The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, May 25, 1899, Image 3

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Subject: “Turned to Durkness’ —A Graphic
Word-Pleture of a Godless World=
Peplorable Condition Into Which Ine
. fidelity Would ¥lunge the World.
{ Copy-righ!, Louis Klopsch, 1899.)
Text: “The sun shall be turned {nto dark-
ness." Acts ii, 20.
Christianity is the rising sun of our time,
and men have tried with the uprolling va-
ors of skepticism and the smoke of thelr
lasphemy to turn the sun into darkness,
Suppose the archangels of malice and hor-
ror should be let loose a iittie while and be
allowed to extinguish and destroy the sun
in the natural heavens! They would take
the oceans from other worlds and pour
them on the luminary of the planetary sys.
tem, and the waters go hissing down amid
the ravines and the e¢sverns, and there ir
explosion after explosion until there are
only a few peaks of fire loft in the sun, and
these are cooling down and golng out un-
til the vast continents of flame are reduced
to a small acreage of fire, and that whitens
and cools off until there are only a fow
coals leit, and these are whitening and go-
ing out until there is not a spark left in all
the mountains of ashes and the valleys of
ashes and the chasms of ashes, An extin-
guished sun! A dead sun! A buried sun!
Let all worlds wail at the stupendous ob.
Of course this withdrawal of the solar
light and heat throws our earth into a uni-
versal chill, and the tropies become the
lakes and frozen oceans, From arctic to an.
tarctio regions the inhabitants gather in
toward the center and find the equator as
the poles. The slain forests are piled up
into nn great bonfire, and around them
gather the shivering villages und cities.
The wealth of the coal mines is hastily
poured into the furnaces and sticred into
rage of eombustion, but soon the bonfires
begin to lower, and the furnaces begin to
go out, and the nations begin to die. Coto-
paxi, Vesuvius, Etna, Stromboli, California
erater. All the flowers have breathed their
the mast, and
wheel, and passeggors frozen in the cabin
munity, aud I have heard them dely the)
judgment day and scoff at the jdea of any
further consequence of their sin, but when
they came to die they shriesked until you
could hear them for nearly two biooks, sad
in the summer night the neighbors got up
to pat the windows down, becauss they
gould not endure the horror.
The mightiest restraints to-day against
theft, against immorality, against libertiu-
fem, against erime of all sorts the
mightiest restraints are the retributions of
eternity. Men know that they can escape
the law, but down in the offenders’ soul
there Is the realization of the fact that
they cannot escape God, He stands al the
end of the road of profligacy, and He will
not clear the guilty, Take all idea of re-
tribution ad punishment out of the
hearts and minde of man, and it would not
be long before our cities would boeome
SBodoms, The only restraints against the
evil passions of the world to-day are Bible
Suppose now these generals of athelsm
and infidelity got the victory and suppose
they marshaled a great army made up of
the majority of the worid, They are in
companies, in regiments, In brigades—the
whole army. Forward, march! ye hosts of
fufidels and atheists, banners flying be.
fore, banners fiying behind, banpers in-
seribad with the words: **No God! No
Christ! No Punishment! No Restraints!
Down With the Bible! Do as You Please!”
The sun turned lato darkness!
Forward, march! ye great army of in-
fidels and atheists, And first of all you
will attack the churches. Away with those
houses of worship! They have been stand-
ing there so long deluding the people with
consolation in their bereavements and sor.
rows. All those churches ought to be ex-
tirpated; they have done so much to re-
lieve the lost and bring home the wander.
ing, and they have so long held np the
idea of eternal rest after the paroxysm of
this {fe Is over, Turn the 8t, Peters and
8t. Pauls and the temples and taberoscles
into clubhouses, Away with those churches!
