Never Content. Some people are never content with auy- thing. They will not find exactly what they want even in heaven, if they know some one Is there ahead of them. For in- stance, some are great sufferers from neu ralgia. Friends have told them what is best and certain to cure them. Not con. tent with what is said, they suffer on. Paln ravages and devastates the system, and Jeaves it a barren waste, Bt. Jacobs Oil has cured thousands, Just try it, A woman's heart is a small affair, but it has upset the biggest men that ever adorned this world. No Klondike for Me! Thus says BE. Walters, Le Raysville, a, who grew (sworn to) 252 bushels Salzer's corn per acre, That means 25.200 bushels on 100 acres at 30¢ a bushel equals $7,560, That is better than a prospective gold mine. Salzer pays #400 in gold for best wame for his 17-inch corn and oats prodigy. Yom can win, Bxxp Tris Norio axp 10 Crs, IN Stamps to John A, Balzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis, and get free their seed catalogue, and 11 farm seod samples, including above corn and oats, surely worth #10, to get a start, ACO There are people who know what has be- como of every cent they ever had, America’s Greatest Medicine €ireatest, Because in has a touch lil bring and gives stomach as 1 just hits the spot, the suffers strength the medicine does Dyspepsia and Liver Trouble “Formany years [ suffered almost stantly with dvspaps romplicated with Myer complaint, i thing and then another and to regular medical ano substantial be ope metimes ried reg treatment, but derived Sarsaparilla and y i give them & trial, an manent cure.” I’ ward, New York Hoo tsren » Is America” e. $l:six for § Sold by all druggists Get only | { Hood's Pills 27; } “A Perfect Type of the Highest Order of , Excellence in Manufacture.’ Waller Baker & Go's Absolutely Pure, Delicious, Nutritious. ? bests Less Than ONE GENT a Cup. » Ze sure that {renuine Art made at DORCHESTER, MASS WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd, Fara BATTLE WITH A SNAKE. go Chronicle. the West End settlement, five She never has a fine lot Kives a brave woman, poultry, She money come in for the big outlay in go ting the fowls. husband's dinner she heard a of her pet chickens. dumb with horror and pain from and then her and she oston that the meal, struck Catching stick, at the up a snake, bu big + t { Turn safety In f her dress by an Inch. Ing t fz ht reptile songht ig! disappeared hole Brown through the was seized by a brilliant idea. snake strike back began pulling back. The 1 (4 vigorously, but comldn’t on account of the boards Mrs. Brown struck by brilliant {dea an adroltness culiar to tall in a double Hi was anothor With women she tied bow knot p a big wedge of wood righ its 8 he drove t arough so the spake couldn't get back. ther skle she sought going up to the to kill the reptile. But his angry fr her. She ran into out with the eges 1 bad been bolling nll this and sizzling w time, were heat, Getting The n anger and madly threw an egg . thp in Pea¥3Zyy r three more follow es son, the I CYery one as h one tl enough and wildly t froe “allowed the eggs to whereat Mrs. Brown smiled m—E— Echoes, nacave in the mt at Ron the guide, by flap of oat, makes a jual to a ind ity Is noticed, Mammoth cave in ave of Smellin, Dear striking the twelve OGise pot annon's repo The singular a lessor degree, In the Kentucky Viborg land. a cat dog thrown in will make lasting some on | ROTH min ites Stafla ox] eel a —R——- The one redecinis ket, is the tie [FOR DUTY OFF CAPE HATTERAS. ————— Lightship No. 00 to Constantly Patrol the Dangerous Diamond Shoals. | rom the day that the ploneers from old England settled Jamestown to the present time Hatteras lnlet and Cape Hatteras have been looked upon with | superstitious horror by seamen . No point on the Atlantic seabourd Is or ever has been as fatal to shipping or | the Uves of the men who go to sea In ships. The natural dangers arising | from sunken reefs and treacherous sands have been augmented by the fre- quency of flerce storms along that por- tion of the coast. It has been so cus tomary for vessels to strike heavy weather and heavier seas while pass. ing Hatteras that every shipmaster who wust sall by it always prepares for a bad time of it. The authorities have striven for many years to