————————— ——— i "——— THE NEWS, Lieutensnt-Governor Jones had a confer- once with Ex-Governor Foraker at Clocin- natl, and with Governor Bushnell in, Cleve land, but would neither affirm nor deny the Beopatorial story, By the premature discharge of a biast in the Roxbury district of Boston, James Keele, a laborer, was iostaptly killed, and Patrick Hopkins was badly (pjured, W. K. Smith, Hornellsville, N, Y., was arrested and taken to Elmira by a deputy United States marshal inte deputy postmaster of $e is charged with defaleation. In New Haven, Conun., Thomas F, in the fi The jury was out Kippie was found guilty of murder rat de gree He Lilled his wife, for four hours, A bill has been introduced House making it a felony punishable by a penitentinry sentence of warried wan to be found gullty of matri monial Infidelity whatever, A resolution House by Hepresentative Burk, for an of the warebouse commissioners, on that they have power in the reduction of in the Missouri five years for a under any ele stances introduced in the Missouri providing raliway and the exercised invesligation theory not fully their rallway rates, was sdopted. The Avery fellow servant bill, making rail- way companies respousibie for accidents re- sulting rom the carelessness of employes, passed the Missouri Senate with bul seven votes against it. As bill passed House, it now goes 10 the Governor for bis signature, with every the has aiready the pros pect of becoming a law. daughter Mrs, © feil inte A G-year-old Himes bolier filled of Brookvilie, Pa. with bol water and was cooked to death. be child beer ing around the boiler ter being removed fron Capt. The Militar the two tows New aebraska Senste has Lilled the Cans resciution offered last week and adopted ago free fering to send rn to f be ao0e eariwright and H sud other matisrs J. A. Br Christian ( Hey. ihe sou lo 120 a the Prohibitic Parsivsi A se Tie jeas Aw track at “a Is KNOW] ixedd train whi Ariingt ruins €'¢ Hosa Harrisog Secrelary of State that si £ nas United nas been been n Ihe Bintes or Marblehead! which New York Navy Ya indergoing yme repairs, salied t the North At Hampton Roads we} under Admiral Bunce, adron Fvans, the manuf: Springfield, O,, shows no ill-effoct attempt at suicide, His mind i is still confined to the house Robert lincoln, K. Fairbank, Marsball Field left Phoenix, Arie, for New (sen Wesley rieags, will make thetlrip by easy slages The cruiser Phi the Southern Pacifle Coast about thre: months ago oun a Bhe left A day bound north, At Mass | 19, confessed to murder in the second N. Strange, and ' i § adeiphin, thal went as far as Calin her way back aj Taunton, Herbert A of Fred, was giv sentence, in the Sistas Distriot (¢ ward 8 O'Farrell, the J.) postmaster, was sentenced, The was & fips of #1 000 and one year Jersey 8 ate Prison, President J. J. Hill, ed 1a an interview the United former Bavopne sentence 3 the New of the Great Hallroad, deg rently rrent of an impending traff siliance with the Northern Pacific yours oid, was fatal v interests, Ollie Bullivan, 16 shot at her home, ln Irving avenue "REO, by Frauk J. Laver. The mu was the resiit of wv lovers quarrel ir vn TROUBLE IN SIAM. rider ihe Ueited Brates Vics Conseil Wounded and Elephants Seized Special from Banglok say that serious complications Bare arisen Letneen the ment apd the Eiates and ministers, Mr. Fdward PB. Kellet, the viee-consul, was fired Eamese soldiers, and dispatehes received in London Siamese govern United German United upon and wounded by; the German minister was agsanited jn the streets of Bangkok and resciied by Mitebell Innes, an American, Another cause of trouble is the arbitrary seizure by the Siamese goverament of sey enty-five elephants and a number of teak logs belonging to Dr. Cheek, an Awericas. known as the “teak king.” Dr. Chesk made a contract with the government to take out teak logs from the interior, receiving an ad. vance of $900.00 and agreeing to divide the profits. A severe drought prevented the trausporiation of the logs. Thereupon Dr. Cheek 's property was seized, ei st Niates The Dominion eabinet at Ottawa bas Ap pointed a delegation to go to Washington to