Forward, march! ye great army of in-
fidels and atheists, and next of all thay
soatter the Sabbath schools filled with
hright eyed, rosy cheeked little ones who
are singing soups on Sunday afternoon
and getting instruction when they ought
to be on the street corners playing marbles
or swearing on thé commons, Away with
them! Forward, march! yo great army of
infidels and atheists, and next of all they
will attack Christian asylums the institu.
tions of merey supported by Christian
philanthroples, Never mind the blind
eyes, and the deaf ears, snd the erippled
limbs, and the darkeced intelieets., Let
paralyzed old age piek up its own food,
and orphans fight their own way, and the
ball reformed go back to thelr evil habits,
Forward, march! ve great aviny of fnfidels
! :
x Eo te aE ~~) p
An Exgellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
Syrure oF Fires, manufactured by the
Cavivorxia Fra Syrup Co., illustrate
them in the form most refreshing to the
taste and acceptable to the system. It
is the one perfect strengthening laxas
manently., Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub-
stance, and its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, make it the ideal
are used, as they are pleasant to t
remedy are obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
printed on the front of every package.
i S Permaneatiy Cursg
Insanity Prevented by
Pastttre cure fr all Nervous Dissases, Fits
Vulgarity and Slang.
Of the use of the much discussed
words, “lady” and ‘‘gentleman,” Pro.
fessor Peck of Columbia University says,
“The general distinction, stated broadly,
will allow a freer use of ‘lady’ than of
‘gentleman.’ One seldom needs to use
the latter word, whereas the former is at
tines qhite necessary in order to avoid a
shade of ambiguity which might be more
or less embarrassing. Thus, when a Indy
says that she was lunching with ‘a man,’
the assumption is always made that the
person in question is a gentleman;
whereas, if a man says that Lie wos
lunching with ‘a woman,’ there is a dan
gerous little implication which would not
exist did he use the word ‘lady’ instead.”
The word “ gentlemanly’ also comes in
for a bit of elucidation. Inasmuch as it
means “like a gentleman,” the uncom.
plimentary inference may be drawn that
the man to whom it is applied is not a
ards slang, his
blance to one. As 1
t slung that is
first few days after its appearnnce.’
This is un safe rule to follow, und so is
tho statement; Of permanent slang one
sections of society that lie between the
Some bits of
‘a licking”
and of university men is also quite con
sistent with good taste. But when you
make a statement and some one says
intending it
for disngrec ment,
“Nit,” intending it fi
bh Professor Peck
then you will agree with
that vou have met a person who is void
of the nicer understanding.
at e— i ——————
His Concern.
A commercial traveller on his trip call-
fiervous as he put his hand in his fang ket
and banded oul a cara
“1 represent that concern said the
young man.
Ivory Soap and water,
Stor cleansing naste thas Ou can t
cCause icy
Hemove {1
: Spavms ond 3. Vins Danie. ho Finer Norte -
and atheists, and with your battieaxes hew shar fret day ssin. Trestips an “rial
| down the cross and split up the manger of Fras oP pas, oy poy togerieeas Believes
Bethlehem, Jestitese of Medistue, B51 Aved Ba, Philedeisdis. Pu
On, ye great army of infidels and asthe. : -
iste, and now they come to the graveyards The great French composer. M., Saint
and the cometerios of the earth, Palldown | Saens is by turn philosopher, composer, arch.
the sculpture above Greenwood's gate, for acologist and astronomer, | conntry
it means the resurrection. Tear away at . a os i of of tne ha +h : ‘
the entrance of Laorel Hill the figure of Beauty Is Blood Deep. i shouldn't have thoug it, twenty 7
Old Mortality and the ehisel, On, ye great Clean blood means a clean skin, No | responded the man of medicines. “Her vouth is oon
army of infidels and atheists, into thograve- | beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar | complexion looks natural, that all can
yards and cemeteries, and where you see | tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by the photozraph | More concealed at 6 t gesierall
“Asleep in Jesus,” cut it away, and where | stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im. which the vounz saat had elven hit: by | More concen'ed af frst, but generally |
Infidelity in our time is considered a | YOU find a marble story of heaven, biast it, | purities from the body, Dn Ta istak . He ar ory pr tl ut | making itself seen in its true bearings at
great joke, There are people who rejoice | 80d when vou find over a little child's | banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, | Mistake took it and left without | 1. ju the affectation of riches. No af.
