The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, October 05, 1899, Image 6

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The city ot New York was lavishly deco-
Dewey. Governor Roosevelt ofMeially wel-
comed him to the State, and General Mer-
ritt, as commander of the Department of the
East, paid him an official visit.
Miles and the Washington committee also
visited bim,
National Commander Shaw, of the Grand
Nation's Hero,
row-minded blunderers.
plat of ground formed Ly dumplings into
Lake Michigan at Chicago, bas been indicted
together with some of hie followers, on the
charge of conspiracy.
Police Justice Tomlin In Norfolk, declared
the law invalid Imposing a fee of three dol-
on the Water.
tering Virginia ports,
Evening Post, says that he belleves Dewey
would accept a nomination for President, if
tendered him.
Peter J. Smith, aged twenty-nine years,
afllioted with religious mania, tried to burn
himself to death in Fairmount Park, Phlia-
Robert Stubling and Willlam
acquitted In Warrenton, Va., of the charge
of assauiting Winnie Tate, colored.
Mrs. Jacob Simmons, manager of a hotel
on Swago Creek, was murdered near Mar
Hinton, W, Va., Ly Jerome Kellison.
Julia Morrison, the actress, was fndloted
by the Chattanooga graod jury for the mur-
der of Frank Leiden, the manager,
Six white tramps were given a bread-and-
water diet, and thirty days In the chain
gaug in Alexandria, Va.
Dyoamite was used to release the steamer
Neuse, which stranded at the mouth of the
Pamlico river.
Amos L. Allen, former private secretary to
Speaker Reed, was nominated as his succes-
sor in Congress,
In Detroit, Michigan, Mrs. Clara Rhelner
gave her three children morpbice, aud tried
to kill herself,
Bishop Potter severely arralgued the fn-
ereasiog tendencies to secure divorces, in
tis address before the Annual Convention
of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the
Diocese of New York.
Because of the scarcity of coke, the Fed.
tral Steel Company and the American Steel
and Wire Company will erect ovens and
make thelr coke, near Morgantown, W. Va
Three new cases of yellow faver were re-
ported In Jackson, Miss, asd two ai New
Orleans, There were two deaths and forty-
seven cases at Koy West,
Richard Stout and Frank Thompson were
arrested in Wilkesbarre, Pa., for making
sod passing counterfeit money.
The East Stroudst¥irg, Pa., glass factory
resumed work on the co-operation plan,
with non-union labor,
Three men were fatally scalded by the
bursting of the boiler in a sawmill, near
Ratherfordtown, N. C.
W. T. Noble killed Stephen J. Bargainer,
in Lowndes county, Ala.
The village of Kresgeville, Pa., was nearly
wiped out by fire,
The New York Central westbound passen-
ger trala eollided with an eastbound freight
irain at Wheelers Bridge, New Auburn, N.
¥. Four men were killed, and several in-
The capitalization of the stock of the
American Wisdow Glass Company, the
glass manufacturers’ combine, fs $17,000 000,
and the stoek has Leen oversubscribed.
Leopard B. Imboden was found guilty in
Kansas City, Mo., of forging a draft for
$15,000, and sentenced to ten years in the
Archibishop Chapelle, of Now Orleans,
has been appointed Apostolic Delegate for
the Philippines,
The twenty-elghth annual reunion of the
Army of the Comberiand was held at De.
Miss Helen Gould bas given #1 250 to the
Dewey Home fund.
At Wilkesbarre, Pa, Mrs. Elizabeth Dele.
mater, while angry, sccused ber husband of
baviog committed a murder of which he
bad been acquitted iwenty-Ove years ago,
snd he admitted ft,
Frank Vennerboim was arrested at James-
town, N. Y., charged with the murder of
Emily Adoipbeon, a young woman, whose
vody was found at Falconer, a neighboring
George W. Travers, of Seavers, Del.
though probably fatally shot from smbush,
declined to make any statement with refer.
snce to the circumstances,
Mra, Hortense Hitohings was arrested in
Norfolk, Va., for abducting her ows ehiid,
which the court had given into the custody
of the father,
Cinclonati street railway employs will
ask an advance In wages and the right to
The governors of six sttates, with their
military stalls, will join President Diag, of
Mexico, en route to Chieago, and act as his
Miss Julla Dent Grant was married to
Prince Cantacuzens, of Rassia, aceording
to the rites of the Greek Chureb, at New.
port, R, I.
