THE NEWS, The Dwight and Barnett Paper Company, dealers in printing and wrapping paper, of Chleago, assigned. The assets are placed at £40,000 and liabilities at £30,000. Fore. closure on a judgment note was the immedi ate cause of the assignment, The rash of St. Louis brewers to buy beer stamps before the new Tariff bill g« es into effect has exhausted the supply, and the au thorities have ordered an additional 000 worth from Washington. A amount was on hand when early in the week, worth was taken by one of the firm ers, who have applied for more. President James P, Edoff, of the Californie Liquor Dealers’ Protective Association, gone east to confer with the ofMelals Banta Fe Rallway, and ma jas to have si FO00 siniiar the run be 161.000 an an employes to en off duty. A boat was for ha beach up, and it is that two bovs who started drowned. The bo) years old, and ( both belonging in ¢ Rene Dou the Revue « Deux Monde by the Cercle Francais « vard, a literary and undergraduates; t on French literature, un fore Harvard University, d acade Louis Brandt, a Memj to New Orleans for treatment Infiro ir twice, tion And aul ie, Mrs. W. J, Cocke, witeof of Asheville, N. C,, nit home, She was Mis Cynthiana, Kyv., and was Cocke less than a year ng The executive con celebration to be given tember 2, when President MoKinley the eity, have issued invitations t Jennings Bryan, Ex-President Cleveland, Horace Chapman, the Democratic nominee for G r of Ohio, to 1 ito take pa les Rix fe year, Ary, 8 ill pr Ex-May itted suicide Minnie Ly» married vern be guests other den General Hr Mrs two littl Miiwaaokee Woman » tangoga year s rr ing Anxiety is! port News asumber of } England ports, Ellen Peck, the woman, is wanted by on the charge of swindling $15,000, Thousands of freight tracked in Kansas and ne earry the great wheat crop. Dr. Re Hubbard, aged years, died at his home, at Conn., from the eJects of a fall. Mrs. Horace N was killed by ligl ping in the jarlor of her home, near Er Pa geaven Bridgej bert Four women and sn explosion in the she armory of Arms Company aumber The miners at yurg, are ready to go 3f the invading strikers. sounty has sworn in additi The National Exec Gold Demoerats York, and Ohio, Kentucky Thon / the resigns national chairman i General D. W. Caldwell, pres Lake Shore and Michigan 50 way, died at his home In Clevela: V. T. Trevan, an alleged was arrested in Chicago Secret Hervieca detective, The pive shippers of ganized, with a view prices for thelr produ by a Yirginia 6! s¢ mI cs LYNCHED BY A MOB, Brinkley, It Is Supposed, Waa Because of His Character The body of Ephraim Brinkley, who lives several miles from Madisonville, in Ken. tucky, was found dangling from a limb near his homes, He had been lynched by a mob of about 40 men, who suspected that Brink- Jey killed Thomas Croullias, a well-to-do resident of the neighborhood, several weeks Ago. No evidence could be found to connect him with the crime, but it is supposed that because of his general bad character, and to prevent murders in the future, Brinkley was lynched, Hanged ns ——— - DEATH FROM THUNDER, After nn Terrific Peal n Mont Clair Man Falls Lifeions, During the recent storm E. K. Post, a New York business man, whhse home was at Montclair, N. J., died suddenly of heart disease, due, it Is believed, to shock caused by 8 heavy clap of thunder during the storm. Mr. Post who was well advanced in years, was standing In his front yard when the crash came, He hurried into the house and died almost instantly, He was not struck by lightning, but the fright occasioned by the loud clap caused his heart to give away. MAD RUSH FOR GOLD. ——— Thousands Willing to Run the Risk of Starvation. SYNDICATES AT WORK. Steamers are Crowded With Men and Some Women Bound for the Klondike The Owner of Dawson City, Says that the People There Now Can Hardly be Supported This Winter Tales of Great Earnings. A despatch from San Francisco, Cal, says The entire Pacifle C since the disc the Klondike regio Commer oast has gone gold mad werles of the yellow metal in The Alaskan anys stean not be the hordes now pre- or the frozen gold flelds, processions of Alaska, ers will in ual Comj ie to carry a tenth of paring to start f