to hear Christianity carientfired and to hear | 8rave, “Sailer little children to come unto | and that sickly bilious complexion by taking | waiting to make any farewell remarks foctatic
Christ assailed with quibble and quirk and | Me,” substitute the words ‘‘delusion” and | ¢ Recarets, —beauty for teh cents. All drug- | - . oning than this. for one dav the stragol
misrepresentation and Badinageand harle. | sham,” and where you find an angel in | gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10¢, 25¢, 80c. | ; * : ee
shuttle, Winter from sea to sea. All cone |
gealing winter. Perpetual winter. Globe
of frigidity, Hemisphere shackled to hem-
isphere by chains of ice. Universal Nova |
Zembla, The earth an jce floe grindiog
against other ice floes. The archangels of |
malice and herror have done their work, |
and now they may have their thrones of |
glacier and look down upon the ruin they
bave wrought, What the destruction of
the sun in the natural beavens would be |
to our physical earth the destruction of
Christianity would be to the moral world.
The sun turned into darkoess!
AfTectations. i EEN
’ r {i Wildest of affectations isd
{ ‘You are fortunate,” replied the chem- | that of vouthful beauty when it has fled. |
ast. : ;s When will ple learn that every age |
] he commercial traveller was encour. ta o vir oof and that the { !
bins ite 0% Dienuty
rthk £ ute ane Ts tered nr mite | *J have used your valuable CASCA«
WOmMan oi FAY may be Just 4s nid MIT IRETS and tind them perfect. Couldn't do
ns whe was a i 1 i | 5 { i have Or soane Lime
| aged and said:
“1 think =o sir, and the ol
emist who
{ trades with us is even more so My firm | that she wl: : stelos ths HI0 BOW O05
i . nem, 1G every one
natural to does not ill mever be without them in
cling to the vies suitable for fi aed, | the family.” Epw. A Manx, Albany. N. Y.
a 2 :
has the finest line of cosmetios in the
And he handed back
a 3.1 4
Wi oan bring 4 more terri bic reck-
Jarity into one of tragedy and show you
are those in all our communities who wonid
like to see the Christian religion over.
better without it. I want to show you
the terminus of this ¢rusade, atid what this
have triumpbed over it, if theyean. Isay,
if they can. I reiterats it, if they can.
In the first place, it will be the complete
and usnutterable degradation of woman
hood. 1 will prove it by facts and argu-
ments which no honest man will dispute,
In all communities and eities and States
and nations where the Christian religion
has been dominant woman's condition has
been ameliorated and improved, and she {a
deferred to and ot in a thousand
things, and every gentleman takes off his
bat before her. If your associations have
been good, you know that the name of
wife, mother, daughter, suggest gracious
surroundings, You Know there are no bet-
young ladles. You know that while wom.
an may suffer injustice in England and the
United States, she bas more of her rights
in Christendom than she bas anywhere
Now, compare this with woman's condi.
tion in lands where Christianity bas made
little or no *advance-—in China, in Barbay,
daughters as so many sheep, The Hindoo
Bible makes itdisgraceful and an outrage
fora woman to listen to musie or look out
of the window in the absence of her hus-
styles of cruel seclusion. Her birth a mis.
horror. The musionary of the cross to-
c¢ther group, women hidden and care.
