The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 14, 1898, Image 9

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Catarrlhh Cannot be Cured
With local applications, as they cannot reach
the sont of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or
constitutional disease, and in order to cure
it you must take internal remedies. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken interoally, and acts di.
rectly on the blood and mucous surface, Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine, It was
rescribed by one of the best physicians in
is country for years, and is & regular pre.
soription., It iscomposed of the best tonics
known, combined with the best blood purifiers,
noting directly on the mucous surfaces, The
perfect combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in cur
fog eatarrch, testimonials, free,
F.J. Cnexey & Co. Props, Toledo, O,
Sold by Draggists, price, The.
Hall's Family Pills are the best,
send for
Detroit has a landlord's association,
Beauty Is Blood Deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im-
urities from the body. Begin to-day
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascarets,—beauty for ten cents. All drug-
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10¢, 25¢, 50c.
He devises his
man is his own heir,
future and Le inherits his own
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets,
Druggists refund money if it fall« to cure,
H. F
The softer the road the harder it Is
The harder times are the easier it is to col-
lect a crowd.
Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away.
To quit tobacco casily and forever, be mag
netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-
Bae, the wonder-worler, that makes weak men
Strong. All druggists, 0c or #l. Cure guaran-
teed Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Iemedy Co, Chicago or New York
Detroit carj enters get $2 for eight hours,
for Consumption isan A No. 1
Piso's Cure ’
W.RWiLLians, Antioch,
Asthma medicine,
Ills, April 11, 1894,
America has 10.000 union barbers,
Mra. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children
trething, softens the gums reducing inflamma.
tion, allays palin, cures wind colic. Zc.a bottle,
New York bus a Hourew Trades ( neil,
No-To-Baec for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure. makes weak
Wen strong, bicod pure 50c, Bl All druggists
Detroit union clerks acted a plav
is Life
Pure Blood
Is Health
Without blood circulating through your
veins you could not live. Without pure
blood you cannot be weil, The healthy
action of every organ depends upon the
purity and richness of the blood by which
it is nourished and sustained. If you have
salt rheum, scrofula sores, pimples, bolls
or any kind of hamor, your blood is not
pure. If you take Hood's Sarsaparilia
will make your blood pure and promptly
relieve all theses troubliss, In the spring
the blood is loaded with
all those unsightly eruptions, that
languor and depression, and the
of serious {lin i i o 1
variiis is
needed to es the
blood and [y the
Is America
I :
ad’ sarsa-
S parilla
stost Medic
I; six for 85, (et
A Bitter Word.
word dropped from our
are the only pills to 1
with Hood's Sarsaparil
A bitter
against a brother is like a pistol
amongst mountaing. The shart
is canuglt up and intensified and ec!
by rocks and caves till it is Hike thus
der. So an unkind passing
from mouth to mouth, receives pre
sive exaggerations, and snow-ball
word, in
increases as It rolls,
are the persons who tear the bandages
from social wounds and prevent their
iealing. A whisper-word of slar
ike that fox with a firebrand tied to
ts tail, that Sampson gent among the
lander is
peace and love,
destruction Into wide areas of
Evilspeaking is
seals up the sparkling
waters and tender juices of
freezing wind,
flowers and
binds up the hearts of men in
tableness and bitterness of spi
irth is bonnd in the grip of winte
Cat Review
Mrs. W. E. PaxrtoN, Youngtown.
North Dakota, writes about her strug-
gle to regain health after the birth of
her little girl:
“DEAR Mns. Pisgnas:—It is with
pleasure that I add my testimony to
your list, hoping that it may induce
others to avail themselves of your val-
uable medicine,
** After the birth of my little girl.
three years ago, my health was very
poor. 1 had leucorrheea badly, and a
terrible bearing-down pain which
gradually grew worse, until I could do
no work. Also had headache near! y
all the time, and dizzy feelings. Men-
struations were very profuse, appear-
ing every two weeks,
* I took medicine froma good doctor.
but it scemed to do no good. I was
becoming alarmed over my condition,
when I read your advertisement in a
paper. 1 sent at once for a bottle of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
ponnd, and after taking two-thirds of
the bottle I felt so much better that I
send for two more. After using three
bottles I felt as strong and well as any
** I think it is the best medicine for
female weakness ever advertised, and
recommend it to every lady I meet suf-
fering from this trouble.”
