PERSONAL MENTION. Coming aud Going, —Visitors in and out of Town, ——(Charley Meyer drove to Philips- burg Sunday on a business trip. ——Postmaster Brisbin transacted business in Bellefonte yesterday. =D, A. Boozer was in Bellefonte yesterday attending court, in capacity of juror. — Rev. C. W. Rishell, of Mahatley, was in town Tuesday on a short visit to his mother, Mrs. Wm. Wolf left Saturday morning on a visit to friends in Bha- mokin, —Miss Mary among friends in days last week. —Hugh and Mrs. Garth, of Mill- Kreamer visited Rebersburg several home oi Joshua Potter, last week. ——Miss Grace Smith went to Will- iamsport last Saturday visit among friends in her former home. —Rev. A. D. Potts will fill pulpit of the Bellefonte church next Sunday. The on a the course, week and of Samuel been resid- ert Miller, arrived last now a guest at the home Knepley. Mrs. Miller has ing in Canada. Mr. Michael Shires, of Spring up the insurance business. represents the Mutual Benefit of New- ark, one of the substantial companies which withstood the financial storm the last several years. ——John D. Meyer, of Alexandria, few days with his parents, its sessions at Huntingdon last and John delivered an address the body at one of the sessions, — Frank Bowersox, of Saake Kills » Pony and Breaks a Man's Ribs. Samuel Nosher, janitor at the muse- um at 9th and Arch streets, Philadel- phia, had two ribs broken early last Sunday evening at the place of his employment, and subsequently was taken to the Hahnemann Hospital. In the exhibition to be given at the museum this week is an immense ana- conda, said to be 28 feet in length, and this serpent by a slat in the cage be- coming loose, escaped in the afternoon from the box in which it had been shipped. In attempting to put the snake back in the box the serpent wound itself around him crushing two of his ribs. A trick pony in the room, tied to a trough in the room where it was feeding, became restless, and drag- ging the trough to the spot began to paw the snake, which instantly un- coiled from Nosher and wound around hearing Some men in the basement the noise hastened up and with a lasso ly gotten into the box and secured there. The trick was valued O00 and to York who will sue for damages at §£10,- in New pony belonged a man —— Compulsory Law to Be Tested The parents of the McKeesport chil [dren who were prosecuted by Atten- OfMicer Edmundson, the district, order to the { compulsory education law, were given a hearing before Alderman Trich. The fined $3.50 each, ine of { dance | school in test defendants were | cluding the costs. They will take an appeal, and this is just what the board of education wants, as it desires to test | the constitutionality of the law, cif TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. By | Resolved, | day of Nov Ri vission to God's w {HP Frank is one of the most successfu farmers in our Jolly, whole-souled Dutchman, whom we are any time.—Mifflinburg Times. x A Political Proposition. A young man in Columbia county, who has always taken a great interest in politics, was recently ensnared by one of Fishing Creek's fair maidens, ter: “My Dear Miss E. I nounce myself us a candidate for your band, and shall use all fair and honor- able means to secure the I know there are many candidates the field, and I hesitated long before to stay. mony have often your hearing in an emphatic way. you decide to confer upon me the hon- or I speak of, please fix a date for a caucus with your mother. I have po objection to her acting as temporary chairman, provided it is clearly under- been expressed ed on our Teg B¥io Weekly Weather Keport-Uentre Hall Government {| Temperature. Highest Nov. 11 5 cloudy. 0 g el Service Lowest 12 i Joudy i ' 13 39 : cloudy. cloudy. 33 cloudy. 