——— Chiat Everlasting Irritating ¥t That describes Totter, Eczema diseases. 50 cents will cure then atl once NM cents pays for a box of drug stores or postpaid for fram Jd, 1 Shuptrine, Savannah, Ga ch, and other sk ¥) cents Ethel—Were vou ever done in oil. Mr. Lambkf? Mr. Lambkin—Er-no: but I have been done fn wheat several times, Deafness Cannot Be Cared by local application, asthey cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is onl way to cure deafness, and that is by oc tional remedies. Deafnos caused by famed condition of the mucous lin Eustachian Tube. When this tube flamed you have a ru sound fect hearing, and Deafness i« the res mation can be stored to its nor destroyed forever caused by eatarrh, wi finmed condition of th We will give One H case of Deafnes not be cured by for circulars, free F. J. Cagsry & Co., Tol Sold by Druggists, 75 Hall's Family Pills one mbling when it is © iit, and unl all’ H Thus far the airs re than a I use ™ my family ax SON, Inkster, ] We coule "E selves, {f Noma peo le friend excep a Dr. Tease The > wists sell at Zc IfaMictedwith sore eves us son's Eye-water. Drug It is the fat person who is ¢ himself, CHIEF THING wondar Kood’s Pills 7". To the Manner Born. Tact is essential in high places. Queen Margherita of Italy, who be- longs to a house trained to kingeraft for more than a thousand years said to be wonderfully skilful in ing with the difficulties. An incident which occurred at one of her drawing- rooms illustrates her res and delicacy. The persons who are to presented at the Boman conrt are ranged in a» large semi-circle in throne room. Ti passes around the chamberlain, adding ua the notice, a remark t this © In i I~ dea liness be the ally & wi some le Sh queen each and ti passes on CARSON fr was 10 the line young man embarrassmen i terrifie uth America w cheeks an queen drew ne reached him a his name, & roaring in Wh n she ¢ native to that he di cle smile calm beantiful Italy already forget your hon Ah, sig ' are a skilful courtier ! Yon flatter too much and playfully shakir fan at him she passed on. le wondering hov brilliant a iat as 1 ie BAVinDgyg TES] { lookes also. iim, respe k ewilders Too Much Food. of repute sa n of the ili at the mi ace due to errors in diet, chi direction of excess in qus eat too much and too often. majority of city dwellers, brain workers, too many. most people, and many are with meat only once in four hours. be slight, in th They For the especially three meals a day fled I'wo are all sufficient fo are better the The oth r meals shoul itter, es and ist r of bread, bi cheese, milk, green vegeiab fruit. There is an unfoande dice against nuts, which are ny ble, but that is they are eaten at the wrong time: he fruit and puts are excellent foods, bi they should be taken at the | eginning of breakfast or luncheon, instead of at | the end of the meal. cons ' ndigest) ——_— a His Own Experience. Mr. Pemberton fells story about his first book, “The | Diary of a Scoundrel.” “I was spend ing a few days at a seaside town with | a friend, who one evening wanted to | buy my book. We strolled to the railway book store and asked the | clerk for a copy. ‘The Diary of a | Beoundrel” - -oh yes, that is the hex- | perience of the hsuthor, I expect,’ | said the yonng cockney clerk, as he | banded it over. I retired modestly | from the scene.” ! an amusing | BUCKINCHAM'’S DYE For the Whiskers, Mustache, and Eyebrows. In one preparation. Easy te apply at home. Colors brown or black. The Gentiemen's favorite, because satisfactory. RP. HALL & Co. Proprietors, Nashua, N, HL Boid by ail Druggisie. REY. DR. TALMAGE. The Eminent Washington Divine's Sunday Sermon. — Tn Discussing the Relations tal and Labor