The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, August 05, 1897, Image 5

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    (Government Service.)
Temperatur Highest, Lowest
July 29 40 56 cloudy. |
| tified that there was a very sick man wos 70 59 part cloudy. | Attorney et Legs,
BAR rite, Pa
ere A, 1 Ler as up in Tyrone | . : ; :
i s Abtirap hy , i : . | in a box car in the wpper yard, and "“ 3] 80 67 part ¢ loudy. | No. 24 Temple Court. All maomer of legal bus!
ast week on a business trip. | knowing that a little medicine would | Aug. 50 5 part cloudy. | ness promptly stiended to, Augyt
i i . 9 57 clear, :
~The Misses Krise entertained as| be cheaper than a funeral, he Investi- “ Se Joudy |
si HU part cloudy. | A O. PUREST
| ae Alorney et law
their guest yesterday, Miss Brisbin, of | gated the case. The charge was re- “ { R05 58 clear.
Lemont. { moved to the Farm below towm and | Rainfall : July 80, Ids A6 in. Offices directly opposite We Cour a Hon
~~. F. Deininger went to Atlantic | | the necessary medicine administered. Total rainfall in July 4.95 inches :
City on a afternoon on a short | A bath heads the list of the unaltera- nee | [*A © MITCHELL
vacation. | ble rules of the place, to which propo- BUCKNELI UNIVERSITY AMorney<at Law
t ‘KNEE LL - LIAS { Biefonie ¥
Miss Roxanna Brisbane is spend- | sition the stranger demurred mos¥ rad- : : Office, Room No, 10, Crider's Ex hange po M oh
ically, but the evidence for the neces- | Joux Howarp Harms, President;
The Profit Off!
| sity of the job was overwhelming. The |
And In many cases a
i leading to degrees; Academy, a prepar-
Big Slice of the Cost.
en The Sunbury Democrat says: A few
Coming and Golng,- Visitors In and out of | days ago Poor Director Koble was no-
Town, Hve iHB. TAYLOR,
ing the week iu Bellefonte visiting |
friends JOHN KLINE
Alorney st Law
Office on second oor of Furst's build!
of Court House, Can be ocousulbed
| aud Eugilish
Miss Emilie and Grace Alexan- |
der spent Tuesday at Lemont visiting
at the Dale home.
| patient finally agreed and while the | : .
ate Bamana : . : .. | atory school; Ladies Institute, a refin-
process of renovation was going eh it | . 8
| ed boarding school; Music School for
i | both sexes: and Art Studio. For cata-
Ww ) A leeted | 80 dressed when taken in charge, was | X 2 Rea" a ; ir R i W C|
¢ eel reelected | logue, address y Registrar, 1. .
aguer Geiss has bee | a buxom woman of about 165 pounds, | BU BECK 8 She Tegistra
3 Or ich he | Gretzinger, Lewisburg, Pa.
to the school at Ouk Hall whicl | She was allowed to tarry a day and | iretzinger, Lewisburg, Pa
taught last year.
was discovered that the supposed man
) Atlorneys at Law
Office ln Criders Exchange bullding on w
| was then furnished with one of those |
—'Squire Wm. M. Grove, of near | fabulously low priced July outfits ad- GRAIN MARKET,
Centre Hill, was doing some survey- | vertised by our merchants and sent ofl v. ected weekly by KR. E Bartholomew,
ing in town Monday. lin the direction of Harrisburg, On New Wheat
—— Miss Mabel Zeigler, of Millheim, | leaving she remarked that if her 331
s visiting at the hom» of her sunt, |cent per yard uniform held out until Gar
Mrs. Benj. Arney, on Church street. | that city was reached she would dis- | Buckwhe
; he 1 . a | card it for men’s attire again because
——Miss Blanche Boal returned | Soi or gn rR GOCE
home a few days ago after a month's | dress goods won t go on freight trains, nO i
visit among friends in Lock Haven. | She has been on the ‘‘road” for six-j
: : | teen years and had not wi ashed in that! | Buss. :
——Miss Mary Swartz, of Duncan-| atl £5...
