THE CENTRE REPORTER. FRED. KURTZ, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. TERMS, —One year, $1.50, when paid in advance. Those in arrears subject to previous terms, $2.00 per year. a ADVERTISEMENTS. 20 cents per line for three insertions, and 5 cen per line for each subse quent insertion. Giher rates made made known on application. CENTRE Harn, PA., THURS. Dee 12. SENATOR CAMERON has dismissed the question as to his return the United States senate at the expiration of his term two years hence by an un- equivoeal declaration that he will not be a candidate. In a letter to Senator MeCarrell, the Senator says he has not been, is not now and will not be a can- didate for re-election. This announce- ment on the part of Senator Cameron to At a conference at his home after his re-election in 1885 Mr. Cameron said to a party of friends who had contributed largely to his success in that exciting serve in the United States senate long as his distinguished father, Gen. Simon Cameron.—Harrisburg Patriol. —— — PRESIDENT CLEVELAND, the Philadelphia Record, has put into notes i the attempt to maintain a reserve fund of gold under existing conditions: in gold United The government has paid snore than nine-tenths of States notes and still owes its 11 them all, It has paid in gold about one-half of its notes for silver without extinguishing by given purchases such pay- ment one dollar of these notes, The duty of the Record adds, is plain; and it is greatly to be the Republican members will listen to rea- CONEress, hoped that a sufficient number of son to permit legislation along the line indicated by the president. - > — SoME ambitious fellows who want the earth have the delusion that a news- paper should be edited and printed en- tirely to laud them and set forth their yr nothing claims to office free, gratis, {« spending a whole campaign, yea a olums telling they whole year, writing « men are, An just the public what great and not even say ‘‘thank you.” editor’s time and labor is money, the same as the lawyer's, the doctor's, the merchant's, the artizan’s and the common laborers, and those would-be the : great ones who like to shine before th public, while someone else pays for the paper, ink, writing and tting, are the smallest in a pateh of tatoes with souls infinitely smaller. Ly pe-s¢ dwarf po- Ea THE statesmen yearing for Came- - ron's seat in the U. B. senate can now breathe easier—the great and mighty senator from Pennsylvania, in a letter written the other day, announces that under no circumstances i Don be : into Cameron's Wanamakers, Has- Dalzel Magees, and a score of other Republican candidate for re-election. the way there will now foot-ball game to the Smiths, step shoes among tingses, is, lights who are ambitious to glimmer in the sen- ate. The next senator will be a Quay man—even if it must be Dick Quay - oo. Tue Republicans finding themselves ill not attempt to enact any legislation to in power in congress, say they Ww improve the condition of the country. That means that along so prosperously under the Cleve. land administration that they are at their wits’ end how to do better. Of course then, the calamity howl was a fraud. Tom Reed in taking the speaker's chair said he had no policy to an- nounce, and he was for moving slow- ly to see what the future would devel- disturbing what is well things have moved ope, before enough. Well, the Democrats do not any better endorsement and the sum of it all is, the Republicans carried last fall's election on a purely false alarm need A App CURRENCY AND FINANCE, There are probably very few men in Congress who are not satisfied in their own minds that if they should be giv- en a free hand in regulating the finan- ces of the country they could bring or- der out of confusion, says the Patriot, If it could be possible to select the few who fully appreciate the difficulties to | be surmounted they should be the per- ! sops to be intrusted with the task of | formulating proper legislation. But | the fools rush in, and they will not be | dissuaded. Already three or four wild propositions have been laid before the two Houses which will never get fur- | ther than a reference to the Finance committees, There should be a saving remnant of responsible and conservative men in Congress who, taking note of the seri- ousness of our financial condition, should be able to agree upon some practical and practicable means of re- lief. The