The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 09, 1899, Image 2

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tenance of an open-door policy in China,
War to a conclusion.
that he burned his property to get the insur-
ance on ft,
President Williams states that the consoli-
dation of the Georgia and Alabama, the Bea
board Air Line and other lines will be ef
fected about January 1.
Frederick Hardy, Jr., of Mount Pleasant,
Tenn., was robbed and murdered at Key-
port, N. J., and his body was thrown
the bay.
General Funston and the Twentieth Kan-
sas Volunteers were given a great reception
on their return to Topeka, Kas,
Miss Mamie Reting shot and fatally
wounded Edward Grafe in Cloeinnati, who,
she claimed, had betrayed her,
A. A. Wilson, of Philadelphia, committed
suicide at his son's grave at Barnetts Chapel,
The industrial carnival in Richmond, Va.,
closed with an elaborate display of fire-
The private bank of Woodbury & Moulton,
in Portland, Me,, failed,
Andrew H. Patterson
himself in Chicago, Il
It is said that General Funston has in-
structed lawyers in Topeka, Kansas, to sue
Archbishop Ireland and a Catholic paper,
called the Monitor, of Ban Francisco, for
saying, it is alleged, that Funston had looted
Catholic churches, in the Philippines,
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company be-
gan to operate the Delaware River, the Bal-
timore, Chesapeake and Atlantic and the
Cleveland, Akron and Columbus Rallroads,
Sir Thomas Lipton salled from New York
for England. He received a rousing send-
off by thousands at New York.
Mrs. Piligree and her two
burned to death by hot apple butter, in Me-
Donald county, Mo.
John Coleman killed Mrs. Dora Chambers,
his sister-in-law, in Wilkes county, N. C
and then committed sulelde,
Mr. Nonemaker was accidentally shot by
his own gun, while hunting rabbits, near
New Freedom, Pa.
Mrs. Mary E. Williams, widow of the late
Dr. 8. H. Williams, of Baltimore,
Btephens City, Va.
A six-story building collapsed in Chicago.
One person was killed and three are missing.
Edward Bricker, a telephone linen
killed near Mount Holly, Pa,
Cadet C. 8. Nott, of New Orleans,
Lexington, Va., of typhoid fever.
The International n
adjourned, at Philadelphia.
Vice President H
much improved,
killed his wife and
children were
died at
a0, Was
oRrt was
The National Glass Company
ness In Pittsburg.
The torpedo boat Shubric
at Richmond, The Preside
bers of his eabinet, and
were present. The President made a timed)
speech and addressed ¢
tions between Washington
A number of eo
driven ashore by the furi rtheast gale
along the New Jersey and Virginia oe
The meadows at Cape May and Atlantie
were overflowed, and the wind reaches
velocity of sixty miles an hour.
also did
The battleship Kentucky
storm off the Capes, and
The storm about Norfolk and off the coast
was very heavy, and much damage was done,
The schooner Kate Darlington was wrecked
off Ocean View
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company's
ferry-boat Chicago was cut down as the ves.
sel was crossing to the wf Narth
River at New York, and sunk by the Savan-
nab line steamer City of Augusta,
lives were lost,
Yiee President Hobart's eo ition
slightly improved, but his fami
the statement that he will
return to public lif
heart disease,
John Pretiow, aged
Southampton county,
aged seventy-four,
county, Va,
The Hackettstown (N. J.) Seminary, owned
by the Methodist Church, was burned; oss
£300,000; insurance, £100,000; no lives lost,
Senator Allison, of lowa, discusses the
Philippine situation in the Independent, say-
ing the Americans cannot withdraw,
Darius Hioaut was seriously injured in
Manchester, Va., by being thrown from a
vehicle. His skull was fractured,
The Webster Hotel, at Montreal, was
burned, and four people were killed, and
several others were fatally injured.
The new administration building of the
Sing Sing prison was hall destroyed: loss,
Charles E Parker, a sporting man, died of
paralysis in New Orleans,
Col, 1, Battersly dled at Clifton Springs,
N. Y., aged eighty.
In his proclamation designating November
30 as a day of thanksgiving and prayer,
Gov, Roosevelt says: “It Is right that we
should give thanks for the prosperity that
has come to the nation, and for the way in
rowds at variou
and Richmond.
astwise sailing vessels were
tried in the
made good time,
enst side «
i gave ou
never be
able to
a, He is suffering with
seventy-six, died in
and John CO. Thomas,
died in Isle of Wight
its mighty manhood, is moving forward to
meet its destiny, and to do without flinching
every duty with which that destiny brings it
face to lace.”
