The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, June 20, 1895, Image 7

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Between Two Millstones.
“I am about to have gas put into my
house,” said the citizen. “Is it neces.
sary to get a permit?’
“Yes, sir,” replied the City Hall of.
ficll. “It will cost you $10.”
“Ten dollars! What's that for?"
“The street's paved, Isn't 1t7”
“Well, the $10 is for tearing up the
“But the men that are working for
the company do all the tearing up.”
“Certainly. ‘fhe $10 is to guarantee
that they'll replace the pavement in as
good shape as it was before.”
“Why don't you hold the gas com-
pany for that?”
“The work is done for you.
the party responsible.”
“Does the city ever inspect a pave
ment after it has been torn np and laid
down again?’
“Not that I have ever neard of.”
“Do you know that I had to pay for
the laying of that pavement in the first
place 7"
“1 presume you had.”
“And that 11 to make a stiff de
posit with the gas company before it
will begin this work of putting in the
You are
“Then I have to pay the
permit for the ga ny te
I can’t hol
company for tl
which it is done, the city gives
protection, and I'm bled
the city and the gas company
the privilege of becomin
my own pavement,
in advance by
both for
g a contributor
o the coffersof thes
the regular thiug,
“That's about right.’
“Do you
gas in your h
call it a gq
ouse if you don’
riend, you
“In all
done any
mean,” sneer
have never den
ashamed of.”"—In
Why She Smiles Sweetly.
Spark! ! ing heart, and
the ros
mages t
Away,’ .
York or Chier
A—He is a reiation of yours by t
Lelieve ? I 3 . :
For Well People
Most medicines are
be used with wood eff
iy well, (wcasio
prevents attacks t
the stoma
for t
fs and iver,
To Preserve is Letter and cheaper than to
in thes bi
hor of ut 1 Dish x vices 4
er of sales the create b alliog off
evel d 8 the sreatert nr
velo i Jae greatert' enum
4.8 Parker, Fro
not cali 3 you
lieve Hall's Catarr
catarrh. Was very
tUculars Sold b
Think bow a man weard
woud OOK in a
ng side whiskers
mard @ mg
li Elmer's Swamr- Hoot ears
al Kidney and Bladder troubles
Yamphiet and Consultation frea
Laboratory Binghamton, N. LL
Miss Oidu
kiss me !
ike 10 see any man alive
, Sharpe a would.
Experience Leads Mansy
“Use Parker's Ginger Tonic"
for colds, pain and a
Mothers to Say
recause it is good
ry Woakness,
mot eve
shipped from
Walnut logs are
re makers io Beotiand,
direct to furnitu
1 madisina
i~en and Blake
26, 1334,
I on
Mre, Winslow®
teething, softe :
tion, aliays pain, cv
thing Syrup for children
ms, reduces inflamma.
ind enolic. Zc. a bottle
I'ashawasy i ren't
deal, Uncle Ebony
done got work,
Wife nsed “Moravn's Fursxn™ before first
child—waa quickly relirvel; suffered but little
recovery rapid. KE. E Jonssrox, Eufaula, Ala
you spruced up a good
ies, sat, Mah wife bas
Biazier-—How did that bank clerk
of yours come to be crooked ?
used to ride a bieyels,
Those Distressing Coran!
Bad as they are, Hindercorns will remove
them, and then you ean walk as you like,
Protespor-- Johnnie, did Willie Jones leave
the room 7 Johnnie (smart Loy Yes, sir,
Did yer #' pose he took it with “im?
How is Your Blood?
If it is poor and thin and lacking in the
number and quality of those red corpuscles,
you are in danger of sickness from disease
gorms and the enorvating effect of warm
weather. Purify your blood with
3 *
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
The great blood purifier which has proved
its merit by a record of cures unequalled in
medical history. With pure, rich blood you
will be well and strong. Do not neglect this
Important matter but take Hood's Barsapar-
lla now, Be sure to got Hood's,
are tasteless, mild, effec.
Hood’s Pills re “ail arugeists.
———— a —
The Eminent New York Divine's Sun -
day Sermon.
Subject: “Expurgation of the Seriptures.’ |
— Walter Beott’'s Waverley Novels, Maecan.
