THE CENTRE REPORTER FRED KURTZ, to spare, in case of war, to guard her possessions, Cuba and the Phillipine Islands, insurrections have existed for TERMS. One year, $1.50, when paid in advance, Those in arrears subject to previous terms, $2.00 per year, iusertions, quant inse: tion, on application, UENTRE HALL, PA., THURS, mar. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. PROTHONOTORY od to announce that Robert F will be a candidate for the on for Prothounotory, subject tations of the Democratic fefonte, We are anthe Kee, of Spr for the subiect to ized to annonnce that H, A, Me. ing township, will be a candidate wominati for Prothonotory rules and regulations of the Demo ik Cratlic part We are anthorized to announce that Gardner, of ¢ », will bea ecandiaate ation for Prothonotory, gulations of the Demo DISTRICT ATTORNEY. author that William i vi eR CRIN lidate for n for District Attorney regulations of the Dems zed to announce a that N., andidate for Attor ted +343 with » © Moni States started business it wasn’t an unlucky 108 number at all. A — ne heads in Mad- Wks of Amer- thieves and ome hot organ trunks: de. il, who cares ? pt i ass P Deni puiation ol Spain proper 1s } ; of Spain and her colonies The population of the Uni- States is estimated at 75,000,000, tn , io and ¥ i i it od many fellows may wish een our country hope of becoming COoio- artermasters and contractors. —— lon’t always bring rain, loud always bring war, have gun always safest to ther your wn Wyek snubbed the ( ish warship whiel i vew Yorl kK har d the ‘ap- 1 re- bor : Captain felt « sa (le f 50 millions the Lil under Dingley tar- raiser proper reve. up as a revenue be its the the illions short in the in state ve the whole an orators to explain. And the thing is getting into the ruts each month. dee per Oy of is an ap- orrespondent London 1 “There palling scarcity INES Says © of food in many prov- inces of i unprecedented i ain. : price of wheat is igh. Bread riots weurrence at Salamanca, ial are of and it is feared that be i A185 mart law wroclaimed. —— If the divers find that Spanish vil- lany caused the disaster to the Maine, then the Don vil ome “Please us, w and beg, uncle Sam, don't whip it e won't do will say, “You ion dol no more,” U. BK. 50 mill- from 1 $camps, | I'll skin you ‘Ker'n you can say Jack Rob- iy me lars or head to toe qui inson.”’ a a —— Latest advices say quiry court. Getting through at Key time in preparing for any emergency. Spanish newspapers still talk fiercely. An officer of the exploded battleship gives his opinion that the cruiser was blown up from the exterior. kas i SE KEN NS A Washington dispatch to the Pitts burg Dispatch says : cans Governor Hastings in the gubernato- rial fight has now been removed, From reliable reports that have reached this city from Harrisburg they are satisfied that the Governor is in ac- tive sympathy with the movement in behalf of John Wanamaker for Gov- ernor.”’ A ffl Should war be declared by the Uni- ted States against Spain, the first act of our government would be to seize Cuba which lies less than 100 miles from Florida, Our vessels could then remain near our coast to defend it, and the Spanish fleet would have to cross 2500 miles of ocean to attack our sea- ports, while Spain would be left al- most entirely unprotected, and one or two of our great battleships could slip over there and demolish some of her cities. Spain wouldn't have vessels then with the i sure, Hollidaysburg, Pa., Feb, 23.