REV. DR. TALMAGE, The Eminent Washington Divine's Sunday Sermon. Bubject: “Say No.” Text: “Let the relesmed ol the Lord say 80." Psalms evil, 2. this chapter, and in my text David calls for hide the splendid facts, but to recite them, world know about it, the Lord says.” There is a sinful reticence which has been almost canonized. The people are quite as outspoken as they ought to be on all subjects of polities and are fluent and voluble on the Venezuelan and bimetallism and tariffs high and and remodeled and fomele suffrage, and vou have to skilfully wateh vour chance if von want to put into the active ; a modest suggestion of your the subject of divine goo gious experience and eternal they are not only silent, but boastful of their reticence. Now, if you have bean redeemed athe Lord, why do vou n 0? If vou have in your heart the vear reat price, worth more than the Kohin : torian jewels, why ne you got off the wrael not tell of the that safely landed vou? Story you are rescued tion, why not teil ¢ der down which have a mansion why not show tha the same the same boulevard? of my text David calls have received any mercy God to stop impersonating the the dumb and inthe; { angels, devils and all wo In these January days, th isters and private Christi about the best wa of religion. revival, « wile r Wel har and t plow an will not rai orn betwe bat reji- own, on Iness, 10rs see {17 breakers, why the stout lifeboat m fourth + of conflagrs an and the It in awaiting vou, deed to those who may by nerald ores ne i vou? Castie on ro words get an oe By ti Process 3 \ ’ Las o ns for APRE 1 OF ON Arsen nen, nif I what the Bile h passeth all ing r tut re have {limits ut what Hgion., It w gratitude for pe Charles Wesley spondeney abo spoken pardon, 3 ah AS never love in Jesu irist and we near to ( ot # sr by Him. What a thrill w t azn ihe meeting in irtiand, Or. wi of the United 8 night I got upan people, I feel nc burden isrolied off and & that 1 could run or fly into the Christ,” What a record for ail time and eternity was made by Gellacius, the play actor, in the theatze at Heliopol 8, A bur.escue of Christianity was put upon the stage. In de. rigion of the ordinance of baptism a bath- tub filled with waler was put upon the stage, and another actor, in awful dipped Gellacius, pronouncing over him the words, “I baptize thee in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.” But eoming forth from the burlesque bap tism he looked changed and was changed, and he eried out, “I am a Christian. I will die as a Christiae.” Though he was dragged out and stoned to death, they could not drown the testimony made under such awful circumstances: ‘I am a Christian. I will die as a Chirstian.”’ “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.” What confirmation would come if all who bad answers to pravers would speak out; if all merchants in tight places because of hard times would tell how in response to sappli- eation they got the money to pay the nots; if ail farmers in time of drought would tell how in answer to prayer the rain came just in time to save the crop: if all parents who prayed for a wandering son to come homo» would tell how not long after they heard the boy's hand on the latch of the front door. Samuel Hick, aun English Methodist preacher, solicited ald for West India mis gions from a rich miser and failed, Then the minister dropped on his knees, and the miser said, **I will gives thee a guines i! sthou wilt give over.” But the minist ir con-~ tinued to pray. until tie miser said, “I will give thes two guineas jf thou wilt s over,’ Then the money was en to the missionary meeting, oF the” power of prayer! Melanehthof, nrerhy Riiatournied, was passing along & place where children were heard praying. Pe s wins of Jesus t And he came back, saving, "Brethren, take courage: the children ure praying for us" Nothing can stand before prayer. An infidel oame into a Bible class to ask puzziing ques- tions. Many of the neighbors cams in to i hear the discussion. The infidel arose and sald to the lender of the Bib'e class, "1 hear you allow questiins asked.” “Oh, ves," said the leader, “but at the start let us kneel! down and ask God to guide us," “On, no," said the infidel, | to discuss,” But," will, of course submit to our rule, nud that is always to begin with prayer.” The leader knelt in prayer, and then arose and said to the infidel, “Now you pray.” The infidel re. plied, “I cannot pray, 1 have no God to pray to Let me go! Let me go!" spectators, who expected fun, found noth. fog but overpowering solemnity, and a re- vival started, and among the first who were brought in was the infidel, That prayer did tit. In all our lives there have been times | when we feit that prayer was answered, Then lot us say so, There lingers on this side of the river that divides earth and heaven, ready at any time " sald the leader, century, Jeremiah Calvin Lunphier, | founder of the Fulton street prayer meeting, and {f he should put