REV. DR. TALMAGE. The Eminent Washington Sunday Sermon. Divine's Subject! “The Philippian Jailer.” Texr: “Sirs. what must I -=Aots xvi. 30, lo to be save Incarcerated in a Philip a place cold unl dark somo and hideous, toreh of the official are nltve vel, are ian penitentiary, nn unillumined save by the who comes to see if t! ay two ministers of Christ, of shoulders dripping from the stroke leathern thones, their mouths hot with Rammation of thirst, their heads faint causes they may not lie down. In a ecom- fortable room that amid pleasant surroundings is a pald officer of the Government: whose business {t is supervise the prison. It is night, still in the corridors of the dungeon save as some murderer struggles with a horrid dream, or a ruffian turns over in his chains, or thera is the cough of a dying consumptive amid the Samphe ese, but suddenly, erash! the walls he two Ergymen pass free, The iail igh familiar with the darkness rrors hovering around the startled beyond all bounds, and flu hand he rusne througo, amid the falling walls, shouting 2 the top of Fiat must ba saved?" : atin! now bee LE samen to 20 out dng wang Win Are 2 (question with m ness, and I accost you in this soul with a message from he those in this audiences who skillful in argument those hers who eat of svience or in this andience id willingly bow as the but I yield to no « blage in a desire to have al by the power of an on I'e OF less er WwW mi than I 1 dive i have larger are th wi superior, of i shall prox tion of ths eh m Silas, vou v this pris tarbing th famoas dq tov . 33 sueh : Ti he w equivalent to * esty and t Agitated IRCLICH God let ask how Ch SAME per the de 3 Cain marrie earthquaze. wel Was was » not to tudes of gives n What wou while d and heat a con! eel f£00 the ont turns on do?" Of Christian he for the s salvati that point is reached the most impor fuestion wn *What is to ba 1 pro Sspesty | forth i ing?" Ly hat BOR we shuffle the responsibility « it We prophesy a ina terrifle xpe wire (0 th delaniter, ful cata s 1 1 #0 busy § 1 i Prope Ourselves 1 busy wat peopis it to weeds ant is rok TV Y Ee In Waat a a others riage, and digate Wa wa We WAYS, bor's hous to be uninter th is it pani for? Yo enrthguak Philippian your # wil ¥, fling all the Ao Cathedrals and Rave stood fo ie Hike a ohil the sox Inntie and Pace the Andes clap their become of me? What then will b you? Idonot wonders ciety of man of my text, for he ily anxions wbout the falling of the ison, but fog of n world, Agnivp, | remark, I characteszathis qu tion of the agituied (afl Reepar as one of in- comparable {mporianes, ares alike, and [ suppose be had quest his mind, but all questi hushed up, torzoiten, ore question of ths text: fo be saved?’ And have you any question ol importanee comparsd with that question? Is it a question of business’ Your common sense tells you that you will goon conse worldly baginess, You know vary well that you will soon pass cut of thas part- nership. You know that, beyond a certain point, of all the aillions of dollars’ worth of goods soid you will not handle a yard of cloth, or &° pound of sugar, or a peany's worth. After that, if » conflagiation should all’ Washington nto ashes, it would not touch sou, and would not damage vou. If every cashier should ab- geond and every bank suspend payment and svery insurances company fail, it would nof you. Ob, how insigoificant is busi- ness this gide the grave with business on the other side the prave! Have you made any purchases for eternity? Have you any seou- rities that will last forever? Are you job for time when you might bs wholesal- ing for eternity? Is theres any question so broad at the base, so altitudinous, so over- shadowing as the question, ** What must Ido to be saved?’ Or, is it a domestie question, iE Someth about ‘father or mother or fe or son or daughter that is | move important question? You know by and inexorable law that reiation | soon be broken up, Father will be zones, will be gone, P nilaren will be gone, 1 will be gone, but after that the question “the text wili begin to baryest its chief give w will sah ) 8 Alps and then wi The Of this Bie Men yres of fiflated must I do my brother, gains or deplore its worst losses or roll up its mightiest magnitude or sweep its vaster elreles, Oh, what a question, what an important question! Is there any question that coms pares with it in importance? What is it now to Napoleon IIL, wjether he triumphed or surrendered at Sedhin, whether ho died at the Tuileries or Chisslhurst, whether he wi amperor or exile? Because he was lald out ! in the coMn in the dress of a fleld marshal, did that give him asuy better chauce for the , future than if he had beso Isid outina | plain shroud? What difference will it soon | make to you or to me whether in this world we walked or rode, whether we wors bowed | to or maltreated, whether we werns applaud- ed or hissed at, welcomed in or kicked out? | While laying hold of every moment of the { future and burning in every splendor or | every grief and overarching or undergirding i alltime and all eternity will be the plain, startling, infinite, stupendous question of the text, "What must 1 do to bas saved?” Again, 1 einrnoterize this question of the AE tate ed jail keeper as one crashed out by his misfortunes, pressed out by his misfor- Lunes, The falliag of the penitentiary, his occupation was Basides that the | flight of a prisoner was orlinarily the death of the iailer. He was held responsible, all had gone well, if the prison walls had not been shaken of t earth nake, {f the pris- s nad all staved quistiy in the sweks, it the morning sunlight ad calmly droppad on he jailor's vou think he wonld 1rle question from his 118 anostole prisoners? ’ pone, oner plow, qo { this red hot i ear of now as roused him grea’ is 4 up. And it many ps is not nave V aril as ay ni not well as one HIRE 8011 WRS Drospo t with y t there § 14 th . Bul that tarr ging to fime iv : 1 me ya is? Ww nat veraans t of host iis list tims time time? ia n & my i preaching: thi sigl @ DeRring. After my friend your iast in Phila iy died. his shure i Bible aad I cit with much interest i written in read prnail, this morping that the o me, margin, Talmage said Hse (aa Ding any sinner should periah, | ber saving it. but ic Mr. mow 1 414 not remem- is true, and [say it nssieas thing in all God s universe is that any sinner should perish, Have vou not he our woes! Have you not heard heart and all the es of hell upon Him, He cried, “Father, iva them, they know not what they do’ By His fe eet buisterad of the mountain way, by His back whipped until the skin eame off, by His death couch of four spikes, two for ihe hands and two for the feet; i by His repul- wher, in which for the first time for three years the eruel world let Him alone, und ov the heavens from which He now pends ineompassion, offer ing pardon and pence and life eternal to all your souls, 1 eg of you put down your all at His feet, how tha* ar oT I saw one banging on a tree in agony and blood, Who fixed His innguid ayef on me As near Eis cross I stood, Oh, never till my latest breath Will I forget that look, It seemed to charge me with Hisdeath, Though not a word He spoke, In the troubled times of Seatiand Sir John Cochrane was condemned to death by the King, The death warrant was on the way. Bir fis daughter Grizel at the prison door. He said: “Farewell, my darling child! I must | din.” mis daughter said, “Ni No, father, you shall not die.” “Bar” he said, + King is against me, and the law is after me, and the death warrant is on its way, and Y must die; do not deceive voursel!, my dear child." The daughter sald, ‘Father, you shall not die,” as she laft the prison gate, At night, on the moors of Beotland, a disguised waviarer stood walting for the horseman carrving the mallbags containing the death warrant. The disguised wayviarer, as the horse eame hy, clutched the bridle and shonted to the rider—4o the man who car- ried the mailbags, “*Dismount!” his nrms and was about to shoot, but the waviarer jerked him from hws saddle, and he fell flat, The waylarer picked up the mail- bags, put them on his shoulder und vanished in the darkness, and fonrteen days were thus galned for the prisoner's life, during whica the father confessor was pleading for the pardon of 