—A “war "appeared in the heavens about It was 0 wt cross’ Hundreds of people viewed the strange Bosh ! think out-0'- would in an the-way place like Hollidaysburg, where nobody wants to fight ? who the deuce Wi fp Work of a Large Torpedo Friday's disclosures of the prove, finally, a full international fact that the Maine was blown up Febru- ary 15 by an outside ably a large torpedo. i i i | | The members are satisfied it did not explode. From first glance everything has pointed that way. It is known now that the divers found the floor of the big ward starboard powder magazine, while the sides destroyed. It an absolute impossibility that a part of should d, and it is just as aw- magazine, con- intact, is were not completely 150 1 owder-filled its cylinders not have ex plod fully the ship CO led two the | true that no explosives aboard uld, and blown have so mang- broken Something unaided, and in attleship Maine, it. Naval experts say a away else must have done big torpedo, placed under the port side of the bot- just next to the reserve magazine, would the served damage assisted the 2,000 pounds of quick-burning luting powder known the reserve magazine, Fre a contradictory easily have caused oh- if it were by Hi. to have been in Feb, 25 viz ym Washington, , comes story, In view of the widely published re- s i port that the harbor of Havana tains a system of submarine con- mines, a statement around which has centered the cl f public with the disaster to Maine, DuBose, Spanish Charge d’ Affaires at Washington, ght made Associated Press fol- coming from considered ie interest in connection the battle ship Senor to-nil to the the lowing statement, which, such authority, may be as an official denial : “I wish to state that of on official my own knowledge no mine exists inside harbor, de report is so al bwolutel or outside Havana nor is there k and any submarine fence of The ridicul any 1 ind. false have per- » the evil passions y ly those ous that it could onl originated in the minds of SONS anxious t of bx ble ends, | tion y ineit for their the thing ith nations own misera- consider very sugges- of such a an insult to Spain.” WA The Maine Won't Be Halsed. The any attempt to raise the ruined battle- The that it would be afloat, naval court has decided against members convinced useless, ship. are she could the Spanish that they wish the wreck removed from the harbor they to the work This decision gives a bet- wrought in the Maine than colums of descrip- tion could do. The Merritt Wrecking Company, it announced, two million The com- pany’s representatives made this de n= never be kept and authorities will be informed if must attend themselves, ter idea of the terrible havoe waa wanted mand after viewing the condition of turned their greal guns, recovered in fo warrant The wreckera attention to saving the least, can be sufficiently good condition the effort. - ——— a the ship. These, at A Horrible Railroad Accident. Is a daily chronicle in our whereas, Throat and Lung diseases in time, life Heed If you have a cough or any affection of the Throat and Lungs call at G, H. get a trial bottle free. and Z5e, Ea ER a The Trimming Season. Trim your grapevines while the sap is down, after your boys, and if they are among the truant players, trim them until the sap flows. Good stiff grapevine cut- tings can be utilized in this latter trimming exercises, as some of us have had reason to know. Large sizes 50c. Want a New County, A Johnstown dispatch says the board of trade has inaugurated a move- ment for the establishment of a new county, to be composed of portiocs of Cambria, Indiana, Westmoreland and Somerset counties, with Johnstown for the county seat. AA A thrill of terror is experienced when ab cough of croup