provide some means by which the casusities might be reduced. It looks ns If they had finally succeeded. It is the steam Mght ship, known as No. 02, which will go | into commission off Diamond shoal. Diamond shoal is the graveyard of | the of the western continent, More hapless have foundered | and bee npounded to bits on {13 reefs than on any other reef in the Atlantic, i on the western It projects out from Cape Hatteras seven miles into the ocean. Efforts to bulld stationary lights have falled BOCAS vessels side, ther thou thor Neventy-five 8 sand dollars was dropped Into the ocean ig the effort to sink a caisson » which would withstand the force he seas. The son would not stay sunken, The attempts to bulld a for money is there, but { the cals 1d skeleton house angerous reef have bee 11 tht 1 Lillis 4 never deemed practical, and the necessity of a lightship was enforded by Hence tel in willing io put the floating off of the he genesis of this lights] No, 68 be on constant duty at Diamond shoal. She will and rely on her malptalon her position during which sweep ber station. She caisson. t ip ip. will anchor in stil weather powerfu serew to the gales is equipped with exceptionally power » f ines dnd screw, set up for this Bhe Is a on ie ress purpose glster t No now on duty a New York bar N dl ul exp { ghtship 68, t Island, bor How sapp power A fourteen in foggy | also be provided with a large Ralsing Ferns. whistle sound weather, and she ar rge bell iY Khow} wat ous readily ralsed from ' ist-like prod abundan eK 1 of peas Or Deans a vessel of water he vessed, Th i Ls vous * AN Gang ave the for POros Mounthis Mr. Hardegg Hugs a Job. Some of the cousular offices of United States have been held by te same men for twenty Hardegg has twenty-six years years, and ’ 11 ir {yr ¢ been consul lo Syric a Ma The Moniior Meaford, Ont Canada, first discovered this case two years ago, and published it at Jength, which now seems, owing tothe cure of it, to be a miracle I'he facts were su remarkable that many people doubted the truth of them. They said It is re markable; it cannot possibly be true; the paper is mistaken, and the man, although e may think himself cured, will soon re mpse into his former condition,’ ete, ote The accuracy of ite report called in ques tion, the Monitor determined to find out too and whether the man would really slay ewred ticle appeared, and have just now published another article about it in whiel the originag wide to take solid food he doctors called the disease spinal sclerosis, and all said he sould not live, For thres years he lingered in this dition. Then by so frieads he was visal to take Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills Pale People. He took them aad there aslight change, The first thing noted was a teudenry to sweat freely. This showed thers was soma life loft in his helpless body Next came a Jit fenling in fimhs I'his extended, followed by prickling sensa tions, until at last the blood began to course frooly, naturally and vigorouldly t bis body, and the heiplesaaess gave way to returning strength, the ability to walk 2 vesiored to his old aon ad ne his in ig oot in re tne health, I'he above ia the the snbatance of nen’, fadeed Tam in when I gare you the first interview,” “Do you =till attribute your cure to the uss of Dr. Willlams' Pliak Pills?” asked the Monitor “Unquestionahiv I ds,” was the reply ‘Doctors had failed, as had also the numer. : ous remadies recom gaaded by my friends Nothing I took had the slightest effect upon { ms anti [ began the use of Dr. Williams {| Pink Pills, To fhis wonderful medicine [ | owe my release from the living death I have | since recommen led these plils to many of my friends, and the verdict is always in j their favor. I shall always bless the day 1 | was induced to take them i Suchis the history of one of the most re i markable oases of modern times, Can aay ussay, in the face of such testimony, that eren beller health than z nas {ff F 550GIATION, women, awd they publish a fae simile of the atwek s by the Canadian Mutual Life As sociation for $1650.00 amount of total disa- bility elavm paid by them to Mr. Peleh, The first account stated that the patient {see address below) had been a paralytic for five years, that there was such a total Imck of feeling in his limbs and