The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, July 18, 1895, Image 2

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John Lloyd, ehielengineer of the American
Line steamship Indiaoa, was drowned while
swimming in the Delaware River. Lioyd was
thirty years old, and resided in Liverpool
Eng ——Forest fires have cut off communi
cation from towns in Michigan. W. A.
Faires, a prominent liveryman and horse
dealer in Memphis, Tenn., fatally Injured
himself by sawing his throat with a dull knife
severing his windpipe, He bad not been
quite right in his mind for some time, —G,
L. Kaker, wholesale dealer In boys’ aud chil-
dren's clothing in Philadelphia, has failed.
——DBurglars broke open a safe in a store in
Norfolk, Ct, but got only #15, ——For the
second time inside of a year, a serious con-
flagration has destroyed part of the town of
Will ams, on the Atlantic and Pacific Rail.
road, in New Mexico, Loss 870,000. —Five
eases of small-pox have developed In the
family of David Reece, in Aeotnaville, O,
The remains of Captain Stephen V, Balke, a
Cuban exile, were found half eaten by buzz.
ards near McGregor, Tex. —Johu Quigley
was murdered at the Corrita; ranch in old
Mexico while asleep, His partner is sus-
pected of the crime. — Ia the federal court
at Keokuk, Ia., E. I. Cassatt, late pre ident
of the Firs* National Bank o! Pella, Ia, has
been indicted for the embezzlement of £60,000,
Capt. Webber has gone to China, it is said,
for the purpose of reorgasiz ng the Chinese
navy.——Jla a collision which bas oceurred
between two immigrant tra ns ar San Pablo,
province of Corrientes, Buenos Ayres, fifteen
persons have been killed and thirty injured,
J. H. Ormandy and his wife, son and
daughter, were arres ed in Los Angeles, Cal,,
for conducting an extensiva
establishment in the outskirts
of the city,
ignorant of the business Ia which he was en-
gaged. The coins counterfeited we. e of small
denomisations, At Watertown, N. Y.,
Minnie Ingersoll and Nicholas P, Strife were
shot by John Hoch, an ex convict, The lat-
ter afterward attempted suicide, ——The ate
tempt at bellograph signalling between the
summit of principal snow-capped peaks in
the Northwest did not prove asuccess, owing
to the smoky condition of the atm ephere,
Not one of the five snow-capped mountains
within sight ol Portland in clear weat:
was visible —The Minnesota Saprome
Court has grantel a stay of proceedinis In
the case of Harry Hayward ——A triple
drowning accident occurred ia the village of
Siatersville, R. I. Georje E. Rippett aged
seven; John Keegan, aged six, and John Me-
Gull, aged five, leit thelr homes
o'clock to go fishing. They did not return,
and at night their hats ware found floating
down the river, Their bodies have bon re.
4% 43 PLUPVETY WU LAYS 8 DUR nus ac Lip.
ple Creek, Col. ——Wiililam Walker, a © i
red desperado, was killed by William Wal-
ton, colored, near
South Camden, N. J., a locomoiive struck a
trolley car and demolished it. All
sengers succeeded la ing belore
collision, ——Aib.rt Bucke, a nipeteen-year.
old lad, committed suicide in Car.lsle, Pa
Fire broke out at Mauwatosa, the western
suburb of Milwauke~, Wis, sweeping
almost the entire business part of tb
within two hours, and en‘ailing a
between £40,000 and $50,000, The insurance
will not aziount to more than half that sum,
— Alexander Simms was hanged at Jack-
sonville, Fla. for the murder of Policaman
Minor last April, In an explosion of gas
at the Neilson colliery, near Shamokin, Pa,
Nicholas Gebrieh, Henry Osman, Joan
Francois, Joseph Faliehl and Wililam Dafly
were severely injured, Gobrich will probe
ably die, ——An additional number of bonds
forgel by Z. T. Lewis, the bond
Urbaca, Ohio, came Hight
about two
Memphis, Tenn. -—In
the pas-
escap tho
e place
loss of
broker olf
to wee T 1
Thirteen Persons Killed on a
Canadian Railroad.