Fireman Fravk Barrett died from Injuries
received at the burniag of the Hospital of
8t. Vincont de Paul fu Norfolk,
There was a large attendnnes nt the funeral
of Absolom Kesler, who was killed for his
money, near Maguoiia,
Five new bLulldiags of the National Farm
Sehool, controlled Ly Hebrews, at Doyics-
town, Pa., were dedicated,
The Ameriean Tiapiste Company's works
at Atiagta, Tod, were Lurned, Loss $150,
Mine Harada, a Japanese woman, applied
for naturalization papers in New York,
William H, Pooton, telier of the Dominion
Bank at Napanee, Ostario, was acquitted of
the charge of complicity In the robbery of
the bank, #
jured in a collision on the Denver and Rio
Grande Raliroad near Florence, Col,
* The Cuolenzo and Adon limited express
was wrecked at Elkhart, lad. and two pas.
wouygers seriously injured,
Bt, Paul Rallway.
Two men were killed and several Injured
ville, ©,
William Nace, of Craleys Pa., died from
lockjaw resulting from treading on s rusty
Hugh Thompson was severely wounded
by a manu named Magoire iu a doell win
swords, in the former's photograph gallery
at Eau Claire, Wie,
Jalin Morrison, an netresr, shot and killed
Fraok Leldon, an aetor, on the stage of the
Opera House, at Chattanooga, Tepn,
How the Great Admiral
While He Was the Central Feature Upon
Which the Eyes of the Countless Thou
sands Were Turned He Hemained Con
stantly on the Bridge of the Olympin
How He Impressed Those Whe Studied
Him «No Applavse or Cheers for Samp
son, Whose Kars Were Constantly
Greeted With Calls for Admiral Schley.
New York, (Special, )--'*Is he here? Well,
it's like Dewey |
This was about what
hero of Manila bad arrived in the lower
Just as he had stolen In on the Spaniards
At Manila, the bold Admiral steamed into
New York waters early fu the morniog, and
at 6 A, M. he enst anchor near Sandy Hook,
The first shout of welcome was Irom the
pilots and erew of Pilot Boat No. 7, 15 miles
south of the Hook lightship., It happened
to be Pilot John Peterson’s turn, and at 5.30
A. M. he was put aboard the Olympia asd
brought here around the Hook and into the
lower bay.
The marina observers along the coast had
sighted the Olympia in the first Hight of the
morning, Tue shore batteries of Fort Han.
cock, manned by gunoers called from break-
fast, lot Joose 17 gune, The Aagship replied
and Jet go her anchor not far (rom where the
cap challenger Shamrock is moored,
Tbe Admiral was in bis own eountry
agalu, after 23 months absences. The pliot
had taken him the Sunday New York papers,
and soon his cabin was [littered with the
Higstrated “Dewey editions,” which to-
gether made hundreds of pages in black and
white and In eolors, all concerning the great
Admiral and the preparations made to re-
ceive him,
“It almost saddens me,” he sald, ‘10 see
what my people are dolag for me, The
pride and gratification are Immense and 1
cannot express the appreciation I feel, I
did obt know, I did not really percelve the
splendid welcome that my countrymen are
giving me. The Governors of many States
are comiog to see me, and troops from
Florida, Georgia and other far awsy States
are on their way to take part in receiving
The Admiral stroked the head of a tawny-
bair dog, 8 Chow dog of a Chinese breed
that is one of bis favorite pets,
“Bob bere,” be sald, “is not well. He
yoarus to be ashore. He is sick to get a
ttle grass and to seamper around, | feel a
good deal that way myself, I am mighty
giad to got heme. It Is not good for a mau
any more thao a dog to live on shipboard
fur 23 months.”
