The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, September 14, 1899, Image 7

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    Pe Your Feet Ache and Barn ®
Shake into vour shoes Allen's Foot-Ease,
a powder for the f2ot, It makes Tight or
New Shoes feel Easy, Cures Corns, Bune
fons, Swollen, Hot, Callous, Aching and
Bweating Feet, Bold by all ‘Druggists,
Grocers and Shoe Stores, 25¢, Sample sent
FRE 3. Address Allen 8, Olmsted, LeRoy,
. X.
Silverton, Col, miners are paid $3.00 for
eight hours,
Beauty Is Blood Deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
uty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im-
surities from the body. Begin to-day to
sanish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascarets,—beauty for ten cents. All drug.
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10¢, 20¢c, 50c.
Mode! yachts cost as much as $1.3, and
may be considered fairly expensive piay-
ifty Cents Will Stop Your S eratehing.
Whether it ia from tetter, aczema, ringworia,
salt rhoum, or any other skin trouble, use Tet
werine, and accept no substitute, claimed by the
dealer to be “just as good.” Nothing else Is just
na good. If your drugeist can't supply you, send
doe, in stamps to J. T. Shuptrine, Savannah,
Ua , for a box postpaid
Marion, Ind, shovelers struck for §lW0a
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications as they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. There is only one
way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu-
tional remedies. Deafness is caused by anin-
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets in.
flamed you havea Fwnbling sound or imper-
fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed
Deafness is the result, and unless the inflam.
mation can be taken out and this tube re-
stored to its normal condition, hearing will be
destroyed forever. Nine cises out of ten are
caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in-
flamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundre ! Doliars for any
case of Deafness (caused by catirrhithatean-
not ba cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send
for circulars, free.
. “F. J. Carxey & Co., Toledo, O.
fold by Druggista, Th,
Hall's Family Pills sre the best,
Syracu isto have
20 a municip-l
Don't Tovacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag:
netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To
Dac, the wonder-worker, that mekes weak men
strong. All druggists or §l.
teed Dooklet and free.
terling Rewedy Ca. Chicago or New York
Chicago city dire
= In cases of scrofula,
pepsia, nervousness, catarrh, rheumatism,
- ce”
It rheum, dys-
Blood with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Be sure to get Hood's, because
5 Sarsapa
Never Disappoints
Fresh Tips Always Ready.
to a great deal of hard wear, and when
the least battered entire stick is
anfit for eervice and must be lald away
and thrown out of use until it can be
retipped. While thie is a comparative]
vimple operation, it must be performed
by one more or less expert in this line
or they will not pass the fastidious eye
of the billiard player. A acheme by
which a tip may be quickly removed
and as quickly replaced by another hag
been devised by William G. Hertz, of
Huntsville, Ala, By his scheme a fer-
rule is fastened around the end of the
stick and a split
the leather tip In one end and to fit
over the ferrule completes the affair
A firm bearing is given to the tip and
at the same time it is easily removed
and replaced.
collar made to receive
Spiritualists Disport Without Spirits
Spiritualists had a joily picnic at
Braintree, Mass., with baseball, wheel-
barrow and potato races and other
wholesome outdoor sports, with not a
cabinet or a screen in sight. Now. if
the spirits had consented appear
under such auspices through the me-
diumship of the contestants in
tato race, for example, many skeptics
might be gathered into the fold ef
spiritualistiec belief, but there was ®o
manifestation the supernatural on
that cheerful dey. For some reasons
all spirits, whatever may have been
their character during the morsad life,
show an exclusive partiality for dark-
ness and slow music when summoned
back to earth.
the po-
Mrs. Barnard Thanks
frerren To uns rivxmam wo. 19.992]
* Dear Friexp—1 feel it my duty to
express my gratitude and thanks to
you for what your medicine has done
for me. 1 was very miserable and los-
ing flesh very fast, had bladder trouble,
fluttering pains about the heart and
would get so dizzy and suffered with
painful menstruaticn. I was roading
in a paper about Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, so I wrote to you
and after taking two bottles] felt liken
new person. Your Vegetable Compound
has entirely cured me and I eannot
praise it enovgh." Mas. J. 0, DAnxanp,
MiLrrowys, Wasmixerox Co., Me.
An Towa Woman's Convinelng Statement,
“1 tried three doctors, and the last
one said nothing but an operation
would help me. My trouble was pro-
fuse flowing; sometimes I would think
I would flow to death. I was so weak
that the least work would tire me.
