THE KEYSTONE STATE, News Gleaned from Various Parts. Latest A LOSS OF $18,000,000. York Citizen Falls Among Bad Men at Lancaster — Buildings Unroofed and Trees Blown Down at Greensburg—A Mine Foreman Alleged to Have Accept- ed a Bribe, Judge Clayton refused in the Common Pleas Court at Media to sustain the validity of an ordinance passed by the borough of Eddystone to compel the Philadelphia, Wii- mington & Baltimore Raliroad Company to erect safety gates at Saville Avenue crossing in Eddystone. His refusal was because of the unreasonable penalty, £100 for each of- fense, which the ordinance imposed for each violation by the railroad compuny for ruop- ning its trains through the town at a greater speed than lwe al e miles an hour. The Court said that the ordins Was tained it would give tunity to sit by for six years and th suit for each violation of the ordisance. It Anes ville Avenue, most of them without stopping, Galned 27% Pounds In 5 Weels, From the By-Stander, Macom), IQ, Alderman Louis W. Camp, ofour city, lias quite astonished his friends, by a romark- able gain in weight, He has gained 22 pounds In five weeks. ‘Those of his ftriends who do not know the facts of his siok ness will rend with {interest the following: “I was broken down in health and ntter. ly miserable,’ sidd Mr, Camp to our re- porter. “I was unableto work much ofthe time und so badly afficted with a form of stomach trouble that life wos a veritable nightmare, “I tried various remedies, but during the ix months of my sickness I obtained no re- lief, I had always been a robust, healthy man and sickness bore heavily upon me, “About two years ago I was advised to try Dr. Willlams' Pink Plils for Pale Peo- ple. I purchased one box and received so much bonefit that I used five more and was ontirely cured, [1 gained fatuty to pounds in five weeks, Since 1 stopped taking the pills I have scarcely had an ache or palo, Interviewan the Alderman. I most heartily recommend Educate Your Dowels With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure conssipation forever. 100, 2, If C. OQ. C. fall, druggisws refund money. It is one thing to survey yourself with quite another to explore your Chew Star Tobacco ~The Best, rmoke ledge Clgarettes, Without first making everything else, God without a Innpgunge with Ham's Horn, Fits anently cured. No fits or nervous. ness aftor first da ay’ g unre of Ur, Kline's Groat Nerve Restorer. §£ trial pot le and treatise free Da IH, Kus, Ltd, 881 Arch 5t, Phila, Pa. The past Is the schoolmus ter of the future, To Oure Ounatipation Yorever, ae Cascarets Candy Cathsrtic. 100 or 280. If C. C. C. teil to cure, druggists refund woney. A new can-opener bas a pair of shear right angles with the han dies to be inserted in an opening in the an made by dr! end of one handle | ving the punch at the nto the tin, can be raised at a profit, and Most fert: do not contain enough fertilized. 1'he miser 1s known by the money he — SE — A Good Honest Doubter isa person we like 0 mest. We like 10 have such & man ry Tetterine He will be more en thusiastic that anybody else once he's cured and copvinosd., Tetterine is for Teter, Eczema Kingworm and all skin diseases 5 conte a Lox at drug stores or Ly mail from J. T. Bhuptrine, Mavanual. Gs True Liudoess kindly ex- pressed, politeness Is Beauty Is Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it, Cascarets, Candy Cathar- tie clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im- fusitios from the body. Hegin to-day to anish pimples, boils, Liotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilions complexion by taking Cascarets,—beauty for ten cents. All drug. gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10¢, 25¢, 50c. t will bes Muke education a sclence and come an art, Deafness Cannot Be Cared by loeal application. as Jey cannot reash the disensed portion of the ear, There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu. tional remedies. D afnessis caused by an n- flamed condition of the macous lining of thie Lustachian Tube. When this tube gets in- med you have a rumbling sound er lmper. fect hearing, and when it is o tirely closed Deafness | the resnit and unless the inflam nation can be taken out and this tube re. stored to (ts normal condition, hearing will be Nine cases out of ten are cansed by catarrh, which i= nothing butan in. We will give One cans of