THE CENTRE REPORTER. FRED KURTZ, TERMS. One year, 81.50, when paid in advance, Those in arrears subject to previous terms, $2.00 per year. Editor, ENTS, 20 cents per line for three cen per line for each subse Giher rates made made known ADVERTISEN insertions, and 5 quent insertion. on application, CENTRE HALL, PA., THURS. Jan, 9 ANNOUNCEMENT. BHERIFF, 'o are anthorized to announce that Jacob L. fonte, will be a candidate for e of Sherif, subject to the decision of County Convention le. of Balle the offic ha Demoot THE is ended and a squaring of accounts shows a de- ficit. The exposition receipts will not meet the expenses, but the deficit is Atlanta exposition small. teins Tue fellows who are just now offer- ing their to fight England will be found traveling for their health should war be declared, which is not likely. services SR THANKS to a number of our exchanges complimentary notices of the REPORTER upon its entering its 69 year. May you all live far beyond The received merous large for friendly notes individuals, are appre- Thanks — hat age from nu private many from prominent ones, wd highly prized. New Year to all. ciated a Happ: ee th mtr MATTERS look bright for the Cuban patriots. The insurgents are pressing close upon Havana, and within a short time city will doubtless fall into the hands of the I'he ledges that the Spanish and Cut a the victorious insur- tacitly cause Spanish general independence is of time. + has been brutal, and the » United States will rejoice an matter Spain's rule is ended. yt rer, as announced M1ro HITE, will be compelled to from the » square up accounts for the I'he Bird Book Legislature decord— indicated early £5. 000.000 06 hi, remarks the than is fairly easure of shortage, since | saddled yet become op- | | { extravagance : not eless and high salaried f others, are draining the “the | i ! ymomie Zoology, | ing up farmers’ Bo pot r, the leading Colora- | do champi was igno- | miniousiy «d in his unmanly at- | tack upon the integrity and capacity | 3 Friday last. 1, in his eloquent reply, re- | tary ( brilliant | asked whether such | called inevinpetet: fact that, after | red to the fa service, Secre- f bad money, y ‘3 on a rlisle’ 8 publie poor as when and was a proof How would oo the Colorado miners stand such a test? nator Hill's defense of | all the more gener- | ous is the consideration that he and | no favors from the | Treasury Department. But he hoped | that he never could be so petty as to fail in his support of an honest public | servant against calumnious insinua- | tions. Correspondence from Wash- | i i! NOW as Congress ; he | her that rity. Wal integ lou attorney of bonanza What made tary Carlisle his friends enjoy ington relates that the scene was truly dramatic in its impressiveness. —— I — AC Ow ARDLY CONG RESS. las | The Congress refused to author- | ize the issue of bonds payable in gold, | and that the refusal cost the people of | the country, in a single loan the Presi- dent was compelled to make, over $16,- interests that could have | been saved by saying honestly how | the bonds would be paid. The present Congress now confronts the same ques- tior.. Itisas cowardly as the Con- gress which went out of power over- whelmingly condemned by the peo- ple, and this cowardice is less excusa. ble from the fact that no one in either Senate or House, whether Republican, Demoerat or Populist, dreams of any national bonds being paid with any other money than gold if demanded by the holder, It is evident that the President can- not depend upon Congress to preserve the eredit of the nation. . Politics rules | and statesmanship is subordinated to | the ambition of individuals, or to the interests of party. Fortunately the President not only knows his duty, but nas the courage to perform it, and when he shall next issue a loan to re- store the gold reserve, he shall make it sufficient to give absolute assurance to th: «world that the question of main taining ovr national credit cannot be in dispute of any civilization. With cowardice ruling in both parties in Congress, it is most fortunate for the country that there is a President arm- ed with ample power to maintaln pub- lic and private credit, and sufficiently courageous to exercise it.