Your nerves upon rich, red blood and yon will not be nervous. Blood is made rich and pure by Hood's Sarsaparilla The One True Blond Purifier. Alidrug sists, $1 Hood's Pills are always rellabie. 25 cents HER POSITION PAYS. Queen Victoria Has Found Ruling a Very Profitable Calling, Victoria has found queenhood a very profitable calling. Figures for fifty- seven years of her reign show that the British people have given her under the name of civil Hst expenditures $110,275.000. In {ition to this vast total, $48,676,765 has been expended for the maintenance of sen dencs, stables and the like. The total direct expenditure of the Queen alone is over $1,800,000 a year. There is at this date an annual expenditure in ad dition for other members of the royal family of £1,300,000. The thrity old lady who has this vast ine 1 disposal has taken care to while the sun shines” Of money has been voted to enable keep up the ornamental state ered necessary for a royal But it is just this she does not do, Vie toria, property, is the in the United Kingdom moral, in Aberdeenshire, Se horne House, ; shire, and ( embrace 5.561 value a year years' purchase that 160. In fact, they ars that amount. Queen Victoria, they say, has her lit tle superstitions. She believes that ar. ticles made by Dl good luck; that spillin luck; and she would pro sixpence for her kingdom if toward thirteen pened to sit at 8he has he t these is names; the sme sevent resis ome COUTTS, positior besides valuable continental ywner of three estates They are Bal otland; Os Yat ini wenty & mp 20045, - worth double Hy Iv chance skins, Standing 5.000 cabs 11.000 licensed aver WOMEN WANT TO AaOW TO WHOM CAN 17 TROUS A Woman “To Me" Anxious Inquirers Intelligently Answered Anssiers Thou- sands of Grateful Letters. Women regard it as a they can talk to a woma: understands their women, to seck to Lydia E. Pinkham’ Vegetable Come pound at once mmation, ulcera-~ tion, falling 1 displacement of the womb. ovarian trout spinal weak- ness and kidney complaints, all have their symptoms, and should be *“ nipped inthe bud.” Bearing-down pains, back- ache, headache, nervousness, pains in groins, lassitude, whites, irregularities, dread of impending evil, blues, sleep- lessness, faintness, ete. Here is testimony right to the point: * The doctors told me that unless [ went to the hospital and had an opera- tion performed. I could not live. I had falling, enlargement and ulceration of the womb, “1 was in constant misery all the time; my back ached; I was always tired. It Z was impossible ae for me to walk Ww ; Lae ~~ farorstand long at a time. 1 was surely a wreck. 1 decided that I would give your Com- pound and Sanative Wash a trial. “1 took three bottles of Lydia BE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and used two packages of Sanative Wash, and I am now almost well, 1 am stouter and healthier than I have ever been in my life. My friends and neigh- bors and the doctors arc surprised at my rapid improvement. I have told them all what 1 have been taking.” ~Mns, Axserra Bickueier, Bellaire, Belmont Co.) Osis insti "REV. DR. TALMAGE. an — Sunday Sermon. subject: “Shall We Have Another Chance,” Text: “If the tree fall toward the south, or toward the north, in the ploos where the tree falleth, there it shall be.” « Ecol, {1., 8. There ig a hovering hope in the minds of a vast multitude of people that there will be an the mistakes of this: that however complete a shipwreek we muy make of our earthly life, it will be on a beach up which we may walk to a palace; that as a defendant may lose his ease in a Circuit Court and appeal it and have it go up to the Supreme Court or Court of Chancery and all the costs thrown over on the other party, 20 a man may in this world, but in the higher jurisdiction of eternity have the decision of the earthly couse set aside, all the costs remitted and the lant be triumphant forever, ject of my sermon is to show on sense declares with the 1 an expectation is ahimerieal. the tres fall toward the se lose his case defer yon text “it with, or toward the n the place where the tree falleth, ill be.” There are those who say impenitent apd unfortunate man rs the next world and sees the disaster, i1't of that disaster he will turn, the ormation; bet wa stances all around have done wrong ename upon them No, flung about and disaster ~did the them? they went on, Thera is a man of dissipat ' r says to him: u don’t stop Arinking t lite you nre Hving, a patient thanks ¢ noel gels bets yand heal ram and his e Gl ween, Same physi against hs wakes up t arvarism, Ar from rushing back and keeps midnich! k into extis wher world means th igi savagery. rushing ba » in ar tor { am pro we are a 40 reer vite A vast others yon seq an ‘uv nur J sends, and among man who ohnoxious tation treats it in an riwenty years you gave twenty youreel ! ‘ ap man to that moan a to ' tion For twenty venrs he has i ; offers and sending insu't for yo kindness and coar- tesy, and can he blame you? Can he come tip to your hogs $s it of the ban- quet? Looking git iz=n Doer