PERSONAL MENTION. Coming and Golng, Visitors in and out of Town, — Landlord Runkle was down in Millheim on Tuesday, ~—Miss Florence Rhone visited with friends in town over Sunday, Miss Kate Alexander was a vis itor in town several days this week. Freshman Sunday ——Miles Arney, of the elass at State College, spent with his parents here. — Fs. Garthoft, one of Coburn’s prominent citizens, gave our sanctum a pleasant call -——~Miss Ada Coodhart, of Ceutre Hill, spent several days of last week at the home of Rev. Christine. en -Mrs. John Runkle, of Tussey- ville, spent several days at the home of Miss Lizzie Runkle the last week. Joseph Gilliland, of New Bloom- field, Pa., has been here the past week valley. seyville’s prominent citizens was morning. Sumner V. Hosterman will de- -cises at Spring Mills next evening. Hall spent several days with her moth- er, Mrs, Jane Love, who has been in bad health for some time. ocated in Williamsport for six months past, came up Tuesday on a couple Frank and have Mrs. Samuel Clarence, of Rebersburg, Church street, Pa., made a run home his wheel Friday. by train. —Wm. (3. Runkle, Fsq., of Belle fonte, was in town Saturday evening shaking hands with his friends, and incidentally getting in a word coneern- ing his canvas for district attorney. on ry, was over on this side last week hus- tling after the Democratic voters. He possesses the necessary qualifications to ereditably fill the office. —Dr. D. M. Wolf, of Spring Mills, attended the Reformed Satur- The Dr. is conduect- ing a most successful special of school at Spring Mills, dents enrolled from Classis day and Sunday. term and has stu all parts of county. ; Wieland, of of its most — Our friend, Daniel Harris and one citizens, called to pay his respects to the Reporter. Mr. Wieland deplores the bad and injurious eflects of want of principle in too many men in esteemed the state and local affairs, and in this he is right and harbors the sentiments of all upright men. —=Two of the REPORTER'S old friends and patrons from Madisonburg, Mr. John Bhaffer and Mr. Simon Ha- zel, drove up to Centre Hall Monday morning to transact somes business in the town, and before leaving paid their respects to this office. Mr. Shafter is Both gentlemen woud nigh a half century. are of Miles township's or & siihtan- tial citizens, j a LINDEN MALL Items of Interest from Oar the Valley. Neighbors Up The social on Saturday both financially and socially. Was a success ford, Towa, last week to visit her aunt, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Bradford, of this place, were visiting with the latter's parents at Colyer, Miss Elsie Worth, of Glen Iron, was visiting with her friend, Lounebarger. at that place, Miss Gertie Miller and brother Pine Grove Mills, were visiting their sister, Mrs. Frank Weiland, at this place, The correspondent would like to have more definite information con- cerning the young married man of Linden Hall, who gallants the young ladies of Georges valley and Spring Mills to parties, picnics, etc. Please let us hear from you boy. The girls on Baturday evening said by their actions that tobacco did not contaminate the breath, as they kissed boys who used it very freely at the time. Gentlemen do not, and boys should not use tobacco in the presence of ladies. Sits — L. F. Farley conducts a large mer- cantile business at Liberty Hill, Ga. He says: "One application of Cham- berlain’s Pain Balm relieved me of a severe pain in my back. I think it O, K.” For lame back, rheumatism, neu- ralgia, swellings, sprains, bruises, burns and scalds no other liniment can roach Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It is intended especially for these dis- Eo aria a e v {i A, Carson Potters Mills; J. H. Hoss, Li Hall, and H. F. Rossman, Spring Mills, SPRING MILLS, Arrangements for Observance of Memorl. wl Day Services, Mrs. Win. Kessler residing here, has been quite ill for the last week or ten days, but is now convalescing, H. B. Wilson, a prominent eitizen day or two last week, the guest of Dr. P. W. Leitzell, A disorder diarrhoetic in character, has prevailed more or less in our neigh- borhood for the last month, but as yet with no serious results. Mrs. William Allison of our village, quite ill for several feeble health, and improving very slowly. Should no late frost occur, the fruit crop here and in the énd Penns valley promises to be exceeding. has been months, is still in who lower of ly large, particularly apples and cher- ries, The Republicans their ‘little on Saturday last; T. M, Gramly and Robert Smith, two well- had known gentlemen were elected dele- gates to the county convention, The