R s ee.
non, Pa., is the guest of her friend, St
3 + $ » ye - - » ~ - Rin
Miss Grace Smith since last Thursday. | Tallow
\ | 1 I | Delightful Vacation Trip “034m LEHR
—Mrs. Glover, wife of Dr. Glover, | e's . J os : ho
'} Visiting Watkins Glen, Niagara
of Altoona, was the guest of her friend | .
3 . 7, Falls, Thousand Islands, Quebec, Mon-
Miss Mame Kreamer on Friday and
. Au Sable Do
tord treal, . Chasm
Saturday. ita . : [
aturday plain and Lake George, Saratoga and |
——Wm. Goheen, of Boalsburg, the |the Highlands of the Hudson. Leave
popular auctioneer and general all-| Philadelphia by special train August
around good fellow, was in town on 17, The tour will be in charge of one
Monday. | of the company's tourist agents. An po
Our entire stock of Spring
ing to be sold regard]
[hese goods ai
St 1g
I Kinds of lege
«ial alleniion g
r Crider Excha ge
AVGIrneys al Law
This Sale Will Last Until the Goods are
Disposed of,
spacial aliention |
——Will Conley and family, of Belle- ® xperienced ehaperon will also accom: } ull "the I TI
fonte, spent yesterday at the Conley | pany the party, having especial charge gan
home east of town and took in the piec-| of i plone ladies,
nic. { The rate of $100 from New York,
—— Mr. John Bitper returned home | Brooklyn, Newark, Trenton, Philadel- |
phia, Harrisburg, Baltimore, and
last week, after making a short visit to
his daughter, Mrs. Eugene shadle, at Washington covers railway and boat
-—M. L. Boberts, of Washington, ! e :
D. C., joined his wife, nee Miss Aman- Sainmeny, rans or Giirges, CRITIAgY Roos aid Hor
da Krumbine, in her visit to her broth- hire—in {act every Nem of necessaly Kor re
er, John Krumbine. 1 | For
——Miss Alda Sankey is at Mile
burg at the home of her sister, Mrs.
James Gregg, who Is quite ill and has |
been for several weeks.
Satisfaction Cuaranteed, or
Money Refunded.
fare for the entire round trip, parlor-
car seats, meals en route, hotel enter-
detailed itinerary, tickets, or
Outfitters, - - Bellefonte,
{any additiopal information, address
Tourist Agent, Pennsylvania Railroad
Company, 1196 Broadway, New York | ({ENTRE COUNTY BANKIN
860 Fulton Street, Brooklyn; or Geo,
. . Sr ans 3 a. i Heoclve deposiia
—Sumner Hosterman returned | yy Boyd, Assistant General Passenger ee GH DAO] and a i ; a | an®l
home Friday evening from a visit of | Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadel 4 XS OF : one i :
several weeks with College chums at] i, us Toma none >; ia See . i
Hanover and other places. — | Tr nd . HOTELS.
— David Dale, of Lemont, and his | The Farmer's Outlook
: . d : h | 1
friend Frank Leisenring, of hambers- I'he statements oi the fiscal year just | f TAA ha OT Keller, #ropr eto
3 v Ye ‘ » gh % 3 3 (3'R1 VV i « the |
burg, spent Saturday at Penn Cave |anded show that the agricultural ele-§( ion. John G. Love, President age tthe | This houpe has boa aegis Sur bod th
. 5 . i 4 140 ide 9 : % hls hu fa fa dehy : 4
and with friends in this town. ment of the country has enjoyed a jOourtol Common § o nD wil ia 4 oul. An «xoel Het sale Fo © Cone wit
x a ; ’ . . ’ { pict, cosagennd of { manly ff Centre and be hom Funke vory ressGnl ae Berle al
Claire and Lizzie Kennedy, | greatly improved condition daring the | faa © A. Paulkoer, th + Ammooiate Jt Ages 10 sald § court and mak ng wo Prd at * yy
+ ¢ ors reandd wv of} vaat vear hile ow atateme ree. | Centre Paving laued thelr precept bearing date ie an extra db -h aod will be med ¢
daughters of J. Q. A. Kennedy, of po t year, while other tate ments re-i © 7. to toe Girsesed for | ble is pi rovidad with h ereryiitg B se.