Deafnes 1 Hund ed Dollars for any tenured by catarrh) that can. Hall's ( atarrh ( ure. Send free, F.J. Cngyey & Co., Toledo, O. Sald by Druggists, 7 The oh We i A ONE ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the BYy8- tem effectually, dis pe Ils colds. head. aches and fevers and cures | pubitzal constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the gtomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its efiects, prepared only from the most healthy and agrecable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most ‘A Perfect Type of the Highest Order of Eau S 4; Breaifast Absolutely Pure, Delicious, Nutritious. ..Dosts Less Than ONE GEXT 2 . Be sure that § he Genuine Article, made at DORCHESTE R, MASS. by WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd, ESTAS BRAT Ir SLES LETT CELESTIAL RE II TY YY Ty popular remedy known. yrup of Figs is for sale in 50 far as it goes, hut |! Md ' \ y a als and friends cent bottles by all leading drug- gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro- cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA Fl6 SYRUP CO. BAN FRANCISCO, CAL and the Court figured out that in six years, | with the penalty in force, the railroad com- | pany would be indebted to the borough in | the sum of about #£18,000,000. Judge Clay- } ton sald it was equal to inflicting capital | 0 Mr. Camp's present condition... 1nish then a spanking was all that | 18m a reg: iiarly licensed physician of puBisuiRani, When.a spanking was af Macomb, MeDonough County, 3. I hav Was necessary. | very recently exam inad Mr. L. Camp ™ ———— to bis genera] physical son LX. and find Dragged and Robbed. i the & same to be all that could be desired, Henry N. Frederick, ap rodue o dealer ol | appetite and digestion good, sleeps well York, visited Lancaster and fell in with sev- | and 'b as all the evidences of being in a good ork, ite Bn nd fell ir : gr a. D eral men, and fn response to their I joa) souqition. Ad's, Bosszos, M. 1 tion took part In a poker game In a saloon. | a5 day of September, 1897 Frederick remem drioking the best. Hall's Family Pills are . Camp on oath says that the ng ‘stater nent is true, W. W. Mewroax, Nolary Public, Following is the physician's certificate as 8 forego OIL — an Rheumatism. Cures Every Case of Neurnigin, Eumbago, Wounds, Frosibltes, Sprains or Inflammation, Tolerance Is good, s« bas no piace Letween vq Potash. Vegetal les need ple nly of pot- - besides - pn - . + Tean recommend Plso’s acid and NIPO- , god D FeoMEIman a SEND, Fu. Howard, Wi Mn No-To-Bae for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure en stroug, biood pure makes weak Sc, 8 All druggists Moderation is a cheek to presumg tion ask — at least 1095 — } } «13 } ps Cure fo the phospiaoric SULRES- uge | sworn to before me this gen. Bifort eonvais the LOUISYILLE, KY. KEW YORK, N.Y. a glass of | Ww 3 . { {. W., Mevoax, Nolary Public, Write for our books which tell all abo YCLE wine, but nothing more for several hours, | ec a ere eresei, fertilizers. They are fr | wd hia 2. ai y ad Heo, When he regained consciousness he rushed | | FOR 1% CENTS High Grade "08 Models, $1410 8 Nee statin 3 B men blow their OR Cea RIND ALE of 71 int futo the police station and gtated | pra We wish to gain 16,000 new cus models, bart makes, $0.78 to 81a. Send on 1 - tomers, 8 ad hence ofler ing in others what is bad been drugge J and robbed. } AVS fin t ves : proval without o cent peyment Free see { Mi tLemeelives, wheel 10 our agents 358 0° Sur new disconnected account of his 1 Peg 12 Day Radish, Wor to Earn 8 Hieyel 2d make > for tha ¢ Pig Par y Spring Turaip, Wes From the clue furnish ad the pol Eariient Red Beet, BPECIAL TRIS 40 Ligh Edward Resh, Harris Lit Biameresk © sowmber, grade '?7 medrese (elightly shepwors 230% oy 1." a souvenir ; weer Victor! s Lettues, | Wanderings Awheo op Kiondrke Meion, locked up for a book of art, FRYE fur steamy while they Jart Jumbo Giast Oslo K.