vole was quite large, The M. E church here has a squab- know why. —-at excellent choir, They are all good singers and before the not be wise for the dissatisfied to pause and reflect. A pension agent made us a visit last #8 re- ported to the department as being lit- After 8 thor- ough investigation, the agent discov- son reporting the matter, his report proving to be the veriest bosh, The will charge of the entire ceremony on Dee- oration day. will be closed from Sons of Veterans have All the places of business i» 7 o'clock. noon "til The graves of the honored dead bur- The corps will Addresses Jellefonte, Hall, and be decorated at 6 o'clock m. p. band and Drum Pp Sumner Hosterman, Dr. D. M. Wolf, of Coburn, of of Centre our village, The shoe emporium of C. A. Krape, Here are nightly congregated the wisdom of the town, discussing war, politics, and the proper manner of planting pota toes, Some of the arguments or rath- | er squi on the lat UIDs, i Lo cidedly amusing. es, and even housetops and telephone poles were full of people, each trying to excel the other In giving their Al along the road the people were out Al places where we did vent patriotism, every to S60 US pass, not stop they waved flags and cheered loudly as Where the trains stopped the people crowded up we flew by, to take us by the hand, and if possible secure some little keepsake to retain as biut- the a souvent In this way all the tons were taken from eur blouses first day enroute, after the wain wait- The people waited for us until midnight at many places, and at early dawn they were there ing for us. The farther south we got the more enthusiastic were the people, In the bring bouquets with them to the train. the the Tennessee crowds began to This was continued all the rest of and autiful as we came near- way, growing more plentiful flowers more by We were BIXLy We had and two Stan- er to our destination, hours on the road. twelve ‘ullman tourist sleepers dard. the 22nd, Landed at Tampa at 4 a. m. on we have proceed to There were three since which time been waitin ig for orders to the scene of conflict, regiments |} then t the light be eral regiment were when wearrived, Since . ’ 11 welve regiments of infantry, Departm mules here Dyer d by the invasion i 1 of wagons, ing no roads in many parts of land. The country here is san from the sun is al i breeze il or ses tinuaily, makes bars a le trouble drink : caused some | Over now, ’ Spanish langus the ubmng here Duteh Ws py - THE DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY Et TION AND COUNTY CONVENTION Br as they know who! Gessful issue, just will be the candidates nominated the conventions, — > — Potters Mills. J.B from this place Reish and Frank MeO as delegates county convention. Mrs place for some time, left for Todd, who was + isiting 1 New seye Tuesday morning Vance McCormick and a friend from i H(t Montandon spent a ing for trout. Miss Bertha Armstrong Dale, of Oak Hall, were v on Sunday. 'w days here fish- Mr here | and talt inne sling Trout fishers are still well represent- | ed in our town. The newspaper wagons created an excitement in this pl ro Pri parations sai ce on Sunday, Deing 1 g made Decoration day by the citizens of th - - — N \ SOLDIER'S LETTER. is One of Uncle Sam's Defenders Writes from Florida, George R. Dellett, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Dellett, Hall is | a member of Co, I, 17th Regiment, 1, | 8. Infantry. He three years in the of Centre has served almost regular his term expires in July. In a letter to his parents here he gives some in- army and | the kindness of his father we are ena- | bled to publish the same, Under date of May 16, from Tampa, | Bays: As you say you would like to have | an account of our trip here, I will try and do so, and of the difference be- tween a soldier's life in the barracks and in the field as it is seen today. So many years of quiet life in the barracks causes a soldier to look on life much the same as the average citizen, but when war clouds arise, he knows the time to do the work for which he was employed is close at hand, and all thoughts of home and dear friends are relegated to the back ground: and ideas of far away camps and encounters with the enemy as yet unseen, fills his mind. He sincerely hopes for power to do his duty at all times, regardless of thecost. Under these conditions the 17th Regiment U. 8. Infantry left Columbus, Ohio, on the afternoon of April 19th, last, bound for Tampa, Florida. The barrack grounds at Columbus contains seventy acres, aud they were crowded with people all day from the city and surrounding towns, who came to cheer and wish us success on our trip. The streets over which we marched to the depot were also crowd- ed with people cheering and waving flags. Sidewalks, fences, yards, porch- - > -— NB. M. Geary, Pierson, Mich.. “De Witt’s Witeh Hazel writes: + : alive 18 cur- It diseases, er remedies combined, ma and all other skin sace by Smith & Crawford cures a— KF an s— Weekly Weather Heport-Uentre fall Government Highest service Lowest 55 clear, ‘ 65 part cloudy. 