The Admiral said he feit tired, but he did
not look so. His complexion is a clear
brooee, bis hazel eyes are bright, his bear.
ing Is Lrisk and rather jaunty. Home deep
lines are under his eyes and around his
mouth, but his voice Is singularly elear and
The hero's whole presescs is that of a
man ia his fullest powers. His manner ls
Aliuding to bis arrival two days ahead of
the time be was expected, the Admiral
“Iam sorry that I am abend of the
eohedule., The Olympia has Leen steaming
at the uniform rate of 10 knots an hour
sloce we left Gibraltar, Several days ago
we knew that we would arrive before
Thursday unless we moderated our speed or
went somewhere out of our course,
“Captains Lamberton, Lieutenant Bromby
and I held & consultation. The propriety of
ruaniog into Hamption Roads or some other
port in the Bouth was spoken of, but wa
concluded that we ought not to touch land
first anywhere exoept at Now York, It wae
suggested that we cruise some distance out
side New York harbor nati Thursday, but
we knew that if we did that we wouid Le
discovered and reported,
looked a little sqnally, asd It seemed to Le
better inside the Hook than outside,
“Bat the consideration that really decided
us 10 come inlo port was to give Captain
Lamberton a chance to elean up the ship
belore our voyaee up the harbor. Captain
Lamberton and I are proud of the Olympia,
and we wanted enough time at our anchor-
age to rab her down and make her look
spiek and span.”
The Olympia looks ns smart now as a
lore her craw were washing the ship's
Vessels of War and Pence Passed Until
! the Eye Was Tired.
New York, (Hpeecial )~Three leading
events marked the first day of the Dewey
| relabration,
| portant was the superb parade of warships
#. 1, up the Hudson river tothe Grant
| tom, Besides the warships, led by the
huge white erviser Olympia, with Dewey on
eralt, all gally decorated in honor of the
memorable oeeasion,
Iu nddition to the resident population of
New York, it Is estimated that 2,000,000 vist.
tors were In the cily 10 see the parade,
. Most of them wers able to do ao,
“Astonishing,” said Admiral Dewry, as
Polaviejn nnd Villaverde Conld Not
Agres Upon a Matter of Credit,
Madrid, (By Cable.) The Spanish Cali.
niet has resigned as the result of Irreconcil.
| nbie differences among the Ministers regurd.
| Ing proposals tor uations! defense,
| This dechion was taken at a Cabinet
eounell. The chief subject uuder consider.
ntlon was the scheme of the Minister of
War, Lisut.-Gen, Ca:atlo Polaviejs, for an
extraordinary credit to be used in increas.
ing and steengibeniog
he saw the wonderful «ight from the bridge
of the Olympia. His modesty did not de-
sert him and be said nothing of himself,
Next In Importance to the naval parade
was a dazzling {llumioation at pight of the
harbor, the clty and the shores of the Hud-
son, the East river and New York bay. The
Hiumination was arranged by an official
city committee, and was oarried out on a
scale which, it is sald, had never previously
been attempted in this country,
Toe third event that marked the day oe-
curred In the morning before the naval
parade, when Mayor Van Wyek, accom-
panied by the Governors of a number of
States, went down tothe O ympia on the
steamer Sandy Hook and extended an offi-
clal welcome to Admiral Dewry,
The eblel event of the second day of the
enlobration was the land parade,
Gen, Charles P, Hoe, who has
the parade, estimated that
in line,
23,000 men were
Vessels that Took Part and Their Po
sition in Line.
New York, (Special )—Seidom has viete-
rious King or prince, coming bome from
sucessful war, received such a magnificent
greeting as overwhelmed Admiral Dewey
at the head of a magnificent Meet of steel
vessels of peace,
parads salied over the bright waters of the
upper bay and up the broad pathway of the
Hons of flags aud streamers danciog in the
The sky was blue and the watsr rippled
and jansty. The wharves and piers snd
rocky beligbis and grassy knolls were cov
who strived
New York, armored cruiser, flagship Heal
Ad niral Bampson,
Indians, Lattivship, Orst-class,
Massachusetts, battie.ship, first-class,
Texas, battie-ship, second-class,
Brookiye, armored cruiser,
Lancaster, gunnery ship,
Marietta, gunboat,
Beorplon, suxilinry cruiser,
Torpedo-voats, Porter, Dupont, Ericsson,
Winslow, Cushiug,
Bevepue cutters, Manning,
Gresham, Windom, Ouondaga
Transports Sedgwick, McPherson,
Hospital ship Missouri,
Bteamer Moomoutd, with representatives
of the Naval Miiltin of New York, and
foliowed by the other vessels of the Naval
Official boats of the elty, General Slocum
and Giles Island, with general commiites of
citizens: steamers Mouut Hope, Warwick
asd Mattawan,
First division, escortiog column, compos
ed of pipety-five steam vaclils, under eom-
mand of Commodere J, Plerpost Morgan,
| with the flagship Corsalr. Sir Thomas
Liptou's Erin lead the starboard ecluma sed
Howard Gould's Niagara tbe port column.
