THE CENTRE REPORTER FRED KURTZ, Editor TERMS. ~One year, $1.50, when paid in advance, Those {in arrears subject to previous terms, $2.00 per year. ADVERTISEMENTS. —~20 cents per line for three insertions, and 5 cen per line for each subse quent inse tion, Giher rates made made known vil applica lon, CUBNTRE HALL, PA., THURS, Nov. 11, The crop of murders and suicides as chronicled in the dailies is enormous. irl —— IT seems to go very hard with the Quay plunderers to swallow Swallow's vote, li Tue steamer Idaho, foundered in eight fathoms of water on Saturday morning off Lone Point on Lake Erle. Nineteen lives were lost, By lat. .t] intelligence from Ohio it goes that enough of anti-Hanna assem- blymen will unite with the Democrats to elect Gov. Bushnell to Hanna's seat io the senate. eel min THE talk try and Spain as on the eve of breaking nln of war between our coun- out, is all bosh gotten up by specula- tors in grain and stocks. present danger United States and Spain. is no the There of a war between epee Senator Hanna accounts for the Re- publican breakdown in Ohio by saying that * ple careless,” ‘good times have made the peo- It is strange that good times should put ginger into the Dem- ocracy while operating as an opiate on the other fellows! thinks the — of the Democratic SAYS. Record. Chairman Jones, national committee, “1 regard the results of the elections to the Demo- is all they could favorable It ask and more than many of us expect as particularly crats everywhere, ed.” Wp Wharton Barker, nent Republicans in favor of clean gov- dev. Dr. next The replies that he is willing if it sired. and other promi- ernment, Swal- low have urged run for governor, Reform candidate. to year, I wlor de- as 1 is EE Tue recent election in this state ty party, since the Democratic ger than the corruption ticket polled. Combining these elements next year favor of honest sult in tic in or i governor, - csc fon Wns cous (tov, day, giving idence in the past year. be people for showing by their votes at Hastings has appointed Thurs- November 25, as a day of Thanks- , for the bountif It woul fitting that the offer thanks the re- cent election, Democrats and Republi- by a larg robbery in high places. cans, re condemn majority ntl Judge Frazer handed down an opin- ion in quarter session court, Pittsburg, Saturday, in which he North Dakota divorcee is worthless the state of Pennsylvania. Then if a party North Dakota, they are single, but getiing into Penn- sylvania would be considered married. Funny laws ! in is divorced in ——————— HANNA is not near certain of pluck- ing the senatorial plum in Ohio. On Tuesday 8, L. Kurtz slipped quietly into Cincinnati and conferred Charles al question. Ii is reported that Kurtz and Foraker carefully surveyed the sit- uation and reached an unfavorable to Hanna made days ago, “Texas is the biggest Gov. Taylor, of Tennessee, speech in Texas a few which he said : ca. happiness pouring from the bunghole of prosperity and buttered with pure Democracy.” nt Tere is a tribe in Central Africa among whom speakers in public de- bates are required to stand on one leg while speaking, and to speak only as long as they can so stand. A good rule like that adopted in civilized eountries would work admirably upon mons, an A Mr smi, The commercial and scientific expe- dition to the south pole, under Herr Borchgrevinck, will start from Eng- land next July. Inquiries are now be- ing made for a suitable ship in Scot- land and Norway. The object will be to reach Cape Adsiri and proceed to the south pole on snowshoes. The party will include several scientific men. Herr Borehgrevinck will go to Norway at Christmas, and, with some Norwegian friends, practice snowshoe ranning. ns —— A S——————— Gov. Hastings is alarmed over the turn the elections have taken. In fact the entire Republican shanty is badly seared. Gov. Hastings said the other day the result of the election on Tuesday 2nd : publican party in this State, and un- less we get logether we will be beaten next year.” As to the vote cast for Swallow, he said it had no significance | as far as his personality was concerned, that any other candidate, running un der like circumstances, would made as good a race, rman ff A SY Tue National Grange is now in ses. sion at Harrisburg with a large atten- dance from the different states. J. Brigham, of Ohio, is master of the Na- tional Grange. There are a number of prominent agriculturists present, who take an earnest interest in whatever forth in this direction upon justice, ure public. The State Grange also met ¢ risburg this week. Har- al sm mnlimfaiefremtc—— A correspondent of the New Post" argued on election day that the loss of the Greater New York by loss of the next House of Representa- “Evening tives, and presented