The steamer Bertha just arrived at San
Francisco from St. Michaels, with 375 pas-
sengers, most of whom are from Cape Nome
district. The aggregate wealth of the Ber.
tha's passengers is placed at over $2,000,000,
The miners say the distriot Is far richer than
the Klondyke, though not so healthy, The
sanitary conditions are reported to be worse
than at Dawson.
Nine thousand dollars in cash, placed for
' gpafo-keeping in a tin box and hidden in a
plano, was stolen from Dietrich von SBoosten,
of Third avenue, New York, The polies
suspect a young man who has been calling
on von Boosten's niece for the last seven
D. H. Mavs, Democratic candidate for
Governor in Florida, has lssued a statement
in which he favors the renomination of
Bryan in 1900,
The le of Richmond gave President
Me y an enthusiastic reception, ;
Mountain fires caused heavy damage near
Romney, W. Va,
The engagement of Admiral Dewey and
Mre. W. “B. Hagen, of Washington, is an-
nounced on the authority of the Admiral,
Mrs. Hazen is a sister of John R. McLean,
Democratic candidate for Governor of Ohio,
At Any Rate, Rutherford's Neck
is Saved.
Wanted in Jamalea on the Charge of Mur.
dering an American— Costa Riea Refuses
to Extradite Mim Uniess the British
Government Guarantees That Caplial
Panishment Will Not he Inflicted.
Kingston, Jamalea, (By Cable.) The gov-
ernment of Costa Riea has definitely refused
to surrender Rutherford, the man charged
with the murder of the American citizen
Archer, unless the British government guar-
antees not to inflict capital punishment, to
which the government cannot accede, thus
closing the case so far as Jamalea is con-
Early in 1897 an American of the name of
Bost Harding Archer arrived in Jamaica for
the purpose of taking up land and engaging
in fruit cultivation, To all appearances he
possessad considerable means, both in ready
money and personal effects,
Archer secured a property known as Eden
Vale, in the parish of Portland,
uable place for his purpose, but situated on
the very outskirts of civilization and reached
by a road that led no farther, Asacompan-
ion and partner in his venture Archer se
cured the services of a Jamaican
Rutherford, 22, 1897, the Ix
Archer was found
in a pool of blood, The
pistol shot wounds, one through
and the other through the heart, There was
no weapon found, and the flannel under-
shirt, shirt and coat were buttoned up s
found to be unperforated by the In
entered the heart. The body also lay face
downward on a pile of broken st
the face was not bruised. The effects o
deceased were found to have been stole
In spite of these facts, the police of t
district, after a delay of a week, set up
theory of suicide, with which they went be.
jury. The
was the resident magistrate, reflased
such a verdiet on
corded verdict
a most yal
in an unfrequented
the brain
body showed
fore the coroner's
the evidence, and
that ‘the deceased
his death from the effects of tw
but by whom discharged does not
from the evidence, As the oir
surrounding the death of the deceased ar
polices be instructed
liant investigation.
In January, 1898 the
notified the U
had Meanwhile
Elworthy had kept u lively
What new evi
has ne
tutherford, w
ing of the |
island, was loented in
was arrested on an extradition
the Jamaican government,
After Professing Converslon, un Man Says
He Burned His Vroperty
York, Pa. Adam H. Keener,
aged thirt=-ons years, residing on West Col.
lege avenue, during a revival service at the
Beaber Street Methodist Episcopal Church,
after having professed conversion, made a
remarkable confession. He stated that he
had made two attempts to burn his double
frame bullding at the corner of Brooklyn and
This was unsuccessful, and on
July 3 he again fired the bulldings and de-
stroyed them, in order to secure the {nsur-
ance, which waa 21.100, of which $550 was
in the Ben Franklin Company and #550 in
the Erie of Baffalo. He secured the money,
He now says, after being blessed, that he
was ready to give himself up to the authori-
ties, afd, If possible, return the money, Has
says that he did not want to burn the build.
came over him that
He says he tried to
or three occasions in
foreed him to do so,
hang himself on two
each time, The chureh
and his
Heading for the Philippines.
