THE NEWS. Head Dingees and George Mahan shot to death, and Hiram Sweeney and Pha- roah Simons badly injured, in a fight with the Humphreys in Letcher county, Kentucky, ~Giovernor Altgeld, of Illinois, granted a pardon to ex-Representative John I. Gehr doing a five years’ time at Joliet Penitentiary for murder during a riot at Little's mine, in Tazewell county, 1894, when two killed and the mine burned, The holds Gehr innocent. The Company, organized in Brunswick, Ga, in 1887, and capitalized st flve million dollars, receiver by were men were governor Brunswick was placed in the hands of a United States Judge Speer, at Macon, on the application of the Knickerbocker Trust Com mortgage bonds, J. N. Talley, of Macon was named reeeiver.« John J, ex-auditor of Delaware county, O,, Marysville, rot Ramage, was sand- bagged by three men near bed, thrown on a railroad track, a train, and will lose an arm and leg. Hi may die, In Albuquerque, N. M., Collier appoiuted Charies W. Smith receiver of the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad, the ap- pointment to take effect February 1 [he the court especially stipulates employes of the within thirty the receiver responsibility Howard run over by order of that dismissad and that sume all old receivers, Duluth, owners of one o dry goods houses at hea an assigment. Win. passenger train No. 1 on division of the Chicago, no road shall be days thereafter, new shall 8 resting on the Haynie, ¢ and Milwaukee and St, Paul Railway was killed in a collision tween several derailed freight cars and th passenger truin at Franklin Station, cago. A bill Legislature to authorize the reorganization of the Norfolk and Western Railroad, now in the killed and a third fatally injured by an eleo- was introduced in the Virginia hands of receivers, Two men were tric ear breaking through a tre Akron, Bedford and Cleveland Else road. near Bedford, O. Governor halge of Massachusetts Matthews of In Stone, of Missouri, and Rich, of Mict highly commend Endeavorers in advancing of the } riotism and Christianity, ountry to son, resident partner New York broking Kendail & Whit is charged that « of the Philadelphi larities in his Mr . R. C, Jol Decatur, IIL, has that it has been the fifty-four h $66,000,000, at Phila secured by the of Portland, i Court, in Hele F. Burleigh, Northern Soares, a P New Bedford, Mass, , on the morning of Luke's Hos received, ihe bonds, Jury. A bill legislature to § ing and pool ing the exemption from the race track laws, has beeg examining the boo of Omaha reportad to the City the entire defaleation of ex srtugress, pital, as awaiting 4 $y Was i Hing fu Vir Henry Ballu amounts to more than £115,000 Evaline, the four-vear old Colonel J, C. Broadway, Ya. examined (he nine old monitors iving at the League Island Navy Yard, Philadelphia, and it is understood that all the boats can be put in first-class fighting trim and at a moderate bel, two miles county, Ohio, the westbound passenger accomoda- tion train No. 12 on the Baltimore and Ohio Bouthwestern Raliway collided witha freight train going east at forty made a complete engines, One man was killed and injured, — Jerry Wogan and Walter Quidiand, boys, iaughter of death at navy officers Wade, was burned to —A board of in & short cost, At weat of time Hoxa- O88 both seven wreck of of the Big Sandy River at Beaver Creek, W, Va The schooner Billow, laad, Me. to Richmond, Va, loaded Hime, was burned on Duck Island X. H Tracy W, Douglass, a defanlter, of Peru, Ind. , was arrested in ( p in Madison Street, £100,000, ———Padan Brothers facturers of lndies assigned to W, B, Habilities £150,000. The firm employed 750 hands, and had seventeen salesmen Local eraditors are protected by mortgages amount- fag to $60.000. A freight tesin on Louisville and Nashville road plunged through an open draw on the bridge spang: ing the Rigolets, Louisiana, The engineer and fireman escaped by jamplog and swim. ming to the lighthouse, Three white tramps were killed. A brakeman was also burt, Jarrett Lyuch, a wealthy farmer of Mor- gantown, W. Va, died on New Year's Day, left nearly his entire estate, valued at $75,000 to Baptist missionary and educational insti- tations. —— Albert Wolf, a wealty