NOTES AND COMMENTS. | Among our first improvements in | Porto Rico we shall have to include eyele @ cel ors, Europe does not think much of this ! country's political machinery, but | takes very kindly to ifs ag! icultural | machinery. water applied to the soil seems to the salts to the surface when it rises, and in some instunces the lower portions of streams have been tren- dered alkaline by the return of these salts from the irrigated fields. Ex- the least quantity of water that can be used under these conditions, and for given crops in given localities, such demonstra hat when uni. when Russia has decided t versity students get talking against the government they will be drafted into the army for five years, toO gay The New York Tribune paragrapher hastens to the rest ol his tribe in trust has come to stay. anticipate remark that the cot set fae " 1 I'he cotton crop of the south, reach C00, O00, as it 242 2300), - the ginneries, 18 Wq rth finaly reaches the t 81, H130,000, 1 and 4s it consumer is worth almos O00, 8 $10 yndary Her fruit with (told is fast becoming a consideration to California. togetuer ily taking and vegetal ee) her fis api : metal pri h industry, 18 prec dence of her ucts, When we remember that in OC Dritain pagan rites, beliefs are still extant, we 3 doubt Asin and Alriea be ‘Christianized’ 1n sense of the word ceremoli ss, many whethe! witiiin ceivable tn the only man Paris ia where a for crite, can Jock house, make mouths at the law and haraugne balcony. It 18 “Gay enough, A Ne¢ Ww York on the fact that considered ‘the ant t Hanis new Spape r On Dewey Admiral was dude” of army and Washington several We have that his NAVY Years § © the daud The annual flan its us nency, has been aword HOH ' dé nunue through t of the annual ecaping trausf i S0COr: pidity ol ian Andre w ood progres tributing Lis wea his declaration « mainder of hi gO d he Can wi away on ne 8 6} IH ing a iH the pop s (52, BND, THOS, popuialion intervening ti expense ol us great sejdom Matanzas, peacefni v in lots or In isl { odder and t 3 wy $ thelr own =ia- eq surrounded home comiorts of in Arkan- jef that w a straw bed it is the comn dot KA on bel lien FAYE st thie a PT 1aVe 3¢ tne APPOILS up and blow away. to vO An Towa farmer is now frying he difference touching safety, as between his bed and the bank, He ft 8200 in gold isetween the mattresses one morning, and on bis return found it gone. He is rather inclined to give preference to the bank, Had it disappeared from there would be a possi bility of finding ont who took it, golive the question as tot 3 le there Japan has made what seems to be a serious mistake. A censor of re- sigions has been aj pointed, who ia to be in absolute coutrol of all matters pertaining to religious worship. As there are large numbers of American and Europesn residents in Japanese cities, this new regulation will likely nations, unless the censor be a man of exceptional toleration and good judgment, ers in the weat were compe ied to burn corn for fuel. Hailroad freight rates were so high that there was no profi in sending the crop to market and corn was used as a substitute for wood and coa!, This season the farmers of the history of that state, and, ip spite of the low price of corn, as compared with twenty years ago, every bushel of the crop will be marketed that the growers see fit to spare. Reduced freight rates have made this possible and as has been experienced before, the railroad companies as well as the farmers will profit as the result, Over-irrigation, says the United States Department of Agriculture, re- sults in excessive alkali in certain soils in California and Uta. The from a given source with economy in the use of water. greater The fact that several English girls of good family have become enamored of the Matabele at the show in Lon don, and that one has mary jed a black prince, well for the common or the good taste of these young women, The Matabele are among the most brutal of Afriean » situation of a white : does not speak Bese i savages, and th an among them wonld be som than that of the white of a Chinese or other Oriental, wl thing wor i“ ish wool have made, hut experience eh the ghastly mistake they 18 costly, and in such cases the mistake i8 Irre- parable. Australia populating in advance ment. I'he Gove lund has fon, r 3 type of a f 11 t country is deve lop rnment of SOUraging unmiira nee i been eo: and pow there ave in he colony Alu enormons n inher of nnemy r, Queer sland 12 a mag loved the energies of (0 pra £.0e, WIL 5 elop th intry, it 18 a desert Other pax oH off, Yin Figg! 3 + but Littie belted ; vere in a 1 ts their governments i nee the worker “hump the | nev,’ x Americanized, means banner” in Australia, nis was out-of-d spread in RIOL aband« Cias now golf counts can be nothing clothing its links, thusiasts fo introduce assur else, York kefelier, of the other ¢ look like thirty receive SIO, DIN mo th, Year, bpd $4] time of has Othe highest s the i united States, f the