sounds through the house at night. But the terror soon changes to relief after One Minute Cough Cure has been administered. Safe and hiritless for children; for sale by Smith & Crawford. coughs, colds, croup, grippe and Bmith & Crawtord, a GRAIN AND LIVE STOCK MARKET, Philadelphia, March 3. Wheat, contract grade, March $1,004 Corn, No. 2 mixed, 34}, Oats, No. 2 white, 324, Butter, fancy western ¢ reamery, do P ennsy Ivania prints, 22¢, ges, fresh, 14, 2l¢; Chicago, March 3. Wheat, cash, $1.05}. Corn, cash, 20,14. Oats, cash, 25.3-8, Fast Liberty, Live Stock. Cattle, prime, $4.90a5.00 ; Jopamion, $3./ 5004.00 ; bulls, stags and cows, $a prime medium, $4. Eo : ; pigs, "$3. 8084.00 common to fair, $2.60a8.25. $4.80a4.90 ; common, choice lambs, $5.75a5,85 ; common to good lambs, $4.75a5.50. Veal calves, $6.50a7.00, retest sme GHAIN MAKKET, Hogs, Sheep, choice, PRODUCE AT STORES, Aft piles, er yes ars of untold suffe ring from B. W. Pursell, of Knitnersville, Pa, was ey by using a-single box of DeWitt’'s Witch Hazel Balve. Skin diseases such as eczema, rash, pimples, and obstinate sores are readily cured by this famous remedy; for sale by Smith & Crawford. " SALE REGISTER. » Shires, near Potters Mills; four le, wagon, &) 3 is, hou i of grain in ground, elo « W. Winkieblech, in Healnes town sok, cows, sheep, wagous, mower, and of farm implements i sled, bugey sehold goods, I. M. Osman, one mile east of hBorses, cows sheep, wagor farm im ehold goods, ele Len i Durst, near L wn, sheep, reapers thet t farm imple Ha : wa ments Heckman, two ive stock, farm implements floes cast of and Hiam Farner hogs, farm implements, el near Polters Mills, Wm J. Decker Mills; horse, stoves, and all ki ner. 1% mi sor, 13 mi young catile implemen Bogs, 1s of £ a is of IAT Jerry Bnavely, fall kinds, Fort Calle near Old farm horses, : Mra, Carrie Osman, Centre Ha extension ial bedatends, mattis t ng desk le, chamber an oth Fe Mre. Annie wis, rntire Hall Ser house Booger, Ox stoves, and 1 mile west of Old Fort Bogs, WAROUS, TOADers implements, and bousehold W. A. Boal, sheep. Ww Smith, one-fourth fle farm stotk, implements, - weal Ha and i goods RENT, As Ropes ¥ rent; 81 acres of land. he house, situated one mile east « A small family preferred . This is rm, having choice fruit and all on i hHtwe MES. D. 1. IGNED OFFERS 1. fire woos 5 TRESS LER Bellefonte, Pa UTOR'S NOTICE. LETTERS tary on the estate of Eli { Gregg township, fully granted 0 the undersigned, he Iy request all persons knowing ted to the estate 0 make | and those having cis same to present them duly authen st setliemen DANIEL RIPKA, Executor TESTA zabeth Rip deceased, ay ment travel established house in Pennmayle ithiy 865 00 and expeiees. Position «ffady Enclose sifaddressed stamped of The Dominion Company, Dept. ¥, Chi ive reRpons hin Mot Reference velop 1 the estate of W, R.) Bard, iate of Centre der d } re Fen that N. B. ted by the Orphans’ Court to hear and pass upon the excep e account of the administrator, fistribation of tse fonds in the in the estate of W, R moet the parties in interest, in the Eagle Bailding., in the Bor efoute on, Tuesday, the 224 day of aft 10 ocloek a. mi, when and y can be heard e, Pa, SPANGLER Auditor Feb, 234, 1588 i hoe Store. In the N.B ~8hoes of Every —— Style, Quality, And Price, fs -~Atthe— Penns Valley Shoe Store % —— CHAS. A. KRAPE, SPRING MILLS, NOTICE. of ndministration npon the estate LETTERS of U, | ing been lawfully granted to the undersigned, he would respectfully request all persons knowing themselves indebted to sald estate to make ins mediate payment, and those having lnlms authenti