A YOUNG GIRL'S NERVOUS, TROUBLES END VITUS DANTE. IN ST » Physicians Powerieds---The Story the Child's Mother, Sov Told by Reporter, Amo he foot Mor the happy home of James Mel 1 4 the ¢ hills of the town « . DeAr month daughter family bappy girl of sixtoee with Vitus’ dance, n, Wis 8 I'he leading phys consulted, but without avail. and thin under the terrible and was fast losing her mental po fact the thought of placing her in at was seriously naidered. Her case so widely taked about that the report of her cure was like modernizing a miraci old. To a mother said: reporter who visited “You, the report and A FAMOUS INSTITUTION Insti. irug wills ng. i Lae LABOHATORIES in scientif ' medion oss inh 5 ry tf i. 1 charge of sae hiv. Harvard he eqguip- yatoam with ¢ equipped, in which every DY Clo wor ss, Batfalo yay » 9:ddes are inlf- pumped, more comfortable Neafuness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. ‘I here is only one way to cure Deafness, and that is by constitn. tional remedies. Deafne-s is caused by an in. flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tubs, When this tube gets in. flamed you have a rambiing sound or imper. fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflam. mation ean be taken out and this tube re. stored to its normal condition, hearing will be jestroyed forever: nine cases out ten are caused by eatarrh, which la nothing but an in. famed condition of the mucous surfaces, We i give One Hundred Dollars for ase of Deafness (onased by oatarrh) that can. not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, Send for circulars, free, F. J. Caesey & Co, Toledo, 0 ER” Sold by Druggista, 5c. figur.. Notice. 1 want every man and woman Bt tes interested in the Opium habits to have one of my eases, Address B. M., Woolley, Atlanta, Ga, Box 31. and one will be sent you free. arsenle mn the rod of t them look sleek, Ave You Car-Sick When Traveling ¢ Car-slckness ls as trying to many people as pen sickness, 1teomes from aderange ment of the stomach, One of Ripans Tabules is sn in. surance against it, and a box of them should be in every traveler's outfit, REV. DR TALMAGE The Eminnt Brooklyn Divine's Sune day Sermon. Subject: “Tongues of Fire” Text: “Have yo received the Holy Ghost.™ -Acts xix. 3. The word ghost, epirit, lance, frightful and in a frivolous or superstitious WAY. omnipotent and divine and everywhere pres. ent and ninety-one times in the New Testa- ment called the Holy Ghost, has been degraded in common par- the opening days of my ministry, when a me in my village church. On the day of my ordination and installation he sald, you get into the corner of a Saturday night without enough sermons for Sunday, pend fe me, and I will eome and preach for you The fact ought to be known that the first three vears of a pastor's life are ny ingly arduous, No other profes gion makes the twentieth part of the demand on & Young man. 1 lar preacher preg one or t spat a politi- Li a lecture: he is thot v + audiene the every Bldes ministe most he awful ner- It was the last & s following Sa envenly reward, » appeared as, leaning into the face of carmestness kod with over tt the audie: pathos and elects words of Hi and them, fn the von ved fo nsked ge, ogn The Bible 1: Spirit of God 1 Waters sprea is them and Al and dicti and all school lessons, understand ti ¥ "no ’ 4 ings of the IW mountaineer wio having shaken dowz mora should take up Petersburg, all printe “There is no sense in cannot understand umns.” than for any Bible, and without getting Holy Ghost lnmination as to its meaning say: ook insults common sense, | cannot understand it, Away with the incongraity!” No one but the Holy Ghost, who inspired the Seripturcs, ean explain the Fully realize that, and you will be as enthu- ginstic a lover of the old book as my able friend who told me in*Philadelphia last weak that he was reading the Bible through the fifty-ninth time, and it became more at- tractive aad thrilling every time he through it. In the saddiebags that hang across my horse's back as [ rode from Jera- one line of all its col man to take up This my VENAr- masens I had all the books about Palestine that I could carry, but many & man on his knees, in the privacy of his room, has had flashed upon him more vivid appreciation of the word of God than many a man who has Paul's eloquence, and Peter's