Good Ingrain Carpet, 39e. por yard. Heavy brussols Carpet, 480. por yard, For the asking, we mail you, free of all charges, our new Colored Carpot Catalogue, which shows all goods in lithograph eders. You can make your selections as well as if you wero here at the mil, und save from i to 80 per cent, profit you aro paying your hoeal denier. If you wish quality samples of carpet, send Bo, in stamps, We also fssue a general catalogue of Furniture, Draperies, Bed ng, Stoves, ele, which we mail tree of ull charges. Julius Hines & Son, BALTIMORE, MD. Please mention this paper. ILLED BY FRIGHT. A Rattler, Coiled in This Man's Causcd His Death, One of the 1 of death ACTONE, Mexico severa says making a tion of the had who d whe self o one sever started brus? fellow than aril ¢ and heard flier ¥ COIS Th shoot —— The likeneas of Chr ar, it not n ! of Christ or lis words, + There is to affe to watcl tae cousciou the lik growth, velop 1 Livy con anoti # sho tar of the pi be 1} fie i= Christ eT but as He pess taking ing us into itsel — _— The The answe Answer of Praver, ing at the d Acts 12: 13 An occurrence Levers. They bearing the erazy or had prised faithfn prayer prayer are re exclamation marks, whereas answer true prayer most verse, formance, read at a ph i the bell.” He pulled until a head we poked out of the window sell? “Oh, I've read the sign and thought It no more than polite to pull” wis his response, The only response that could perhaps be given by many who feel themselves called upon In the Bible to pray. They do not read that the young Pharisee transacted many a prayer before heaven sald of him, “Be hold. he prayeth” Their arrows shot heavenward have plenty of feather but no point. They do not spread the fleece jike Gideon, for the dew to descend up on—F. W. C. Meyer, Cr CIR 5545 SAAN. A Good KHeason, “You: I've given up Mildred.” sp quarrel?’ “Oh, no. Some idiot Is fitting up an oyster parlor just around the corner from her home."Cleveland Piala ‘Deasler. vor is reall ottght to be considered tl God's uni- inguiring, —- - ‘ syomen are classed as tbe weaker pox, tut they are full-fledged Samson when it comes to getting the best of 2 man. REV. DR. TALMAGR, Sunday Sermon. smn Btory of the Three waverns-The tuin Wrought by Liquor-Crimson Wave of Dissipation Has Destroyed More Sall- us as far as Taverns,' — “They camo to meet tho Three Text: Appl Forum and Acts xxvlil,, 15. south of Nome, Italy, unfortunate Seventeen miles there was a village and bibulous suggestio A place of entertainment, and, in our time, part of the entertainment is a provision of intoxicants, One such place you would think would have been enough for that Italian village, No! There were threo of them, with doors open for entertainment and eation, T world has lacked g drink You re the con ! and of story o and the of fanst in old bottles, and whole probipition i Neal Dow were whole iquid in these ho soak.” Tt seems that his eyesight wns eo poor that he did his writing through an amanuensis, for he mentions it is some. thing remarkable that his shortest Epistle, tho ono to Philemon, was in his own pens manship, saying » , have written it with my own hand hand been thrown from his horss, his i been stoned, he had been endungeo he bad had his nerves pulled on ranchihig nt Athens to the most scholarly ane dieneoe of nll the earth, and at Cor inth to the most brilliantly profligate assemblage, and been howled upon by the Ephesian worshipers of Diana, tried for his life before Felix, charged by Festus with being insane, beach, drenched in much of the time had ils wrist, andfif any Paul needed it, but exhaustion, he got past the Three Taverns undamaged, and stepped into Rome all ready for the tremendous ordeal to which he was subjected Oh! How many mighty men, feeling that they extraordinary servi res for other servi the shipwreck, and an fron handeuff on man neaded stimulus, and prepare y calle its on 1 I eall the tier names Hiustr It would i neet Dim: vain I tis suid ey thai a bat ares fow | surcharged rier time terprises or or 8 they ere the ple il table is rougher and ding on it is of German silver and air has been kept over from the nig fore and that whieh ip from pewter mug has a larger percentage of ben. nbergr a. creosote, henbane, stryoh- ¢ neld, opperas, y be castor ba. thoy and nightshade, almost every the same ia patron : perhaj y times at this tavern the second, paring to graduate, Brain, nerves, are rapldiy giving tavern the se business goon but he pre. liver, way destroyed and shoke Bn, and light outside, a de, family seattered that one's ‘Hea 18 red besotted group ir dragged out of doors ab morning and left on the sidewalk, the bartender wants to shut up. he enters tavern hiccoughing He I be eollege of degradation. He has his diploma physiognomy, the Three Taverns. As the polies take him up and put him intheambulance the wheels seem to rumble with two rolls of thunder, ons of which says, “Look not upon the wine when it is red, when it moveth itself aright in the cup, for at the last it biteth like a serpent and stingeth like an adder.” The other thunder roll says, “All drunkards shall have their place in the lake that yurneth with fire and with brimstone.” I am glad to find in this svens of the text that there is such a thing as declifiing successfully great Tavernian temptations, I can gee from what Paul said and did after he had traveled the following seven teen miles of his journey, that he