The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, March 23, 1899, Image 6

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The American steamer Mariposa, Cap’,
tor San Francisco, having on board £1,000
000 in gold,
The town of Woodlawn near Birmingham,
Ala., was visited by a severe windstorm, and
a ch arch and several dwellings were dams
Judge Walter C. Ong, of the Common
Pieas Court of Cleveland, Ohlo, filed a petls
tion in voluntary bankruptey in the Unitvd
States Cirenit Court, His liabilities are
placed at $35,000. Assets are given ut
The Japanese cruiser Chitose will sal
from Ban Franelsco for Yokohama this
week, The report that she has met with sev-
eral mishaps to her machinery since being
turned over to her Japanese crow, is denied
by her engineers,
Two members of the Syracuse (N. ¥.) Fire
Department were severely injured while
working at a flee, They were Captain Geo,
T. Shean and Ladderman Patrick Dee. A
tittle later Charles Brooker, driver for the
Assistant Chief, collided with a wall wagon
and was badly ivjured.
Reports from Wkhits Rocks Agency, in
Utah are to the effect that the Indian leaders
there a-e restioss, and very serious trouble
is anticipated by Indian Myton, by
reason of the fact that the me rho eontrol
the chiefs desire to roturn to the former res-
arvation in Colorado,
A run was started co the Cinelonatl
ings Soclety without apparent ¢ which
Was promptiy met by the jayment of all
ehocks presented, the officers of the bank at-
tributing the run to the maitce of a deposi-
tor who bad a dispute In seitiing bis a9
count, and who threatened to get even,
Residents of the mising to of Hayden
Hill, Lassen county, in the extreme north
astern portion of Californin, are greatly ex.
cited over an exceedingly rich strike of gold
ore, the vein being about fifteen inches wide,
about twenty-nine feet fron he surface,
and said to prospect {rom £7,000 to £12,000
per ton,
The machine twist manufrctarers of New
York have voted a fart her hstvan ee of 10 per
cent. in the prices of thelr products,
A rich gold strike is reported to have been
made on Granite Creek, near Albint, on the
west coast of Vaocouver Islands, Assays
show &5.8 0 to the A
For the murder of Charles Haynes,
Lewis was banged at Atlants,
galiows bulit by him YOars
employed as a workman,
Pate Jones was shot and killed at Elkton,
Ky., nud Will Gray was wounded fn & flight
between Jones, and Ww il
Gray, three city po-
on the
two ago
his Charlle,
countrym and the
resdered 1
last summer that express eo
The Appellate Court at
mously sustained the
Judge Tuley
panties are obliged to fornish
slam ® £
CREO, un
War revenue
The United State ffrigerating steamer
Giac was . i 5t the Br
lyn Navy Yard
No. 20}
breparatory to
voyage to Manila,
The Muvor and bealth «
Angeles, Cul., have Issued =
garding the smal -p
that thers have Leen seventy-six cases since
the first appearance of the disease in
tetnber, nod thers are now 14 cases and 33
convalescents under quarantine
Peter D. Lark, for many years captain of
the private police of Gresuwood Cemetery,
New York, eommitied sul
the cemetery ground,
The Esparanza mine at El Oro, one of the
famous mines in Mexico,
an English syodieat~, whieh
000 forfeit money, Toe
fixed at #23.000, Bb }
Pires oun April 25,
Io Detroit Georges J. Mink aged 10, was
stabbed under the uit shoulder blade by
Xavier Glombin, a 13-year-old boy, whe, It
seems, siaried a quarrel with him, the knife
peaelrating a lung, with probable fatal re.
The anpual order sent out from the Post.
office Department lostructing posimasters
to give employes their summer vacation of
fifteen days with [ull pay, does not pleads
the clerks in the Atlanta office, because
provision is made by Congress to
who work in their piaces,
Thrasher Meade, the notorious negro trails
robber, safe blower and bandit, bas been
elatement re
X situntion in that city
puts up 81,000 -
price of the mine is
1, and the option ex.
jay those
idan, Miss, to twenty years in the Pederal
penitentiary. Io pessing sentence Judge
Niles expressed rogret that he could not un-
der the law sentences Meade to desth.
