The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 18, 1895, Image 6

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The town of Dorchester, in Clarke county,
Wis., wa. swept by -A Chicago syn- |
is negotiating
fire, —
dica e for 100,00) aeres of |
jand in Montgomery county, Gi,
intend to settl’, ww
on whieh |
colonists from the West
The prisoners in the jail at Roswell, N. M, |
over, owered Jailer Tallaferro and locked
him up and escaped. —The dead bodies of
a man and woman were found on the road
near St, Louis, all indications pointing to a
murder and suicide,——Charles
a molder in a foundry at Phillipsburg, N. J., |
was burned to dea h by molten metal — |
John Yengling a temp'ed to shoot his wife |
at Minerva, O. She escaped. He
gan to beat his child, and shot and seriously |
wounded Thomas E. Booth, who attempted |
to rescue the chi 4. ——Thirty-nine case: o |
Il,——The Mor |
endenc M
smallpox in Shawneelo wo,
mon elders, in sess on at Indep "
cannot agree upon the ace ‘ptance of a s¢
call 4 revelation from J.seph Smith, —
The Strathmore Hotel, at Crescent Dsach,
Mass., was burned. Lozs £30,000,
coverel by insuranc?,
The Susquehanta River is falling, and
150,000,000 leet of logs ars Dow in the West
Branch booms, ready to be gent to tide-water
markets, —1wo more outlaws were killed
in a battle between the Dover train robbers
and United States
O. T.—— George Stice was killed whie sit
marshals, near Hen
ting at the window of his home, near Macon,
Mo., holdicg his body on his knee,
known maa firing thre ugh the wind
him. —— High water in the Merrimac
caused the closing of the mills, and 200 em-
» v
irk, ——1
an ww
ployes we:e thrown out of w wo
American sai ing ships arrived at New York
within aa hour of e rety-
six days’ from In
quarrel about a girl at a dance at Fluvanoa,
ch other, alter a nl
race Hong
pear Jamestown, N. X
and killed Fred Mitch — Mary Croughan,
aged twenty-five years, died at Lynn, Mass,
as the resuit of nine weeks ol continuous hie-
The new eaterprise of
coughing, ship
frozen {from Norway to Eo
proven a success. —Frask Potts
ado, fatally shot Martin Smi h an
John G. Ells, fo
The Susquehacna rolling
near Visall
iumbia, Pa, wal .
The Mobile, Jackscn and
road will bo bu -Tuo
Dickinson's ca-e, Seranton,
agreed, —
steamer St
ee | 188 DOLE
at Lansing,
About seventy!
the plant, —— Waite
nent farmer and dre
has absconded with
about £5 00) whieh »d him
weeks old
Was can
by the
bank at Byron
Packer and her six
struck by the Cons lida‘ed fly whi
fag on the track near Mystie Ct an
killed. ——A seven--tory elevalor wy
t 8t. Louls, }) bushels of whes
Loss 100,
ued at £15,000. —Hi. h water has ca
in Moha
azed thirte n, were { lo
delpbla, It is supposed they were
lightbing. —Harry
town, Pa, was pu
factory on fire,
A furious s«
along the
high ti
L.Steliman, o
missions, ——The defal cs
cashier of the First Na ion
etta, Pa., will likely exceed
Southern Stale: Lan
an Eaglish corporation,
in New York, Loadon, E
cola, Fila, bas been plac
ber concern in the South,
The company
a farmer residing In Maric
county, Ohio, 1
him on the bead with a ely
fused to give his iather
demand, and this led to the ciime, —Philip
Gaflron was shot and killed by burglars ig
his home in Denver,
son by strik
The son re
two dollars upon
The spring session of the Carlisle Presby-
tery was opened in the First Presbyterian
Church at Waynesboro, It was decided
that the fall session be held at Mercersburg,
Pa.——The engineer, fireman and conductor
were killed, and a locomotive and eighteen
freight cars demolished in a wreek on the
Baflalo, Roche ter and Pittsburg Railroad,
near Punxsutawney, Pa. ——A Chicago court
awarded #50,(00 damages to George W.
