The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, October 28, 1897, Image 2

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Fire destroyed the business portion of the
town of Osceola, Ark. a river town a few
miles north of Memphis, It is believed that
the loss will reach &100,000,
The charges against Grand Master Powell
and Graod Secretary Perham, of the Order
of Railway Telegraphers, accusing them of
violating the anti-alien labor law at Peroria,
Iii, have fallen through.
George Westerman, of Madrid, Mo., aged
sixty, shot his young stepdaughter at his
home and then blew his own brains out.
He bad been suspected of eriminal Intimacy
with bis stepdaughter for some time,
Achilles Felker, of Scranton, Pa., who
murdered Cora Gouldsboro,
Wayne County, because she refused to mar-
ry him, and then escaped, was found dead
at Saydersville, Monroe County, having
killed himself,
Section Superintendent Huges, of the
Leigh Valley Railroad, at Waterloo, N. X.,
was stabbed so badly that death
result, His assailant is a man
“Shorty” Lyous, who, after the afflray, gave
himself up to the polie
In the District Court at Lincoln, Neb,
Judge Cornish has granted the application
of the Pacille Expr ¢ !
porary injunction preveating he
Board of
rates, as il
law passed by
Gress, of
is likely to
known ns
mpauy tor
rtation fr
ywered to do
last Legisiat
burg, Ya.
The report at Harris
ditors appointed by the Dauphin County
Court to
pass upor Xe] and
make distribution un the hands
of the receiver of ti rder ofl Solon has
just been made a balan
on hand to be
icate holders
Mrs, Viegi
+ charged with
Hattie Bethel r
{ her puu-
ent at the peniten-
) The es has besa tried {our
each of the trials resulting lo a hung jury.
While examing bis home
near Coalamout, jrewer acei-
dently shot bi V A-YEAr-o laughter,
¥ ing through
Some mis-
the entire oh
her body
ehiev Jus boy are sald t have placed a
load of shat in the a unknown } Mr.
Windsor, Novia Scotia, Visited
By a Destructive Fire.
LOSS NEARLY $3,000,000
An Area Nearly a Mile Square Swewnt by
Over Three Thousand Fer
Lightning Belfeved to
Lives Known
the Flames
sons Homeless
Have Started the Fire- No
to Have Been Lost,
A despatch from Halifax, N. 8., says
Historie Windsor, one of the most beautiful
towns in the province, was devastated by
fire Sunday morning, For six hours,
niog shortly before 3 A, M., the fire
by & violent northwest gale, raged so flerce
ly that the local fire department was abso
lutely helpless to cope with it, and within
after its
began to call for outside assistance.
the town bad
half an hour discovery the mayor
Long before noon
most completely eaten up, the
ered by the Hames
the {
bulldings occupying t
a dozen scorched struct
square, and of
the buildings that escanj
on factory, King's (
h, the Edge Hil
the Buflrin Hote
Tho latter is the
by a contlagration of
3.0080 have been taken
bean visi
residents of
towns, while the sufferers
have gone lifax or are sheltered In
army tants arec ta by a
detachment « the gar
rison city.
The fire started ina barn behind the Mar
{ue block, In the beart of the business dis-
trict. The high gale prevalllag carried the
flames to other buildings before the firemen
had time to get at work, and in a short time
the showers of sp dire
tions had ignited a »
th —
lhe surroun
hie vacant pi
ops from
Arks ied
iB ail
dings. Tht
» Burry
During the pe
brick structure
storm He a
fames bi
Thomas 8
his wife pois
Irwin Brow: yurder
Emanuel Crullan, of R , mads a
second attempt to escape from jail in
risviile, W, Va.
Dr. H. H. Irwin »
convicted in Woo
Mrs. Wilkins death by maipractics,
The dome in a Cinclonati theatre fell dur-
ing a performance, killing three people and
seriously injuring many others,
The American Board of Commissioners of
foreign missions decided to meet next year
in Grand Rapids, Mich,
At Kendallville, Ind., robbers
death Adam Hoffman because he
give up his money,
Guthrie, Okla., is
five-year-old boy
Ell Shaw, nephew of one of the two women
killed in Camden, N. J., was arrested forthe
Four well-known crooks were arrested in
Chicago, and $25,000 worth of plunder se-
Three men were killed and three Injured
in a mine explosion near Pottavilie, Pa.
Tom Parker, a colored man, was lynched
in Arkansas.
