i i THE CENTRE FRED KURTZ, REPORTER Editor TERMS, —One year, $1.50, when paid in advance. Those in arrears subject to previous terms, $2.09 per year. ADVERTISEMENTS. 20 cents per line for three insertions, and 5 cen per line for each subse quent inset tion. Other rates made made known on CENTRE HALL, PA., THURS. April 6 Quay's trial comes off on 10th. i fA — Sn ———— Chicago, on Tuesday, elected Harri- tance of about 13 miles through space without using wire. The messages are dispatched and received by masts, 90 feet high at each terminal. One of the principal obstacles encountered was the apparent impossibility of ac- complishing an automatic registration of a message, but this was overcome, A message was sent across the Eng- lish channel, 33 miles, without wires, A snr Farmer-congressman Kulp charged with attempt to bribe assemblyman Brown to vote for Quay, on Tuesday testified in his defence, He stated all that Brown sald was true, only that Brown misunderstood him ; he meant that Brown skould go to Philadelphia Is Bad Form, An exchange aptly remarks: Cards of thanks to neighbors and friends for courtesies received on occasions of death and bereavement, printed in a public newspaper, are in very bad form. There is no necessity for them. We are not living in a barbaric com- munity. We are living among civil- ized people where our neighbors and friends gladly and cheerfully render all the kindness they can at times of be- reavement. They don’t expect a card of public thanks and its bad form to make one, bunnies —— Rheumnstism Cured, My wife has used Chamberlain's eS A i apart to his w The Inventor sonal property of Hiram T, widow. Mrs, Rebecea Lucas, 7. The Inventory and sonal property of Elijah township, his widow, Mrs, Susannan L. Fisher, 8. The inventory and appraisement of the sonal property of i, Borough, deceased, as the same was sel apart his widow, Mrs, Ella J. D Bumiller, personal proper lege Township, apart to his widow. Mrs, Rebeces Fogleman GG. W. RUMBERGER, Register, Bellefonte, March 30, '99. A LUA BLE FARM AT PRIVAT © { (34) of a mile from Penn Cave Station, | Lewisburg and Tyrone ship, Centre County, now occupied by M. Duck, containing to B, Ceme to my gallery. ¢ iE = / # 1 will make Penny Pictures for 15 days, commencing April 1to April 15th. 15 Genuine Photos I5cts, r ¥ ¥ ¥ / / ‘ 4 / ¢ / ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ 4 PENNSYLVANIA B ic and Northern Central Railway. Time Table, 10 eflect Kov, 50, 1808 7828 m.~Train 20. Wek days for Bunbury, Philadelphia, 11.488, m., Baltir ore 1106 p. m.,, Wash. Parlor car wo Philadelphia. a m~Train 3 Daily for Bunbury, sd intermediate sta oton, Hazleton, and sew York, Baltimore, { Wseliger oonches 10 are, 9.27 Week days for Fon Phlladelpt in Throveh 14 p. m~Teain & Vieekdays for Runbury, « Pottsville, Har. Jsburg and intermediate stations, arriving st biladelohis at 6.28 p m., New York. 9.80 p.m. buitimore, 6.00 p. m , West ington at 7.15 Pm "erior car through to Pi Hadelphia, and pas bOLp. m~Timin 5L¥ eckduys for Wilkes 179 ACRES AND 102 PERCHES, i 4 Cabinets Mantelios more or less; having thereon erected s fine | 2 ’ : frame dwelling house, a good, inrge bank barn, | «and Florentines and other needed out bulldiugs, in good condi- | tion. There is running water at the door, and | é Bluking Creek. a stream of pure waler passes | y — Yo through the farm about ten rods south of the | found ity aluable. Ww. J. Cuy ler, Red buildings, There is 180 a large orchard of bear ’ Creek, New York. ing apple trees on the place and a great quantity | Yrs i of smaller fruits. About 156 acres are cleared, | Mr. Cuyler is one of the leading mer- | fenced and in a high state of coitivation. The | . : . balance is Well Limberad with pine, oak and oth- | chants of this village and one of the er viiluable timber. The farm is within eury | most prominent men in this vicinity. | reach of markets, railroads, postoffice, schoo, | y £4 » { : . and churches. To any person desiring & home i -—W, G. 1 hippin, editor Red Creek and & good farm it is as convenient and desirs- Herald. For sale by J. H. Ross, Lin- den Hall; 8. M. Swartz, Tusseyville; and buy horses for him and that there might be $200 or $300 in it for him i he | sald he didn’t mean to [get Brown off | 80 as to make a vote less against Quay. | Kulp will now be laughed at over such an explanation, rr —— A — A ———— The New York Herald asks: Does the government intend to prosecute the packers who foisted worthless or | poisonous beef upon the soldiers, or is | it accumulating mountains of testimo- | Pain Balm for rheumatism with great relief, and I can recommend it as a splendid liniment for rheumatism and other household use for which we have son, the Democratic candidate for mayor, by 40,000 majority. ——— A ———— Aguinaldo’s capital, Mololos, was captured by our troops, one day last week, and the American flag now floats over the city. barre, Berauton, Hazleton Pottsville, snd duily for Harrisburg and intern diate points, arriving atPulisdelphie 10.20 om. New York 2.58 a Im Baltimore 9.46 p.m. Werk bgon WES p.m. Pas beuger coaches to Philadelplis and Baltimore. Bllp m.~Traln 6 Weekdays for sunbury Harrisburg and all ilo rtnedisle stations, siriv. ing al Philadelphia, 4 50 5, 1m. New Yorkw1 7.13 & m. Pullman sleeping cers from Harrisburg to Philadelphia sand New York Philadelphis passengers can remain ln sleeper undisturbed until 7.80 a. m. 155 a m~Train 4. (Daily } For Harris- burg sud points east snd soulh, arriving »t Philadelphia at 6.52 8, m., New York, 9.68 = m Week days, 10.55 a. m. Sunday, Baltimore, 6.55 &. m., Washington, 7.45, 8 m. Pullman sleeping cars 10 Philadelphia snd Washington, sud passenger coaches « Philadelphia and Baitimore, All sizes and styles of photos furnished. Cray. on Work, Pastel and In- dia Ink, and Water Col- ors supplied, guaranteed to at prices “Quay to stick,” is the report. Cer- tainly ; he is the boss sticker—~he stuck the state treasury heavily, right along the last fifteen years. be lower bie ax any in Centre'County. For price and oon. i { ditions upon which the same will be sold, ingui | ry can be made of the executors of Jonathan | ressler, deceased, as follows i than others. Olut-door / views a specialty. Perhaps it may now be clear to some why speaker Farr and his supporters fought so hard against having a brib- ery investigation. ——— SS ————— The Democrats on Tuesday carried a number of the larger Ohio cities, and among them Canton, McKinley's strongly Republican home, ——————— ME ———— With all the astounding testimony of bribery to elect Quay, it is still more astounding that a large element in his party desires his re-election to the sen- ate ! —— fo ———————— The courts sustained Governor Hast- ings in his veto of the machine’s bill to take $56,000 out of the state treasury for printing the book on chicken lice and sich. ets p— The President still keeps beef Alger damaging testimony every day, and in spite of the protests of men of all parties throughout the country. ———————— should be made pay damages. A witness, representive Foster of Mouatour, testified that Quay offered a bribe for a vote; Quay promised to appoint applicant Harder post-master of Danville if Harder would influence Foster to vote for Quay. This is direct evidence against Quay. fp The record of dead and missing at the appalling Windsor hotel fire, is now as follows: Killed during the fire and died subsequently from injur- ies, 11 ; unidentified bodies at morgue, 27 ; total dead, 38 ; missing, 43. The big office safe was opened a few days ago and the contents found un- harmed. The value of the contents reached nearly $200,000, S—————— —— A gloomy cargo was landed