THE NEWS. F Fire damaged the Omaha and Grant smel- ter in Durango, Co., $50,600, destroying the recalving house, sampler, roaster and several smaller buildings, The fire caught from the woiler room, and for two hours the entire plant, representing £1, 500,000, was in danger of total destruction, —— Gen, John CO, Black, United States district attorney at Chicago, received insiruotions to Investigate the al- leged combination of Chicago packers to control the price of besl, His instructions cames {rom Attorney General Harmon, —— The Bt, James, an old hotel, centrally located was damaged by fire to the Many in Columbus, O,, amount of $10,000 at 4 A. M, had to ba saved by ladders, No one was Jost or burt, Martin Adams, of Cincinnati who caused the death of John Ohmer ting strychnine into a pint hanged in the penitentiary annex at Co'um bus. —~United States Revenue Collector Bond has received Information of Harden county, Teunosseo, near the Missis- guests by put. of beer, was the capture in ‘sippl line, of George Davis and Bob Thomas, two noted desperate moonshiners, —— Nelson i Miller, a colored man, charged in Wilkes- i barre, Pa,, with the murder of three Hun- | garians, was found guiity of murder in th first degree, At Hot Springs, Ark,, a fire destroyed the Pacific Hotel, the Crescent House, adjoining, the Valley Livery Stables, the Jewish Asy- lum, and five cottages to the rear of the Paci fle Hotel, involving a loss of $39,000, which i was only partly insured, ——- While the wind was blowing forty miles an hour. fire was de- | stroyed in the Moore & Galloway lumber yard, North Fond du Lac, Mich, The mill and about ten million feet of lumber were burned. I.oss £140,000; Insurance ~The Chicago Methodist ministers, who have to through the | Pope, greater religious freedom ior the Pro- testants of Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia, have, ia response to circular letters, received en- eouragement from Justin MeCarthy, Alger- non Charles Swinburne, and the historian, W. E. H. Lecky. All mpanies of the Michigan troops, stationed at Ishpeming, Mich., to prevent lawlessness during the miner’ strike, left for thelr homes, —— Daniel Corry, of Boston, was struck and killed by the Pacific Express, Tyrone, Pa. -— | Gov. McCorkle has appointed the following delegates to represent West Virginia at the first annual convention of the Iaternational Deep Waterways Association, at Cleveland: United States Senator 8. B. Elkins, George A. Burt, State Senator N. E. Whitaker, Hon, Frank Hearne and ex-Gov. A. B. Fleming. Dy tne expiogion of a jamp in the dwelling of Leon Kuchinsky in Pittsburg, two daugh ters of Kuchkinsky, aged six and eight were fatally burned. Dr. IL. 8 MeDonal 1, who rescued the children from the was severely burned, and wiil $78 450, undertaken secure, five o near years flames, probably jose the sight of one eye.——Five Indians killed and several others wounded In a fight with ranchmen, who lost three men, —— The large frame icebouse of Frank Richards, near Bustiston, a suburb of Philadelphia, was de- stroyed by fire, A great quantity of io» was destroyed, Loss, $20,000, —— Var} ties in Pennsylvania fear a water famine nn- less there is a rainstorm within a few day, Hanna fought g'ars who entered his room in St Ct, wore Jus coun lev, Thos, C. bur- ington, They cut and beat him, but got Two men were killed on the A mboy di- vision of the Pennsylvania Railroad al Hightstown, N. J., while atiempting to cross the tracks ——John was found gulily c! murder at Chattanooga, Tenn., In the first degree for the Eagene Lynch, a constable, last March, ———A verdio: of murder in the first degree was returned at Cheyenne, Wyo., against E. 8 of the most prominent stockmen Wyom- ng, who has been on trial for two weeks, charged with the murder in January of hig partner, Harvey Booth, Governor O'Ferrall has set October 98 Virginia Day at the Atlanta Exposition Bishop Haid, of North Carolina, conducted the consecration service of St. Anthony's Catholie Church of Lancaster, Pa.