ce —— A 1 rT AON THE CENTRE REPORTER. CENTRE HALL, PA. THURS. Aug. 5 THE RACKET. Saturday | At 4 o'clock, 4 minutes, afternoon, (July 24), The Wilson Tariff Bill Passed into history, and The New Dingley hill Went into effect. The friends of the Wilson bill say that it lowered the prices of all kinds of goods, to the great benefit of the consumer, that they are right as far as lower- ing prices is concerned. NOW THEN, We want every person in Centre| (lo. to kno that (thanks to our im- mense soles) our entire stock today | has been bought for cash since the Wilsen bill went into effect. The ices in ever department of the ig Store are yoo to rock bottom. | It is the intention and purpose of | the Dingley bill to pri f manufactured wd all will do it. 1008 adv HHce ul { cronds agree it Now is Your Time to buy at The Racket, (i. R. SPIGELMYER, NHEM SPIGELMYER, Jr. Bellefonte, We Want Feet... Pa. and ‘ v 1 "LAF a ¥ I fn Hor adavance howevel that we oller ivan ’ [31500 | h prices for the purpose pintl 1 immer } 1 of our Si ow AR» DAH \ ! | as odds and ends, prior i * 11 I aii SCASOIL. to Black ria] A Blaze in Bellefonte, About fire was discovered in what as McCafferty’'s block, near the R. depot. The building structure 9 o'clock on Tuesday morning known P. RB. large is as a used as tenement frame house. It was unoccupied at a few months since. most stubborn fires ever seen in fonte and the fire department labored | over three hours before the flames were subdued. The fire also spread to the] boiler shop of Hogarth and Huffman, and damaged it considerably. The en- tire loss is fully covered by insurance The origin of the fire is a mystery. eins The General Rule It is the rule, remember, for no fear on the part of those entering the benedict state of the man of the pulpit getting rich on liberal contribu- tions to the minister on nuptial occa- sions; besides better-halves always find a way to keep the pin money pocket book down to a reasonable level. A a, Presbyterian Appointments, Rev. Daniel Mitterling will preach at Centre Hill Sabbath morning at 10.30 o'clock; Rev. J. W. Boal will preach at Centre Hall Sabbath after- noon at 2.30 o'clock. Should Rev, Boal be called away * Rev. Mitterling will fill the appoiniment at Centre Hall. ines silsmsmmnn Death of a Child, . We learn of the death of a 4-year old son of William Neff, at Sprucetown, on Wednesday afternoon, from an at- tack of spinal meningitis. We have no farther particulars, App ~Every young man wishes to look neatly and well dressed, and desires that his clothing shall be of the latest cut and material, and then the price is an important consideration. Lewins, .Bellefoute, has a stock that is the very latest. Everything and a big assort- ment to select from, which gives that stand the enormous rush it is_ having, Popular prices does the business, PLEASANTLY SURPRISED, The Friends of D, ¥. Luse Help Him Cele- | brite His Birthday, On the evening of Jrd inst., | | Mrs, D. | versary ; her assistants Ju Sa Smith and wife and Floaty Clements, The guests o the evening Mrs, Luse | had invited, were Rev, Rearick and all | Odd Fellows in town, of which thé | following were present, of Centre Hall | No, 805, B. D. Brigsbin, D. D. {elect of Centre county, J. 8. Rowe, G, | W. Nerhood, J. H, Pull, W. A. Sando, Sam'l Shoop, Dr. C. E. Emerick, Gi. 8. Clements, J. WW. Henney, W. B F. E. Arney, and of Lewistown | 93, A. Kerlin, A chair was presented with the inserip- “Presented by 895 to the Secreta- Ref the | pleasures of wegre lodge, inris, 0, =. handsome { tion, into All was called from reshments entered the asion, being Mr. {up town and in his paint stained over- al oe | in readiness, L.use i {alls was ushered into the assembly | most dumbfounded. i - » oo. The Union 8 8S Plenit Hall Sab- woods, yes- by t from The picnic of the Centre vath schools in Conley's was generally attended terday, g | peop le with many visitors The 8 uncomfor i vicinity. day wus fine, save {it wa The Pleasant Gap tably warm. band was in | tendance and discoursed fine The games and and the half lent odifical All, old and young, fi pleasant enjoyment The SOM, music, anced for bl for the 3 committee ar anusements dozen ministers present on by 10 minul baskets containe A aud Lie ladies big share of credit for the their set-out of good things Wo t Cn be Doae, C. FE. Loetzer, a represe: Frost's Sons, Towanda, fire gatevaive, &« In today cilmen in the interviewing mal Bei 0nio for our town of the t rim opi be ine