farmer of - West Dover, O., was found murdsred under a railroad trestle, ——J, FF Seott, ex-mayor of Akron, O., committed suicide by hanging himself in his bedroom. ——The British tank steamer Wild Flower, which sailed from Philadelphia for Rouen, France, on Deceme ber 11, with 1,173,626 gallons of erude oll, is believed to have been blown up or foundered at sea, and all hands lost, —— Michael Spiro was arrested in Chicago charged with blows ing with dynamite the houss of Michael Girard, in Hazleton, Pa. EAA VS Ob Explecion of sn Engine, An engine used on the Columbus, Bandus ky and Hocking Raliway, between Fulton ham and Mount Perry, Ohio, exploded. Dert Meade, the engineer, and Fireman Frank Herse were instantly killed, Ira Norris, the conductor of the freight which was belag assisted over the grade, was fatally injured, and Fred Creeis, a brakeman, cansot be found. bound from Roeck- with snandaigua, N. XY. ecansed a loss of & Co. shoes, of Portsmouth, O., Chicago, Grice, Assets #150 000 LETTER OF DENIAL Cleveland Made No Deal With Bankers. SCORES A NEWSPAPER Had Not Entered Into Negotiations Directly or Indirectly for the Disposition of the Eond Issue, The debate on the Elkins resolution in the Senate, when the administration was accused entered into by several Senators of having an agreement with a syndicate to the expected issue of bonds, {a the subject of a letter written by President Cleveland to Senator Caffrey, of L The Mr, Caflre t is in the handwriting of the President yulsiana, letter has just been made public by covers si wages of closely written paper. in full as fo *Ereeative Man 1806, My D« Congressic Washington, ALON, ar Senator I have asl Record the de ate ou Friday concerning the fpancial situs tion and bond issu “In IN RAIMA of attack the sertions of sensational news “No banker or human beiug. has beon invited to visit Wash- financier, nor any other § ington for the purpose of arranging manner for the disposition rid i prudent to pu to negotiate, tf “I expect an issue of bonds wii tise for sale tomorrow, and that Us RE ted not only for those pow allow: arent | law, but for such other and diff i Congress may authorize during the ey of the adv “Not having an ertis opp vou in person since the Congress began and noticing your participa tion in the debate of Friday, 1 thought it not amiss to put ¥¢ of the facts and information herein contained, Inst have 4 in possession Yours, very truly, ‘GroveER CLEVELAND, PHANTOM FORTUNE. who was found wandering in & of London in a demented mdition and was taken to St George's Workhonuwr, recovered sufficiently to be able te talk ionally on most subjects, It was only when eaking of bh English and Ger. man fortunca that she showed any claims to evidenra the of dementia, She said that hor share of £50,000, and that Heibles estate was in England. Mrs Ssibals is of age, her clothing there found about £15,000 in bills, The States embassy in London has been notified of her condition. Mra, Beibels is a cousin of the late Justice Lamer, of the United States Supreme Court, and she has in her possession letters of jo. troduction from Governor Stone and ex-Gov- ernor Lowry, both of Mississippi. Mr, Sasibels said that in 1867 a firm of law- vers, Bharp & Broadhead, of 8t Louis, in- formed her that she was heir to the Temple Estate in England and the Scibels estate at Elberfeld, Germany. On her mother's side she fs a direct descendant of the fam ous Temple family, of England, Binee 1867 she lins been trying to prove her claim, A few months ago she determined to go to England and from their go to Germany to placs the matter in the hands of lawyers in both conntries, For this purpose she sold property, consisting of B00 acres of timber land, near Brookhaven, Miss, for 85 100 and started, about 84 fears Bawad ia ls — oss IOs i Bir Mackenzie Bowell will retain the Ca that the sentiment of the country is against the seven seceding ministers, FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS, HOUBE. Twexty-vrirra Day, In the Spalding, of Michigan, offered a resolution providing for the annexation of the Hand- wich Islnnds, to be erected into a new Blate to be ealied the State of Hawail, Mr, Har. rinon, of Alabama, was relieved