Maternity is a wonderful experience
and many women approach it wholly
unprepared. Childbirth under right
conditions need not terrify women.
The advice of Mrs. Pinkham is freely
offered to all éxpsctant mothers, and
her advice is beyond question the most
valuable to be obtained. If Mrs. Pax-
ton had written to Mrs. Pinkham be-
fore confinement she would have been
saved much suffering. Mrs. Pinkham’s
address is Lynn, Mass.
The Rav, George H, Hepwaorth's Sunday
Bermon in the New York Hoeratd ia Kn-
titled “Things Not Worth White." — Dr,
Yalin age Proaches on Unfalr Condnot
Text: “Thou hast sinned against
soul.” -~Habakkuk, ii., 10,
The object of religion is to make life
sweet and satisactory, When a man has
done the best he could under the ecircum-
stances ho has donwall that God requires
of bim. Heaven is not for those who be.
lteve things, but for those who do things,
Christ was a working man in {ts largest and
most divine sense, while we are all wozking
men in a small sense, He worked for
others, and was therefore divine; we work
for ourselves, and are therefore pitifully
human, His religion teaches us to becoms
# part of the life of those who need our
help; our tendency is to take from others
for our own ease and comfort, and to give
as little as possible, He emphasizes the
value of the soul, gives it a dignity and a
pleasures and magnities what is sensuous.
I never tire o* the New Testament, be-
cause it Is such a desperately sensible book
It is always new, therefore, and almost al-
wavs startling. If thesoul is what He tells
I am really little Jower than the angels,
then I must cease to be childish, and the
not be allowed to
In that I should
look life in the face and say to mv soul that
it must busy itself about great things and
keep in mind that petty things are not
worthy of attention,
For example, it is not worth while to be
impatient becausa what happens is not to
our liking. We areapt to make a hot re.
piy when an {ll-natured remark is made,
somebody else's bad mood excites a bad
din us. We cateh the diseases instant
and then there are two persons in a
mood {nstead of one. Passion is heat-
the exploding point, we give rein to
ogue, and a piteched battle of words
piace. We loosen the bonds of a
ip, we wound the heart of
on, for what we say is on consuming
+ had a perfect control of ourselves we
uld not be powder to any one’s torah, A
patience, very diffiouit to attain, I
, would keep us from striking when
we are struck. It 18 noble to keep still
and the rebuke of silence is like a
sword. It is not worth our while, not worth
the soul's while, to step down to a lower
lavel | ne addresses from
that level, We should maintain dig-
nity ugh others lose theirs,
1 again, it {= not becoming in a
o allow the habit of fanlt-
posession of it. It renders
rtable, it unfits one for the en
oyments which eross our path, it dulis the
edge of happiness, it is like eating a lemon
Instead of an orange. The man who
t t with others seldom has time to
fauit with himself, which is his ¢
Instead of being
ecensorious, Not the L
plonse and |! ever gets to
neaven he will fnsist that things shall be
arranged to bis personal taste, Fault
find iy seif-conceit In a subtie
disguise, man hints that the
swraa is wrong, but that he can put {t
it. It is not worth while to peer at the
defects of others and to ignore their vir.
tues, look for good things
! # to find them if you
than to look for bad
even wd oan
brim ha
t is better to
time in
in God
ware dethroned
take His place;
would bs we
to the baokgr
for mercies received, rat}
th imighty for not
i ought to have
more, it {s pot worth vour while
the dark yr that d=
your power of resista
There i» sometimes a hard side to
but never a dark
ves undoubtedly ask to do =
things, and to rough some
bn goes with
company but
banefit from it all,
mos be Fu
side ol life, f
» ".
¢ and end
*s nrovidenoe, side
sirangs sxperiences
as we are not only ia
are sure to derive some
Btrong characters are wrought by tears,
and afilictions stepping stones to
heaven if we view them from the right
standpoint and put them to thelr proper
use, Life is not
Is the hot fire in whieh
forged. We may not always know why we
suffer, for no explanation has ever been
given, but somehow
suffer under the shadow of God's sym-
makes life very heavy and laden, but to be
Is ready to drop by the wayside,
Yes, a soul, an immortal soul,
heaven and heavenly things sll about,
magnificent mystery. It must up to
its destiny, and put under ita feet the faars
and doubts which are so intrusive and =
persistant. Think of yourself as God's
depression will be lightened, There are
still stars overhead, and a blue sky. It
In the mean
Groroe H. Herwonra,
ared by Your Own Yard Stick.”