good reasons for it. MeKinley tidal wave, has can majority, and a change of 28 mem- | bers will make the next House Demo- The loss of New York loss of nine seats the of the the Harlem river, and these, with the inevitable | cratic. | the part nie in State, below will mu than wipe out the Republican majori- ty that elected Mr. Reed speaker. It that Mr. Reed appreciated this fact when he declined to speak for the Platt ticket ol oly losses in the south and west, is stated THERE are some very interesting facts shown in the annual report of the interstate commerce commission. We miles and 1, 297,64 have this 182,776 of in country railroad, 35.950 locomotives } cars in use, There were it ng carried duri i151 i rate the ex- safety of railway travel ¢ the of in overcoming passengers Coo year, of whom killed, Could figures better illust only were in 2.827 47 or only one treme anid SUCCESS invention danger? There are 585 260 employes in service, and their wages amount t per the total This means more than 0 cent. of operating ex- pense half { million homes made prosper this one As for tion | people, du industry, the effect enriching of railway in all the rest bringing to their doors the ta of a continent at inconsiders t, and meat and COS carrying their grain the their way to foreign markets that | pressed in figures or words. manul to Be all that {is a beneficence cannot | crowning glory of civilization. lp Dr. Swallow's vote for State | er is a revelation of what a go people | of when it is studied. are Of cour {f Pennsylvania i { nothing | received | carried to do with prohibition. 125.000 and of counties, probably voles nearly a dozen other hitherto Democratic Dr. Swallow represented the spirit of hostility to the i can machine at Harrisburg. | some “ | Republican. Republi- His ted suits and other forms of perse- Vige- | orous attacks on it had subje him | to libel | cation. A good many people wanted { jnst such a man in the State treasurer's | office. He had demonstrated { and courage to deal with the | and their works. i do again, ability bosses If the thing were to Dr. Swallow aver standing could probably be is the elected, As it is his vote most remarka- in the Pennsylvania result. ts - PENNSYLVANIA'S WARNING Pennsyivania remains Republican The Republi- is big enough, but it is less than half that of last year. This is due partly to a light vote and part- ly to defection, and both of these ex- planations may be traced largely to the same anterior cause, That original underlying cause is widespread dissatisfaction with the management and fruits of the Repub- lican Machine. The result is a Repub- lican success, but it is the smallest suo- cess since parties, issues and times took their later form. It is all the more marked since there is no Democratic party in the state worth the name. but sounds a warning. opposition the Republican majority would have been much narrowed. The striking, significant and im- pressive feature of the election is the heavy vote for Dr. Swallow as u can- didate for State Treasurer, He was os- tensibly the Prohibition candidate; but his vote multiplies the last Prohi- bition vote five or six timesover. The accretion is not Prohibition but inde- pendent Republican. A hundred thousand Republicans voted for Dr. Swallow as a warning. He carries such countles as Davy a. Baste, Clin- ton, Lycoming, Nczchumberiands and others. It was the obvious way for ve- monstrating Republicans to enter « protest, and they seized it. Add the independent vote for Mr. Thompson, and the revolt assumes portentous pro- portions. This is the response of the state to| their many friends at this place a few | the iniquities of the last Legislature, | days this weck, It is the answer of the people tothe! J. H. Ross broke ground for his new flagrant and defiant audacity of ma. | store building on Main street, Monday. | ehine rule. It will heard —wlll it be heeded ? It means much today--it | are several dweljing houses also to be will mean more next year unless it be | erected in the near future, | appeased by wise and sane action,| Dr. A. E, Gobble, Principal of the There is an independent spirit abroad, | New Berlin College, will fill the pul- The Republican managers will do well | pit for the { to put their house in order and pre- | gation Bunday afternoon, | pare to meet the plain public demand. | 2.30 o'clock. | =Philadelpiia Press, be Our town is beginning to boom; there the 14th, at i a good and able discourse should come and hear him. | CE. H. for the last three , has secured a good and eho — PENSION LISTGONE UP 0... Ross's store | { | yea The total number the rolls at the close of the fiscal year, | | June 30, was 076,014, a net gain during | the year of 5,336, notwithstanding the | loss to the roll, by