body, that a pia ran full length could not be feit; that Be could not walk or help himself at ali; for two yenrs he was not dressed; furthermore that he was bioated, was for that reason niwmost unrecognizable, and eould not get Wis clothes on, The paralysis was so cone fine a3 to affect the face aad prevented frow opening his mouth suliciently article published by the Monilor. Now lol. low some clippings, taken from the same paper two years afterward, and there {s not the slightest shadcw of a doubt, fn view of this testimony, that Me. Peteh's care is per. manent. Here follows the ascount: On being again questioned, Mr, Potch sald: “You wes those hands-—the skin Is pow natural and elastic. Once they wars hard and without sensation. You econld plerce them with a pin nod [ would not feel it, and what is true of my hands is true of the rest of my body. Perhaps you have observed that I have now even ceased to use a oans, and nan get about my business petlectiy well. You may say there is abso. ly no doubt as to my cure being perma. Dr. Williams® Pink Pills are not entitlel to the oarelul consideration of any suffering man, woman or child? Is not the cass in trath a miracle of modern medicine? To make the evidences complete we pub. lish above a fac simile cut of the check re- eoived by Mr. Peteh from the Cansdian Matual Life Association, being the amount dus him for total disability. It is unneoces- sary to add that this life insurance asso- olation did not pay this large amount of money to Mr. Peteh, except alter the most enreful examination of kis condition by their medical experts, must have re. garded him as forever incurable, Mr. Peteh's address is as follows, Reuben Peteh, Griersville, Ont, Canada, PRACTICAL SHEEP HUSBANDRY. Let the flocks have plenty of fresh alr, good, pure water, drawn well, and fresh as it 18 drawn, and good food, and they will well reward the care, Don’t crowd the sheep too much, Ten square feot is sample roem in a stable or pen. The sheep will move about con venlently with this allowance of room. Less may do, for with lamb, Give plenty of dry litter in the pens and stables. There is better than leaves from a wood this use. It is the natural bed of a sheep. And it makes the very finest and rich est manure, Keep the floor of the sheep pens dry, { it may be a foot deep in litter and ma | nure, but if it is dry and sprinkled well { with plaster—the common land plaster | known as gypsum-—finely ground: this { will keep the floor free from odor Some : sheep pen. natural but not ewes nothing lot for odor It perspiration | caused by the warmth of the fleece | but i 1 is unpreventable in may be due td f y irom ie Care iz to be oLser d t not due to a lot of under the fect When | themselves, sheep ' % OOK quantity of ed for ry tick this before these iff { When iit is a {| LWO Gl by 1 wii} Wiii clover or good pl the ! market a full ra Four ounces of the sufficient day meal feeding may ven meal even to equal w gi oil for a be for this, and a change from oats and peas alternately oats, or. bette in parts ad vigabie 4 every Week will be is $ f fate to feed the alter the lambs The feeding for well uued udders should be done safe Short feed now be is CW wi have come Bow moderation ip by when but in d by with ov udders rations for cannot mace An feed of grain have been formed by half milking it is well the awes vy ¢ economy to feed RCW, and a waste ‘0 ¥ rations LY ght reasonably make up for short American Sheap Bresder fry to by Hie Lives on Herbs and Eggs. The great romancer, Jules Verne, is nearly 79 vears of age, but enjoys ro- bast health and spirits, living ou a dist of eggs and herpes in Amiens France. He has written six books more than he is years old. His habit is to rise early and write till 11 o'clock After luncheon he goes to a library, where he reads all the gtewspapers, He declares that the hardest work he ever order to write his wonderful stories, for gtrange to say, he has himself trav. eled but little, The writing of “Twen- ty Tluousaud leagues Under the Sea” was begun at the instigation of George Sand. Hig books have been translated into many languages, including Jap- anese and Arable. A RN se Astors Big Table. William Waldor! Astor has left Lon- don for a tour of some weeks on the contingent. He purposes to visit Rome, Cairo. the