—— A co:- vention of Irish Americans was held in Chi cago to start a new movement for Ireland's independence, Ex-Congressman Johan F. Finerty, of Chicago, made a speech advoeat. two bing Lemmons be iilix ' King ol Crocker, one of ne fog a strong aggressive movement wee Thi Norristown Shoe ( ompany, of Norristown, Pa., made an assignment. ILiatil ties, $34 000, —— Four men were seriously injured by the fall of a derrick on the newe unty eourt- bouss building at Troy, N. Y. An iovest! gation was begun in Pittsburg of charges of bribery and blackmail against the potice de partment of that city, The West Virginia M. E. Conference adjourned, after the an- nouncement of the appointments, —--A wagon in which wers five colored women and one colored man was struck by a rallroad (rain at Long Branch, Allie Bell was instantly killed, Louls Beaneit was badly hurt abo ut the back, and the others received severs in- juries, Erwin Clarke, a diamond broker who dis- appeared from Denver, Col, July 25, with several thousand dollars’ worth of diamonds, entrusted to him for sale, has been arrested at Ban Francisco, and will be brought back to Denver. He was traced by means of let- tors mailed to him from Loulsville by his wife,——John R. Lanier was shot and killed at Point Pleasant, W.Va. by Thomas Potts, The crew of the schooner, Menuneatuck, from Perth Amboy, N.J., narrowly escaped drown. ing, and were landed at Lyno, ——The ques tion of the revival of American shipping was discussed at the International Deep Water. ways Convention, in Cleveland, The Irish New Movement Convention, in session la Chi. cago, passed resolutions demanding the free. dom of Ireland from English rule, —— Holt Robinson, white, nnd a negro, name un- known, were killed in a shaft at Winter Rock coal mines, In Chesterfield, Va,, the sides caving in.——John 8, Matthews was son. tenced to four years in the penitentiary for embezzlement in Martinsburg, W, Va, — Mrs, Violet Haskell, who last June left her hus- band at Deer Isle, Maine, and married the colored leader of the Plekaninny Band at Cinclocatl, and shortly afterwards returned and was forgiven by her husband committed suicide, I 5 5st A Frenon foree from Guiana has landed north of Amaps, Brasil, and has blockaded Counanl,closs to where the fighting occurred last May, The Danger of Deforestation Emphasized, Dr.Fernow, cf the Forestry Division Writes About Atlanta Exhibit it Does. the and the Cood The rustic building In which the fores'ry and mining exhibits are contained 18 one of the Exposition grounds, The forestry exhibits have all been of Dr. B. E {the Forestry most interesting on the installed under the direciion Fernow the well known head « Division of the Agricultural Department a! Washington, On the top of the buliding is one of the largest roof gardens in the world, The entire buliding Is lighted with over five hucpdre i lights and make an impressive effec: at night. The forestry exhibit countalns many In structive thinge, Onojs a ricca of a long were planted in Btill another interesting pared "ernow sl tive effect « growth, the mar forests and the THE FORESTRY Dr, article on his department Fernow, has furnished The idea which prevades the Forestry Department i vidior all Information the axte fa ness « Therefore variety is ws the I8 ibers may be stud lisp ay occupying th itiding, The remarkable a'ze t attain is arolina, wn in an exbi ETRin are sh and in a series of highly which line the cen‘er aisle, exhibit from Michigan of ear'y woods in sizes, such as have fore been polished, shows the beauty of these ¢ From { orn forest resources can learn that for variety e 1 itlous grain. theses displays the student ADP ATANSs 1H yi other country ean vie with the weods of the South, This statement is not vitiated Uy the most attractive display of the Argen tine Republie which occuples the entire east wall of the bulldiag. Its woodsare the rieh- est in color, but have little variety of grain, and are hard to work. This variety in Ap plication is brought out by a vezies of panels, whieh indicate the use of wood In the kitchen, in the laundry, in the grocery, the worksh p, the field and the garden, in Nshing and boat. log and iu every ot er cecupation of man. All are represented In such manner as to show the gradual development from the rough block hewn in the forest to the finished article, aven a ———— SWEPT BY FIERCE STORMS. The Intense Heat Brought Abrupt End A terrific storm swept over the city of Mil. waukee, Wis, the wind reaching a velochly of 50 miles an hour, A number of trees and small sheds were blown down, but no serious damage