The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, October 31, 1895, Image 6

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Charles H. Neville, freight conductor, and
Slkney B. Lane, a brakeman, fought a duel
in a narrow haliway leading into the offices of
the train despatcher’s office o! the Southern
Pacifle in Houston, Tex. Lane was almost
instantly killed, and Meville was mortally
wounded, —— Judge Cox, of the Police Court
in a test case in Indianapolis, held the
Nicholson liquor law unconstitutional, The
section in question was the forbidding
persons other than the saloonkeeper aud his
family to enter the saloon in prohibited hours,
~— By the explosion of combusiivle material
in the candy manufaciuring establishment of
Charles Holman, in Nashua, N. H,, the Hol.
man block, a large brick structure on Main
s'reet, was entirely destroyed by fire, The
loss is $40,000, but it is fully covered by in-
surance, The hundred
hands, —— Hess C. Van Bokkelen, ex telier of
the Merchants’ Loan and Trust Compuny of
Chicago, who was brought back from Mexico
charged with stealing §40,000 of the com
pany’s funds, pleaded guiity, and w s given
an indeterminate 8 ntence, — Local freight
train, southbound from Columbia, the
Fiorida Central and Penlasula Railroads was
wrecked four miles from Savannah Some
ono sot fire to a tresile over a ravipe The
trestle supports were burned away, and four-
teen cars went
Camp, of
securing of a home for ex-Confederate veter-
ans living in that state
In the South Carolina constitutional
vention Senator Tillman urged the adopton
of the New England
system, ——— The polices of
firm employs one
down,——The Stonewal
Charleston, W, Va., proposed the
towhship government
Chicago are look«
attempted to kil Matthew J. Stellen, the
Chiilian consul at Chiea 70, ——0nae hundred
delegates were in attendane) at the conven-
tioa of the National Delta Upsilon Soeclety at
Greencastle, aged
eighteen years accidentally shot and Killed
Ind, —Orson English,
himsell while on a gunning trip near Laurel,
Del.——A special train of
locomotive beat the record [.r
speed by runniog from Chicago to Dufl:
510.1 miles, in 48
average spead 163 6)
a wreck on the Pennsylvania Rallroad,
Newport, Pa., the fireman and engineer
miles an hoar,
killed and a number of mall clerks hurt. —
Walter D killed Joseph
Miller because the insulted Dou-
bins’ mother, - caused $100,000 loss
in McKinney, Tex. ——Mrs, Delia T.
from Bordentown, N.
— The eslebration ol
bbins shot and
latter had
has gone to New York
J., to live, — the seven-
tieth acniversary of Prolesor Francs A
March i
Ea ton, Pa.- "ou ‘n
missing by
was held at Lalayette Co
the schooner Liz-
the captain of
gio Griffin, who arrived at Gloucester, Ma s,,
from Grand Banks, They are Isaac Little,
Ed«ard, Martin Hansen and Carl
Johnson, ’ Carrigan were {
Nova Hansen and Johnson being
men were lost while hauling
Acdrew Jaci
Major Campbell {
diesborough, Ky.
men io all, Last
wioter he Kili«
miner at
and aflecied
shooting the officer who Lad
Jackson made |
ee THE 8€ CORC n
National Association of Manu
Agricu tural Implements was heid at
annua: conve
Palmer House in Chicago ihere was
attendance of nearly two hundred of
leading manufactu line fron
paris of thae
of Akron, annual addres
was an appeal for American
foreign trade, ——The o
ern, in East
county, Pa., together
rers in that
iotry. ( pel A. IL. Conger,
read bis which
id Seven Slars
Vioeent township,
The Seven Stars Tavera was on
the oldest landmarks it
built long belors the Revol
with stables,
3 the country,
ution, and it
O'Farrell and a large paity from Virginia
celebrated Virginia Day at the
position, ——Andy Jack, outlaw,
mortally wounded by Jas, Hale, another
outlaw, near Whitesburg, Ky, ——The stock-
holders of the Southern Rallway, at a meet.