of service on election committee No. 2, and Mr, Paley, of fexns, inted in his stead, Twesry-Ni1xru Day In the House Mr Livingstone, of Georgia, presented a resolu tion, to which Mr, Bautelle objected, instruct ing the President to ascertain whether Great Britain is advancing her outposts In Venez- uela, and, if 0, to demand the immediate withdrawal of the troops, The re joes to the committee on foreign affairs, Twesty sevENT Day, ~The House it time to discussion of the proposed amendments of tue rules of the Fifty-Firsi Congress were provisionally adopt. i I'wo dise monupoly of the technical debate, precipitated by Mr, Walker, 8, chairman of th t Uwrrency, Olt on | £F) { [ committe i to the House at BE House, Mr, was app ation which ISRIONS res Heved th On wa Mus On tanking an i against the tee from the i { sachus tt p ihis mmit 3 privileged to any time, Mr. pol Mr, Hey wa, Inspired the second discus endment to dis Oo carry his aker sped minent Amer bring about the arbitration to i the two nation ¢ Harlan in 1898 Gireat Dritain PRONG 20 OUR OOAST DEFENT Ban Frascace dynamite guns, ursting HX highest explosives, two miles and dealing blow to the largest battleship that would im- mediately cause her compiete disappearance, have recently the War Department for the defense of the New York been completed by are mounted on Sandy Hook, now known as Fort Hancook, three at Fort Scott, guarding the Golden Gate, They were al] and ment contract, and have all fulfilled the stringent requirements, Thess wenpons are unqguestionaibly the most powerful means of defense known to modern selence for land fortifleation. They lack the terrific velocities and range of pow- der guns, but the blow dealt by one of their shells is almost incaloulable, Bome officers have contended that the flight of the projec tiles are so slow that they ean be watched and dodged by fast torpedo boats, but this is not believed to be true, and in fact it would not be necessary to hit a ship in order ib ser- jously harm Ler, but the shock experienced from the explosion of a shell some distance off would be sufficient to pot most of a ves sel's men out of action. While the government has accepted only dix of these guns other ars contemplated for other defenses, Two or three will bo placed to guard Washington city, with the assistance of steel guns, at old Fort Washington, Bew eral are provided in the plans for the protec tion of Baltimore and every other oity which must be defended by lund defenses, TAH NOW A STATE 1 — A ——————————— President Cleveland's Proclama- tion for Its Admission. STATUS OF THE MORONS. No Religious Bellef forad with, But Marriages Are to in the New Constitution, Is to be Polygamous or Plural be Forbldden The President has signed the proclamation The yvimitting Utah to statehood, procia- mation reads as follows: Jy the President of the United States of America A PR The ( which was CLAMATION, Wherens, ongress of the United States «d nu act, on the approved senth day of July, eigl 1 hundred and WORK AND WORKERS. New York apd ¥ afircad shops, in Buffalo, bas I'he strike at the Western Pennsylvania bosn declared off. a being n om promise agreed upon. The United Order of American Bricklayers nel and St bh ¥ 5 a Mme s decided n of Labor, manufacturers of Ala Missouri nemasons, whi nbership in Chicago of about 5,200 in the American Faderati [he Mississippi, lumber Arkansas and Birminchbam, Alabama, and reached agreement as to uniform prices, (auges, A despatch from Isnpeming, Mich., says that the principal producers of Lake Super ior bessemer ore have reached an agreement by which the plece of “standard Marquette and Gogebic bessemer will be advanced £1.10 over last year's figures, A despatch from Bt. Pierre, Bouth Dakota, been organized twenty new companies, with the purposes of developing the B.ack Hilis gold mining properties, ibe bituminous coal miners of Indiana decided to demand an advance in the mining 1. the date when the Pittsburg distriet price is to be advanced from 64 to 70 cents, The operators will refuse to grant the advance, Eight hundred members of the Stons-cut ters’ Union, employed in 26 stoneyards ia Chicago, went out on strike. Thy ciaim that the owners employ laborers