gigantic table made from a cross section of a California redwood tree, i large onvugh fo seat forty persons, It has Leen set up in the open alr, in the center of a greensward, some distance from the house, In a place known as “The Half Moon.” on of the form of rrounding and shrubs It is close to the spacious gymnasium tennis courts recently er The table has been to present the ap pearance of a growing off at the stump. It is supported by two fron girders, and two thick placed around it to jority guests cannot account 1rees and covered ecied & i iF int BO Arranged as tree cul band Wage iV. Copper The be have been | or dinner on the 1; inti} World en New York summer The Prolific Life of Alaska, Nowhere on my travels so far have I seen so ing life as tion, Ly much warm blooded, rejoic- in the grand arctic reservi- #0 many regarded as desolate Atlantic whi BUYS writer in the Maga zine Sot only are there falong ithe 145°4° Wills Perhaps more the) othe Matches Paper A Bobbing theast hills, which set and bBroxen indulations A Big Strawberry Farm. west | if Van Fganiz had 1 the eared reiaing CTOs Are expects Sy AM hes ri we first which BY Hu Siraw SERARON jag! season = ices. will return . rs re 827 Iinvesio His First Clicot at the Ag: of Eighty Three At the age of eighty-three years. Jos- eph P. Elliott defended his first client in Evansville, Ind., the other morning He was John Richardson, colored, charged with assanit and bat- tery with intent to Kill. The squire is a justice of the peace and is one of the pioneer citizens of the city. About two months ago he was admitted to practice law, and he court at jaw in the police court Thousands of Bashels of Locusts, The war that was waged against io- Lines of defence 322 'structed, and in the ditches placed to | receive the pests as they fell from the young locusts were destroyed. Rubies vs. Diamonds. A fine ruby of more than three kare ats is worth more than a diamond of the same size and weight rs a — COLOR IN ANIMALS. » Food a (reat Factor In Causing Changs or Modification in Hues. Observation and experiment go Ww show how large an influence food has n determining the of anima, Kverybody knows how easily the color canary may be altered to mixing cayenne pep- s food, though #t true that olor change may be produced only Vet cung Wrds whose feathers are It is also a all varieties color f a vellow sng red by tured that HOL compietely mi matter of experiment suscepti- and the of of are not Lenee canaries the inti it i very cur equally of the peppel that if the color with the food of constitu- are not affected by it, of vellow birds ie 10 ious fact pigment that causes red the pepper be mixeq he | the bird without the othe yellow slightest de. es while brown feathers CO CAnAarics ecome distinctly lighter in hue interesting experi- $ i shell butter e i tnothet leaves of the torioise-shell when some smaller nearer n the i the Coffee as a Medicine ining. the stomach ting up. This &% MALY Cases diabetes, which though treatment for the cof- very a trial rally is For that pur- is made of the ground and wile very liver coiics ecadaches, eli other green he ia Wheat is Always Growing. Wheat iz grown all it: the southern as well as ern hemisphere, and, as the southern hail of the worid occurs when we have our summer, the Chil ians and Australians are sowing and reaping wheat while the northern hem- fsphere is wrapped in snow ia so many countries is wheat grown and under such divoree conditions that there is no month in the year duriag which wheat sowing or a wheat hare vest is not going on in some part of the warid. over the world, in the north- the winter of Deafness Cured by Telephone. N. Strine of Columbia, whose hear ing has been allected for a number of years, was using the teiepbone during a heavy thunder storm. He received a shock over the wire, causing intense pain in his ear. When the pain ceased he was surprised to find that his hear. ing had been entirely restored. it has always leen claimed by phy. gicians that deafness iz one of the most obstinate afictions to treat successful. Iv. and here may ve a practical sug gestion. ssi A MIMI MOK A man wis recently convicted in England of having enlisted in fifteen places, decamping each time with ad. vance money. England loses about $500,000 a yaar from such operations,