James Patterson, a well-known eheractor,
and prominent in lveal polities in Cinein.
uatl, was fatally shot by James DePugh, a
lookout at one of the gambling estabilsh-
ments iu that city, Patterson was standing
at his front door with his wife when De
Pugh fired five times at him, The fatal
wotind is fo the abdomen, Mrs, Patterson
was shot in the wrist,
The beretolors rumored changes in the
system of paying the employes of the Balti
more and Onlo Ralirosd took permanent
shape last week at a meeting of the heads of
tbe several departments and general super-
Intendents, eallod by General Manager Up-
derwood for the consideration of that mat.
ter. It was determined to replace the pres-
ent dilatory process of rusniog the pay cars
over the entire system, involving an eX pen-
diture of three weeks time in distributiog a
large bulk of currence ¥ aggrezating one
miilfon dollars per mouth, by & more eon.
venient, expeditions and safer process of
distributing through the hauds of the sta
tion agents checks payable at any ove of the
37 banks upon the line of the system and by
any agent of the company. The new ar-
rangement is effective May 1
There are 1,500 ocean cables,
Japan has seventy copper miues,
There are aluminum violins,
Vietoa has a municipal saloon,
Canada exports hay 10 the States,
Finland bas women paper-hangers,
Rockeloiler's ivcome is $40,000 a day,
Des Moines boasts a woman buteher,
England has 13,000 feuals sehool toasters,
In Glasgow more than one-third of the car
fares are one-half penny,
The city of Jepa, in Germany, owns a
brewery that pays to the eity w profls of
more than $30,000 a year,
Toe threatened sirike of Iron founders at
Leods has beén averted by the acceptanos of
an advanes of | shilling per week offered by
the employers, In makisg the ¢gension
i appealed to the men not to time,
mo orders on thelr Looks are so great
shat they have d Malty in coplog with
Georgia Mob Metes Out Swift
An Uprising of the Colored Population
Is Now Feared and the Militia is
Cunrding the Town — Governor Can.
der Offers a Reward for the Lynch
Palmetto, Ga,
ored men Ho in
Fous dead eol-
Johnson's warehouse, Ie
tide them, groaning in agony, are five of
thelr race, nll victims of an assault made by
whi e men of this neighborbood,
This little eity bas had two incendiary
fires, whieh have plmost destroyed it, sfuce
Juouary 1, and the men who were stotdown
while beeging for merey, Hie where they fell
on the blood-soaked floor of the improvise d
{Bpeeinl, )
The citizens are patrolling the main street
of the tows and dispersing an ©
Eroup of muttering colored men, who seem
determined to get some form of revenge for
the slaug ghter of four of their race,
Walting for the Coroner.
The scene at Johnson's
the nine men were fined and
v filled with the dead and dylag, |
ig and miserable one.
or nod blsckoned walls are indented
el, Wives
their side in dimly ight
clog the air with thelr moan
iyor Arnold has summd i
nus to the
», and every citizen seen on
Tne ait
sder co
atrol sireets al
the street
gun. uation Is be.
ved £0 be practically
y the good work of 3 ja
Thea Palmetto 3 Xt
On seeout the exeiter
wus eon { 160 men,
from is a mystery
trol, OWILER
That somes of
pons of the
es without
ard when
covered with
In a mingt
were in the mob go
face was masked,
was reached the
the people
Dattar cline,
saving, Every
the ware!
guard of
out a word,
# the mob was in
five men
the big ware.
The fright.
alter yell,
it had no «ff
fAuisthied the
house aod the fustiade opened.
men sent up
: ERLE is r mercy, but
its work was
turned and quiekiy dia
me —on borsetack,
eet on
Incendiary Fires.
Year (Li
ar five days ininr,
uses in ail were destroyed,
ered men were
and taken 10 Johnson's war
nary trial, whiel
“Bad” Cotte
confess ior
himssif and nesociates,
of the gaog
The colored peopie of this community
have threatened in the past week to burp
Fairburn, the county seat, and it is repori.
that the mob came largely from that
The Capital City Goards
‘clock and were put on
ferent paris of the
apprebensive of an
have reveage,
arrived at 11
patrol duty fn dit.
town, The eftizens are
uprising In an effort to
Militia Asked Far.
Atiants £im,. ihe
Paimetto telephoned Govern
a mob had entered the jiitle he
as a jal there, and shot pire
men, He asked that militia be sent at
to safeguard the people
aoe 3
Big Heward Offered.