The Second Sectionofthe Train Ran
Intothe First Section, which Had
Stopped for Water, at Craig's
Road Station.
A terrible accidént occurred at 8o'clock A.
M., at Craig's Road Station, on the Grand
Trunk Railway, about fourteen miles weit o!
A very large pilgrimage
from Sherbrooke Windsor M.lls and Rich.
mond had left the latter town about 10 o'clock
P. M., for the shrine of St. Ann de
There were two ssetions of
running a few
Lewis, Quebec,
train, one
the other.
miouies behind
the rear Puliman coach of the first
Toe Puliman coach was
ars ol the
ie o-
ing in them. number killed is
number twenty
The work of retcue wns done as
a and pr.estsralied
id Ir
jure 1
the men together and the dead “a
were taken from the ruins of
Pul man and first-ciass coaches anl cared
for wherever temporary quarters could be
Governor McCorkle for
that a reign of terror exists at the
Patrick Bakey, a foreman ia the Lytle Col-
liery at Minersville, Pa., was killed by an
explosion of ges, he having entered the mine
with a naked lamp.—~——The Redding and Al-
The women of the party ministered as best
they could to the wants of the maim :d
grims, They tore off thelr unde:cic
he gaping wour
absence of
and tried, in the
staunch the
cleanse the hurts,
Word was sent
apd §
flow ol
to Montreal an
from there were Issued to Levis to send out ¢
foree of doctors from
vat tear
Quetes to atlien
wounded anda
yee of mea to clear
At Levis hundreds of
gated and n
NOrons OXpPress WAL
taining mattresses and piliows were awaiting
iva] ’ . + wT
the arrival of the The wounded
been made as come
had all
rtable as possible on mat
tresses on the cars and were atteade 1 by phy,
gicians who had been sent on from L-ovis at
an early hour. The u
covered with blood and
nfortunate viet
their cio hes
torn to shreds, Brulses and cuts oz
and body were particulariy common,
The second person ‘taken from the
was Rev. Mr, Dignan, ¢
Windsor, who died ju-t as he was
the cars. The i
mediately driven to
The unfortunate pligrims all occupied bed
in the different wards in the
and Quebeo and nuns and
ire of SL Ge rpe's of
taken irom
wounded were
Hospital Dien, at
Hospital Dieu
of Leo
ad es of
ind were at‘ended physicians vis
Lev B
Tae er os of some of the wounded wore fear.
ful as they were atltended to by
It is hard to say where
accident rests, “It has been
Eagineer Mcleod might have
sieep, aad thus
the phy-
the blame fc
sURReSs ad
missed seeing the son
aud was unconscious of bis whereab
determine where the responsibility
investigation will be held at
‘he shrise of 8t, Ansedes Braupre, whither
these unfortunate
lies on the 8t. Lawrence river, 21 miles below
It bas been a resort pligrims
ever since its foundation by Dre‘ons
pligrims were destinel,
lonely road in California, and the express
Smithley, Harvey and Patterzoa were oin-
victed at Kingwood, W. Va,
of Sheriff Leroy fhaw.——Two workmen
were ki led in Chicago by falling from a
officials of the Order of Eiks It was agreed to
was burned to death,
a shed set fire to it, and
thus started
wreck on the Paulina street clectriosiine io
Chicago, — Mrs. Lizzie Cottier was com,
mitted for contempt in Chicago for refusing
to reveal the whereabouts of her child, —
Dr. 4. Trollinger reported that the negro
eolonists are held In slavery in Mexico.
H. E. Parsons some time ago and who on his
second trial was aequitted Is a candidate
for the position of spesial policeman of Hen.
rico connty,
earthquake ocourred at Shawneetown, Ills,
we Judge Lurton, in the United States Court
at Mempois, appointed a special commission
to conduc the sale of the Tepnesses Rall.
road, —Charles W, Irvine, charged with
robbing the Paank of Lexington through bis
bu-iness partner, Charlies M. Figgstt, who
wrecked that bank by overdrafts, was ao
quitied at Lexington, Va —Two brothers,
Wash and Batus Lyne, shot and Instantly
killed Luther Ryau, at a negro festival at
Gordonville, Kv. Two balls went entirely
through Ryan's body,-—It is stated that
negotiations are pending between the Navy
Department and the Cramps relative to mak-
ing a practical test of the turret now used on
modern warships, Just how soon the matter
will be decided 1s not known to the ship-
building firm, bu: it is expected that it will
ba quite soon,
Se ———————— "
Protessor George Willlam Smith has been
chosen president of Colgate University, He
is a g aduate of Johns Hopkins, and thirty.
two years of age. Hoe is the youngest college
president fn the United Slates, He has been
professor of history in Colgate University.
: eS li——i: vat
A milita'y balloon exploded. in the bar
rocks at Berlin, Three soldiers were ioe
fared and one of them has since died,
past half century that any great throngs
bave visited the charch., In 1874 17.00)
flocked to the shrine, and since then
pumbers have Inereassd steadily la 1803
there were 119,000 visitors and last year over
Inspector General Dumont Submits His
nual Report
The records of the Unlted States steam.
ship inspection service, which durin: the
rection of General Dumont, as Inspector
general, show that daring the last fiscal year
the number of lives lost on steam vesse's
was approximately 338, Tals was an increase
over the average of the preceding
years of 128,
the steam hip Colima, recently, «ff the Pa.
ast 19 years 247. The highest
nual lost was 586 in 1874
133 in 1886. Notwithstanding the great
crease inthe number of vouseis since
over 100 per cent. ~thero have been but 729
previous an
5.0.7 lives, the number of persons carried
180 carried In 1570, to not less than 650,000, -
000 carried ln 1802. The average loss of Ho
under the law of 1851 was one person to
every 250,181 presengers earried, while uan-
der the act of 1871, which greatly improvel
the sfficienoy of the servic, there was only
one life lost In each2,7.8,338 pas-engers
sarried, or a reduction in the number of lives
lost of nearly 11 to 1 In proportion to the
number of passengers carried, The service
consists of 175 ofMoers and clerks, one super.
vising inspecior general, ten supervising in-
spectors of distriots, under whom are local
fnspeclors, divided amongst the various cus.
toms colisoting districts of the United States,
One of the most striking Instances of the
benefits derived from the powers oonferred
upon inspectors under the law is the almost
entire absenos of intemperance at the pres.
ont time upon the part of the licensed offi
An alleged defect in the laws, and one
which has caused much eritisism, Is in the
looal inspectors’ power to Investigate the
oause of boller explosions and easuaities to
steam vessels, thus giving the inspectors tha
right to pass judgement upon their own acts.
The War Department Isines aa Interesting
Report on the Country's Militia.
The Mill ary Information Bureau of
War Department has lssued a report on the
organiz sd militia of the United States It
contains special reports of inspection officers
nnd othr laformation covering the eacamp.
ment saason of 1804, together with the fol.
the total orzanizad
strength of the militia in the several Blates:
lowing table showing
Alnbam New Jeorsey,...3,970
Arkasisas,.......0078 Nesw York.....11 840
Callfornimn , North Carodun. 1,512
Colorado North Dakota. ..5,04
Connecticut Ohlo
Delaware Q ezgon...
Florida. . Ponusylvania
Georgia , Rho te Island, 1.5
Idaho South ( arolina. 4
1line & south akon,
Indiana, Tounesses | 1
I wa . Texnas,. }
Kansas . Yermont,....
Kenn Virginia ,.. 3
Loulsinns, Wash
Maine West Virgins,
Mary Wy ming.
Ma~snct Vise
Minneso a
Mis -issipp.
Missourl, .
N sbraska
ngion, h
The vb
ye Fé
Lamps 0: 1
was held
Arkan «
thirty S'utes ~Alabamn,
nnecticat, Fior
Malae, Massac
fornia, Colorad
gia, Iowa
Michigan, M noesota,
Montaus, Neorasin, Nevada,
shire, New Jersey, Now York,
United Stutes ware dels
of War {
tive rmed
t Sates In Le
that their services wore in
: ’
jarge area o
it io
[a ¥ ware ca jed o Arkan.
v 1
i die
The American Wire (
irawers wont on strike at {
ympasy's 230) wire
jeveland |
po: cont, inoreass in Wages
\ #85 rd
fa, *
ons Manu’a
oT, v.15
that the wages of a’l its em
{neraased at once 10 per cen
The 200 employes of the Canton
Company went on strike for a rest
wages of 1802. This is oq
mand for an inerease of
A despateh from Calumet,
work was begua on number of the
Tamarack mins “Ihe shaft wiil ext nd
vertically a most one mile into the earth
fore striking the copper lead. It wil require
four years, working
dysamite, to reach the vein”
The agents of the manufacturing corpora.
have been asked by
report vpon A Lew
The new
day and night with
tions of Lowell, Mass, ,
the mule spinners to
schedule is
teing based
apon the number and quantity ol yarn pro.
A Richmond, Virginia, despateh sys that
Governor O'Ferrall's information Irom Poca.
hontas was to the effet that there ia likely
and be bas ordered the Roanoke L'gbt In-
Accordiog to advices which have reached
Charleston, West Virgiain, from the Elkhorn
10 starvation, and, as many of them will be
The fuinace men of the South Chicago
plant o! the Ilinols Steel Company have
been granted an increa o o! 15 pec cent over
the 10 per cent. ncreass in wages which was
given them voluntarily by the company on
July 1. Thue increase effects the whges of
Oger 500 men. Theyo aimed that the voiua.
tary increase invalidated their contract with
the company, and belog losufficient they
asked for gore,
A despateh from Muskegon, Mich, , says
hostilities between the old and new boom
companies have been resumed, A numbe:
of arrests wore made, The o'd company owns
every acre of land along Muskegon river lor
a distance of five miles and will allow no
person to drive logs or trespass on their
grounds, If they succesd in preveating the
big drive of logs of the new company, eon:
taining millions of feet, from coming down
tho river every mill in the city willsbut down
withia a few woeks Ye
In Mr. Gladstone's farewell address to the
electors of Midlothian he declares thal the
century just expiring bas witnemwod unex.
ampled progress in the matter of franchises
for the people.
Chicago Contractor Suffocates
Wife and Family.
Apparently Under Influence of an
Insane Impulse Frederick Hells
mann Planned the Extinction
of Hiinself and His Family.
A despateh from Chicago, 11, says:
well-to do mason cone
It was at first sup
the wholesale
pianted, and that the
istence of the members of his femily.
Toe tragedy took place in a little brick
eottuge at the corner of Cornelia and Wood
strests, The motive for the crime may never
it is supposed the act was that
of a mad man, as Hellmann, ten yours
bad a sunstroke, from which he never
covered completely. Suspicion was
aroused by Lo fact
the Hollmanns
in which
tbat the house
itv d was tightly cicsed lcng
after the usual hour |
who lives next door, sttempted
r the [amily to be astir,
The mo r and married rister of Hellmang,
to break iuto
the house, but we: y do so.
To flaally managed to force
unable t
an entrance
throush a window that had been left unias.
tened, and make their way to one of the bed-
rooms where the dead bodies of al the fam-
fy were found, The house was 80 full of gas
that the two women were nearly overcome,
and it was only a. ter It bad bee.
opened up
fT the gas
that it was found possible to turn off
which was streamiog from as
dhe relatives acd ail the
gopciuded that the deaths bad
X *
suit of an acc!
they came, adhe
The open gas jot
wever, ag entire
given the
srawied as the Of
could gain adm
that be hia
The bro her
after nu,
had not
and esme dir
Other circumstances avo went 10 show (he
{f tho man. The gas
were only piaced in the
jelilera o Intentions
houses two
el that
wore put there for the purpose of
It is now the 1x
t the deed 20 successiunly accomplished,
ne they
ye And
of the bodies at the ti
Tue position
wore found indieate] that the two b
cider girl lought
room after the falb
pide of the bed as |
desperately to
er had ned on the
motber and baby
the two boy ud
ent attitudes and
faces were those of persons w bad strug-
gied hard, The Grmiy
ler boy, and
of the othe
band was
uth of the ¢
of the throat
placed across the m
there is an abrasion
jad, as though he Mad been strang'ed
People Near Wellsboro, Pa, Afflicted With
Symptoms of Poisoning.
The physicians attached to the State Hos.
pital at Blossburg, this county, are trying to
solve the mystery surround ng peculiar cases
{ apparent poisoning that have been
brough to their attention. A few days ago,
Jacob Rymska, of Blossburg, died pre«um-
of a bile from some
net, as he stated that he fell a sting under
tis eye soon after going to bel He died
two days aflerward. Since that time there
that town,
one of them proving fatal In
Rymska the patient's head swelled to enor.
mous proportions and his death was caused
by suffoe ition veeasioned by the terrible
In ail of the cases there was a #mali pim-
sf the patient swelled to a remarkable sizs,
It is
The physicians are unable
10 explain the matter, Dr. Crandal, of the
in theso cases are entirely different, Ths
people of the meighborhord are excited,
soms ¢aiming that a po sonous fly has been
imported, while others mainiain thatitis a
plague aad not the bite of an insect,
Houses Blown Down and Wide Paths Made
by the Wind
A terrifio electric rain and wind storm
swept over Ardmore, I. T., doing great dam-
age. I: certain localities the force of the
wind equalled a tornado. The main force
of the storm seems to have spent itself about
fitteen miles southenst of Marietta, L T.,
where a number of houses were blown down.
Bob Braz I's house was blown from over
the heads of himself and /amily and they
had a narrow esonps. One person was
killed by lightning at Bob Station, twenty
miles south of Ardmore. The large store
of M. F. Michal & Company was blown
down, The wind swept everything in Its
path for an area of a mile and a ball asd
several miles fa length, Cornfieids, fences
aud bulidings were laid down. A full ne.
count of the damage oanno. be ascertaine |
on nosount of tie wires Laing prostrated.
The C ifton Fireebrick Works, at Cumber-
land Loss #€0,0.0,
Egbert Mayer, aged 18 years, was I[atally
injured in Minneapolis Ly the bursting of a
W. Va., was burned,
Loy cannon,
Two men, a wom and a horse
in, & boy
were in a trolley eas
New Jersey,
A head-on e between trolley cars
peentrred at Midway Park, near Middletown,
NY #
MX. £
sailislon lo
everal persons were severely injured,
John Bwaustrom, aged 22 years; Miss Hed.
woe drowned while
on Chautauqua
wig Lawson, aged 19,
Iake, N. X.
Driving Park, in Buflalo, N, ¥
OA weak sialrwny.
ys fei!
at BJ persons were
injured, thres probably fat
the Mara-
, at Calistoga, Cal
the Howard,
bel quicksilver m
A volier explosics Ia South
Dakota, roller mills, &:most the
pbuliding, ki.led the sagiaeer and serious'y
ably ialniiy.
Nearly three inches of iain fell in
hours in the vicinity =! Fort Smith, Ark, Bey
eral bridges on the Louis and Ban I
jsco Rallway were washed and
damage 10 crops was considerauie,
ys Atianta, Ga, says that B
sounty, died of by
s was bition alx weeks ago Ly
sa went to New York and
Tastit Alier
{ismissed as cured,”
was treated at the Pasieur te,
fifteen da
A despatch from Dealson, Texas, says that
that counrty ‘is water, It
bas rained aimost the past
x witli Dg ORjeCh 1 an Aalaten
hn nent
The oat , ootton is ja the
The sch
e1op is mu
and the farmers are despondent,”
yuer Lucl ym Philadel.
t board,
o! Samuel
New Haven Cl
aged 16,
sd fa 1
$30 §
in wt
nd ber
sears, Jost one of Dis Log
sister, Bessie, was badly
tako the platiorm to-
ars Peek and William
i, are to
and Hayne #7
i poets,
id not see two
pin flats
seph Krauskop!, of
turing on Pac.fle (
Leen received everywhere with great eniius
jasni. lao San Frasecisco much atiention has
jtohim and as a
been paid representative
i he
pist be has aroused
Philadephia philan:h:
much in erest
The ex-King cf Servia won $140.00) al the
Pacis Grand I'r
of his gambling debts at jeast,
x. encugh to pay a
There was az
element of supersii fon in his betting. A mars
had won svery eight Grand Prix races previ.
ously, and bis inference tbat a mars would
win the 1895 race proved to be correc’,
bieyele to profitatis use in
ung man named Dennett has put his
the Austra ian
gol 1 Oelds by establishing with It a postal
route between Codigardie, the conter of
mining distr.c’, and Daundos, which Is
miles away. Strapped on the wheal is a
small jetter-box in which be carried le'ters
between the two town
and telegrams for five shillings making one
round trip a week. A revoiver, a sharp knife
and a water-buttie comprise the rest of his
King Menelik of Abyssinia is founding a
large library at Abbis Abeta and ocoliecting
cording to tradition, when the Somalis In-
yaded Abyssina in the sixteenth ceatury, al’
the books belonging to the Emperor were
hidden on an island in Lake Zual, in South.
ern Shon, Io December last Meaelik sent a
The native:
could not read them, but kepl tiem as re.
ligious objects, The manuscripts were left
with them, but copies were ordered for the
now library.
Livery Stable Employes in Detroit Lose
Their Lives.
Fire was discoverad in the livery stable of
G. ¥. Case, 41 West Congress Street, Detroit,
Mich., a brick four-story structure. All of
the employes were lodged and fed in the
building. Oa the fourth floor were sleeping
accommodations for twenty-five men. How
many oceupled bade Is not dellaitely known,
but six Lursed and obarred bodies are at the
Morgue awaiting burial, There were many
narrow escapes and herole rescues by the
firemen and police, The loss will aggregate
There were about elghty horses stabled in
the basement, all of which were gotten out
with the exception of Little Mae, the pacer,
valued at §3500,
Bill Best, of Kentucky, Picks a Quarrel With
the Wrong Man.
William Dest, the most notorious resident
of Paint Lick, Kentucky, was shot and in-
stantiyjkilled in a quarrel “by Speed Nunn,
The killing of Dest wipes out at least a fam-
ily ot outlaws who bave been the terror of
1s sootion lor paany yoars,
Epitome of News Gleansi From Various Parts
of the Btate,
A shocking aceident occurred at Echuyl-
kill Haven, on the Philadelpbia and Beading
Hallroad, 'n which one mas was jostantly
killed and two others seriously, if not fatally
injured, The accident wesdue to a trip of
cars crashing into a ear on which the men
were at work, Thelr names are Daniel Dal-
1#y, aged 65 years, crushed about the head
killed lustantly ; Frank Swartz, aged 55 years
two lower limbs erusbed so badly that they
will have to bes amputated
aged 40 years, one Hmb
to be amputated,
ployees of
Haven, and were an
George Derger,
ised, will haves
The victims were al ew
the repair shops at Bebuylkiil
work repairing a
dola ear, while a
shifted on the
trip of cars was
same tr ack a short distance in
the rear. 1: was whic
removing the drawh trip
broke loose and came down on them
they were engaged in
ad that the Cars
they were aware of thelr danger, Dalley was
eaught about the head between the bumpe
ws Lin UI pers,
and his cheek bones were crushed ns was
also a portion of his skull, The other men
fell beneath the wheels
All of the men we
. ol ma
» inarried and
were crushed,
had {as
Waiter N. Boyer, secretary of the Cone-
wego Water Company, and Eagineer Birken
bine, both of Philadelphia, inspected
at «
the tre-
mendous falis 88 waler
power it is proposed to utliz r
inl purposes, The cox i begin work
io a short tim » furnish water
and power to 3 thiz seciion.