imprisonment, sion, for Bible study, but I do say that they all together come infinitely short without a di- rect communiontion from the throne of God in response to prayerful solicitation, may find many interesting things about the many horses Solomon had in his stables, or how long was Noah's ark, or #ho wa the only woman whose full name is given in the Beriptures,or which ia the middie verss of the Bible, and all that will do you no more good than to be able to tell how many beanpoles thers are in your neighbor's garden, The leaned Earl of Chatham heard the famous Mr. Cecil preach about the Holy Ghost and said to a friend on thes way homas from church: “I eould not cunderstand it, and do you suppose anybody understood it?" “Oh, yoo," said his Christian friend, “there wore uneducated women and some little children present who understood it.” 1 war- him, “I am the resurrection and the life; he that believeth in Me, though dead, yet shall 0 Ve, Next consider the Holy Ghost an a human reconstructor, We must be made over again, Christ and Nicodemus talked out it. do not be re ad n eare what vou call it, but we have to constructed by the Holy Ghost. We new creatures, hating what we ones and loving what we once hated, an luxury, it must become a detestation, we preferred bad associations, we must pre- fer good associations, In most cases jt 18 a complete change that the notices the difference and begins to ask: ““What has come over that man? Whom has been with? What has so affeeted him? What has ransacked his entire nature? What has turned him square about?’ Take two plotures of Paul on Damascus to kill the diseiples of Christ, the other on the road to Ostia to die for Christ, loved he one | { | In the Second Reformed Church, of Bomar vilie. N. 1.. in mv boyhood days, Mr. Os borne, the evangelist, came to hold a special service, 1 him now as he stood in the pulpit, Before he announced his text and sfore he had uttered a word of his sermon t wept aloud, and it was like the day of judgment. It was the Holy Ghost. BOO messages, One of them read, "My dear pa- rents will rejoice to hear that [ have found peace with God.” Another read, ‘Dear mother, the work continues, and I, too, have converted,” Another read, "At last faith and peace.” In Vermont a religious rooms, hiccoughing around a rd table and then stumbling down the fror stepa midnight and staggering homeward, and that same one weak with his family on the way What |} ions 17 It mu It must ! man, tremendous, the Holy Ghost Christ Nothing does ym fe Th hearts, he excetion of two ner Christian indroeds ex; By 3a re and hi Joa having been blessed hat afternoon I took the train yw meoting in the 8tate of Ohio, o preach on the night of the next yrmon had proved so uselul the day » and the theme waa I resolved to reproduces it, and did reproduce it as far as I could, bat the result was nothing at all, Never had [1 seemed to thing to do with a flatter failure, was the difference betwosn the two Some will sav, “You were tired with a long journey.’ No, I was not tired at all, Some will say, “The temporal circumstances in the first case were more favorable than in What Sey foam? the last, The difference was in the power of second, 1 eall upon the ministers of Ameri en to give the history of sermons, for I bee truth of that Seripture, * On the Sabbath of the dedication of nne of our churches in Brooklyn, at the moming They were the converts in the Brooklyn Academy of Musie, where we had been wor shiping. The reception of so many mom- of the opon Bible by his own blood, and the words adhered to bis sion —had made it an arduous service, which continued from half past ten in the morning From that service we went home exhausted, be- cause thera is nothing so exhausting sa deep A messenger was sent out to obtain a preacher for that night, but the search was unsuccessful, as all the ministers were engaged for some other place. With no preparation at all for the evening service, except the looking in Cruden's Concordance for a text and feeling almost too weary to stand up, I bogan the service, saying audibly while the opening song was being sung, although because of the singing no one but God hesred it: “Oh, Lord, Thou knowest my issufficiency for this service! Come down in gracious power upon this people.” The place was shaken with the divine presence, As far as we could