President has pointed the way, and, we are persuaded, the right way; but the situation admits of a va- riety of remedies which would give present relief, even though they should not reach to permanent cure. Delay is dangerous; but not so dangerous as gulf between promise and pay day. The treasury has played long enough the game of resumption that does not resume. The country is sick of it. ssf go THE WEATHER Temperature and Hain and Snow Fall, Registered at the Reporter office for week ending Thursday 12, 8 a. m, Temperature Minimum Dec. 5, 17 deg. “oq 13 deg. 19 deg. 26 deg. 14 deg. 15 deg. 16 deg. Maximum 0 24 26 + i 31 24 29 Sunday night there was alight snow full, second this fall, Wednesday night, 8rd snow, 1.05 in. No rain this week. The fall, Sunday and Wednesday nights, was snow equal to .02 in, rain, ~~ » — Maj. Fisher Quite 111, We regret to learn that Maj. J. P, { Fisher, Hall's and business man, is seriously ill of Penn leading citizen | soft gangrene of the foot, which set in | his leg. Hope he may survive it. csmmsis— ro —— When most needed it is not | al for family | away from home, your physician to Such was the Y. Schenck, Ter., ex- | perience of Mr. J. | of the Caddo, Ind. his little girl, two Banner, of A severe doctor, Yeurs age was | threatened with attack 0. I He that I go for erou says: wife insisted but our I Chamberlain's the HE family physician was out of town § il purchased a bottl ie Cough Remedy, which relieved her without bot- pring R. 1 immediately I will not be future.” 25 and 50 cent by Wm. Swartz, Tusseyy Centre Hall. it in the i Pealer, = ille, tles for sale Mills, 8S. M. Bartholome ASutterer Cured o + Ww » AYER'S oa ? SArLan 1 irsapariiia, i § perfect " pial i i. W jucklien's Arnica Salve, The beat salve in the world for Cuts, druises, { Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup- tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guarauteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refund- ed. Price 25 cents per " For sale by J. D. Murray Druggist. Furniture and Embalming Always have on hand a full Caskets and Embalming a Special- Prompt attention to calls. Charges Reasonable. JOHN SMITH & BRO., SPRING MILLS, PA. WANTED SALESMEN Xo wast one or oh county to take orders for a choice line of Nursery Stock or Seed Potatoes. Stock and ssed guaranteed We can give you steady employ- ment with good pay. It will cost you nothiug to give it a trial. Sinte when writing which you prefer to sell. Ad ‘ress THE HAWKS NURSERY €0.. Rew hoster Y AUTION .-~HAVING FURCHASED AT public sale the followiog persoual proper ty now in the possession of Philip Auman: 4 horses, 1 heifer, 1 sow, 5 ho 8, 2 »hoats, ail farm fmplements, 1 spring wagon, 2-horse wagon, 4 horse wagon, sled, rakes forks, chalns, and ali personal property of P. A. Auman, and all live stock that may be placed in hs ears beronfler, Sores, leers, box line of Coffins, Rol eS, ty N. } i i THE MILD WEATHER HAS MADE THE WINTER SEASON BACKWARD A ISHS THE MANUFACTURER HAS FELT THIS MORE THAN THE RETAILER. I — Owing ¥o the backwardness of the season we have been able to secure of two of the largest Overcoat Makers of New York City a large lot of Men's, Boys’ and Children’s Overcoats for much less than their value. We give our customers the benefit of this purchase by selling these goods at mach less than their value. We will convert this immense stock into money again. 85.00 Men's Overcoat for 2.5 $6.00 Men's Overcoat J. for 83.75. s10.00 Men's Overcoat for 5.00. 12.00 Men’s ()vercoats to those worth the Overcoat for 2.00 letter up ) as cheap as prices mentioned { i $20.00 proportionately proj y above. Boy id (vercoats rom OSCLS, upwards to the hnest All Wool Beaver Cloth Coats, ¥ r. the best Wool Chevio We have the best wearin fitting A rici Suits for Men that ean be found The Very Low Price : AIL W its for Be | Wool Sm $4.75 a Suit. £2 i aii 4 tter quanta Men + i Worsted at Prices That Defy Competition! All Wool Pants for Men, at - - » Extra Heavy All Woo B from 98¢ ‘ Boys’ Knee Pant ....SHOES, SHOES, SHOES AND We can fit vou in OR & ip to ti 8 i Lro0d ot ¥ R].; ve Nuit 3 wl tron BOOTS..... can fit vou in SHoes, POOLE THE GREAT NUMBER OF Ladies’ Coats and Cap Wi ' RITCAGY & iience that they are well R350 £4.50 . for 86.00 from DES, Finest All Wool Beave ats from R2.95 up to th Cloth Coats, i1t8 And colors, - ! 3 8 Boucle at £15.00 and Children’s Coats from Velvet Caps to 1 $ . 