at New York one day last week, consisting of the bodies of 682 soldiers who died in Cuba and Porto Rico. It was an im- mense funeral of our brave boys ! Those of the bodies which are not claimed for private burial will be interred to- gether at Arlington. There are among them 110 unidentified bodies. . Oh, that war and rumors of War, might never rise again ! Another attempt at bribery has been uncovered by the investigating com- mittee. Representative Wilson, of Westmorels county, testified on Thursday, that he was offered $5000 to vote for Quay. With all the cor- rupt influences that have been brought out by sworn testimony, to bribe members to vote for Quay, his party does not feel the least ashamed of him or his methods ! mii i eb— General Otis cables to Washington the Filipinos are seeking peace and are asking American protection, but that Aguinaldo may keep up the war. Cleveland elected a Democratic may- or with the help of Hanna to spite Foraker. If more investigating committees would investigate, like the present one at Harrisburg, corruption would soon be driven from politics. The present investigating committee may prove a warning to corruptionists, The Democratic or, of the State rarely allude nowataye to Abe “ad- vance J Philadel- Py roan prosperity. Of course not ; they are busy allud- ing to the robber trusts, under Repub- lican fostering, which are advancing the wages of dozens, while throwing thousands out of employ. Then the rotten beef, fed to our soldiers, winked at by the administration, along with the astounding bribery at Harrisburg, the Press will admit, is enough to keep the Democratic organs busy, 3 Tel ing without UE 1y, at Paris, ormed by M. can “reports 7" _ the official inspector—all worse has been testified by witnesses of unimpeachable character before the army court of inquiry, and as to the character of the meat thus obtained simply overwhelming. a from Manila, says: The native wo- men and children in our neighborhood and beyond, as well as the old men and sick, are absolutely starving tc death. Their husbands and father or driven back to Malolos, their houses earthly possessions and they are left They We cannot feed them. mame fs A class ins severity of the long winter season. than sixty per cent. year is certain to be largely in excess past. A net loss of even crop as compared with year, mesos production is the labor involved, it When two concerns are operated by instances, many thousands of persons must be deprived of the means of live- lihood. This fact, which has long been foreseen by students of political econo- my, Is now beginning to force itself upots public attention, and measures to counteract it are being considered. A Convention of contractors represent- ing several classes of workmen has been held at Indianapolis to organize a movement against the trusts, and it was resclved to buy only from parties not afliliated with them. But, while this plan may succeed in some cases, it will not be effectual io all, because there are now many classes so com- pletely under trust control that con- sumers must buy from them or go without. Some other way than this to fight the trusts must be found, and, in view of Attorney General Grigg's recent declaration that the National Government has no control over them, it is difficult to see what effectual plan can be had. These remarks of the Philadelphia Ledger contain a volume of truth. : Cann A ABS HAAN Officials Must Show Hooks. The Philadelphia Press, alluding to the case in Clearfield county, says : ‘Editor John J. Short, of the Clear field Republican, has pursued a fight against the County Commissioners of his bailiwick that redounds largely to his credit. The officials gave him the opportunity by relegating to them- selves the assumption that the public records under their care were not duly open to the taxpayers’ inspection. “It is rare that public servants feel called upon to be so secretive, but the Clearfield Commissioners choose to since unveiled such an array of bad business F. A. Carson, Potters Mills: H. F. Notice No Credit, and feed, salt, and other lines, for cash only, or its equivalent, No credit will Gro, W, OckER, Dealer in Flour, Grain, Coal, ete. JOHN 8. AUMAN, Dealer in Flour, Grain, Coal, ete. —————— Heal Estate Sold. John 8B. Auman, to R. E. Barthol- 1ew, 78 acres in Potter twp. , $3375, Rachael E. Bartholmew et al to John 8S. Auman, lots and mill in Centre Hall, $7000, Peter Weber et ux to J. F. Kimport, lot in Harris twp. em r——r—— et om—— To insure a happy new year, the body vigorous tion and liver troubles: for sale Bmith & Crawford. lst sab ii ANNOUNCEMENTS Sherifl, We are anthorised to announce thal GW, Kelis 1. for by the rales and regulations of the Democratic par. ty. We sre authorized 10 announces that E 8 Shaft er, of Miles township, will be a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Sheriff subject the rules and regulations of the Democratic par We ars authorized to announce that T. F. Ken nedy , of Bate Coll i Demonratio o subject to ty We are anthoriaed to announce that Samuel Harpster, Jv, of Ferguson tow mabip., «iil be =» randidate for the Democratic pominstion for Sheriff, subject to the rules and regu'ations of the Democratic party. We are authorized to announce that Corns Register We are authorized to anuounoe thet A. CG. Arch i : i ISAAC TREBSLER. i JOSEPH TRESSLER, | FORTNEY & WALKER, Pleasant Gap, : Altorneys for Estate, Bellefonte, Pa. | Court { Ing Issued his precept i bearing | the 27th day of March, 1899, to me directed for | eral Jull Deilvery and Quarter Sessions of { Pence in Bellefonte, for fhe county | the Peace, | proper persons, at 10 o'clock In the { those things which to thelr offise be done, and those who are bound in or shall be in the jail of Centre county, be Just, { Ulven under my hand, at Bellefonte, { day of March, in the year of our Lord, 1 | dependences of the United States. } W.M. CRONISTER herd § EGAL NOTICE. -NOTICE i given thet the follow presented to the Count for conf | nesday, April x, is 1599. and unless exception Term, the same will be confirmed. 15 wit i The first and final sooount of D. Zerby signee of Luther Guisewite, | The first and partial accouht of Adam Bs | Assignee of Daniel Barriga J M I GARDNER, Prothonotary. i Bellefonte, March 21, ‘® #1 hard, deceased. Isto of rege township, been granted by the Register of Wills to the indebted to the sald estate sre réguested | Toske immediate payment and those | Claims W present them for seitioment WILLIAM PEALER., Execnior. maria ¢ If there be Democratic nomination for Register party. 10 the rales and regulations of the party. io the rales sod regulations of the party. » Commissioner We are anthorised 10 announce that Green Decker, of Gregg township, will be a candidate Democratic party, We are authorized to announce that John B. Bitner, of Potter townabiip, will be 8 candidate Democratic party, We are authorized to announce that Danlel sioner, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic parsy. 1 desire to announce to the Democracy of Cen. tre county that I will be a candidate for County Com missioner, subject to the rules of the party. In i+04. 