THE NEWS. Tbe Republican State Convention of Towa nominated a ticket and adopted a plat- form stating that no people who, in counse- quence of the war have been freed from op- pression, should be returned to such oppress sion or be permitted to lapse into barbarism, The National Dental Association, in ses- sion at Omaha, elected Dr, H. J. Burkhard, of Batava, N, Y,, president, and Dr. B. Holly Smith, of Baltimore, one of its vice-presi- dents, The damage from the recent storm which swept Savanoah, Ga, 18 now estimated at £20,000, As a result of the controversy about im- porting colored miners to take the places of strikers at Pana, Lil, the president and sup- PEACE FOR ALL EN Disarmament of Europe. Remarkable Proposition Convocation of sn Intecrustions! gress of Insuring a Lasting Pence and Con of Armaments, ported to bave been seized and carried away. Special letters of administration on the es- tate of the late Adolph Sutro were granted in San Francisco to Dr, Emma Sutro Mer- ritt and W, R. H. Adamson. Mrs, Cordella Botkin, in San Francisco on the charge of murder fog Mrs, John P, Dunning and Mrs, Deane, them, bas made a statement denying charges, The North Caroling railway commission pavy must pay for the revenue receipts, stamps have nominated full State tickets, The Democratic State Convention of Hampshire nominated Charles F. Stone for Governor and adopted a platform demand- ing an investigation of the War Depart ment, The Wisconsin State Demoeratic tion declared in favor of punishing gulity of war mismanagement, Partial reports from the South Democratic primaries show that Ellerbe lends his competitors, President McKinley left Somerset, Pa., for Cleveland, Oblo, where he will spend a short time, Rev. Anthony Koz sued Archbishop Lodochowski for count of his Catholie Chareh, The hearings in the case of Mrs, Core Botkin, accused of the murder of Mrs. Dua- ning and Mrs, Deane in l., have Conven- Carolina Governor fowski, of Chicago, has Feshan and Cardinal £50,000 damages on ac- excommunication from the Dover, Del., been postponed in San Franeclsco, The following troops have mustered out: Ninth Massachusetts, | dliinois, First Illinois, Fifth Ilifnols, Sixty- 81th New York, Fifth Ohlo, First Wisconsin, Third Volunteer Cavalry, (Grigsby's,) at Chickamaugns, Fourth Texas. Representative bankers, merchants, manu- facturers, professional men and commitiees from all the leading clubs and trade asso- clations of Philadelphia, met in Mayor War- wick's office and took the flrst steps toward boiding a peace jubilee in that city. The meeting was called at the instance of Mayor Warwick, and it was decided to appointa committes of 100 to formulate plans and fix a date, President McKinley will be asked to attend. Dispatches from army camps state that incompetence, jealousy and red tape by offi- cials are the principal the terrible etate of affairs in the hospitals there, The steamer Juniata, of Merchants and Miners’ Line, struck and sank the yacht Wabneta In Boston harbor. Eleven who were on the yacht were rescued The attendance at the Exposition, Omabas, has crease since the been auses of the ersons Irans- Mississippi Wh a iar * War in~ se close Captain Clark, lormerly Oregon, arrived Mich, The | has 85 | Alaska steamer three pers “Chicago Limited" on the New York Western Road Wrecked. A train on Nes Western Ballroad koe Limited" was wrecked four miles south wreck was doubtless trams, who threw open t the tralo was wrecked, switches to the north of the wreck, The train was an hb and was running nearly sixty o when it struck the switch and o the side track. twenty feet and was Inverted. The trucks the baggage car were torn off and the coach telescoped the baggage car, buied chair car aod the sleeper were derailed, but veither was aged, Engineman Dowd and F jumped and were found under the wreckage of the tender, Doth were alive at the time, but Dowd died in a lew minutes and Halil succumbed to bl injuries three hours later, The body of Brakeman Osborne was torn in two. Nine persons were injured the 8 a ur and a lies an hour was thrown The locomotive was pieces, of bead over ¢ thrown iowa to he tender t badly dam- v in HOLLAND'S GIRL QUEEN, The Queen Regent Invokes Blessings Upon the Young Sovereign. The Queen Regent of Hollasd, in a procia- mation just issued upon the occasion of the end of ber regency, her Wiibeimina, coming of age, expresses warm pleasure at seeing “the whole nation ranged joyously around the throne of the young queen,” thanks God that her dearest wish has been heard, and, alter thanking the peo- ple lor thelr loving and faithiul