Texr: “With what measure you mete, it
In the greatest sermon aver preached
the Mount of Olives, the
preacher, sitting while He spoke, accord-
people were given to understand that the
same yard stiok that they employed upon
others would be employed upon them-
selves, Measure others by a harsh rule
and you will be measured by a harsh rules,
you will be measured by a charitable rule,
Give no meray to others, and no mercy
will be given to jor “With that measurs
yo mets, {tshall be measured to you again.”
I'here is a groat deal of unfairnessiin erit-
felsm In bumas conduct. It was to smite
that unfairness that Christ uttered the
words of the text, and my sermon will be a
re-scho of the divine sentiment, In estima-
ting the misbehavior of others, we must
take into consideration the prasszre ol cir-
eumstances, It {s never right to do wrong,
but there are degrees of culpability. When
men misbehave or commit some atroeions
wickedness we are dispose indiseriminstely
to tumble them all over the bank of eon-
demnation., Buffer they ought and suffer
they must, but in a difference of degres,
In Great Britain and in the United States,
in every generation, there are tens of thou.
sands of persons who are fully developed
eriminals and incarcerated, 1 say in every
generation. Then [ suppose thers are téns
of thousands of persons who, not positive-
iy becoming eriminals, nevertheless have a
e~ minal tendency. Any one of all thosn
thousands, by the grace of God may become
Christian, and resist the ancesiral influ.
ence, and o a new chapter of pabavies
but the vast majority of them will not, an
it becomes all men, professional, unpro-
fessional, ministers of religion, jaages of
eourts, philanthropists and work-
fallen front high respectability and useful.
ness woe must takes into consideration the
conjunotion of clroumstances, In nine
eases out of ten a man who goes astray
does not Intend any positive wrong, He
has trust funds, He risks a part of these
funds in investment, He says: “Now, il I
should lose that investment I have of my
own property five times as much, and if
this investment should go wrong, I could
easily make it up; I could five times make
it up,” With that wrong reasoning he
goes on and makes the investment, and it
does not turn cut quite as well as he ex-
pected, and he makes another investment,
and, strange to say, at the same time all
his other affairs get entangled, and all his
other resources fall, and his handsaretied,
Now he wants to extricate himself, He
goes n little farther on in the wrong in-
vestment, He takes a piunge further
ahead, for he wants to save his wile and
children; he wants to save his home; he
wants to save iis membership ia the church,
He takes one more plunge and all is Jost,
In the study of society I have come ta
this conclusion, that the most of the people
want to be good, but they do not exactly
know how to make it out. I'hey make
enough good resolutions to lift them into
angelhood. The vast majority of the pec.
ple who fall ara the victims of eircum-
stances, They are captured by nmbuscads,
{ If their temptations shonld come out in a
| regiment and fight them in a fair eld they
{| would go out In the strength and triamph
| of David and Goliath. Bat they do notses
the giants and thay do not sos the regi.
ments, Temptation comes and says:
| “Take these bitters, take this nervine,
take this ald to digestion, take this night.
{eap.” The vast majority of men and
| women who are destroyed by opium and
by rum first take them as medicines, In
making up your dish of eriticism in regard
to them, take from the caster and the eruet
of sweet oll and not the cruet of cayenne
| pepper
Doyou know how that phyaielan, that
lawyer, that journalist, became the vietim
ot dissipation? Why, the 3 WH
kept night by night on professional
duty, Life and death hovered in the bal.
ance, His nervous system was exhausted
| There came a time of epidemt
families were prostrated and his
i strength was gone, He was nl
in the service of the public, N
brace himself up. Now he »
life of his mother, the life
itfe of this father,
{ family, must be saved, an
wd it again and again.
judgm but remembe
was not a selfish
it down, It
ough whiel
this text wil
some cases In
8 nnd
eriticise his
process, It
which he w
generosity th
My friends,
ment in
sry d
fs w
was shot hy
Twenty years
the huntsman was
forest, and he accidentally
and the man in dying
I shot your
vears ago." A bishop sald to
Louis XI. of Franes: “Makes an {ron
cage for all those who do not think as we
do-—an fron cage (a which the captive
neither lis down nor stand straight
was fashioned the awful Instrum
punishment After an while the bishop
fended Louis XI, and for fourteen years
he was In that cage, and could neither lie
down nor stand ap. tis a poor rule that
will not work both wavs “With what
measure yo mete, it shall be measured to
you again.”