8irJohn Cochrane, The second time the death warrant is on {ts way, The disguised wavfarer comaa | along and asks for a little bread and a little | wine, starts on anross the moors, and they fsay. "Poor man, to have to go out on sush a stormy night, It is dark and you will lose vourself on the moors “Ob, no.” he says, “I will not.” Hae trudged on and stoppsd amid the brambles and waited for the horae- man to eoms cnrryimy the rusilbags contain- inz the death warrant of Sir Jon Cochrane, The mail carrier spurred on his staed, for he was fearful becausa of what had occurred on the former journey, spurred on his steed, when suddeniv through the storm and through the darkness there was a flash of fire-nrms and the horse bscame unmanage- and as the mail carrier discharged pistol in response the ho flung and the disgoised warfarer put his foot f overthrown rider and “Burrender now!" The mail earrier mnderad arms, and the disguised arer put upon his shonlders the leaped upon the h sped away darkoess, gaining fourteen days forthe ner, Sir Joh sh rane, and befo [0 4 pired pardon had con The | door f the prison sw ug open * John ne was free, One nid his friends, thes , the disguised wayiarer a ‘Admit him nh! nbie, | his him, on the braagst « ran ths his mnil- bags, ree and into the more Rl noms or pri re the four n from th day and he aisgu CONVICTED CUACE. An That Stavnion Interesting Case Has Meen Irial at TAADZ Totaizso Impor.sand Exports forthe Las Five Years, nate re re FEATS are few TR E830 0 ap ' We DIR 634. B rts, #3 3 ¥2.004: wx poris, $2 tN iva Sootia, New y. British Colom _#179.184. pre exports, $237 dland Imbhrador exports, $7.491 4438, British Imports, #67.556,590; exports, British Guians--{moorts, $21 « exports; #9913068], British In- East lod Imports, #119: 104 324: exports, R1%.41.214, Hong Kong — Imports, 13.873.6888. axports, £92,342 235 British Australasia — Im- $30,635,988; exports, 249.471.9244 tmp: yris, #3, 732.5 575; exports, #1948084. AlU other British, inciuding Aden, Falkland Islands and Malta — Imports, $9,919 583; exports, £2,504 080. s, 99 184 oof 8 Fad 630 875. 055.769, Bruns. ia, ste, L160. 758, LMPOrts, y an: £2.105.62 West In ¥42.230,435 21,262; die ani fieg 1 ime pons, A RECORD YEAR FOR PIC IRON. That of Great Britain, The production of pig iron in 1805 has verified tho predictions made early in the year that if the nage would be exceeded, The total output, nozording to official figures compiled by the American Manufacturer shows a production ol § 387,680 tons, exceeding 18%, the largest previous year, which had a tonnage of 9 In 1892 the output was 9, 157 000 tons. The tonnage of 18M is exceeded by 780,251 tons, Unless Great Britain shall greatly exceed any years production the tonnage of the v nied States will far outstrip the British, “rent Pritain’s heaviest year wan 1982, woen 8,549,680 tons was turned out, and in 1504 ner produstion was 8 only 7,864,745 tons, Prospecting for Oil In Kentucky, Preparations are making for extensive p ng for eil in ten counties of Kentucky next spring. The indications of the existence of valuable ofl fields in that region sre said to be very promising. ® NOTES AND COMMENTS. The tion there, Nation! Convene. the another, of for the benefit coming of a to a city in O00,000 or Hea Wily sa.000,000 x2 of One or local merchants old tie The story, bicycle face has become and in some ris horseless-carrviage face noted, If thing expect to hear of a an of Europe has just heen this ZOCK OI We may special “face” fol almost every trade and oceupation Farmers all over the South are busy hog killing and competition the riadsed the pig. A farmer of Scottville geome record pounds there In strong of sent now, having Heky the for honor higgoest to with a hog weighing SX 61 have #0 far and HOR; measuring oO jee tail, : 1 in height lors 00 to almost 8 from two feet ross the wel nc SHO ghing from ¢ atl all uncominon th are not elder duck recentl of found Ain the coast up it its FLA kK WOrds WIN Normand Wis to whi probably cOrdil 1802 she oii the nine hee inide stitching, I es vil Ww ar — a onunment. gquares are pictures of places aml pers sous of local note, such