¥F. MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, Briliaal Flower Sect h, he was robbed « considerably larger bers own trumpets by most c« GERMAN X G3 Nassau St ALI WOS . toy 14 : 2 uspleuon , New York ATHITIITIHITTI93 41 HTAAMAMASS4MI SAS LAABR4MMASAESAAAALE EI ELLA LAE LA BHO 5 : JUST AS CERTAIN TO CURE 2, Soreness » Stiffness at "JACOBS OlL as day comes after night, + AHHH VLV HDA A PVA VVVAVDLG LANG f Bivage, 2 Pr ¢ CELESTIAL OIL CO., 105 N. Howard Street, Bal LTAMORE MD. \ beautiful Calendar will Worth $1.00, for 14 sents Moire eres wee | Thompson's Eye Water sure eyes, Gee Above 10 pkgs. worth §1 08, we w Th ta ma Fou free, together wilh our great Plast and eed Catalogre upen receipt oo this notices and 16 postage We invite your trade sad know when sou once try Kalser's seeds pon w nearer geri song with “1 hem Tetatuey at Sum was « sme en » BU Tornado’'s Awful Blast A strip of country for abou distan north of Greensburg, was | visited by a tornado which did great dam- a Bhi, Catalog sions th ne Tastes Good yeti card age to the large barn on the stock farm of - JOS 4. BALEER SEED (0, Li CROMER Wis é in time, Bold br droggists fs TASTE OLE. 7 lor to cu oh tas CANDY 0V0060000000670000008000 ASE, WANTET Samuel Ruff and Miss Cordelia Rugh. The f fifty | A betier Seale for - - - BEER BRBIRBLS t three miles, a | farsa sasanasans ahart SHA VVAVVABALLRLLLVLLABDA BLAS g Ire A Poms Cx go _~ A ET RET EE § tn ore la farms of Bomething entirely Lew a stable on the Epiifted and carried « nes of ut, A sleigh was standiog rard and was blown into ver a FREIGHT PAID " ¢ 4 ess money than has hare gages le rect to the oon fant tance of at least 400 tralt - ina: rn ms a ever Leen offered 5 prioce. saving kim the abies fruil trees were bLiown wi GG Ge- Address f y Sealers profte. Ship any r stroyed. The electric street o il ¢ Jones nf Bingham ton - where for sraminsties 8 . . — ih tnghamte . " Ervervibing warranted damaged, and ears are not rudning west 1 CURE CONSTIPATION Binghamton, N fi ing, rama. wiiffer send for Gram . ! } _—- { vile salve, § hit i / e worl by « 30: Jeanette, A young man pamed Salsgwer f Hares NS. GRAFF, 591 Plath Ave, NY. Chty. 55 evils Top Buggies, $36 10 70 Boll- Hght attempted to cross Tab Mill Creek, at Surveys. $50 4 $125. Carri He was driving two horses in a eos, Procvons, Trae. Wages Serv Ti Rg tat mid om » . a Lae & Ak Boring. Rosé aod Mik . buggy. The rig was upset and be had a and i AG aor Habit cured in He Ww Send fo t . % . Ke Barrer Haram Price id m0 apgomr. Dens for large. Tres Fe 60 Surrey price, wilh corisine lamps, ses Barrow escape from sidu iy Pen ha . 10 10 20 days. pas ti AS gud as sells Sur § Catalogue of all ous My a : ip. LAT i from | in hi I$ he : i atoll Pr. d.L. Stephens, pool» 2 : ges of al or Miyies shade apron es snders, BUU. Av good at ells fer 0 andre a rare Fe wie i two animals were drowned, Woop A, Lebanon, Ohio. ELKHART cARRIAGE AND HARNESS MFG. C0. W. B PRATT, See's, ELE HART, IND. Se a — a var Clearfield Flooded { EL ; BITE gr ey . rp 2g w-— PAVY rains since the great reached th portion of the houses fu the uppe the river, Clearfield Clay Working Ciearfleld Woodenware rounded by the flood. houses the fomates had to be taken « boats, and the family of E. W. Reed had the greatest diMeuity in escaping. a a a ah en aca “LOYELL DIAMOND” Takes Precedence Over All Other Wheels. a twelve El oe In reply 3 nk tonumerous private in- quiries from tremen- dous tage the “WESTERN BEVIEW oF | Mo sm w. CoMMERCE" a ~—the geien- its clien- 3 Hil Pu rs 4 Crusader Arrested. TH : Hatovey, who bas for we olen on on a crusade against the unlicensed i liquor a of Beranton, was arrested and beld in ball on a charge of perjury preferred | by Bimon Narusins, It Is alleged i latter that Maloney committed perjury when | he charged him with viol Hyuor | laws, i i ecks been Fastory —SOWB PF. LOVELL COBPLRT swath Portiesd, Bam ESTABLISHED «88s Editorial Department. {| WESTERN REVIEW or COMMERCE | EE a i EEvie heen Lo our Sebscrivers tree of charge by the ating the tific publica- Passes vy oe Bradbury Publishing Co., 223-223 DEARCORN STREET. tion having the circulation Had a Stolen Team, oPa. C CARTER, Pen, F. BRADBURY. Teas, CB FOOTE, Bex"p. George Y jail at Pottstown, horse and buggy o L Freighe, of | Chester County, on Bunday night, He was arrested et Macungie with the team in his possession, He denies his guilt, He will be taien to West Chester prison tomorrow, laced in the borough with stealing a | ty was largest ? Chicago, in the west —caused to be made a most thor come- John P. Lovell Arms Co. Boston, Kass. Gentlemen: First Case Under New Law. the 11%} » to hard and contents Ceorga C. Carter, Pres, favor of The Western Review of Commerce, Chicago, 111. Dear sir:~Your jetter of February 7 received in reply