The remains of Miss Kate Field were not sent ns expected on the steamer which arrived from Honolulu morning A special from Clyde, N. Y., announcies the death of Helen M. Saxton, wile of the Lisutenant-Governor of New York, Bhe was 30 years of age, Thomas Quigley's general store, the post- office and several dwellings at Miper's Mills, The will Thursday Pa., were destroyed by fire, loss reach $20.00), The Nebraska Beet Bugar Association, who are holding their annual declared for a continuance of the present bounties, as well as further national ald. Complete returns from every county in Wyoming give the Bryan electors majorities Van Meter, 15); Martin, 400: Osborne, for Congress, 30 convention, have as follows: Quely, 380, Gorn, for supreme judge, 503, 1 he Chicago Board of Education has de- eided to embody in its new rules the prinei- ples of the existing civil-service law. The triumph of the new after a sharp fight among the members, A special from Helena, Mont, says: “This state and ail of and inciuding part of Idaho, are shut off from the coast, owlog to the jandsiides and washing out of bridges on the Northern Pacific and Northern railroads, Both systems abandoned all their trains "' I'he California has decided to meet at Los Angeles, Cala, on rule was accomplished others cast Great have Deep Harbor Commission December J next, instead of they had previously agreed. Harry Mantzel, seaman the Otterspool, which arrived ia Galveston, was caught in the ropes off Key West and died in four hours, belog horribly crushed Mrs. Foley, a widow, aged 65 years, and her unmarried daughter, Fauny, were found murderad in their Liberty, Mo. No motive for known, The third annual n of the Ne- braska Beet Bugar Association was held in Grand Island, Neb, Vice-President Atkin- son opened the o« Mayor Thompson delivered the address of wele December 2, as on steamabip aged 40, the erime coaventi wmvention and ne, A well-dressed man, who gave the pame of A. H. Morse, Racine, Wis, , the International Hotel, Windsor, Ontario. Next day he was found dead in bed, bullet wound in his head. He sell, A Pomeroy eacaped from the Mount) with murder; the bery. Ble trail At Savannah, Ga |, ship the cargo was unloaded 2.50) od water registered at with a had shot him- 0.) special says [ jail I'wo of m, yy and Monroe Hunter, were charged others with highway rob wdhounds have been put on their the fire in is the two hol of the British stear Ripon City was ex- It bales ineniahad tinguished, and Was necessary to remove a more or less damaged by fire sm BI WORK AND WORKERS. rh 5 Illinois, has resumed The Illinois Wat fleld, r he ympany, at Sprio yparations shop ofthe 8 H $ H Bhoe Company, at Mariboro, Massachuse “Diamond O FH is to be reopened after a year's shut fr 100 hands The shop employes from 20 A Houghton, Michigan, despatch miniag companies at tain, Champion, Ishpening and } to Negaunee, Iron M other in that region ares adding to their ! men to the axtent last manufacturers, of Yi fhe Drees Of of 2000 man or more, Banford & S Amsterdam, in October ous, CArpe reducad the wages of cent the wages has been restored The people of Holland, MI #6000 to ald in buliding P. Hummer, the ail candidate for ( gress, which was burned a antaliing a loss of $150 000 thelr employes 10 This weak the flrm ansounced that the factory of Geo Be ver few weeks ago, He will employ 500 men. The exscutive officers of the rallway brotherhoods of the country are to meet in want to push before the coming session of Congress, and the best way to do iL” The strike of the employes of the Tador Iron Works, at 5t. Louis, which has been in progress for two years, was declared off, the proprietors having accedad to the de. mand for Increased wages. #00 men at work. A Toronto despatch says that representa tives of Barney Barnato, the Kaflirmioe king of Johannesburg fame, have secured control of practically all the mining properties in Lake of the Woods and Rainy River dis triets In northwestern Oatario. Belleving that a provisional tariff bill will be passed at ihe next session of New York city capitalists have subscribed $39,00) for the opening of a factory there for the manufacture of patent and enameled leather, employing 500 hands. Work will be begun at once, The Indians State Miners’ Convention haa voted to continue the strike for 6) centa aton. An effort will be made to get the II- linols miners to unite with those in Indiana in securing a uniform mining price in the two States, A despatch from Pasa, {lliools, says that the Illinois Central Raliroad Company is decreasing its force in different depart. ments, Depression in traffic is given as the cause. It is said ail departments will be af- fected, The Chicago and Alton Raliroad manage- ment have announocsd a reduction of hours of labor in the general shops in Blooming- ton, IIL, from sight hours to seven per day. It was also announced that the shops would bo closed from the 25th instant to December 1, snd thet during the month of December the 1008 flan employed will be given thirty- two hours per week, General Baperinten- dent Gray stated that the action of the com. pany is caused by the decrease of the freight and passenger traflio, 5 MANY MINERS KILLED. Twenty-Five Bodies Already Takes From a West phalia Coal Pit, A fire-damp explosion has occurred in a colliery nt Recklinghausen, Westphalia, Ger. many. Twenty-five bodies have been re- covered, and 40 or 50 men are kaown to be still entombed, I It is sald that Madame Melba was given a reception at Music Hall, Boston, on Friday ast wifich recalled the psimy days of Jeany Lind and Patti. This will place Congress, { HARBOR DEFENSES of the Ordnance. WAITING FOR THE MONEY. The Present Inefficient Codnition of Our Ports Against a Forelgn Enemy Clearly Pointed Out Engineering and Ordnance Report Board of Departmunt Report, T'he work of placing our harbors in a state of defense is thus summed up in the report of the Board of Ordnance and Fortifications, signed by Geoperal Miles, Frank Haines, Major Phipps and Messrs Outhwaite and Ayer, just made public, “Under the appropriations of the present flscal year the work of placing our harbors in & proper state of delonse is Colonels anu increased making good progress, and {I only the same few a for- midable front to an attacking fleet, Only Common Pradenoe. “It is hoped, however, that even more An omer- In European for view 01 the present serious aspect of “yy f ‘ its guard, hid rudence ¥ 8 flict arise we are liable to be smbrolled pation to be on some power whoas navy, fensoieas condition of our « slroy or enact snormons rauso Waiting for the Money. “Our engineer department is ready with ie most modern plans for fort our ordnance departmen lesigns for guns an to any in the worl rreass the apg yi those yinfeal w st safeguard ag A Rapid Evolution. The report « : pits 1 nt, in which he points rreated at B was taking th ard was tot that “io to have jug sta Los Ga rapid evolatl pations had a: tervals ft war, Implements and Eagines of War his, the B 3 iw fa* i * owing lst of "img In answer to ard specifies th smeants and war for which satisfaor letermined Twelveine ustruction inch steal I. mortar sion] » inch singe %.6-inch field gan, mo gun, model 18% gun; 13 sappearing ‘arriage; S-inch non-disappearing carriage, 12-inch spring returt ii inch unon-4 barb MOriar ear riers Buffington type; 10.dnch disappearing riage, Crozler-Buflington type T-inch seige h rifle: onrriage for 3 6-inch feld gan for 3.2-inch fleld gun; fleld mortar; mountain gun; oalssons { bined battery wagons and forges for fleld guns; armor-piérclag projectiies for sea coast guos; shell and serapdel for fald gons torpedo casemates and cable galleries I'he work being dons at the various gan works and arsenals is reviewsd fn detail ss ET — oar carriage for witzar; rriage for S