Iny's History of England,” Disraeli’s “Ep.
dvmion,” the works of Tennvson and Long.
fallow, and all the popular books of ourtime
having no such sale in the last ten years s
this old worn out book. Do you know what
of Constantk
and did not see the value of if,
TexT: *'Let Go
a liar.” Romans iii, 4
The Bible
to some inside and outside s» pulpit. 1t is
no surprise that the world bombards the |
Seriptures, but it ig amaz
tian ministers picking
and de £ that until
in the fog about w
rue, but every man |
aceording |
are left
Bible they ought to believe and
reject, The heinousness
wit! 1
perd n, and
preachers of
me think of «
the waves dashing to
stack, and the hateh
such on
wn fron
ine of
as Origen
tuliian in the
LifTarent ages
i The
ament in manu-
/ three great
i Eugland, |
itireh of Italy,
tL plain matter of history that Tischen-
it nventinthe peninsula of Sinai
and was by rope over the wall into
convent, that t only modes of admis
sion, and that there in the waste
basket for kind fires a manuscript
of the Holy Seri; That night he «
sages of that Bit ie, but |
fed many of the 1 .
it was not until fifteen years had passed of
varnest entreaty and prayer and coaxing and
wirchase on his part that that copy of the
oly Scriptures was put into the hand of |
the Emperor of Russin—~that one copy sc |
marvelously protected.
Do you not know that the catalogue of the |
books of the Old and New Testaments ag we |
have it is the same catalogue that has been |
coming down through the ages? Thirty- |
nine books of the Old Testament thousands
of years ago. Thirty-nine now, Twenty!
seven books of the New Testament 1600 years |
ago. Twenty-seven books of the New Testa. |
ment now. Marcicn, for wickedness, was |
turned out of the church in the second een-
tury, and in his assault on the Bible and
Christinnity he incidentally gives a oata- |
logue of the books of the Bible—that cata~ |
logue corresponding exactly with ours—tes-
timony given by the enemy of the Bible and
the enemy of Christianity, The catalogue
bow just like the catalogue then, Assaulted
and spit on and torn to pieces and burned,
yet adhering. The book to-day, in 300 lan-
guages, confronting four-fifths of the human
race in their own tongue. Four hundred
million copies of it in existence. Does not
that look as if this book had been divinely
protected, as if God had guarded it all
through the centuries?
Is it not an argument plain enough to
every honest man and every honest woman
that a book divinely protected and in this
shape is in the very shape that God wants
It pleases God and ought to please us
The epidemics which have swept thousands
of other books into the sepuleher of forget.
fulness have only brightened the fame of
this, There is not one book out of 1000 that
lives five years. Any publisher will tell you
that, There will not be more than one book
out of 20,000 that will live a century, Yet
here isa book, much of it 1600 years old and
much of it 4000 years old and with more re-
bound and resilience and strength in ft than
when the book was first put upon parchment
hia book
book saw the eradie of all other
books, and it soe their vou, Would
you not think that an old book like this,
some of it forty centuries old, would come
along Lobbling with age and on arutches?
Instead of that, more potent than
book of the time. More co of it printed
ia the last ten years than of any other book
it was the first and second decades of Livy,
large reward if he
would bring the books to his study, but in
the excitement of the fire the two parted, and
the first and second decades of Livy were for.
liny wrote twenty books of his
tory, All lost, The m of Menander's
writings lost, 80 comedies of Plautus,
all gone but twenty, Euripides wrote 100
dramas, all gone nineteen, X
wrote 100 dramas,
wrote the ia
sh iy
700 Ro
itiiian wro
sighty books, o
hist ry all lost,
are m
+ lying in the
wad perhaps one
' long an
$13 at
ows the
wt hoy on ¥
and the str
the gates
§ mh tow
a chapter
b y
then all th uily in turn
aintained his
the or z
hor +
oer inleg-
rity, the sons grew and entered pro.
fessions and commercial life, adorning every
sphere in the life ved, and
the daughters where
Christ was hon
For thirty
Now, if you will tell me of a family where
the Bible has been read twioco aday for thirty
years, and the children have been brough
in that hal and the father went to
went to ruin, and the
ved by ft
one such incident, I
my Bible or 1 will doubt
I tell you if a man is shocked
he calls the indalicacion of the
word of God he is prurient in his taste and
imagination. If a man cannot read Holo-
mon & Song without impure saggestion, he
is either In his heart or in his life a libertine,
The Old Testament description of wiskad-
ness, unclesnnoess of all sorts, is
purposely and righteously a disgust.
ing account, instead of the DByronie
vernacular, which makes
those old prophets point you to a lazaretto,
you understand it isa lazaretto. When a
man having begun to do right {alls back into
wickedness and gives up his integrity, the
Bible does not say he was overcome by the
fascinations of the festive board, or that he
surrendered to convivialities, or that he be
came a little fast in his habits, 1 will tell
you what the Biblosays, “The dog is turned
to his own vomit again and the sow that was
washed to her wallowing in the mire,” No
filding of iniquity. No garlandson adeath’s
ead, No pounding away with a silver mal
let at iniquty when it needs an iron sledge
1 can easily understand how people brood
ing over the description of uncleanness in
the Bible may get morbid in mind until they
are us full of it as the wingh, and the beak
and the nostril, and the claw of a buzzard
are full of the odors of a carcass, but what
is wanted is not that the Bible be disinfect.
od, but that you, the eritic, have your mind
and heart washed with earbolio acid.