Governor Candier bas fssued a proeia
tion offering a reward of $500 “for
prebension and delivery of the first
of the mob, aud a further reward of
each additional person implicated.” in
og of the four eolored men at Palmetto,
The Governor sald: “| regard the outra 1»
as simply Inexeusable,
$100 f
informed, asd as proof
amply able to punish them.”
Walls of Houses Blows Away and Beds
Left Standing
Birmiogham, Als., (Special JA tornado
swept the town of Avondale, near here,
Passing immediately Ia front of the Avon
ft demolished the negro
Methodist chureh.
Mre, R, C, Foster was {ll in bed, and he:
busband was watchiog at her side. The
hopes was taken from over ber bead, aod
the bed.tead blown a hundred feet sway.
Strange to say, Mrs, Foster was not hurt,
The pegro schoolhouse and the negro
Baptist church were torn to pieces, Mrs
Aunie Johnson was buried under her house,
and bad to be dug but. She is badly cut aud
Arthur O. Hudgins, a white boy, was also
buried in the wreekage of Lis father's house,
His arm was broken,
At this house the four walls were Liown
away, and a bed containiog three obildrer
was left in the middie of the room. The
children were not seratehed,
Met Their Fate While Trying to Cross the
Valdes Glacier,
Seattle, Wash, (Special, )— Steamer Ex.
ewisor, which jast arrived from the mouth
ol Copper River, Alaska, brings news of the
freer ng to death of six men on Valder
glacier abont the Ist of Mareh, They were
Adolph Ebrbardt, New York: Maximiilan
Miller, New York: Alfred Alceman, New
York: Dr, Edward Logan, Deuver; Radolph
Ellerkanp, Loulsvilie, Ky., and August
Hehultz, New York.
All the bodies, exodpt that of Dr. Logan,
were recovered and burled at Valdez, Fb.
bardt, Milier and Aiveman were mumbers of
the Sclentifle Prospecting Company, of New
A Big fompuuy to Take Ont Ore and Make
it Into Vessels,
Trenton, N. J., (Special. } The Amertean
Sbipbuildidg Company was
here wits n capital stock of 00,000,000,
An Incident in Mayaraity Campaign a
Hot Springs, Ark,
Hot Springs, Ark., (Bpecial.)—A shooting
uflalr cceurred here which resulted in the
deuth of five men and the serious wounding
of Ed Epears, who was shot in the neck and
miny die,
The shooting grew out of the Mayoralty
sampa'gn, The Sheriff was a8 warm sup-
porter of the regular Democratic nomines,
while Toler, Hart, and Gosles were support
ing an opposition eandidate,
Early in the afternoon shots were ex-
‘hanged between Sheriff Williams aod his
son Joho, on the one side, and Rergt, Gosles
on the other, but no one was lujured, After
this both parties determined to have it out,
Poler, Hart, and Gosles were walking south
on Central avenue at about 5.30 o'clock when
they met sheriff Wiiliums and his two sons,
Jobn and Coffey, and Ed Bpear,
No one can tell who flred the first shot,
but in us moment thers was a general fusti-
Inde, in which forty or filty sbots were ex-
changed, When it was over Toler, Hart,
Gosiee, and Hinkle, a pon-combatant, were
dead, and John Willams whs morally
wounded, Wililams died an bour later.
Louis Hinkle attempted Lo separate the
combatants when the flight opened, He was
shot in the head and died instan Liy.
The May or, immediately alter
ited Judge LD. Beldl
Dey utiles were sworn
ous were ordered closed
the she
and bis son Coffey
the sh
nnd ali sale
in Hitle fae feoilng outside of thos
otine. Order wa
the cliy Is 1
Br® Und
Lo further trou
sherift Willlams w
is anticipated,
learning of the
afier the main
ea whieh
went de
own off,
All of tt
Handred of Them are Beported
Ritieq inn Battle at Pasig
Manila, Philly {By Cable
General ielely routed Lhe
oecupl-d Pasig, Tago
Heveral hand of the ener
ANd ns many were saptured,
Otis pays this Is
tory sinee Febraary J
BOW press towards
ters, The adva
ment has beon
Ina battie
fying eolims
pins Islands,
Wheaton bas ec 5p
and Pateros,
were killed,
aeral W
two thogsand
heavily, The
ihe was y slight : Americans
850 Fillpinos. Many Ix
d inthe angagen ¥
down the river
The Washington Yolun
ned Pateros,
diss of
tears oaptured and
m the sonemy while crossing the river
: if the past
meeting with a sharp
insurgents oecasi ally
stand, but eveatually feslog,
sup osed to hive been sma
The fghtiog was
week the
Ag iug a
Faeir ices)
as the &
the ennmny in
About 350 Filipinos
town of Taguig to
ment, and 175 Filipinos were captured
Pasig by the Twentieth Hegiment
Our troops found 106 dead Filipinos
ote hundred now graves near Pasig,
The prisoners were usarmed, snd, there
fore, it is presumed they szocuied their
threat of throwing their arms into the river.
