphere
that breeds the maggots of envy and jeal.
ousy and hate, Theres are those who will
never forgive you if you have more emolu-
ments or honor or ease than they have,
To take you down is the dominant wish
of most of those who are not as high as you
are, They will spend hours and days and
years to entrap you, They wilil hover
around BOWSpADHE offices to get one mean
line printed depreciating you. Your heaven
is their hell,
A dying President of the United States
sald many years ago In regard to his jie.
time of experience, “It doesa’t pay.” The
leading statesmen of America in letters of
advice warn young men to keep out of
politics. Many of the mest successfal
have tried in vain to drown their trouble
fn strong drink. On the other hand, there
are mlilions of people who on de« sparting
this life will have nothing to leave bat a
good nam» and a life insurance whose
amined fazes are indices of illumined
souls. They wish everybody well, When
the fire pell rings, they do not go to the
window at midnight to ses if it is their
store that is on fire, for they never owned
a store, and when the September equinox
in abroad they do not worry lest their
ships founder in a gale, for they never
owaed a ship, and when the nominations
are made for high political office they are
not fearful that their nams will be over.
looked, for they never appliad for office,
There is 20 muel heartiness aud freedom
from care in thelr laughter that when you
hear it you are compelied to laugh jo sym-
pathy, although you Kaow not what they
are lsaghing abo
When the ehildren of that family assem.
bie in the sitting room of the old home
stead to hear the father’s will read, they
are not fearful of belong cut off with an
fon and a half dol for the old
never owned anyt!
seventy-five ac
suough plait nly to
They have mor
than many bh ave in
Ww juld to God 1 had the
a on how (itt
on how much be
you heart right
ur heart wrong and all
is a prine settled
support t
8 whole
re in one month
may be
Keap ¥
ie in
idad in that high
the freshman ©
ge OF
uen pass
into the juni
, and fro
or devils, Ia n
“aleclive course, Fi 3
siects wiial be will
or the languages or
phy-—and it is an
a schoolbo
or and
olieges there
ne sta
chemistry or phil
#inctive irae we ail
this world
We may nady sin until
with it or rig
s of "
wit we decide |
paness gntil we are axoem-
Graduate we all must,
ir the style
is an «lect
sity until ot
iTe QOurse
ir evsry Ww
graduation. It We
an study gener
and act and
money or time will make the worid better,
or we may stady means thi our soul
shall shrink ap to a smallness ualmagion-
We may. u
o a self cot
avery every
ea 1
irascibility that will ever and anon
Fike Finding Money.
The the End
Book in the purchase of *
“Hubluger's Dest
lke finding mor
are epnbled to
of "Hed Cross’
age of “Hubin
premiums, tw
ed in twelve beautiful «
tieth Century
gold. Ask vou oeer for this st
ybtaln the bet ifutl
use of joan Biarch
Red Cross’
slarch, makes it
get one large 10¢
ty, for only be you
tarel, one large 102 pnek.
ger's Bent” starch, with the
Hhukespeare panels, privt.
olurs, or one Twen-
Calendar, embossed in
hh and
is free
Christmas presen
Sir Walter Hely- Hutchinson,
Natal during the last six yeass,
quarter of a century's experie
vice of the C He
fai OMee
at Trinity « olle ge, ( ambri ige,
Governor of
has had a
Le the 2 f=
was od
“A Grand Remedy”
iv been suffer 1
“1h fog with ind
several eminent
was Induced
aud the fst dose reifeved ms
remedy. I recommend 11 as
by all who wish to be cured
50 ennts per bottle, at
for price, expres. paid y
Remedy Co. 45 Mitchail St,
phreicinns, without avs
worthy of a
bigs vy
‘Sam" P. Jones
has caneeled all hi
of health,
EB eLg
"Hr 19 §4 tH ¢ Lh
Nes 1 ® 0 ad
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away,
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag:
petic, Sut of life, nerve sod vigor, take No To
Bae, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, 0c or #1, Cure guaran.
teed Booklet sud sample free. Address
Bwrilng Remedy Co, Chicago or New York
Ex-Congre ssTian Jerry
farm ig
@ cattle {
in taken to took
: 250 head of tie other day.