Oh, my friends, let u
lens and prav more!
What headway will wa make In the judg.
ment if in this world we has
those who have gone astray?
way will you and 1 make in
judgment, when we m
perish? The Bible saves
without mercy
huntsman in Farmsteen
somn unknown
later afier the son of
in the same
a man,
“God Is just;
shot said:
father just here
ad toseold
a bean hard on
What head.
the last great
have mercy or
“They shall have
that showed no
the soribes of heaven | kiag no In.
i. Ww on all your
+ 'y on your fe wa?
br how hard you were in
those who were astrav?
i} remember when you t to
a helg : hand you employed a
Merev! You miss x
wirsei! when you plead
ferey for others, but
y giver
3 L heat
Iara o he 1 must
for n
no mercy fo
of heaven,
arey t
Wok, say the
at that Inscripti
ment, the throne «
i out
i over the thr
f God's judge
ant.’ i
word by
nti your
startled vision reads it and your remors
ful spirit appropriates it eng
neasurs yo mode, it shail
you again. Depart, yo carsed!”
intter hy
word, =» by
Statisties Showing the Rapid Growth ef
the Industry In North Carolina,
The first report of the Commissioner of
Labor Statistics, of North Carolina. devotes
much attention to the cotton industry, The
number of cotton mills in operation in the
State in 1870 was thirtv-thres, equipped
with 618 looms and 30.807 spindles, Ten
{ years later thers was a small increase in
the number of mills to forty-nine, but the
capacity of many old had ine
creased, and there was an increase of over
| 100 per cent, in the equipment, the looms
{ numbering 1790 and the spindles 92.3%
| Five years later there was another {neronse
tof 100 per cont, In round numbers, the
{ number of milis being eighty, with 4071
| looms and 199 000 spindles. On January 1,
1898, thers wore 207 cotton with
{ nearly 25,000 looms and 1,045 835 spindles
{ The number will soon ba increased, Ten
| new spinning or weaving compatics have
i 3
Ones beng
i ees itla
i nills,
| been formed and expect to be In operation
by the time the new cotton crop appears,
| Nine additional mills are nearing comple.
{ tion, and ten hosiery and kaittiag mills are
{ being constructed,
Now Prepared and Determined to Carry
Through Thelr Wheat Deal,
I. Z. Leiter and his son, Joseph, the
Chicago grain speculators, have borrowed
£0,000 ,000, and are now prapdreld to carry
through their big wheat deal. They didn't
actually need the money just at present,
but thought it betterto make the loan when
the money market was easy.
Every bushel of contract wheat now at
Chicago will ba on {ts way to Earope
within the next four weeks. Up to the
middie of March the raliroads were loading
Leiter wheat out of only one system of
slevators—the Armour. The losing of ad.
ditional shipping contracts with the east.
bound roads for 3.000.000 bushels started
loading at every elevator system in Chicago,
Chinaman Arrested For Using His Mouth
as 8 Sprinkler.
For years the Chinese laundrymen of Sar
Francisco have sprinkled clothes for fron.
fag by spraying the water from their
months, an March a city ordinance was
adopted, prohibiting this primitive and
disgusting method, and several Chinese
Inundrymen were arrested for violation of
the decreas, A test case was made, and the
culprit tried to secure a writ of habeas
corpus on the ground that the ordinance
was unconstitutional becuse it was special
legislation, Jadge Cook this week decided
that the law justifies such an ordinance, as
it is designed to check the spread of dis
ease. He remanded the Chinese to jail, and
the case will be tried.
A Unigue Agrienltaral Feat,
oe y plendent a Ww. Mills, of the Po-
ona +) Agrieultural
Inflammatory Rheamatism.
From St. Lawrence Plaindealer, Canton, N. ¥
To wiffer for years with a prevalling paln-
ful allment, which baled skillful medical
troat nent, yet which was cured hy a sim
ple household remedy, Is the lot which be
foll Mrs, George L. Rogers, of West Main
Street, Canton, N.Y.