house wil y gay: “Lot me in. 1 haves declined all those other offers, but this is a larger re juxuriant abode. Let me io, me another chance,” God has spread a bananet of His grace be. fore ua. For three hundred and sixty-five days of every year, s nes we Knew the Tere ence bei weeny our right hand and our left, Ha hase invited us by His Providenes and by His Spirit. Bupposs we dec'ine all thess of. fers of kindness, Now the banquet is spread in a large place, in the heavenly palace, In. vitations are sent out, but no inviiation is gent to ue, Why? Because we declined all those other banqueis, Will God be to blame? Willi we have any right to rap on the door of heaven and say; “1 ought not to be shut out of this piace: give me another chances?” Twelve gates of salvation standing wide for free admission all our Jife and then when the twelve gates clogs we rush on the bosses of Jehovah's buekler, saying: “Give me another chance,” A ship is to sail for Hamburg, You waat to go to Germany by that line. You see the ~avertisement of the steamers sailing, You see it for two weeks. You soe i in the mwotning papers and vou ses it ia the svening papers; you see it placarded on the walls, Circninrs are thrown into vour offloe telling you all about that steamer. On¢ day you eome down on the wharf and the steamer has swung out into the stream, You say: “Oh, that isn't fair. Come back swing up again to the docks. Throw the lanks ashore that l may coms on board t isn't fair. I want to go to Germany by that steamer, Give me another chance, Here is a magnificent offer for heaven. I' bas been anchored within our sight yew after year, and ail the benign volees of sani and heaven have urged us to go on board since it may sail al any mom nt, fin and ses he have any right ¢ house, um ove Rappose we let that opportanity sall away, and then we look out mn say: *‘S3end back that opportunity; I want to take it; it isn't treating me fairly, Give me another chance.” Why, my brother, vou might as well go out nnd stand on the Highlands at the Navesink throes days after the Majestic has gone out, and shout: “Captain, come back; I want to go to Liverpool on the Majestic, Come back over the sea and through the Narrows and up to the docks. Give me another chance,” You might as well do that as, afler the last opportunity of heaven hus ened away, try to get it back again, Just think of it! It enma on me yesterday in my stady with over. whelming impressiveness, Just think of it, All heaven offered us as a gratuity for a whole | atime, and yet wa wanting to rash azainst God, saving: “Give another chance!" There ought to be, there will be, no such thing as posthumous opportanity. You seo common-sense agreas with my text fn saving that “if the tres fall toward the south, or toward the north, in the piace where tha tree falleth, there ft shall ba" You see this {dea lifts this world from an nn- important wav-station to a platform of stu- pendous issues, and makes all eternity whirl nround this hone. Oh, my soul! ny soul! Only one trial, and all the preparation for that trial to be made in this world, or never made at all. Oh, my soul! my soul! You gee this piles up all and all the climaxes and all the dest «= {nto this life, No other chanes, Oh, that intens the value and the imporianes of this Alexander and his army around a city and they wo , with the understar me the emphasis render, aud all would be well, bt lot that light go out, then the battering ry wonld swing against the walis and there d eo disaster and den friends, and 1 Prepare safety King and ender henrts, me yon io to surrender to arrenaer i i shut, joarned fow PE y - inn. owes - DEVASTATION AKD DEATH. Cyclone Bweeps Over Alsbama 1. i . ? od » Desclation and News was received in Selma from Augustine, station, that a terrible and 1mn¢ that leveling everything in its path, Twelve were Killed by houses cyclone swept over place Thursday, three white people them, eclored and falling io on and ten other persons were more or less in- jured Twenty-four head of horses and mules were crushed to death by falling barns, The eyelone was followad by the heaviest rain that has fallen in that section in 15 years. Creeks and branches were converted into ragiog torrents, sweeping away cotton, corn and other crops, causing heavy loss to planters, IO. SLAIN BY TURKISH TROOPS. Eighty Helpless Macedonians Eald to Have Been Killed. The Turkish troops are reported to have massacred eighty o’d men, women and chii- dren in the villages of Trambuno and Kom- ino, Macedonia. The remainder of the inbabitants es eaped to the mountains, Ths troops car ried off the crops and burned both vile lnges. ! a —————— George BR. Sims, the London writer, js at the head of an asti-bald crusade. It is stated that be ealeulates be has caused hair to grow on 50,000 bald heads, His recipe is paraffin ofl. EE The bust of ‘adams Calve, which is exe- euted by the Countess Fedors Gleichen, is said to bear a wonderful resemblance to the gifted artiste. : DISASTERS AND CASUALTIES, Dy the explosion of a portable boller at