the Washington
An Unknown Woman Disfigures Another
for Life
St, Louis, Mo., (Spegial
iookiog for an unknown woman who eal
of Mes, M. F.
widow, and threw vitriol in
biindiug ber and eaunsing buras that may re-
suit fatally, Several weeks ago Mrs. Me
Yean caused a sensation by appearing at the
jodes headquarters with a box of candy
which she said she hind received through the
Bbe charged a prominent young
woman of this city with baviog seat 18 to her
jealous of the stientions
the latier s face,
Mrs. MeVean is unconscious and blind,
Her lamily and physicians will not permit
Bore becoming uneonselous Me Mo
het to the door by rioging the bedi, and
threw the contents of a bottle into her face,
No person other than Mere, MeVean saw
the acid thrown; 50 one saw the strange
Woman about the piace,
Denlers Can Sell in Quantities Less Thun
the Beiatnat Package.
Washington, DD. {Special} Commis. |
stoner of Interns Sr Wilson bas sent
the following Instructions to collectors re.
specting the sale of cigar inst tobaero:
of lea! tobaeces by a qualified dealer in leaf |
tobaroo in gaantities lesa than a hogshend,
onwe or bale are hereby modified with re
spect to elgar leaf, which may be purebased |
use in bis own manufactory exslusively,
“No permit will be required for the snle
of cigar lea! tobacco as hierein suthorined,
Toe commercial usage of Bing the tobacen
at tue marked Instead of the actual weight
will be permitted when the bill of sale also
discloses Lhe netonl weight of the lowaceo ut
tbo time of sale,"
Agoneilio’s Recretary Nays the Filipinos
Will Net Give Up.
Now York, N. X., (Special. ) ~8ixto Lopes,
the secretary of Agonciilo, the pepresentn.
tive of Aguisaido, leader of the Filipinos,
with Dr, Jose Los da, & member of the Fili-
pino Juuta, sailed for Bouthampton on the
American Liner 8t, Pan), They refused to
discuss national affairs within the jurisdic.
tion of the Usited States, but sald thet they
wers worry ‘the Americans, who boast so
mueh about Jrcudum: ars trying to make
their poor peo Aves,
Th Fiiploos were fighting for liberty
long before the United Btates eamn into exe
fsteras,” remarked Lopes, ‘and they are
not golng to give up the battle boeans« the
tank masters ave bosn changed from Span.
or death,”
Women Leaped From the Win-
dows to Death.
Thirty-Five Others Are Seri-
ously Injured.
Fire Breaks Out in the Windsor Hotel,
New York Clty, While a Parade is Vass
ing Bullding Scones Mass of Hulns
The Gould Hesidence Alse Dainaged
Loss Over un Million,
New Yore, N. Y,, (Bpecisl.)-Flames,
whieh originated from the Ignitiog of a Ince
eurtals, burst forth from the second floor
of the Windsor Hotel, at Forty-seventh
street and Fifth avenge, shortly after three
afternoon, just as the §t,
ing, and io a few moments they had leaped
the roof and enveloped the entire
avenua and Forty-seventh street
the hotel, Ton minutes iater the
Hames were roaring through the
and all means of escape Ly means
stalrwoye and elevators were cut off, and
ers was the vx
3 and without the Lbulldiog. Hundreds
i emg were in the hotel
he fire broke out, and muny of
fronts of
ie hotel
wildest sespe of ltoment
udsls an Oyen
safetl y
flieen live
, And
3 the roaring
on the stalrways,
i Ley
al uehrby
a and others,
unt they are hovering
death, It will be
it can be { definitely
mass of
fallen masonry that marks the t where
otal stood
Hotel Boon In Ruins.