Washington, (Special. ) The New Orleans
Theres are now four Uni
tar for Port Eald; the Marietta, which is
somewhere between Porto Delgado and Gi-
braltar; the New Orleans, reported as start.
ing from the Azores for Gibraltar, and the
Newark, which arrived on Oc'ober 25th at
Honolulu, The Ranger was put in commis.
sion at Mare Island. The intention to send
her to Manila, originally formed when or.
ders were given the Drookiyn, has been
abandoned, and she will be held ready to
meet any demands for a warship arising from
South American rebellions,
———— usin
Decision Against a Combine,
Houston, Tex., (Special) In an opinion
affirming the judgment of the lower court,
which forfeits the charter of the San Antonio
Gas Company because that company became
a member of a local combine to control the
private and public lighting of fan Antonio,
Judge W. 8. Ely, of the Fourth State Court
of Civil Appeals, said: “If the combination
was made and its object was In restraint of
trade and to create a monopoly, the statute
denounces it, no matter if the immediate re.
sult of the combination meg be the tempor
ary reduction of prices,
Their Sentiments Volosd in Crownin-
shield’'s Report He Arraigns Congress,
Washington, (Bpecial,)—There are three
features of interest above all others in the
annual report of Admiral Crowninshleld,
chief of the Bureen of Navigation, just made
public. First is an arraignment of Congress
because of the failure to reward the offi cors
recommended for advancement ns a result
of the battles around Cuba; second, the
recommendations for a change in the present
kyitem of recelving ships, and, third, the
suggestions touching the new system of
tralaing landsmen,
Under the first head the Adniiral writes:
“Another condition of affairs discourag-
ing to proud and ambitious oMeers who have
risked and accomplished much is the ragged
and irregular result that seoms an inevitable
consequence of any effort to give permanent
or substantial ofMeial recognition to bravery,
gallantry or devotion,
“Of the officers who served in the North
Atlantic waters, three have been confirmed
In the recognition urged by the department
two because thelr cases were presented aot
propitious moments, the other because of »
misapprehension. The rest, numbering
among them every gallant captain at Sau-
tiago on July 3, and all the brave captains of
the ever-ready gunboats, numbering among
them officers who risked their lives in many
desperate expeditions
sples, seeking Information, blocking and
blockading harbors, scouting numbering
among them all those who hesitated not, and
including at the head of all the able and de
termined officer worked out
and executed the ipalgn, and who
finally consummated the one victory which
was vital to enemy-~he and all the rest
have nothing. The
among these has pot :
who shared in a vi
cable cutting, us
who planned,
whole «
} w 5 ¢
absoiutoly greatest
Was gives
pitious hie
The number ©
3 “Ar Was
The British Forces Led Intoa
Gigantic Trap.
Repetition of Majobs Hill Disaster—The
Hoyal Irish Fusilears, ns Mountain Hat.
tery mand the Gloncestorshive Heglmant,
Afior Buffering Henvy Losses In Killed
und Wounded, Surrender,
London, (By Cable)—~General Joubert
commander-in-chief of the Boer army, has
completely outgenernled General White,
commander of the British forees in Natal,
und iofileted a erushing blow upon the
British at Ladysmith, History repeats it~
self, and the disaster which bas overtaken
the British is a repetition of Majuba Hill,
though on a Inrger scale,
in 8 movement ordered by General White,
with & view to protecting the Jeft flank of
his foroes, the Royal Irish Fusiieers, s moun-
tain battery and the Gloucestershire Regi.
ment was surrounded by the Boers, They
fought desperately, a large number were
killed and wounded, and forty-two officers
and all the rest of the forces of 1,500 to 2,000
men were taken prisoners,
The disaster
seven-pound guns, which
help to the Boers in fleid
Lt is reported that
we estimates placing thelr logs nt
undred in killed and wounded,
There was 1)
British six
i of great
also cost
the Boers also lost
heavily, se
over nine b
Joubert he
advantage he had
nerad continued to
fighting at Umbanene, a
Ladysmith, and several shells crashed
wh, setting hogsos «
upled the ol
artillery, whily
« as having been silences
¢ .
