SS THE NEWS, President McKinley and his party reached home, having traveled a distance of 5,000 miles, Major General Guy V, Henry was assigned £0 the Department of tue Missouri. A Macon, Ga,, delegation invited Admiral Dewey to visit their section, Senator Hoar was re-elected president of the Unitarian Council, The anpusl meeting of the stockholders of the Pullman Palace Car Company Was held in Obleago. Robert T. Lineoin Was vlected president. The total revenues of the company for the year was $41,478,929. The movument erected in Woodstock, Va, to the Confederate soldiers buried there was unveiled, Senator Danicl delivering the oration, Senator Pritchard, speaking in States vilie, N. C., denounced the proposed consti- tutional amendment to disfranchise the col- ered voter, Willlamm H. Carman, of Stewaristown, Pa.. was arrested on the charge of securing a marriage license under false pretenses, The offleia’s of Hollywood Cemetery, in Vehmond, will erect a monument over the grave of Yresident Tyler, Lewis Moody was convicted ln Norfolk, Va., of passing worthiess checks, acd sent to the penitentiary. The business sessions of the Jubilee Mis- sionary Convention of the Christian Chureh closed in Cincinnat!, Henry G. Hilton began a contest of his father's (Judge Hilton) will in New York. Wm. H. Appleton, of the New York pul- fishing house, died at Riverdsle, N. Y. The Internal Revenue Bureau has decid d that receipts for baggage transfer must Lave a revenue stamp affixed, as they are Lills of lading, An order bas been issued probibiting the vollection of political assessments from post- masters, The Chinese Minister made an address be- fore the Commercial Congress, in Phiiadel- phia, in which he fuvored unrestricted Chinese immigration into the FPhillppice fslands., He deprecated the Chinese exciu- sion aot, At the conference of anti-annexationists, an Chicago, 8 woman srose ino the audience and asked them to remove the flag, so that ihey eould no longer disgrace it. Mr. W. J. Bryan addressed a crowd of 20,- 00 persons at the race track in Loulsvilie, Hie advocated the election of Goebel, the Demoeratie eapdidate lor governor, Dr. F. M. Morgan, of Berkley, under in- dictment lor causing the death of a Norfolk woman aud ber child In May last, Was ac- quitted there, N. T. Pittman was shot and killed by bis brother, A. J. Pittman, in a botel in Charles- ton, 8, C, Three persons lost their lives by the falling of a bursiog buliding in Knightstown, Ind General John M. Schofield was elected commander-in-chief of the Loyal Legion. President Hadley was formally inaugu- rated as president of Yale Internal revenue collectiors for September show an Increases of $2,809,508 as compared with corresponding mouth of inst year, The eompletion of the modu: vivendi in the Alaskan boundary case bas .s2n Legun by the State Department, Several army promotions wers ansounced as the consequences of retirement of Brigadier General Shalter. The Executive Council of the American Federation of Labor considered questions of Interest, The oyster shuckers of Norfolk are rapidly golog out on strike, some 500 now Lelong idle, in consequence of the decision of the packers not to employ any union men alter pext Monday. President McKinley and party left Chleago for Kalamazoo, Mich., and the East, They were accorded hearty receptions in several lilinols towns. Fire in a colliery near Pottsville was ex- tinguished with dynamite, and twenty-two imprisoned men thereby released, Joseph Wood, the oidest locomotive en giveer in the Uglied States, died at his home in New Jersey, aged eighty-nine, At a con'erence of sntl-expansionists in Chicago, President McKinley's Philippine policy was barshiy criticised. Australia and its resources ceeupied the attection of tbe Commercial Cougress lo Phils dalphia. David Z=igler, one of the best-known citi- zens of York, Pa., died suddenly, aged seventy-iwo, Mre, M. 8. Letcher, war governor, is dead, years, Miss Julia Lee and Murray Stewart were marries] at Wilmington, Deal, The ancuzl meeting of the Street Railway Association was held in Chicago, Miss Katie 8. Ganse was drowned ih a mill-pond near Wilmington, N, C, The new Board of Trade Lulldiog at Har- risburg, Pa., was dedicated, Another