not be checked, and in
the Lime the fire
{ure was io ruins, and the
three sides of the bullding were
fliled with debris from falling walls snd tall
chimueyd, while the streams of water being
upon the interior of the rulns bad
than to fill the alr with
clouds of sealding steam, making it impos
a io flames could
» hours from
the ettire struc
missing bodies,
fire was the most spectaculsr
i be imagined, Whes it broke out |
wded with pec
The that
pie ateking
and every win-
of the botel facing Fifi
paeiniors walchis
eel al
ber ¢
the streets on that sceount
interfered not a little with the movements of
firemen and poliee, As soon as the
flames ware discovered shoo ting from
windows, that part of the BL Patrick's Day
procession, which was near the baliding
eame to and io a few minutes
for the poites cama
from diroe.
as far as they were able, ove the
inusuaily large numt
& halt, the
tion and,
8 addition to the reguinr gussts of the
both the windows were crowded by a large
residents of this eity
Panle-stricken Women
Hoon after the frst siarm was given peo
sors of the hotel. those
the street and the bar
out of the bulidiog in
great numbers, bat I very soon became ape
arent Lal a great majority ol the oreupants
were cither panle-siricken or
were unable to make thelr way tothe ground
floor, Windows were throws op-n upon
every side of the buliding, snd guests, most.
iy women, in all stages of terror made their
appearance, and commenced to make frantic
sifu meniced to pour
telow, As the flames gathersd about them
they beeame more and more Wrror-siricken,
and presently several of them stood upon
the spectators below that they were atout to
leap to the streets, The men colisoted upon
the sidewaiks ready to offer any assistance
that they could, and in the meantime a nam-
ber of women left the windowsills and
dropped to the streets
the sidewalk, and In most cases
Hmbe were the result,
Assoon as the firemen could get thelr
every window where there was an usfortun-
ate guest appealing for Assistance, and many
eases of herole resone were witnessed by the
i throng in the streets,
Helen Gould's Pablie Spirie,
Miss Gould again proved herself a philan-
people were injured or kitled, she promplly
threw open her spacious residopor- the oid
stree!, on the northeast corner of Fifth
Avenue, Gerectly opposits the burning hotel
wt receive those in distress, Rix women
who ware Injured were carried Into the
Bouse; then cats one who was dead, Miss
Gould shuddered, and at first seemed about
to faint, bul the true woman then asserted
“Bring them all in she orled In her exelt.
odd fervor. “1H turn the wholes house into a
hospital if neosseary!’ The rescuers need.
od no further biddiog, Vietim after vietha
was onrrled In by firemen, policemen and
citizens, until the costly furnished house
more resembled & fleld hospital than »
stylish Fifth avenue residence. Then the
botel wall on Forty-sixth street side fell
with a terrible erasb, throwing blazing coals
aud debris nil over the Gould mausion aod
selting it on fire on the south side, For a
while it looked as if the famous old house
whers the millionaire died a few years ago
was also doomed, and it seoined useloss to
catty any more vietims in there,
A Hero Badly Barnod,
Rhomas McPherson, an employe of the
Government docks In Brookiyn, went
through the fire and smoke five stories and
rescued Mrs, II. Dutler, who was uncon.
scious fram the shoes and fright. MePhor
i somes
Net Want to Keep Others Back
Letter to MeKinlay,
Washington, D. C., (Bpecisl, )—Becreiary
Long has received & letter from lesr Ad-
tuiral Sampson, in which the Admiral, after
referring to the allegations thas the jist of
officers recommended for promotion for gal-
Inntry off Santiago had fatied of confirma.
tion beoause It luciuded his name, asked the
Secretary 10 Immediately reappoint these of
floors, omitting his own name,
The Admirsl’s Letter.
“United Biates Flagship New York- First
Hate, Havana, Cabs, Bir: 1 respectfully
ask your attention to the facts contained in
this letter, and that it may be officially filed
as part of wy record fn the United Stoies
“When the inte war was threatening 1 was
pinced fo command of the North Atlantic
fleet, and, after the daciaration of war, was
appointed by the President &« Hear-Admirsl
and confirmed in my command,
“This duty and responsibility came to me
entirely unsought, nor bad 1 soy especial
wish for It, though recognizing the great
aouor then conferred upon me,
My sole alm was to achieve success; to
blockades Cuba, destroy Cervera’'s fleet and
to malutain an efficient war fleet,
“It is not necessary to dwell upon the iL-
cidents of the wor, which are all now well
Based upon there lucidents cerisin
distinguished for faithial service,
of my
commander-in-chief, for
ward as you, sir,
Those names you
minate 10 {ed
notion, and you have
done me ths Looor to add my nam that
ist of officers,
“It now appears that ths Benate, th
well disposed to most
ligt, has, for reasons not ne
here discussed, otjocted to
aud has simbiariy failed to cot
serving officers ab
Las been no doubt
“Hitherto, Mr.
