THE NEWS, Joseph ( I ndennin, a i Ww. Ww of Faye te county dered in the gard: pe i vania intment bi ogisiature, h, Mo., has {f Deiawnre, Ose varad by he Pullman tthe Chicas of red desperado Rayfleld, trying to arrest, — Burglars wns sale of the postoflic The American suit in Ric salem, cigarette nw, Comptroller Congressman sound mon Mrs. Annie burned whi'e trying to of & home, fumes, The gri C., indicted the judg The sev niver American Unitarian Associ Boston, —In the ¢ crier of the Cr mioal for the mu wntieth Roya, th without Sagar R of glucose MURDE RED AT A CHURCH y Men Blaze Away at Each Other with Deadly Effect. ~ y or JOMIOE AL ay took piace at the door iueeh, yias ville county and Wool- Mont Lile Riley . ol the Troy Presbyterian C on the ine betweea Nich ford, in Kentucky, between Gerge brothers, and Areh D. Lilley, Ce gomery, was killed and yrge Montgomery faiaily wounded, Both families are very prominent and the affair has created a great The great wonder is tha: others were not killed while the shooting was going on, churchyard was filled with people, WRECKED BY A BROKEN AXLE. sensation, as the | Thirteen Freight Cars Ditched, Two Men Killed and Five Injured In a freight wreek on the Cincinnati ! Southern Raiiroad, near Danville, Ky., two men were killed and five others wounded. The iojured men were all ramps, The wreck was caused by the breaking of an axle of a box ear. Thirteen care, londed with fron, dressed jumber and eonl, were ditched. The wreck took place ou a high hill, and the cars rolled down the Ill la » heap, mis sss AAAI CONSULAR AGENTS SHOT. British Consul Killed and Representatives of France and Russia Shot. The British Consul and Vice-Consu', the Russian Aelog Consul and the French Con- sular *ecretary were attacked and shot out. sid « the town of Jedda, The shoohing is supposed to have been done by Bedouii®4 The British Viee-Consul was killed, t.o British Consul was slightly wounded and the others were serious y wounded, al A revolution has broken out in Ecuador and the Unit 4 #'ates steamer Napg r has been ordered to Guayaquil, A VICTIM OF PNEUMONIA. He Was Recovering from Pleurisy When a Relapse Came and Pneumonia Ensusd,. Indiana, and siege ol Ksburg in eharge Aller the siege he was, « mendation, appoin ed a brigadier gensral He was with Sherman before Atiania, com It was that he nas wo it He stopped bis way home, 80 eory TPR nt this time (1864 anded on fore he entirely recovered, the recovery in his walk throughout his life He was brevetted as a major geaeral in 1565, WORE AR A LAWITER He remained in New Albany, where he be. gan the practies of the law and Kept it up till 1866 when he was appolsted Sia eagent, his duty being to pay the interest on State debt in New York cliy. In the year and two years latier he contested that district for Congress with the iate Michael C, Kerr and was bea'en both times, He was strongly tuirged for a place in the Cabinet of President Garfield, and here is ronson to believe the representations of his friends in bis beball were regarded with mueh favor, but he was not nominated, be. cause h s party io the West falled to agros upon him, SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY, He was promoted from the Postmaster Generalship to the Becrolaryship of the Treasury in 1884 alter the death of Secretary Folger. In Oc ober of that year President Arthur tendered bim the pasos of United States Cireoit Judge in Chicago, to succeed Judg: Drummond, resigned, and ;t was ae eopted During his career on the bench Judge Gresham heard and decided many note. worthy cases. As a jurist Judge Gresham was distingul hed for the directoass and ao. curacy of his preceptions, the absolute fair ness of his rulings and h # utter unconsclous ness of the standing, character or wealth ol samo parties or ecunsel, as a cand dy H8 1, o for Hepubliean ident ia He w fda nomi ation for P'res He received 111 vol Couvention in 1589 third by'iot and nly 14 48 sou tho first ny 100, His vote ballot in the H . : a2d thea £, He refusal the nomication by the veople’s party rose 10 188 on th dwindled to 50 on the eighth and la in 1804 | BECAME A DEMOCRAT i Hea left tl party the next Octo. ber, and in a letter to Mayor Blac d Oo Hepullica .t Wilson, wf { 4 x ng ior Grover with announced his intention of ¥ Cleveland, concluding his letter this bilean oan joining the in ne )ISASTERS AND CASUALTIES. -y ad Y THE JUDGE BLEW OFF HIS HEAD. A Despondent Parmer Takes His Life yr His Gun Fac «X OUNL : r. agel about L years re ek Didtrie:, Wash ing on co , L nmitted suicide by His body gtanary near his hou », the nit fT he o! his head was sho Au empty shotgun was in dead man't hands and It above hia, na i of bat was hanging ao suspiei 263 is on A There wore foul play. Hen ine was unmarried asd bal been lie Several years ago be lost bis leg a coitand it is thonght that this with his jonely life brought the rash deed competences from bis a German, who was inher ted a air father, John Henline, German prince loc » sa.00n, WHOLE FAMILIES DIE. Dest: uction to Life by Floods in in the Devil's | River Conatry Nat Sulbacher, of Bu Antonia, Tex, has just returBed from the Dei's It ver country, where he came near being a vieim of the terrible f1 od that visited that section, He was caught in the ushiog waters asd los: all his baggage. Ho said he help bury four persons who met thoir Je ths by drowning near Ozona Two others boiong to the same family were drowned, Lut ther Lollies have not besa gyre. covered. The v etims were George Velasces' wile and the latter's two boys and three ser. vants. They lived on the banks of the river, which rose thirly fee: within thirty minutes ' and swepi theic house into the ragiog ror rent, A I other houses {a the Prosper Ranch, between Juno asd CO meaook, were swept away, and several families, numbering in all ab ut twenty persone, are believed to have drowned. : ! INGLE NAT ( Get Together, CTICAL STEPS DA i TAKEN, All and | L LNCS in Ca y of Forelgn un Offensive Alli arco Against Ener Common eS. s continet There has t ra or leas copies on m ow i ure as ormmaticn of a Cent:al American na. the isho April 15 nt this treaty appeirs to be practiea! step toward ite accor Ita pr was | ny elamation at Tegueigaipa on Powel by a meeting at the ministers of other republics, with a view to Article 50 1 areyin : ons treaty bas also been received. It for the arbitration of thar boundary jon by a commission, to bs chosen by the two countr.ea, and if an agreement on the is con- os. ques MR M'CULLOCH DEAD. For Many Years He Had Been National Affaics, Ex-Beeretary of the Treasury Hugh Me. Cullcugh died at his home, Floral Hill, Pricee George's county, Md., of lung trouble and old age. He was the only man who held the portiolio of the Treasury Depar ment twice up to President Harrison's adminietras tion. He was born December 7, 1808, in Ken. nebunk, Me,, but received the greater part of his education in Indiana, Mr, MeCule loch was appointed comptroller of the Treas. ury by Baimon I, Chase, Secretary of the Treasury, in May, 1863, He was appointed secretary of the Treasury in Mareh, 1865, by President Lincoln, He retired from pu lie Iife at the close of the term of President Ar. =sminent in na ely on his farm in Maryland and in Wash. ington. Interment of the remains will be in Rok Creek Cemetery, near Washington, Diplomatio relations betwern China and Japan have been resumed by the appoint ment of Count Hayashi, vies foreign mia. ster, 10 be Japanese minitor to Petia ITEMS : WN § ran * P-RENSYLVAN.A Enitome of News Gleaned From Various Parts of tne slate An {in the m n the bed ai Tae thing was burn. his waist up and 1 1 «ah turned birek who A iay To the physician that he bad lighted ciga. ote in bis mouth when he dowa he docs 8 was oalled in be explained A strong odor of coal oll led r to mako an examination and the portion of the man's clothing remaining as well as ¢ bedding was sniuated with oil, While roid Edward Leathberry, Cedar street, Bristol, was Bath street, on savaze dog which was Lear the store of Engle Smith, sprang the chi'd, Besides inflicting other rom the ehild’s head belore ived, Peter Transue, a res dent Township, is 82 years oid been broken up for ten years, The horses nie, — FLYING MACHINE FLIES. ——— A Baccessful Test of Professor Langley's In vention at Washington. The Langley fling machine, it Is reported flew a distance of 1000 feet, at a test, down the Potomac a few days ago. The machine is sow propelied by storage batteries placed under the wings and moves indepen ently of any controP{rom the float by which the flights are made, It fs now believed that the machine will fly a great distan os, Pro. essor Langley has already spent more tha §50,0)0 in the exporimontal work and he believes that he will beabls to bulid a practieal machine, All of the recent tests have been for the purpose of developing cer tala tacts in rela lon to propeliers of differ ent 8 zo and shape, CHEESE-—-R.Y N. Y Skim Uhoese £GG8-— » « orth Carolina .... LIVE POULTRY, CHICKENS-—~Hens, Ducks, per TOBACCO--M4, Sound common Middling Fancy Infer's.$ 150 S00 a 009 LIVE BTOOK. BEEF--Best Beeves......$ 300 Good 10 Falr....c.vives 200 SHEEY..... 350 Hogs 30 FURR AND SKINS, i0 ER AREB EE MUSKRAT Racooon. cou Red FOX. .cocsnssessss Skunk Black .....co0uree OPOSEUID . cou vucasissassn IK. covsicicininsnnnnn EIRRE sis vnvinssnsn insure ons ————- KEW YORK. Sims — FLOUR-Bouthern....... § WHEAT No. 2 Red. ..... RYE--~Western.. coon CORN=NO. 2... c0ruieinmssen OATB-~No. 8..c.cvnviiniviim BUTTER--8tate. coin EGOR-8State....c.. cov CHEESE--8tat.......cccoun a PHILADELPHIA, —— FLOUR—Southern.......$3 WHEAT-No. 2 Red CORN-No. 8 SEea 7 FRRARR Ahern Bini State. . Enna nns SeFeonns, ft rs khan nn 25 400 700 120 @s 510 400 bib 1 5] i