B EPANGLER Administrator, Bellefonte cated for settlement, N Pa. THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS for sale, cheap, two flue Bpani-h Jacks, lis i and 6 years, Guaranteed good ors. Foi particul ars eall on or address M. MEASE, Kantz, Bnyder Co. Pa OR RENT house stab! ¢ Apply Lo I'wWoO HTORY DWELLI , garden, potato patch, for H. BAIR Tusseyvi - All yale ABLE FARM sale, ~The PRI + nt Towy PROPERTY undersigned in Pouter } on the Earleys the Rallroad sta church and boat office ship, one mile west of Old Fort, town road, within 134 milk tion, convenient tw scaool, known as the Mrs. Orlady farm, contain This tarm is In good Large Dwelling House, Bank and ell the necessary build repair. Two large cisterus, one at barn, also well of the bulldings. into bearing quire of of oul ings one at Himestone Good young orchard, Terms favorable to GEO. M. BOAL hotina waiter Ju buyer Agent Centre Hall FOR BARGAINS ? As people always are. If so callon... H. F. ROSSMAN, Chamber Suits Will be... sold at a «Bargain In the Next of A History Panns Valley with each sold. SMITH BROS., | Spring Mills HENCH & DROMGOLD’S as any other in the market, enusing all the feed gearing 10 stand sti ie back ing: great saving in power and wear. Cats logue and prices free. Also Sprin Harrows, Friction ( Juteh Feed, Mention this HENCH & "PROMGOL D, Mfre., York, Pa. AR ARR ORT Sag Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat. ent business conducted for MoscratTe Fees, Oun Orrice 18 OPPOSITE U. 8, Pavent Ornice and we can secure patent in less time than those remote from Washington, Send model, drawing or photo,, with descrip. ¢ tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of § charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured, ot Pameniey, “How to Obtain Patents,” with cost of same in the U. 5, and foreign countries sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW& CO. Ore. Patent Ofnice, Waswuinaton, D.C, a at HOW TO MAKE MONEY | 11 you are out of employment and wants posi tion, paying you from to $100 monthly Slant above expenses by Working regularly, or, if Nant1s lactone Sou i! Present inootme from 0 TOBE 00.13 Chest by Teoh ng at odd times, write the Chestnut 81, Phila. Pa, stati fh et i FOU CAN serure 8 on wit Spon by which you can make more money ea than you have ever made before het your aod fier Gl 7 TE UP-TO-DATE NEWS. LE — Safety Lanterns, The common lanterns explode and burn barns -the Bafely Attachment to 8 lantern ident which tht to induce of us your pre~ On every We buy and sell Clover Seed Wa | Feruning Mills, w | selves nr nd rid He ith different makes of dies, Lo clean farm seeds, as well as {| Clover and Timoth y seed: but there has never { been a device made Wo separate all the Buckhorn i from Clover Seed, Seed Seives, We havea f selves for sale v of the Dildine Adjustable Reed nthe market, is to Date Dairying Supplies. The Dela Cream where the last that are i cparator was the favorite wna at Ak dn picnic Ly Separator was sold { Baboook s We momen 1, Cream %, Churns parch SRT i para i thie We whkeis, Milk ii #il oil nut paper for Household Fixtures and Sw Machines, s Wr rs. Blot oth ng Machines, Refrig in great variety ewig Machines ig from $12.0 sewing Mach 5, 8% well as vo Blankets! Robes ! Slefghs and Sess, dellef. WII | McCalmont & Co., 1 Shortlidge & Co., State College, Fd ri PENNSYLVANIA BTATE OOLLEG PMENT RTMEN TS OF STU EER] NEE ra are joa) “es pract Very exis iu and nEIVE AFTROROMY ing shop work nElrne ction theoret] lingeach arm ofthe One year Exsminstl THE PHILADELPHIA TIMES S THE Handsom est and Best Newspaper