fully secluded in a =ide apartment, where
they may bear the" voices of the preacher,
but may not be seen. No refinement. No
liberty. Nohope for this life. No hope for
the iife to come. Ringed nose, Cramped
foot, . Disfigured face. Embruted gon,
Now, compare those two conditions,
How far toward this Iatter condition that
I speak of would woman go if Christian in-
fiuences were withdrawn and Christianity
were destroyed? It is only a question of
dynamics. If an object be lifted to a cer
tain point and not fastened there and the
lifting power be withdrawn, how long be-
fore that object will fail down to the
point from which it started? Jt
will fall down, and ft will go
stlil farther than the point from whieh
it started. Christianity has lifted woman
up from the very depths of degradation
almost to the skies. 1f that lifting power
be withdrawn, she falls clear back to the
depth from which she was resurrected,
not going any lower, because there is no
lower depth, and vet notwithstanding the
fact that the salvation of woman from
deuradation and woe is the Christian re-
ligion--and the only Influences that has
over lifted hee in the social seales is
Christianity ~1 have read that there are
« women who reject Christianity, J] make
ou remark in regard to those persons, In
‘the silenze of your own soul make your ob
It infidelity trinmph and Christianity be
overthrown, it means the demoralization
of society. The one {dea In the Bible that
atheists and infidels most bate is the idea
of retribution. Take away the idea of ro
tribution and punishment from soeiaty,
and it will beg'n very soon to disintegeate,
amd take away from the minds of men the
fear of hell, and there are a great many of
them who would very soon turn this world
into a hell, The majority of thoss who are
indignant against the Bible becuase of the
idea of punishment are men whose lives are
bad or whose hearts are impure and who
bate the Bible because of the idea of fu-
ture punishment, for the same reason that
his brave taik abou ring
of the consequences of sin in the
next world, and 1 have made up my mind
jt is mately a sowatd's whistilag k
come to & family vault, chisel on the door,
But on, ye great arioy of infidels and
atheists, on! They will attempt to scale
beaven. There are heights to be taken,
Pile bill on hill, and Pelion upon Osea, and
then they Luist the ladders against the
walls of heaven. On and on until they blow
up the founaations of jasper and the gates
they aim for the throne of Him who liveth
forever and over. They woald take down
and the Holy Ghost, “Down with Them!”
hey sav “Down with Them from the
throne!” they say. “Down forever! Down
out of sight! Hs isnot God. He has no
right to sit there, Down with Him! Down
A world without a head, a universe with.
out a King. Or} constellations. Father.
Patricide, regicide, deieide, hat is what
they mean. That is what they will have,
it they can, I say. il they can, Civiliza.
semibarbarisn driven back isto Hottentot
savagery. The wheel of progress turned
ages, The cioek of the centuries put back
2000 years, Go back, you Sandwich lal.
ands, from your schools, and from your
tion, to what you wera in 18320, when the
missionaries first came. Call home the 500
missionaries from India and overthrow
their 2000 schools, where they are trying to
educate the heatsen, and seatter the 140.-
000 sittle children that they have gathered
out of barbarism into eivilization. Oblter-
Greece, of Judson in Barma, of David
Brainerd amid the American aborigines,
and send home ths 3000 missionaries of the
cross who are tolling in foreign lands, toil
ing for Christ's sake, tolling themselves
fnto the grave, Tell these 5000 men of God
that they are of no use. Send home the
medical missionaries who are doeloring
the bodies as well as the souls of the dying
nations, Go home, London Missionary
society! Oo home, American board of
foreign oilssions! Go home, vo Moraviane,
and relinguish back into darkness and
have begun to lift,
From such as chasm of individoal, na-
tional, worldwide ruin, stand back. Oh,
young men, stand bask from that chasm!
fon soe the practical drift of my sermon,
1 want you to know where that road leads,
Stand back from that chasm of ruin. The
time Is golog to come (you and 1 may not
live to see it, bat it will come, just as cer.
taloly as there is a God, it will come) when
the infidels und the atheists who openly
and out and out and aboveboard preach
and practice jofidelity and atheism, will be
considered as criminals against society, as
they ara now criminals agsinst God, So-
cloty will push out the leper, and the wreten
with soul gangrenod and iehorous and ver.
min coverad and rotting apart with his
bestiality will be left to die in the diteh
and be denied decent burial, and men will
come with spades nnd cover up the ear.
eass where it falls, that it poison notthe air,
and the only text in all the Bible appiopriste
for the funeral sermon will be Jersmiah
xxii, 19, "He shall be buried with the
bur a! of an ase.”
