PERSONAL MENTION. Coming and Going. Visitors In and out of Town. —County Commissioner Daniel Heckman, was in town Tuesday. —D), C, Keller and wife, of Belle. fone, came over on Tuesday to visit their friends here. ~—Jerry Condo, was a prominent visitor in Hall on Tuesday. —Mrs. Miller, wife of Dr. Ed. Mil- ler, of Johnstown, Pa., was the guest of friends in Centre Hall Tuesday. — Wagner Geiss and Photographer Lukenbach were up to Oak Hall Mon- day taking some views in that section, ~—W. B., Rankin and Grant Hoo- ver, two of Bellefonte's of Bpring Mills, Centre doing business. Miss were ~—Miss Rachael Harris and Emma Holliday, of Bellefonte, the guests of Mrs. Annie Van Pelt on Tuesday. Amos Koch and near Fairbrook, this county, Centre Hall last Saturday among their old friends. of in Dan, were son —Nicholas Graden, of Gregg, an esteemed patron of the Reporter, gave our sanctum a call, and put his label in the ranks of the elect. —Wm. Dreisbach and T. Newton Reber, both of Lewisburg, and mighty popular here, called on their customers in Centre Hall on Monday. —W. W. McCormick and little son, of Potters Mills, dropped in at the REPORTER office on Saturday, in town transacting business, ——Julian Fleming, who is general salesman for a large implement house, ls spending a short time in town. Gregg was over from Milesburg of the week attending the of the personal property at the homestead. sale James B. Strohm moved Bellefonte to Centre Hill on Tuesday, and will devote his time to farming, besides getting tangled up occassonal- ly in polities. P. Duck, of near Madison- burg, was a caller, and put his label into the ’97 regiment with and is anxious to see the coming of the pleasure, promised good times. James H. Lohr, in the Auditory’ Department of the Penna. R. R., at Philadelphia, came up last week to SY sist his father in the preparations to flit to Lewisburg. — Frank Emerick, of Penn was a caller on Monday. He sisting his father in removing to Cen- tre Hall, and took a few minutes oft and dropped in. ——Mr. Jonas Bible, and wife, of Potters Mills, were pleasant callers a few days ago. Mr. Bible will move on the David Kerr farm this week, lately occupied by Wm. Curry. Hall WAS As —Our friend, James Hannah, of Gregg, was a pleasant caller, and re ports health generally good in his sec- tion, but roads bad; he didn't leave without first setting his label into "97. — Edward Kerlin closed his school at Lemont last week and is now at home. He was very unfortunate dur- ing the term, having broken his thigh and was unable to teach three months out of the six. —Qur old Democratic friend, far- mer John Shafer, of Madisonburg, fa- vored us with a call, and reports crops looking fair and little sickness down that way ; his label he has been keep- ing ahead for the last twenty-five years. — Postmaster W. W. Spangler, of Potters Mills, was doing business in Centre Hall Tuesday morning. There are several applicants for his position, and all the boys seem to think the ap- pointment will drop only the right way. —Our old friend, John B. Royer, of near Bellefonte, gave us a call and set his label far out into '98. He has been a tenant on same farm now for sixteen years, There is an honest record at the bottom of this that he may well feel proud of, ~Charles Musser and William Tate, both of near Fillmore, and good and substantial citizens in every way, were guests at the home of J. J. Ar- ney a few days ago. They came in to Penns valley to attend some sales, looking after some good stock. ~——8quire Houseman filled the pul- pit in the United Evangelical church last Sunday evening, in the absence of Rev. Rhoads, who was unabie to be here. The 'Squire handled his sub- ject in a masterly manner, and had a good audience, ——Rev. M. 8. Derstine, who has been visiting his mother with his fam- ily, has been assigned by the M. E. Conference te the East Waterford, Ju- niats county charge. He left yester- day morning for Juniata county, and the family will follow later. ~Wni. Lohr and daughter Miss Annie left Tuesday morning for Lew- isburg, which town they expect to make their home for the present at least. Part of their household goods were disposed of at sale on Saturday and the palance were shipped Monday by rail to Lewisburg. There will be many io will regret Ms, Lobia leay. | he good ond SALE REGISTER. John