published. Duri The | maintain the high standard | lence it reached the past steadfastly endeavor to excel | best record, and will not swerve irpose {0 make THE TIMES Ni WEDA] " : i ne 1RG8 ng l of its own from its set pt paper Printing All the News of All the World All the Ti me. lated or has a wider circle of P. nnsyl- | vania than THE PHILADELPHIA TIMES Why ? Jecause it Deserves Them. Specimen copies sent free, send for one TERMS-—Daily, $3.00 per annum; 25 cents per month; delivered by carriers for 6 cents per week. Bunday Edition, 52 large, handsome pages—224 columns | elegantly illustrated, beautifully print- ed in colors, £2.00 per annum; 5 cents per copy. Daily and Sunday, $5.00 per annum; 50 cents pur month. Address all letters to THE TIMES, Philadelphia. | ts! NTED~TRUSTWORTHY AND Ach OK ANTED_TRUSTWORTHY A AND ACT- NAPOMMIE Cit cies ot adiesto trate] for van Moathly $65.00 and ex Position A Reference. Enclose soli-addremed amged en nidpe. Tos Domini Company, -Duph. Chi PENNSY! Philadelphia & LSrie BR. K. Divisio and Northern Central Railway. in effect November 28 Time Tabi , 1897 LEAVE MONTANDON, EARTWARD Train 2, We k days for riving at Philadelphia, p,m. Batis ore 1m. Thre 4 TRAINS BZia.Mm.~ Banbury, 1260 p.m. , 1240p. m., Wash- coaches 10 Philadel fork 3 a mm 147 p New Ingu iglon Daily and Here atom 9.27 a Willk tions Pousville Washiogton Philadelphia 15 p.m Wilkesbarre, 8¢ risburg and m Tra! vharre, Harr Week days for Poiace pliis Threw for Bunbury, intermediate sta Hazleton, sud vew York, Baltimore, wsenger oosches WwW i ore Weekdays for Baubury Hazleton, Pottsville, Har sale stalions, arriving si Philadelphia at 6.2 p m., New York. 9.30 p. m Baltimore, 600 p.m , Washington at 7.15 p. m Parlor car throveh to Pliladeiphia, and pas pELICT COB} wie! shin and Baltimore, 0 Veckdays for Wilkes melon. Pousville, and daily slate points, arriving NEW TaOTE $B a mn nEgLon 0 ’ Fa fikesbarre and 4) adeip hin nd paglor car to Fi iphia 6 Weekd 3% 1 sunbuty t stations, arris New York at ping cars from Harrisburg New York Philadelphia sleeper undisturbed ¢ WE PP ds rein ry Wert i we {esr rmedisle ing at Philadelnhia, 4 a, Im m. Puli I to Philad pRBseIger 15 i Ay ant 4. (Dully.) For Bunbury edistle stations, erriving » York, 2.58 a. ma Baltimore, 6.20 4. Pullman sleeping Washington, snd hia and Baltimore Erie, and man sleeping Week days wend Kimira, ays for Wal and Nisg u Chemie } For Lock Haven i: Weekdays lor Pittsburg and or Kane, Ty- arg, Cans Byracuse, Falis, with for Renovo, Lock Haven, FROM ie hiladels inrrisburg Week ns jeave Lewisburg for Monten. § 1 68 a m, 1L.B leave Moutandon 1005 a. m. 5.05, : Momtandon 27 and tury ing leave Lewis a W ™m I . i. . WOOD Gen’l Par’ gor Agt LAILROAD OF Sensed Tim FPENRSEYLVANI(a Table Up No 4 No Hosd Nigt Zion Hecls Park. Dunkies . HUBLE RS 0G ET TT dd 9 pe kK Das 8 ¢ 110 10 a. m. Sunday Philadelphia Sleeping Ours sitmch ed to East bound train from Williamsport a1 1130 pm and West bound from Philadel 5; 81 11.30 p. m. GEPHART, { oh Bap tintendent ims ctmesetgt— bh. Sunde y | grin INTE CENTRAL RAILROAD. To take effect May 25, 1808 | EASTWARD as 19) M {AM (Ar, i 108 45) 620 1 os &5; 6 16.12 58s | 6 10012 sls 5 STIONE 13 Bellefonte, Colevijle . Morris coins 0 SEOR10 4204 30 TE TLEr an i 44 10 4754 28 tia C tossing... we Kriniine.. eau £ ! gigany B® iDaily except Bunday. F,H. THOMAS, Bap. J) TSIRABLE PROPERTY AT twos house seres of , on which her outs ich isa dings; Choice fruit, Sentre Ha In the im — 85 ACRES r— farm land, ren Digh state of cultivation, a small orchard thereon, ness Of Cina Ssh jhe south-east end of the ERRATA LE