Among the other yachts was the Josephive
asd Nourmahbsl, the American sud Sapphire,
Columbia and Maradas, the Sultans, White
Ladye, Wanda, Oueids Katrina, asd
{| Bappho.
Toe second division of the escorting co
| uma was composed of the merchant marioe,
The first section was preceded Ly the Hues
| Venture, the frst prize captured in the
| Bpanish war,
The first eight seclions of the merchant
| marine was composed of aboul seventy
| stenm boats, The iast four sections was
{ composed of from thirty to forty propellers,
The third division of the escorting eol-
{amu was wade up of neariy 100 barges, tugs,
iam of tootinug whisties,
General Grant,
on Riverside
the tomb
21 roariog gune,
The fleet then anchored and reviewed the
almost endless procession of eraft that
steamed past, all #0 burdened with human-
turtle’ before they got bagk to thelr piers,
genous fotlila to get by,
iroaght relief to the tired Admiral, who
had stood on the bridge six bourses, luwing
pressions of homage,
New York bas never witoessed before any
siration, The Columbian naval parade, the
ception of the North Atlantle squadron las:
ap enemy's fleet without the Joss of & man
or a ship. It Is not beyond the mark to say
hat 3,000,000 persons viewed the pageant
from ashore, and that 250 000 were afloar,
The parade was an hinmenses marine pie-
ture, a waler pageant, that appealed to the
rye as a palotiog rather than a drama,
The vast gathering of vessels malutalned
an average speed of eight koota an hour,
but 80 magoificent was its area that the lm.
pression was oue of exceedingly slow and
stately movement, The pioture was
tinually ehaugiog, but it meited so steadily
and in saeh messured rhythm from form to
| Wyeok's steaner, the Sandy Hook, was in
(the lead. Baek of her at a 400-yard inter.
val came the New York, then the powerful
Todiana and Mascachusetis, the Heei-footed
| Brooklyn, the sturdy old Texas, the rakish
yneht-like Dolphin, the oid Laseasier, a
age, the poweriul
| Onleago, and floally, the little Marietta, the
rear guard of the fighting eral, Denind
| stretched the transports, and fariber still,
| almost lost in miles of distance, the yachts
snd miscelianoous raft,
New York, (Special) The parade started
| from quarantine at 1 p, mw. The polies Lpat
| Patrol was in the lead, with the firebonts
New Yorker and Van Wyek., The Olympia,
flagship of Admiral Dewey, and the stesmer
| sandy Hook, having on board Mayor Van
| Wyek aod representatives of the city of Now
| York, foilowed side by side, After these,
{ the following order was maintained:
| Obleage, protected erulser, Bagship Rear
Admiral Howlson,
Maraball Field, of Chleago, is to build and
present un library 10 bis native town, Cone
way, Mase,
De. W. G. Starr, the new president of
Randolph. Macon Coliege, Is a native of Vie
ginin, and is 88 years old, He Is a graduate
of Randolph-Macon College, and has iong
been ranked as one of the most brilliant
Methodist ministers of the South, Wo
all, the bumorons writer io
Uigidi ago signed hin name ws Lieut,
Wininrop Hall,
rop U. 8 A. He retired from
the Army
duvots himseil to
ish War be was first
Empire Siate Official! Welcome,
Admiral Dewey and bis offioers and men
i on the Olympia were formally welcomed ic
the state of New York by Governor Roose.
{ voit and the chief officers of the National
| Gaard of the state, who went down the bay
{on General Francis V. Gresoe's yacht Wild
Duck. Besides the governor, thers were in
{ the party other men whose grasps of the
{ Admiral's bands were something more than
| forma’, General Francis V. Greene, whe
went with the governor, is 5 Maoils cam.
paigoer, and for the first time since the
| Admirai Joft the harbor of Manila he shook
| hands with some of the captains who com.
