THE CENTRE REPORTER FRED KURTZ, Editor TERMS. ~—0One year, $1.50, when paid in advance. Those in arrears subject to previous terms, $2.00 per year. ADVERTISEMENTS, ~20 cents per line for three insertions, and 5 cenw per line for each subse quent inse: tion, Cther rates made made known ull application, CENTRE HALL, PA., THURS, May 11 The new mercantile tax law goes in force next year, the assessments for this year having been made before the new act was signed. sn fA ———— The sugar trust has advanced the price of sugar and you will have to pay one cent a pound more for your sweet- ening. It seems but a trifle, but it means millions of dollars more profit for the trust each year, We ————— A ————————— The merchants all over the state are in a rage over the new act signed last week by the Governor imposing a new and higher jax upon storekeepers. All this comes from Quayism which has created new offices, raised salaries and in a score of ways squandered the public funds. Now it’s got to be made up by extra taxation. lp tim —— Missouri started the ball to block the trusts. In the Circuit Court of Ap- peals on 2, a unanimous decision was made in an appealed case to the effect that a trast cannot conduct its objects under the form of a corporation, and evade the penalties provided for vio- of 1891. Under this decision accounts with trusts operating as corporations in Missouri are not collectable. meses Are A tl. All counties held elections on Mon- day of last week, by conventions of di- rectors, for school superintendents. In most of the counties resolutions were unanimously passed protesting against the threatened cutting down of the school appropriation by Govern- or Stone. This amounts to hitting Quayism over the shoulders of the Governor. Jt was the corrupt meth- ods of the machine that endangered the school appropriation and bank- rupted the treasury, - A London dispatch says the first at- tempt to transmit trans-Atlantic mes- sages by the Marconi wireless system will be made during the contests for the America’s cup. Stations will be established at Sandy Hook and else- where along the course laid out for the great yacht race, from which the en- tire contests will be visible. Messages recording the progress of the races will be transmitted from these stations to a point on the Irish coast io the neigh- borhood of Waterville. Again, auditors who audit, have been found, this time in Chester county, where their report exposes taking of illegal fees. They find that illegal payments have been made to Patrick, clerk of the courts, $1566.81 ; to Hayes, sheriff, $112.72; to Ramstine, jury com- missioner, $250 ; to Mendenhall, jury commissioner, $282.00; to Baldwin, prothonotary, $800; to McElree, dis trict attorney, $308 ; a total of $2525.46, with which they surcharge the county commissioners, BR _, The Pittsburg Pest thinks it is one of the curiosities of the times that, while the State of Idaho has & regi. ment of volunteers engaged in the war of conquest and subjugation in the Philippines, a regiment of negro regu- lars has been sent into Idaho from a distant State to put down labor dis turbances among the citizens of the State, that martial law has been virto- ally declared ahd that General Merri- am has established a strict censorship over the telegraph. We have active war in the Philippines and in Bamoa, and a threat of war in Central Ameri: en. Why not a touch of it in the State of Idaho? Weare getting accustomed , to these things. : The possibility that ex-Senator Quay will dominate the next Republican State convention and take measures to condone himself for past offenses and indorse himself for new favor at the hands of his party is not a flattering possibility for the nominees of the cons vention, They will be asked to go in- to the canvass with the “Old Man” astride of thelr necks. Can any can- didate, no matter how fit or popular, carry that load and come out of the race s winner? This doubt may have been the compelling reason for the re- fusal of General Gregg to allow the use of his honored name as a machine ° makeshift. Would Colonel Hawkins, who has bravely faced death at Mani la, have the courage to stand up against this new peril? Who will be a consenting victim ?