anti-trust conference will be held In January in Chicago. Hor. W. J. Bryan continued his campaign- ing tour in Kentucky. Tom Myers, the confidence man and forg” or, dled in the woods pear Waukegan, Ii, from exposur~, and was buried thers by the three other prisoners who had escaped from prison with him, Osear T. Hices, accused of shooting Georg» Vaughan in Ricbmocd, Va, was re- leased on babeas corpus proceedings, The Forty-sixth Regiment left South Farm. Ingham, Mass. for San Francisco, for trans- portation to the Philipploes. In a quarrel over division of property Jack and Ficyd Allen, brothers, shot each other in Carroll ecunty, Va, Iu a collision upon the Union Pacific Rall. road near Urauite Cansob, two men were killed and three injured, The Wm, R, Trigg Sbipbullding Company, in Riebmond, Va, re-elected the old offiesrs, J. L. Bmith, the leader of a eattirstenling gang, was lyoehed near Wihson, La, Mrs. Leslie Palmer Leigh died at her bome, in Richmond, Mr. Howard Steep, of Frederick county, Md., bad an exeltiog brosh with two colored bighwaymen, Luth of whom he soattered with a few well-pinced drives from the shoulder, The Beott building, a large business stroe- ture in Hagerstown, Md,, was destroyed by fire, with a loss of about $18,000, Dr, George H, Jones, a prominent physi- elan and political leader of Calvert connty, was stricken with apoplexy at Prince Frid wricktown, Md. while in the act of ealling a Demorratio mass-meetiog to order, and died a few hours Inter, Articles have ts ap filed with the Secretary of Bute of New Jorsry, Inorensing the enji- tal stock of the Pittsturg Coal Company from §2.000 15 £04, 0,000. Alfred G, Yauderbhit, who has been hur rylog homewnrd from the Far East sines ho Iearned of the death of bis father, Cornelius Vander! lit, has sreived, An attempt was made in Havaos to lynch a Culuaman who Led seived as guerrilla the widow of Virginia's aged sevenly-seven Mellvaine WHINLEY'S MESSAGE The President to Begin Work on it at Once. POINTS TO BE COVERED. Philippines to Hemain in the FVossession of this Government—The Fresldent's Recommendations Will Anticipate the Fight of 1900 to un Great Extent—About Six Weeks 10 Complete His Messnge. Washiogton, (8pecial',)—All the informa- tion pow obtainable indieates that the next messages of President McKinley 10 Congress will be the most important that any Execu- tive has written since the days of the Civil War, la stutesmansbip, polities aud fuance It will touch the country In its most vital places, luasmuch as the message will be a long and important one, the President will begio work upon it immediately. Heo will Lave about six weeks to eomplete this work, and io the meantime he will have to deal with the routine matters which come up and with sll other questions which may arise, He will not have any 100 much time to get the document iu shape for Congress, No doult is now left as to the President's intentions as the Philippioes. His speeches In the West have clearly demon- strated that be will recommend to Congress that the falands become the property of the United States for all time 10 come, He will recommend the islands may Le treated, as that question will be left to Oc fie press but he will go 20 Inr as to ask Con- Kress to take some defluite action as early as possibile 10 indicate the intentions of tt ¢ United States. He will do this lor one hm. portant reasop-—ihat the Filipinos may know that there is no longer hope for them to con. tinue the lusurrection., The President has ascertained that the Fillpinos are dally growiog more hopeful that the next einction mery bring about a change in the the United States, They do not Lelieve that Congress will take any action at the com session, and think that the whole question of their future will be left uotil sfier vational wiection of next year, The President sees that if Congress sb take prompt action bope woud be elimionted., With that taken, the insurrection would weaken, it there should be discontent a year fron pow it would Le suppressed by the returns of the Presidential election. The President wili commit bimesl! to expansion acd to the r-tention of the Phllippioes, He will Congress that the sooner the Filipinos are made aware of the