death and statutory I y osition in the United of pensioners on perms Evangel. ical Publishing House, Harrisburg, and left for that Monday { morning. He was also superintend- the was 41,122, | ent of the U, Ev. nt {| The number of new added to | and in “ i the rolls was 51,101, and 3,971 pension- | ers who had been previously dropped | ficient Sunday school worker, | were restored to the pension roll. The | J. H. the bu- | erty belonging to A, reau during the year for pensions and | $141, ul place on causes, during year school Sunday names this place, his departure for more useful field we lose 8 good and ef- toss has purchased the E. following mill, the dwelling Mr. Meyer, shop dwelling house now occupied by pr - Meyer, which The R house occupied by '] amount disbursed by pension consists of the oller the expenses of the system was EH) D356, These the | forth in the report Evans, The makes two very The ¢ | no pension be granted to and Ia- 1 land. the blacksmith figures se t Commissioner are essential of nd several acres of i vid Boyder, a however, | There will be quiet little coramissioner, a great change in our sensible suggestions, town when the snow goes first iz that a law be passed that | away next spring. a soldier's The is that provision be made tor the liea ers. The widows for A — Makes =n Devil Until widow who shall remarry. second | Murderer Queer Contract-To Serve the January pub- Dein H., the Arrangements are D Ver tion ofa complete i { pensions g& rapiaiy N f fil ior Lhe SuiRpleted » al al of Josep rit rid of sake . Kelley, 1 murderer business soldiers’ the | been somewhat exter It and it is one which the Government ought not t According to the revolutionary pe will i marrying of sively i : and bs pensions has | IErswWo and by Monday. Det carried on | in the country. is a pretty low form * will three montl the of shiftlessness, ing o encourage or | prosecutio defense have "permit. dents of the precs list, sad in brides nsion erans of the late war w | and blushi and ving widows on the altar voung ng o the year 1925, there will be pi survi sion rolls the pen understood Are €n- 1 Cy Aad, It is pretty i many of It} nen it how these marri LON or BK neered 1a8 bheeo a business to Kelley says he And ex pect | He asks, aily be 1 January He suys status by Deathbed Secure w a pensionable marrying an aged veteran. Marriages are not uncommon {'om- missioner Evans does not mines words abuse, which will in pointing out the cost the Government many millions | pact ms } ti 5 avi] ¢ of t cks | Lhe devil 1 pens and is one ye most shameful Ft al } twents of the many that abound in UU twenty ary 15. He S100 system. ther i to printing wnsioners, with ak iid deligh of their ry il is in Wir how many her contr to-do neighbors are ify pa Years ag WESTERN HORSE DEALERS TION tal or artial ATTEN w A good location for public 3 ra draw wd it bad studied ¢ sales of west Hall Hq ev, Fi a va &rn DOorses Centre se, in with much publication, of entiti be © NEW 6000S ALL THE TIME. HIE WAS An curiosity. Penns valle Hn official Government x wo all, Ne would obj i address would be much y BAG » man fairly ect to t h non fi fs & badge o quai Otherwis Post. A f tet) i LR Joss rye. rary.— Pittsburg Slighted the Governor »s Pi who special + i A #55 2 from isburg Few people Observed ceremonies surrounding observancs For 0 ry, inder's Day at the Carnegie wd {sovernor Hastings Was Ignored {ip the this afternoon, faile to note that affair. The both guests of { the Carne- gie The ernor was hardly treated as such President and (fovernor the ci Commission. wer ty and (sOv- Be- ympelled to ride in the of the was not given a chance to make an ad- dress Library sides being c second carriage procession he These slights were throughout the feeling is bound to develop over prominent Il the af- all ceremonies front So We Have Shoes for All Feet ! ! Hey. Hearick's Appointments Sunday, Nov. 14, at Centre Hall, at 2p. m., ;at Spring Mills, at 7 p. m Tusseyville, at 10a. m new st ck. communion, tp LINDEN HALL : 3 and select Our Boots could 114 iid ( 11 : 1 for all kinds lines can fit von A Breezy Letter from Oar Correspondent | . Up the Valley J. H. Ross shipped a car load baled hay Wednesday of this week. Wm. Coble, who had been very ill with typhoid fever, is again able to be out. weather All kinds of exchange f H. F. ROSSMAN, Clyde Stamm. and George Geltig took a trip to Centre Hall Tuesday on SPRING MILLS, business, | Henry Meyer and daughter Myra, of | Tussey ville, were seen in our town on Tuesday last, Thomas Coble, of Clesrfield, spent a | few days with friends at this place | quite recently. | J. Irvin Ross and wife, of Lemont, | > : ¥ ant spent Tuesday of this week with their 18 Pages a Week son Hale, at this place. Wm. Frazier accompanied by Lis | | niece, Edith Frazier, were visiting Po friends at Pleasant Gap Sunday. — John Stover and wife, of Pleasant | vauk hile. aw poi ation _¢ ey Rew | Gap, were the guests of their son Wn, | i in size, frequency of publication, and the | at this place over Sunday. yall nd variety of ils contents, The hunters who go to the moup- Produce taken of Oar roods, - THE Thrice-a- Week Edition. 