Vote Have been cast by thousands of sufferers from impure blood, and their verdict has suttled the question of the great curative power of Hood's Sarsaparilia. Every mall car brings in these letters of praise for Hood's Barsapariila. They tell the same wonderful story of heal h restored, pain and suffering reliuved, and bappiness brought back, They prove oods Sarsaparilla Is the best-—In fact the One True Blood Parifies Hood's Pills “1 say, Trivvet, can you lend me fifty dollars for a few days?’ “I have only one dollar about me, Dicer.” “Well, I'll try to make that do." Judge. cure all Liver Ilis anc Sick Headache, 25 conta Dobbins’ Eleotrie nse, i you follow directions, than any other soaps would be if given to you, for by its use clothes are saved. Ask your grocer for Soap la cheaper for y to Clothes cost more than soap, Dobbins’. Take uo other The proposed crusade on ffickel-in-the-slot machines at Tacomas, Wasb,, has been aban doned, Cascaners stimulate liver, kidneys and bowe els. Naver sicken, weaken or gripe, 10, Diamonds in Steel, Some time was shown Moissan, a French fron was saturated at Ago chemist, ths 3.000 centigr with carbon and then cooled under a high pressure a portion of the car separated out in the form of d diamonds, litton . I'he condi wile 3 bon very steels are Ine in the examir number of sam- ples of vn iy amonds, and an is rea obtained acid and to the act acid, fused fluoric The erystals are est being but they present all physical properties of true d Engineering and Mining e—— - Covered Dishes, were not Dishes the purpose of keepin They were coveres of poison. In down to the time were afraid the duced and the ta {the master r To proposed he for ‘King meet this to at ward wheel, with the y it has been 3 fy ' } ta in front of t wt of T ob 0) im up the tacks as the machine rolis along. JOYS OF MATERNITY. Women Are Childless— A przled Why so Many Problem That Has V Physicians for Centuries, Reprodncti no pic Jetiers Mrs. | foe ling baby owes ils to Mrs, Pinkham's advice and the Vege : table Compound. This isnot to be wondered at when such tes timony as the following explains itself “1 have taken three bottles of your Vegetable Compound, one package of Sanative Wash, one box of Liver Pills: and now I have a dear little babe four weeks old, and I am well. I have to thank you for this. “I have spent $200.00 for doctor's bills without obtaining any relief. For my cure I only spent $5.00. “1 had been a victim of female troubles in their worst form; suffered untold agopies every month; had to stay in bed, and have poultices applied, and then could not stand the pain. “My physician told me if I became pregnant I would die. I had bladder “rouble, itching, back- ache, catarrh of the stomach, hys- teria and heart trouble, fainting spells and len- corrheea. Can you wonder that Ising the praises of 8 medicine that has cured me of all these ills ?”"—Mns. Gro. C. Kircusze, 872 Belmont Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y, ~ REY. DR. TALMAGR. Uhe Eminent Washington Divine's Sunday Sermon, Subject: “Divine Chivograpby.,” | boca vi NAMES are Luke ie the art of handwriting, lie the seivnes of seoustios, is in satisfactory state. While coundructinog =n ehureh, and told by some arshitects voleo would not be heard in aboeilding shaped ike th it proposed, 1 eames in much to this elty and consulted with Prof, Joseph Henry, nt the Smithsonian Institut) mn, about the Juw of ncoustier. H+ sald ahend aud bulld your church fn the posed, and I think it will be all right, J huve studied the laws of = than any man of my time, anil I have come 80 far as this: Two auditoriums may seam to be exnotly alike, unl in one the aecoa