f with ti} Hope ou unders fave main, rect to some der such rable it would be po { have the needed of four weeks, Out of Order. A Good Hemedy, | Ine tp i } lace wl lies will gene rally and eat greedily their last poison to meal, afly. - ad i J. John T. | years, a cler T Johnston Dead Johnston, aged sixty- k in the department | te rual affairs at Harrisburg, at his h had tite, died | de nly yesterday afternoon, lin Bellefonte. Mr. J { been in good health for some about, | of feeling tired and lay on a » died nme ohinston not but was able to be He complained lounge to | take a rest; he a few moments la- | ter, — House Destroyed by Fire The house situated at the east end of Wm. of [this township and occupied by his by fire The ladies were away Lemont , owned | Keller, daughters, was destroyed Monday night. on from home at the time of the fire. and it is thought that the fire was the work of an incendiary. We have not yet learned whether the house was insur- ed, fp Ao Death of Orrin Dale On last Monday the death of Orrin Dale, son of Philip Dale, of Lemont, occurred at his home in Milton, where he had been a telegraph operator for quite a number of years, Mr. Dale was aged about thirty years and the cause of his death was diabetes, He ia survived by a family. moi Not a Candida e, Gov. Hastings denies that he isa candidate for Quay’s seat in the Senate but Quay allows he is and thinks he can see the handle stickingout. Quay should know all about that, for him- self often denied he was a candidate yet when the time came around he was in it up to his chin, cia fe RS wr Chamberlain's Colie, Cholera and | Diarrhoea Remedy always affords prompt reliei. For sale by J. H. Ross, | Linden Hall; 8. M. Swartz, Tussey- ville; Wm. Pealer, Spring Mills, aud | R. E. Bartholomew, Centre Hall, WATER IMPROVEMENTS, The Plant to be Bettered and Further fy proved | The water company will soon begin | of the growth of our town | inthe state and at rates one half, and | less, the average of other In| the outstart one spring supplied the village, that tour Low ns, since some new of the in times of the The supply, city, at no time was less than an aver day to of fresh and pure water growth town demanded, | greatest SCAr- age of twelve barrels per each family, direet | from the mountain springs. From | this minimum the supply has been up to 50 and 40 barrels a day per family, We head that will stream on a three story have a natural a large house by use of plug and hose only, Ibs. to the increased to magnificent facility to The pressore is 80 square inch whieh can be about What fight fires, 1256 ibs, at a cost less thao any other the insurance reduction We Our town, saying nothing of rates, of adv 1 will 7” of one half in frequently called the attention boro’ authorities to these great ni- and trust that wise action {ages not be delayed. a Troubles of the Sankeys The Philadelphia Times nimated by fear oft L husband, Samuel tl real estale operator of West the Macistrats i their h Mo One, On 8. whose i= in killed ii a ’ } y Was almost instantly last Bunday, ident. Parsons was driv. team of hor and ity. The horses took fright IAWAY ac En Carriage and dashed down the street into a pole thr under their hoofs, He picked up but died about twe nty min- wing Parsons and trampled him was alive utes af hospital, He ter being taken to a was about twenty Years old A - Trial List, August term of court August 23, Vandyke For ing on Monday, Useof H. H. Musser commence 1507 ve. J. B. Davis and Parks va. G. W. Frank P. R. € Blair, Gilliland, ad- Simon Sellers va, Henry Keech va, ministrator, L.. A. Schaefler vs, J. H. Reifanyder, Kern, Lauderbach & Co. Doll Ron. ve, & i " Frighiened Away. Last Sanday night Ed. J. awakened by some one aitempting to | foree an enirance into their residence, and he fired several from a re- volver togive the alarm. The thief! fled at the first shot and escaped with- | out any one getting a glirapse of him. An entrance to the house had not been effected. i A A MARR ow’ Hain Breaks the Heat, The thunder gust last evening broke the hot spell of the three previous days, and a cool wave has taken its place. There was sharp thunder last night and a rainfall of a little over half an inch. The indications are for more rain to-day. SA Large Yield of Whent, Our neighbors over in Sugar Valley are standing a fair chance to be up head for large yield of wheat. On the shots was threshed with a yield of 38 bush- els per acre, Se OAR 51 0 AE SOA 70 EAT SP