Reading of so many being cured by
your medicine, I made up my mind to
write to you for advice, and I am so
glad that 1 did. I took Lydia B. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound and Liver
Pills and followed your directions, and
am now well and strong. 1 shall recom-
mend your medicine to all, for it saved
my life."-Miss A. P,, Box 21 Assorr,
lowa, ’
Bubject: Music in WaorahipDistinction
Between Music ns an Art and Music as
the Kingdom of Heaven,
(Copyright, Louis Klopsch, 1888.
Wasnixarox, D. C.—-Dr. Talmage, in this
germon, discusses a most attractive depart-
song, His {dea will ba received with in-
terest by all who love to jift their voices in
praise in the Lord's house, Tho text is
dred forty and five singing men and sing-
ing women."
The best music hes been rendered under
trouble. The first duet that I koow any.
%hing of was given by Paul and Silas when
they sang praises to God and the prisoners
heard them. The SRecoteh Covenanters,
hounded by the dogs of persecution, sang
the psalms of David with more spirit than
they have ever since been renderad,
eaptives in the text had musle loft in them,
and I declare that if they could flad amid
all their trials two hundred and forty and
tive sinzing men and singing women then
in this day of gospel sunlight and free from
all persecution thers ought to be a great
multitude of men ana women willing to
sing the praises of God. All our ehurches
need arousal on this subject. Those who
ean sin: must throw their souls into the
exercise, add those who cannot siog must
learn how, and it shall be heart to heart,
voles to volee, hymn to hymn, anthem
with thanksgiving and tremulous
Have you ever noticed the econatruction
of the human throat as iadicative of what
God means na to do with {t? In only an
ordinary throat and lung« thera are four.
| teen direct museles and thirty indirect
{ muscies that can produee a very
| variety of sounds, What does that mean?
t means that vou should sing!
suppose that God, who gives us
musical insteament as that, iotends us to
Suppose some great tyrant
{ musieal
keep it shat?
{ should get possession of the
| stramaunts of the w
the organ of West
| organ of Lucerne, at
{ jem. and the organ at i g. and all the
other great musieal nstrar ts
world. inn as that
a moaster, MI Are ro wicked if,
i be haman vol +R 1 al fastra-
ment of more wonderful tion than
I nll the musical instraments NAN BVer
ereated, you shut !
{ God.
and the
a organ
joss rafnse ta gi ne
‘ho never knew our Gol,
r joys abroad,
Mnsie seams to have been horn
soul of patural world, The
tent voles with whieh God commanded
world into being
its majesty and sweetness, und vou bear it
in the grainfield, in the swoop of the wind
amid the mounta'n in
eannry’s warble and the thunder shoek, in
i the pasan,
nature, and
cannot hear
in tue
the omnipo.
seams to linger yet with
the brook's tinkie GCean’s
There are scit eadences in
sud notes, some of which we
t all, and that are
ata thom
ile bave thelr musie, and
ay and the globule of walter
srininiy resonant with the voile
| God as the highes: heavens in
armies of the redeemed ecolebrale
vietories. When the breath of the Rows
| strikes t 12 of the firefly
cloaves it, there is sonnd and thors is mel.
ody. And, as to those utterauses of nature
which seem bars and overwhelming, It is
rs when von stand inthe midst of a great
orchestra and the sound almost reads your
ear becauss you are toa near t
blending of the music. So, my
stand too near the siting storm and
the frightful whirlwind to cateh the blend.
ing of the music; bul when that music
rises to wheres God i=, asd the invisib
above thea 1 »
1% sweel as iL is
judgment day :
tere yr, there will
hoses who
wil be
go terrifle that
¢ the spleunla of
i ATG G8 ©
he alr and the wing
» eatelh the
dean} i
oan sprief
As When
8 great exe
strument upon
music. 50 when the
judgment day is playel
earthquake and storm
the world ftsell will break
music that is piayed on it
are al’ deaf, or wa should
the whole universe is but
i the stars of the night only the
{ of a greal instrament on whieh G
. fers play the maaie of the spheres,
i Music seems dependent on the
acoustics and mathematics, and yet where
these laws ars understood at all the art is
| practiced,
journals in China. Two thousand years be-
The {act is, we
understand that
ons harmony--
ivory Keys
Pythagoras learned it,
wrote essays on it. Flato and Aristotis in.
trodaced it into their schools,
not mush interest in that,
ext is fa the music of the Bible,
merable strings, swept by the fingers of ju.
gpication, tromules with it. So far baek as
! the fourth chapter of Genesls you find the
first organist and harper—Jubal,
i you find the first choir. All up and down
{ dings, at inaugurations, at the treading of
the wine pross,
{ how to make musical sigas above the mus.