| manded vessels in his squadron on May 1
11898. These were Captain Wildes, of the
Boston: Captain Dyer, of the Baltimore
{Captain Wood, of tue Peirel: Captain
| Walker, of the Concord; and Captain Cogh-
lan, of the Raleigh, Others who sceom-
{ panied the governor were the members of
the staff of the Niate Militia, Brigadier
| General Avery DB. Audrews, Military Seere-
tary Treadwell and Captain J. W. Miller,
{ commanding the State Naval Muitia,
Guyernor Roosevelt was received with a
salute of thirteen guts, He was met at the
| gangway by Admiral Dewey, who conducled
| him to is cabin. When the governor left
| the Olympia be was takon to the New Hamp
| stilre, of the Naval Militia, where Lie beid a
{| Three Huondred and Fifty Gallant Men
Hereive Their Bronze Emblems
New York, (Special }—Three hundred and
filty men who fought under Dewey at
Maulis were presented on board the O.ym-
pia with the brouzs medals awarded them
Ly Congress, Defore general quarters was
sounded sil visitors were excluded from the
ship and launches or boats were not per.
mitted to come near the gangways uotil
aftergoon., Capitals Lamberto made the
presentations, pinning a medal on the breast
of each man as bis name was called, The
medals bear the Admiral’s face in relief,
Admiral Dewey's Chinese servants were also
Arrested on nn Serious Charge.
Hamlin, W, Va, (Special, )—Ira Perry, of
Wihson's Sw ite, was arrested near here,
charged with haviog committed a eriminmi
naeanit on his owa daughter, who is scarcely
8 years old, The warrant was sworn out
by Parry's oldest daughter, Feeling is very
strong against Pere, nnd he was taken tu
Huntington for 1 afekeoping.
She Lost Her Hend in Migh Wind Beeaase
She Was fo Tall,
New York, (Special, )—=Au necldent hap
pened to the flost “Victory,” whieh, whh
the flont “Peace,” wos anchored off the
+ Geant tomb,
The head, the wings and an arm of Vie
tory were blown off Ly the wind and dropped
into the river, The figure was on an
monse #oow, A framework bulit upon the
seow supported plaster figures of horole
sige. Ab the Low of the float was a figure of
Neptune driving four sen horses, Neptu
was 20 ‘high, and the sea horses rose
A warship from Porto Rieo brought rorty
returning political exiles to Sap Domings,
General Drault, chief of the general staff
of the French army died, aged sixty-thres,
German army plans were stolen sud sold
to France,
Max Hegils, an anti-Bemite leader, who
barricaded himself aod companions iu Al-
glers, alter the fashion of Jules Guerio, bas
Kone lo Bpalu to escape arsess,
Thousands of people hooted nnd jeered
the attempt to bold an anti-war demoustra-
tou io Trafalgar Square, Losdon,
The Portuguese nuthoriifes have no ufos.
mation concerning the reported lease of
Delagon Bay to Great Dritain,
Two hundred people perished f= wo earl) -
quake in the district of Aldio, io Asis Minor,
A large proportion of the German
sides with the Boers ia
Great Britalo. German Forsign Office off.
clals, however, say that Germany hus
political or moral right to juteriere,
The Dreyfusards, Dadicals and Soelalists
Will make an attempt to have CGwoeral de
Galiifet ousted from the French cabinet,
A special iraly on the Domipion Atlantis
inlirond was ditched near Halifax, and a
number of Boidiers were lojured,
The Portuguese miulster st London de-
nies that Grest Dritelu is to take Delsgon
thelr dispute with
President Steyn in an address to the
Yolksraad of the Orange Free Biste, nce
cused the British government of breach of
faith with the Transvaal, Filiy-two thou
sand burghers lo the two republics are ready
10 take the fleid when wanted,
Dreylus arrived at the howe of Paul Vals
brogue, bis brother-in-law, in Carpentras,
Deparument of Vaucluse, France, The
Frevch minister of war issued au order 10
the corps commanders, declaring tye Drey-
tus locident closed,
The Governor of Dabomey cabled to the
French government that the Franeo-German
commission was resisted by the natives on
the Togoland boundary,
General Harrison made several strong
points in support of Venezuela's claims in
bis argument before the Arbitration Cone
The Czar and Czarina of Russia arrived ut
Kiel, on the imperial yacht, and were en-
thusisstically received by the Germans,
The Bpanish Cabinet decided to make
every possible retrenchment, e=2 also that
the interest on the Cuban bounds should be
puid by that government,
Preparatioss for war are being mors ne-
Uvely pursued by the British sutborities,
and the burghers declare that zo further
concessions will be made,
Gjura Koezevie, accused of attempting to
assassinate King Milag, swore that he had
BO accomplices, but fired on Milian for per-
sonal revenge,
Hundreds of persons wers killed by an
earthquake in the valley of Menderez, iu
Asia Minor,
General Harrison continued his argument