The b
naval brigad
ymbard ms
were native born
{ the wholes :
enlisted {
5 shore,
Men of the Capital
Take Charge of the
ir Admire
ss t rurthering ©
ind board, An autograph al
tibited by Miss Smith which
roved by Admi
iral Bebleoy
through sulmeriptiones should
Inside the cover it bears notice to
He that Ks pages are for the autogr
shall contribute sum
Home Fund.
of #1 or
it i= de
4 big
hotels, the Masonic lodge rooms and the
cguniry where sulec rip-
and the subweribers
autographs in the albums
¢um has been obtained for
of the fand, these albums will be
Washington and placed in the
may place
the « tijeots
main as enduring evidence of
sateom of the people o
the love and
f the United States to
wae of the groatest naval heroes, It was not
securing contributions
Hon, John W, Ross was elected permanent
shairman of the committee, which it was de.
would be
Star Advertising Durean, was alected sere.
A sub-committees on ways and means,
Mr. Berich Wilkins, proprietor. of the
Washington Post, chairman; Mr. Isadore
Saks, Mr. E. 8. Johnson, Mr. Edwin B. Hay
and Mr. W. A. Hungerford, The following
wire elected members of the committen of
ona handred: Frank B. Noyes, Stilson Hote
ching, Dr. Dudley Morgan and Mr, John
Shriver, During the mecting all the mom.
bers reported that subscriptions had been
outlined a pian by which he expects to in-
dividually add an important sum to the
The Reaboard Extension;
Columbia, 8, C., (Special )-Mr. John
fke'ton Williams, president of the Seaboard
Air Line, was in this city, examining the
construction of the new line to connect the
Florida Central and Peninsular with the Ses-
board's main line, He ls pleased with the
progress made, and is confident that the
eighty miles of new road will be completed
Jannary 1, when the Reaboard’s purchase of
the Florida Central and Peninsular become
of effect, and that the Beaboard’s Florida
trains will be ran without delay,
EE ———— a a
The British Buying Up Males
Charleston, 8. C., (Bpeeial, y-South Caro-
Jina mules will probably be used in the South
African war. George A. Douglas, of this
city, was given a contract by British Consul
Coetlogen to furnish 1.5 0 mules, to be de-
Hivered either In Charleston or Savannah,
The work of securing such a number of
mules at this season of the year Is pot an
cay tas’, as the market in this State is short
of mules. Later on, however, it fs thought
that the market will be flooded, and be will
and retreat, and It is
defeat and
n y fores Gen-
White to
feared tha
“i & Figantd
fal despat
escaped with
the British tactios, whic}
ambush of the ight
Hussars sat
and now the loss of two fine regi
It i= feared that Bir George White is
h for that
oer tactios are cones
yt that if the RBridish
to lead thelr men
irther disasters must |
the Boers in
No Lives Bepnrted Lost, bat Much Prop
erty Destroyed
Wilmington, N. O., (Special, Authora
tive reports from Wrightsville and Carolina
Beach says that the storm wrought
to properiy at
No joss of life is reported.
The trestle of the Wilmington Seacoast
Railroad and track, aggregating in extent
about threes miles, are wrecked, and the
damage is conservatively estimated at from
£40000 to £50,000, At Wrightaville Bound,
on the main line, about one mile this side
of the beach, considerable damage was also
done, and this is estimated at several thou-
sand dollars. The two large summer hotels
on the beach were not destroyed, but were
damaged to some extent,
At Carolina Beach, near the mouth of the
river, there are about twenty-five cottages,
boat and clubhouses, and also a Inrge hotel,
About eighteen of these were totally de
stroyed, and the remainder badly damaged,
The loss is placed at from $12,000 to $15,000,
Both beaches were, fortunately, deserted on
account of the season.
A special to the Star from Southport says
there was considerable damage along the
water front thers by the storm, but no loss
of life reported. A small passenger steamer
and a tug, the Alexander Jones, wore
The damage to the city along the wharves,
by reason of the high tide, will approximate
about $2,000,
Vor a Nations! Sonthern Park,
Asheville, N. C., (Special. )--A eall has
beon sent out by the Parks and Forestry
Commiitiee of the Asheville Board of Trade
to all parsons interested in forest preserva-
tion and in the establishment of a National
Southern Park in the Southern Allegheny
Mountains, for an interstate convention to
be held here November 22. The purpose of
the convention is to form a permanent asso-
ciation; to induce Congress to establish a
National Southern Park, and to influence
legisintion in favor of scientific forestry.
1 festa
those points,
Opposed to Congressman Roberts,
Indianapolls, Ind., (Bpecial.)—~The In.
dianapoils Methodist Ministers’ Association
has adopted resolutions calling upon Sena
tors Fairbanks and Beveridge and Congress.