HUGH BEAVER DEAD, ofthe Y. M,C. A, Hugh McAllister Beaver, the second wou of Buperior Court Judgy James A, Beaver, died at his father's home Belle fonte, Monduy morning, The deceased was taken suddenly ill with appendicitis on Thursday Physicians were hurriedly moped, but the had reached such an advanced that 1t upon even. ing. d isense singe Was Lim. He gradually weaker, Monday He vwenty-iour years old and was the the association, prew morning pussed away. BECre JL Men's Christ neral was held Wednesday at 3 Mis, state Young The Pp. . ave Y ol un m. Beaver our Judge and son Hugh, who man and an honor He was a model young wo his mourning pa- rents, was widely known for his —- Counp Meeting ten ple Of the 1 y have For the past day M 1nited Evangelical pes Ltiis count and reviy ul Harier's fi a relicious camp in the grove above Em'l A bout camping on Hed Rebersburg twenty-five fami- Brot the dally lies are the ind and these (logether wilh immense crowds which gather from all up a large aod very inweresiiog s as bepeficisl meel- the campers e Marriage Licenses, avid Fst Mabel Blair, Union Wm. C. Wonie. M ca J. Bheesley, Penn Mo and Naney I ( Joseph I J. Craig Hunter Weise, Béuner - Lash The In Brushvalle y Ev. Ass 1g to James Wert, 6 mil Hall Brush ‘riday evening Meeting f Time held Hall ei grove Change ish meeting to ber and Centre wiation, in the i i tre val continue over Bunday, instead as announced in last week All are invited - »* - » Thanks for Pretty Mrs. M. B. Flowers has in this has favored the Reporter tum with two packages of the choicest varieties in her garden, which always {shows her fine taste of the lovely in {the refined art of cultivation. Thanks Richard, who iest flower beds vi- sanoe- cosas MM ois The Number of Vehicles, On Sunday 450 conveyances passed | and 150 bicycles, to campmeeting, ding to this the Nittany, Brush and | the number of rigs up to 900 and bikes | 400. The crowd was estimated at | 10,000, A ASA The Basiness Men's Pinte, The Centre and Clinton business | men's picnic is to be held at Hecla | Park on Thursday, August 12. There | will be ad dresses, ~everything to have a general good time. Trains to and from Bellefonte every hour. Cs AA SAAS Will Remove. move this week to MiMlintown, Pa. with his family, where he will contin- | ue in the business. Mrs. Willow and Mrs. Spangler intend to follow later to that place, Ours is the one store where von latest in everything as it comes from maker can count on getting the very the looms or at very lowest Now Crepe ed hen For ladies only or Plain from 40c. np, Capper: 3 veloed Have You Looked It nspection, stock of footwear! carefnl i never called upon to h themsel ve o, Wearing HY unneces out Dre tors’ had SU It's Cream ¥ pleasure trip Neate, Por r fine iii i 20000 1301» WAOW comy merit Feet punis Your were prices. wer 1el récrers, fort— lee Straw iB lor com Hammock 4 Bereens, | Bary. long Thomyp. + Mat. iu Sumner ‘t 3 ou Las- Ne More and most BIO MINCE 5 SHOE STORE, GARMAN 5 STORE, LLEFONTE - A. Hegheny st, : 13 le font S000 ee00OGOOOOSRC C00600¢C02G00000C0C000000600006 BIG DROP! PRICES NEVER SO LOW At W. R. Brachbili's. Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits, Side Boards, Etc. COME EARLY AND GET CHOICE OF STOCK. Our $5.00 Baby Carriag pushing: es go without the price does it. W. R. BRACHBILL, Teley 0090000000 PC0000CR0000020000000CQ GREATEST AUGUST BARGAI TOWN. A Shir! Waist Cleaning i Choice of this Lot only 25 cents Good Lace Curtains, At a Cheap as Dirt Price. Per pair, 40 cents, Witee Tou, Box Pape dozen envel ) paper tO aii over at 10 cents Per Box Now, 5 cents. nn “ i Bhioets Note Pa a ¥ ga? HOM last vour BOI aper, Se. i quality Envelopes fe, Lot 2. Al oui HU Waists Pon. g P ore ales, {) Ay lored {) otton I ri lass and cuffs, in Muslin and Ginghams, (zood 1-vd wide Muslin, 4 %e. Good 1-vd wide Unbleached Muslin, 4 %e, Apron Gingham, fast pretiy designs, 3c. 0... detachable col These Waist that high as To close out the y go Lot 3. About 25 Waists in {lies finest goods we 10K, « Bleached some ia the lot sold as # 1.50, color, faney carried Special in Percales. Yard-wide Percale, Shirt Waist Patterns in fencies and stripes, other stores ask vou 125¢. for same goods, Now per yard, 7 cents. { left but too high-priced stuff. 50. They now | go ALND) J4INZD NI 01S NING NIVIUYE NINN AND FHL Our Mail Order Department is always af your scvvice, We guarantee to please you whether if is ou person or letter, KATZ & CO, LIMITED. ellefonte,