discuse the question of reciprocity and the wiles labor law, Maund-Why did Mabel give up Clar- new wheel and she objected to the make New York Commercial Adver User, Pennsylvania's State Building in Ruins. THE HOUSE WAS IN SESSION. Secenes of Excitement and Confu Both and as the Members of HiUses Removed the Desks Left Sion the Burning Structure. The Penneyivania State Capitol at Harris burg was totally destroyed by fire Tuesday, £1.500000, The Insurance Sey it seriously Lhe loss will be is comparatively small, aboot 100.0) 4, eral persons were slightly but ne new and State building, it is injured in fightiug the fames, A much more handsome sald, will be erected at once, The sessions of ie at Harrisburg, rst that both Ben 1id bold thelr future meet the Legisiature will conti wRithough It was stated at | ale aud House wo fogs during this session In either Philadel phia or Pltisburg, to both of which they were invited when the destructive character of the lire became Known, The Sepnte will meet in the Supreme com and the House will meet in a the second} ficor of the poste tings is expected « [0 foster gr : ' re isla * Kerat 8 Dd i Gere ogisiatl Was 1 ih In addition to this thers is the Nate t 1 he State eapito! war a plain b tial brick building, the cornerstone was aid seventy-eight ye faal tract of four acres | apitol Lui from John Harris, #1 hewn ings was a donation ’ ’ founder of Harrisburg wore 1 rt y and belag resold in 1829 for #412 ots adjoining a small 4 that the original iraet « The constru will be seer only eost the State 8] 658 of the capitol bulldings cost #135, 000, the cor nerstone being ald In 1812, and the fiest Leg islature meeting in it in 1832. When the nerstone of the capitol was Inid by Governor Findlay, in 1812 be broke his mallet in per alt aR forming the csremonies, which was ¢ ered by maoy a bad omen. BOUND AND ROBBED. [umates of a Columbia County Farmhouse Roughly Treated The Cripple a Victim farmhouse of Charles Betis, on the road from Chatham Centre to hatbham, in Columbia county, was sutered The onely East ov masked burg ars about 7 o'vioek Bunday svening.. The occupants, Mr.and Mrs, Bett and Mr. and Mrs. George Flint, were compeiied at the point of the robbers’ pistols to enter me room, where one of the intruders stood guard while the ransacked the He secured an overcoat, $175 sash, 12 silver spoons and a suit of clothes, Mr. Flint is a cripple apd Mr. Betts an in valid; hence they were powerless to make sny meres others house, in defense and were comnietely a: the of the robbers. Their pockets ware searched, apd a few cents and two silver watches were gocnred, The ilomates of the house were then bound to chairs with ropes and the burglars helped themselves to a meal, It was then pearly 11 o'clock, the intruders having been fn the house nearly four hours, They toid Mra Betts that thers must bs more money somewhere in the house, and threatened to burn both the house and the inmates auless more was produced. The threat did not have the desired effect, and they inqaired if there wns =a horse sad cutter in the burs. Upon being told that there was a horse, but po cutter, they inquired who in the neighborhood had such a team as they wanted. Mrs. Betts refused to tell, 0 all were more securely bound to door kpobe, the plano and bedstead, while the marauders took the horse and made their erenpe toward Bast Chatham, : FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS, senate, G8tn Day. ~The Niearagun cannl bill oeen pled the attention of the Benate, but no pro gress was made toward a final vote. Mr. Morgan, in charge of the measure, sought to pocure an agreement for a vole tomorrow or Thursday, but the opponents of the measure, led by Mr, Vilas and Mr Duaolel, resised any agreement. Mr, Vilas opposed the bill, se veroely criticising Its various features and de elaripg that it would expose our western const to the attacks of the navies of Europe 20rn Day Saw feature of the Senate was a debate on the conference report of the im migration bill, Mr. Gibson, of Maryland, opposed the report, and Mr. Lodge defended it. After two bours' struggle the report went over and the Nicaragua canal