had re. ceived no damage at the Three Taverns, How much hs was tampted I know not, Do not suppose that he was saperior to temptation. That particular temptation has destroyed many of the grandest, mightiast, nobiest statesmen, philosophers, heroes, clergymen, aposties of law and mediaine and government and religion, Paul was not physically well ander any eir- cumstances; it was not in moek deprecia- § tion that be said he was “in bodily presence - % ns dies were biasted, ar professors in 4 jongresses, widen and au 1 1 hasten the o is evil, It will go down, have the word of Al- tion of alisin, But shall we havea share in the universal victory? The liguor saloons n from the hundreds of thousands re and then from thousands into the hundreds, and then n the hundreds into the tens, and from the tens to Three, The first of theses last threo taverns will be where the educated and philosophic and the high-up will take but that class, aware of the ple they have bean sete yi the evil cuss with two natural bev. rages that God intended for the stimulus of the race sy oofles plantations furnishing the be the ons and the Chin- ia the best of the other And hie barroom wil be erowded with people at the vendae and the auctioneer’s mallet will pound at the sale of the appur. tenances, The second of these down its will dre into the se of thousands, Inat three taverns flaming sign and ex- the working class will have concluded to buy their own horses and furnish their own beautiful homea and replenish finely the wardrobe of their own wives and daugh- ters instead of providing the distillers, the brewers, and liquor sellers with wardrobes aud mirrors and earriages., And the next time that second tavern is openad it will be a drug store, or a bakery, or sdry goods establiehment, or a *shoel, Then there will he only one mors of the Thies dissipating Taverus left, I don’t now in what coun- try, or eity, or neighbsrhood it will be, but look at it, for it is the vary last, The last {nobriate will bawve staggered up to its counter and put deewn his pennies for hia dram. Its last horrible adulteration will be mixed and guaffed to eat out the vitals and inflame the brafn, The last drunkard will have stumbled down its front steps, The last spasms of delirium tremens caused by it will be straggied through. The old rookery will be torn down, and with its demolition will elose the earth's abomina- tions, The last of ths dissipating Thres Taverns of all the world will bo as thor. oughly blotted out as were the Taveras of my text. . ‘he World's Brew of Decr, The brew of beer is nore that (0% nany leads he United second, with { GO0.000.600 quails the United : with 3.200,000,000 quarts tates third, ig nt the foot of list, with world's annual 17.700,000,000 quart with 5.000000000 gunris; Kingdom I» Russian thie 0 the taste of the Cossack. — TI ———s the only four States that L.ast ycar asph ere California, Indian Ter yroduced altum w 1 ‘olorado, Texas and Utah, nlso contri Er 1nted ALAGKA FISH. Food, Light and Natives, Are Umned for teat by the abounds the are use 1 ney an species of fish ska that 5 —— I — Ar hbishop. EE wm 1 4 cmm—y amon — A — yf o— i —— U show cures by the | use of ST. JACOBS OIL | HEUMATISM cHRONIC CRiPPLES, AND OF | BED-RIDDEN INFLAMMATORY CASES. THERE'S NO DENYING, IT CURES. Bl mm 4 ams £1 mmm £4 wn £5 man Pig cman] t— | Tho records | 3 2 = + LDR ran be saved with wv he pow inige 4 Pros wrapper wey nk / if i ot 7 a £1.00 com cmon ES a Se i FREE | swe TO * Jan. 1393. i The Parthenon Spain's Finances, . Parthenon, ut stated In n ntion's indebtedness A 4 Lt hiene finances any be viien few figures 4 is £1,705,000.0 to be paid is about revenue is $150 M0) BRO UM) (HH) RT0O.000) 0H The after 8.1 total and interest is net only @ expenses of Lhe govern IIs ! rests A ¢ 4 § ! i We r if f { Fos ihe ORO i hiro four. 11 Bridal v out f he worst young ting ' I gues should marry Y noy have polo Detroit Journal WHAT MAN DOES NOT LOVE BEAUTY? Mrs. Pinkham Counsels Young Wives to Keeop Their Attractiveness A Lotter From a Young Wife. Beve: inthis wor becuus lo A A pg “ Na Ss wo i a on, 4p i in ii li lied yp Pa ssa Sess Nt Sai st sal sill St dl Sul Sad dl Sud I~ p— p— a a a ta TEA FATNESS ANA ASIN NNT ANNAN NAN rr ————— ast tN as Sat St sat tl sa ra it nt Sat UNITED TEACHERS AGENCIES OF AMERICA. BEV. L © BABE 0 DO, K MANAGER, ew York Wa § n Fra the famous story-writer, is only one of many celebrated contributors engaged to write for the next volume of The Youths .._. = (Omipanion Family. To show the variad strength and charm of The Companion’s original featuies for 1858, we give the following partial list of Distinguished Contributors. Right lion. W. E. Gladstone Hon, Thomas B. Reed Hon. Justin McCarthy Hon. George F. Hoar Lieut, Peary W. D. Howells Mme. Lillian Nordica Mrs. Burton Harrison Octave Thanet Mary E. Wilkins Max O'Rell Margaret E. Sangster Frank R. Stockton Harriet P. Spoftord And Fully Two Husdied Others. Burniny of the * Sarah Be See Important Offer. will receive: the time seohseription Is received Hl) dannars 1, 18508. hanksziving, Christinas and New Year's Doalide Numbers, eo Companion Art Calenitar for 1908, 8 production superior to any of the famons picees of Companion ealarew srk of previons years, 1t isa bean- tifa! ornament and acostly wy wige 10x B34 In. Pree to Now Bh « a Fall Year, to Januwary 1, ROD, med mildress, and 81.75, BOSTON, MASS. - wy —— —— ——_ i — i fo Na” Na” Nr” Sa Na Nat