Coudrey in bis suit against Jacob Bchweln-
furth, the Rockford “Messiah," for aliena-
ting bis wife's affec:ions,——The collapse ol
ofa wall of the T. T. Hutchinson's Com-
pany’s storehouse in Wheeling, W. Va,
caused the loss of five or six lives, including
Very Rev, F. H, Park, viear general of the
diocese of Wheeling, Several men were in-
jured.—Damage by floods waa reported
from points in West Virginia, Pennsylvania
and North Carolina, — It is reported that a
great many counterfeit two-cent stamps
have been made and sold, While Charles
Marshall, 0: Bowers, Cal, and Frank Ham.
iton, a colored deputy, were shooting at
each other, Albert Lawson got in the way of
a bullet, and was fatally wounded.
——— —
II —
A Three-Year Old Boy Fatally Injured by a
Can of Powder.
Benjamin, Lafayette Wagon r's S-year-sid
son, was frightiully injured at their home
in Akron, Ohlo, by the explosion of a can o
powder in bis pocket,
The powder bad been found about the
house, and with some companions he was
taking It to the woods, How the accident
eccurred is not known. The ind will die,
A Ics
Rsbels Expeciod to Move at the Closes of the
Wet Season,
Advices Irom Samon dated Maro) 27, say
there are many rumors of war, [he general
bolfof is that when ths we: season ends the
rebels will move,
Old King Malietoa seems to be losing force
and lo fluence, . .
Decision of the Supreme Bench
in Income Cases.
These Relate to Incomes Derived
from Rent, State, County and
Municipal Bonds-—-There
was Great Interest
in the Decision,
Not sinea the days when great political
ques ions were berore the Buprem {ourt
Las there been suc y interest dis iayed
as with referenceto theine
The court-room was
ly to sullocation
yme-lax Gec
owded a most
he action of the ¢
with lawyers,
watare of any g
By a
was sustained
3 federal tax.
futo two great SIAR 40% wed be
set taxes and duties, imposts and excises
Sacond-—Taoatthe im
is governed bythe ruls
among the saveral siates, ac
bers and the imposition
and excises by the rule of anilor
cut the United States
and representation go
to be and was preserved in
the prinei}
« that
together was intended
the constitution
by the establishment of the rule of appor.
tionment among the several Siale: so
such apportionment should Le a srding
numbers in each State,
powe: to levy
merce to the genaral government, gave
it the eoncurrent power to levy direct taxes
in reliance on the protection afforded by the
rules prescribed, and hat the compr
of the constituiion cannot be disturbed ly
egisiative action,
Five—That theso
the text of the constitution and are supported
by the historical evidence furnished by the
circumstances surr uoding the framing and
adoption of that instrument and the views
yt those who framed ad adopted it,
Sixth--That the understanding and expec,
tation at the time of the adoption of the con.
stitution was that direct taxes would not Le
evie | by the general government except un
jer the pressure of extraordinary exizency
and such Mas been the practce down 10
August 15, 1824. If the power to do so is to
be exercised as an ordi ary and usual means
of supply, tha: fact furn'shes an additional
reason for eircumspection in disposing of the
present case,
feventh-—-That taxes on real estate belong
to the class of directinxes, and that the taxes
on the rent or income of real e:tate, which iy
the incident of it. ownership, belong to the
SAMS © As,
Eighth-—That by no previous dec’si n of
this court bas this question been adjudioated
to the contrary of tue conclusions now an
Ninth--That so much of the ac: of August
15, 1804, as a'tempts to imoose a tax upon
the rent or income of real estaie without ap.
portionment is invalid,
The court Is farther of the opinion that the
act of August 15, 1804, 1s Javalid so far as it
That the States surrende-ed tie
imposis and to reguiate com-
fn ises
cogelusions result from
Ai n
rived from municipal bon ls,
pal eorporation
State and ons of the ins rumentali
the represen the
State gove nmect, the property «nl
of municipal corporati ns are
not the sub-
jects of federal taxation, nor is the income
munilel 1
the 1
derived from State o unty aod
securliles, since taxat on on
therefrom operates on the power to borrow
before it is exercised and has a sens.ble in-
fluence on the contiact, and therefore such a
tax {8 a tux on the power of the Sta'es and
thelr instrumen alitles to borrow money, and
consequently repugnant to the constitutien.
