THE CEN RE REPORTER. FRED KURTZ, Editor. TERMS. —One year, $1.50, when paid in advance, Those in arrears subject to previous terms, $2.00 per yoar, ADVERTISEMENTS. ~20 cents per line for three insertions, and 6 cen. per line for each subse quent insertion. Giher rates made made known on application. CeExTRE HALL, PA., THURS. Feb. 28 ANNOUNCEMENT. Charges for candidates cards: ( one gress $15; Assembly $5; all others $5. Communications 5 cents per line first in- sertion, SHERIFF. n— MILLHEIM, Earnest Shreokengast Will Have His Log Amputated, Last Thursday and Friday were very cold and windy days; there were plen- ty of red noses to be seen on the sireet, | and the sid: walks in a slippery con- dition. Abe Baum, the livery man of Belle fonte was here on last Thursday. He | says its ———cold, | The sudden death, at Paddy moun- | tain tunnel last week of W, H. Culber- | son, a former citizen of this place, su- | perintendent of the John F. Duncan lumber job in Mifflin county, was quite a surprise to his many friends | here; he was a man who was well liked | by every one who knew him. The citizens ticket at the last elec- | | tion in this borough did not pan out | well. Do you know the cause? Let the echo answer. Word hus been received from the We are authorized to announce that Burdine Butler, of Howard township, will be a candidate for the office of Sheriff, sehject tn the decision of the Demoeratic County Couveuntion. We are anthorized to announce that Jacob L. Runkle, of B:liefonte, will be a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention, RECORDER. mm— We are authorized to anvounce that A. Alexander, of “enn township, will be a candi date for the office of Recorder, subject to the de- cision of the Democratic County Couvention. We are authorized to announce that Frank i Foreman, of Contre Hall borough, will ben cnn | | | | i { hospital in Philadelphia that Earnest, | North street, who was taken to the | | hospital some weeks ago for treatment | | for hip disease, that it was fou nd nee- | | essary to amputate one of his legs, and | ould be expected under the circum- tances, H. C. Brew, the Standard scale agent of Bellefonte, was here last Saturday C 8 GRAVEL CURED. Philadelphia, Penn. Item, A healthier, heartier, ha pier man than John J. Neill, of 2487 North Sth st. Phila., could not be found inaday’s search. The fact that he is still alive is a constant wonder to his friends, In the fall of 1889 he began to sufler indescribable miseries fron stone in the bladder. Consulting an eminent physi- clan in Philadelphia, he was told that a surgical operation was necessary. Bo yt ile. sticcessful it meant death, that he oft the evil day as long as possi DR. DAVID KENNEDY'S he bought a bottle of it, and within a beneficial re- bottle, the gravel was completely dis- Mr. Neill feels that he owes a lusting debt of gratitude to Dr. Kennedy's Fa- vorite Remedy and for disorders of the bladderand urinary organs, says ‘‘it will affect a cure if one be possible.” Favorite Remedy is prescribed with unfailing success for rheumatism, dys- pepsia and nerve troubles in which it has cured many that were considered beyond the aid of mediciue, All | number, viz. 198; Montour and Cam- { eron the lowest number, each 12; Phil- | adelphia has 61 stations and sub-sta- QUALITY... Coupled With The Is exactly what you expect from US. Is exactly what is promised by US. Is exactly what you receive from US. YOU WANT 70 SAVE MON HERE IS A CHANCE. Men's Suits, $5.00. quality. Only that others ask fo same goods $7.50 “0% | A UDITOR'S NOTICE — ESTATE OF MAR- tha Bsinnels, decossed The under sig. ed Auditor appointed by the Orphan's Conrt of Centre County 10 distribute the balance in the hands of D, £ Kiloe, Trustee of the side wf the suid decedent wii sttend bo the duties of his ap- pedptanent at bis offices in Bellefs te, on Foday, the 20th day of February, 1806, a1 10 0’ bwk, &, m., when sod where ail patties futerested can sliend if they sou proper, D. ¥. FORTREY, Auditor fel6-3 IX THE ORPHANS { OC wirt of Centre Cotinty, J the mailer ¢ | the estate of Jaco Mb se, late of Potber uwhe | ship, deceased The sndersigned an Andiror gp | pertinent ty nid court to dastritagte the fuuds in | the hnnds of Javon B aith, Admidet raion of vie. {ool enid ddoevedent, ns showy by his ae yt of} | and confirmed abaolutely to and { begaliy rut tod 1 recwiVe the sate 1 Whee piri sen fn butere 4 for the purpo- | ¥ tie wt bis office in Bellefonte riday, March 6th, 1906 at 10 o'clock fre | poots, whens and whe ¢ "hose “tl. | tend of forever afierwards be barred from cow Flug 1 ou sald fund | W.G.RUNKLE { Auditor i 1 i UBITOR'R KOTICE i { 14 mid s Ap of L poriig wiil { af h ¥ Pa 115 134 W ties sewing may x i “EXECUTORS XOTICE | by given thas { ben grant d Wo the | of wills of Cs OTICE 18 HERE- fesiginivilaly Jiny sd eigned by the reg'sler fire + os mle of x | ar der Kerr, late of 4 tow ship, der ! all persutis ind: bled to sald eta ie oT TeGUEsLd {po tn ke Immediate po Claims sguinel he san | authenticated the riers oily, On the Ais or woo} spd thewe hin wi feria present ner . bier pitta DAVID 1. K¥KR MILLIAM A KERR Eaecutors, Ceutre HL wil { feb l26L i { i ony We a A A A r -