Any sager denice
other form reward for do
have not iniiy conpertied myself ith
matters cul:ide of that duty. 1 bave leit
that I have dose my duty in the conduet of
the Wost Indisn naval camprigo to the ut-
most extent of my ability as thoroughly as |
was able, aod II no reward sbouid come
could be satisfied with the consciousness ¢
bavisg dove my best,
“1 did not, however, anticipates
satisfaction with any act or wets of mine
wouid cause the Beasts to withhold from
other officers a promotion whieh they have
duty as
j romotion or such other rew
wight deem desirable,
bave been pleased Lo no the Uni
Jinles Benate [or pr
¢ 10
of the nu:
that dis-
granted in similar clreumsiances to
“1, therefore, respectiuily suggest,
your appointment of
officers about whom there Is no discussion
ones be renewsd, in
Lhe personnel blll to which they are eutlitied,
“Yery respectifuily,
“Ww. T
“The President of the Uni
Amerios, the
ted Rister of
brough Becreiary ! “hb
Will Not be Accopled
Beorniary Long will not sceept
gestion made by Hear Admiral
his inter, and make recess appolotments of
the sug-
{iC a
The matter will be aliowed {0 remains
as It stands util the next
and then all of the nomisalions will be pent
io precisely us they stood af the end of the
inst session,
General Otis Yorbids Farther Negotiations
With Aguinstido
Washington, DD, C,,
Ode, 16 forbidding fe
ribher negotiations be-
gents, touching the surrender of the Bpan-
ish prisoners heid Uy the latter, seted upon
bis own authority, The goveromeut bas
Bot west him assy Instructions upon
point, bat it will unquestionably support
Bim to the extreme in any section
kiud be may take, Itis said at the
Department that there have been some ex-
chapges between the United States
Spatn, through indireet chatiuels,
these particular prisosers, dating
the signature of ithe protocol, inst
It never contemplated trylog to secure their
release by rapsom,
suppreseion of the issurreciion, and cannot
be held Ly soy requirement of intersational
iaw to do more than bas been 4:
the release of the prisoners,
Bayt of the Executive Party for the
Washington, DD, C, (Special)
McKinley and a party of friends
days or 1wo weeks at
Thomusevilie, Ga,
The trip t= wade via the Atlantic Coust
Live snd the Pant Systems, uboard a spies
did train of Pullman cars, perfent {o equip-
ment with every provision for the comfort
and safety of the party. Toe President coo
eapled the magnificent private Puliman ob
special train, the remand r of which was
ail besodsuniely fitted out for
the scoomwodadoa of the distinguished
J ovnnd tonne in the Uoifine,
Clevelaud, Uae, (Special) ~Audrew 1.
Losger, of Company M, Fourteenth United
States lofauiry, sow at Manlis, writes &
most interesting letter 10 bis parents, in this
city, concerning the attempt of the rebels to
saplure tbe ¢ity on Jasuary 11.
Among other tnlngs, the wriier says: “The
fusurgents tried 10 take the clly Ly making
an attack Ju the frout sod have the eltizens
make an attack ia the rear, »0, in order 10
do this, it was necessary for them tv get
arms lato the city. We noticed they were
baving & large number of funerals from a
ehuren In Paco, Que day there were seven-
ty-three coffius taken iu, When some of
our boys were delalied Lo luspect they “ound
that these coffins contained guos, snd in ths
way we oajptured 1,200 of the weapons,
ea sm
Rassin bas duolded to withdraw hor pro.
test agalost the Nin-Chiwaug Raliroad voe-
tract, thus yielding to Great Britain,
Jt reported that Russian troops are
moving souihnard toward the renter ot
General Advance Begun on the
Enemy Makes a Stand for an Hour Thirty
are Killed, Sixteen are Taken Prisoners
~funbout’'s Terrific Fire Inte the Jus.
glen ~ Native Linea Mile Longin Fail
Hetrest- One American Killed,
Maxira, Philippine Islands, (By Cable.)