Rochester, N. Y , three men were probably fatally and twenty slightly fojured, The steamor Oceanlea, of the Lehigh Val- ley Trapsportiation Company, and the pro- peller Chisholm were sunk ia Lake Bt. Clair, A cloudburst at Mogolion, New resulted in the loss of a collision in Mexico soveral lives and the destruction of considerable mining property. Damage was also done at Graham and other polots Mr. and Mrs Brooklyn, while Prospect Park and Coney Island tracks, at Kings Highway, were struck by a train and instantly killed, A freight house being Doston for the New York, New Hartford Raliroad collapsed ' AA were Injured, Adolphus McKenna, aged 24 Thaddeus K. Martin, of the tatiroad walking on Bouth and erected in Haven ten men ’ and years old, fatally A Hock Island WAS wre eatra freight, carry stock, the sugar miles west of stealing a ride wears alu The Hey, « Fire Infirmary, NEWSY CLEANINGS Mains has two hundred nrwspapers, There i talk of 8&8 “Greater Lowell Mass, It ia ramorad that no more convicts are 12 be sent to Siberia, The Baltimore and Ohio ia steal rail on ile main division. laying now Pourth of July fire losses throughout the country were unusually light this year. All attempts to reach the summit of Maonnt Blane have failed this season, either (hrough beavy snow storms or fogs, The Swiss Government has propose an obilizatory insuraces, bat there are doubis ns to whether the measure will pass the House, The New Orleans City Council refnsed to arespt the new sharter for that city which the Louisiana Legisiatare framed at ils re- cont sess On, The evid aes to ba snhmitied to tha Vener. uerlan Bonodary Commission is practieaily all in, and the commissioners are engaged in classiiving {L Pittsburg, Pean,, has been paying §8,00.. 000 a yoar in life insurance premiums, snd has never had a company of {1s own. One is being formed, Nineteen persons, two of whom ate wo men, have boon sentencad to death in Agram, Hungary, on the charges of brigand- age and marder, A. 1. Miller, a wealthy merchant of Prank. fort, 1nd., has offered to give $50,000 to any one who will restore his sight, lost three years ago by a stroke of paralysis, The Metropolitan Job Printing Company, of Kew York City, has been awarded the con- tract for printing the Postal Galde for the PostofMiee Department. The contract is for four years at $19,000 per year. On aceount of the bad outlook for the na. tive corn erop owing {o the lateness of the “rainy season,” it ja estimated that if the Amerisan rallronds roduoce [reights, Mexico will take 10,000 carloads of our corn, Only one of the thirteen trees planted on Washington Heights, New York City, by Alexander Hamilton more than a century ago to eommemorate the thirteen original Bates of the Union is in a fourisbing condi. tion. All the others are either dead or dying. A Towel of Blotting Paper, The most curious use to which paper is to be put is that suggested by the | recent patenting of a blotting paper | towel, It is a new style of bath towel, consisting of a full sult of heavy blot ting paper. A person upon stepping out of his morning tub has only to nr ray himself In one of these sults, nnd In a second he will be as dry AAI. ®rate or Ono, Ciry ov Toren, | 3 Lucas Cots y, § FRARK J, CHENLY 1nskes oath senior partner of the firm of } HEN EY & Co doing business ii the Coty of Tow do, Count and Mtate aforesaid, and thal sn d Sra will pas the sum of ONE BUNUMED DULLARS [oF ros and every conse of CATANNEH that cannot cured by the use HALLS Caran Cun Fura J, Unexey Bwaorn to before me and saomeribed | resente, Luis OLO day of 1), JB, A: WW. - Notary Public i fenl ili Hall's Catarh Curse is taken (uternnid add ris mein direct mithe b f and mnveous surisa i orlod of tue sy sie. for Lteatim ! ¥ 1 HYNEY & Uo Ee, ut mtn” ladness Comes ‘ X 7ith a better urd winding of the December ort Crerrs ( 3 phys (RLV ABON bien I { wear A y ‘ry Ti ¢1 Eold by Dru Malis Fanuly Lis Dest, d condi- anant Give what better th Are Or wonid § knowledge? th Hay t has ‘ Yi CRN You Satisfied Kuow, v pre { £1 Of onl 10 Pn Hn proving ve hund: mines of VG Fond 1a Publishin Every ho fake once andl wt facts collated 11 ¢ needed. 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(The low price oniy being mals possible Ly the immense edition printa D, Rot oniy dos: this Book contain so much Information Relative to Diseases, but very properiy gives a Complete Analyeis of ever pertaining to Conrtsliio, Marriage ani tho Production and Roaring of ey Families; together with Valoaide Dlecives ani Pre A nations of Botanioal Practices, Correct wee of Ordinary Herbs New Edit issl and Eularged with Complete Index. With this Book in the hones thers fs no exenss for not knowing what to do in an emergency. Don't writ uatil vou have illness In vour family bafore vom reder, bat sem {al ones for this valuable volumes, ONLY G0 CENTS POST-I"AID. Send postal notes or portage stamns of any denomination not jarger than 5 conte BOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE (34 Leonard Stroat, N.Y. City. ron Ee Or Gl os ; .