—Philadel- 000.000 in THE WEATHER, and Snow Fall, Registered at the Reporter office for week ending Thursday Jan. 9, 8 a, m, Lowest 12 12 2 0 1 t 13 13 night Temperature, Highest Jan, 1 24 “9 11 : 31 4 9 b 11 6 18 7 2h 8 08 Half inch of snow, T fifth thus far. Total rainfall in December, ches ;: 4 snows 3.50 inches, Rainfall from April '95 to December: April 1.10, May 1.5-8, June 5.1-8, Ju- ly 4.08, August 4.8-10, September 2.1-10, October 1.2-10, November 2.33, Decem- ber 3.64 add water of in De- cember O4, inches uesday 3.64 in- § snows Ten of snow will average 1 inch of water, a —— Marriage Licenses. The following marriage licenses have been granted the past week: James A. Sankey, of Potters and M, Gertrude C. of College. Mills, Osman, State Francis Poorman, of Curtin town- twp. Herman 8S. MacMinn, of Du and Cora H. Fisher, of Unionville. N. N. Hartswick and Fl Thomas of State College. Charles M. Whippo and Wrye, Loveville. Milton I. Wise, of Zion, R. Robb, of Nittany. W. M. Sweeney, of Centre Maggie E. FF of Pott David itoss and Blanche of Port Matilda. Dc fan esmste— izabeth of 0 and Hill, Mills. B. aust, ers i. liams, Scarcity of Houses, Hall populat on For the Cent have a next year re in There large increase over any other year. will not be one vacant dwelling house, enough to supply demand. eral new dwellings were erected i the last year, but still we need more. industries are starting up and emplo} ment will be A healthier outlook for town never had. given a number of prosperity 1 a Flits South. —- Mr. Was ont ring decid 1 Thorp, who was fa ti i ¢ the ast year, nas or Ww old V 3 and will ange his location iret i 4 1 NE OS IT his luck with ti He his residence near Howlin r Green, g Bliss Meyer, son of Mr, « H. (ire n will flit overland, take 1 pilot the flitt We Thorp will leave our ing. are sof county, 1 SUCCESS, ¥ “i For Making Handles. Part of the ed by Mr. used by a party large new building Colyer at the stat from Howard fi This the 80 handy to the factory in freight rates will be had Putting V. W. Boob, heels, pu achinery the manufacturer in a new machine { along. He is spreading out in his | and is not through yet. The fine new dwelling house . W. Luse, south of the station, be sold at private sale, best in town, It is one of the and will be sold cheap. lf fp Great Storm From night of 30 ult. to 4 fierce storm raged in this county witl icy-cold temperature, and playing hol with farm fences, - - elit At Sheriff Sale Prices All goods formerly in the Philadel phia Branch store, to men and boys of all clot hing ages | be sold. Now for real bargains. THE OLDEST AND THE BEST Cough-cure, the most prompt and effective remedy for diseases of the throat and lungs, is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. As an emergency medi. cine, for the cure of Croup, Sore Throat, Lung Fever and Whooping Cough, AYER’S Cherry Pectoral cannot be equaled. 3 E. M. BRAWLEY, D. D., Dis. Sec. of the American Bap. tist Publishing Society, Petersburg, Va., endorses it, as a cure for violent colds, bronehitis, ete. Dr. Brawley also adds: Toall ministers suffering from threat troubles, 1 recommend AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Awarded Medal at World's Fair, AYER'S PILLS Cure Liver and Stomach Troubles phia Times. AARONSBURG, ed in Marriage. Miss Anna Stam- Leitzell, of Bnyder county | The marriage of bach to Mr, on Christmas day, ing calathumpian serenade, J. EK. Lenker and Co., March, James 1... Ettinger has taken agency for the sale of baking powder nice and gives one of three very | miuvms with each half pound sold. He that very nicely through is also agent for a radiator the with the heat second room above that escapes the stove-pipe John H, Dutwiler | breeder in Vermont a very fine Minorka have the reputation of being the bought from a trio ol Rose Comb Jack fowls, They champion layers and a dandy fowl. Frank red with George Jordan the pauper who is M. Homan, night, fell wted quarts and who runs around every on New Year and shoulder. 's eve disloe his Persons from our town attending the Joalsburg this week Weaver and Miss Min- Messrs, Allison convention at Miss Sal M. ronmiller, I Thos. 13 He ini stimuer ng sof using al «ff in holding Br LINDEN HALL Interesting Items Gathered by Our Core respondent Martha 18 Catia tendency Lo Wm. Bartholomew, Clothiog at Sacrifice Prices, i DOVE i supply of men’s and hing at sacrifice on account prices, the chance old Philadelphia like it for lellefonte, like at at Never bargains in or out of saie, sheriffs { Branch. a inst., al 1 | th : ss A —— ©. A:R. COMMANDER -1 Jas. S. Dean, Gen. Grant Post, Rondout, N. Y. CURED OF DYSPEPSIA Commander Dean writes: “As Chief U Mail Agentofthe U. & D. R. R., good health is indispensible. 1 found myself however all run down with Dyspepsia. 1 doctored and doctored, { but I grew worse. 