on his gpectacles ana read this I salute him us more qualified than any man since Bible times in demonstrating | what prayer can Dear Brother Lan phier! The higa heavens are full of fame, Having announced us meating for 12 k, Saptemba 1857, he sat in street, Now York, He waited for ootfall was heard and after awhile in all six per but the next the next day forty aud from that time for over thirtv-ei bath meeting asked do, om waiting for peovle taps, S008 arny excepted, thrilled lear ar n earch, 1 vi £4 system used disappoint . What an augme divine ye insider: sm to thing eise will - sesecution, Fr were compelled ake sides as Tarist ani His ene. nies, they would ini ide of Christ, and agots and the t wait | AY Dever come, fairness and | show their & ERY BO T from take my persons is chapter mentions several ob a Of who aught to be outspo ng them all those Wo 20 « urney. What an opposiunity a have, you wo spend so much oF vi time on rail traios or on shipboard, on ake or river or ses! Spread the glory ol God's goodness and your own redemption wheraver vou go You will have manv a long ride beside some one whom vou will never see again, some one who is waiting for ona word of resene or consolation, Make every rail train and steamer a movisg palace of saved souls. Casual eonversations bave harvested a great host for Gol. There are many Christian workers in pul- pits, in mission stations, Sabbath schools, in unheard of pinoes who are doing their best for God and without any recognition. ; 20 and come, and vo one cheers them, Per. ; haps all the reswvacd they get is barsh eritie- ism, or repilse, or their own fatigue, If you hava ever heard of any good they have done, let them know about it. if vou find some one benefited by their aime, or their pravers, or their cheering word, go and tell them. They may be almost ready to give up their mission. They may be gimost in despair be. cause of the seeming lack of results, word from you may be an ordication that will start them on the chis! work of their lifetime, A Christian woman said to her pastor: ‘My usefulness is done. 1 do pot ee ur whether esse I can do no good.” replied: “You do me great good every Sah. bath.” She asked i #0047" and he replied: “In the first place, You are always in your seat in the church, and that helps me, and in the secon vou are always wide awake and alert, look- | ing right up into my face, and that helps me, and io the third place I often see Sears run. ning down your cheeks, and that heips me.” | What a good thing he did not wait until ahe was dead before he =4id so! There are hundreds of ministers who have axpresses any appreciation, They are afraid of making him vain, The panediction is propounesd they turn on their heels and go out. Perhaps if was a subject on which he hal put especial pains, H- | sought for the right text, and then did his best to pur the old thought nto some new shave, Heo had praved that it might go to the hearts of the people, He had added to the argument the most vivid {Hlustrations ha | could think o*. He had delivered all with | wn power that left him nervously exhausted, | Five hundred osonle may have been blessed by it and resolved upon a higher life and nobler purposes, Yet atl he hears is the elank of the pew door, or the shufMing of faet in the aisle, or some remark about the weather, the last resort of inanity, Why did not that man come up and say frankly, | “You have done me gool?' Why did not some woman come up and say, I shall go home to take up the burden of life more cheerfully?” Why did not some professional man come up and say: “Thank vou, dominie, for that good advies? I will take it, God blogs vou.” Why did they not tell him so? I have known ministers, in the nervous reac. tion that comes to gome after the delivery of a sermon with no seeming result, to go home | and roll on the floor in agony. Rut to make up for this lack of outspoken religion there needs to be and will | grent day wien, amid the solemnities | grandeurs of a listening universe, God will Ygav go" rocked eradles and and brought and womanhoo mothers have over fufantile their families to manhood gioknesses anvthing, in highest realms x the first h » university and beoame ra Hant in mone. nal spheres, Now the secret fted maternal influence mnst Society did not sav the orld 4id not say t nl * Ans 3 { ali ot rdays, the last that amounted to srs became queens s affinnced in the sons social Hfe of pros- to wnors of v or profess] all that u ont, eh did not me 80 sav 80, the w ion sinned They never life i that § io the oid folks d raver. The vears of { ou until, at about the pressure of me I my eightean vears eternal rea ilies prayer and religious counsel I what I took to bs a joiased the h and ie hoax eipiul the # be { it than all collegiate i the Imnds put upon my head al Beilevisle, N. J., 1 and heaven that the ministry bas been de. until my al ¢ oO 3] rdinatio and 1 attest work Hosfrire a before fa to preach er, bat T aven that the