before the Venezuela boundary tribunal in
Czar Nicholas and the Czaring left Copen-
bageu lor Kiel,
People About, Fmashed Dishes
and Mang as Chureh Mell,
Port Townsend, Wash,, (Special, )—Con-
eorning the recent earthquake niong the
coast of Alaska, Rev, Sheldon Jackson, edu
cational agent for Alnsks, writes as follows
from Yabutat, uoder date of Beplember 17
“The first shock was experienced on Sun
day, September 3, but being slight, caused
po alarm. Daring the following five bours
there were 53 distinet sbocks, euimisating
at 3 P.M. in a shook 80 severe that people
of Yakuiat wers buried violently across
their rooms, or, if outside, they were thrown
to the ground. Pictures fell from the walls,
dishes and crockery orasbed on the shelves
and bouses rocked and swayed and whirled,
Toe mission beil rang violently in the shak-
fog church tower,
“Panic stricken the inhabitants regained
thelr feet and attempted to flee 10 the bills
oniy to be again asd sgain thrown to the
earth. Gaining the bills and Jooking ses-
ward they were transfized with borror as
they saw approaching with the speed of a
race horse a great tidal wave, appareatiy a
wall of water that would engulf their village
and sweep away their homes, Befors the
shore was reached the earth opened ln the
bottom of the harbor, and foto this ehesm
the tidal wave spent ile foree. This saved
the viliage from destruction.”
George D. Gear, an attorney of Honoluly,
complained to the State Department that a
system of slavery is belog walotaived among
the coolies in Hawail,
An escaped Spacish prisoner told an
Americas naval officer that Lisutenabt Gil
more and his men were being badly treated.
Philippine insurgents deratied » t22in near
Augeles and opened fire. Two americans
were killed and six Insurgents,
General Otis notified the government (hat
chureh property was being respected Ly our
troops in the Philippines,
A plan Is under cousideration at the War
Department to crestq an army division of
the Dullippines,
General Bates reported, ss the result of »
trip among the Southern islands, that only
about four bundred rebels at Zamboanga
refuse to recognizes American authority,
General Leonard Wood reporied that very
little progress bad been made in Puerto
Principe since the war,
The strike in Havana has assumed serious
proportions, about 120) workmen now be.
{og die,
The Chinese government, through its
minister, lodged a protest with the State
Department against the exciusion of Chlavss
trom the Philippines,
The American gunboat Pampango chased
the British steamer Yoen sane, susretted of
filibustering from Manila to Hong Kong.
The cruiser Charleston, the monitor Mon.
terey and the gunboats Coscord and Zafiro
bombarded the town of Olangopo and Innded
marines snd sallors, who destroyed a Krupp
gon beiongiog to the Filipinos, One Ameri
ean was wounded jn the engagement,
Tne Duarnside left Daracon, Cuba, wih
the Third Batinlion, Filth lotantry,
Borteo has petroleum,
Towa ranks first in boge
There are 1,500 000 coal miners,
Amerion bas 6.217 anion taliors,
Buffalo has & woman contracior,
Pekin now bias an eloetric railroad,
Chivago Inthers have been locked out,
India become 8 producer of steel,
Woolwieh Arsensi has a 100-ton anvil
Tokio Iron Workers’ Union owas a ball,
News Gleaned from
Various Parts.
Two Men Were Shot After a Hot Dispois
About Religion and One Viethm Win
Die Discoveries of Copper Reporied in
Columbia County Barglars Hunsscked
Hesidence at Lancaster, ,
Avother murder is Hkely to be added 10
the jong jist of tragedies lately enscted in
the Lehigh Valiey, The victim fs John
Voseo, n Hungarian, and bis brother, Mike
Voseo, is also badly injured. The tragedy
was the outcome of u Hungarian wedding
esiebration iu Upper Catassvqua, when
George Kapebag und Aunis Olts were tmar-
ried. After the ceremony the usual festivie
tes began, Eeg after keg of Leer disap-
peared and the guests became holsterous,
I'he Vosro brothers reside at Ezypt, this
ecunty, and belong to the United Greek
Catbioile Chureb, while the great we jority of
the guests at the wedding are members of
the Orthodox Greek Catholic Church, The
Voseo brothers bad been warned to remain
AWAY on account of the bitter feeling be.
iween the members of the two factions of
the Greek Chureh. They sttended, how-
ever, and a discussion on religion was
started. The argument grew bot, and the
climax was reached when John Voseo, it Is
alleged, made ap Insuitisg remark about
the Orthodox faction. Al first the fight was
limited to a few wen, but soon all was con-
fusion, and kuives, beer Kinsses, furniture
and everything that was handy was used as
Weapons, In the excitement the lights were
extinguished. Boon sfier a pistol shot was
beard and Jobn Vosco fell to the floor with
a bullet bholein bis sbdomer. A minute
Inter Mike Tosco wns sbot in the nose.