Lireat women, al ne fliing in and out of the steamship ofMleqs, asking particuiars about transportation and routes. It is estimated that 5000 people will start from San Franc co towards Alaska before August, Fri ports of Puget Sound as many more will em- bark. reports that men of wealitl in that city are forming sy: and ad vancing grubstakes, ] that the men whe half of the ge ' cates men, and 8 have been ates with the do the we 14 they secure, 1 are made up of from ten t hese syndl and each one signs a share of the proce ter on reaching mated that at least To Charter a Steamer. shar Fo to chartar the great, and y relanliess Reports of Rapid Wealth rival 0 in g 1a taken fs 1 2 i, § ow hat before d will ask i #1000 In the dangerous question Is, “Why are so returning with 2 or 825.000 if there ia that anybody may might have all stayed aires, judging by thelr own fors the people io had a chance to get ave given g 8c early; some brought into adn K rtanes this part there od reason mg ing gold eponug # jani that t oa DAGIRS must TWO BOYS THROATS CUT. One Dead and the Other Dying ~ Attacked by an Unknown Man. £ 3 miles south Or yen fish assault was made 1 is dead and heir throats were briar hoe, The Martha Edwards, are Hosea ur. and Willie, aged { me time i whi ¢ t cut, evidently with tims, the children of aged ten, father left the family & Stani 1 he and the mother has been supporting ber shildren by washing, Tuesday ing went to the homa of J. M. Roberts, leas ing Ler children at home, with instruction to look after the chickens, When she re- turned she found the house locked, She called for the children and heard Willie laintly answering her, About thirty feet in the rear of the house Willie was found, with a horrible wound in his throat and apparently in a dying condi tion. The mother gave the alarm, and Stan- ley was found dead a short distance away and beside him a bloody grub hoe, When Willie was partially revived he sald he and his brother were playing, when a tall man, with light clothes, attacked them with the hos, He knew nothing else, George Edwards, a aeighbor, who was the first to respond to the call of the mother for help, was attacked by a tall man, with light clothes, and knooked senseless. The whole community is out, but so far there lano clue, - a — TRAIN ENDS FOUR LIVES, ago she Three Sleeping Boys and a Colored Tramp Killed. A freight train in the International & Grest Northern yards In Austin, Tex, ran aver four white boys who were sleeping on the tracks, killing John Bridges, 15 years; Charles Bweeney, 13, and 1. Montgomery, 13 years old. Henry Estis, 16 years, was terribly hurt, As the tralp Jeft the yards an hour later a eolored man named Cox tried to grab a brake bar to steal a ride, but fell and was maogled into pulp, PENNSYLVANIA ITEMS. The entire family of Robert MeCullotigh east of Bharon, were polsoned by lahaling insect powder which room to kill les Mrs, M dition, seriously A party of fishermen nt Muney i" onting In the river wis thrown nto a Cullough is In a dangerous con while three other members are iil, Dam di covered a large Upon opening it they found inside body of infant, Indications babe was alive Can i! ©" di WO i nn are that the | when plac x Coroner 1s making san Edward Trainor of the Second Brigade ( Lake, parade grounds the Tenth Regiment Le an atte A investigation Franklin, a nmi tricken Wis raey Jenkin otrie I (inter While George playing cards Grabilisky, reled. Patrolsky was » ’ n the breast and Jeflt arn thought to be fatal, Grabileky was arrested and $500 ball to await results, On returning from a moonlight lown the river, lev, Adolas Aller of the First Pre terian C1 and his wife, had Irowning. They GuAr- oft pared DATTOW of walked the can into water ia! and aunt, Miss , were driving In a logeart when the hor ran off, throwing and smashing Entherine Mills aunt escaped Miss Katherine Mills her of Williamsj the vehi ts gplintera, Misa Her broken leg and some | ally injured, ruiees, Mrs. Horace Noble, a prominent lady of Erie, was instantly killed at Giles Park by a fiash of lightning. She was sitting in the parior with sous companions when the house was struck, but was the only victim. Brakeman Charles E. Guile, of