THE NEWS. The Solicitors’ Loan and Trust Company, an The outside operations of J, R. of Philadelphia, has male nssignment. Ritter, who has charge of the company's real estate de partment, caused the trouble, row, of San Francisco, Judge Mor decided Chinaman bora in this country is an Ameri can citizen, The fireworks explosion St. Louis, resulted in the death of —(hinrles Atkinson of Bridgeton, N. J., who had been convicted has that a in six men, Two others are missing, of criminally assaulting his stepdaughter, prison. The sworn falsely, from confessed that she had William Barnes, of West Chester, Pa., was fatally shot by John B. MeClure, a The tragedy was due to the faithlessness of MoClure's in County (0.) Children's Home caused £25,000, At Trenton, N. hundred girls employed in 8. K. Wilson's woolen mill of boy at Milledgeville, Ky., shot two little girls, and himself, fatally. Will Muller, wanted in Philadelphia for alle embezzlement from the cordage firm of T. C. Hammell & Co., where he had been known as William H has been released girl tailor, wile, Fire the Frank J., one struck on account wage troubles, A then all im wroned Bod was arrested in Doston ton since December 1. At Grafton, O, th Italian brothers were awakened Uy mn held one of the oth masked men, two of whe brothers while the third stabbed brother to d« Justice Jarvis a masked man in , Who attacks y White failed recen The liabilities ¢ pany, which are Woodley, who was hapged £550 000, assets murders at Pittsbu H. son, were sentenced to {mp Edwin and Edwin dered to pay flnes for fraud. Five « to the penitentiar Pennsyly ani mittee began affairs of Worcester ‘Omac shooting W sentence Wie Penn pany and killed, thirty-tw ing. Six | lumbus, Ohio. There was a collision Road at Seward, Neb, 3 death of P. i firen dealers in drie and doi pounce t payo was pl Jeflors negro empl tle, in and eigh ful explosi ville, Pa, and Willia The Peters Ro Bt. Louis, ereditor 000, and stock on ing acc Champion, v for Port been given uj we A train on the a WAgon near three no other two i Haywoo for the : mated at Chicaga Tam ps During the past week gol of $14,000,000 was Mint to New to Euivpa,- road ( azainst ing that i £14,300 for | tal of trach The sheri sont fr pany of the Chic Pace, of W E, Tay) tare, in : Martin murdered Ju oper in a ; YOE DOnr Oa fgquarre: Over oa} land City, Ind. Riley Kimball, a banker lead body of Gleen ff Deadwood, 8, D., who disappeared some time ago, was near Reno, Albert A. eatate dealer of New York, was arrested suspicion of having murdered Mrs, Runnett, whose body was found in the hall. ‘The flour Company, near East St Loss, $35,000, {found Nellis, a Neb, real on Jane way of his house, Millstadt Milling Louis, was burned, tine smelters of the eountry, except four, will unite under one management. John Stubblebine, an old engineer of Easton, Pa., sommitted suicide. Three eleven-vear-oid ooys were arrested at Bridgeport, Conn, for sttempting to wreek a train. Near Pitts- Surg a cable parted and an end eiriking a lee} and, killed him. Bafe-blowers enter ¢d the postoffice st Highland Park, Chieago, wrecked the safe and escaped with money snd postage stamps amounting to between $1,060 and 81,9500, Itis believed dynamite wis used, and the work appears to be that of professionals. Chicago's hoor war hss oeen settled, The priee of beer has been ad “vanced to #5 a barrel. Some 2.000 saloons in Chicago will closs In consequence. -—The H. W. Ladd Company, #e of the largest dry goods houses in Pro se, BR 1, made an assignment to James M, Beott, I WE 1 i A. Premier Whiteway of New Foundland, will visit England after his return from Cane ada, and it is supposed he goes there in far- therance of the federation movement, 2 Large Number Injured. BIG EXPLOSIONS TOUR OTHERS MISSING { Fire Broke Out Among Peanuts and Fireworks-0One Man Res: ued Allve Willa He Was Be- ing Slowly Roasted Three porsons were killed, tw { jured, four more 4 ‘ RTS Missi 1X an i received injuries 1 ri result of a series o o’¢loek in the after: ing at 300 Bes { Joining struotures and of panes of glass {ot Third, I Mo Fire br co E55 ABOUT NOTED PEOPLE, the ved by formance of 4710, the new cardinals, lately apostolic puncio to Brazil, § and was Ho was ed. Genoa vaated at the Jesuit's College in came a member of the Carmelite Order, and eat post attainable, Mounteney Jephson, whose name was a Heutenant of Mr. Stanley's in the expedition for the discovery of Emin appointed one of the Quoen’s somewhat prosaic position, but one in time of political disturbance sad not without opportunities for an adventur- ous man, Captain J. W. Wilson, who was a member of Dr. Kane's Arctic expedition in 1854, in an address In New York the other day abused Dr, Kane, with whom he was at daggers’ points sll the time, and sald he was not what the world thought him. “Had Dr. Kane lived six months longer,” continued Captain Wilson, “he would have occupied a far dif- feront and a much leas enviable position in the minds of the public than he occupies to- day. I have in my safe today documents which, if published, wosnd send a peal of thunder from one end of this country to the other. I look upon the record of Dr, Kase as a lo, uments into print, and it is possible that 1 Pasha, has been MOSACHRLOrS «a which, war, is may yet do so. But if 1 do it will only bs in ! self-defense, Surely the living have some rights as well as the dead.” FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS, HOUBE. I'he House consideration of the bond bill, ausad the united opposition of the ws and Populists, the gold Democrats rayed against it beeause they claim NINETEENTH Day, ontered pon which Demo wing a fue gold bonds with which he desired to re plenish the reserve, and the silver Democrats on the ground of thelr general opposition to bond {ssus int Republican ranks, also there developed much bitter opposition the bil’ a draw Twestirry Day, The Bond bill by a vote of 16: sharged the task for which it ha sitting dur the holiday recess, an agreement the Hous wtild adjourn three davs at a time ’ to give members an New Year's Day at their homes, Ing he of t} debate wero was pra until the vote was taken, The i ption act ’ to original} Houss pa th to 136, 0 bean f. foctod ) by which in order opportunity 1o The cl lacking excite 1 spirit, and there tically no ment bill, as passed, ar y Ra 1 permit A pleasure the Government, an avabisin Liteen years, with tho i ic r 150 1 nothing i }