intentions of this country the quicker they will relinquish their belli gerent ideas, to pot how policy of log ithe uld one sources of Fllipine sing and advise FRENCH OUTLAWS SHOT, Fate of Captains Chanoine and Veonlet, Who Massacred the Kiabb Expedition Parle, iy Tue Minlster of the Colonies, M. Decrais, has received an offi. einl dispatch asnounciog that Captain You. et and Captain Chasoloe, of the outiawed Freneh expedition fa the Boudas, whose members recently massacred most of the members of the expedition, under Lieuten. snt-Colonel Klobb, sent to arrest those offi errs oti charges of erueity and losubordina. tion, have been shot by thelr own men, The Colonial OfMes owing dispateh ine of the officers expedition, now Cable, bas rresived the Ie from Lisotegant Pal of the Voulet.Chas is command ofl ¥V let's men ‘Captain Voulet who Tiraillenrs, on July 14 marched Lisutepant-Colonel K obb, was responsibie for the massacre. He told his comrades on bis return what be had doae, and that he intended to aod to ind=pendent Siate, “Oaly Captains Chanoloe decided to ac rompany bim, with some aatives, On Joly 16 the Tiralileurs muoticied aud shot Cag taln Caanoine, Captain Voulet fled, but on July 17 tried to rejoin the expedition, bul be was shot ¥ sentry, I'he Tirallleurs then rejoined the exped - tion in good order, and the expedition, my. seif commanding, continued the mission and punished the murderers of Captain Cas: - we;0ux, whose body was recovered.” slone, with 100 agninst deciared revoit form an Washington, be Internal suiied to (Bpeecial, }— The attention of levenue Bureau baviog been the method adopted by transfer sompeniesin the various elites of giving at a residencs or botel a receipt for a trank, which entls for the delivery of such truak at some hotel or house In another city, it is beid that such receipts or Lis of ladiog are eieariy liable to the stamp tax, under Sched. ule A, of the act of June 13, 1808, [oternal revenue cfMoers, therefore, are directed to investigate transfer companies in their re. spective districts, with a view of determining whether they are lssuing such receipts, and, if so, whether they are fully complying with the law regardicg the stamplag of such recelpte. — S——————————————————— ——————— DESPERATE A A MUONSHINER TAKEN Gives Revenne OfMears Tough Tussle and Is Himself Wounded, Norfolk, Va, (Bpeecial, }-A desperate bat. tle betwen revenues officers and a noted moonshine desperado, Wililam Honeyeutt, took pines near Statesville, Deputy Marshal Greer shot and mortally wounded the des- perado when he resisted arrest, The mar. shal himself received a painful wound in the thigh. Special Deputy Phillips, who accom panied Greer, was made a prisoner by Hon. eycutt while spylog upon the latter's eabls, Thomas to Take Troops te Manin. Washington, (Special) The transport Thomas will sull from Philadelphia for New York, to take on the Forty-seventh Regiment for Manila, The Thomas will sali about November 1, and will oarry 86 officers and 1,000 wen, including 60 bospital eorps men, ABOUT NOTED PROPLE, Census Director Merriam is fond of last borsee, sir. Ohamberinin, British Colonial Becre. tary, in the ‘00s was» Susday-sehool toncher in Birxiogham, Thomas A, Edison will treat by his new elestrion] process the ore from the Orie gold mines of New Mexico, which he has Just bought for §8,000,0.0, Four years ago Governor Morlil, of Kan sar, found bimesit getting too tat, and be waiked off a lot of flesh by taking long dally CARNAGE AMID BOERS. Fifteen Hundred Alleged fo Have Been Siain---Lured Over Mines. London, Eog., (By Cable.) The most sen. sntional report of the war comes from the Daily Nows' correspondent, who states that when the Doers attacked Mufoking they were decoyed over a chain of mines, which were exploded, and 1,000 Lurglers killed. The report is discredited, Veyburg is io the hands of the enemy, having surrendered on iSauday, There was a panic among the inhabitants, who fled in all directions, The Eugilsh are very iudig- nant, Dispatehes Irom mnaoy polots along the frontier confirm the reports of severe fight. ing at Dester's Station, pear Ladysmith, Bome of the British troops were in the sad- die three day, Boers are borsting that they will be