—Record., Extra session of the legislature and an extra session of congress are in the wind. The former on account of the = bi nen pc take the chances of having Congress on hand in the thick of the Presiden tial fight next year. ‘“The decision upon the course to be adopted will doubtless depend to some extent upon the success of our soldiers in suppressing the Philippine insurree- tion. Peace, however, would bring greater immediate responsibilities than protracted war. There is but one thing to do whilst the war shall last, and that ‘can be done without the aid of Congress. Congress, indeed, might prove to be an embarrassment. With peace would come the need of legisla- tion ; and with peace may come an early session.” mss A ts The new mereantile tax bill requires the dealer to place permanently at the entrance of his place of business a sign describing the business in which he is engaged, under penalty of $10 for ev- éry offence. Stores and shops make a note of it. The whole volume of business, in- cluding cash receipts and merchandise sold on credit, shall be the basis on which the license is to be rated. If the owners, proprietor or any oth- er person connected with a business refuses to produce the books and pa- pers and appear before the County Treasurer to give information ie whieh to base his tax, he is made liable toa penalty of $1000. A ff ASA ’ The “Scientific American’ recently compiled an official list of Jersey char- tered trusts, prepared with great atten- tion to accuracy, Not including all, but only those organized with a capi- tal of one million and over up to the Federal Steel with its $200,000,000, and not including the recently formed Car- negie consolidaiion with a capital of $600,000,000, the ‘‘Selentific Ameri- can’'s’’ official list numbers ONE HUNDRED and FIFTEEN TRUSTS capitalized at $3,344,190,150. This is six hundred millions more than the National debt stood at its highest notch after the war for the Union had ended. All but nine of the 115 trusts five months, If we add the Carnegie combination and the copper combine, the total capitalization—that means outstanding paper evidences of debt amount to considerably more than four The total amount of money in circu- lation in the United States—gold coin, silver coin, gold certificates, silver cer- tificates, treasury notes, United States notes, currency certificates and Nation, al bank notes, all included--on May 1, 15899, according to the report of the sec. retary of the treasury issued on that date, was £1,038 867,891. The trusts organized within the past six months have an sggregate capital about twice as great as all the money in circulation in the United States, tin m—— WHAT'S LEFT FOR TRUSTS. New Jersey, the other day, incorpo- rated the Pacific Coast Biscuit Compa. ny, to deal in cakes, biscuits, ples, ete., with a capital of four million dollars. With trusts already incorporated for almost everything in every line, with pear two billions of eapital, the Re- porter does not see much more left for new Trusts to build up on. We think the following, as a wind-up, will come in : A Bauverkrout un Speck Trust. A Buckwheat Cake Trust. A Noodle Boup Trust. A Bpeck un Oyer Trust. A Liverwurst Trust. A Spitz un Koep Trust. A Bmeerkase Trust. An Applebutter Trust. These are about the only staff left to work on and Jersey will grind out a charter for each with a grin, CA A se EDITORIAL JOTS, There is a little skirmish almost eve- ry day, in which the insurgentsare de feated. From Washington it is reported they can see the end of the war. Admiral Dewey is on his way home and our big cities are preparing to give him big receptions. Commodore Wat- son succeeds Dewey. New Yorkers have arranged to get up a dinner in honor of Dewey, the number of plates limited to 100 and on- ly $100 a plate—put us down for two, Murders and suicides sre everyday day affairs and would fill a page every week. Don't Follow Their Example. We can not advise any lady reader of the Reporter to follow the example here giveu: Mrs. John Jacob Astor spends $50,000 a year. A great part of the money goes for diamonds, of which she is fond, and she