ing held in Richmond, elected directors, —
Fourteen business blocks in
destroyed by fire, Loss $70,000,
Samuel Davison, a prominent West Vir-
ginian and ex-member of the Hiale Senate,
committed suicide at the homa of a friend,
near Berkeley BSprin 8s, W, Va.——Charles
Carey of Baltimore, wase avicted in Bridge.
ton, N. J., of abducting and marryiag a four-
teen-year-old girl when Le had a wife living
in Baltimore, and sentenced {o four years in
jail John C. Jenkins, of Meshopen, Brad-
ford county, Pa., was ics'antly killed by a
team he was driving running sway,—The
town hall, two hotels, the postoffice and a
number of store buildings In Falronild, Wie,
were burned; total loss, $75 000, — Patrick
Connolly, his wife and two children drank
whiskey at their home In Marlboro, Mass,
and the baby died from the effects, The
Reading Coal and Iron Company announced
an advance in the tidewater price of coal 25
to 40 cents per ton, — Dipther.a and typhoid
fever are epidemic in Chicago, ——A deputy
United States marshal arrested io Lancaster
William de Homidian, alias Phrame, aged
nineteen years, of Columbia, on a charge of
fraudulently using the mails, The State
Bank, at Dulath, Mion, of which Charles 8,
Stukey, who fled last week with $15,000, was
the cashier, made an assignment to U, David-
son, who owns a majority of the stock, «—
The People's and Drovers’ Bank, at Wash-
fagton Courthous+, Ohio, closed its doors
All depositors are protected. ——A train on
the Pan Handle Haliroad struck a wagon
and killed the four men in it, near Bteuben-
ville, Ohio.
Atlan‘ a Ex-
an was
Put to Death for the Hwasang Massacre
Without Trouble.
The assailant of Miss Hartford and
a dozen others couvieted of taking part in
the Hwasang massacre were put to death at
Kueheng, China,
The execution was witnessed by the For
sign Consular Commission, the Chinese Pre.
foct, the District Magistrate and a great
crowd, There was no disturbances.
to the Exposition.
South Upon Her Prosperity and
Says It
President Compliments the
Is Founded on Bene-
flcent Political Institutions,
over this particu nr pe rtion of the Southiand
than that which dawned ¢
ternationa! Ex
at the Cotton States and 1
position. The thousands of visitors
ihe throngs on tus stree’'s to immense pro
fostions and locomotion soon be
matter, In accordance wth the
¢ lald plans of the Exposition man
{seg of the day were
conc iin the Exposition grounds,
oa of the city emg
into whieh
proportion of ti
tied themselves during the morniog.
The Presideatial party
juietly at the Ara 031, where they remained
until 11 o'clock, when they were driven 1
grounds, without
Iusida th
iy to the Expo
parade whatever,
tary was al1eady
the review the President de
n address He was introduced by
the Exposition (
te President sald in
for v
Or my
tehal! and
President: Ou my own
o- aborers in (he executive
who have
wr government
bapk you
yf Soulhern enter
thern re-
the pri
we are also here to claim
le o! your achievement,
{ our countrymen, wherever fou
ly appropriate the glory arising
An 8
oh on? ©
ag hands with tl
For five
3! the great
rate « f
ered. until he was shaking
one hundred three per
the number per minute gradually
bands with the
I: fifteen minutes
yf one every second,
the President's Ince was covered pers.
pitation, and be was evidently tiring. For
thirty-three minutes Liz continued » shake
hands with the throug and to speak a pieas-
ant word to many
He finally said that he
he line was clo ed. The
party were driven to the stan i, and all were
wheres a cold
iansheon was served to the company cf 300
people. Alter luncheon, the President began
a tour of the grounds, visiting the
ment Building, the Main Building, the Negro
Bullding, and the Exposition
The s-ries ¢! courles ea
Presidential party was conc nuded with a re.
coption at the Capital City Ciub waleh put
fatigued, and
carriages the
waken to the Piedmont Club,
inspec ed
extended to
t-eif on record as the mo-t elaboraie social
unction ever undertaken in the Souh, The
Ch ¢ Executive reached the e¢ ub, acoom-
panied by the Cabinet and the Indies of the
Cabinet, befween 9 and 10 o'clock and spent
an hour or more receiviag the 1.500
present, Ma), Livingston Miils, president of
the club, did the honors of the occeasion,
After the reception, the Iresidbat and his
party boarded their special train aad leit for
EE ————
wp ——
Fire and Police Departments Must Be Cut
Down to Practical Abolition.