New York ceived the Central, 8d only 875.1 MeDonal i sd is now the d nn of the ealth of the Standard could Ons highest paid, only a trust 3 ' COIORBR © 80 reward any empio A Siory About Prince Arthur tory told in Maluly A bout regarding the Duke of Copnpaught's son, AT thur, who was overjoyed at the fact that he had out of the Saxe-Co- succession. He was sent A good is i Coli young Prince rivt got over to fellows Eton he confided to his that what finally de- cided him to “chock it” was his being asked to play tennis with three other German princes, and finding they had balls fielded for them by a squad of turning school time they banded the ball, This was too much for the healthy, independ. ent Kiuglish schoolboy, he explained, so he promptly decided to remain Eng lish, Hae of Drinking Fountains. i One of Boston's municipal officials, i who is especially interested in the es | tublishment of free ice-water fountains { in that city, hired a man to watch one of the drinking places the other day Lerom 6 a. om. to 10 p, m. for the pur | pose of ascertaining whether or not it was well patronized Between the | hours named exactly $0335 persons drank at the city's expense, The foun tain has four faucets, . Yain Regrets. Mra, Gadabout—"Our new servant ls a jewel, Bhe cooks beautifully, Is very economical, never goes out and never talks back.” flor Husband—"1 wish I had met her before 1 wus married. New York Jour. CULTURAL TOPICS. Fattening Young Fowl--Dust Baths Take Off the Harness (icese - The Guinea for Hens, eic., eld Take Off the Harness. The habit of permitting the finrness the w during as lazy ax it is cruel. | remnin on ork horse fo the noon hour is The harness should be stripped off as the horse ls lien he turned looose ike it. After that he should in, and to roll ROOD Ax brought snld he shi i 3 if he feels | be rubbed, pains being taken to get his where the tly clean be re shoulders and every place harness w or rubs perfes At peated, grooming should This the is a bath to fiat igi horse is A8 Ie to i a tired man. froshiug as Fat‘ening Young Ucese, To fatten youlg place tiem in a ot tot geese, 10000, for Hens. er they peed £3 ¥ 3 heise] ve unless Conl and id be Iw shot may below Hens ar and one of the earth weather heat reasons why prefer to take dust baths in dig moist, cool becntse down will Ther shou find efore Id inches of dry =oil on top. fn summer Per hwlow noise Animal Odors ia Milk. To find out how goofy joto milk, 1 teok fruit jars, washed them perfectly clean, ad juste the rubber rings, screwed the covers down and took them to 8 stable at milking time. The air in the stable seemed {fo be moderately pure, proba bly not better than the average in such buildings. As soon a8 A COW Was milked, the cans were filled two-thirds full of the warm milk and the cover of one screwed on tightly and the can at once submerged in very cold running water until thoroughly chilled, then placed upon a shelf until morning. The other can was allowed to remain open on a shelf back of the cows until after supper, when it was closed up for the night. animal odor {swe one pint en up, opened and tested for odor, No open need have been wade, in fact a man was called who detected the stable odor in this one, without previously knowing of lig presence. The sample which was chilled also had an odor, but not an objectionable one, Each sample was then poured into a glnas flask and slowly heated. As Whey warmed up, the opened one gave off a noticeably disagrevable ador which en- tirely disappeared a little later. The other, or the chilled can, showed nothing offensive during the heating. In fact, it gave off a rather clean, pleasing odor such as emanates from pure milk while heating. The indications from this siogle west are that the odor lmparted by the cow to the milk while yet in toe udder was not in this Instance, at least, of such a nature or of sufficient quantity to de. mand aeration. The exposure of the milk in the stable atmosphere for an short period only. eansed an amount of odor to be absorbed which made it highly desirable to remove i by some sich means aerating heating. The fact that the odor passed away on heating the milk indicates that pas teurizing of the efficient not fet Hs or ix one fost to mention its power of de froying mentation, Aol alr ation. which depends solely upon 4 ig either forced into the milk milk field | re wii with contact Lins ful fgerating whieh in a finely divided state usefulness or comes ite in of in and Such i8 SUHCCEeSK much valued by cheese make and others, if the milk perature § in contact air brought in aeration, Is of a and thio and free from method cannot fail to be of co but as these requisites supply airine guring certain with most ' gHnmel mont still hold the inlly d. we Crop Retal i 1 rotation ion. of vee woil onl con prod A.B nee doomsdn farrett greg d fie Poultry Notes. Keep the moniting hens out of rain and do not let them roost in irees Nice plump-bodied chickens find a ready Trs that