5, weil Infants up to the nest, with beauninul 2 " Sik and —ONLY A FEW MORE DRESS PATTERNS LEFT ! 90¢. a vard. 34¢ In the 42 in. wide, Wool Novelty Dress Goods, at All Wool 1 1-2 vd. wide Camels Hair Dress Serges, at Jotter Serges for a little more money. Heavy All Wool 1-12 yd. wide Cloth for dresses, all shades, 5H0e, wr vard. Fine Dress Goods, Mohairs, Silk and Wool Henriettas, Cloths, fancy silk and wool plaids from 34c up to 81.25 a yd. SPECIAL BARGAINS THIS SEASON IN GUM SHOES. Ladies’ Gum Shoes, Men's Gum Shoes, 54 cents. in business EX ERE 285 ve never been able to sell Blankets You want to know why? Because lankets in such large quantities, Red Boucle - J 5 cents. We have been TEARS ’ but ha we never before bought B You get them at 75c. a pair less than the regular price. with the same in any mauner, deel4t AARON AUMAN. IMINISTRATOR'S I ln of Admninisration upon the estate of George W. Vouada, late of Gregg township, de wonld resoectfully request all persous knowing themselves indebted to the es tate to make immediate payment and those hav frg claims against the same to present them da EDITH 8, VONADA, Administratriz dech-64 EXECUTORS NOTICE, «LETTERS TESTA. mentary on the estate of Jonas Condo, to the estate to make immediate payment and sent them daly C, nov76t A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE «LETTERS of Administration on the estate of W, C, Dueck, late of Penn township, deceased, havin been lawfully granted to the undersigned, a pemons knowing themselves indented 1 on 3 and Ethane daving Siima sealnst iL, are ereb resent the same pr au or J properiy ayth nticated for settlement, E EMERICK, Exe mor, Centre Hall, would be any further widening of the | t HE DUCK, Milibeim, novISGt us : in pair up to the finest All Wool Blankets. OUR CORSET STOCK. Has never been go complete. Corsets and Corset Waists for children, Corsets to fit stont ladies, Corsets to fit tall, slender ladies, and Nurs. ing Corsets. Corsets for 25, 35, 49, 65, T4, 90c., 81.00, $, None Better Fitting Than Our Celebrated C. P. Sonnet and Thompson Glove Fitting Corset. Convince yourself that our prices are the lowest and our stock the largest and newest to select from in the county. LYON & CO, QUALITY... Coupled With The Lowest Price Possible Is exactly what you expect from US. Is exactly what is promised by US. Is exactly what you receive from us. YOU WANT 10 SAVE MONEY. HERE iS A CHANCE. “a Nite % say nothin Men's Suits, auality. Only that o $5.00. Same goods #750 about the 1€TS ask for - i : 17 y y All Men's Suits, a en flcrent $7.50. styl ol on ger i chedp in other Strict] d ) . The very perfection of Dress Suits Men's Suits, or C: It will $10.00. > Nte nN . : ee Boy S di the proportionately as Overcoats wd Children's Suits, everything in Clothing and Furnishing Goods line cheap. See us and you will be sure to buy, and you will be sure to save FAUBLES. Men's Outfitters. money. Bellefonte. PENNS VALLEY BARGAIN STORE = Bankrupt Stock — OF — FINE MEDIUM & WINTER WEIGHT CLOTHING — BOUCHT AT — SHERIFF'S SALE! “NBN Terrific Slaughter of Prices ! Clothing at Less Than Cost! All regular custom made goods, and manufactured expressly for the city retail trade. The stock consists of Medinm, Heavy and All Wool Storm Overcoats, Handsome Full Dress Suits, Nobby Coats, Pants and Vests, all of the latest FALL AND WINTER STYLES! Below we mention afew items to give you an idea how the prices range throughout the entire stock. These goods are positively worth while examining the money we are asking for them. Of course it was a Bankrupt Sale, and opportunities to buy stylish, regular custom made clothing for little or nothing, cannot be offered every day. We advise you to call in and examine now, and select such as you need, as tomorrow you may be too late. Men's Rtorm Overcoats from $5 to 88.55 Boys’ Heavy tveroonts om $1.50 to $3.50, Dress Suite, Cutaways, §7 50 worth $12. Dress Suits Sack, $5 to $10, We have just received a splendid line of choice Holiday Goods, suitable for Christmas and New Year's presents. A fine assortment of Neckwear, Silk Handkerchiefs, Mufilers, Books and Novelties of all descriptions just pened, Algo a large line of toys, candies and fruits of the season, and Doll Babies for the little people. Come— For useful things and things for sport, C. P. LONG, State College. v . Men's Heavy Overcoats from 84 10 Men's Modinm Overconts from $1.75 Pants, $1.50 to $2.55. © to w