on stone. cutting machines, working from 16 to hours a day. The Union demands that the machines be worked only eight hours a day and that Unlon «utters be employed to operate them, i II. The American commission, under the vice regal guard, on its way to Chung-King, China, has passed through Bachow, heralded by trumpeters, The effect upon the people was most salutary. . | ——_ * Senator Kaufbach, of Nova Scolla dropped dend in ope of the Senate corridors at Ot tawa, PENNSYLVANIA ITEMS, ! | Unowas of News Gleaned Prom Various Parts of i i the Btate 1 | | After being Idle for three weeks the North | Lebanon shoe factory hus resumed opera tions St. Mark's Church Is making great preparations for its quarto Pynngelieal Lutheran celebration iu the early spring. shipped wntennind The Bethlehem Iron Company bas tower plate United wer and a conning tons to the 1 conning t« | weighing thirty-nine | States Navy Yard at Brooklyn, | The large fiy | wood James, nt Ell while wheel in the factory of Hill, Mr. the Kharon burst | running at high James and ve of hls arrrowly escaped injury. The Wayne ( pes }. workmen were in building and county Agricultural Boeciety following ofMeers for 1886: (i, Mount, W. A. Gaylord, has elected the A. Moose, of Pieasunt president Pr, rie] vice-presid mn, Seely - A publi buliding Martin's Cree nt the held at Dethlehem Dodson presi feud protesting againsl the nities was app ment of the 1 t to be held nt Na A fire whick 1 at Pleasant Hil | thony Fedorvich and George origin of the The family « fsbure, | phyxiated by cond ga and all narrowly es- Mr. Waller was and 6 oviorx, {| eaped death by suffocation. | the first to arise, bhelween but fell to the floor. F | iowe consciousness until he wiunately he did not almrmed a All ise had a physician. were restored to consciousnoss and will cover, Patrick Kenny war run down by a Dela {| ware and Hudson passenger train at the Routh Steel Mil, Scranton, and almost in- stantly killed, Kenny was employed as a fireman at the mill, and left the boiler room to go to the 04 shanty, which is sitoaled a short distance outside the mill yard gate, The railroad raus between the gate and the shanty, Mr. Kenny had just stepped upon the south-bound track, which is nearest the gate, when the passenger train leaviag the city at 9.15, stack him and hurled him nearly twonty fret. The train was lopped and he was ploked up stili conscious. He lived aout fifteen minutes, neighbor, who went for rs —II—— bi A work-train on the Aky in, Bedford and Cleveland Inter-urban Ral way Company's road fell through 4 bridge 0. Tinkers creek, near Bedford, Oblo, William Youns was killed and two other tralnmen, Lyman Hay- maker and Charles Gleb, were fatally in- jared, A POPULAR LOAN Mr. Carlisle Invites Subserip- tions for $100,000 000. PUBLIC SALE AUTHORIZED. Offered In Fifty Dollar Lots To Everybody Who Chooses to Sub scribe Received and Proposals Cnly at tha Treasury Sub-Treasuries. Carlisle has just issued the fol th Hieres is hereby ricoefved + Treasury, wath fore its wean y @iRD ay ste Was, or, in a ruinous i ani an a RAR inner i with tov in the ay, ronning There wore ft mas Pseauty cool streams and liges Wa aiong its broad, regular stro, buildings, palace, oy- an large The chie” manufactures were copper wares and worsted socks, In i881, Khoi visited by a series of violent earth- guakes, The population numberad 30.000, inciuding many Armenians, who occupied » separate part of the city. LAUGELD HIMSELF TO DEATH. a few good including the ra ar a tai 3 SEVER: Mosgues, brick bazar and a fine earavanseral Bejptember, Was about A Pusny Actor aod Bia Jokes Were Too Much for Nicholas Kinghardt “Here's one that kill you,” said a comedian at the Olympic Theatre, Chicago. Then be told a fanny story. Nicholas Kinghardt, of South Bend, Ind, laughed so heartily that be ruptured a blood vessel and died ia a few minutes, big shoes and a white coat with balloon sleeves, Kioghardt began to laugh ax soon a8 the funny man opened his mouth and he wae unable to restrain himself, Blood trick fed from hiz mouth, snd a friend lod him out of the theatre, He bled all the way to taken into a store a Thers Dr. Reynolds was calied. but the Kinghardt was soon dead. vo i i