Upon each of the other queti ns argued
at the bar, to wii: First, whether the void
provisions as to rents and income
estate invalidate the
whe her the income
whole second,
act ;
“as to personal
the not is
third, whether any
¢ laylog direct taxes;
part of the tax, il not considered as a
tax, is favalid for
nt are equally di
and, thereiore, no opinion is expresse i+
the decree of the Circul
Toe result is th
is reversed and the
with directions to enter a decree in
ompian'ant in respect oni
ut of the tax on the rents an
{ that whiea it
th fear
the ret
Growth of a New Enterprise in Norway and
The Department of Trade and Commerce
at O.1awa has received from E. Sontoun,
mere nl agent of the Dominion of Canada at
rway, an account of the new
milk to ¥
Mr. Sonton says that about a year
aco a man having a farm avout three miles
rom Gothenberg, tried the experiment of
com pau y
quantity of frezen milk
formed a
the process,
with a large capital, trans ¢ n Crea mory
into a freezor and factory lor preparing the
milk, and has pow made arrangemenis for
taking milk all the year round from farmers
in his neizhtorhood in such large quantities
as will losue the company delivering 50 tons
ilk to Manchester, Bir.
Castle, Leeds, Hull and
fA week of irc
mingham, New
It is also proposed to establish freezers in
[relaad, The process, as described by Mr,
Sonton, consists in scalding the fresh milk,
then freezing it by chemic | process, About
500 pounds of the ir zen milk are placed in
a barrel made of white pine, and 500 pounds
of un’rozen milk added, The barrel is filled
up very lull so that there may be no churning
in transit, and the niik, it Is said, will keep
sweet and good for a month,
ssn III —
Some of Them Were Injured Seversly at a
Pittsburg Fire, but None Will Die.
During the progress of a fire in the Diack
Diamond Steel Works, Pltteburg, the roof of
a small building fell in, burying seven fire
men, Alter a great deal of work they wore
release], While some of them were severoly
injured, none wili die, The fire was con-
fined to one department and only 100 men
are thrown out of work. The loss Is
ings at Wheeling, W, Va.
A Four-Story Warehouse Con-
demned Years Ago as Unsafe,
Was First to Fall Fire
Among the Ruins.
A confused mass .f brick, broken timbers
and stones, marks the spot in the heart of
part of Wheeling, W. Va,
busine: s
where previous stood iwo handsome busi.
ness blocks for the wrecking of which some-
the ru‘us somewhere lie the remain:
y will be held respon-ible, Underneath
of five
Lhiuman beings, who, with «thers, wero
when without a moment's warning,
of the buildings colinpsed, carring with
nd and pardally wrecking another,
y bodies that Lave been recover-
the Very Reverend Father
hat o
. Parker, Vicar General of the Catholic
The other t
L ‘nor tha
ody is that
ard, an iron merchant of
¥. Ya, wh n one of the
+ i5 OLO i a6 mos
irred in Wheeling,
Nn mossenger 1
When ¥
sther Parke’
the RI
feet from the entrance to the alley.
fom n the bafidings and
ably reach §200,000, pa: tiy coverce
EE nts te
Pold Highwaymen Operates near Cripple
Creek, Col
nd express wagon which con-
liand Railroad at Grassy,
two miles from Cripple
overpowered the
ing $16,000
securad an express
and another
fackage contain
package conta ning §85)
and then escaped
n horseback
The hold-up took p ace about 9:30 o'cloek
Hil, on the
highway betwaen Ciippl? Creek and Grassy,
be Midland
all and express wa zon was
on the summit of Tenderfoo
a sation on Terminal Raliroad,
The nn
| from Grassy to Cripple Creek with the mat.
eli route
ter received
§ Bit
at Gra sy on the morn ng train
beside the road ace sted Smith,
| asking a ride, H+: drew up his team
snd one of the men el.mbd
{rom aver aad Colorado Springs,
to the seat
mounted the
| teside bim, wai olher
i baggage bein,
| As soon as Smith started to drive on the
{ man teiind siruck him on the head
The blow slaggered
but did not sun him, The man oa the seal
with him also drew a revolver and love ing
it at him commanded him to get down, walk
to the heads of the horses and hold their
bridles, H: complied, anl while he was
sovered wth their guns they ripped open
and rifled the mall aod express pouches,
After securin: §.60)), which wis being
shipped to the Cripple Creek national banks
and sev ral other valuible packages they
unhiiched the two leadig horses and
mounted them aad rode off rapidly inte
the mountains,
t. mes with a revaiiver
ee ———e
Floods Cause Great Loss of Life in Hun.
Floods in Hungary are Increasing. Two
more villages near Femlin, in Slavonia, have
lisappeared beneath the rising waters of the
Danube, Many of the inhabitants of the vii-
Ingesiwere drowned. The others were res.
cued in tonts
At Semlin, which Is on the right bank of
the Danube, three miles northwest of Bel.
grade, Sorvia, a number of Servians tried to
cut the dike protecting the Hungarian shore
in order to save Belgrade from being joun-
dated, Happily a Hungarian guard Irustrar.
od the attemp,
Crnovena has appeased in the providenes
of Podoli, Russia.
Ax association has been formed in Ger.
many to protect the gold standard of the
Brep Waoprerr, the American who was
shot in Paris 8 few days ago by Thomas
O'Brien, the noted Lunco-steocer, is dead,
Turner was heavy fighting fa the Molokand
Pass between the British troops and the na-
tives under Umra Khan, the ifovader of
A Bpanish warship is reported to have fired
upon a British steamor off Cape Maysi, Cuba,
and to have sent officers ou board to search
the vessel,
Fexon pe Lous, the new Spanish
to the United States, and Marshal de Campos
of Cuba, have
the new Governor-General
sailed for Havana,
Tae bill suspendiug for a year from June
1 the export duties on sugar from the Duich
East Indias have been adopted by the Blates-
General of Holland.
Tux peace negotiations between China and
Japan, which was broken off whez ue at
was made the Ii Hung
Chang, have been renewed,
lempt ile
on of
nehed at
A yew German fronclad was lau
by Emgj
which it
Kiel and christened JX is eror
Ham. This is the vessel was
ported was to be named Bismarck,
Bismarck stood the fa
iz new VYeoezo
# lreainien oreigi iain
the site
Cle I A
and w
only last a fe fMcial said §!
was owing to sugar on the
sy of spirits
f E
all, Treasurer Jobn Searle , Jr.
hat the reason ! bis depar
that the compar
grade syrap, whic
refining process,
A was a by
A discriminati
Francs prevented shipment of
and +0 the company proposes to distil it. The
alcohol obtained {2 :2 be sold in England
I iii
fapan's Demands Made Known Through Of
ficial Sources
An authoritative statement of the terms of
[be statement is made in order to clear up
nuch misapprehension arising from specula.
on as to the terms of peace, They are five
Independence of Corea.
Permanent cession of the Island
{f Formosa to Japan.
Chinese coin worth $1.33 )
Fourth -~Permanent occupation of Port Ar.
bur and the immediate contiguous territory,
Fifth--A new Japan-China treaty opening
{he interior of China to commerce
Tae fifth term as 10 a pew ‘realy
vatious trade features, such as free access of
Chinos® rivers. There is no demand for ter.
ri:ory on the mainland outside of Port Ar.
thur and its contingaous surroundings,
i ————_—
Indemnity of 830,700,000 taels
An Exciting Chase After the Rock Island
Train Gang is Cut Short.
The Rook Island train robbers are now ia
the Gloss Mountais isglon and have set the
prairie on fire bebind them in order to baflie
thelr pun uers,
There being a high wind the fire has cov-
sred an immense area of territory and the
Marshal's posse cannot advanoe.