1 wasa candidate for Associate Judge and went down with all the rest on the Demon eratie County Ticket, with no fanlt of any candi. date, but due to 8 deprewsd and unstiled condi tion of affairs in the government, and a dissalis fied people all over the country and Democracy was swept out of sight and the Demoeratic Coun ty Ticket woul down with the siamo. All the candidates that were on that Uoket came to the front. except Asron Williams, dee’d, and asked the party for vindication, and it has been done, either by nomination or election, viz: Hon. Jas Schofield, elected once; Hon, BR. M_ Foster, twice: gM. Bower, Fxq., rece ied 3he. nom nation Ri faperior Court Judge, ow 1 respectfully solicit the same consideration and ition mit my candidacy to the Democracy of Centre County for their judgment at the coming prima. ries and County omvention, I remain your most obedient servant Boslsburg, March 16, 9, Tos, FF. Riuey Treasurer, We are authorized to announce that J D. Mil ler, of Walker township, willbe a candidate for the Democratic non ination for Treasurer. sub. joot to the rules and regulations of the Demo eratio ¥. Hublersburg, Pa. We are authorized to announce that J. Toner Lucas, of Mosnaunon, will be & candidate for the Democratic nomination for Treasurer, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic par- y. We are anthorized to aonotinee that Wm. T. Boeer, of Bellefonte, will be a candidate for the atic nomination for Treasurer, subject the rules and regulations of the Democratic par Weare sothorised to announce that H. A. Moore, of Howard Borough will be a candidate or Democratic nom r, Sige dole roimand regulations of the Demo. NOTICE ~NOTICE 18 HEREBY to i that nterested of the goods and . under the provisions of the in to widoy the 1h oF April, 181 bave been confirmed ried ab: 5 ...in Centre county who failed to get one of our Folders showing three samples of Our (reat $7.50 Suits {oorrmpnres) ADMIRAL W. T. SAMPION Please notify us at once, and we will mail him one. We have a great big seller in Black Diagonal Worsted Suits at $8.50 also—thor- oughly made and trimmed ~all wool worsted yarn— 18 ounces. The Ladies «.Are helping us in our new department. Ladies’ Silk Garters, Ladies’ Hose, Ladies’ Handkerchiefs, La- dies’ Coliars and Cuffs, La dies’ Gloves, Ladies’ Sailor Hats, Ladies’ Shopping Bags and Leather Cases, - Ohildren’s Garters. ¢ S000000000000000000000000000000000 NNN 0000 B90 Carbons guarantee d as good as the best from §1 75 10 $8.00, C.BARTCES, Centre Hall. Gallery in Kreamer building, ‘T. feb@2m THE MIFFLINBURG Mifflinburg, Pa. Wesley Kleckner, Linen sent to this aus washed white, pot dry is whitewashed. LIKE EDGES. High Gloss or Dull Finish, Clay W. Reesman, VOCATED IN ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTI FUL AND HEALTHFUL BPOTS IN THE ALLEGHENY REGION: UNDENOMINA. TIONAL: OPEN TO BOTH SEXES: TUITION FREE: BOARD AND OTHER EXPENSES VERY LOW, KEW BUILDISs ARD EQUIPMENT. LEADING DEPARTMENTS OF STUDY. I" AGRICULTURE and HORTICULTURE with coustant illustrations on the Farm and in the Laboratory, " igina) study with the mie roscape., CHEMISTRY: with an unususily thorough course in the Laboratory, CIVIL ENGINEERING, § ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: full and LMINING ENGINEERING: jos wre scoompanied with very extensive practiosl exercises in the Field the Shop, snd the Laboratory, HISTORY: AND POLITICAL SCIENCE. INDUSTRIAL ART AND DESIGN. LANGUAGE asd LITERATURE; Latin {opiional,) French, German snd English (re- quired.) one or more continued through the entire course, MATHEMATION and ASTRONOMY: pure and Applied. MECHANIC ARTS; combining shop work with study, three years’ course MENTAL, MORAL and POLITICAL BCI. ENCE; Constitutional Law and History; Politioal aL. She. MILITARY SCIENCE: instruction theoreti. cal and practical, includingesch arm ofthe shrvios, 12. PREPARATORY COURSE: One year, Fall term opens jept. il, 1885. Examinations for admission, Sept. 13, For Oatalogue or other information, address GEO. W. ATHERTON, LL.D. Prest, tate Onllege, Centre Oo Ps 12 S0000000000080000000000080 Shoe Store ® : ob 3 Spring goods just arrived direct from manufacturers— : in all the latest styles. : The Military Feel, English 3 Toe, with all the other im- provements, make the Spring Shoe very attractive. Come and see. C. A. KRAPE, SPRING MILLS. WESTWARD, 5378, m.