1 suffered misery | night and day for fully two years. My { case was pronounced incurable. | i chanced to meet Dr. Kennedy about that time, and told him of my condi- | tion and he said, try a bottle of DR. DAVID KENNEDY'S FAVORITE REMEDY take it morning, noon and night, and { it will cure you. 1 took the medicine { as directed, but had no confidence in a { eure, as my case had been tried by so i many. After using it a week 1 began to feel better, and in a short while af- ter that I was entirely cured. That | terrible distress, everything 1 ate, breaking up sour in my throat had all | gone and I have notthad a moment's i discomfort since. Today thiere isn’t a | healthier man and my appetite is { grand.” 1e old Lewins stand. = GRAIN MARKET, COREECTED WEEKLY BY B.D. BRISBIN, 0 45 45 0 5 BOERS Re SEER A SHER SEER R aa RSE h ER SES RRS espana Pres es ER . ata bet beans te] Buckwheat ou tt ret thet tea de ta] PRODUCE AT STORES, Butter... Fags... LAI... coos conmsmmissomminies Shoulders .... Ham .. Tallow POIRLDER ovis cormmmsnsssremnst shnemmm sh ssrmsssssssmns El te tart att LE nd 20 Se Te arse suisse sesiees RY SL A VF TERRIERS SO SO Fro CPO SRA EES YS 6 5 12 4 = 8 BIAOR cc snivs issssnivs issn vb ss SR ALITY... Coupled With The Is exactly what you expect from US. Is exactly what is promised by US. Is exactly what you receive from US. ANT T0 SAVE MONE HERE iS A CHANCE. BN 0 0 abou ask Only that ot the rs ods quality. same $7.50 Cr * / $5.00. St in $7.50. Suits will am cheat are Men's Suits, FAUBLES Men's Outfitters, can be secured with Y on will B lankets, that will turn cold. . . where i outlay Cloth need Heavy Underwear, Houvs Mittens, ( ] Yon want ing, loves, Hung good goods and vou * ry y . ’ 3 ¢ s+ 1] want it cheap, too. We have evervthing vou will want. We sell it at figures that our competitors dare not think of. We propose to get rid of our amense stock, and have MARKED DOWN PRICES ON ALL GOODS ! the intend Do swim. The goods must go, and prices we selling them at will make them go with a rush. the Our fine line of Dress Goods will be sold at a saeri- fice. want is the room, and will have it regardless of cost. jast. you need anything? If you do, get in We want you to have the benefit, what we Come while they . P. LONG, Spring Mills State 3 sollage, BEFORE SUBSCRIBING FOR A MAGAZINE, | SEE THE BEST, | DEMOREST’S | AN UNPARALLELED OFFER. | DEMOREST'S CUT PAPER PATTERNS an | the most practical on the market. They are of | any siz wy member of 4 household could v of the Magazine is print ¢ peiber, oF PUTrChHas sald for four cents each Ww the value seriber ae that ji gularty 50.) of iM hen MAGAZINE FREE it will “ww man Fach copy 3 in colors of { § Arist, wor alls af the mos! refined home. DEMOREST'A is the only Maguzine published combining its oonutempo s features of is dozen Mags mnt than ¢ This ily a 3 what isin) Prac tice DEMOREST PUBLISHING CO. ~R7 J Brace , inte ister [TON . «Whereas President Judge the Mh ad the of the i 3d precept bearing date me directed for 1 Terminer and gen Sessions of the t of CUenire, y of Jan, the and to continne two wee ks 0 the Coroner. Justices of an a 4 Constables of said coun ey be then and there in the aolock in the forenoon of ir records, wisl tions exami Je own embrantes, to do wh to thelr office appertaing ose who are bound in recogni ) prosecute Bai net Lhe prisooers that are be in the jail of Centre county, be then there to prosecute against them as shall be wo ¢ Given under my hand, at Bellefonte, the 20th | day of Dec, in the year of our Lord, 1885, and | the one hundredth and eighteeth year of the lo- | dependence of the United States.” | JOHN P. CONDO Sherift A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. —LETTERS of Administration upon the sstate of George W. Vonada, late of Gregg towuship, de cessed, having been lawfelly granted so the un- dersigued, she would respectfully request all persons knowing themselves indebted to the es tate to make immediate payment and those hav: ing claims agains the sine to present them du- Iy suthentionted for seitiement EDITH 8. VONADA, Administratriz Farmers Mile MINIS TRATOR'S NOTICE.~ LETTERS of Administration on the estate of W. C, { Duck, late of Penn township, deceased, having been lawfully granted to lhe undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indested to sald es te and those having claims agsiost it. are hereby notified to present the same properly au- thentioated for settlement H. E DUCK, Miliheim, Adminisiret wr. dechHat § LD novis6L EARNERS _- TC AL FIRE INSURANCE Company of entre County, Pa The an- sual meeting of the members and the Sevtian of twelve directs to manage the sffalss of the Company for the ensuing year will be held at the house of D. L. , 8% Centre Hail on Monday, January 18th, 1806, between the hours ofits mand 2p. ®. of mia day. Members are generally requested to ¥ RED K KbR1Z, President. D. ¥. LUSE, Secralary. CAUTION. ~HAVING PURCHASED AY ¢ Jus mie ae Stow i eh now in A Norses, 1 heifer, Eo Dh ] implements, 1 horse wagon,