Collapse of a Big Buliding in Chicago—The
CUnuse Is a Mystery.
Chicago, (Bpecial. J Three men aro Knows
ing, as the result of the collapse of a six
at 1089 and 141 West Lake
street, Considerable damage was done W
adjoining property, and during the axeite.
ment it wes reporton want as many as forty
Hyves had been lost, About £200,000 damage
was done,
The dead
Doetor, Joseph B., barn foreman for the
New England Milling Company, caught in
front part of bullding at time of explosion
Hanson, Franklin 8., proprietor New Eng
body recovered by
firemen, badly burned,
Hilton, Henry, bookkeeper for New Eng
land Milling Company; ender the
wreckage, near where that of bis employer
waa recovered,
The missing:
Mullens, Charles, sedler, purchasing feed
in the salesroom of or
ging to reach an
Building had
ruins of
and last secon strog-
fn the
cit after
collapsed and buried
the mill; thenght by some WU
enon ped,
Unidentified woman. said to
he street,
have been
nard Bulle
caught by the
ing wall that fe and 1
benenth the det
Williams, C.
General Young is Rapidly Foreing Then
in the North
i, Ah
the Ameri
urzie Lo insurgents,
sists Lhe §
Marks on the Body of Zach Taylor and =»
Knife Fonnd Near ty
Martinsburg, W. Va
tight that Zach
(Special, )- It Is now
th Taylor, instead of being
His body was found
along the B. & O, Railroad near Fairmount,
iving on his left side wih his right arm
across the track, with a part of it cut off by
a train, His friends think that be was first
murdered and then placed on the track.
His throat was ont and his head was badly
mangled behind, appearing as if he had been
beaten to death,
Pittsburg men and Pittsburg capital will
soon control the fireproofing hasiness of the
entire country. The Pittsburg Terra Cotta
Lumber Company is gotting ail important
How Flive Carry Contagion,
Minneapolis, Minn. , (Special. ) The Amer
jean Public Health Association considered
Peter H. Bryce, of Toronto, secretary of the
Provincial Board of Health of Ontario, read
the report of the committee, an exhaustive
review of the progress of scientific investi.
gation, Many experiments made to asonr.
Frank W. Wright, health offleer of New
Haven, CL, read a paper on “Prevention of
rigty-Twan New Lacomntives,
The Baltimore.and Ohio Rallroad will
been augmented by 12 more. These locomo-
tives, when completed, will represent the
highest type of heavy Haight power,
er rans ARR,
A Gunner Accidentally Shot
York, Pa. (Special )-Mr. Nonemaker,
who resides near New Freedom, this county,
was shot in the groin, His life hangs in the
balance, Several doctors have beon called
in to assist in saving the man's life, Hehad
been gunning for rabbis, and accidentally
fail, causing the gun to discharge,
George Washington Arninaide,
Cable.) Agulnaido’s wife
News Gleaned from
Various Parts.
Man Who Undersold Government Charged
With Robbing Postofice Musked Mob.
bers Hold Up Mes, Siuizmosn in Her
Home wnt Lebanon ~ Farmers' Wagon
Btruek by a Train sta Grade Crossing.
While returning from a Bundsy wedding
In Old Forge at 7 o'cioek io the evening,
Angelo Peloz!, of Moosic, shot nud killed his
boarder, Anionic Sgpinsilo, The affair oe-
curred in the road between the two tOoWES,
and the only wituess of the shooting, Genero
FPassero, bad started on a chase for the luge
tive murderer before the police arrived.
Those who talked with Passero say be told
them that Peiozl turned snd shot the boarder
without any provoeation, sending flour bul-
iets into bis body, said be did not
know what caused The supposi-
tion is thet be bore him some grudge of
other and that bis rage was suddenly
nroused by a chanes word ln thelr conversa
tion, The slleged murderer is still at large,
the deed,
Btamp Burgaine Led to Arrest.
C.J. was srresied in Wilkes.
Barre by United States Marshal Lowry, on
suspicion of baviug robbed a postoffior, It
Is aileged that Coonelly lo several towns
solid large vumbers of stamps st ninety couts
for a dollar's worth, The fact that be was
discounting the price of Uscle Bam proved
to be his downia sitbough while the sale
went on he did & reguiar jand office Lusi.
ness. The selling of the stamps in large
quantities sroused suspicion and Marshal
He traced Connelly 0
in an bour’s time, Con-
under arrest. When searched
about §40 worth of stamps was found on the
man's person, They ranged (n value from
one cent to the smaller denoming-
tions predominating, To Lowry, Connelly
purchased the stamps in New
a bearing before Com-
remnoded for fur
Lowry was notified.