often spends $2,000 in an afternoon shopping tour. Mrs. Oliver H. P. Belmont, former. ly Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt, is said to be the most extravagant in so- ciety. She spends quite $100,000 each year on trifles and knick-knacks. Ms AS Governor Stone on 4 inst, approved the bill io regulate the sale of butter odaced by taki ginal. packing butter and meltin Transfer of Real Estate, Mich. Evert to J. W. Harter, land in Penn, $385, John H. Weber to Christ. Begner, 7 acres in Harris, $225, W. J. Carlin assignee to Titus Gram- ley, 185 acres in Miles, $2050, . J. Arpey to Wm. D. Shoop, lot in Jentre Hall, $160. ohn Breon to Corn, Bower, 80 acres in Miles, $4300. Lydia Vonada to Christina Moyer, 92, house and lot in Woodward, $250. T. B. Motz, adm., to J. J. Orndorf, 11 acres in Haines, $1050, in Aaronsburg, $175. Frank Dutweller to J. J. Frank, '82, lot of ground in Penn, $500. Em’'l Kerstetter to Jacob Kerstetter, 4 of 119 acres in Penn, $3272, stetter, 118 acres in Penn, $6555, acres in Penn, $263, ssn i—————— A A D——— Marriage of Four Sisters and Hrothers A most remarkable wedding has just taken place at the small village called ters. named James Hochstettler, Their ages range from 18 to 28, and the ages of their respective husbands vary only slightly. The grooms are the four sows of John Bumers, and are energetic young men of good habits and some means, The ceremony of marrying the four couples occupied al- most an hour. The four brothers and their wives will live within throw of each other. a stone's smn — Bible Kissing Tabooed by Rooseveit The kissing of the Bible has been ta- booed entirely in the courts of New York state. The book has been kissed religiously since 1776 by witnesses and there are well-authenticated of fatal results arising from the practice, The practice will be discontinued cause of the passage of the law which Clases be Governor Roosevelt, ANNOUNCEMENTS Sherif, ter, of Haines Wownahip, will be a candidate for the Demoora tic nomination for She the rules and regulations of the Der ty. MOCratic We are authorizad to announces that EE. 8 Sheff Democratic nomination for Sheri, subject 0 the rules and regulations of the Democratic par ty We are authorized to annousde that T. F. Ken ned the Demoerstie nomination for Bhertf, sabiject ty. We are aathorized to sanoubce that Samuel Harpater, Jr of Ferguson township, «ill be =» rand idate for the Demoeratie sominstion for the Democratic party. We are suthorized 0 announce that Cyrus Bragsgand, of Millbeim Borough, will be a cand! CIRiic parity. Register, We are aothorised in anuonnee thsi A, G. Arch party. 10 the rules and regulations of the party. ver, of Grege townahip, will be 8 candidates for the Democratic nomination for Register, subjeot to the rales and regulations of the Democratic party, Commissioner, We are anthorizsed to announce that W HH. Fry. of Ferguson tow: ship, will be a candidate for the Democratic nomination fr Commission. or subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic party. We are snthorized to snnousee thal Green Decker, of Groge Wwwnaliip, will be 8 candidate for the Democratic nomioation for Commission. er, subject to the rules aod regulations of the Demooratic party. We are atithorizsed to announce that John B, Bitner, of Potter townaliip, will be a candidate for the Drmoorstic nomination for Commission. er, subjort to the rules and regulstions of the Democratic party, We are authorized to announces thet Daniel Heckman, of Benger township, will bes oandi. date for the Demorratio nomination fie Commis signer, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic pary. I desire to annnunos (o the Democracy of Cen- tre Sutity tht i wili be a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the rales of the party. Inst, | wasa omndidate for Associate Judge and went down with all the rest ou the Demn- cratic County Ticket, with po fault of any candi. date, bat due to a sod unsettled condi. Bod Toons al ores the comer el Domasany o ¢ all over the country an ERC was § out of sight and the Democratic Coun: ty Ticket wont down with the slump. All the candidates that were on that ticket came to the front, except