was done, In the state a number of fatal accidents are reported, and others wiil probably be heard from, Many telegraph wires ate down, Lacrosse, Wis,—The long spell of heat ended suddenly with a furious rain, in which nearly half an inch of water fell in 20 min, utes, The rain was accompanied with wind reaching an extreme velocity of nearly 45 miles an hour, The streets are littered with branches, and inany large trees were blown down. Beveral plate-giass windows were blown In. The temperature was 94 just be- fore the storm, and after the storm 52, a m——— I — sisi Balfour, the great Eoglish Conservative leader, has written a letter suggesiing a testimonial to Tom Morris, whose name is held fn hgh honor wherever golfers congre. gate, as for a quarter of a century he has been green-keeper of the Links of St, Androw, and now is la kis seventy-fifth year, 0 an The town of Friesa h, in the Province of Carinthia, Austria, has been devastated by fire, 1.500, Cubans expect that Mexico will shortly re- cognize their rights as | oiligerents, A band of B00 insurgents {ssald to have been defeated near Guaninonmo, The population of Friesuca is about Mrs. Langtry's jowsl box, sald to contain J J jewels valued at $200,0,0, has been stolen from her banker by m-ans of a forged order for lis delivery tothe bearer, Lhe s eamsbip Edam, of the Ne theriands- American Line, was sunk by collixion in the Faglish channel, Every person on board was saved and taken to Plymouth, The Ruslan winister o! foreign affairs and a general of the Russian army witnessed maneuvers of the the Freueh army, and thelr presence is considered very piguificant, The of whose son, Prince Henry of Batt Dowager Princess Battenburg, ‘burg, is the husband of Queen Victoria's youngest d wugh- Darmstadt, London, tn in ata ship : ter, Princess Deatrice, is dead at Advices have been received at froin the east coast of Greenland th supposed to be Dr. Napseu's Fram, was sighted at the end of July stuck fast in an jee drift, The condition of allalirs to be in the Congo Free Stato is said bordering on Anarchy The Beigian troops bave been fr quentiv de KE juentiy de. feated, and the natives are sald to bave re. { sorted to cannibalism, i The British foreign om { that the Porte f win in tb i in ia ¢ denies tha report has accepted the plag i eo administratl | men an, which was sur m | signatory to the nu were Lit at Bawan ving away, ity » { “SERI0ON re. wn, the 3 Aristo 0 City nart & Bas ¢ nart a has condemns of an an sleamer years lmpris ridgns in Cubs | GEN. SCHOFIELD'S RETIREMENT It Will Occur on Saturday, but There Will Be No Special Ceremonies The legal retirement, of 3. sulenan -Ger fed eo is galls itie and pa bh ghest » a ah army officer an fo:red by Bpecial ac gibie believe a A A0Y Olesarvers tere, that the gra je will ¥ vad for bestowal urot fon Wao ekanees to be eom candicg genera the army, Ho ——— WORK AND WORKERS. {| The Dexter mine, near Ishpeming, Mich iethent | resumed operations with a fuil coms i mi | of men and a i i the company’s terms, The miners would not walt for the union to hold | Its meeting, The miners strike at Ish peming and Ne® | Rauneo, Mich, was declared «ff. It was a | question whether the strike shuld be ended i by desertions from the ranks of the union or | whether the union would yield to drift | of the tide and end the strik s in & that would preerve ft. Integrity. Three hundred of the iron mouiders in ! Boston and viel ity, employed in eight of { the eleven foundries, struck for an iuerease of wages, abolition of the piece system and recognition of the union working eard Thres of the eleven foundries iavoived in the controversy have settled oni a satisfac. tory basis and their employes remained at work. Solicitor Reaves, of the Treasury Depart- ment, bas decide! ttat a contras. made with an alien outside the Usited Biates, 10 do work in the United States, even if the contrastor does net financially assist the alien to come to this country, constitutes a violation of the Allen Contrast Labor law, and subjocts its violator to the penaities at. tached, A Milwackee despa ch eays that the Ilig hois Bteel Company bas made an important Concession to t.e tonnage men employed at Its Biy View works. “It bas been practi. cally decided that the men shall not be re quired to wear tags, and that