hold- fog masked Unlle in British uniforms at Cape Town and Darban befors the end of October, Basutos who reached Cape Town eom- plain of outrages upon natives by the Doers, Thesn further inflame them and the Zulus, President Krueger, ln an account given to President Steyn (Orange Free State) of the attack on an armored train, says Nesbittavd his seven men were not kilied, although seriously wounded and taken prisoners South Afrfean reinforcements are tote Iapded at Port Elizabeth Port Alfred and East London, lostead of Cape Town or Durban, and to advance through the Free State to Pretoria, Bre session of Parliament was a Mr. Chamberlain attacked the Opposition, and was frequently interrupted, Part of his remarks were withdrawn, John Morley closed the debate with a short sperch 4 ¥ AG 3 Thursday's stormy one, ing winoriiy, s address and adj the iris voted urned. TO SOUTHERN DEAD, stock, Virginia, Woodstock, Va, Special, ) The monu ment erected In Messsanutten Cemetery 10 the memory of the Confederate soldiers bur- fed In Woodstoek, Va., was unvelied there, At an sariy hour the peoples from every section of the ¢ and from other counties gathered to witness the impressive ceremony, formed at 10.30 of the Nlotewail Chapter, Daughters of ousty many The procession A. M. and was composed Brigade Band; Mary ( Children of the Conlederacy the Cor federaey, indies’ tions; orator, president of Shenand ter, U. D. C Marshal J. Miss Addie Gale Miley, carriages; Shep andoah Camp, visiting pe, Conlederate veterans, Mount Calvary Band, Sons of Ve!- erate, Massanuller Academy, W Graded Cedar Creek Baud, ringes and citizens on horseback, The exercises at the cemetery consisted of iy Calvary Band, hymn by cboir, “Dixie by Stonewall Brigade Bas d, suvell ing of monument Ly Miss Addie Gale Miley sud music by Stonewall Brigade and, This was followed by an elc quent address by Bene stor John W. Dasilel, The monument is of Italian marble and bears inscriptions to the memory of tbe gs - laut soldiers who now sleep around lis base, MEDALS FOM HEROES, gatis Lee teinotial associs mb Chap ~ iH. Willams and in xin odstock Raehool, onl Mow Burfman Rasmas & Midgett Saved Ten Lives Washington, (Special, { lives during cent great storms at ses, he medals Are 1574, and given 10 those who display heroism ln the rescue of Lu nan beings. Only one gold medal was awarded, Go d for are “extremes and hero sats this cape Was OLe The modal is sow belag made 1 of the Shoal L coast of North Carolina, The heroism was duriog the great West Iudian storm which swept up this country on August 17 asd 18, and the oceasion was the rescue of 10 lives from the wreck of the barkentine Priscilla, Buperi tendent Kimball, a veteran of the Life ing Servicer, says thal ihe man bas Bo pear for darlag snd Lravery, Gail fe-Saving Station, the const of ar GENERAL WADE'S REFORT Indians Still Sellen ard Discontented in the Dakotas, Washington, Fhe annusi pve port of Brig.-Gen, James FF. Wade, con mandisg the Department of Dasots, was made publie, General Wade says that of the three posts aod one eamp occupied, all are in very fair condition, with the exception of Port Meade, which Is unsanitary, and has reached a point where it Is a question of re construction or abandonment, General Wade refers briefly to the Indian troubles at Leceh Lake last September and Ootober, and says that in spite of the fact that the detachment engaged in this fight was made up of raw reeruils, they behaved with commendable gallantry. He says that the Indiaus are still sulien and discontented, but no active trouble Is apprehended, { Ypweinl.) MURDERER'S WISH GRATIFIED, Allowed to Hang Half an Honr, as He Pid Not Want 10 Come Hack, Newton, N. C., (Special )—Avery Kale, white, was hanged here for the murder of George Travis, also white, near Catawba, last year. Kale was discharged from Alley's distillery aud Travis given the piace, Kaleo went home, got his shotgun and returned to the distillery, where he shot Travis In the head, while the Iatter was at work, Knie immediately iaft for Marion, enlisted in Company A, the Hornet's Nest Rifiomen, of Charlotte, and was arrested soon after reaching oamp at Jacksonville, brought back to Newton, tried and convieted, Land for