Astron Williams, dec’'d, and asked the party for vindication, snd ix has been done, sither by nomination or election, viz: Hoo. Jas Sehofield, © onoe; Hon, RB. BM Foster, twice: C. M. Bower, Esq. tecoived the pominatfon for Superior Court Judge. Now I respectfully solioit the same consideration and recognition, and sab. mit my candidacy to the Democracy of Centre County for thelr judgment at the coming prima- ries and County omvention. I remain your most obedient servant Boalaburg, March 16, ‘9. Thos F. Rirey Treasarer, We are authorized to announce that John E, Homer, of Philipsburg, will be a candidate for the Democratic pomination for County Treasur- er, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic party “ We te suthorlzed ta snnunce that D. Mil Jer, of Walker township, will boa candidate for the Demooratio I rerio at rs ToT the ben: TTT UeeTeEeDTDeDDDEEETEeEOE OS NN RIT IN PARTITION; ~ To the heirs and legal representatives of Dan- isl Runkle, iste of Gregg township, decensed: Mary KE. Bloom and A, 6G. Bloom her husband, Spring Mills, Pa.; Sarah Beatty, Spring Mills, Pa ; Lydia Bankey, Osceola Mills, Clearfield county, Pa. James W, Runkle, Middieburg, snyder coun- ty, Pa; Israel Runkle, Woodward, Centre county, Pa (John W. Runkle Middleburg, Bnvder cotin- ty, Pa; Adaline Musser and Robert Musser her husband, Spring Miils, Pa; Lot Calvin Runkle, Williamsport, Pa.: Robert DD. Runkle, Spring Mills, Ps ; Daniel ¥, Runkle, Spring Mills, Pa. Take notice that in Jiisusnde of an order of the Orphan's Conrt of Centre County, Pennpsyl- vanin, 4 writ iu parti‘ion has been lssued from said court to the Sheriff of maid county, returns able on Monday, the 28th day of August, 1599, and that an inquest be held for the purpose of Making partition of the real estate of ssid deep dent on A SS TUESDAY, JUNE 2TH, 189). At 10 o'clock, a m_, at the late residence of the deceased, nt which vme and place you can be present if you see proper. All that certain mes- suage or tenement and tract or piece of land sit uate In Gregg township, Centre County, Ps. bounded and described as follows to wit: Begin- ning sat a post thence along lands of William Gentzel, north 20 degrees west 156 perches to a stone, thence along the land of Adam Jameson Sankey south 2044 degrees east 150 perehes to a perches to tne place of beginning, con'aining 120 acres and 563 perches and allowance of six per cent. for roads, W.M. CRONISTER Bherifl™: Office, sheriff, Bellefonte, May 15, 1590, AUTION.—~ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY cantioned against purchasing a note made dated April thirty-five dollars, ($3500) at two months from date, as | have not received value I will not pay it uniess compelled G. W,. BARNER, mayil-2t Centre Hall DMINISTRATOR'S of Administration on the estate of Sarah Hell Boro, decessed, having been lawfully granted to the undersign- ed, be would respectfully request ail persons knowing themselves indebted 0 the estate to payment, and those having authenticated for settlement, : JAS GREGG, Administrator CLEMENT DALE Mijeshurg, Pa Attorney” may 11-6t V7 ALUA BLE FARM AT PRIVATE BALE. ~ The nndersigned offer at private sale » larg: and valuable farm situate about one-fou“th i$) of a mile from Penn Cave Station, alone the Lewisburg snd Tyrone Railroad, in Poller Town. ship, Centre County, now occupied by M. B Duck, containing 179 ACRES AND 102 PERCHES, more or less; having thereon crected s bank barn, in pond condi There Is running watec st the door, and Sinkiog Creek, a stream of pure waler passes through the farm about ten rods south of the bulldings. There is wiso a large orchard of bear ing epple trees On the place and a great quantity of smaller fruits. Hout IH acres are vieared, fenoed aod jos } 1 state of cultivation fem Gerad with pine, onk and oth or valuable { mir. The farm reach of arkets, railroads and churches, fine postoffice, schools bie sx any in Centre County ditions upon which the same will be solid, ry oun be mwde of the sxecuton of Tressler, deceased, as follows ISAAC TRERSLER, DANIEL J. TRESSLER Linden Hall Pa JOSEPH TRESSLER, Pleasant Gap, Pa Attorneys fr Estate, Bellefonte, Ps. apré-dm nake immediate yment and those WILLIAM PEALER, Executor. DMINISTRATOR'S ROTICE - LETTERS of Adminbiration on the estate of Jo deren d Porson Le ment and those having claims to present them EPHRIAM BARTHOLOMEW, Adm'r Belletoute, Pa Boys’ {oorrmameres) ADMIRAL W. 7. SANPION For a Good Penny Picture Come to my gallery, I will make Penny Pictures § every Saturday until further # notice. 