if the new System is introduced at all the men need only show the brass checks to the time- keepers whenever they are required,” the AUDIENCE GOT AWAY IN TIME. Barnum & Bailey's Circus Tents Wrecked by an An Iowa Cyclone. A terrific wind, ball, and rainstorm passed over Burlington, lows, Parnum & Balley's clrous was giving a performance and dis. missed the audience, The main tent, ani~ mal tent, and boarding tent were blown to strips and completely wrecked. No one was injured. Thelanimals were badly frightened and nearly stampeded belore the storm wag over. No lives wore lost, although It was re- GUATEMALA SETTLES. Pays Indemnity for Arresting and Beating Americans The State Department bas succeeded in setting an indempity claim against the Gua- bebalf of American iH, Argall, Henry Thomas aud Robert Pardee, The matter has a year. The three wers employed temaian Government in thiree laborers, WW, Leen pending for about Americans concerned by a Mr, Van de Putte near the city of Guatemala to demolish a small shed aud carry the mu- a desiznated spot, While in the ac direct re nrrested ly the orini t terial to of carrying out these ions, the Ameri- ean lab r rs we an police and taken to the penitentiary They were were not served with warrants, nor they told of the charge against then hey were furnished with neither warrant nor charge, but were placed, according 1« the description from our 0 iG with iegatl frunie vie, thieves mur nw or having dirty prison mala, ina derers, without having even the robbers an violated a intention 10 de Guatemalan officials devel ped t theshed which the oligh for their } ployer ng ng *d by an officer of the Gov, i Vande Putte claimed the Guatemalun rovernment was somewhat the coniar with the prisoners in the penitentiary GEEravaled | ¥ fact that the Minister's messenger sen quest to Aflnis® was denied admission, and our r § § y the Gualemaian Minister of Forelgn a to send JRE milssic : sw officors aduates of An. ras an Appren- M. MoCo Bn, ins j st returned 1} mas, a trip to the Eastern wi cre De was taken rin their ot who was assniiog rdau as f { 3 worse! moderna degenerates, has neatly @ lables on bis eritic by having an *, written by himself In 1888 publishe nth, Jt takes Nieigps make ordaa’s vi eli che's iat ol a as it does not *o0i when listening spires horribly in : ls A lecadent, a disease, a rattlesnakes that cioates ‘he very young. His music is *% nastics of the | hsome on the roje of harmonica,” Alithatis in Nordau's own be retort is perfect, ——— SUNK BY A TORPEDO. Different Explanation of the Wrecking of the Spanish Cruiser, An entirely different explanation of the sinking of the Spanish cruiser Barcastegai, nud the joss of 46 lives in the harbor of Have ana is made in letters received lo Philadei. phia by a distinguished member of the Cuban revolutionary party. According to the news telegraphed from Havana the day after the catasirophe was due to a collision between the cruiser and the merchant s. enmer Mortera, It is now sinted as an absolute fact that the Doreaste- £ul was sunk by a floating torpedo launched by an atventurous party of Cubans, The Cuban leader who received the ietter said: “The Spanish Goverument knows juil well what sunk tbe.r bes. cruiser in the Cubsn to their deaths Admiral Delgode Parejo, in command of the Spanish navy in Catan waters, 7 officers and 34 men, We kuow that before the dispateh reiating (0 the accident was sent it was carefally «dit. d by the pr. ss censor,” A DESTRUCTIVE CYCLONE. Tears a Church From Its Foundations and Levels All Before It A terrific ejelone swept over Door county peniosuia In Wisconsin, demolishing fully thirty bulidings, The principal losses wore suffered by the farmers, At Clay Banks the large Shiloh Chureh was twisted from Its foundations, lifted bodily into the alr and dumped bottom up several rods from its foundations, It 4 a mass of bricks, stoue and lumber, and has no semblance of a buliding. For a distances of twenty miles the ayoione out a swath through timber and aeross farms, leveling everything before It. Noone was killed, ! i PENNSYLVANIA ITEMS. Epitome of Rews Gleaned From Various Parts of the Btate. Town bursting tichard Hershey of East Goshen ship, wus seriously injured by the ofa gun, Ex-Judge Harvey was painfully cut in the tue Allen. is no back of