61 cloudy. 5 cloudy, 51 cloudy. 55 cloudy. 55 part cloudy. Rainfall: On 16th, .38 inch: on 20th, .32 inch ; on gl, morning, .04 in.: 37 inch ; on 24th, afternoon, ® AY ASO A One minute is not long, yet relief is obtained in balf that time by the use of One Minute Cough Cure, It pre. vents consumption and quickly cures colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, la grippe and all throat and lung froub es. For sale by Smith & Craw- ord. Temperature May 19 78 “ x 3 21 er xy i 4 60 8 61 24 io “on > i ard i ¥ 3 34 inch. GRAIN MARKET, New Wheat............ a SE. as New Oats Onty Barley ..... ore PRODUCE AT STORES. FL ER Ham Tallow BUBB... ooon corners visas ns PERRET RRR CS SE SER RR BR FART SRR SERRE SIR RIE ES a GRAIN AND CATTLE MARKETS. Philadelphia, May 25. Want! ira May, 1.55 bid. Corn, No, 2 mixed, June 56, Whist It Costs This Country, utter, fancy creamery, 16 ; do prints 160, ges, fresh, 11, Live poultry : Hens, 10¢ ; ters, 7c; spring chickens, 14alie. to transport the mails and $44,047, Chicago, May 25. 39 to handle The Wheat, eash, 1.60a1.65 | by Postmaster General Gary, he states re if them, Corn, cash, 44, Onts, cash, 28, Kast Liberty Live Stock : Hogs, pritue heavy, 4.40 ; best medi- ums, 4.25 ; pigs as to quality, 3.60a3.85; | I roughs, 2.50a3.50, I Sheep, choice clipped, 4 05 ; common 3.00a8.50 + cholee clipped lambs, 4.504 | ter and wiser, 1.85; common good, 4.2004.70 ; } Craw ford, spring lambs, 5.00a6,50 Veal calves, 5.50a6.00 — 8B. KE. Parker, Sharon, Wis,., writes: | “T have tried De Witt’s Witch Hazel Halve for itching piles and it always stops them in two minutes, I consid- Hazel Salve the greatest pile cure on the market,” For sale by Smith & Crawford. A DMINI 82 Ta , 101 ay - Late to bed and early to rime, pre ares a man hor his home in the skies, Arly to bed and a Little Early Riser, For sale by Smith & to BDTV UU DONG wY MRS. LUCY HENNEY, ¢ é ¢ - Headquarters for ARTISTIC MILLINERY, ¢ FRATOR® LETTER 1 stratio he estate of Mi towrshin k } ¥y granted to the request al Centre Hall. pass io oxlaly HRYINR VANIA BTATE COLL EA (rq A Mu ATED IN ONE OF THE I, AND HEALTHFUL ALLEGHEXY REGION: TIONAL TO 4 11 i ISRELH MOST BEAU Port IN TH UNDENOMINA. BOTH BEX E: ARKD ANI VE B (1 hipgt ! HY RB IA} ww 4 ( i 3 y i 4 | i ry i- \ K fH 16) Il We fot d oo Riya { ocd { Wi 0 throughthe | STROROMY 4 ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ / ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ 4 ¢ Lure and applied ¥ § MECHANI with study ART hres MENTAL, MORA Do You Want To buy Bie: th-1 Clothing Equaled Any- where .. | At a FAUBLES n's Outfitters, Bel LB $8584 LiL m inders, the acknoslex ihia Oshorne ATTORNEYS. TAYLOR AWorney ab Law i busi aught ¥o. A Temple Court. All mam Office, Room A JOHN KLINE HOGe on secon of Court House ahd Kuglish J. H (Jrvis, ORVIE BOWER 4 Voorn Ullhoe in Crider (37 | { i | The . . $0 3. manufactured absolutely borne roller bearings. nani ree of side draft and neck weight. lumbia is an all steel binder. I also handle the Osborne Columbia Roller Bearing Mower, Roller Ider, Roller Bearing Hay Rake, hand and self dump, Lever Harrows, and Wheel Harrows, and the Perry Haxross gnd Culti- vators. Also handle the Crown and Empire Drills—the simplest in the Can furnish sections for all kinds.binders and mowers, Also handle the Columbia Wagons and Buggies, and Champion Eang Roller. IRA C. KORT1AN, OAK HALL, PA. Implement Dealer, - ' We are showing the greatest ® Cool Things assortment of Summer Clothing ever seen in Centre county. Crash for Suits—a dozen different styles of them. Serge Suits, and Coats and Warm People Vests—all colors. Alpaca Coats, Cotton Coats—in fact everything you might want for comfort during See them at FAUBLES, MEN'S OUTFITTERS, BELLEFONTE. hot weather. HOTELS. 1 A IA ew fur RDG A ie and moderais v3 MILLIS HOT D. H. Rub! Free bus 10 and from all trains New Spring Goods. - ew om hkastern ol AH the Latest Styles, Cheaper Than Ever, A full line of 8 one’s feet. Gent's Dress Shi Ladies’ Shirt Waists and cheap. Boy's Suits from $1.15 up to nice Dress Suits. Ties of every description, Before buying elsewhere, come and-sce ug and save money, H. F. ROSSMAN, Spring Mills, . . Pa. RAN WR A yy