Wilkes I}
nelly was
15 cents,
enid be had
When given
ner Habn, be was
ther Investigation,
Masked Habbers Got $100,
Two masked men ransacked the home of
Miiton Btuizman, at and Galiford
streets, Lebanon, and secured almost $100,
The burglars waited until Biutzman left the
go to work, and
At plstol’s point
beid up Mrs. Stulzman, spd prevented
alsrmw, then
ihe money wWiliel
house, before daylig
then loreed an entrauce
ber from glvieg «an Tobey
searched the house for
hey declared they knew 10 be there,
finally Tou stcoeselully making
Train Kills Two Farmers,
Patrick O'Rourke
Creegan, of Windsor Te
Two mers, and
jehnel wishig
ome {
indsor Cromsiog, vo the Erie
irom Sgsquebanss, R
jeanne, the
n'y al
Ha six
arnisg from
the crossing
by a train,
air asd in-
Clrecgan &
iy met Genlls su
Raed ¥ Were on
Were Also
when LOSr Wagon Was
Doth men were hurled inl
tantiv kfiled Ti
stantiy killed ilies hotses
and the wagon was wrecked, O'R
leaves 6 wile and «
wile aad six
ight children
Fell From Swift Express.
tk express dus at
Reliway Station
Bly. t
While the New X« the
Baitimore & Obic
ui 4.58
Jobin A. Cook,
vanin avenge, Balti
, Chester,
3 Penosyi-
ioff at Fairview,
ve mile ny
was going
nged 3
and mirsculousiy escaped a horrible death,
Me, «
ook fell on bis feet, breaking both legs
ow the knee, He the
train passed apd Lrougit to the Chester
was found alter
Killed as He Siept on the Halts,
Strake, of on his
Hazlet early hour
ng, Iny « wad track
uf later his dead and mane
Exwry bone
Riera Slorkiop, while
way bome [rom
the other morn
Au be
gled remains were J
iis body was broken and
0 atl an
ta the ralir
LO see,
and. in
be was Irightiully
Stubble Caunsed Dentin,
Lewis, n 10-year-old son of Gottileb Lang,
died at bis home in Pottstowe, the result of
jorkiaw, While playing isst week be fell
upon the stump of a stout weed which pene-
trated his arm. The wound bealed, but
afterward, became ioflamed, causing death,
faleide Recnuse of Loss of Children,
ne loss of two ehiidren so preyed on the
mind of William Fisher, a resident of Nurem-
burg, that be commited suicide by firlag the
contents of a sbotgun through his head,
The one side of bis face was torn away and
death wus lostantaneons,
News In Brief,
Joseph Bmiley, an oid resident of Bristol,
was struck Ly a trails on the Pennsylvania
laiiroad atihe Lalayeite street crossing
some time dering the night, He was found
st an early hour in the morning with a frac.
tared skull. No bopes are entertained for
bis recovery.
Albert Keiser, aged 17, had the Angers of
his left hand rut off in the machinery at the
Williamsport Planing Mill. About two years
ago Keiser bad the fingers of bis right band
cut off tn a similar manner,
The Keystone Structural Works, of Royers-
ford, will build a machine shop and temper.
tng room, 41 Ly 100 feet in size, and also an
annex to the mals btatiding, thus affordiog
employment to thirty additional bands,
Wililam H. Caiver, a West Bethlehem
grocer, made an sesignivest for the benefit |
of bls creditors, James I), Faast was named
as aesigner, The Habilities are $10,000 and
the assets $50,000,
While Frank Gerber, aged 88 years, wap
passing through the stabie in the Kulckers
toecker mines, Shenandoab, oneo! the mules
kicked him above the right eye, crushing
the skull, :
For the first time In the history of the B
& G., Brooke lron Company, Birddboro, they
nave been compelled to purchase pig iron to
keep thelr puddie mill runslog. :
Postmaster Graves bas succeeded in have
ing tree mall delivery wstabilsbed la Conte
vile, and five jersons who pass the civil
sorviea examination will be ap
riers ut a salary of #50 per mont
ater ro
torniog from a huntiog trip wes kn i
over and discharged, The load of shot