Military Purposes, Han Fraoclson, Cala, (Special) «United States Attorney Coombs bas flied a Will for the condemnation of a trant of land west of Laks Merced and faving the ooean, for the military purposes of the United States. Suicidal Leap From a Bridge, Minnespolls, Mino, (Special )-W. D. Manto, who had been driuking for some days, leaped from one of the Misislppl river bridges nnd wae drowned, The plunge was ope hundred foot Into bolling rapide, which have not yet given up the body, Mauro bas a sister in this city, Mes, J I, Cooke, and cinlmed to be from Aulurs, New York, Mother nnd Uhlidrean Harned, Canton, Miss, (Special )At Ht. Ann, twenty miles sant of here, Mrs, J, H. Gam- TRAIN ROBBERS HAUL. Masked Men Succed in Getting $25,000, NOT FAR FROM CHICAGO. Bound and Gagged nn Operator and Stopped the Trauscontinentnl Mall-8hot nt the Engineer, Han Away with the Fo gine—~HBlew CUpen the Express Car und Dynumited the Snfe. Chleago, 1il,, (Special) —Masked robbers held up tenin No, 9 of the Northwestern Latiroad shortly before midnight between Maple Park und Dv Kaib; shot st Dan White, euglucer; ran away with the eogice, and blew open the ex; ress car and the snfe, When the robbers Liad rifled the car they disappeared, [i i= estimated that the rot- bors secured $25,000 10 vash alone, Tralu No. 9 forms the part of the Trans. continental Mall which was recently estab. Jshed Lotwoen New York and Bans Francisco, The run is made to Bluffs on a » exceeding a minute, It hes vou custom to CRITY ODIY LWO Cars, One « outeluing express matter and the other mall The train jeft the 10 v'elook with Dan ite, a ploye of the road, were scheduled Irom Chiosgo Counsell mils a 3 5 ruin the general Noribwestern Depot st yolvrran ome No stops DD Kalb, at which shortly before 11 At Maple Park, 00 miles from Chi- CRO, 11 was that Tower W, Elburn, was cither out of order or was not giviog the right sigual, W eiosed the throttle quickly and brought the tralu toa standstill, The train as engineer, telore piace the train was due o'clock, discovered nt White Eiburn White bed hardly brought masked was midway between aud Maple Park, hls engine to a standstill when wo men jum«d on the steps and pointed guns at him aud the fireman, up The raiirond detached the “Turow your hands!” they shouted, men did se. Two robbers engine from the rest cf the train, and White was toid to take Lis sagine two miles up the track, There be attempiad to make a fight and recapture bis engine, He stroggied wanfully, tut floally the roblers shot ut Lut fslied to bit him, Ia the meantime four other men had a! tacked the conductor and the brakeman, Numerous shots were to intimidate them, The conductor was unable make any resistance, as he was wid be would kilied, one of fired io be One of the brakemen managed io the darkness and raced to Elburn, where be massaged to send the alariu 10 ibe irale dispatchers in Chicago. The robbers, after overpowering the con thn 10 escape duetor, ordered Frank Hobson, “You open express messenger, admit the car. up that ear” of the rob. “or we'll Llow It up,” Dark shout: “You try to the [fst man them lo one bers sliouted, from the car fores it open and 1I'H who shows his head.’ A volley of shots was the reply, and several bad whizgzed past his bead the fx. press messenger « pried the Th 'y put revolvers to his bead and compe lied bim p the keys to the Joeal freight, They then blew open the door of the through the explosion wrecking The robbers then grabbed all money and express packages they could find fled. oRmes B abhool after door, to give U the car, the Although it Is im possibie to give with ac. euraey the amount, It Is estimated by ibe officers of the American Etpress Company . Tue amount of jeweiry, &e., Mr. manager of the Amer empany, sald he couid not Antisdel, the general joan Express ( The cews of the bold.