support of herself, invokes God's blessing upon the youthfal sovereign, and concludes: “May our country become great in everything in which a small nation ean be great.” FOREIGN AFFAIRS, The election for the seat in the House of Commons for the Southport division of Lancashire, made vacant by the acesptance of Mr. George N. Curzon of the vireroy of India, resulted in the return of Sir Herbert Naylor-Leyland, libera;. ers at Quebec announce that no general hearings will be granted to persons or dele- getions on the questions to be considered, he deciined to salute a priest with a cruct er. *&eodor Lerner bas returned to Hammer sweet With no pews of Andree, the missing wate jt, but will start on another voyage. Heer Bichter, the German radical Jeader, son derns the proposed Increase in the Ger- man army as unwarranted by any equiva. lent action of neighboring nations, Nsdoas, lo the interior of Halnon Island, in the Chiza Sea, re? A St. Peter: urg cable says: By order Czar Nicholas, Count Muraviefl, the Russian i Foreign Minister, has handed to each of the foreign representatives in Bt, Petersburg a ! note stating that the maintenance of peace and the reduction of the excessive arma | ments now crushing all European nations | form the ideal for which governments ought to strive, The Czar copsiders the present moment { favorable Jor starting a movement looking | to this end, and invites the powers to take | part in an ioternational conference as a yeans of ensuring real and nd ending the increase of armament, The text of Count Muraviefl’s note follows “The malntenatce { the possible reduction of which weigh all lasting peace is as ’ i and ar- general pence the upon BE © le world towards rs of all governments should be Ibe humanitariaa and the Emperor, my sXcassive | maments, present themselves io existin the whe as an ideal whic! the endeav firected, mMegD! mous ideas of his Majesty, | Rugust master, have been won over to this view in the conviction that this lofty Y INOS essanlial aim Is inter- views of goverument ale ail the po tl Ks rabie to wers; egitim ir iin the be Imperial ment would be very fav # means, 198f ‘lIuterpational disc nis the mo means of ensuring all peog -a real durable peace, above all, end t t levelopt he present he progressive pine Armaments, ‘Ia the course of the last twenty years the ugiog for genoral appeasement has grown iy pronoun red lo the consciences red natio and peace has bean put forward as international polley., It is in it cluded among better the preservation alu 4 DAR it is the selves powerful alliances guarantee peace that they have developed in i rtions nilitary forces and sti without shrir Nevertheless, all Fie Vp t 1p aisaerio u been able t desi n. “The floancial charges follo ward march strike at the very r } prosperity. The wing tcl pu futeliectual and phy of the nation’s labor and from opatural appil luctively consumed. 1 08 are qey fA { destruct] arded as the lays into a ple bave m lent that roiong y the very cataclysm it advan these incessant aArmamen rarding £3 Lhe ff tha “th wh pon ail slates, **Filled with t been pleased to ¢ ali the governments whose representatives are credited to the imp art, the sembling of a conlersnce which shall erial ¢ ais conterence will be 8 bappy presage for the it to open. It owerful foc by neg sincerely seeking to make the tion of universal alements o peaca { trouble and discor at the same time, coment thei a corporate consecration of it whereon re ie welfare of peoples, trie Agreement the prinel. sk the sn. tates and TO TRY CERVERA'S CAPTAINS, They Will Be Court-Martinled In Spain-— Situation in Ladrones. irid special savs { red, former captain : t Colon, promises to eon mmandants {the ively anti-go the cortes on his return fo 8 ' veroment campaign in ain, It is de. finitely stated, however, that he, as well as the other commanders of Admiral Cervera's squadron, will have to appear before a ccurt-martial before anything else is done, As soon as the eammandante arrives the government will ask the Cortes for author. ity to prosecute him, as he is a deputy and this authorization ls necessary. A semi-official denial is made of the state. ment that Admiral Cervera has written a letter, published in the American press, praising the American navy. His author. ehip of the letter Is repudiated, El Liberal and El Imparcial think it will be impossible to maintain the suspension of to continues the press censorship after the Cortes has as. sembiled, Peace J ubiles For Uhieago. He Committed Suicide After Having Morning Herald. Jeen Arrested for Forging Evidence HAVOC IN SAVANNAH