the hesd In a collision on i town Traction Road, The injury LOrigus, Asto Hazleton, Mai- Jorie and Psler st a Bernardina Di Bio Passarelin are charged with Liowl: he bakery of teo Gerod on June 20 The side armor plates weigh jethiehem Ir for the Massachu Riel A horse driv Bristol, was Irighlened a telegraph i and dashe redu sustained seriou the earriage was demolisbe Thomas PF, Moyer, and a tanner Dy « ing to close A senOn( unty Almsh¢ xd been un band. Jaye, san: be learse bis wile to give him O85 a nd wn her fe ! nose, and on her refusal lows, beat ber with a jumped heavy mis on bh ing scious and Dbleedine edest child, a 1 years, ran to ne‘ghbor's and gave the a'ares. MeGeehan was arrested in roods, an hen told tha! his wife was pitecusiy to ses her, Ho at Car ear's or pe, ull tls and threes calves are vod in the *#, which Is esimated at ihe fire is supposed y have br sidestally cacsed by a tramp, wh foe i tod or fe th 3 permitted Lo loGge in the tarn night George W. Feohrom , of York, an empl was fal” ree of the We tern jured Maryland Ralircad, ally ic at the To, He at” ver yard, tempted to board the engine and slipped, the tender and sngine passing over both his Jews, tender 1, cutting off Hrwisanew employee of the road bhaviag from the West, where he had served in the United States Army, recently come As Mrs, Matthew Dach was returning tc Mount Carmel from Mud Valioy with 87), the montis’ wegen of her three sons she was at tacked by three men, but made her escape ¥ displaying an empty revolver and threatening to shoo == S.4y Rid A little child of George Sager, of near Seott iye, and atter suflering great agony for as hour died, Toe remains Maguires, on the Paimdelphia & Reading to pieces, not a piece of his body large snough by which to found, vale, Allegheny County, was lodged in jail at He came to the home of Richard Herbert, near Coanelisvilie, and told a pitiful story ol which Induced Mr, Hervert to take oare o him. Young Abley remained several weeks and did such light work as they gave him to do. Friday night he left, taking Mr, Her ticles stolen were recoverad, ————————— SWIFT TIME BY RAIL. A New York Central Train Goss 147 Miles in 2 Hoursand 15 Minutes A special train created a new record be. twean Albany and Syracuse on the New York Ceatral, making the 147 miles in two hours and fifteen minutes, The official time was: Lot Albany 5.58.80 A. M. ; arrive! Byracuse 8.18.30. The train consisted of two ears, drawn by engine No. 990. The New York World alro ran a spesial exclusively for its elition and made time as follows: Left Albany 6.22.90 A. M.; arrived yracuse 8.44.12 This train would have broken the record, but was frequently de- flayed fn not getting clear track signals at signal towers, As it was she was within two io A CALL TO DR. TALMAGE. First Presbyterian Church Invites Him 10 Be como Ita Co-Pastor. The congregation of the First Presbytedian Chureh of met, and Washington, D, C., by a i 10 to Bunder~ unanimous vote degided to extend the Hey, ihe church as ¢o ®) ca Dr, T. DeWitt Talmage to come Dr, by Dr. 8 postor with The eall, as read underiand and ade pled by tue lows: congregation, is as fol. ‘The conzregation of the First Prest { I ian Church of ), #assiall be 0ST IN THE SNOW. Boys Perished While for Cows Bareastegu! was n { vessel entoring the 3 orulser was sunk, and the Spanish admiral and ¢ rty-five offi- ‘TR cers and seamen were drowned a MARKETS. BALTIMORE. GRAIN ETO Pal Grade Extra Best Pat. $ Hest refined TER 'TTER~Fine Crmy..} Under fine reamery CHERSR ISE-N.Y. Fancy... Lats.... LIVE POULTRY Dacks, per ....., 1 ORACCO. TOBACCO-MA, Infer'«t 15 Sound common #19) Middiing.. ccooconsveia BIN Fancy ..cvsees ww SEES caer LIVE STOCK BEEF Best Peeves £31%3 BHERP. «coat veneis 1 60 Hogs boo FURS AND SEIN, MUBKRAT......... Raccoon. ..... ted Fox. .oovenns Skunk Bisck CMYORBEY . oc o00000uvvnenn Mink. coovoeinniininiiia CRB oe sanvanviirssnsassns oon — XEW YOR —— FLOUR—Bouthern.......$ WHEAT«No. 2 Red. ...... RY Ee Western. . coum CORN=NO., 8... « coreanrinss se OATENO, Boovvriascimvs tone BUTTER--8tate.......conn EGOS—8tate, .u. « « soessee CHEESE~State @& 50 250 Ha @: 43 100 80 be SO 600 Sh ain $420 63 @ Ba 60 “w 6 9 taht LY a PRILADKLIHIA, EE ——— FLOU RSouthern.. sen, 2880 $ £00 A No S Red sae * 3 A] | FAY ’ sang 4 I 0 v ! sesunrene 0