| feal text, When the Jews came from their
distant homes to the great festivals at
Jerusalem, they brought harp and timbrel
and trumpet aad poured aloog the great
Judaean highways a river of harmony un-
til in and around the temple the wealth of
a nation’s song and giadness had accamu-
fated, In our day we have a division of
labor in music, and we have one man to
make the hymn, snother man to make the
tune, another man to play it ou the piano
and another man to sing it, Not so in
Bible times, Mirisn, the sister of Moses,
nfter the passage of the Red Sea, composed
8 doxology, set it to masie, clapped it on a
eymbal and at the same time sang it,
{ David, the paalmist, was at the same time
i poet, musical composer, harpist and singer,
‘and the majority of his rhythm goes vi-
Mratiog through all the ages,
| There were in Bible times stringed In.
struments—a harp of three strings played
| by fret and bow; a harp of tea strings,
responding only to the fugers of the per.
former. Then thers wasthe crooked tram.
pot, fashionad out of the horn of the ox or
i the ram. Then there were the sistrum and
{the eymbale, clapped In the dance or
beaten in the mur:h., There were 4000
Levites, the best men of the country,
whose only business it was to look alter
the music of the temple, These 4000 Levites
wera divided Into two classes and offiel-
ated on different days, Can you imagine
the harmony when these white robed Le
vites, belors the symbols of God's pres.
ence, snd by the smoking ditars, and the
sandiesticks that sprang upward and
branched out like trees of goid, and under
the wings of the cherublin, chanted the
One Hundred acd Thirty-sizth Psalm
of David? Do you know how fit
was done, One part of that great
choir stood up sod oshanted, “Oh,
she thanks unto the Lord, for Helis good!”
fen the other part of the choir, standin
in some other part of the temple, woul
come In with the response, "For His mercy
endursth forever.” ‘Thea the first part
would take up the song sgain and say,
“Unto Him who only dosth grest won
dors.” The other part of the choir would
come in with o ining response, “For
His merey endureth forever,” until in the
Intter part of the the music floating
with harmony, every trumpet rounding,
every bosom heaving, one part of this
great white rohed cholr would lift the
anthem. “Oh, give thanks vato the God of
heaven.” and the other part of the Levite
ehoir would come in with the response,
“Por His merey endureth forever,”
But I am glad to know that all through
the ages there has been great attention
paid to sacred musie, Ambrosius, Augns.
it their mighty influence, and in our day
the best musienl genius is throwing iteelt
Handel and Mozart
and Durante and Wolf and
and Bach
best part of their genius to ehnreb
A truth in words is not halt so
Luther's ger.
the “Jude.
ment Hymn" he composad is resounding
yet through all Chelatendom.
"1 eangratulnte the world and the ehiurash
on the advancemert made In this art—the
Edinburgh sceleties for the Improvement
of musie, the Swiss singing the
Exeter hall concerts, the triennial musieal
convoertion at Dussaldor!, Germany, and
Birmingham, England, the conservatories
music at Munich and Leipsie, the
Handel and Yaydn and Harmonie and
Mozart societies of this country, the
nendemies of music in New York, grooklyn,
Boston, Charleston, New Orleans, Chileago
and every city which has any enterprise,
Now, my friends, how are we to
what is appropriate, especially for ehureh
In some of the ehurehies
old style precentor. In some pinces they
prefer the malodonn, the harp, the cornet,
In other places they think
things are the Invention of the devil, §
wonld have sn musical instrament
sannot stand it, and
would have it played so solt yon
Some think a musical instrument
the Interst!
and then with indeseriby
softness, while others are not satisfied un.
contrasts and sino.
eato passages that make the audience jnap,
with great eyes and bale on end, as Ire
Eador. Bat, wi
there may be great varietios of opinion ia
regard to music, It seams to me that the
general spirit of the Word of God indicates
what ought to be the great characteristios
of ebhuroh musie,
Aud I remark, in the
prominent charaecteristio
of ite
first pince, a
ought to be
Music that may
wr a concert bh or the
¢ drawing room, may be
ba appropriate f
opera house, ort
h, Glees, madrigals,
nds may be as innocent as psalms
Dut ehureh muasic has
Land that is 3
LB |
an Op
ne design hint
yas with the
, of :
} the w
i execnt
prano? Whi
sushi as
been righitiy
the tlor
wroaght ug
ne Away saving: “On, 1
if char
ake part i
few excepli
poeta ealilivale
(iod loves bBarmo
There I» no
In this
Hies of §
#t who lot their
syne of thie Eg.
sholr assemble
on of every day
whole need vos
art, and »!