Storm Causes Half Dollars Damage. a Million NO LIVES WERE LOST. Hundred Balldings Were or Fartinlly More tool Torn From Probably Wholly ns Many One Unroofed, and Were Otherwise Damn aged Savannah Thea. tre and Turned Into » Lake was no telsgraph in the evening In the harbor and at he damage to shipping J Breamer, fr during the damaged, The Italia chorage marsh, where she is lyis On a jetty heavily fr bre ke her an bark Noe broke from he antine and went Isiand, at the mo Hor crew ¢ MeCauley is and 20 sun Yacht Ciutl Any $100p8 ing a trade with the islands, were Alpha aed Doretta 4 gshore, Between and at the Savanah at Thunderboit, and as asd schooners d sunk y the steamers their anchors and went damaged orings ilies from heavily broke her n ab ! Mrs, J af the owner board, and was rescued with diffle She was taken to and thrown in ghore, and was caught struck the water, and was carried safely to land. The revenue steamer Tybee, in command of George Maher, wont to the assistance of the stranded vessels in the barbor before day- light, asd rendered valuable aid property. At Tybee Island the hotels and were badly damaged. The North Carolina troops passed a terrible night there. All the raiiroads suffered severely by wathouts, The tioe and cottan crops bave been sev erely damaged, It will be impossible, however, to estimate the losses for several days, ut ten m E Lucas, wife ity t captain and a deckband, the top of the wheelhouse na ahe cottages tory. It extended into the faterior not more than 30 miles, and hardly that distance north and south, It is believed have been severe at sea, and fears are for veasels off the const, to foi BOVEKREIGNTY OVER, President Dole, of Hawaii, Delivers the Islands to the United States, A Washington special saye: The follow ing letter was posted at the State Depart- ment: “Executive Chamber, Honolulu, H, 1, Aug. 12, 1808, The Hon. Harold M. SBewail, ebration In Chicago of the return of peace, It was also agreed that the chisel features of the parade shall be an open air reception to i i i potentiary of the United States of America «Mr. Minister: A treaty of politieal union consented to by the Repubiie of Hawaii hav ing bean accepted by the United States of America, I now, in the interest of the Ha- Grand Army Veterans and ex-Confederates shall march together as a guard of honor to the President, all the provisional regiments of the city being invited as escorts for the returned volunteers § i 1 i | i i American people, yield up to you, repre- senting the Government of the United States, the soversignty and public property of the Hawaiian Islands, “SANFORD B. DOLE." To ILL DIVIDE SAMOA, Malietoa's Reported Death May Cause Trouble. WE WILL GETPAGO-PAGO The Islands Would Serve As a Good Naval Station Present Government is Unsnt- to More to Hun Than Any Government of Its Bize inthe World. isfactory All Concerned - Costs sleameors Francis ant ihe United ids title to » oe ground for a coallng station vu the lsiand of Tall the least lu size of any of fe than large en #iation, =0 thal State Departmen al Pago Pago, wila, This siand is 1} resi fe i the group, but is wn GEHL 0 support a naval it has been the pian of the 2 8 0 re it 7 in in the event ¢ artite 13) fat - on an existing in- i a Xisling i +f the three nations, Germany, hoid- iargest interest, would the lake CRG lu size, possessing Lhe Apia, and Great Brit inrgest of the group, Capital, Bill Wolid receive Lue but the second iu eo elcid 1X poriance it i provable that among the falilug to Mr, Hay when be assumes the office of Secretary of State will be the con | sideration of some plan to tide over the crisis expected to foliow the death of the King. { The admisistration of government is being {supervised Ly the three consuls, L. W. first duties F. lose, representing chief justice, William Chambers, acting as | president of the supervisory committee, an arrangement that will continue in foros until cliosen, ABUUE NULED PLICLE Dr. Ernest M. Lieber, the Centrist party in the German Heichstag, is expected to attend the German Catholie ust 30, Mre, Lowes is sexton of the town of Lewes, England, and though quite an old woman, until recentiy she dug wil the graves in the parish churchyard. Miiber, the famous Frereh comedian, who died a short time ago, ranked in France on much the same eminence as J, L. Toole in Eogiand, He excelled in the presentment of old men of the bourgeois type, Midshipman Morres, of the Vizeaya, mourns the loss of a collection of nearly 25.