Kind. Gather a few of road for the hen's bath this winter Repair all leaks and cracks in poultry house now, and arrange seratehing shed for winter, Don't expect your hens to lay when vou neglect them, and then complain thint there is no profit in poultry Don’t let your fowls roost in a damp house, and then wonder why they wheeze and have swollen heads, One hundred hens will consume one hundred pounds of grit during the | year, and still some people foolishishly geglect to supply it Don’t neglect to give fresh, water to the fowls twice daily. Many af the so-called diseases have their | origin in a failure to get pure water, 3 market, barrels dunsi thi tho ool N———— (Hass-Making by Electricity. Electricity has been applied to the manufacture of glass, Formerly dif. {culties were expegienced in melting | ingredients owing to particles of coal and cinders entering the crucibles, to | the injory of the product. These are now eliminated by employing an elec: tric are within a carbon crucible to fuse the ingredients, Great economy results, as but 40 per cent. of the coal formerly used is required. A pot of glass can be melted in fifteen minutos that by the old process would require thirty hours. In the first six months of this year {he aggregate value of all tie fish lapded in England was over $15,000 00%, FOLLOWING PRECEDENTS flow the indians of Equador Business. i Indian | them There are probably GO0.000 in Ecuador, Not of 1 estate and most | state of peons one of them are more or less in slavery under the planters upon i or hacen whose estates their fami They with skit thu are of copper color resembling that of American Indies, long, straigid shiny ha and beard or all, They Tie Pueblo In AZ1e0N sean resemble the old chnaracteristi Mexico i wre reticent look picion, The The Consumption of Quinine. TO5 (N ML IKK Gnsime on word fx in pills and in bulk, and ture of hair tonics, The ofl Bureau of there he Treasury Hires in fics show that were it {ast year, into the United States 06,700 grains of quinine thizx means that the consumption of quinine was shout twenty grains Peruvian bark, and are the products of the cinchona which native Americas, more particulary and equador. Now, calisayn of waesiern of however, is a that region. At present wo thirds of the quinine consumed ix pro For many years the Dutch government was urged to undertake the cultivation of this plant from Peru. Finally this was accomplished and a large number of specimens of the different varieties were obtained by botanists, who {ook to Java in 1852. The English government also started cinchona plan tations in India, which now produce targe quantities of quinine, ~Rejentific American. Novel Steam Engine. Much interest has lately been maken in a simple form of steam engine, de steam consumptiongappears to have a wider range of application. The en gine, which has been independently developed by Prof. Elihu Thomson in American, and M. Serpoliet in France, somewhat resembles a gas engine in design and operation, except that every outward movement of the piston is a working stroke. has an open end, is fitted with a trunk piston, and the admission of steam is affected by exhaust is made through a ring of holes in the cylinder near the end of the stroke. The steam is admitted in the form of a puff by the poppet valve, drives the piston forward mstil it un. ¥ The momentum of the engine bck to the rear end of the cylinder, r the air Lw Bind It, when a new puff of a new impetus | and ethciency i simplified ¢1 far than When Feet Made History. Blisinare Ccaangs f 1 Automatic Air Compression. $54 4 | sv 8 i 13 (3 ents if such amstock el 1+ would be a pressure of h conld be increased in second and third A000 pounds and made to yield liquitied alr. With liquid mir, hie adds Comstock could again be brought to the front producer in the world Chronicle. a plant were where 1.65600 mines down in pipes the fect, fifty nine ponds at the bottom, whi compressers 1o - the ax the greatest Kan Fraoeiwo How the Fremch President Lives. The rule of life at the Elysee is as simple as circumstances will permit, for, except when obliged to give offi cial entertainments, M. and Mune, foubet take their luncheon at IZ and their dinner at 7 in a small dining. room, the furniture of which is as plain as the menu on the table, though now and then they have an intimate friend to join them at the formal meal, M. | Loubet, however, simple as Ate his | tastes and fragal as is his fare, is fully {alive to the importance of maintain. | ing the dignity of hix office, and It may | be taken for granted that he will, when and Montelimar, between which places earn summer holiday, put himself {nto training for the severe wocial duties whitch the president of the ree public will have to discharge durmg the exhibition year. In a pocket of a ragged old overcoat In the room where Mathins Bloscng died were found bends, cash and jewel. ry worth S18.000. Blessing wan seven. ty-nine years of age, unmarried lived in Chicago, :