Year to
liearsal of savrrad so
her did
10 not sleep at
esp when
2 ohureh music m
$ i
This opportunily
in the ranges of th
at t
sag ti ne Ww
is 1
nin Chovtaw
sinister does all the preasebing, an! th
praying, and the oa«
There are but very
there are hund:s
sliders all the ir a
elie where “two
id forty and five singing men and singin
in some churches it is almost sonal
man let out his voi
sas, and the people get up on tip.
the spring hata
and wonder what that man i= making all
In Syracuse ina Prashy
one member who
me when I was the pastor of ane
other church in that city, and told we Lis
troabe—~how that as he persisted in eing-
ing on the Sabbath day a ceommiltee, made
up of the session and the eholr, had eome
full coms
keep still! You have no right to
days for singing.
I want to rouse you to a unaaimity in
Christian song that has never yt been ex.
hibited. Come, now; clear your throals
and get ready for this duty or you will
never hear the ond of this, I never shall
forget hearing a Frenchman sing the
“Mursellinise’ on the Champs kiveees,
Paris, just before the battie of Sedan in
I¥70. 1 never saw such enthusiasm belore
or siges, Ax ho sang that national alr, oly,
how the Frenchman shouted! (ave you
ever in an English assemblage heard a band
piay “God Save the Queen?” If you have
you know something about the enthusiasm
of a uational air. Now, I tell you that
these songs we sing Sabbath by Sabbath are
Se rational airs of the Kingdom of heaven,
and if you do pot learn to sing them here,
how do you ever ex pect to slog the song of
Mossa and the Lamb? 1 should not be
surprised at all if some of the best anthems
of heaven ware made up of some of the
best songs of earth, May God inereass
our reverence for Christisn psalmody and
keep us from disgracing it by our indiffer.
ence and frivolity.
When Cromwell's arm y went {nto battle,
hea stood at the head of it one day and gave
out the long meter doxology to the tune of
the “Old Handredth,” and that groat host,
company by company, regiment by regi.
ment, division by division, joined in the
Pralse Gol, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him all ereatures here balow;
Praise Him above, yo heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
And while they sang they marched, and
while 3hey marched they fought, and while
they fought they got the victory. Ob, men
and women of Jesus Christ, lot us go into
all our conflicts sluging the ison of God
and then, instead of falll ok, as often
we do, from defeat to defeat, we will be
marching on fromm vietory to vietory.
“Gloria in Exeeleis” is written over many
organs, Would that by onr appreciation
of the goods « of God, and the meray of
Christ, and the grandeur of heaven, we
could have “Gloria in Excelsis” writ
over ail our souls, *‘tHory to the
and to the Hon, and to the Holy
Ee A:
Let us wake 10 this
{Vithout end.
Why It Wilt Not Be Published Until)
the Yeur 2000,
Mark Twain was just about to take
@ cab in front of his hotel in the De
Yere gardens, Kensington, when |
snatched a short interview with him,
says a correspondent of the Wasl
ton Post. “Yes,” he sald, 1 have some
iterary dealgns, but not on the publ
If you are good at shorthand an
let me do all the talking I will tell you
what these designs are
expense of time, They greatly Inlere
me, so! interest
of the population of the earth, and 1
cannol make any promises under that
head. Firzt of all 1 must
I shall not be writing anything for pub-
lication for vears and years to come,
according te my forecast, and 1 expect
to be busy all that time on two book
which are now well under way. One of
these I am writing for myself, the olh-
er for posterity, The one will neve:
the other not be-
Don't interrupt, it
time, The
other a portrait gallery,
counts and contracts with the most in-
teresting among i whom 1
have spoken with, here and there and
in life,
very lowest,
ia that they shall be go charged
the human element that no lapse of
time can make it pale or cheap or in
different to men
#nd princes in it: 1 hav
them on paper
without much
but they the rest
tell you
be published at all,
fore the vear 2,000,
waste one i a
$0 Py 0
siory, ac
the peo;
about the world sinees my child
I mean of every rank and wi:
from the
very highest to the
Thelr one requ
te is
There are monarchs
e already put
There are t
and cabdriver:
poets, novelists,
morists, thieves, desperadoes, forgers
printers, pastors,
women, historians,
able unfashionable
Viennese all
the nati
ave hundreds of names
it when they are
if there
more than
to Celilr s
jifte of
f the intimate bygone
My ultimate plans? | am to
stay in London a couple of months
About September [ shall be back
New York.”
we do ©
§ v4
Where Ignorance Is Miles,
The ingenuily
he pmpres
of woman
h thinking
the Boston Tranec:
‘You will have to
with your iz :
jonger. I'm sorry I can't give you
gmmendation.” Mary ‘It's all
mein: my leaving alive will bx
. 8 " ' Bid
mmend I need
ut un
pul up pert
directly on the liver. For 60 years
fhe Standard Family Pill. Small
doses cure. 25c¢c. All druggists.