Corning, N. Y., was killed by a locomotive in the Erle Railroad yard at Susquehanna. He leaves a wife and child, While attempting to jump on a Reading freight train, near Shamokin, William Wag- ner, aged 29 years, fell beneath the cars and bad one leg so badly crushed that ampute- tion was necessary. DESERTED WIFE KILLED, She Thonght Her Husband Dead and Re- married - The Truant Hetarns. Melissa, wife of Fred Darrow, of Stanhops, Webster County, Ky.. wae shot dead while sitting on the front porch of her house, and Jool Warner, a former husband, who sud deniy Jeft her five years ago, is in jail, After three years’ absence the deserted wife considered him dead and married Fred Darrow, a farmer. Warner appeared and demanded thas she give up Darrow and go with him. She re- fused and ordered bim to leave the place, when, it is said, he shot her. Hs then shot bimsel?. He was seized, disarmed and placed in confinement. He will recover. Ex-President Harrisen has been invited to attend the centennial eelebration of Frank. linton, O,, a town his grandfather often made his headquarters during the War of A812, ow (LOUDBURST IN 040 Many Persons Are Supposed to Have Been Drowned, ————— DISTRICT IN DARKNESS. Agonizing Cries Heard Those Im prisoned Their Homes The Waters Hench the Second Stories of Dwellings Pollcemen From in in and Firemen Use Boats Thelr Work of Rescue. r twenty mille age will be heaviest Warre: Ar Water Up to the g Crab Creek Cries of the Drow ning The Work of Rescue, vias Tar hy ¥ ¥ CASHIER TURNED THE TABLES, Chased the Hobbers Out of Town ona Bi. cycle and Then Captured Them #ix seconds later, a Just abogany, rection, advising his SHIN the vistors at to "chase themselves, They accepted the invitation with alacrity but they had no sooner cleared the building than Van Buskirk was after them, shaking the loads out « ahi ike balls The poi ulation of Odell unanimously appeared on the street, and, headed by the bank cashier on a biey- cle, scorched down the main street after the fleeing robbers, The latter had a buggy in charge of a small boy waiting on the edge of town, and made a swilt get-away down the road as the pursuing crowd of cyclists and riders hove in sight around theecorner. One robber stood up in the buggy and pumped lead at the posse, while the other encour aged the horse, Dat the wheelmen were too #Wift for the stable hack, and the robbers were goon forced to abandon their rig and take refuge in a corn fleld. Here they were surrounded and captured after a short, sharp fight, in which several shots were ex- changed, but no casualties suffered beyond one bicyele tire boing punctured -by a bullet, It is supposed the robbers are the same who made two attempts to wreck she Wabash pay ear between Fairbury and Forest last week. { his aix out of a roman candle. ters NO REPLY FROM M'KINLEY President Not Likely to Take Action inthe Absence of a Definite Plan. The President haa received the resolution adopted by the Pittsburg Council asking him to use his good offices in the settlement of the coal strike, but has not yet sent a re- ply. He has also received many communi- cations and suggestions on the subject, but it is improbable that he will take any action in the matter in the absence of some deBuite pian for the se*tiemmet of the strike. ABOUT NOTED PEOPLE. Professor Clement IL. Bmith, of Harvard, is to be the next director of the American Bohool of Classical Btudies at Home, Governor Atkinson, of West Virginia, is very domestic In his taste, and when through with the cares of office ing the olin A Madras dentist has, it is spnotnced received a sum of £700 for supj His Highness the } of Hyderabad with a row of false teeth, Governor Bradley, on a visit to ( friends by coming teavy black beard, Gen, Robert Macleod Fraser Army, retired, 82 eked down and kil amuses Li msolf play- 3 ying Zam of Kentucky olorad Dee) back b of the British years of age, was recently we she Edgeware 1 Mr. Cecll Rh aear Buluwa 10 farms, whi will bulld the large md, les ha ough jerdale, gints ¢ | Mudent ‘var ity TWO CHILDREN KIDNAPPED Brogn Boys Disappeared From a Lake Klemner, MARKETS. co BALTINORR : AND YRGETARL | POTATOES Burt 3 i ONIONS i anks. $ * mm HOGS PRODUCTS —