- 000 postage stamps, including masy rare European varietios, which were destroyed ta the Spanish ship, Sergt, F. T. Okawara, one of the herces of the war between China and Japan, lives in Denver. He was wounded twice in one of the battles near Port Arthur, and for cotispicuous bravery o~ that occasion w pensioned by his government, France Demands Justice for Devil's Island Victim. HENRY'S SUICIDE URGED. Is Suid That the Army Chiefs Per. funded Him to Pat Himself Our of the Way General Holsdef re Believed to Be Deeply Involved Free, But In Danger Esterlinzy Stil} Paris say from Clan ne of the most jug A cablegram and a reuch Desses against Dreyfus 4 I the i ened with arrest in ¢ the hon Army, forgery 1 wt 8 in open court, Thers Justice must bo done at Lhe, perhaps in less three mon {ime reyius may be restored to rench Army, vindicat this far already. ‘ons , ience-striken—in £5 4 +8 BOL matler urs afterward ti leswed Henry 3 + the mi t where aYazor had jet made searched said razor was Apparently not taken to the prieon, for itis rity that he faARY was carried the re pow, Itis said that he Goveromeut asked tim polut blank commil suicide, saying it was the best way 10 save his tarnished reputation and avoid the terrible scandal which must follow his confession, and which would tarnish the honor of the French Army. Ultimately Henry did as persuaded, and now many se- can tell 50 me EXPOSITIONS BiG SUCCESS, Fiattering Results Thus Far of Omaha's Big Show An Omaba special says: The success of the i highest expectations of stockholders and The total attendance last week was 115.%80, or over twelve thousand fa- crease over the week previous, Secretary Wakefleld bas issaed vouchers for the redemption of more than one-half of the warrants Issued to the exposition cred. tors in June, This is good proof that the finances are on a safe basis, When the war ranis were issued Secretary Wakeflold as sured the contractors and others who were asked to carry them that the process of re. demption would be tegun by September 1. Of the $36,180.72 issued, $10,974.75 were time had sxpired, The talance, amounting to $16.195.15, will be called in early in Sep tember Lisatenant Morgan Drowned, Lieut, H. 8. Morgan, of the United States engineer corpe, in charge of the fortification work on Tybee lelavd, Ga., and Henry Smith, a rigger, were drowned in Calabogus sound in an effort to rescue the crew of the Norwegian bark Nee, whieh went ashore and was lost on Duulauskie Beach. JOY TURNED TO GRIEF. i Horrible Disaster Terminates an Pleasure Farty. A Ware, Mass,, special save Five oer. at Whitiog's Crossing, on Maine raliroad, by a the Boston and between a costalnisg o pleasure coiilsion The first intimation of the borrible affair at 6.80 board, irad were left in the bag. the medical were taken to #8 worked brought by the trails due bere victims on the The bodies of the train awaiting of examiner and the wounded re the the town ball, whe FUrge on The pleasures party was made t the immediote they were golug their home in ndviile to Forest Laks a covered wagon drawn by four horses, the crovsing there Is quite a sng right down to the tracks. ver the f the allroad the Lill was BO ap t y me oi their friends, of ir On one side As WHREOD came y ‘ Lil and started down t crest ward the r ¢ flag boy at the foot of Lag The mon boy and out seriously : 10 Uve. i is rrp ut ARMY'S LONG LIST OF DEAD. 10 Discnre, INDUSTRIAL NOTES MORE GOLD FROM ALASKA, Seattle in his sale & 50,000, A quartette consisting of C. W. 3 L. Sichier, J. A. Snow and Ge had an equal am Ib. Rach bad $28,000. Captain Eagler aud the crew of the wrecked bark Guardian were also passeagers, MERRITT STARTS FOR PARIS. rege T. Saow, unt, J. Gen. Green Also Starts from Manila for United States. we United States transport China, se- cordiog to a despateh from Hoagkong to the London Daliy Mail, bas arrived there with Gegeral Merritt acd Gen. Green, the former enroute for Paris to attend the pro- ceedings of the Hispano-American Peace Commission, and the jaller enroute for Washington. Congressional Nominations. Kansas—Fifth District, W, D. Viscest (Popuiist), indorsed by Demoorats, Missouri—Nioth Distriot, R. L. shack«iford (Republican), District, A. W. Drewter { Republican ). Okiaboma—J. R Keaton (Democrat), in dorsed by Independent Republicans, Minnesota First District, Miio {Demoorat White GERMANY MUST REMAIN ARMED, Berliner Post, In a Seemingly Inspired Articie, Distrusts Frases. The Berliner Post, in a seemingly inspired article with reference 10 the French recep- tion of the disarmament proclamation of Emperor Nicholas, says: “Germany must re- mained armed and on guard until France i willing to convert her weapons into plow. shares.”