Johustown, are visiting at the owe | ceived are equally gratifying as to the | holdi: yf Coven sawn Ploss 8 and Orphac’s
. . . ’ Congrt Ory 5 erminer and gen | ~~
of Chas. Arney, on C hurel i siree prospe wis for the coming Year, {he In vy and Quarts sessions of Lhe BY IX HOUSE,
. . ' \ o in Bellefonte, for the oognly ¢ erie A Woods Oaldwell, Proprivios,
Smith, wife of Dr. Smith, exportations of bre adstoffs during the noe on the ¢th Monday of Angus th LOCK HAVEN, PA.
of Freeburg, Snyder county, has been | year e nding June 20, 1847, amounted to 24 day of August Unoe i i Terms resonable. Goad sample rooms on Ural
’ v v Notre § aired % ¥ b ie : i Font Hea
£150 838 826 in value, against $138 846 4 wi an
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs
Wm. Heckman, west of town the past 845 in the fiscal year ending June
1506, and £100,967.758 in the fiscal year
, W. L Daggett POR Joie 3
Special attention given Ww couniry Uede. wp ri
; nding June 30, 1865. This is an iuo-
—al. Weaver, deputy under sher- ending June ! . rh is An . A ;
t . Pe ' 000.000 in the po kets f w done, an Cae : : :
iff Condo, was in town Monday inter- crease of $5 in t pockets of | 2 0 rosncate MEA: 4 con ior | pce sin tren oy.
he ©
the farmers for the year just ended for in the jail of (x } then | ’ . %
. i and there fo prosccat ; t mn mil be | ure! wl an exceptionally |
breadstufls alone, as compared with .
large stock of goo for the NEW GARMAN HOUEE
A Opposite Court House
viewing our merchants. He is travel-
ing for a large house through the dist-
‘ i Su ,
t n il
the preceding year, and an increase of Alla nmer.
£70,000, 000 compared with the year | ihe one dih a1 townith r of theln- | fn 1 164 n attoerns are rictly up 4 ato New building. new furniture throu
7 i hr of the 1 ited ” . ' srthsiunind beat, electric bells and all modern Lmpro
——Miss Laura Schwab, of Philadel- dependence of th :
{iss L C 1865. The exportations of cattle for RONISTER Good table and moderaie charges.
phia, and Miss Emma Cook, of Lewis- the fiscal year just ended amounted to herlf | PE RCALES.
ya wo very charming aod viva
burg, t > q g ii th about $2,000,000 more than in the pre y QPRING MILLS HOTEL
« « { ¢ spendin e ve 3 3 . : . sh Provrietor
cious young ladies are Sp 8 ceding year, fresh beef increased about In percales at 12¢ a yd., a fine line of goods for Ladies’ Waist 5 D. B. Ruhl, Proprietor.
week as guests of Miss Jennie Oden- : \ % (300. O00 ATT a b ASS i gE I Adie asta, SPRING MILLS, PA.