“Thirteen yoars ago,” sald Mrs, Rogers
to a reporter, “I was attacked with inflam-
matory rheumatism and a complication of
diseases, You ean judge somewhat of what
I endured, when yon look at these hands,
They were distorted, twisted and swollzn,
My foot, tog, is 50 much out of shape that
tho big toe lays across the others, the end
touchlog the Hitle toe,
“* Notwith-
standiog Lam
sixt y five
years old,
have a pleas
ant home and
forte, litle t«
wns far
for all
we lot
health, I tried
proprietary romeo
Lust March I tried Dr. William Pink
Pllls for Pale People and befors [ had fin
shed the first box | beg tant they
lilferent 4
fies, but
wore dolog me good, slog
“I have used thirteen boxes t
ind to-day fuel better than for the past
Years, f Api} 1
right, cheerful ; 3
I have bee
*hureh for
was unable
the ehureh
ie a wonderfu
ther med
nposed ¢
Fits permanently enred. No fits
ness after firnt day's use of Dr
4 seinl beritie anid treatise froe
IT Rearvons
Kline's Ureat
Nerve Hestaorer, 82
To Cure Constipation Forever,
Take Cas areis ard Cat
HCCChiloe ire, Gr
gE is refund wWouey
Established 17580,
Chocolate, :
Dorchester, Mass,
Fa lag
x A
Xd Tad lat fn
d lar
anda af
when liberally treated with
Heavy applications of the
complete fertilizers, containing
not less than 10%] actual Pot-
ash, should be used.
Our hooks tell all about the subject.
are free to any farmer.
93 Nassau Bt, New York
“For six years | was a victim uf 4 ae
pe min its worst form. 1 conld eat nothing
ut milk toast, and at times my stomech would
not retain and digest even that. Last March 1
began taking CASCARETS and sitice then |
have steadily improved, until | am as well as I
ever was in my life.”
Davip H. Munray, Newark. O
Three Good Things.
Three good things about Tetterine, besides
the one great. good fact that 11 cures, are that it
Is pajniess, harmioss and has no bad odor itis
the only sure cure for Teer, Ringworm, J
retin. Cures them #0 they stay oured No
matter how long you have had then, 50 cents
goles a BOX atl dragelsis, or ¥ nail
ih cush or stan J.T, Bhug
far 00 cents
ps from trine, Bavau
There is no polley lke
good manner often suceeed
tongue has 1 Magoor
i Sorever,
ind money.
Edueato Your Dowels With ¢
Candy Cathinrtie, iat
10¢, Sue
Cure constipntic
1 C.C. C fall, druggists ref
As riches and fase
covercd him to be nn
find it out in his prosperity
r lorrake A man
ool, but nobody
results when
gently vet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowel, cleanses the RY 8.
ly, dispels colds, hea
d fevers and cures
Sy rup of
kind ever pro-
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac.
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have the most
popular rem known.
Syrup of Figs 1 for
bottles by all drug-
Any reliable druggist who
* 5 $4
Ta is
sale nn 50
gists, 3
may not have it on hand will pro-
cure it promptly for any one
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
rd A gd or a aT, or Ng Ag Ag > of a NF Ag Tay of F a > a A Ag
FoR 3
Rheumatism. !
Cures Every Case of
Frostbites, Spratps
Cente, at
prac, t fa
. Oil. CO.,
105 N. Howard Street,
Farm and Wagon
All Sizes and All Kinds.
i oy & combination
Tour Free Pook and Price List, addres
Ewmghamtion N, XY, U. 8.4,
High Grade "#n Models, $14 10 $40.
makes $9.75 10 $18, Bend on
wnt yment. Free wee
RE ite for our new
arn s Jierele” and make
ples (#iigiut ly shopworn], 16.35
“yy devings Awheel. "ar urenir
cotart F fur visa while they last
“we | Thompson's Eye Wafer
ted Fates Blanderd
models, bert
quer Habit cured in
20 Save No pay ti
Dr. J. L. Stephens,
Lebanon, Ohlo,
y §
wrre »
eites, Soding
Wagons Bend for
Catalogue of ali ou
Ke. 1 Surrey Barnes Price $36
Av good a soli Tor Bob
the Century,
§ « ig Fw perie
Philadelphia, Pa, fand, Ca
wid me. inne, sun
Shinde. am . wheres. POE As good ns soils for
A ————— ————————————
made of famous 5%
{Nicke! Steel Tubing—
Mlthe strongest material
Columbias are
known to the art. If
anything better can be
found we will put it in