-up was recelvad in clock, Word was sent train was ordered made up. Detective of ibe Messengers Relily, chief Northwestern were disp atehed for of the spoeial syatem, When the trails dispatcher was notified he 1i8, bound {ores Tobe trainmen of No, 118 noticed No, 9 standing on the track with aA gine as they went by, but bad thought poth- fog of it, When the freight screw reached Tower W they found the operator bound, gageed and tied to a chair. When reisased hie gave the first real information 10 the oft TIRE, He said that at 10.30 o'clock four men had tower and asked him the number of the next train going west, They wanted to know if it was not N # but the operator says he told them it was No. 115 The robbers then toid the operator be was a fool: that they knew better. To show the operator they had laid their plans thor oughly and knew what they wers talkiog about they pointed guns at bis bead and told bim if be made a move they would kill bin, They tied bim up with ropes, stuffed a towel into his moutb, and told bim if be was a "good fellow” be would escape with. out being burt, They then sel the signals whieh enused No, 0 to slow up, detached en- come into the FARQUEHAR's BIG FLEET, Largest Number of Hattleahips Kver Un- der One American Commander, Washington, (Special) — Rear Admiral Parqubar, who has been assigned to the command of the North Atlantic Squadron, will have under bis orders the largest num. ter of battleships ever assembled In one command under an officer of the United Hiates Navy, The Admiral will pot only have the New York, the Massaobueetts, the Indiana and the Texas, but the new ships the Kearsarge, the Kentucky and the Alabama will also be- come a part of his squadron, When tbe re pairs to the Olympia bave been completed, it may also join the fleet, Sawmill Harned; Loss, $10,000, Bayard W. Va, (Special, )The saw mill ot Isane MeDanieie, at Beechwood Station, near Bayard, W, Va, on the West Virginia Central Naliroad, was destroyed by fire, of supposed incendiary origi. Loss, $10,000, A abt FREACHER sLEW ASSAILANT, Nonagenarian Clergyman in Tennessean Kills Opponent After » Qonrrel Knoxville, Tenn, (Bpecial)-Rev, H, C Daugherty, aged 87 yours, and William Ross, 74 yours, met and resumed an oid quarrel ln geott County. Falllag to settle the matter with words, floss made an attempt to strike Daugherty with n hammer. The latter ran to a nearby house, & shotgun and killed his asaallant, ; fla i DOWN THE BOERS, Guns Deadly Fire Armored Train, London, (By Cable, j~There bas been eon siderable fighting the last three days at Mafeking, Spytlontein and several otber points, Lut the censorship permits only mea ger Information to come through the news channels, Beverslstartliug despaiches were published here, One from Cape Town stated that three busdred Doors and eighteen Beitish had been killed io a battle at Male. king, Communiestion was temporarily opened with Kimberley, A despatch Irom that pines stated that an armored train, con. taining British troops, came upon a foree of Boers near Bpytfootein, A sharp fght re- sulted, in which five Boers were killed and seven wounded, The British, according to the censored despateb, sustalued no losses, A despatch from Cape Town gives the lol lowing version of the fight “The armored train, with a detachment of the Lancsshires, approached unmolested until within range, when the Boers opened fire, “The Maxims were instantie 224 and did great execution among the The effvctively, Maxim From Ba 10 work, borgk- ured artillery, but jo. The armored Lula returped to Kimberly unharmed, “The crew of the armored train say Lhe Boers fired thirteen shells, but thelr aim was wretched, and not a single shot struck Lhe train, which then made bold spproach nearer and opened fire with the Maxims, “The burghers replied with again shooting wildly, Luliets struek the train, ore, jatier also to beavy rifles, Oaly thres or four reveral Not Boers and a member of LOTEes Were the British force w much us touched.” Delayed despatches from Prete biy carried by coutiers i« censorship is pot #0 fight at Mafeking nine British wors w a burghber killed and two wounded, ish train losded with dynamiie up by the Boers nine King. rin, proba. points wheres Lhe § rigid, state that in =» yunded A Brit. was blown miles north of Male PLOT TOMURDER JIMINEZ, Bome Arrests Made Sulng the Heirs of Gen, Heurenux.. Ban Domingo, (By THe ROVErs- ment bas Issued a decrees declariog the late President, Hen for the mismanagement of the publ through wixing public with private affairs, and Introducing unlawful currency, and has ordered the public sitorpey against his