~Train 3 (Dally) For Erle. Can- Snonigus, Rochester, Buflalo, Niagara Falls, and intermediate stations, wilh passenger coaches 10 Erie and Rochester. Week duys for DuBois, Hefonte, snd Pitsburg. On Rundays only Pullman sleepers 10 Hoch®ter and Erie 10.08 a. mi. ~-Train 31. (Daily) For Lock Haven snd intermediate stations, and weekdays for Tyrone, Clearfield, Philipsburg, Pittsburg and the West, with through cars to yrone, L351 p.m ~Train 15. Weekdeys for Kane, Ty- rone, Clearfield, Philipsburg, Pitsburg, Cana daigun snd Intermediate sations. Byrecuse, Rochester, Buffalo ana Nisgars ¥Yalls, with through passenger coaches 1o Kane and Bocns ester, and Parlor car to Rochester, SMlp, m.~Trein 1. Week deys for Renovo, Eimira and intermediate slationes, 945 p. m.~Train 13. Dally for Lock Haven, and wiermediste stations. | THROUGH TRAINS FOR MORTANDOR FROM i EAST ARD SOUTH, rain 31 leaves New York 1206 night, Philsdels his 4.50 8 m, Baltimore 4.56 a m, Harrisburg 8.05 8m, daily, Wilkesbarre, 730 . wm, Week- days arriving at Montandon 16 Bam, | Train 16 leaves Philadelphin 8.50 m, Washing Va mm, Baltimore 8.00 am, W illkesbarre 05am, week days, arriving a! Montandon 1 pm, with parior car from Philadelphia aud through passenger coaches from Phila | . Geiphia and Baltimore | Tradn {leaves New York 630 a m, Phila, i225 p | om Washington at 10.50 & ma Baltimore at 12.00 { mn, Wikesbarre 5.15 pm, arriving sf Monten Gon #1 6.0: p m, week days. with hrough pas. Br Cosches from Phils, and Baitimore, leaves New York 1.0 Po om. Philadel. Libpm, weekdays 48 p, m.. Sus days, Wn S50 pm, Baltimore § 35 Pm. dui iy, Wilkesbarre, 6.00 pm. (week ders arriving ai Movtandon 9.45 Pm. Through Perior Car trom Philadelphia, week days. and passenger coach from Phiisdelphia and Washington | Train 3 leaves New York st 5.40 Pm, Philage | L20pm, Washington 10.40 p m, Baltimore 11.5 pm, (dally) Brriving ai Moniandon st 5.08 & wm, with through Pullman beeping car from | FPhiledeiphis and througs pamcnger coaches { from Philadelphia and Ia timore LEWISBURG AND TYRONE KAILEGAL Week dass, d.93 Westward, M AM. BTATIO®: : i 5 #0 Moniandon {14 € 45% Lewisburg i {6 43 Biehl 16 icksburg IMifinburg | Milimont i5. Glen Iron 7 40. Paddy Mountain 7 solCoburn 7 87% Lerby 5 O5iRising Spring 5 11{ Penn Cave : i #18 Centre Hail 3 85 i UlGre 8 Siilinden Ball Osk Ha 1 & #9 Lemont § 43 Dale Summit 5 52{ Pleasant Gap ® 55% Axemeann 7 0 Beliefonte Additonal trains leave Lew isburg for Mons donatl 520 a m, TUE 8. mm. G48 & m, Esstwara, AM sNpusgle ® ™ WAM MRM A TN EI AE Ae we i Be ih oe i | *NEZECERAENREEE f i 5 1.16 | 530 and 8.00 p. m.. returning jeave Montendon | for Lewisburg at 7.35. 3.0 a. m I005 a. mm. 5.08, SOS pm, and 6 15 pm. On Bandays trains leave Montandon 9.0% apd | 1004s m. and 502 p. m., returning leave Lewis bu #30a. m., 1006 a.m. and 5.04 pin, {J.B HUTCHINSON, 4. K,. WOOL Gon’) Pew'eer Agt BELLEFONTE CENTRAL RAILROAD, To take effect May 25, 1806. EASTWARD : WESTWARD 125% BTATIONE. [11:3 PY AN Ar, 1 308 45 SX 108840 § 16 12 58% & . “YE uf Bellefonte. | 8 we OOMOWilie | . oN . 6 10.12 541% 84 60512 49's 31 SONIZ 468 28, S58T12418 2 5 53{12 sis 2 ———. 5 501123518 181, HH MWN OY... K 5 B22 248 De 58112 22 02] b 30112 20% ool com isn or Stabe Colle fee . Morning trains from Mostandon, Lock Haven and T tandon, Lewd Train No. 11 for State Colleg State College connect with § Be Das. 5 Daily except Sunday. FH. THOMAS, Sap. (CENTRAL RAILROAD OF PENNSYLVANIA i. Oondensed Time Table, Red Down , ~~ Le No.1 No BN 3 May 18, 1896. n. mpm, | 17 20147 3 Be 41 4% » i } mm. Ly, AT. p.m. 3 45 .BELLEFNTE. i 4 al 8 8Y N a 00 adel wt og = 5 eae DUB IE o... | § S01 4 MLHUBLERSE'G. | a5 4 18, dert | 2 A eB — SH REERBYRE Coss eve vd en nel Sevevgzuneseensh i Salona MILL HALL | 58145 gen g2Ry La 2 (EAB P BEEF Tadd i EE; “hp SEEN RRR 32 a sxe5e 8