bill was taken up, Mr. Vilas continuing his remarks, Mr, Teller, of Colorado, algo enterad the de bate fo opposition to the measure, S0rm Day, After ns brief parliamentary struggle In the Beuate, the [ricads of the Nicaraguan cans! bill were unable to hold a (quorum and sit out the obstruction to that measure, Mr. Vilas continues to hold the floor. In bis remarks he asserted that the Claytop-Buolwer treaty was in full force and that the American people would insist upon a full and hoporable adherence to its terme [he Benate agreed to the House resolution fixing February 10 for the ceremony of counting the vote President and Vice President before two houses of Con gress for the iisy Day in the Senate Mr. Morrill deavored to pags the bill prohibiting the use of intoxicants in the Capitol bulldiog. Thi aroused the opposition of Mr, Hill, of New York, who depounced the busybodies and mischie! makers lpapiriog this class of legis intion. The immigration bill was recom witted to conference, Before this was done bowever a warm colloquy o irreed between Mr. Chapdier and Mr Gorman Mr Vilas added auother day to his speech agniost the Nicurag bill and had pot concluded when the ad i irned en in cann Neunte House He ’ phe Lilie Im poOrian ners ons iiar approg fair progress de pos ie headwaters nt dats Were gooura (Oo meiat gold bell 300 miles ig eng? eniers the 1 Mile se the Yukon srritory pear Forty Creek and Valley paris Its fu: ther eatent is ion is ex} resend by the goolog # practical minis aie quart g througlio Yokon region. Large areas of ¢ were 6s vered along the river save (he interpational line Arctic i Ocean to Mount He tthe gold belt adds th considerable It is kpown iat Hisian ese Thera can be itl the British possessions crosses the beit js from Mount Raipt bi the head of Portiand nel Professor Woleoll asks for tion of #25000 to enable a more complete Burvey And & reconnoisan = map o tiie re ———— Mussuimans. to the Loadon Dally News rays that serious news has is sinted A dispatch f Athens, rom that 10 Chris ians were murdared while cut. bands of Massulmans leave the town daily for the purpose of plundering and burning the villages of the Christiane, The dispatch adds that thess outrages are evidently in accordance with hints reowived from Constantinople. The situation serions that Lhe foreign cotisals have wired the governor-general of Canea, calling fot the adoption immediately of stringent measures looking to the protection of the people. Foreign warships are now arriving at Heraklion, with a view of offering protec. tion tn the Christians there. The Christians in the districts in the vicinity of Heraklion are arming snd occupylog strategic piaces for the purpose of preventing an influx of Mohammedans to the town and a serious collision is feared In the near future IN 5 ANS. According to official reports just issued there have been 4,390 cases of the plague in Bowbay apd 3,250 deaths, i% Ry BURNED T0 DEATH. — — - oeven Persons Perish in Early Morning Fires. SIX WERE OF ONE FAMILY. Midnight Blaze Discovered In Ram shackie Dwellings Occupied by Scores of Men, Women and Chil- dren The Majority Were Rescued Ey Heroes, During the early hours of Sunday two fires occurred at Hoboken, N. J which re silted in the loss of mapy lives Many poor propie were made homeless and even had narrow escapes for their lives, The fires of curred in different parts of the city, and ope to have started in Lhe at least i» believed wen of origin, frame | of then fncendiury The first three-story Street, ullding of 410 Newark mother and five children Al urned to death, Thers a lose their lives the other fire a little girl was} | Are was at Nos, 15310 159 FV our, ttle Mabel Man The se Ont teenth street, Il was there gels perished, Her sister Florence was urped, but is expected Lo recover the fire was iding of 410 ed in The 4 3 ft mianight when the ramshackis several families | of which were used rpanier CABLE BPARKS, MACK is we 1 he aries in + tes of Bure represeniat filieen sugar ormec 8 trust ’ (rermany I'he selection of Lyman J. Gage, i Seorels { the {in London The sue photograpbiag the Loudon A dispateh from Mass fecgive eR Oo