The city of Chieago is “broke.” It is now
proj osed to cut the Fire and Police Depart.
ments from one-third to one-half aud scale
down other branches of the public service to
an extent that will practically amount te
their temporary abolition,
On the authority of Comptroller Wethereli
is was stated that there 11 no other way out
of the embarrassment. The oity is running
behind at the rate of $1,000,000 a year, and
bas a floating debt of $6,000,000 accumu-
Iated during six years,
A ——..———
MeGarvio, a California flsborman, who
Ilves at Almamites Bay, is an expert ahark
catoher, Ho flshes for them by means of
stout lines fastened to stakes on shore, Re.
cently hoe caught eighty in one day, They
are sold for the oll in them and the Chinese
consider their fins quite a delloacy.
The Chillinn eabinet has resigned,
Emp ror William and the Empress Au.
gusts visited the vattiefle!/ds around Metz,
An fneident of Emperor William's visit to
Metz was 5 cheer for France as the imperial
paity drove to the cathedral,
A dispatch received at Yokohama from
Seoul states that the bedy of the murdered
Qaeen of Corea ha: been found,
The bultan of Turkey has
scheme of reform demasdel by tha
but the mas.acre of Armenians con'innes,
The provineinl elections iu New Brunswick
bave resulted in a great triumph for
Io a house cf
Dale, 40 members the oppo-
sition will have but nine members,
extensive scale hae
Now cuadland, It is
o:t mated that the new colony bas lost many
thousands «f
di-covered In
dolinr« In reveuus. Beveral
arre: 8 havo been mn le,
One of the managers of Eikingtoa & Co,
f London,
one of tha leading siiversmi: bs
has Leen arrested in
recent rotboy of $25,000 worth of silver
while in transit over the Midland Railway.
Japan bas been fireed to a speedy with.
irawail of her troops from Chinese soil by a
peremptory demand from Hussin, France
an! Germany and the [reling of bitterness
aga'nst Europeans s:ronger in
Madrid that
It is oMicially ansouncal la
13,000 troops wil start for this week,
{.surgen's in the
have cireuln'ed pamphlets advising
the inhabitants not 10 use the raliroads, as
they have determined tv blow them up with
Canadian bankers have ¢ mplained to the
government of the grea! amount of Amer.
fean silver and ¢
tio in
banks o
iver cortifieates in
the domini
yn, which causes the
nsiderable rss and inconvenisnoe,
jusiness men have been urged not to receive
thie money at par,
NE ——
This is the eighth week cf the sirike of
Garment Workers’ Union at R chester, Now
The laste-s’ strike io
Company's shoe factory, ‘n Lyno, Mass, has
been settled. The terms Lave not been made
remainder of the iron and brass
mouiders « mpl
General Electro Com
wont on #irike
The request made a week age
rence { Masa ) iron iors that
thelr employe ! wages at
robably be grate
g will dismi-s all the em
I, Maw
ta w
piant on
rk will
oft is to
diel the
be done by 3 : I obfe
avold weekly payments of wy , wi
law now requires,
Secretary 8S nith bas directed the ron in
the law d
vision ¢! ths Interior Deparicient
srk one hour extra day in order
of th
brought uj
¢ fut ‘
5 OG date i: {
¥ s BAP, n
the work livision may be
w ab
months in arream
ten and Sileen th
Bertwean 1
att: nded the ¢ tion at (
ring an increased wage sonle,
to discuss situation and take steps 1
by representatives
ward secu
mestiag waswell attended
a the Cestral asd Northern Penasylvania
District President M¢
shott at Masilion, Oblo,
sop called on Mayor
3 an asked him to
Arbitration, on
the ground that the striking miners would
probably accept the results of the Columbian
jotnt meeting and go to work, “This is a
reversal of recent Independent
The strike among the lasters of the Thos,
3. Plant shoe factory, at Lyon, Masa, which
was started about five weeks ago, wat sel.