kirk. [34,000,000 and hams 35, 20), x1 stab] , the property of | we have a big and
i — tain Swegtwond, | 30 1 » id \ : 5 . . . » . . ‘
horse, 7 hog sey. Cart { wagon, sleigh ment to select trom, can x found in this section. A bargain
——We were pleased to have a call How It is Done Out West. mower, 2-horse shed, set irs, 2 tables, OO NEW BROCKERHOFF HOUSE,
wv. J. W. Boal, of Port Carbon, . . Love, chest, bedste } st shingles 4 J. M. Neubauer
from Rev. J. W. Boal, of Por Fb A western paper, with ideas of its | m her with al 5 personal oy SE RGES. ; "Bi
good assortment. No better grade or assort- Free bus 10 and from all trains J
hence the low figures, These goods will go fast, and the bar.
formerly bs highly esteemed Puatos own as to the proper method of receiv- | wy p 3 an ple n as Eby oat an at | Free bus to and from all trains. Good sample
of the Presbyterian congregation o ing pay from those it serves, has print- [edt eddie with same 1 ant rr what | Our Serges, all wool, yard wide, at 30 and v k 1 his poy rhe 215: S00, Speinl Jue 40 witnoums
i ¥ os ou 1 ¥X ANDER i TEHCS, § OO, Yard wide, at ob and (x . Are goods that JLIoTR.
this place, and who has many warm | 0 rollowing editorial: “Persons | saiyis BAAR . t ’ . :
friends here. knowing themselves to be indebted to an De duplic ated at the pres, We bought a large sto k, CENTRE HALL HOTS]
y 2% Eesed . . Wm. H. Euskle, Manager
—— Prothonotary W. F. Bmith and | this office are requested to call and set- i Newly equipped. bar and table . - oa. y
wife. of Bellefonte, took supper on!tle, All those indebted to this office | CTVHE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEG gains are for the early customers. Lawns and India Linens are She ber, Sus mor hod Burg Re] aT. -
Blonday evening a Mukle 3 he tel. | and not knowing it, are requested to here in profusion. If you want any of these we can surprise for fishing and hunting may6e
ey had been visitin riends down | eill and find out, 11 those kn wing N ONE ( OR . : . # : . .
the 2, lley and an their way | them . . bed 4 Mi} thee | AT AND gu OF I I a | You in the low figures, from Se to 20e. Other bargains too.
allie} ¥ | themselves indebted, and not wishing | ALL BGHENY REGION; UNDENOMINA- J 8
home, to call are requested to stay in one TIONAL: OPEN TO BOTH BEXES;
——D. F. Luse went to Altoona last | place long enoug zh for us to catch then. OTHER EXPENSES VERY tii
Thursday in which locality he was) All persons who are not indebted are | ASD EQUIPMENT. No. 1 Cures Fever
ars i : «. Mrs. | requested to call and get indebted. i w—— — “ F Currys
F taking orders for his hydrants rs. | reques Il and g i LEADING DEPARTMENTS OF 3TUDY. No Worms
Luse accompanied him to Tyrone a AGRICULTU RE and HORTICULTURE, No. 3 " Infants’ Diteases.
where she visited relatives. They re Lost in the Mountains, with constant il trations on the Farm ,
y i snd in the Laborsio “Yee Dee DNV VN v No - Diarrhea.
turned again Saturday. | About ten days ago two daughters of | BIOLOGY, BOTANY and ZOOLOGY. Or- $ WWW
nal study with the microsoohs. No “ “ Neuralgia.
— Jacob Winkelblech, one of the | Thomas Ilgen, of Loganmills, aged 17! 3, J EMISTRY; with an unusually full and
Reporter's old and promptly paying and 9 years, went to the mountains to | nor h course In the Laboratory. NEW PRICES
subscribers, of Coburn, gave our sanc- | get berries. Failing to return in the | ELECTRICAL RE NG
i’ ’
tam a call and put his label into the evening, a searching party was organ- | | MINING ENGINEERING;
ranks of the 98's. He reports crops ized to look for them. Late in the | Sxercibo if tho Paid he 8007. nd ‘he
in that section. t on yy were | Labora
good in tha io | nigh mly they ere found, the Lo, HISTORY, AND POLITICAL SCIENCE.