comfor the , deep, glorious, sternal. Many been maligned and my work 1 but all such falsehood and reaecution have turned for my advan #2 and enlarged my work, and I attest be arth and heaven that God has fulfilled the promises, I am with you al- casted, Os if at 20 against you.” partments let me say you will come out patient, one more vigorous when my poor work is done, I shall my Kindred who have preceded me, CRAZY MORSI'S MEDICINE. His Brother's Life, Pawnee Bill, who has returned to Parry, Oklahoma, from the four bands of the Paw- word that tha Indians have into tepess dancing and making medicine, Crazy Horse claimed to have madea medi. cine that was bullet proof, but, when tried as an experiment on his brother in front of the netrated his heart and caused instant death, All of Crazy Horse's cattle and ponies wers taken from him as a penalty by the chiefs, and there is talk among the Federal officers of indieting him on the charge of murder, New Helmet for German Soldiers, Emperor William, assisted by the Minister ol War, Goneral von Schellendorf, and aided by a body of military experts, is considering Herman army, in view of the fast that the | metallic ornaments of the present helmet are visible at a great distance, hippiag-Post for Wife-Beaters, Grand Jury of Baltimore, Md., has reo ; endsd that the whipping post for wife. benters io the city jail be once more put in nee, ’ Longtellow's * Hiawatha." The Indian eple of “Hiawatha” took the world by surprise, writes Hezekinh Butterworth In an article “How Long fellow Wrote His Best- Known Poews” in Ladies’ Home Journsi. Its form and {ts matter were for a long time mys terles. How could a Cambridge liter ary recluse produce such an epie? Cer tain erities claimed that the idea, form and magie treatment of the poem Lad been borrowed from a Scandinavian sage, and the Implication greatly di turbed his publishers, and must have caused his sensitive spirit great pain It partly eclipsed for a time the new star in the literary horizon on which all eyes were fixed, The eriticism was dis armed; the wonder grew: a fixed star had appeared. But the mystery of the poem is simply solved. Longfellow desired to produce an eple that should be In sympathy with all that was most beautiful and noble In the vanishing Indian race. Abraham Le Fort, au On ondaga chieftain, had furnished Sehool craft, the historian, much Indian and many traditions, with cer tain Indian vocabularies, In which t musical and unmusienl sounds of many lore mystic words Indicated their hes traditions work of the poet easy to read Rehooleraft acknowledged his 3 x HOW meaning and vocabularies made the One only needs to whom the poet indebtedness, to see this monument to the Indian race thelr only great literary memorial, wis builded srr rs SCARLET FEVER SETTLED IN THE BACK. OPERATION WAS UNSUCCESS. FULLY PEAFVYOEMED, AN Was Finally Fighteen Resiored, After Years, Pyom the Ex About eightesn Dale, of £8 nerery ening News, Newa Yours ago, when Ww, An~ Druce stroet was a bright, girl, she was taken Bhe recove fron ariet fever, stent girl Nhe wa ur t left hor with irremgainrit They build up ti w of pale and an they effect 8 radical from mental worry, oans of whnlevsr nDyliee ald in boxes (never io Joose sits a Box or six boxes for $2.50, be had of all deageiste, or direct by Dir Medicines Company, suectady, N. XL. cec——————— obl Re Ji gore the g hesith 1 Ke nm Arising a | from Williams \ w NOVEL to try blige your friends, and let your mies go to A Good Dog is Viv tn Leeking After, Jf yon own a dez ani think anything of him you shnoald be able to tr Alm intelligently fn {il and understand Lim symtioms of Hin Ti ok writtes by H calist in canine diconser to i tel cinbe, will farnish thin information. ‘ti a ecolh bound. handsomel astrated book, and will te set postpaid by th Bosk Publish. ine House. 134 leonard St. XN, XY. City, ca receipt of 40 ote, in vote suficientiy 1n e dng doctor R. espe. nD y Scandal is thed read of fools and the con of the wise, the px te all now, Dobline’ Electric Late at breakfast means hurried for dinner. cross at tea, Li. Kilmer's Ew amp-HooT cures all Kidney and Bladder troubles Famphlet and Consultation free. Laboratory, Bloghamton, NM. ¥ Truth is everiasting, but our ideas of truth are not, FITS stopped free by Di. KLIXE's GrEAY NEnve Hestorgn. No fits after first day's use. Marvelous cures, Treatise and $200trial bot- Uefree, Da. KLivg 1 Arch 86, Phila. Pa, A man always writes right when he rights write, anni nisaliisinisminen Piso's Care for Consumption has no equa: as a Cough medicine, M. ApBoTr, 3% Eenecn 5. Buffalo, N. Y., May 0, 1s, A heavy purse ina fool's pocket is a heavy curse, Just How it Dees it is Mot the (Question, It is enough to know that Hinderoorns takes out corns, and ayreat ratief if is, ide. druggists, Dirty windows speak to the passer by. Fon IRRITABOY or rae Tonosr canssd by Cold or use of the vole, “Brown's Bromchio! Troches" are exceedingly beneficial, Good taste is the flower of good sense, © #f Have Tried Parker's Ginger Tonle and believe In 14." says a mother, and so will you when you know ite revitalizing properties, Whatever is pure is also simple, A A AA BAN AAR AA Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething softens the gums reduces eh tion. aliays pain.oures wind colic. 