After the shooting the Huns left the houss
and went to a dance ball, Chief of Polies
Sheckler, of Catasauqua, was notified.
Vasile Muckenich and John Si imshay, of
Catasauqua, were arrested on suspleion of
Laviog dose the shooting and they are in
the Calssauqua lock-up. On Shimshay a
revoiver with an empty chamber was found.
He sald that he had fired a shot in sell-de-
fonse, but does noi know he bit anyone,
The wounded men were Laken 10 the Alien-
town Hospital, The doctors say that John's
Chances for recovery are very slight, Miko
hay recover,
Mining for Copper.
The residents Bugarioal Township,
located In the extreme northern end of
Columbia county, bave the copper erase.
Within sight of the ilttle town of Central
they have discovered a ried find of copper
and reports bave it that miners are making
from #5to $8 a day In this new Eldorado.
On the farmof J.P. Fritz arieh fied of
the metal was made avd «large smelting
piant Is now in course of eroetion. This
bas spurred the owners of other farms in
the vicinity, and in many places on each
farm can Le seen men engaged io sinking
shafts or the inrge plies of earth showing
where a shaft has been sunk and abandoned.
There is nothing talked of Lut eopper in
that section, and i! the hopes of the resi-
dents are but partially realized, the upper
end will soon have changed its stavding and
beeome the richest section of the county,
Burgiare Use Chloroform.
Burglars entered the residence of Mie.
Niebolas Goodman, Lancaster, and the in-
Gications are tbat the family, Mrs. Good-
man and her four oblldresn, ivciudisg a
nearly grown son, wers chioroformed, A
peculiar feature of tbe burgiary Is the fact
hat a walech dog made no disturbance, ai.
though a very cross animal, The burglars
entered through the celiar, forcing the door
lead 'ng vp oto the kitchen, Thebhouse was
ransscked, but oniy #15 was stolen, being
taken from a bureau drawer in Mrs Good.
wan's bedroom,
Death in the Pipe.
Charies liddie was burased to death by
the explosion of a ean of powder, He was
& coal miner and was fliting « flask froma
large can, when a spark from his pipe
dropped into the powder. Rushing from
the house enveloped in fumes, be jumped
into a cistern filled with water, He was
rescued, but died shortly afterwards from
his burns,
Fast In Maud and Drowned.
Frederick l-ed, aged 26 years, was
drowned la the old canal pear Wheatland.
He was seived with an eplieptic fit and teil
into the water, which Is Jess than a foot
deep, He became fast in the mod and was
unable to exiricate himeell, He leaves a
a m—
Kitled by Leap from Train.
8. B. Warburton, 22 years old, of Sayre,
was almost lustantly killed at Wylosing Sta
tion by jumping from a morthbound fast
freight. The entire top of his head was
torn off. He was proprietor of a jewsiry
store st Sayre,
Baw Mill Barned,
The sawmill owned by W. I. Harvey at
Eddy Lick, eight miles above Beeck Creek
borough, was destroyed by fire, Some of
the lumber was also burned, but the most of
it escaped the flames. The origin of the
fire Is unknown, The plant was vained st
$2000, The loss is partially covered by in-
surasce. Mr, Harvey will rebulld at onee,
Thieves’ Ratd at Towanda,
Thieves made a raid at Towands., A
freight car on the switch was brokem open
nnd three kegs of whisky, a qoantity of
coffer, some crockery and cutlery was
stolen. A large quantity of wheat was also
stolen from the granary on the Wells farm,
at South Towands, .
Ethei—"He told me he made his
money In wheat.” Edith (triumphant.
Iy)-"1 felt sure 1 had seen his face
before. That's the fellow that leaves
0& our brand mornings in the city.”
Leslie's Weekly, a