12 cloudy. i1 cloudy. 15 {2 16 5 17 40 Rainfall : On 11th, {and at 4 p. m. .04 in. ; ” 1 forenoon, U2 in. | on 14, on 15, at night .11in.; o at night! 1 n ib, 1.28 in. ; { afternoon, .05 in. On 12 and 13 high winds. i A pn The three-year-old boy of J. A. John- son, of Lynn Center, Ill, is subject to Mr. Johnson says he | that the of timely use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, during is satisfied a severe attack, saved his litt ilife. He isin the drug le boy's} business, a permanent organization. result of the caucus prove satisfactory, we can soon hold the primaries and select a date and place of convention. I never believed in long campaigns, so if you decide to honor me I will ask you to make the convention date as early as possible, Devotedly yours, ete.” The following telegram answer ed: “Caucus unnecessary, nomina- tion unanimous; come at once and fix the date of ratification.” it - Twenty Seven Cats in a Robe, Bellefonte News: J. F. Hoy, of Spring township, was in town Tues day morning, exhibiting a pretty and of that place; and they handle a great {lung diseases. He had all these to | {chose from, and skilled physicians | | ready to respond to his call, but select- | {ily at a time when his child's lite was : | perior to any other, and famous the of { country over for its cures | ing cough medicine they handle, and | that it gives splendid satisfaction in all Sold by J. H. Hall: 8. M. Swartz, Tusseyville; Pealer, Spring Mills, and R. E | tholomew, Centre Hall. CASON, Rosas, which he made himself. twenty-seven domestic cats were used, look like one piece of fur. The Why Go two rows of pinked flannel. —— ——— A] os Usunl Annual School Appropriation. ing for the distribution of the annual districts. A failure to make this re one-third of the appropriation. —————— A A A Organized at Spring Miils, The Philadelphia Bargain House, Old Postoffice Building. All sons of honorably discharged sol- een years of age are eligible. Those wishing to join will correspond with Capi. elect P. W. Leitzel, M. D., Spring Mills. Camp will be mustered in on Nov. 27. ~The largest assortment of Fall clothing ever received in this county are on display at the Philad. Branch, snow Un evvry ile. : } ! | A%%%%%f Asafa ay ” New Neckwear in Pufls, Ascols, 4-in-Hand, Tecks, Bows, and Oxford Ties at 25 and 50 cents—Montgomery & Co., Bellefonte, - re fp Ap GRAIN MARKET, New WHERERL......oooroinmneiiisorresssserssansnssisssnssress RYO cconeenprres Corn ...conm New PRODUCE AT STORES, BREE M cnn ase ves Lard. Shoulders Ham ....cone Tallow Folaloes Gideon “=< BEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE 8 HEREBY given to all persons interested that the following Inventories of goods and chattels set apart to widows under the provisions of the Act yf the 14th of April, 1851, have been confirmed nist by t Court, and filed in the office of the Clerk of the Orphans’ Court of Centre County, and if no exceptions be filed on or before the first day of pext term, the same will be confirmed ab solute ly 1 he Inventory and appraisement of the per sonal property of Abrabam Zimmerman, late of State College Borough, ax the same was sel apart wo his widow, Margaret FE. Zimmerman The inveritory i appraisement of the am Stecle, late of Hus ded ‘ ax Lhe same was sel . Elizabeth and appraisement of the per Iyuathan Walker mleele als ceased, 1s Lhe dame was set apart uda M. Walker ww sement of the per LH same x wns inle nt of the per inte Ws of | ander the Act of raisement of the per Edwin 8 Inte of Miles ase, ax Lhe ia M. Weaver G. W. Rl Weave ARID EG MBERGER Heglster MEN WANTED od Fresh Dug Sock Highest Balary or Slendy employment ro Exclusive terri Hig pay assur ek ursery Co, Rochester, N.Y. Grade sited t STWORTHY AND ACT men or ladies 0 travel for shed house In Penmyivania nd expenses. Position steady {addressed stamped ex Ad Dominion Company, Dept. ¥Y, Chi ¢ gent stat we wo) foun Orrice 18 OrrosiTeE U. 8. PATENT Ornice 1, drawing or photo,, with descrip. ise, if patentable or not, fre: of Our {ee not due till patent is secured, “How to Obtain Patents,” with . 