bhelrs and sil whom corp, commencing by attaching The dreres ames 8 commission leading lawyers, whom It empe operate with ihe puliic allorpey vestigation, in ¥an Domiage Cable, General reatnx, respousilie ie funds Great indignation Is expressed covery of a rebeilic plot, Attempt to assassinate General Jig at the Gis us nyo General Vasquez, the provisional Many persons bave been placed und rest, charged with complicity In the plot, aud it is expected that further arresis wil be made, Several measures are being iaken to in. sure pubiie order, and the country is appar. Business is slowiy Improving. There was a public sais ol paper money al the ratio of eighleen 10 Ouw, EXTINGUISHED WITH DYNAMITE, Twenty-two Men, Imprisoned in a Burn ing Colliery, Rescued from Death «Afi eXplowic Shenandoah C Colliery, at Shenandoab, and fire jmn diately broke out in the mine, hemming lu iweniy-two men Who were ai work alihe time. Those atiracted 10 the ggriace of the mine by the explosion at oie Sega vigor- ous efforts to rescue the imprisoned on std lo this they were success, all being 1aken out alive In comparatively short ime. Tires of the number, Adam ski, William Skav and Jo b age, were seriously bLursed, and juries may prove fatal, Beveras « tained severe injuries, The Shenandoah fire depart pont was ut. successful in the «forts to suldae the firs with water, apd the eided on a tore bero'e pian, Several founds Pottsville, Pa, (Special) at the ty mel Lae men pekl, thers so - inle tl thine ofl en 4+» in the use of The dynamite was «Xp ded in the mine, aod the concussion exiioguished the stantiy. The eolilery was thus saved, men skilled the explosiy fire 5 OLDEST ENGINEER DEAD, Was Firetvan on the First Lorameotive Operated in This Country. New York, (Special, ) Wood, the oldest Jocomotive euginesr In the Uuite d States, died at bis home at Bed Bask, N. J, aged wighty-uine. He was fireman ou the “John Bull” the first locomotive ever Omi ated In this country. The engine was sent from England in 1830, and given its first trial near Bordentown, Mr. Wood's native tows, Mr. Wood was employed as an engl. peer during the war, and was also engaged in the sume capacity on a number of rail roads in this section, He was the Inventor of Wouds' lmproved frog, A steam whistle and steam pipe and other railroad sppli- succes, -d oneph FILIPINOS MEKT MORE LOSSES, Driven Out of FPorac-Une American Kilted and One Wounded, Manila, (By Oable,)— Bell's regiment, mov- ing from a position northwest of Dacolor, drove the enemy out of Porar, One Amer. joan was killed and one wounded. The Filipinos lost a nomber of killed and wounded, The Americans capiured lwo bullock earts of ammunition, a The newspaper Patria bas been suppress. od, und it= editor, Senor Utor, a Spaniard, pinced under arrest on a charge of printing and publishing seditious documents, For some time the Patria las been hostile to the Americans. Recently pamphiets attacking the Americans and the (rlendly Filipinos have been circulated, and the police believe that Utor wrote asd pricted them, KILLED HUSBAND'S SLAYER, Tialian on Wis Deathbed, Told Wife Name of Man Who Stabbed Him, Niles, Ohio, (Special )~Frauk Augusta was shot and killed in the Italian quarter Ly Ms, Taare, who wat arrested and lodg d in fall at Warrep, ; HIGHT PERISHED, Early Morning Fire on a Pas- senger Steamer. LIFEBOATS CAPSIZED. Enggangemustier Jayne Arounsed the Biesp. #r8 on the Nutmeg Sinte and Then Lenped 10 His Deuth ~The Slesmer Left Bridgeport Two Hours Late Fire Dis covered About smokestack. Now York, Bteambonst { Special, )—The Dridgepont Company's steamer bhulmeg State, which left Bridgeport at § o'clock Sats urday morning, caught ours later off Execution Tiabt, and wns totally destroyed. Eight persons perished Clty of sight soon after the fire flood Ly 1¢ fire threw The steamer Lawrences came In was discovered and y rescue the passengers and crew, The Nutmeg State's lifeboats were Inunehed ax soon an the City of Lawrend halling distaver, iut sev eiz-d, und it that some passe le gore of Lawrence brought tf those reseyed to this elt got within a «ral of them enpr was feared 4 were drowned, The Clty Ou bis arrival Capt. Ci i syivs Brooks Br i . Lours late, Le p80 re- that