Beware of Olntments for Catdrrh
Contain Mercury,
ay mercury will
sh ell and « om plet te
hen entering itt
urely destroy the sense of
erange thewhaie
i igh the muoous sur
ch articles should never be used except on
great ri rei us from reputable physicians as the
iildo is ten fold to the good you
iy derive from them, Hall's Catarrh
ufactared by F. J. Cheney & Co,
. Contains no mercury, and is taken
upon the blood and
systema, In buyl
get the genuine,
in ‘made in Toledo
of the
sre be sure t
Hall's Catarrh Ct
itis taken inte rnally, and
Ohila, by ¥F. J. Cheney 4 Co. Testimonials free,
$9” Sold by Druggist rice, 150. per bottle,
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Son 8 oF WGeR
sy Jan
3 }
To Cure Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartie. 104 or 25a
It CC. C fall to cure, druggists refund woney.
Dewey's idolator
AR admis
. Great old sehiooliboass of
ch we are ali being educated
lory or perdition!
have wondered uhy gradastion
day in evliege is Jecalied **
day’ when it is the last day of
To all the
ommencement of gotive
e, and oor graduation day from earth
will be to us commencement
ile, our larger life,
lite, our sternal life,
mencoment day on earth
never sees any day like it,
never did,
When Pompey landed at Brindisi, Italy,
returned from his victories, be disbanded
the brave men wno had fought under him
and sent them rejoicing to their homes,
and, entering Rome, his emblazoned |
ehariot was followed by princes in chains |
from kingdoms he bad conquered, and
flowers such as only grew under those
Italian skies strowed the way,
came under arches {[pseribed with the
names ol battiefleids on which he had
triumphed and rode by columos which
told of the 1500 cities he had destroyed
and the 12000000 people he had cone
quered or siain. Then the banguel was
spread, and out of the chalices filed to
the brim they drank to the health of the
conqueror. Bellsarius, the great soldier,
returned from his military achievements
and was robed in purple, and in the pro.
cession were brought golden thrones and
pillars of precious stones and the furni-
ture of royal feasts, and amid the spien-
dors of kingdoms overcome he was hailed
to the hippodrome by shouts such as had
seldom rang through the capital, Then
also came the convivialities, In the year
874 Aurelian made his entrance to Rome in
triumphal car, ia which he stood while a
ealled commencement day.
graduates it isthe eo
js! The student
t any rate, I}
above his head. Zenobla, captive queen of
Palmyra, waiked behind his chariot, her
person encircled with fetlers of gold, un.
der the weight of which she nearly fainted,
but still a captive. And there were in the
procession 200 lions and tigers and beasts
of many lands and 1600 gladiators excused
from the cruel amphitheater that the
might decorate the day, and Persian an
Arabian and Ethiopian embassadors were
in the procession and the long lines of cap.
tives, Egyptians, Syrians, Gauls, Goths and
It was to such scenes that the New Tes.
tament relers when it spoke of Christ
“having despolled principalities and pow-
ors, He made a show of them, openly tri.
ump Ping.” ut, oh, the difference in
those trinmphs! "Tne Roman triamph rep-
resented arrogance, cruelty, oppression
and wrong, but Christ's triumph meant
emancipation and holiness and joy, The
former was a procession of groans aceom-
panied by a clank of chains, the other a
procession of hosannas by millions set for.
over free. The only shackled ones of
Christ's trinmph wil ve satan aod
ocoborts tied to our Lord's chariot wheel,
with all the abominations of all the earth
bound for an steroal saphiviy. Then i
come & feast in which the ohal
: “with the new wine Jost
ra the phrase
v chin
Lg con
for ©
ch. Nov, § 15
of Yale
it early
Edneate Your Dowels With Casearets
andy Catt art $4
ure constipation forever,
jroguists refund money.
new Premier
seiely to int
TWes ang
e and
Fritz Eloff
ne of
te the fat &
jeutenant, 4
Flow Ave Your Kidoeys ?
Pr. Hobbs Searagus Pillscgre all kidney (11s Sg
je free. AGE. Sterling Remedy Co. Chicago or N.
5 .
i her
riness H has give
pe the
barity sin
tL 8
O00 0 tow
Look at yourtongue! Ifit’s coated
your stomach is bad, your liver out o
order. Ayer’s Pills will clean you
tongue, cure your dyspepsia, make
your liver right. Easy to take, easy
to operate. 25¢. All druggists.
Want your moustache or beard 8 beautilsl
brown or rich Black? Then use
Bh en ow DosuNETe DE BF Mas £5 Sasa, 8M
College Professors and Free Epeech,
Liberty of gpeech 18 go precious that
congrees is forbldden by the conasiitu-
tion to abridge it, and such arrests as
are common in Germany for lese ma-
jeste are impossible here. There i3
danger, however, of carrying this free.
dom too far. “1 believe in free speech.”
said the duke of Wellington, "but
on board a man-of-wer,” and al
nence from ill-timed speech bas give:
Gen, de Gallifet, the new war minister
of France,
of Le Grand Muet,
University of Chicago not long since
considered the desirability of restrain.
ing its profassors from “undue loguaci-
ty” about controverted public matters.