156 Pages a year for $1.00, blished Every Alternate Day Except Sunday, i i | . uy is against the mMonop. ad for the Oe Ain the wews of all the world, having spe Stamm attended the corner stone lay- 4 let ko, BopATmentS gH the ing of the new U. Ev. church at Penn | | Rotsuhoid and women's ‘s work and other Soest THE Star Store. 6. 0. Benner, Prop. If you want to make your dollar its level best, carry it to The Star. The following are all new goods and just received, You will do well to see them. Pole Ax Double Bitted Ax Faucy Table Lamp fard Cans All Buckskin Glove i En, Wash Basi Fable O11 Clot AJAX =yrup, ga BUAr, price ¥ Arbuckie ( Hest O High Grade WKazo Many items going low, no room Lo (quote come t THE STAR. UP-TO-DATE NEWS. | Saft J Lant Brms. Clover Sead. oh Sevir Machines, Was Sleighs and Sleds. is Builders’ Supplies. McCalmont & Co BEATUTI ’ IN THF UNDESOMINA- BOTH BEXES; Bi JARD ANT ) THENTS OF » ¢ HORT] TUDY URE Farm Trost Ope { RI EMISTRY with an unusually thorough course in the Laborator ¥ { IVIL ENGINEERING ELECTRICAL ENG INEERING; MEA HANI Al ENGINEERING { MINING ENGINEERING; scoompanied with very extensive exercises in the Field the Shop faboralory HIETORY: AND POLITICAL S 1ENC E INDUSTRIAL ART AND DE: LANGUAGE and LITERATL RE Latin optional.) French, German and English (re quired.) one or more continued turough the entire course MATHEMATICS and ASTRONOMY: pure and applied MECHANIC ARTS. com! with stody, three yearn n MENTAL. MORAL and POLITICAL 8CI- ENCE; Constitutional Law and History; niitical Economy, ete MILITARY SCIENCE cal and practioal service PREPARATORY COURSE il term opens Sept. 11, i865 for admission. Sept. 13, For « atalogl ue or other GRO WW ATHERTON ull and These | 08 are and ping 4 Wop work nstruction theorell includingeach arm ofthe One year Examinations information, sddross LD. Prest VR “ANTED-TRUSTWORTHY AXD ACT ive gentlemen of Indies to travel expot le, established house {0 Pennsylvania Mont! hiy $65.00 and Sipe. oeition steady Reference. Rnclose selifaddressed stamped ene relope. The Domision Company, Dept. ¥, Chi CARO WANTED SEMIS BOTH MEN AND WOMEN, Ifyou 0 work, GOOD PAY, and you oan work sil or part time, at home or traveling. The work is L.GHT AND EASX. WRITE AT ONCE for terms, eto, t0 THE BAWKS NURSERY COMPANY, sepidim Rochester, N. RTA aie aon of Jain. ARD ACT tiemon or ladies to travel for fished houses in Pennsylvania. Monthly x: $$ dail a price of of a dollar Agri A, aiica news is ancy! im al anal tains for wild turkeys should not go in | is readers whi te bee another direction on a ‘dear’ hunt. : 7" Henry and Win. Zeigler and Clyde | S35 S70 00 giobe. Tt has vrilliant ames tions, stories by g Hall. | or tmet ts of unneanl io ES George Swabb and sister Maggie, of | Omire Re LR rh “we Pinegrove Mills, were visiting vome of | pas volopo. | i PENNSY! | Philadelphia & Frie R. R. Divisio and Northern Central Railway. Time Table, 1n effect June 20, 1897 LEAVE MONXTANDON, ia m.~~Train Wie Harristtirg, arriving el Po) New fork 3.40 p. m., Baitir gwn 1 47 p. m. Througt phn, Baltimore and Wasal 9.21 nn ral 4 Wiliksharre, Hart Week days Phils Throvy! } £1 EABTWARD 2 @ k Gays for ndelphis wore 12.40 § Pe mi. Wash Hadel Eunbury and intermediate “la ion, Hazieton, snd sew York, Baltimore, he nger conches Lo ily Ore Weekdays for Bunbury, Potievi slalions, arriving at Rew York. 9.90 pp, m., J i pas Limon Wilkes Gri # 4 4 for are Pousvilie a Wash ingu Fhiladeiphis - pm Wilkesbarse risburg sud rg afl Cran iagzielon frterme until 7 JAR. IM, FROM iiandels SHUR Week Washing ikesbarre ob OO m. Sanday. Ry (ars attached 0 East «37% al 11 39 Mh. and hiladeipbia at 11. 30 p.m J. W GEPHAR. General Sgperiptendent XTECEXTRAL RAILROAD 0 take effect May 25, 1996 w ESTW. ARD vt p- hot * | tr we Lslevil Morris Whitmer... wees HEBIOTS. w Filmore. Brialy.. «Waddle... Scotia Crossing J rumrine. Birubie.. . Inn. State | $ niiowe HERD Moruing {rains from Montandon, Williamaport Lwk Haven snd Trrone onpect with $rsin No. lewisburg and Tyrone connect with No. 11 for State Oollege. Trains from FDmily except Sunday. FH. THOMAS, Sapt. ESIRABLE BROPERTY AT PUBLIC SALE. A good house, and about two | acres of A Suod - hi isa small barn snd fresh monn « nn walter borough of to the door; in the Centre Hal Also — BB ACRES eee Satin Innil 10 4 high Sale of sulifvation, & wmall the south-east end borough of Centre Hall, atthe