The thirteen assailants of Mrs, William
Gleason, in Newport News, Ky., were in-
Gus Schneider, who worked for a Mrs,
Murphy on a farm about flve miles from
Binghamton, N. Y., bound his employer with
ropes ia the absence of her son, stole £1 000
in gold sand banknotes from her trunk and
disappeared. Schneider went to the Mur
phy's residence atout three weeks agoasa
tramp and was given employment,
The Btate committee of the National Dem-
oeratic party has nominated Warren Switz-
ler, of Omaha, to be a candidate for supreme
judge instead of James M. Woolworth, who
resigned, Bwitzler was chairman of the
convention in Omaha and has attracted cop-
siderable attention by reason of his speech
on that occasion,
choked to
would not
Matthews, of
with killing a
uave Deen stru
¥ susp
Developments in this
of the Service.
wre than {
The estimat
350 whieh is
mated expend!
ial rate of
| servic
$90 in # 55
current year
The estimates for th i 1 % in.
ludes steamboat 8470 000
messenger service, “transportation
ther similiar de
of pneumatic tubes or
vieos, by purchase or otherwise, ™
wagon £50000, Last
pneumatic postal tube
wountry, that in Phila-
Since then foir more contracts have
uted, in Philadelphia, New York,
loston and between New York and Brook-
there was only one
in operation in the
been exe
Three Armed Men Attack Romain Oper.
While riding into Elyria, Ohio, on a Lake
Shore freight train, Romain Operstans ki, of
Pittsburg, was attacked by three highway-
men, also aboard the train. Operstanski
showed fight and was shot. The bigh-
waymen escaped,
Oparstanski was taken to the Haron Street
Hospital, la Cleveland, where he died 1 he
murderers are thought to be members of an
organized gang which frequents the line of
the Lake Bhore Railroad,
Fxlled Spanish Anarchist Refased Aasy-
jum in Mexico or United States.
Jose Ventre, the alleged anarchist, finds
no resting place, the French steamship peo
pie refusing to take him back to France, and
Immigration Commissioner Powderly of the
United States denying an asylum in this
He was suspected of complicity in the Bar-
eelona explosion, and as no proof was held
against him, he was banished, coming to this
country. Veotrs was among the eighteen
persons acquitted, but exiled. He is a
young man of good appearance, but Is now
iiterstlly 8 man without a country.
The British cabinet consldored
sition to reopen the Indias mints to
us proposed by Benator Wolcott, Itis un-
derstood the decision was agulost the prop.
Edward Langtry, the husbausd of Lily
Langtry, the actress, died in the asylum for
the insane at Chester, England
and heir of the Duke and
Duchess of Marlborough was christeged In
the Chapel Royal, 8t, James Palace, Lon-
don, the Prince of Wales acting as sponsor
the propo
The infant son
Iriton was wrecked
t is believed one
The constivg steamer
on the Cuban coast, and
hundred and fifty persons were drowned
A servant of Wm. T. Townes, of Virginia
United Btates consul at Rio Janeiro, made an
unsuceosslul attempt to murder him,
British continue
sion of the bimetallist question
don Dally News declares
end to the 1
ment is involved.’
the discus
and the Lon
‘there must bo an
Lord Londonderry resig
of the Northern Uni
socintions at Berwick
and In a letter giving his
wgainst subordinati {
iplesa to the d
Chamberla whi
would lead to a
Ihe union idorse
position and re
The British
United States
the Bey
Col. Jose Z
ban republic to
will win their f}
The Coug
Henry, defe
soldiers near
killing four bun
the survivors to
are starving
The Logdon Gl
tions with the cab
verament will
violate, London
fost against |
A bar
Hotel Fire,
ever awakenad
1, leaped fron
y, but ia;
ed and u
he remains
Electricity is
| lamp recently pia
Fountain brushes for palntin
with & sockeit in place of a
serew over the neck of a palst
which paint leeds through an orifice
Bieycle pedals are being made with an ad-
justabie extension at rear to slide into
the hollow of the shoe next to the heel and
prevent tha foot from slipping on the pedal
To prevent the freezing of running water
in pipes globules of heated air are forced in-
ta the pipe at short intervals to warm the
pipes and keep the temperature above the
freezing point,
A Yew ceatreboard for yachts is hinged to
the keel of the boat and controlled by a
lavar to counteract the tendency of the boat
to keel over under the wind pressure act-
ing upon the salis,
In a sew combined cane and umbrella the
stick is made hollow to contain the {rame-
work and cover of the umbrelia, which are
of such shape that they can be closed into
a very small space,
To prevent the overflow of water in a now
gravity fliter a rod runs downward through
the valve and ends in a hollow ball, which
rises and shats off tho supply as soon as the
lower chamber is full, .
To assist in mending tire punctures on the
road a spirit lamp is attached to & rod for
burning out the puncture hole so the plug
will fit, the bieyele pump being vsed to blow
the flame and heat the rod.
A new cooking utensil has slots in opposite
sides of the interior to support a semi-cirey-
lar vessel having a bail and cover, thus
permitting its use for cooking meat and
vegeiables at the same time without mixing.
A combined fountain pen and clinic ther.
mometer has besa invented for doetors’ use
ecnsisting of a double eylinder with a place
for the thermometer in the inner one and a
reservoir between the two to contain ink,
Commission Rejected.
Proposals of American
The English Does Not Bee
the Desirability of an
Contr rence, to Consider
Any Practioal
Would Lead to
bur is Ready
Other Suggestions
the Settlement
Hay the re py «
He Fapirvea nt His
Vralrie Avenues
A Pittsburg Firm Will Make It of
Slack mud Cuaulm.
f i UN
Orr, 61 Bandosky st
Mr. Orr demonstrated ti}
character can be made for
out of anthracite culm, and cheaper
ihe proposes
to meet the price of hard and soft coa A
pinnt, it is claimed,
to hake 3000 tons a day.