ag the pastors of the churches, the postmasters of the villages, the assessors, the contractors, builders and merchants, the names of the various manufacturing firms, with the officers, pictures of various historic buildings and names of secret spud ie which of bive hered, that went to the ing soldiers’ 1 the together picture of the in the ton, other list of societies represented in town in 1882 A great International Exposition of Industries and Fine Arts, authorized by the Federal Government of Mexico, by concession dated January 9, 1805, will be open in the City of Mexico next September and will remain open for a period of six months, Thizx will be Mexico's first attempt at holding a world's fair. The exposition is to in clude all kinds of industiial. scientific, cosnercial and artistic productions, and to embrace, In fact, the whole range of human activity. The expos! tion grounds are situated at the foot of the historic Castle of Chepultepee, on the grand Avenue de la Reforma, with in ten minutes ride from the center of the City of Mexico, and comprise an area of about 600 acres. The expos) tion will comprise a national aad an in. wrpational department to which latter all the nations of the globe may con. tribmte, milk had There weuldn't have been any in a coconnut if dalrymen had the construction of it, BOHe Dr, Kilmer's Swamp-RooT cures all Kidney and Biadder troubles Pamphlet and Consttitation free. Laboratory, Binghamton, MN. Y to may the | to It takes all th present in MAYO In fat a man earn such a shape that jw future, keop i LCT vay * hoy han ol There whick Which wi e food fe A Teed Dag is Worth 1» After If jorregwn ma doc and think anvihiug of wim you shonid bw a to trent hive futell when 11 and uowerstsud nim suf detect srmitome of lines, The book written by H. Clay Glove cliniing in onkine dive es 10 the 1 pel elnbe, will furnish ¢ intorsoeat!ion a eoth bound, handomely lisesi and will he sent postpaid by th ing Howe, Wi Looward Si recoipt of #0 ets, in Toten The woking i. is und won t ut | v his debts man who can § 1 do uld steal if he « being locked up, i ould witho FITE stopped frees by Nerve Hem Omen, Mo Marveicu: eure Lielres, | } Dr. KrLixg' fitentter Nrst eulive aid ch # GREAT | It in rt RIMAT SCOUB Emllz Som. aw (Yi 01 NAAR ILY Ji Fvery Mot he a bottle of god IRE if afMicted son's K with sore eyes awe Dr. Isaac 7 e-water, | Bini 81 he 1 itt etoile hgh thither M Fair! HIGHEST AWARD. PERIAL ISR, ANUM ISPur¢ and unsweetened : and can be retained by the weakest stomach. safe, casily digested FOOD for DYSPEPTICS! PDRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE! & Sons. New York Ee § By ¥ a a WR AA A hin Carle pA Mag hg RGB EW ys LER, Cat tr XM 3% A KR » a § pe wer in Yanks a Factory: ENSIONL Yen s Wash.iagwon, 0, ” Successfully Prose: utes Claims iste Priv JT Treated free, Posliieals ¢THED with Vegetable Be sending, Have sry hou Pe went sand nr harp ews. Fram first 3 Se SYROIhs tag 7 Ry = £1 Yawpoth iy J ail symm ’ hate TE it AD DATS. ABATE 7 FURRISHED FREE £7 ¥ mail IPR, seeclallsta, Atlanta, Ga. OPIUR d WHISKY babite #. Bonk sent § PREZ Be. EB. B® wooLLEY ATLANTA, A, “PARKER'S | HAIR BALSAM seriplion 18 OX 8 Sn ¥ @ vertieed w of NG nat rene] pe 15 8% 90 as FIRE ABRRS (0, Wines Cored in 10 ured. Chey Morphine Habit Th dats. Nov pany CAR ¢ TEPMENE Lrbanon | OPIUM; OF Po nesses on. i : Lk 4 GURL Wr ® A Pest « ough Byrup. Trees 8 Good. Use Regd bow oi or by mall " y The i pane News YOP& A POINTER: BROWNS IRON BITTERS. 3 Use GUARANTEE Porchase Money refanded should Browne's Iron Biliers talien ge direciod ffl to henskt any parton suffering with Dyspepsin, Malaria, Chills and Fever, Kidney and Liver Troubles, THlious- Female fafirmitien, Impure Blood, Weakness, Nervous Troubles, Chronic Headache of More than 4,000,000 Potties sold—and only $2.00 sskedd for and refunded. BROW © HEMIC AL Co. Ray TIMORR, Mo. J Reurgie, “Absolutely Pure- Delicious-Nutritious- The Breakfast Cocoa MADE BY “8 WALTER BAKER & CO. DORCHESTER, MASS. COSTS LESS THAN ONE CENT A CUR: NO CHEMICALS, ALWAYS ASK YOUR GROCER FOR &(0s. Cocoa MADE AT ESTER THEIR TRADE MARK u ON EVERY CAN. ‘AVOID IMITATIONS.