250, a bottle. hn ——— A new glove has a palm mirror. The Minister's Blunder, The New Yorkers are telling one an. other of a good joke on Rev. John Weg ley Brown, rector of Bt. Thomas' Church, previously rector of St. Paul's in this city. His part In the ceremonial of the Paget-Whitney wedding was 10 read the service, Eltner he had mark ed the wrong place In the prayer book or the singing disconcerted him; at any rate the wedding party was amazed to hear his rich, full volee utter the words: “I am the resurrection and the life” “Heavens and earth!” ejaculated Bish op Potter in a whisper behind him. The rector at once awoke to the fact that he was reading the burial service, and, after one breathless second, he proceed. ed with the proper ritual - cen — - A Matter of Distance, “Now, Max, what did school to-day?” “1-1-1 forget, papa.” “You forget. Why, look at Hopkins, He remembers everything he I was learns at school.” | be “Oh, well, he ain't got so far to go Hegende Blaetter i I. and am 40h EE —— Mr. BL. Johus, of Bela, Als, the habit of buying RBipans Tabules ® in wt White's Pharmacy at Bel ved at the recent purchase, Mr, Je When intervie time of 5 hinge said “Ever since I was in the army wiiers J contracted indigestion and dynpep- fin from eating "hard tack and sow belly,” 1 bave suffered much from A som N. Harter those and kindred ailments, of mine who clerks for J in a drug store at Winfield, Kansas, told me while home « vi you learn in get a box ol Ripaw 1, and yenr ugo, to Tabules and take them, I dic in a very short time I was benefited, Charley and by the time they ware hall gone well, and since then I have fell fter, ate more and relisl to fer than at PY any 1 ever « “It is always best remarked he man he had been you, 1 » 1 ' v al ye y he stun aKer | for a fellow This box is for a ne out by me in the « side,” rvhen heard of the advocating wave have them st never hesitate 10 rec Earliest indishes The editor earliest vs and Poas, nrge & zer s Beads are bre and I rodgu fine us Salzoe in Chickens RY islets BOOK spate w 10 proper st make it prof BooK I't B. eet, N.Y. Clty ror 8 ag Ene nu noe 5 ¢ etl Postins ! ob BMUl =i, 174 Leonard ot word's ‘ THE AFBRMOTOR CO. foes har the witid Pr | wind power 10 1 6G + i BRR N * and results when ien; it is pleasant ¢ taste, and acts Be comme An——— aa —— on the Kid eve, ' 412 ‘3 kind ever pro ue taste and ac pre opt in action a: nekcial 1m its jects, Lealthy and many axcelient re; ~~ 1 wy u ro ; nt wy! 3 ig cent gists, for sale in 50 y all leading drug- Any relichle druggist who bottles by AGENTS. yet bo 1 ore sale ¥ ranted 100 slivers rages, 00 sivics » ves 41 rivies Riding Sad. ~ jdies. Write for catalogue / FILRNARY iape & Harsess Wig Co Elkhart, ind, 1 CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP COG. Pr 3 AP SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, ’ alas Can LOUISVILLE, £71. SEW TORK 8.0. Unlucky in health? Here are emblem S good luck; rar Pe ~~ 8 if i X ith 3 7Y8 i hi $ and Dose. Females Hood, Weakness, Ne Neumigia e§ sod and only BLK [SgaL.] DROWN CHEMICAL OO. Banvimons, fil 10 Tons™ any ¢ bots Bote i JBrLe or 1ref Mb. pi ergo HURRAMN, FARMERS-BNOUT FOR JOY! . "he millensivm 1a coming for tos farmer, for with our pew creations in Whent 60 bn, 3, Uns (309 bu ), Barlep (1ifba jh Coreg 20 bu. , Rre (i bs bu), Fay (6 tone), and Green er SILVER MINE O we sey with euch tom be eve for the farmer! BILVER MIKE OATS-8200 IN Thi t yielded in Ponmaylvania rworn statement) 28 bu. from one toe sere, and busdreds of farmers Who teried same are 0 bu. be poseii de in 1806. i sure AR -! tN QOLD That a NER nO SAR TiS ba, 8 pone i 1860. Bo coe Ttis marvelous, wonderinl Ob, the millensivm is here! Ite mailed you with J gisin avd grass 85% ples, ine talogue alone For Lo. postage, Dhoumnd growers say, Catalogue tell ail about it, eluding Corn and Bariey, upon reccipt of Ife, postage, of Keep your eye on Pearline “ads.” Even if you use it already, you'll find hints here and there that will greatly help you. And there isn't a man, woman, or child but can be helped by Pearline. All these advertisements are meant for the good of Pearline, of course—to show you the best " + and easiest and cheapest way of washing and cleaning, and to lead you to use it. But if they do, they will have helped you far more than they will have helped Pearline. You have more at stake. All the money you could bring to Pearline, by using it, wouldn't be a drop in the bucket to the money you'd save by it. Peddlers and some unscrupulous with fell you * (his js as as" Send of ers And sie RAC SpY) < oe esis 18 goal 4 it Back Smelt Es Sabir Re PYLE, New York,