General Wheaton attacked and espiured the
city of Pasig, east of Maulls, Sunday afters
The enemy made a stand for an hour, but
at the end of that time were foreed to res
The loss of the Filipinos was 30 killed sad
i6 prisoners,
Of the United
At daylight Prig.-Gey, Liryd Wheaton's
divisionai brigades, ! the Twst-
tieth United Biates Inf the Twently-
second Infantry, eight companies of the
Washington Volusteers, seven sompanies
of the Oregon Volus res troops of
the Fourth United States Cavalry and a
mounted battery of the Sixth Artlilery, was
drawn up os a ridge beblsd Pedro
Macatl, a mile souts of the town,
The advance was sounded at £6.30 A. M.,
the cavairy leading the column atl a smart
trot scross the open to the right, eventually
reaching sa clump commanding the rear of
Guadalupe, ’
Bupported by the
Biates forces six were
consisting «
teers, Li
Oregon Volunteers, the
advance foros opened & heavy fire on the
omy. The response was fesbie and desuls
lory, apparently. comiag Irom handiuis of
While the right eoinmn was swinglog to-
Pasig, the left advanced,
made a de
Chureh, but
he a8
A smali body of losurgents
al Guadalupe
the enemy was snabie to withstand
A river gusboat started toward Pasig.
poured a
Gatling guus irto the
Steaming slowly, the gunboat
For all of an hour the whirring of the
be borming
of the heavier piecss on board,
Io the meantime, Hoc bat
trepohios and
The artillery 1
bamboo and drove
i's ashore,
drivisg ihe
en advanced
a few of
with vol-
nd Hien
snemy back
The arti
and met with y little opt
Walle this was golug on the infa
forward in
Washington regi ment
: each regiment deg
station wud
ieys from thelr carbines
tank of
Dylug on reach
jurnishing its own
exietided order.
resting ou the
The entire column then wheeled toward
ny toward bis
ris, and then advapeed on Guadalupe,
Toe artillery moved to a ridges command
By this time the evemy was in full fight
over & mils long and the fring
was discontinued temporarily, in order 10
I'he enemy's loss wes believed to be se
but only eight Americans were
At this stage of
the engagement it was
A Maniis special to the Jour
wing bi of casusities
nited States forees in the
New York. -
Rilied-—James 8. Kine, private, Twentieth,
¥. Alger, Thomas Mik
Wounded-—Privates— Twentieth
States Infaptry-—L.,
Twenty-second lufautry,
Central Pacific Pays $12,000,000,
Washington, D, GC, (Special )—The
of the twenty semi-annual
notes re.
Company in seitiement of the government's
claim against the road, amountiog to nearly
$12,000 000, bave been anticipated and paid
i610 the United States sub Treasury at New
represesting the offi.
celts Of the Oentral Pacific Company.
Henry Watterson is a bicyelist, and rides
at jenst ono every day.
It Is said that the lusuguration of Charles
8 Thomas as Governor of Colorado cost
only $100,
Richard Le Galilens threatens to turn his
“Quest of the Golden Giri” futo an opera
Misa Hebeoon Wiswell, the oldest livisg
nurse of the Civili War, bas just oslehrated
her Plat birthday.
Dr. Rickard Garnett, keeper of the printed
books in the Dritish Maseum, bas resigned
bis appointment, and will retire on March 20,
Only two raters of Rossin sines Peter the
Great have dird a patural desth —Catlivrine
iL snd Alexander 111. the isther of the
present Czar.
The latest photograph of Galseppe Ferd)
indicates that the composer is quits ws
beaity and vigorous as the scoouuis of his
dotuge prove bim to le,
Dr. Merrill E Gates, late president of
Amherst College, 18 to succeed General
Elipbalet Whittlesey as Secretary of the
Boned of Indian Commissioners,
Lavisia Dempsey, the rich New York
woman who incurred some ridicule at the
time she was crowoed “Queen of the Hole
ind Dames,” has wiltien a play oalled
“Neutral Ground,” 2
Rew, James Duane, a viosr : :
African Methodist Caureh, South, [4 on tke
way to Cape Town, Afrioa, where be
to start 8 schoo! and churen for the §
tion and redemption of the Kafe,
Limeell a native Kafr,
The Prince of W :
Dake of Northumberland as
the Royal National Litebont iow
His Royal Highness bas o