Heckman moves on the Gregg homestead west of town this week. The Gregg family, Miss Annie, Andrew and John intend locating in on, plows, cultivators, and househo Philadelphia and expect to remove | allkinds,” Wm. Goheen, Auo't, there in a short time. They will make | a short visit among relatives in the county before taking their departull,, Rev. Goodling removes his household goods today to Bellefonte, | to which charge he was assigned by | the last conference, The Rev. will ce- | cupy a fine dwelling opposite his | church on Willow Bank street, and he | seems very well pleased with the | change. He has been with us quite a | number of years, being assigned to the | Centre Hall charge for the full confer- | ence term. He has done considerable | work in building up his church, and | the members are very much to him. APRIL 8 Josoph Markle, at the residence of Joss Markle, 214 miles south-east of Linden Hall; 1 cow, 8 hogs, truck wagon, Spring wag ~ When Company Comes expectedly housewife often puzzled as to what ito get for dinner, Then time is doubly precious. If when caught she only ‘has a0) attached yy | En Breef fum Yole Shnokefanger. | re in her pantry ashe ean, in a few Leever Drooker :— LR minutes, prepare the best of all Husht du kairt, a mole? Es dut keris good mihee pia 1 bink | brouseh ! Eyah! Was machts? Ei telking and mis EE kas Sy es is der Schwantz fun dem ‘““Mekinly f None . 0 ets., will { Brosberity-"! Mer kan dee banka hai- i wo larg 5 perfect | { re grache. Un dee arme saile fun i Shoofleit, dee danze en Fisher's horn- | pipe mit fraide ! Yah, hairsht de du! Fer sel hen sie gevode ; mer hens eena | gsawdt das eera loan dade nunner ga, | over sie hens ever besser g'wist un es | doot eine yoosht recht coomah. Mer brauch sie net daureh ; gor net, husht uading also, § from your “ie eb der Lukenbach's Photo- Studio, 3 Grand Promila ms £150 Gold a is “ie Hi. sel entities | Nie Premi fi. Pa. HE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEG LOCATED IN ONE OF THE MOST FUL AND HEALTHFUL BPOTSE IN THE ALLEBGHERY REGION: UNDENOMINA- TIONAL: OPEN TO BOTH SEXES; TUITION FREE. BOARD AND OTHER EXPENSES VERY LOW, NEW BUILDINS AND EQUIPMENT. LEADING DEPARTMENTS OF bTUDY. AGRICULTURE and HORTICULTURE, with constant illustrations on the Farm and in the Laborstory, BIOLOGY, BOTANY and ZOOLOGY ginal study with the microscope. CHEMISTRY; with an unusually full and thorough course in the Laboratory. [CIVI] ENGINEERING, } | ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: | These MECHHN] Al ENGINEERING { cour = { MINING ENGINEERING: jos are scoot panied with very extensive practical exercises in the Field, the Bhop, and the Laboratory HISTORY: AND POLITICAL SCIENCE. INDUSTRIAL ART AND URSIUGN LANGUAGE and LITERATURE; Latin {optioual.) French, German and English (re quired.) one or more continued through the prion COUTSe MATHEMATICS and ASTRONOMY; pure and applic MECHANIC ARTS combining shop work with study, three years’ course MENTAL, MORAL and POLITICAL BCI. ENCE; Constitutional Law and History: Political Economy, ete Mis ITARY SCIENCE: instruction theoreti. cal and practical, incliudingeach arm ofthe service 13. PREPARATORY COURSE; One year, Fall term opens Sept, 11, 1585, Examipstions for admission, Sept i For Calslogue or other information, sddross GRO. W, ATHERTON, LL.D. Press, Hate College, Centre Oo. Pe NEW G00DS.. We have | BEAUTI Or is 10. received a full just § line of Spring and Summer Sauk uns amole, freund Fritz, ver der neu Kapidall. Meer tox-bezah- ding por mai vodes gevveh do es eem 1st | en stheef-bruder zum chudge. the purchaser to a vote. The votes denksht du? Dot dee Chestie, votes at the close of the contest, which { dient hen, don sulle sie mol dee hoops ? 2d. Premi { lerumer ihre millich shnapps ous der ul minister. The one guessing nearest der Halsding’s net besser kon riehite en Cabinets free. | chance gevveh, Meer dade bezahle os kauffe—dade mer dee hore fink sthrate, | ber of voles in this contest will also re- Won net genunk geld do wair fum Centre Hall. house zu boweh —don dadeh mer anes | genuine Pi , husht du kairt. mohnt mich on sie, vile der Chim net hut der Sam mer gsawt, sie hen & mol shosseh. Des hut der Georg pet ge- lem pulfer, ’'Sis genunk. : zu sheezeh—ovver 's fire war nimme is fort gesprungeh und es leteht hen hut der Mike Shafer ‘em olde George het "en drei yarricher bull oom shlage hevy-wait un hut gefeishelt un ge- swad : “Cum on ! Bhlok druff, Mike !’ der mond runner reise wut—un ge-| lacht. Es letcht war er's ladich un | sellemn hut er se i serm nous gesthreckt, we un em Mike sei fees sin gaich der Mike hut geyomered un is aw net wit- dang guter boxer sei un en rechtes art | goods which we are nuch der Champion un het nets harts | SELLING AT YOLE SHNOKEFANGER. du kairt 7 Es naksht mola sin fel- leicht kshider. guvueer Haisding sei letchslader nuch net an dee boos-bonk gebrucht hut, iv- ler fun auld Hekkedahl hen zimlich inderesse dot drin. Meer hen em Hais- & ‘remigm Wateh kairt hut, vile air en older bower's boo | *™° Premium cn war. Ower er is, denk ich, yoosht so Each 25¢, worth of pictures entitles Mer dade besser dee weibsleit en must be cast for ministers, The min- chance gevveh, ons goveniereh | Was | jster receiving the highest number of saght das wan die monsleit nix wisse | is limited, will receive a Gold Watch { may als geld spende dos sie net fer-| worth £150.00, un unnerreck oh du, un dee kee melke uns gshar weshe un de glaneh un Each 25¢. worth of pictures 1 : . yarchaser to one guess at the {| buttie gevvey, Sagt dee Chestie, saght : r £ s 1s » g ir - p Yole, sawk em drukher, das won the number of votes cast for the suc- cessful minister will be given one doz- | sul air un all ssine Kurnels und Cheap- { Jon eaptins resigneh un uns we iver en ad meer ganeh. Won mer net's gelt im — . . strump sock hette for hore-spelle zu | The person casting the greatest num- en roder bendle drum binne un sha | eive one dozen Cabinets free. der boockle nunner sthrameh lusse. LUCENBACH S PHOTO GALLERY. achtza send hovver un dreisich send Phot corn, for'n millione dawler sthate-| the “art S ot RE .” eva rs boweh dos unser eicoom sooteh date.” | inets 3100; or nd dee Chestie is gons kerrect, sag | eh hh will dir now mol en glane stho- ry ferzale, mister Drooker. Es ge- oof stha hut kenna "for sellem rode-hor- icher boomber kuickle der Fitz. Die gebutchered ons olde Georg Schineltz- ers un die booveh hen dee sei so fer- gliche. Note hut air ge'sawt: “Now | 1 sheest der mer heut kenne ma mit sel- Sie ben noch zwa sei im sthall g'hot | un en beef. Die booveh hen gebroviert | drin. net lose gongeh. Un mit ‘em beef heu sie en circus g'hot. Des sei’'s gfangeh shier on Cender Hall un geshosse mit en geborgte bix. Node noch shlaike gevveh welle, Der Mike war en bully grad wie der Fitz. Er! kenne mit seinere linke fousht. Air! ia room der Georg gedonzed wie en flucht. Der old Georg hut sei arme iwer die brusht gecrossed un hut g'- Ovver der Mike hut en net toucheh kenne, Geshilagge hut er es won air schwitzt but er wie en gaul im a coal | korrich. Der George hut yoosht ge- hot gsawd : “Now, Mike, is genunk.” Un mit but em Mike sei aerm gegrippt, hut eem der Gettysburg Plaffe twist gev- himmel geflogeh un der Dab hot air sheer ferbruche, wie er gefalleh is. Der ter oof gesthonne fer en holp sthuud, : Der moral is dos der Jim mog en maishter—ovver won air gewist het was der old George hut, war air eveh | weh im maugen. Husht du kairt. So maug's goot sei, Our stock consists of Suits, Ravers Sthettle, Martz der Zwantzicht Nindy sefen. (Humorous articles are preferred when not ex. ceeding 500 words: avoid personalitios that may give offense Ep.) A Recent Union Co. Denths, In Hartleton, wife of John Dale, age about 50 years, Ia Mifflinburg, a son of Augustus Weiser, aged 7 years, In White Deer, Sophia Sheelt, aged 64 years, In White Deer, a daughter of Chas. Stahl, aged 4 years, In East Buffalo, the widow of Elias Browu, uged 71 years, Hats, Caps, ete., and a com- plete line of Gents’ Farnish- ing Goods. Give usa call and exam- ine goods. J. CROLMAN, Proprietor Phila. Clothing House, | Spring Wi. Pa. k Pains {Government Service.) Temperature © Highest. Lowest. Mar. 25 87 28 cloudy, 26 46 26 part cloudy. 27 39 22 part cloudy. 28 43 25 clear, 29 52 #5 clear. 30 & 37 clear, 31 34 clear. Total rainfall Th March, 4.88 iuches ; totall snow and sleet 4 inches. Spring Term of School. Dr. D. M. Wolf will open his spring term of school at Spring Mills, Mon- day, April 12th, Fijese titi » are ad- students | it i i i“ €“ LYON & Co. PRICES THAT SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES Clothing. Men's All-Wool Suits, nobby ( $1.24, 1.49, 1.98, 2.50, 3.00, Spring and Summer Styles. $3.75 4.00, up to the best. These prices Men's All-Wool Shits. better are less than manufacturer's ¢ oe qualities, nobby styles, $4.50, 5.50, 3.75, 8.00, 9.00, 10,00, A nobhby Youth's Suit, to 19, in all colors, light P laids, £2.50, 3.00, 3. 