Want your motstache of beard a beaulifel
nor rie
ae Daongg
“A tape worm eighteen feet long a8
least came on the scene after my taking two
CASCARETS. This l am sure bas caused my
three years, lamas
taking Cascarets, the only eathartio worthy of
wotice by sensible people
Gro. W. BowLes, Balrd, Mass.
or Gripe. We. Be. Wo.
hlengs, ¥ontronl, Boe York, 92
many ef th
Yeatures of the Mecoeption to (he Manila
Heroin Washington,
week In (
is arrival at the
real oming
ides unde
Tha the grand
Dewey In
tober is
to be
is ational ar
Capital will mark his
the American people, whers the officials
the government will participate, &na
the magnificently jeweled sword voisd by
To that end
be of a simple but
The welcome 10
e National
e ome
sling ier
ter H
gress will be presented
all thenrrangements will
most gignifisd character
the bere of Mania at 11 Cape
Sword Tated be Cangrees fa Newer,
ital will probably occur on Monday, Osteo.
ber 2 although the date will depend upon
the length of the celebration In New York,
which is still unsettied The principal
features of the reception In Washington,
as planned by the citizens, with thes oo
operation of Pressdent and Cabinet,
will be two in number—ihe presentation
of the sword voted by Congress and a
night parade. A public receplon at the
White Houses will be followed by dinner
to the Admiral by President McKinley.
The sword will be presented by Scoretary
Long at the east front of the Capitol, In
the presence of Mr. McKinley and all the
members of the Cabinet, late in the aft.
ernoon, while the parade, consisting of or-
ganizations of all kinda, will be accompa~-
nied by an illumination of the city on a
scale of beauty never befors witnessad in
The different featurss of ths prepara
tions are In the hands of a central body
of citizens and eleven committees om.
bracing in all over a thousand people.
Preparations for the eelebration have
been in hand for over a monin
The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and
other railroads entering Washington have
agreed upon choap rates for the celebra.
tion, and the committee expects (hat there
will be an outpouring of patriotic citizens
a'most equal to the insuguration of a
$34& $3.50 SHOES nian
The unmarked
providences of God
are the remarkable
No-To-Bae for Fifty Cents
Gusranieed tobacco habit cure, makes weak
ten ood pure. Bc, Bl. All druggists
skes HEED Iaise teeil 250-
1 ean recommend Pino's Cure for Conrumps
tion to sufferers from Asthms.—E. D. Tows.
SEND, Fu Howard, Wis, Mar 4 16
America conisins two
women velerinary
Fits permanently cured. Nofits or pervons.
day's une of Dir. Kline's Great
rer. $2 trial bottle and treatise free
Kuiise Lod, 951 Arch St, Phila. Pa.
tess after frst
Nerve Hests
Dn. RH
The United
Sistes have 4000.00 working
To Cure Lonstipantion Forever
Take Carcarets Casey Csthsrtie Ie or 35a.
¥ CC C fall to cure drogyists refund money.
le Sam produces half the world's pe-
Aor, Winslow's Ron ng Byrup for children
thing. softens the guns, reducing inflamma
p.oeliads pain, cures wind colle, Se, a bolle
it lowes
i its eno
form fant
Ddveate Your Bowels With Cascarets.
Candy Casihartie, cure consiipation forever,
ioc, Ze. If CC. C. fall, druggists refund money.
e first
An Excellent Combination.
he pleasant method and beneficial
effects the well known remedy,
Synur or Fies, manufactured by the
Cavironxia Fie Syrup Co. illustrate
the value of obtaining the liquid laxa-
plants known to be
laxative and presenting
them in the form most refreshing to the
taste and acceptable to the system. It
is the one perfect strengthening laxa~
tive, cleansing the system effectually,
gently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation pers
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable guality and sub.
stance, and its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, make it the ideal
lazative. ;
In the process of manufacturing figs
are used, as they are pleasant to the
taste, but the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to the Cariromrxia Fie Symrvr
Co, only. In order %o get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
remember the full name of the Company
printed on the front of every package.
For sale by all Druggists — Price 8c. per bottle
. 3 ER gs ———
Offers Opulent
sew Jan's and
To Hews who desire nd
industrial invest by capitalists
In Farm Produ ve
wf 204s bale
Nate 1 men low rate
Mand sion ass
The Atchison, Topeka & Basta Pe Railway,