At the beginning God said, “Let there be
light,” and light was, “nd light i=, and
Hgeat shall be, So Christianity is rollin
on, and ft is going to warm all nations, an
all nations are to bask in its Hebt, Men
may shut the window blinds so they eans
not see it, or they may smoke the pipe of
speculation until they areshadowed under
their own vaporing, but the Lord God is a
san! This wh ite light of the gospel made
up of all the beautiful colors of earth and
heaven violet plucked from amid the
spring grass, and the indigo of the south.
ern jungles, and the blue of the skies, and
the green of the follage, and the yellow of
the autumnal woods, and the ornage of the
southern groves, and the red of the sun.
BEI. Sut, DY hit. apitieeal shotram.
© on . ritual sp .
Great Britain 1s going to take aT Eo
for God. The United States are Folog o
take America for God, Both of em to.
gether will take all Asia for God. All
three of them will take Afriea for God,
“Who art thou, O atain? Before
errubbabel thou
mountain climber In New England.
Ask Your Dealer For Allen's Foot- Ease,
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Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching, Sweating Fest
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gists and shoe stores, 25 cts, Sample mailed
FEEE. Adr's Allen 8, Olmsted, LeRoy, N.
Moat ro iil run when we look them
suarely in th
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Swag,
To quit tobscco easily and forever, be mag
netic, full of life, nerve and viger, take No-To
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bled in twenty-five years,
Old Case of Tetter in Toes,
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yours‘ standing. John M. Towlea.™ Itouressnl
mail postpaid from J
Over 2100000 worth of diamonds are stolen
every year from the South African diamond
To Care Coustipation Forever
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 100 or Se.
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Oil refining in Western Niberia is making
fast progress and large quantities are sold
We will give 8100 reward for any case of cas
tarrh thateannot becnred with Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Taken internally
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Hovelpts from the sale of tea form more than
one-half of the whole export trade of Fore
Educate Your Bowels With Casenrets.
Candy Cathartle, cure constipation forever,
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Mrs. Wine low’s Soothing Syra s for children
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The Cavalry Horse.
A war horse is broken to be steady un:
der fire by tying ropes to his legs. While
the animal is down on the ground the of.
ficer takes a pistol and fires it close to
his ear. Then in rapid order he fires the
weapon over his ok, between his logs,
anywhere that an opening presents itself
daring the horse's futile struggles. Not
until he sinke back auto all a-trem-
bie, and showing the whites of his eyes,
does the pistol practice conse. After two
or three Rass of this kind it is consid.
ered safe to mount him with a bridle fur.
nished with a carb bit. © Up to this time
the horse has never felt a curb. The
light snaffle is still retained, and the curb
bridle is only given a gentle pressure at
first, just enough to let him know that it
is there. Gradually the strength of the
pull is increased, and with this safegurrd
the horse is taught to stand fire from his
rider's pistol or carbine.
In carbine practice the horse must be
thoroughly broken, as both hands are re-
quired in using this weapon, whereas
with the pistol the rider may rétain the
bridle with one A
Then com
themselves, and the application necessary
to make them succeed is more often
. nn SAO IS
0 begin:
£ 1
Seeplicism is not an 1
ning, is as the decay of old wavs of be.
ing. the preparation afar off for new,
trusty kinds.
Pleasant, Palatabie, Potent. Taste Good, Do
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Bterting Remedy Comparer, Mhisaps, Boutros, Sew Tork, 201
‘1 KO-TO-BA Bold ang guasrantend by all drug.
i &ists 10 CURE Toteeos Habis
race when men are in|
¢ fighting their unseen
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otherwise failure will surel>
g2cult, Sep that it is there,
Qur ed, tell all about
fertilizers. They are sent
Sree to all farmers applying
for them.
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Hartford and Yedette
These machines are acknowl-
edged everywhere as leaders. An
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Shainless, . . . . $5
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A limited namber of Columbia, Models 45, 48
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POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn.