THE NEWS, At Winchester, Tean., J. C. Arlodgoe was shot and killed by OfMlcer MeClaren, whom he wounded, —— The convention of the Uni- versal Peace Congress, in session Mystio, Ct,, elected o and adjourned, ——A memorial was sent to Gov, Morton, of New York, by the Central W, C T. U., of Kansas City, asking that he pardon Marie the Italian now in Sing Bing prison awaiting electrocution for having murdered Ler lover, At attempt was made to up the east-bound Northern Pacific passenger train by placing a stick of dynamite in a “frog’' at a junction half a mile east of Butte, Mon. Nearly the whole train passed over the dyna- mite before it exploded, last filled with passengers, was | ired.- in loers Barb ri, blew The adiy shatterad, - Frank A. Reed a Alexandria, Va, Cald- coach, but no one was inj prominent business man of committed suicides, —— Judge Henry C. well, of the United States Circuit Court, is mentioned in Kansas as a Republican candl- date lor president, Miss Fannie Dourne, a prominent young lady of Germantown, Fhiladelpbia, was killed while crossing the railroad track near her home, ——The action of the plug tobacco manufacturers in forming a combine to fight the trust caused considerable talk in Rich- mond tobacco circles, the opinion being ex- pressed that the pew combine would Ue en- abled to d ctate terms tothe trust and force a compromise, - Wo well Known citizen of Staunton suicide by shooting himsel A heavy frost did isiderabls damage In Delaware Sh 1 steamer Coman line between New successfully la Philadelphia. tion of Ives { of the North in the Unit State urt at Seattle, Wash, bead, — ountie on the nviie, was mp's shipyard } a rine of tl Oeard oi id a applica- receivers was begun ~Five freight wareho Milwaukee, Wis,, owned by the St. Paul ozether Milwaukee apo Railr were warehou: es were gregating £400 000, The sealing been given up for I —The Few, Hibbard, recently rector of 5t. Luke's Ch in New York, wa un or the track at Little Ferry, N. J. It is that he was struck bry a train on the track, Mr. Hibbard five years of age and children. ators in Boston is in fall A 4,000 people are idle, —The B. & O. is said to be trying for a right- an elevated ters ner George BR. White has George red SUPT wed while walking was about forty- leaves a wife and f — * ¢ ae sirixke of the el operati f-ways As to obiain bicago, ——Loawis has dis. covered a new comet. ——H. Lamont H. Dewl:t, of Baltix and C 1 B Wi to Chicago, reached nin Bott, postmaster at Harrisvi with issuing ney orders count, —— Alfred Crow was under a fall of coal in Sham dresses on pert nent the second day's sess! tha National Pesce Union A mes! notin the o« ine The Lawrence dation ie t the fsb * ¥ ~~ re * mote Oi 10s ACCO au » bed ia St, Lo Aurora a gine and three ty-foot emiankment, Becker, of Ind passengers wer Chesebro, the s was convicted Mrs. Levi Pi to life Impris Rev, Charie tarian Church of pastorate bec wii not give Mr. Wende has a Usitarian Chur Lucy Hibbar Charies 8 more and William E. ¢ lerstate Con tention to the prop which he thinks wiil prove a gigantie trust, Thomas M. Gra ly, ex cashieret .ae First Rational Bank of Marietta, Pa., was sen. tenced to seven years’ imprisonment bezzlement, Twelve were out of the ruins of the Gumry Hotel in Den. ver, — A wreck urred on the Big Four pear Lawrenceburg, Ind ——Theannual cone vention of the National Keely League was be" gun in Harrisburg, Da A meating of the Bar Iron Association was held in Cleveland, ~The Indianapolis City Council passed # sweeplog ordinance repealing all franchises to telegraph and telephone lines within the business district of the cl'y, including terri. tery a mile square, and that al; a Cou mission, cal sed Li; railroad for em. bo lies taken oe ordering removed within a reasonable time, — SEVEN DROWNED Disaster to a Pleasare Party in Isle of Wight Bay. FOUR OF A FAMILY PERISH. Lost Are Young Girls from Fourteen to Sixteen Years of Age Five of the A Disastrous Capsize. By the eapsizing of a sailboat in Isle of Wight bay, seven miles north of Ocean Ci ¥ Md., twelve lost their lives, seven persons out of a pleasure party of Two men, two young the drowned four were members of a Philadel ladies and a little gir] were saved, Of phia family—'ather, mother and two youn into thers who lost their lives were young ® i sh'e y nit 1s hse | daugh'ers womanhood Tares « girls Ir dix out just emerging m fourteen to sixteen years of a.e of the seven we:e lad es. The names | of the drowned were as Miss Hall, Bish years ; Miss Lor ail, Bi years ; Miss Myr] Mr, Mrs, Laur: lows: Stella prille, fourteen { teen Years paia; | M. Bio Storrs { who ladies wh I'he Misses Hall wore daughters Hall, and Miss Myrtle or of Mr, J niavens ua Sley Minule, were hire aven :0Wn in the ¢ were ror bad lost the wv r ¥ - niy ae Lana, mmer, and exhibite y, where the atisuation of uly was tt Al wo Ka as inos owned i th p o y 1 site the nay was sailing assis'ed the t boat were res off from the sh 3 eantreboar was rescued by ber ur who also saw the accident from th hore, Walter Hudson and William idson mnaged fo reach shore by swimming exhausted the beach, ibe body of Mr, Storrs wa: soon recover. ed. The sad news spread rapidly in surrounding country for many miles, Sev eral parties with seines and lines began dragging in the bay to recover the remiins of those who had been lost, The news reached Ocean City and Captain Dutton, of the lifesaving on the sorvice, went wi bh to assist in the work of searching the waters Those that Bave been recovered were sent 10 Beibyvilie, Del. The scene of the aceident i+ at a point where the establishment of a Jife. saving station bas been urged. It pointed out here that if a station existed at of the lives, which were lost, would bav: been raved, FOR A NEW CONSTITUTION. Johns & Fowler, was destroyed by fire, we Governor Werts, of New Jersey, granted a warrant for the extradition of George 8 Rogers, who Is in Morristown jail, and whe kis five-year-old eohild at Hotel in that city, 2 ——— EXPRESS TEAIN WRECKED. Went Of a Forty-Foot Embankment and Only One Man Killed The worst wreckage ever shown by a rali- road accident in the viciaity of Toccoa, Ga, was at the vighty-one-mile post on the South. ern Railway. The fast train to Washington met with an accident four miles from Toccoa and that anybody lives to tell the tale ls a wonder, From Mount Alry to Toccon there Is a steep down grade, and the train was moving full sixty miles an hour when the tend r left the track, The engine cut loose and the osrs with the exception of the sleeper, went off a forty~10.t embankment, Expre.s Messager R. M, Greer, of Colume ‘a, 8 OC, was killed and Robert James, a negro, was Intally injured. James wn« in the express car, The passengers was bralsed, but tbat was all, The engineer could not stop his engine, and for five miles it ran away, Hesays he must have gone a hua. dred miles an hour, the Continental South Carolina crats Carry the Day Elects Delegates—D mo- The election of delegate: to the tional convention to meet on the 10th of Sep- tember next was he d throughout the State Ia nineteen of the thirty-five counties of the State thers were contests, Ia the others the tickets nominated in the democratic primar- les were elected without opposition, In six of the nineteen counties In which there were contests theirs were factional fights among the democrats, In the other thirteen the republioans had out full tickets but the reports at this time indicate that only in one county have the republicans had any tuccess, and in that one, Beaufort, the sue. cess has only besa partial, From present indications the convention will be composed of 110 Tilman democrats, {5-antl-Tiliman democrats and 5 republicans, Governor Evans and both Senators Tiliman snd Irby will be members of the convention, together withjseveral Congressmen ex-olreuit judges and other prominent mea in the Biate, Altogether it will be the strongest body of men which has met together in South Caro lina since the war, constitu ~ — III ws General Maceo weiles to the Cuban head. quarters in New York that the Spanish sol. diers aro panic-stricken and are defeated in every encounter with the losurgents, Japanese friendship for the United States has never been so pronounced as now. Spain has decided to pay the Mora claim | In a lump sum in September next, but with | out interest At the meeting of the peaco conference at Brussels an English de'egate defended an at tack upon the Ualted States for not promptly paying the Bering sea award, By the breaking of a gang- plank on which a number of the | ship yard at Kiel, | workmen wore walking in Germany, elght men were thrown into the water and drowned, The Chinese utrage investigative com- mission has left Foo Chow for Ku ( hen, and Lieutenant Evans, of the United States Navy, Is a memter of the commission, d to the of the Canadian authorities in the copyright England bas refuse grant reques matter, and the miniuscious, Jeneros Colaceno was shot and killed by b's oousin, Amendo Voipe, in Chester County. Twenty robberies bare occurred shobocken within the past week, The Methodl-t Ep rcopal Charch at Train. in Coa- presence of a large company. Highwaymen held up four men near Seran. ton, A festival to commemorate the old Mora- vian “Feast of Lanterns’ was held at Bethio. hem, geraid’s Court, located at the heart of city of Pittsburg, In the fire two women, Fannie Barclay and Myrtle Jone, were badly burned and were taken to the hospital by the police, The Jones woman had the flesh burned from her face, arms and neck, About threes houses harbored about twenty negro women and were resorts for the most hardened criminals, The Jones woman started the fire by-drop- ping a lamp, Julius Lindegren, a plano tuner, of Soran. ton, stepped from a Lehigh Valley train be tween Wysox and East Towanda and was seriously Injared, Lindegren had been asleop and when awakened by a brakeman jumped up, rushed to the piatiorm asd stepped off. He was found soon afterward and brought to the Ward House, A beavy thunderstorm and lightaing pasted over Bradford, Deb Dikman, while milkiog a cow at his barn at Bolivar Ran, was struck by lightning and instantly killed, His son who was standing near at the time received a severe shock and it is believed his fojuries will prove fatal, # - HURLED T0 DEATH. Six Men Killed and Six Fatally Hurt, [RON FURNACE EXPLODES In the Carnegie works at Braddock, Pa.~Not One of the Twenty Mer Employed Escape Uninjured, An explosion at furnace H. of ¢ ie w Tera AA, on Sissel Works, at Bradd ck in the morning, kilie od f isieen others al propety, The explosion was dus to a whieh suddenly was ne moiten met “nse allog an Imm jusatity ould not esesp the explosion fx The terrible loss of life was & iar cause, A few m sion oecurred on« nutes be! barrow of material 1 {forgot en 1« ae jurnace and prevents A gang cf sixteen Harrison, were {sland g the rain was in moti i awn heid compelied the engineer Laggage car, open the he did by nfl bag- gage man that they were held up aad that his head and de- ioor and gain 2 tance, whicn yrming the un at They were admitted at the robbers hal & § manded admitiance man was compel He could not the larger combination sale and the robbers with once and the express open the smaller safe, pen proceeded to blow the top out of it dynamite, in the meantime give th-m the slip, uncoupled the engine and made Gothealurg for a posse of ture the bandi's, In a » volunteers were en r« ute I robbery, but before they arr bad disappeared, The windows were all baggage car by the explosion, The bandits were expers in using the expiosive. When the dynamite exploded, the passengers on board were much excited, but were not mo ested, Nw Ricamoxn, Mion. ~The sherilf and his posse, together witn raliroad detectives, are on the tral of the five robbers who held up the Chicago and West Michigan train near Fennvile, They have tracked the gang four miles towards Allegan, The entire county has bees aroused and posses are out in every direction. A new brass lantern which was use! in flagging the train was found near the scone of the hold-up. Seo. ton men also fund a revolver. There was a olot of blood on the barrel. The raliroad officials offer a reward of #1000) for the robbers, and Allegan county officials also offer a reward. The robbers did not secure any booty, stn III 55 5 AA A STEAMER SUNK. the fireman managed to orward, b the and going rum to ¥ * = = pen tol ei hort r the sonne ved the robb time (we biown out of the A Bostioad of Knights Templar Wrecked Near Montreal, Steamer Terrebonne, from Kingston, tor Montreal, with several come manderies of Kolghts Templar on board struck a reef at loot of Castade Rapids and sank shortly after in the satrance to Lachine Canal. Bo far as reported uo lives are lost.