4 (5 Genuine Photos I5¢ts. § Cabinets, Mantellos, «and Florentines All sizes and styles of § photos furnished. Cray- ¢ on Work, Pastel and In- ¢ dia Ink, and Water Col- # ors supplied, at prices 4 guaranteed to be lower # Out-door # views a specialty. Carbons guaranteed as good as the é than others. best froma $1 75 to $5.00, ¢ T.C.BARTCES, ¢ Centre Hall, feblom 4 Gallery In Kreamer bullding, [ 0D DVN VDDD ©0000 eDDDDDDDDOTRTVTTDTTVORYN HE FENNSYLVANIA BTATE COLLEG LOCATED IN ONE OF THE MOBT BEAUTI FUL AND HEALTHFUL SPOTS IN THE Philadelphia & Erie R. RK. Divisio: and Northern Central Railway. Time Table, 16 effect Nov, 20, 1508 TRAINE LEAVE MONTANDOR, EASTWARD 79a. m.~Traln 2. Wek days for Soobury, Harrisburg, arriving at Philsdelphia, 11.458. m., Rew fork 213 p. m., Balti ore 11.55 p. m., Wash- ington 100 p. m, Ferior car to Philadelphia. 9.27 a m~Train 8° Dally for Bushbury, Willkwharre, Harrigburg snd intermediate sti tions. Week days for Pers oton, Hazleton, sud Pousville. Philsdeipris, sew York, Baltimore, Washington. Through | wsenger oosches to Philadelphin snd Eaitin ore, 136 p. m~Train 8. Weekdays for Sunbury, Wilkesbarre, Scranton, Hazleton, Pottsville, Hay risburg and intermediate stations, srriving st Philsdelphin at 6.22 p m., New York. 2.90 p. m. Baitimore, 600 p. 10 , Wesbington st 7.150 p. m. Parlor car through to Fi iladelpbia, snd pas senger coaches 10 Fhiladeiphis, Baltimore snd Waehiington, bOL p. m~Train 82, V sekdays for Wilkes barre, Berauton, Hazletop, Pouwsville, and daily for Harrisburg and iniern sdiate points, arriving at Philsdelphia 10.20 p o., New York 3.086 8. mm. Baltimore 8.45 p.m... Wash nglon 1055 p. 10, Pas setiger conches Ww Philadelphie and Baltimore, Bilp m.~Trein 6. Weekdays for Bunbury Harrisburg and all int.rmediste stations, airiv. ing at Philadelphia, 6.30 a. mn., New York at 7.13 a m, Pullman sleeping cars from Harrisburg te Philadelphia and New York. Philsdelphis passengers can remain in sleeper undisturbed anil 7.50 8. 1m. 155 a. m~Train 4, (Daily). For Harris- burg and points east and south, arriving #3 Philadelphia st 6.52 8, m., New York, 932 a. m work days, 10.28 a, m. Sunday, Baltimore, 6.55 a, m., Washington, 7.45, a m. Puoliman sleeping cars to Philadeiphia and Washington, sad passenger conches VW Philadelphis and Baltimore WESTWARD, 5378. m~Train 3. (Daily) For Erie, Can- ancuigus, Kochester, Buffalo, Nisgars Falls, and intermediate stations, with passcuger coaches 10 Erie and Rochester. Week days for DuBois, Bellefonte, and Pitsburg. On Pundays only Pullman sleepers Ww Rochester and Erie 10,08 a, m.~Traln 31. (Dally) For Lock Haven and iuntermediale stations, apd weekdays lor Tyrone, Clearfield, Philipsburg, Pittsburg and the West, with through earsto Tyrone. L3] p. m-Train 15. Weekdays for Kane, Ty- { tone, Clearfield, Philipsburg, Pittsburg, Caneg- (daiguna and Intermedisie mations Syracuse, Hochester, Bufialo and Nisgars Falls, with through euger coaches to Keune snd Bocos ester, and Parlor car Ww Bochester, 601i p, m.~Train 1. Week days for Renovo, Emirs and intermediate stations ALLEGHERY REGION; UNDENOMINA- TIONAL: OPER TO BOTH BEXES; TUITION FREE: BOARD AND OTHER EXPENSES VERY OW, NEW RUILDINS AND EQUIPMENT. LEADING DEPARTMENTS OF sTUDY. * AGRICULTURE and HORTICULTURE. with constant {llastrations on the Farm and in the Laboratory, BIOLOGY, BOTARY and ZOOLOGY. igiual study with the microscope. CHEMISTRY; with an usususliy full and thorough course in the Laboratory. fUIVIL ENGINEERING, } | ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING; | These | MECHENICAL ENGINEERING [cour se I MINING ENGINEERING; jee mre scoompaniod with very extensive practical exercises in the Field the Shop, and the Laboratory HISTORY AND POLITICAL SCIERCE. INDUSTRIAL ART AND DESIGN LANGUAGE and LITERATURE; Latin {optional} French, German and English (re quired.) one or more continued through the #utire course . MATHEMATIOR and ASTRONOMY: pure : and Pra MECE with study. three MENTAL, MORAL ENCE: Constitutiona! Law and History; Political Foonomy, ele, MILITARY SCIENCE: instruction theorets- cal and practical including each arm ofthe service PREPARATORY COURRE: One year. Fall term opens Bept. 11, 1885, Exsminstions Or Cars’ course 12 For Catalog t ® or other Information, addres GRO ATHERTON, LL.D. Prost, Our famous BLY E EARRL BRAND, it's beni in the woth Prices wil sur prise you We deliver from Chicago, Omaha TWINE oy Bt. Pau ax desired, Wilde for proves and seme ples MONTEOMERY WARD & CO., CHICABD ihe Branching out like the ....trees in Springtime beautiful as the Black and Blue Cheviots Thibet Cloths, Fancy Check Cheviots, {all wool of course), .. . 85, $6.50, $7.50, 88.50. Neat Check Worsteds Cut in newest style 4 but- k with Oxford Mixed Cheviots Single or double breasted coat with single or double breasted vest, silk faced, hand- some Check Worsteds and the new stripe effects, . +. . 818.50, $15.00, $16.50 ton sack, seam stylish double breasted vests, 8 a - ww wee. $10, $12. SARI RT Boy's Vestee and Sailor Suits Beautiful combinations in braiding and pretty embroid- ery, «vo... $2.50 to $6.50 Boys’ Knee Trousers Suits 3 to 15. Long experience has tanght us the ry to cut to make for, boys of good hard knocks, 150 dis net styles, ‘h $2.50 to $8.50 BBTV DBD ND RD VB OUD | 943 p. m~Train 13. Daily for Lock Haven, | and intermediate stations, | THROUGH TRAINS FOR MONTANDON FROM | EAST AKD BOUTH. im { Train 31 leaves New York 12.06 night, Philadels phils 4.90 am, Baltimore 4.56 8 m, Harrisburg 5.00 am, daily, Wilkesbarre, 750 &. #. Week- _ days arriving st Montandon 10 08a mm. Tran caves Philadelphia 8.30 8 mn, Washing lon 7.00 a m, Baltimore £50 a mn, Willkesbarre 0158 m, week days, arriving a1 Montandon 131 pm, with parior car from Fhiladeiphia and through pessenger cosches from Phils deiphin and Baltimore . Train 1d ( in, 122 » mm, Washington at 10.50 a m, Baltimore at 12.00 m, Wilkesbarre 3.10 pm, arriving st Monten. don ai 6.00 pm, week days, with through rs Seuger contbes from Fhila and Baltimore. Toesin 20 leaves New York 1.00 p.m. Philadel. Pia LE pm, weekdays 4.50 p. m., Sui days, Washingwon 550 pm, Baltimore 4. 35 pm. dais ¥. Wilikestarre, 6.00 pm. (week days) arriving al Moutandon ‘pm. Through Parior Car from Philadelphia, woek days, and passenger coach from Philadelphia and Washington Train 3 loaves New York at 7.00 p m, 0pm, Washington 10.40 p m 156 p m, (daily) arriving at Mon & m, wilh through Pullman sleep Philedeiphia and through passe from Philsdeiphis and fa umore Philage Baltimore Loon at 5.73 ig car from ier cosches LEWISBURG AND TY RONE RAILROAD, : Week days, Westward, M AM. BETATIOF: b 0 Moulandod {6 35 Lewisburg i% 43{ Biehl] soa | 6 47] Vicksburg 4 fast ward. FM 14 8b 44 39 ¥ 6 SM islinburg 5 7 OGM liimont i 3 taien Iron i 40iPaddy NMountatn 7 Coburn 57 Lerty (hiRising Spring 8 1itPenn Cave inUenire Hall isregy # dijldnden Hall BS5i0nk Ha & 33] Lemont A Dale Summit & 52 Pleasant Gap Axemann # 00 Bellefonte Additional trains leave Lewisburg for Montan. onal 5.30 a m, T.JA5 mom. 548 a a, 1.15 0 and 8.00 p. m.. returning ieave Montandon { for Lewisburg at 7.55, 9.90 6. 10, 10.06 a. m. 5.05, {6pm and bib pm, On Sundays trains leave Montandon 2.2% apd 1004 a.m. and 5.02 p. m., returning lesve Lewis bum 83a m., 1006 a.m. and 5.04 p.m, J.B. HUTCHINSON, J. K,. WOOD Gremeral Manager Ban"! Pes'ger At ELLEFONTE CENTRAL RAILROAD, To take effect May 25, 1896, EASTWARD. WESTWARD Ra% (Hy STATIONS. pif | comme B snsncis os a SY 0 Si. sag de wn HREZUGSBERESTHERREN WN — oo AN AT, Lv. 5 4h wn Bellefonte... a cornu 0M IS ons 6161258. 39). 6 10:12 bale 00M Crossing... TIT IB evaons St don, Lewisburg and Tyrone connect with Train Xo. 11 for State College. Trains irom “tate © connect wil . RK. ao ut nua. BR. BE usins st Daily except Bunday. F.H. THOMAS, Sapt. (CENTRAL RAILROAD OF PENNEYLVANILA, Condensed Time Table, _ Read Bown. _ | Read Tp. No.1 No No 3] May 18, 1896. 556. No 4No 1 Ps * “, 4 -F = Td Ee BO TE 0B G60 OD SB ad cl nl af af