50, up to the best. We have closed stock of Children’s we will sell to you at manuafactur. ers cost. 200 Children’s Saits. ages 4 to 15 vears, manufacturer's price, 90¢, retail price, £1.25—our price, T4c. A better quality Children’s S Led JAD, 250 Children’s Knee P ants, ages 4 to 15 years,—a regular 25¢ quali- ty, our price, 17c¢. Better qualities Children’s Knee Pants, 25¢, 40¢, 50¢, T5¢, $1 and up. A new and full of Men's Pants at the bar gain prices— £1.25, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 4.00, 5.00, A epecial lot of Men's Pants, sorted sizes in all- wool, selling at £3.00, 3. now be sold at the remarkal bly price of £1.69, Men's, Boys’ and Children's Hats and Caps. The very latest styles and shapes { 14 dark and ares and 4.50 assortment out an entire following Suits, which 8, pr (oe, 3.00, Hoo, as- 1 that are nit, in Black, Light and Brown. M en's Derbys O80. on - » » 1.795, 2.00, A full assortment a Men's and Boys’ Gol, Eaton a nd Bievele Caps in Pi ain Checks and all the latest an also Tam O'Shanter Men's Al Ipine, s, The, $125, 1.50, 1.75, 2,00. tl A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF MEN'S, BOYS = LADIES’ SHOES. Black, Russets and Oxfords--In all the new shapes. SPECIAL. of Neck: Ties in all the new colorings —Tecks ” ar 50 35¢, 48c, Men's Crushers, £1.25 up to the very best and can sell you Hat for the or and up to Also a splendid line of Boys’ Children’s Hats. We s. a very nobby Child's 50 low sum of 25¢, 35e, 50e, every best. One lot an Hand —~cheap at 25 cents, our price 16 cents. _- ten LYON & CO, Bellefonte, Penna. / ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ 4 ¢ 4 4 ¢ ¢ ¢ } ¢ ¢ 4 § ) / 4 to economize than to save one-half the price of your Spring Suit. This is exactly what we will do for you. We are showing the greatest assortment of Spring Goods in the country, and will sell them for just one-half what others ask. Men’s Suits At $5.00 That are strictly all wool. The latest styles and colors, made in first-class style, the same VND VV BVDV BDV DV VV VD VV V HDF kind that others ask you $10.00 for. See our goods and prices and you will buy no other. Try it. e009 Faubles, Men's Outfitters, Bellefonte. BOBO OVVDRVVD VV DRTVVRVV DBD TDDB i i ATTORNEYS. Huou B.JAYLOR, AWorney at-Law, Bellefonte, Pa, No. #4 Temple Court All manner of jegal busi ness promptly attended 10, Rug Allorney-at- Law, Bellefonte Offices directly opposite the Court House IBA C. Oilice, Pa. aug?t MITCHELL, Atwrney-at-law, Hel Room No, 10, Crider's Exchange elonte, Pa, Alig JOHN KL INE. Attorney at Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office on second floor of Furst's buiidl #£. north of Court House. Can be cowsulted ir German and Kuglish, RLET J. H. URVIS, C.M. BOWEE, AbLorueys stl Law BELLEFONT _ Office in Crider’s Exchange building on oor, F. FORTKEY, Office in Conrad | (1 LEMART Dal Office N, W, corne Nuliooal Bank D. GETTIG . Collections { 3% Fate A N. Exchau ge Baliding. B. BPANGLER, Rooelve jaugl deposite, HOTELS. AAG BOTEL This house has been 1 4 An excellent stable in yes very ressonat Hg oor an y te an extra dis bie is provide BE, 8. Woods Caldwell, Proprietor, LOCK HAVEN, PA Terms reasonable. Good sample rooms on EH HOURE, W. L. Daggett, Prog srietor BEL Epecial attention given to coun NEW GARMAN HOUSE Opposite Court House BELLEFO NTE New building. new furniture pho # and all D. H. Rubl. Pr $ ' SPRING M1 LLE, PA. | 1iFree bus to and from all trains, | New BROCKERHOFF HOUSE, J. M. Neubauer Proprietor, BELLEFONTE. PA Free bus to and from all trains. Good sample rooms on first Soor, Special mates to witnesses HUMPHREYS’ No. No 1 Cures © a Headache Dy Delayed Leucho Skin Diseases. speps 18. Periods. rrea. “ Rheumatism. Malaria. Whooping Cough Kidney Diseases. No. Urinary Diseases No. Colds and Grip. Sold by Dmuggists, or sent prepaid on receipt ot price, 25c., or 5 for 81. De. Homeaneys' Housorarmee Maxeas or Dmeases Manes Free, Humphreys’ Med. Co, 111 William St, KN. X. en we No. No. ~~ ed “OK wi oO w}