hold off the State Board of
the miners
turn to work, Mr. Plant returned from a
trip abroad, and, after a conference with a
Providenes Ladies’ Union, agreed to pay
slighty per cent of ths advanes asked for by
the sirikers
isin II
vor of It.
The “Manufacture:'s Record’ sent to every
tend by act of Congres makes
“It the special Nicaraguan
mites, appol
tha leasitiiity of
eapal, will you probably
aid lookiog to its early construction 7’
One hundred and bave
ot ninoty.six are
strong y in favor of the bulldiag of the canal,
ether by Government aid
ownership; two are opposed and twenly are
non-committal. Qalie a number of
who answered are very strong 'y ia
eighteen repiios
been received {hese
or Government
favor of
the canal, but expiess a desire that the United
Bintes Government should t uild and own it
Among those who favor the measures are
Senators Morrill, Palmer, Frye, Sherman,
Daniel and Pasco nnd Congressmen Aches ir,
Underwood, Hicks, Hardy, Catehings, Moree,
ewart and Robinson,
Becomes Co-Pastor of the President's Church
After Interesting Exercises.
In the presence of a gathering that filled
the edifices, Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage was
installed as co-pastor of the First Presbyter.
fan Church of Washington, D. C., to which
he had recently bess ca'led. The First Pres.
bylerian Churth, of which Rev. Dr Bryon
Sunderland ls pastor, was chosen by Presi.
dent Cleveland as his place of worship when
he first eames to Washington as the Chief Ex.
eoutive of the nation, and he renewed the
choice when he became President in 1803,
The order of exercises included the read-
ing of the 112th Psalm and the Gloria Patri.
Dr. David Gregg, of Brooklyn, delivered the
sermon; Rev, Adolos Allen, moderator of th
Prostytory of Washington, put the constite
tional questions to Dr, Talmage; Rev, Dr
Wallace Radeliffe delivored the charge to the
oo-pastor; Rev, Dr. BF, Billinger, the charge
to the people, and Rev, Dr, Thomas Chals
mers Easton the closing prayer. Dr. Tal
mage pronounced the benediotion,
Decisive Victory Obtained by
the Cuban Insurgents.
Puerto Principe in the Hands of the
Patriots ~The Junta to Ask Re-
cognition of the United States,
A member ¢f the Cabana Junin, who travels
for the cigar trade, and
who was a colonel in
the first Cuban revolution has
Minneapolis, Mian,
Just reached
While refusing to permit his name to be
{| mentioned, on the ground that the success ol
depended upon the
snerecy of bis movements, he, nevertbeles:
gave to the press late news
Junta from Cuba,
rece ved by the
He bas been concerned in
| every effort of Americans to
Cuban cause, Including
Following is a di- patch received from Cubs
| descr bing ths recent
| which gave the contr
Puerto Prinsipe to the
Gerperal Maceo, neting
the war minister, started to
tingo de « Crent
march |
ubn 10 jolt Grail Fansehc
age the sugar plantations
me liately dispaiched a fo
2,500 men, under General Ech
of the Cubag
found Genaral Maceo a
far ad vance
ils way as the Ban Juan
ba, between Po
$ 000 ¢
eavairy and 2,500 Inia
200 men less, but thi
than compensated
three excellent pieces of arid
Band was
Ihe Spasiards are fig!