Governor Holcomb has signed the law
passed by the Nebraska Legislature appro.
priating $200,000 for the purchase of sead
grain and food dor the droughtstrioken
farm ers of the State, and it becomes imme
diately operative
min IIIS 5 si sss.
A sax battle to commemorate the vio
tory of the Mexicans over the French my
Pueblo in 1867, was given at Mexioan City,
when 5,000 troops participated and 5,00
people saw the gia ‘6. General Escobado
Epitome of RewsGleaned From Various Parts
of the Btate
Diptheria ha: again broken out in Oley,
and a two-year-old child of Daniel Rothen-
There are
berger has died (rom the disease,
vix other children in the family, all ol wh
three ms
there was an epldemie in that
are iil with diphtheria, rome
which re united insixtess deaths, six of wii
were 1a one family.
Daniel I tting, of
why Townsbip, has brought an action agains
0,000 damages by reason
on the 20th of
v ra bridge on his way home at night woen
bie fell
ihe widow of Maxata-
the township f.r &
yf the death of her husband
November last, Her busband was
over the side of the bridge with his
is claimed that the
accide % TT he neces
secident was due 10 the negiec
team an i was killed
tof the co
Damage suits were lustituted at Norristown
f Prog
pany, and Ly two
erty own rs a.ainst a sireel
youths for ia arrest
ading Raliroad,
Henry Boaneka wa: found
Mrs, George
Windish was
: . LT oto fa
ond is su-preted of tl
Easton authoriiies were lo
Veghte, charged with
Piaintield, N. J.
Rev, J. T. Milligan, at
the International Prisc
t at Pari-, June 30
li be made by Pittsd
Pittsburg, receiv d
notice that
gress would 1
An attempt
torneys to see re a parloa for Charles Jones
of killing his wile In
w rg als
who was convicted
Thomas F. Shaw was arrested
Pa re on a charge of defrauding a bank.
the Pennsylvania Steel
at Wilkes
The past week at
Works at Steelion has been one ol unusual
in the light the
business depression of! the past 1wO0 yeirs
Every dejarimert had a full compiem of
had doatie
mill was
notivity whea viewed of
men at wor: and the frog shop
Tue product at the rai
large, while that
was up
turns on,
a 1 T rall« and unusually
of the open hearth furnaces
capacity. The ridge and const uction de
partment is stocked with work and orders
sufficient to keep it busy,
Not for seo al years have the prospects
a busy sudnmer as they
been as bright jor
ire at present
Poor Directors, Mercer coun'y, bave
sdopted new tac jos to get rid «1 the large
sumber of families depending upon ihe
They have shut off all
of » ckuoss,
of ine
ounty lor support
sutside relief except in oases
The direc ors ¢ ain that the revival
dustries enable the poor 10 get work of rome
Dr. Roberti N rth, the hypnotist, bas dise
appeared irom Eston, leaviag a small
board bill asd a number of other debs,
George Evick, of York, who e sikall was
crushed by a fall from the root of the Came
barland Valley Normal Sehool baliding in
Saipp ‘nsburg, diel at the later place,
Partié, interested are talking of vuildiag
a deaf and damo ins (tation at Eat 8 road.
ensbarg. Prol, J rome T. E well has pur
chas+«d sufficient grouni near Drodbea »
Croek and workmen are basy geting it ready
for baliding.
Trouble is feare | in the Pittsburg mining
distriot because of violeno» wh oh began at a
mine wear McDonall, where de puty sheriils
were on guard,
A dividend of £272.00) wis dsciarel by
the Lumbermen's Exchafige, at Williams
port, rapres ating profit. of lost lumber res
covered sines last Bpring’s flood.
The Puliman section of the Atlantic exe
press on the Peansylvanis Rullroad aware
Balley'. Station, orashed into a large roek
on the track, No ons was badly hurl,
An unkaowa pra in Doylestown is ale
most daily vending money by mall 10 weil.
know i: anl well-to-do redlests of hat
Pac. : Gh : :