Da» Farms in China In Manchuria and all that part of China adjoining Mongolia there thousands of farms devoted exclus iy to dog raising. At eac tablishments several hundred dogs are kept, which are killed by strangula tion when they are S months old, ly toward the middle of winter. At that time their skin Is with very fine hair, and are made winter habitants of the celestial empire, furnish tirely different known fur is On At are ive h of these es usual covered from these skins clothes for the dogs are here or Europe, and said to be so long-halred close count of the extreme that region Those titute tl 1 of this desolate unt weaitn 0 the only dowry gee much ol ep on Seratehing. IMPURE 100 n avered With Ernptions, but To Has Cured Jody ( ey Ho me. ro Hoods w One True Blood Pari Sarsa- parilla a Ie the heat —in fact t or Hood's Pills TET RICH X Wanted.” Ed ragapariiia A for Book, "Invern 246 Broadway N prilekly . Bet gar Tate Xk ¢ pills medicine constipation, and kee In many homes Dr. J. C. Ayer's "eo @ao FUN le there Hus Ing Town en —— ess vy Ley wis l tery marriage~ Applying REV. DR. TALMAGE, y y Sunday Sermon. The Progress of Christ—Whiking the Earth the Heaven Ended, Through Centuries Followed by Eve of FalthThe When His Sacrificinl Work is Glory in Text head wer dying groan or cries, “Come ts w ndering ing on Mare THOUCHT AND ACTION, A Rermon Preached In Chicago by Hev, Jolin MeNeill, of Edinburgh, Scotland, mvs to Psalm exix Old Testan What you have in the New forth in wondrous detail by His inimitable story, you have this brief epit of the the man who wrote the | Paalm There, as here, yt have the his. i tory of a man who ones Jived, and of whom it is implied here, and expressed there, that | he wandered on the wrong track. | eame to the end of that-—he came to him | self. he wandered back again, and brought : himself into all temporal and eternal bles. | sing by his retarn. It is jast, might have expected to be seen on the : headstone of the prodigal son after he | died and was buried. We hope he lived i long and did well, and that in the | the day he redeemed the follies and disas- | ters of the early part; then, a last, | with years and honors, | died and was buried, “Devofit men car i ried him to his burial, and | tions over him.” and we will suppose that, i ! i i : sftament, set our Lord in { condensed into 1 experience of ome as they do in this country, headstone and inseription. If so, I cannot think of an ins *ription more suitable than our present text: “Here [ God's testimonies, and made haste and de- layed not to keep His Commandments,” ' yon have had » in the Lord Jesus Aare ch 1 by the illustrati ve How, when we took our Sabbath-schoo shildrea into the country, and the Jittig ones ran races, | went away down the field became the turning point. I eried back to the intending runners that they were to ran to me. | was the turning point, and they were to turn round and go back nizain to the goal, Well so Jesus is the your life, Oh! wish I h Him, and makes it impossible for you to move out of this place without saying to Him, “Yes, Lord,” or ‘No, Lord.” hat is what I am trying to do—so to fill vour souls with the image of Him, and tas iden of Him, and the presence of your Saviour, a really human being, and yet having a name like you, a being like you, and a personality as you have, aot a mere myth or a phantom, but Christ Jess, your wavs vy determine who rose, who is ex ning Again She Wants "n Fustioeship. Mra. Lucia O, Case, of Topeka, Kan. the only woman lawyer in active practice in Kansas, announces that she «+ a candidate for the office of Assosiate Justice of the Only a “"VYooman," He approt Hidently ind aso Tough on the Doctar. J A Aa a a w a a LWW WN a aN a a aa, NS a - r § poMe-t -SHELL, SURE- ‘SHOT. | ROtK ov At} Hach. { and st ¢ at WOO MM : ‘ ey x : o~ ISG C4 "oan, Ne nid Rion factory. MANHATTAN Pi 6G Warren si, Cor, YW, 1 25. In stamp Mote: Y in Chickens, Send House, r Book Boor Puatisnise 184 Leonard Btreet, New YY ors. STRAYER'S COLLEGE... | kheeping Pee {hea CRUNK: ¥ ARDS ran be aay wl with. Write Hoes informers (dn ydain wy THIS GOLD TLATED SCAR? PIN, Handle bars for Bievels, with our handsome CATALOGUE VRES to anyone sendiag 3 cents for FREE™ Po WATKINS & OO, Mig. Jewelers, Prov. R. I h For Jde, In stamps we pend a 197 PAGE wsUK giving the & xperience “lB Practiong: Pouitry aterm BE BROSALOEE. BEL a RR WOfRseg of Gohars and veniscdureng © Fears it touches Low lu Pete atid ure Discusses. foed tor kid wind for Fattening: whice Vowlsis tave Tor hweeding: reststhing Po Cine Tor profilaide Ponitry rete mg. BOK PUSLIS IAG £9 i348 Leonard Sree, New Yori. - a od | - cies fo el OINSUMPTIC N 4 A" io Tn Aaa aaa So SN - Ta aa Ta. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cts. Garam Jus. d Rov, 18, 1.8 Paris Medicine wath outs, SE ln rvrend _ business, have to a TO tt Ea satisfaction ax such sniversal x truly, Aa¥KT, CARR & oo.