i'aris, tounced | Vimes wah, Egrpt TT) SATE fisher who tom] loved be al uk on Agordat Right Hou gecrelar tr Ne the Dery were ar Pf Lae Wan otiand Bossbhery s cabinet, has resigned from innent on account of Hli-beaith Fhe British House of $15.49, one featare Riv 00 tor a scheme of Commons has horiged a loan + of which is the the bills arotind Loudon. Nouth Alriean Republic, says he would iike a definite state Me to what promises the President has veiled to keep, forts ot i Presidegt ruger, of the went from Chamberiain as for bimetailism in France, Germany and og land published in the National Review, in London, show u favorable outlook for the Artigles by lenders of the movement doubles standard itis rumored in Rome that Cardinal Sa- toili will be appoinied prefect of the Propa- ganda, repluciag Cardinal Ledochowsky, who suocesds the late Cardinal pro-datary of the Popa Pdward J, Ivory, who was recentiv ac gqoitted in London of conspiracy lo cause a dyunnmite explosion, asilsd for New York, with counsel, John FF, Melptyre, and three Amerwan witucsses, It is announced that jn consequenes of the U1 henith of the Czar and Cearins of Rossin their visit to Home and london and the visit of President Vaurs, Emperor William and BEaiperor Vranvis Joseph to St. Peters. SME have been deferred Hon, Joseph Chamberiain, British secre. wary of state for the colonies, in a speech at Birmingham, Kugland, said that even though he United States Senate rejected the arbi. ration treats with England, the negotiations hemeeives could not fail to have 8 benef dnl effect, Biauohi as fils & lL IN 3555. Lattimer E. Jones, an American, proprietor of the Eskdale stud-farin near Searborough, England, was sreested there ou charge ol forgery, for which he was indicted in Now { § 3 i PENNEYLVANIA ITEME, Epitome of News Gleaned From Varlons Ports (1 the Bate Furbut antive of Mrs, Knoebe died at ber home ip ville, aged 93 years, She wes Berks county. The twely Heading Iron sumed operations after a month's idiensss A Bussian Pole, track near Boar Creek ight te the Poor District trains of the re oe and sixtesn-inch Works at Dagville, have while wilking the wis Killed by a train he body was bro Weatherly and w be tukeu care of by Unknown thieves entered the cellar of Dr samuel P. Hellman, near Hel lmandale Sts tion, on the Labanon & Trenton lslirosad, and carried away large quantities of pre visions Lhasre is no olue Mercantile Appraiser Adam Barpbart and 3 trafning, ss Barnhart A { Apunville, have made a dead of as signmeont ti eneiit if ereditors 0H Diphtheria is raging sai Henry, al } 1v lle, Kelly Cross ; it four miles neross the river from Mi Rome thirteen cases aly ieveloped within the past week Ihe rites have Deeg ynpelied Lo close Lhe # | by reason of the epidemic } After ap idiegess of nine GAYS Ril Coleries throughout the JVaother Creek Valley, owned and operated Ly the Lehigh Coal and Navi tosumed ¢ perations Fhe Oneida Col by Coxe Bros, & Co, at Hazleton eraled on reduced time for Hers operated een Of ¥ monihs, has } wh NEUE Wiki work ten Lours per day, wnmencing this week, and six dove per week ve Hupgariane created a RO siectiric raliwny far al reirestimmnetils we ist al (he turing bis ss South De ita, obn Wilson, a erived injuries on id which rem ted i is by a log which jumped Henry Wade, 8 yous item plios train, slipped and f+il bees he wheels, wel 20 badly tha! one [ont and talsd the wningion part of nsolher were at of snd stole ied the Edge, in (ain & AR new Horse thisves visiieg premises the, in Ik bie bs hey then bis most yainus rae, animal to the n of Jacob ¥ Fownship, al which piace hey sic hargess Squire Miller, of Darby, gave a McVermott, Th Charlies Southers hearing to George mas Graven snd « nrregted in Baltls ght to Chester by the boy more for Iarceny and bre Ofcer Mol Darby, admitted taking #120 belongion to hii» mother Rasiire Miller $800 euch for court A - DRIVEN TO EAT HORBE FLESH. ormici Craven, who lives in beid the bovs in Destitatics BL. Louis A despatel from BL Louis, says Driven to desperation by the pangs of husger which dire poverty prevented them from relieving Richard Giesen stole a borse, and made =» feast from the spimal » Caroses, I'he cass attracted the attention of the po- tee, who investigated the matter and savered one of the mos pliable instances of destitution beard of during the winter, here are six in the family father and mother and four children, the eldest a child o! 6 years and the youngest a Labe of 18 months, The father, Richard Giesen, is 36 voars old, and has been io this country about four years, three of which have beeu spent in 8i Louis Neither he nor bis wife ean speak English wifficientiy to make themselves clearly un- ferstood, and the husband, who is oaly a sommon laborer, wae, he says, injured while working ia a briekyard about eighteen months ago, and has not had aay regular or steady employment sines that time, Thers was nothing to eat iu the bouse, and thers had been next to nolliag for several days. Determined to prevent his eblidren from starviag Giessa weal forth to secure tood, and took the horse. When the officers entered bis home they found Glesen standing over a boiling pot in whish was a shoulder of the animal ‘He waived a indie at them, and deciared that Lis children should have & meal if be had to bang for it. They did pet molest him, but repor ad the case to the Provident Associa dis BUTCHERY. Christians Killed and Wounded While Fleeing, HOUSES BURNED AT CANEA. The King of Creece Opposes a Po ley of "Watchful Non-interven- n'' and insists that More Armed Véssels Be Sent tothe Scene of the Fighting. Three fourths of the Christian riers jus the oily of Canes have been burned to the Bre from ind, sceordis advices received island o “RoR pe 10 An injured £ to] the Crete The Christizye fps popuiatiot The thé warsh were while trying t« nitacked by the Mussa BL many were klied and tote! f result of the "yy number of victims as reser fighting is estimated at Minister of Foreign Affairs Bikouses bas pald a visit to the representatives of the powers stationed at Athens for the purpose f the palfilic nature of the mission of the Greglap warships ordered 1 s selected for isd H 500 men and the cruiser Crete hie vesse his #xpe tion ir de the Iron dra, with a crew Mykale, with = rew of 500 men argepumber of won iidren reflugess Linve Already been an # RR lances re the Island of Milo by Nash; wig t Chicago of Yer irigs snd thaw Hn dArenses herealler ail i i, and i of the com te pinced on the bil some soCident of the Pearce al the negie wierl & we prescribed by Ew There is no law on the statutes books viding for such an emergency, jresent J ite has bean asked in office » ext election. iow t of Toled wn as Iichfleld Center teenly families are down with 8 disses which they gil claim ix caused by 2a pha in pal which haunts then Al fBrstihe te ivan men of the vieinity thought il weak caused by pe $ BUG Lad water, but there ate ys familiar ses toms. The patient fades uwnay lives of dies x does pol care whether hin explanation Las vel been given authority thet more people write poelry in indians hac je any other Stale in the The “Kid. land Monthly says in the last two ecades lndinna bas seen a hundred or men and women who burasd the midpight of becoming Apd ths strength, ‘al = literary atmosphere, which is pot appreciztied vor understood. © They are breeding slogvrs and tale-tellers in the State of Indiaps ond the twentielh century will have the leisfi of a literary atmosphere that has po pares] on the globe,” It is sisted by 8 Hoosler Union, es eh oll in the noble ambition tributors to Ameriean has pot only bred a great Oh tlerature, COASTERS BADLY INJURED Crowded Bled Crushes Tuto a Tree With Distrensing Results, A bad sceident happened tos party of soasters in Bellefonte, Ps, Five persons were badly injured, one probably fataily. While coasting down Allegheny Bill st = rapid rate one of the sieds crashed with aw. ful foroe into mn tree. Fred Thompson who . was guiding the sled, was hurled Seiam the tree aud sustained severs injuries to his bead, besides having bis left band broken aod mangled and being injored internally. The others who were injured are Broce Barshart, Shep Achenbach, Blanche Jasots and Gertrade Irvin Ten others who were on the same sled escaped without sericus te "