rive Bo
AT. Or Als
on, |
Ke neli
Casi well remembered in «
the Jeanneite expedition t
President Cleveland H has
yet and is probably having troub.e in
g ikrough th
Four Campers Killed While Sleeping Under s
Blazing Oak
Three persons were killed ‘nstantiy and
very peculiar accident in the woods
another so badly burt that died, by a
Fork, abou: ten miles {rom Eikios, W
Johu Carr and his wile, and two sone one
17 and the other 20 years old, went into the
woods on a ginseng digging expedition, tak
ing with them a camping outiit and food
a week,
They ma ce thelr camp vear a Lig
| dead oak tree. During the night the eamp
fire burned brightly, and the tree being ary
took fire and burned About 3
ithe tree was burned so
through that it would not support ils own
The tree, fa ly four {set in diameter, leil
fairly in the midst of inmily.
the sleeping
A doot.r was sent for,
arrival, Jt « sOvYOra
hours’ work to remove the bodies from be.
nealh the tree trunk, it being too heavy to
aman I
fexas Trainmen Shoot Each Otherand The»
Clinch in a Final Struggle
Charles HL Naville, frei ht eonduetor, and
Sidney B Lane, a brakeman fought a duel ia
a narrow hall ieading into the office of
eifle, at Hou ton, lex.
killed and Neville was mortally wounded
same or+w, had some trouble that resulted in
the brakeman making a threat to kill the
eonducior. They met, and each pulled a gun
and fired five shots, two taking effect in each
man. Toey then ciinesed and clubbed each
other with the butt ends of their pis.ols until
Lane sank to the floor, dead, and Neviile fell
over with a groan, Neville is not expected
to live. The men were about forty years of
age. Neville is married
They Invaded a Telegraph Office and Got §32
and Some Express Packages
A dariog robbery was committed at the
Kanawha & Michigan depnt in Point Pleas
ant, W. Va, by masked men, A train was
duo at 8 42. Alter its arrival and departure
everbody left the depot, and Charles H.
Kuhn, the operator, was closog, when sud.
denly the office was invaded by masked robe
bers, and as he turned jist Is were thrust
into his face with orders to throw up hig
bands, which he did. .
The thieves got #32 and several expross
packages. Two boys saw siz men leaving
the pines, and later they were arrested, Lut
could not He recognized by Mr, Kubn,
Epitome of News Gleansd from Various Parts
of the Btate
An organiza gang of thieves from Petry
in West Maribor
county were captured
Township by Constable E. C, and a
posse, who surrounded thelr and
¢sused them to surrender. Four of them
are now In fall, but from the testimony of
ons of them who
the leaders of iki
male 4 confession fo jail
gang are still at large, anl
it is beileved they have returned to Perry
county, to which place au officer has basen
sent. A large quantity of stolen articles
bave besa recovered
Food Taspecior Frank Moore, of Pittsburg,
arrived in Eris and commenced prosecui:ons
agains. a large number of hotel proprietors,
Q M. Ban-
Armour & wT. VW.
res aurant keepasrs, Bwil. Bro
, manager, ani
These are charged by Levi
sommissioner, wth violation
t 0. 1885, governing the sale of
Me. Moo
and secur
and its imitations,
{abies 10 abies
have boen analyz Jd,
Mr. Louls Glass,
East Btroudsburg
son from a horril
pinylug witu
seriousiy i
ieiplhin with lis
& hole into
'oiter was held
man at Johnsonburg, ar
Tie highwayman socare
caped in the darkness,
ered soon after and
atieading BAYS
At an
tramps were seen i
inio the air
: Were
a drink of
the gas.
soe denial i
down the steps on whic
went off. The bali pierce Green
une, id Is overs i with
gris over the ao Green's physi
clans are unable 10 say what the result of the
wound will be,
Toe Bu
by Poitst
nbury Iron Works, largely owed
will resume alter an
connec. ed
Wo eapitaliels,
idieness 0. over annual
four years,
pacity of the nail mill with the
works is 120.00) kegs of ens: nails
John Luz, an employes of the Lansaste:
Gas Company, while intoxicated attempled
to kill Policeman James Erisman, Lutz was
driving down the track of
Quarryville Rafiroad
when be was stopped
the Laocaster &
faa reckless mann:
officer. Lu:
when he assawited
by the
was taken from is buggy,
alter a severe
sirugeie os
fired twice, both
w de of their mark. While preparing to fire
a third shot Luiz was seized by the officer
and assistance arriving the desperate man
shots fortusately being
An explosion of gas ocourred at the Dut.