Itell you at this point in my discourse
that a man who does not like this book, and
who is eritical as to its contents, and who is
shocked and outraged with its desori ons,
has never been soundly converted, lay«
ing on of the hands of presbytery or epls-
copaoy does not always change a man's
heart, and men sometimes got into the pul
pt. os well as into the pew, never having
Bidio whi
the word Ae ip Bond
m 4
tiow of the heart is what A ronda
if you will tell me of
will throw away
Honored Dying.
It is noticed that Zangwill, the
novelist, rarely reverts to humor in
his stories, but he is a rare judge of
it, nevertheless. ‘‘It was in Perth,’
he writes, *‘' that, puzzling over a
grimy statute, I was accosted by a
barefooted newsboy, with his rau-
cous cry of ‘ Hair-r-ald, Glasgow
Hair-r-ald!” “Tl
I, ‘i you'll tell me
that is.’ ‘Tis Rabble
take one,’ quoth
whose aitue
Burns,’ re
‘Thank you,’
‘* And what
this :
plied he, on the nail
said 1 taking the paper.
did he do to deserve
My new sboy
instentorian ci
| out
'tis Rabbie
Ly of
he do to dese
ny newsboy
What is Your Foot Like?
Origin of a Saying.
lier times, save
nan «
rend 1
Blackcapped the Whitecaps
Two men ounty tried
an old
The old fellow Kk1
down with a lightwood
the other to
climb a
with two hound dogs awaiting his
arrival on terra firma. The old man
finally let him go on in peace after
paying $1.
Rerorrs to the Agricultural De.
partment from its European agent in.
dicate that the area of winter wheat
in France is considerably smaller
than last year’s, and spring sowings
are curtailed. In Great Briain the
prospect for grazers is considered ex-
cellent, while in Germany the agrar-
ian interests are supposed to be de-
spondent owing to the injury to rye
and wheat caused by unfavorable
weather, Resowing a large acreage
in Belgium and Holland kept the
farmers there busy during March,
Winter sowings have suffered in most
of the continental countries and con-
siderable damage isadmitted in Spain
and Hungary. Spring field work was
in arrears throughout [taly, but good
crops are expected, Excellent har
vest are also promised in Algeria and
The South Covington and Cincin.
nati Rallway Company has put a
fence around Bromble, Ky., a village
opposite the west end of Cincinnati,
to provent the people living there
from using its cars on Sunday. and
to discourage the establishment of
Bunday pieniec grounds in the neigh-
A Hebrew Bible in the Vatican
weighs three hundred and twenty
pounds, and is the largest Bibl ein
the world. It is all manuscript.
Years Old and Is Proud of
Her Famous Fon.
Both the method and results when
Byrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
Jdver and Bowels, cleanses the sys-
tern effectually, dispels colds, head.
aches and fevers and cures habitual
Eyrup of Figs is the
Lealthy and agreeable substances, its
popular remedy known,
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug-
may not have it on band will pro-
cure it promptly for any ome who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
A Fine Specimen,
A certain 1
Want to Jearn all
Horse ! How 10 Plo
Good One ?
Cons and so Guard
Fraud! Detoct Disease
Fetes Cure when sa
pose bie ' Tel: the age by
the Teeth 7 What to call the |
Animal?! How to Shoe a Horse Properly All thle
and other Ve ustie Information ca e obta ned hy
reading our 100-PAGE ILLUSTRATED
BORNE BOOK, which we will forward posh
said, on receipt of only 23 cents ln stampa
134 Leotard St. New York Cit,
about a
win Jo
Enow imperie ,
Terent Parts of the
Raphael, Angelo, Rubens, Taso
The “LINEN are the Best and Most Boonomi
eal Collars and Oufls worn. they are made of fine
cloth, both mdes Sninled alile, and being reverse
bis, one collar is equal to te ary other Kind
The vw 5 well, wear weil and look well A bax of
Ten Collars or Five Pairs of Calls for Tw aty. Five
A Sample Collar and Tatrof Cue ball for Biz
Ostits. Name eiylo and sae. Address
27 Kilby 81, Boston.
Cleanses and 1 tifier the hale.
Prossotes a luxuriant prowth
Never Fails to Restore Gray
Hair to {lp Youthful Color.
Cures sraip diseases & hair falling.
Soe, and 81 mt Druggists
oa v2
Perhaps, because
at hand,
she had
kind of washing and cleaning.