will Say thal we want to thank you for same and would also say that this fs the first time we ever knew of a paper of your class having the courage to come right out and state a fact, and we wani Lo sey the best wheel made. In our investigation we examined 37 leading right here that we don’ thin on have sade any mistake, for \ wil ul goods «ill Daek you Bp I 3 Haws aad any pi iI Ting Lo makes, and we were satisfied after most thorough tests that we _ stake cur business reputation of over 57 years that the Lovell were justified in giving the Pals 10 the '‘Diamond.” Diamond is the be " this country but : 8% biaysie tuile, not only in thi di y Considering we were not influenced in any way by financial cone in any cther. siderations, Your estesued noted. We thank you for your kind words of apprecial pean just what we say, Joseph Weir, a Lebigh and Wilkes-Barre | foreman, was taken before Bquire Benjamin, | of McAdoo, and charged by Peter Bruso with | receiving money from a person whom he em- ployed. This Is the first prosecutiog in the Lebigh region under the Monahan bill passed at the last Logisiature to prevent the payment of money to foremen [or sitaa- tions, ion. We ough parison be. tween all the better class of cy- cles avail. able in open market. As a re. sult of the expert and the criti- cal exami- nation of 37 different makes, and without any prejudice, this publica- tion unhesi- tatingly an- nounces in favor of the LOVELL DIAMOND overallcom- petitors. Last for careful and cientific cOnsirauce tion and real practical value the Lovell Diamond is undoubtedly w heel. Asa re- of hor. Just as soon As you issue the papers with tnis article in, which vl thor Jou sent us umsolicited and unknown to us, and in your letter were kind enough to say that it would be printed and that you asked no advertisement, gifts or anything of the kind, ~we should be pleased to have you send us a few copies by mail. Again thanking you for your kind letter and always wishing you the very best of sucgess, we remain Yours rospecifully, Pictated by B. 5. L Ce Pel ‘ A Vo 59%, 4 John P. Lovell Arms Co., W’ir’s, BOSTON, [1ASS., U. S. A. not even in the form of advertising patronage, you Men Blown to Pieces, may rest assured that the decision was unprejudiced. vagh and prac- A terrible accident occ Pottaviile, st Kaska William Colilery, in which two miners, Alfred Baff and George Miller, both with large families, were killed, the former being blown to atoms, The men had charged a hole with dynamite, and the connections were made to cause its dis. charge, but after awaiting what they thought a sufficient time, the men came from their place of shelter, when the ex. plosion oecurred, and Buff received the full foree and was blown into atoms: His part- ner, Miller, was fatally hurt, dying sborily after, urred at Wishing you success in the coming season, ws are tical tests and Yours very truly, WLSTERN REYEW or if COMKTRCE bo Sal examinations, the unanimous verdict of our experts was in favor of the ‘LoveLL MOND, Dia- manu. factured by the Jokn P. Lov- ell Arms Co., Death from Wrenched Back. William L. Naylor, a farmer, and stock d=aler, of Upper Allen Township, died, aged 52 years. About a weok ago while endeav. oring to subdue a (ractious heifer, he wrenched hix back, which caused spinal meningitis, He loaves slaven children, Mr, Naylor was a native of York County, Pa. Punished for Dancing. A sensation was eaused at Dunbar when the Rev. W, E. McKean, pastor of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, requested the or. ganist, a prominent young lady to resign, because she attended a ball a few nights ago. Doston, Massa- chusetts, and was based up- on general and symmetrical excellence in every part of a bicycle, cou pled with cor rect and scien INF Get our Catalogue “ Famous Diamands of the World" of our nearest agent of sent by us on application, (J <- oe" BOSTON STORES: IRR AE 147 Washington Street. 131 Broad Street. 121 Massachusetts Avenue. BRANCH STORES: Worcester, Mass. Providence, K. I. Pawtucket, R. I. Bangor, Me. Portland, Me. Agents wanted in every city and town. If none in yours, write to us today. ua Senator Elkins wants a law paseed providing that no bill for less than $3 ehall be issued by the Government, Bomebody suggests that a more popular measure would be a law providing that no bill for more than $5 could be col lected.