tonwood 8taft of the Parrish Coal Company,
of Nantio ske, very seriously and a Folander
his laborer, siigntiy,
Robbers broke into the store of P, A. Gar.
ber, at Newville, and carried away dry goods
and ol thing amounting to $100 A reward
of $100 has been offered by Mr, Garber for
the aps rehension o: the thieves
Young ladies as conductors of street cars
under the aus; ices of the Y. M. C. A. was the
novel attraction in Johostown ‘or one day.
To say that they made a success of the un-
dertaking dos 551 exprass it, Almost all
the cars were engaged by privale parties,
Adam Mowery, a prominent farmer of
Strassburg Township, died from blood pols.
onlng, the result of a peculiar accident. In
assisting to raise grain in a mill his band
was caught in & chain and braved, The in
jury was considered trivial, but the hand be.
oame swollen, blood poisoning ensusd and
death resulted after great agony,
The series of assaults and intimidations of
women still has sway in the vie nly of Nor
ristown, because Mary McCOormie, a Bridge
port girl, did not furnish a tramp hot coffes
in addition to & substantial meal, he pressed
a revoiver to hor face and demanded 11 under
the pain of death Toe girl caled for help
and tho tramp hurried off,
One Hundred and Eighty Houses
Destroyed in Algiers.
Sufferers Try to Lynch a
rning Out the Town
Squares of Bulld
ings Burned.
L\igiers, La., aestroye
the rend
nssersed at
i Barrow
Lo aud
i Blation
sharge of
iower part
He kcpt
tad repula~
Taere were
everyting and who
re f
luge «
Ars was
dark bar;
nperial entirely
pie and pleas
nteresting by
learning. Ow-
rin he uses
id negress
acks fin South
re, pretty
n. She
and her
of! berg
r nearly two
old. We
yad that she
a periectly
dolls, and
ring, laugh”
wiedge of
Hjorth Boye
» never wrote in
He was wel up in the hobo talk of
knew some: hing of the gypsy
the pigeon Eaglish ¢ { Chin
the dock rats
oken in New ¥Y rk of
which be had not a basic knowledge, When
he was pro iversity two
overtook him
in eompany with a most tattered and disrep-
dish e tram As the coliegians drove slowly
by they overheard part of the conver-ation.
dinlect it was not t ol
wih jt.
trampd sm, he
patter, and Ir:
atown to the thiev 8 slang of
there was not a slang #
essot in U
Juniors cut driving one day
walking along a country road, near
To their great surprise they d scovered that
the professor and the tramp were indulging
n a bot and heavy s'anging mated, and from
what they could bear the tramp wa: coming
cul second best
Four Boys Wlo Broke Into the Japanese
The Japanese legation, Wachington, was
sotered Uy Loys and robbed of several hun-
dred dollars’ wor of jewelry. De ectives
Wiliam Ausiler and EL Fields for the robe
Very. Ali the sud was found on the boys
ati they conless =d to the rovbery.
ihe eircamsiances surrounding the rob
bery are quits dramaite. The first three
toss are orphans, and were for some time
in ose of the eity orphan asylums, They
are al about the same age (sixteen years)
and deliberately planned 10 -tart out ia life
as burglars, Some tune ago they attempted
the robbery of the legation at 1310 N street gv
Tuis time they did not oarry off anything
but some wine from the minister's private
stock, They paid a second visit, however, |
and secured several gold watches and a lot
of other jewelry. :
The arrest of the Stewart bys was the
first one made, as Harry Stewart was forme
erly a messonger at the legatioa and was
disoharged several weeks ago on susploion
of having stolen $50 from an attache of the
jogation, They bad given ali the stolen
goods to the other palr and had planned
that they would say noting about the rob
bery as they expected to be arrested. They
were frightened into a confession, however,