While the decision was unequivocally
against such restriction, the question
raised deserves consideration, for the
college as an institution has rights, as
well as the teachers within its gates
The minister in his pulpit has a legal
right to free speech; but when his
opinions misrepresent the principles of
his sect, he has other rights than his
own to consider, When a professor's
pronounced statements are credited
agaligt the university of which he is &
part, his liberty of speech is a moral
wrong, which his manliness should
condemn and his conscience restrain.
“All things are lawful for me,” sald 8t.
Paul, “but all things are not
One of the trials of those Inter, re
flowers is the presence of destruc g
who h: ve bee 'n discouraged by t ; trout]
lack of success attending the use oh insecticide
the following simple and easily prepared
effective. It is the recipe of
rity of national reputati
iit y
irter of
the stove, th
plants with ist's
ths 3 re 4 3
To Live with Her Husband Because She -— "
says He Is Homely. : Beauty Is Blood Deep.
New York World: Mrs. Jennie Gold-
G00 means
Canady OC
a Cean
has given a novel «
using to live with her hu
g says that he
to live with
roman to
Cts, satisfaction guaranteed
ary of 1
oelebirated 1
# Dirtheay on N«
Fits permanently cured
Gav's t
over BEteigl
torer. $i al
Kiang i
Dess a fier Lret
erve Hes
De. RH
d obdurat
ago, charged
» Hogan with
re Hagin £
ond and
for a separ
jef as may
seem just
ged milion,
By wel
Thaury of Lubricating Olls,
a re on “The Relations ol}
jes Mechanical Arts” Prof
Abbe stated that Prof. Reynolds
the first to show lubric ation is simply
a case of the flow 2 viscous fluid
through a narrow cha When the
journal presses on its bearing, the in-
termediate space is probably 1-10000th
of an inch in thickness. This space |
with cil constitutes the
thin film that converts the rubbing and |
tearing of the metals into the sliding |
and rolling of liguia molecules, like |
myriads of minute steel friction balls,
The results of the difficult researches |
in molecular physics of Stoker, Kirch- |
off. and Helmholtz have thus a direct
application to the lubricating action of
AND BoweLs
SPEL ¥ wad ES SOX,
£ LD: pact
overcomes |
to Lhe
ITS ee cr
svi! haw v
at v. Clg or” © wtvy, oo
Gan, Bey
hod Said an PARE owe $e re TRL
DRO! s 4 guiek reef and oe .
of pest mon ais and 10 days’ Lrestimont
br. B. 5. GALEN 8 BORA. Box. B AVR. G6,
Tommy, aged 5, was strutting around
the house in his first pair of boots and
being told his baby sister wanted to
kiss him, said: “I'll just bet a cent
that kid takes me for her father.”
$3 & 3.50 SHOES US
ms Worth $4 to $6 compared, ~
with other makes. {
Indoreed by over
1,000,000 wearers
geviwine have W. 1
Douglas’ same and pri
M stamped on bottom. dake
no substitute claimed to be
5 out dealer
on receipt of price %
kind of eather, sive, and width, ala or
cap toe. Catalogue C free.
W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE ©O., Brockton, Mass.
VT Ia yo
The first five persons procuring the Eadless Chain Starch Boek {rem} their
grocer will each obtain one Iarge 10c puokage of “ited Cros’ Starch, obe large
100 package of “Hubinger's Hest” Starch, two Sbakespears pansis, printed in
twelve beautiful colors, as natural as life, or one Twentieth Century Girt Calendar, the
finest of its kind ever printed, all absolutely free. All others procuring the Eadloss
Chain Starch Book, will obtain from their grocer the above goods for be. “Med
Cross’ Laundry Starch Is something entirely new, and is without doubt the great-
est Invention of the Twentieth Century, It has no equal, and surpasses sil others, It
has won for itself praise from all parts of the Unived States, It has superseded every.
Wat Ore awed of yawn hastenae we the Iavaiity art, It is made from wheat,
rice and corn, and chemically prepared upon selcntifie principles by J. ©. Bl» hing
Keokuk, fowsn, an expert in the laundry p.ofession, who bas had twenty-five y
practical experience In fancy laundering, and who was the first successlal and
Juvautor ul ail Ste gEadasstaisi io the United Sattn, Ask yous, qrosen fup
obtain these beautiful Christmas free,