the Nutmeg Bilate efi age Ort al 8 o'clock, 190 hat the first he knew of the he paw ut filie was when sz around the smokestack, ng rather Lrisk'y then, i n 0 work The steamboat was then five mice cast ol hit he was ef dir-cliy 11, and all steam that could Pe good “ most JuileDse &X- fal fi her, fat i® 8 eifls of LI reigned aboard the vessel, ming near Band's Polat the Captain irected the bow of the boat dead sbead fou the Learh, and ¢ Point, Captain Brooks said that the vessel went into 125 feet of water before the grounded and setlied, Tere were between 30 on tilmeg Hoe was afraid he ran ashore about a mile enst of ti} and 40 passengers Captain some of the N Flats, Brooks paid IoRL the pas then were Everytting possible wasdone for The Cuy of slramer, whic Y city BenReTH, Lawrenees, & Bound coming down to the ire and steamed over loward Boats were Ly bervie Was , BAW & bursi from her, and x the tt : g vessel, ut © ut Work ihe ja-sen gers of the Nutmeg State were taken sbonrd tie members of the crew, Brooks rejorted and Irelght were & total i Captain Brooks that Bamuel Jayne, the baggage-master, got out of X which the fire the bad salied ss close to she dared, vepsel, together with the rewainiog Captian that the vessel ... AL the bold, ir was, and jumped overbourd to escape flames, The Livme iA i, which Loal as the to swim, spd be was iaid the burning steamed up to the man, as yacht owner saw bim Ta oY fk 4 Jayne was pleked op. trying When oul ou the deck be was dead, Patrick Coffer, the mate of the vessel, was in the lower part of the Bold when the fire started. He rould not get out and was bursed to death. Ao oller, whose name the captain could tot remember, was also & vic- tim, He was io the hold, not get cut aud died from Inbaling Same, 0. J. Horivurt, of Bridgeport, & ger, was asleep when was direov. ered. He sald the fire wos first seen by Baggagemasier Jayne, who, after arousing ail the passengers be could, jomped over. board and died from Injuries which be ceived from striking a portion of the vessel, Jayne is described as the bero of the fire. couid passe. the fire Tye DEWEY AT THE HUB. % The Admiral Tendered a Grand Reception He is Glven a Watch. Boston, Mass, (Special. })~The re.dents of Boston sud viciuily, sugmented by thou-- suds of visitors from ithe Commonwesith and adjacent Blalve, Salurdsy did honor to Ad Disappolating weather coidilivee pre valled early in the day. A thick log, thet frequently became wit, prevalied, Later, bowever, the heavy siy began 10 Lhishien, apd then the sun broke through the bape, The first jart of the day's programine wes devoted to & musieal recital by the school shildren of the cily, to the Sumber of aboul LBo0, ommon st 10 o'clock, Ad uiral and party were escorted wits 4.5. rulty from bis beadquatiers st ihe Hole Toursine through Lhe Immense crowds, From the Common the Admiral and party were conducted to a large reviewing stand in front of the City Halli bulidiug, where, just before 11 o'ciock, Mayor Quisey, In tee presence of city officials aud guess snd thousands of speciators, presented him, on behalf of the City of Boston, with a msguif- cent jewel-siudded watch, olher seciious ol from mira Downey, on the ( The TROLLEY AND TRAIN, Three Persons Fatally and Three Ber jously Injured, Dallas, Tex., (Bpeoisl.)-Near the State Fair Grounds, in the sastern suburle, a trolley ear on the Rapid Transit Street Rail way, filed with passengers, collided with an excursion treln on the Guif, Colorsdo and Banta Fe road, Of the 40 passengers on board the street car, nearly hall of then were hurl, Bix of them were seriously injured and threo of thease cannot live, The other passengers who were burt were abies to get away without assistance or ibe need of surgioal help. Ths sceldent wae enused by the trolley oar attempting to make the crossing, where there was no fagman Amearionn Equal Wage Union, Enunsas City, Me, (Special, )The Amerk enn Equal Wage Usion, receatly incorpor ated, bas adopted a constitution, and will immediately commence active missionary work. The organization departs Irom the methods of older unions in that it omits the word “strike” from its constitutions, pro. Strength of the Heitiah in Natal Durbau, (By COable Following is the