The falls are the best on the Busquebanna,
Heory Crate, a notorious pow-wow do
was commited to jail at Allentown, 2b
with defrauding a woman. Crate
the home of
Harry Peters, at
and in the absence if the
Peters that he would eu
by pow-wowing. Mrs. Peters gave
several dollars for the “*treatment,’
oo relief, When her b
isband heard
matter be had Crate arrested,
wuss he
bad ao idea that he woul
come insane Alfred Dutcher, agel
% foide by Hi satis
of Carlisle, commit!
bd ‘
himseil wi h a revolver jutcher was {
lying in an outhouse near his isther's
dence, The revoiver wa pide
and a bullet wound appeared
# coat pocket a letter ad lressed
and dated July
insanity was ©
8 was found,
with erat
Yor lw - ~
LOuYy was red yar
Five mon were severely |
f gas in the N»,
men wis
was internally ir jured, cannot live,
i bis lace
ary Osman was badly bru'sed
” Bown 8% 4 Btn Sh
e burned, Jeau cols,
roe Joseph Ball
by Homan
Oriowirz. Danksha business
bean greatly injure l by tain sialer
Ciriowier has §
It Ischarged that Or
persons against allowing Das
any funeral for them or
clafms that Danksha “ig
used dirty Suid, wash water siops
Rev. D
H. Phillips,
County, died from tbe effects «
the leg.
Mrs. PB esmsner, ol
herself and child and tried to strangie
Five boys were arrested at Chester chargel numerous robberies
Five miners were injured by an exp osion
ia Nelson colliery, near Shamokin One
will die,
Mra 1da Dartersat West Chester, lnstituted
a suit for divorce.
Danie: Werling, the execu'ed wile mur
derer, was givea a public funeral at Pitts.
The Executive Committee of the Pennsyl-
vania Commission for the Atianta Exposition
met at Harrisburg.
A group of! Husgarian children found
three boxes containing dynamite sticks sec-
reted in au arch under the tracks of the
Pailadelphia & Rea ling Bailroad at Potts.
town. An e der Hua attempted to open one
of the boxes, when tere wa« an explosion
and the man was painiuily lojured. Tbe for-
signers who bad col ected by this time, were
tearfully alarmel and threw the remaining
boxes into a poni of wa er. It is believed
that the stuff wee hidden there by would-be
burglars for the purpose of using it in bur.
glary work.
Judge Woodward gave a hearing to Miss
Cassels Connell, who accidentally shot and
killed Mrs. Kelley at Pittston There was no
new evidence beyord the fact that Mrs. Kel.
ley stood 140 feot away from the point where
Miss Conne.l stood when the shot was fired,
and also that Miss Connell could see the old
lady when she firad. The friends of the
young girl lurnishel $2000 bail
Governor Hastings’ vetoes of the Eleotrio
light bills and the Woods water bill have
made his adminisiration very popuiar in
Montgomery County and Seaator Quay's
course is strongly disapproved.
Governor Hastings approved the special
appropriation bill giving €369,000 to the State
Normal Sebool.
Delaware County officials acouss a Harris.
burg constable of releasing a murdersuspect
alter suggestiog a division of the reward,
Several interesting lectures were given at
Mount Grotaa.
At the cunference belweesn the iron madbue
facturers and the Amalgamated Association
at Pittsburg the bar and the plate scale for
the entire Pittsburg district was signed.
Miss Hannah Simons, aged 33 years, had
sixteen tooth extracted at Reading snd died
of hemorrhage of the gum’,