Mr, Orr says his fuel is smokeless, and he
has overcoms the dripplogs 80 common in
the German brickquettes made with rosin
and pitch.
hia ming . x 5 %
itaminogs sjack CRG Pany
can be erected for $1500
A California Office Relieved of 82.000 in
the Yellow Metal.
When the Reno stage was leaving Quiney,
Cal, the driver and the express messenger
found that the office of the Wells-Fargo
Company bad been robbed of an express
box containing #2000 In gold. The tele-
phone and telegraph wires leading from
Quincy had been cut, so that no iatimation
of the robbery reached any other town une
til brought by stagethus leaving the robbers
ampie opportunity to conseal their identity
and make good their racape.
Town Wiped Out and Two Men Lose
Their Lives.
The town of Iowa Hill, a mining camp of
about 500 inhabitants, in California, was
completely destroyed by fire, Two men
wure burnt to death and several others ine
Stanley to Return to Journalism,
The London Bunday Times announces
that Henry M. Stanley is going to Balu
WAYO af a guest of the Chartered Company.
It is stated there that Mr, Stanley will re
| sume Journalism,
Dr. Hills, of Mauch
of age, rode in a pacing ra
the other day, nnd won it,
Explorer William ivens
from Pres
pive cones
enl objects over ne
BOuare miles,
Ihe Alblon (Mich, ) Hecorder is
for the statement that there Is in that citys
fawily in which the birthday soniversari
of the luther, mother,
ident Disz's Government an exe
sion to explore for archueoiopl
rritory embracing 8,000
two daughters and a
son [nll upon the sane date
Rev, Dr,
York reporter that he resi
of the American Board
Forelgu Missi
he is too old t
Richard HB, Btorrs tells a Ne
yum wim pl AMise he
with those of
Yewer Casea Develop in New Orleans
i'r. Gulieras Sammoned to Alabama
keeps «
away and
y travel with
shut, while armed guards stand
yf the conches, This is the
The State board of health
of yellow fever at
at Nitta Yuma, Ave at Edwards,
JacEsox, Mise
reporis {
Clinton, two
five at Cayuga,
United Blates Has Spent Nearly Two MI
Hons te Prevent Filibusterin,
A Washington special to the New
Herald says: ‘Everything possible bas
done by this government to discharges the
laws,” sald Secretary of the Navy Losg In
answer to a question regarding the efforts
put forth by the government to intercept
filibustering expeditions intended for Cuba.
“The navy,” be continued, “has maintain.
ed a cordon of sBips along the coast, espec.
ally in Southern walers, where Rlibusters
have shown the greatest activity, The
Treasury Department has kept a flest of
revenue cutters on patro, amy.”
As further evidence «f the diligence of
this goverminent an estimate was made
showing that the government has so far ex.
pended nearly $2,000,000 to prevent the de
parture of filibustering expeditions from this
Lospox. ~The Madrid correspondent of
the Daily Mail says: “Senor De Lome, the
spanish Minister at Washington, has been
instructed to notify the Ameriean govern.
ment that henceforth fiibustering eoxpedi
tions will be regarded as breaches of inter.
national law.”
Gleaned from
Cat's Bite Was Fatal - Child Develops Hy-
drophobis and
Man's Wife
lu Westmoreland County.
ies In Agony
Deulor Fay Damages to Injured
Distress Among Varmers
silshing the era WHE MO
the companys factory
upon the bank.
Charierol were broken by the shock of
explosion. The engineer of the boat
was on board at the time, bad
m death
at Charlerod
body was blown 600
Windows in the
8 marvelous
escape Ir
Ignatz Holyoke, employed by Ivan Sinko,
a butcher, at Breslau, was arrested on the
charge of stealing $1550 from his employer,
Ivan Bink Holyoke had the ran of the
business and the handiing of the money and
was trusted in every way. He was captared
just as be was leaving town and a railroad
tigket for the West was found on his person,
Three hundred aad twenty-eight doliare in
dlls and sliver, a revolver, a zsazor, two gold
rings, a ring of kevs and other small trinkets
were found on bis person,
While out gunning in Juniaia County,
sane G. Seller was ascidentally but not
dangerousiy shot by a member of the party,
George Armstrong's oreamery at Evans.
burg was broken into by thieves, About
800 pounds of butter was stolen, The
thieves carried off their plunder in a wagon,
James Langdon and two companions were
arrested at Looust Gap on the charge of
baving burglarized five barber shops, a gen
eral store and a shoe ostablishment at Mt,
Carmel. The burglars secured a big quan-
tity of plunder,
AA 5.
Sir Edwin Arnold Marries a Japanese,
Sir Edwin Arnold, the poet and journal-
ist, author of the “Lights of Asia.” and sol
league of Mr. J. M. Lepage in the editors
ship of the London Dally Telegraph, mar-
ried a Japanese lady in London.
rin i pa