5. and foreign countries " o- harge, A PamrsuieyT, ost of sam it free. Addres C.A.SNOW&CO Orr. Pavint Orice, Wassminaron, D.C, ARREARS ARREARS RRA SMR y ARR RRRRRRRAS ARRAY - > ¢ a0 NNN NNN oc? a -» i A SCHOOL OF BUSINESS bn Venitead Sisto : OF THE HIGHEST GRADE, bh Ee » PE id $8.00 Worth For $5.00! Is exactly what our assortment of over a dozen different styles of Men's All=Wool Suits at $5.00 means. We are also showing a line of finer goods such as you have never seenin Centre coun-=- ty. They are the Highest Grade Ready to-wear Clothing manu- factured in America, and our prices are lower than others ask for ordinary trashy goods. If you give us a call you will positively save money. ‘Faubles, ¢ Outfitters, Bellefonte, ee BVDV BTVeIRRRRTVUTN cee ec eT. 9"% e209 eS 9ST DTTTTDTDTTIIDTSTD™S / / / / / ¢ ¢ ¢ / / ¢ ¢ ¢ 4 / / / 4 i Our New Stock of Goods FOR FALL AND WINTER... iy for your inspection Has been received and is now rea have for this season, never made as large purchases a8 we Be having had years of experience, our stock was never factory as this year’s, We purchased heavily for the ‘ x ‘ : r in a larger supply than ever ol gon and we have laid upj WINTER UNDERWEAR, DRESS 600DS, ~~ FLANNELS, CLOTHING, OVERCOATS, GLOVES, ETC. w . . 3 :. Wo. : - ; I'he prices are right, and we can sell closer than others, If vou are thinking of buying a pair of Shoes, come in show yon our samples We have arrang ufacturer to furnish the article at unhear KREAMER & SON. WHAT WE SAY about Columbia bicycles, about the 5% Nickel Steel Tubing used in them, the direct tangent spokes, dust proof bearings, improved crank shaft mechanism and other bicycle advantages to be found in Colum- bias—and Columbias only—is what E KNOW ARE FACTS and what we know hus been proved by practice and theory. Practical tests of every description by fast riders and rough riders—and un- equalled scientific tests in our own test department, which has no equal outside the Government have unquestionably proved COLUMBIA BICYCLES STANDARD OF THE WORLD. $75 TO ALL ALIKE. POPE MFG. CO. HARTFORD, CONN. 11 Columbian are not properly represented in your vicishty, Pe wn know. Your ATTORNEYS. HB. TAYLOR, Atworney at-Law Bellefonte, Pa, All manner of legal buss Auge HY Ko. 24 Temple Court ness promptly attended w A ©. FURST, — AMtorney-at-Law Offices directly opposite the Cour BA C. MITCHELL Atlorpey-at-Law Office, Room Ko, 10, Crider's Exchange JOH N KLINE Office on second | of Court Hous Nd BEuglish 1 4 (Bevis u Walker, IBY iN HOUBE #. Woods Ca 8 jw i t CE HAVEN, PA. routns on first jan Terms reasonable. Good samp ie MAN HOUBE Opposite { besl, eat 33 Bil WH Good table and moderate Cl NG MILLIE BOTEL, QPRI > D. HR. Rakhi Pre t SPRING Free bas to and from all Lralins ‘11 Mil 18, PA. NEW BROCKERHOFF HOU + J. HM. Keubnix Proprietor BELLEFONTE, PA, ne. Good sample rates 0 witnesses Free bus to and from all rooms on first floor. Bpecial and jurors CENTRE HALI wv kle, Manager pplied with special atten Central nay 6 HUMPHREYS rd HAZEL WITCH OIL Piles or Hem & Fi a C3 rrhoids Fissures Burns & ids. Wounds & Bru! Cuts & Sores Boils & Tumor Eczema & Eruptions Salt Rheum & Tellers Chapped Hands Fever Blisters Sore Lips & Nos Corns & Bunions Stings & Bites of Insects, C U R E S Three Sizes, 25¢, soc. and $1.00. Sold by druggists, or sent post-paid on reselpt of price BUCEPREETY NED. C0. 131 & 313 William 50, Sow Terk. 118. A——— ES — SR. S50 YEARS EXPERIENCE.