—H. 8. Grove, one of our valley's | youngest one asleep and her sister sit-| {XDURTRlAL ART ARD DESIGN. Leb
ar ui ’ Wann LANGUAGE an ATURE; in
young men, left on Monday for Pales- | ting by her side silently weeping. | {optional,) French, German and English (re-
quired.) one or more continued through the
tine, Texas, where he expects to locate | They had gotten lost and were una- | yuifed,) hee
permanently. We hope he will sue-yble to get righted again until night! s, MATHEMATICS and ASTRONOMY; pure
o ’ . ! nd a
succeed in this far oft state and return | | came on and enveloped them in dark- } SATE NIC ARTS; combining shop work
with sheckles galore to his old home | | néss. | with study, three
No. © Cures Headache.
No Dyspepsia.
Delayed Periods.
on are
Skin Diseases,
Whooping Cough
27 Kidney Diseases.
No. 80 Urinary Diseases
No. 77 ts Colds and Grip.
Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid en
receipt ot price, 35c., orb for 81.
Da. Hesreuneys' Howsorarmie Maxvas
| or Dhsgasss Manep Furs.
- MENTAL, MORAL and POLITICAL 8CI- The Standard of the World.
a: | ——— et —
BRC Houstnutianal law and History;
i > Political
—Mrs. H. F. Bitner and three | New Fost Master,
13. MULLTARY eCTRk CR instruction theoreti
sons, of Millersville, Ps., arrived last| Up to date six Democratic post-mant.| oalaudpmetiont,inciudingesth atm oft
werk on 8 visit to her parents, Mr. | ers have been made to walk the plank | 3 PREPARATORY COURSE; Ope year. Columbia, the best Bicycles made, reduced to $75.
Humphreys’ Med. Co, 111 William ®,. NY
il term opens 5. 11, 1865,
and Mrs. J. D. Murray. They had been | [in this county and their places filled | for admission, Bop 13. Columbias, Second only to 1897 Models, reduced to
spending several weeks enjoying the | by Republicans, viz : For B09 ATHERTON, LD.
sea breezes at Atlantic City. Hublersburg, T. L. Kessinger. Ce Co..Pa
7 Hartfords, equal to most Bicycles, reduced to $50.
Hertiords Pattern 2, reduced to $45.
Milesburg, George Taylor.
Clarence, John Madill,
Hartfords, Pattern 1, reduced to $40,
Hartfords, Patterns 5 and 6, reduced to $30.
Misses Anna and Ada Goodhart, |
daughters of ex-commissioner George
Goodhart, of Centre Hill, started yes
terday for an extended trip to Illinois
and Wisconsin, They expect to re
main in the west visiting their friends
and relatives for about three mouths.
Madisonburg, Joseph Bierly.
Feidler, J. W. Geistweit.
Centre Mills, G. W. Diehl.
The above Republicans undoubtedly
feel happy and believe prosperity has
struck ‘em. The next pull will be
—One of the largest stocks of Spring |" Centre Hall. ution Sond
ee di ——— | prosiTe U
and Summer clothing ever received inf we cin secure ie pens oka ime
this part of the state, was received re-| Ribbons. | eons fr omel, raw ing or photo., with
cently by Lewins, at the Philad.;Straw Hats, er ue fos bot ue pi pale 1s
.1And Flowers,
Branch, Bellefonte. It is a tremen An Analy nes 18 Obtain Patents,
Nothing in the market approached the value of these bicycles at
the former prices; what are they now ?
POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn.
dous stock and the prices are as low in Will be sold Catalogue free from any Columbia dealer; by mail for & 2 stamp.
comparison, and *'* move it. AT cosh sot. for Gos stock: C. A, . SNOW &CO Caco vsesscscsaces
——Sabsaribe forthe REPORTER. C. E. OsmAx & Co, Ors. PATENT Otrict, WassineTon. 0. 8,