find out, over 400 persons wers converted that night. Hear it, all young men entering oly Ghost, Watching for Me,” The song rolled out on the night air, and a man halted and sald, “1 onder if thers will be uny one waiting and watching for me?” It started him heavens ward, What wasit? The Holy Ghost, In 1857 Jaynes's Hall, Philadelphia, and York, te egraphed epch other number of so saved and the rising of the devotional tides, Noonday prayer meetings held in the cities, into harbor, saved that tain and i Police and fire departments mot in wor At J y I the is wars on REG, r rooms for divine sgislature of the iin the rooms aligious sor in Mp. tate ft Gl Ul ONLY TWO FEET TALL. Death of a Dwar! Whe Lived Tweniv-two Years and Never Walked or Talked, Mintran has i few Ava Mintram, Charles E war! TE AR nl ar inches ta N.J., and The first vear he was a athe=s, and ine was out he anh had body, amined by many § but none of them © explanation of the as bright mentally as i his life, i xi any satisf story Any child until nary baby all the rest of his life MONSTER CRAPE FRUIT FARM, in California, One of the largest enterprises in the plant. fornia has just been begun within three miles fruit innd in the valley, Mr. Loud is the first He has contracted for 3000 trees of this variety of fruit, all that ean be had in that part of the State for immediate planting, put the success of the experiment will be walcned with in- terest by fruit growers and followers in all parts of the conuiry. Grape fruit has come to be in demand at good prices in the Eastern markets, and has been one of Florida's most profitable erops, but the recent cold weather along the Atlan- tir sonst killed every grape fruit tree in that State, Japan's National Exhibition, The fourth Industrial Exhibition of Japan will bo held this year at Kioto, It openad on April 1 and will eontinne until July 81. This is the Japanese National exhibition, also being held in commemoration of the 1000th anniversary of the founding of Kioto as the old capital of Japan, Kioto is now known as the Western capital, though in reality no longer a wont of government, and fa the most fascinating city of the empire, Temples abound in and about Kioto and it i the home of the fpest products of Japan. wie looms, i | | | | | Highe st of all in Leavening Power ~— Latest U. 8, Gov't Keport Royal povie ABSOLUTELY PURE Road Foundations of Cloth, hee nie The Massachusetts Highway Com | missioners’ Boni build: | ! 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DORCHESTER, MASS DOUCLAS i: 0 ua rE & WAITER winds som RL Mas AED a7 ime ss 0 mies w #8 COXERE YRO® RE HER UNSSATISFAL AEEROTORS, 3 A 4 ¥ a * ne-hisnif ® 4 $1 veers t3 ' " BUS s WanhEs ’ i185 THE BEST. TORY WHEILA Ww iT FOR AKING, } ve . " CORDOVAN, WENCH & DNAMDLLLID CALF, 13 CALF BKANGARDIS CC.asoLES, We the 3 Lusion and ot thas Sern & 2 ORES ) The pent bs ¢ ad. wil be of prmps P a | INC —— * ; n OM KN CITA FINE. V3, : bb A 41 *rirnm Sper ¥ - 10 we " oe & Aery * a ‘ul . Pi oe" Crp « Wide OAL w® § » f $ . Asrmotor Co. LG vt . Over One Pilon Pooplew x FREY. INK FREE All our shoes are equally satisfactory hey give the best v2! for the Coney. itey equal custom s ia st ~d fit, Their wearing qualities are unsursassed., The prices are unit ewes inmped on From £1 10 © 1 saved ever other makes, i r die t ply ve Calie in wh Cann sEPPIY y AVAIAVVEIAAALALAAVASAIAAVALAAVIAMVAAMVAAAAMALA WALL ALAAIVIAIN ‘ebster’s International nvaluable in Office, School, or Home, Didtionar New from cover (o cover, he Standard of the 1 Print Of 8 e UV. 8. ent i 5 hoe, and ETH ended Dy « A Colles Presiden! srrites *¥« finds the word sought, for accurs tive methods in indicating pronunciation, for terse yet riprehensive statements of facts, and for practical use s working dictionary, * Webster's Intervational’ excels ther single volume.” G. & €C, Merriam Co., Publishers, Gpringficld, Mass, U.S. A, philet conta t 3 phctographic repr HAVE YOU FIVE OR MORE CO If #0 8 * Baby ** Cream Separator will earn its cost for you every year. Why continue an inferior system gnathas year at 80 great a Jos? Dalrying is now the only profitsdie feature of Agriculture. I'roperly con- ducted it always pays well, and must pay you. You wd a Separator, and you need the BEST, ~the “Baby.” All styles and cities. Prices, $70. upward. Bend for new 1885 Catalogue. - THE DE LAVAL SEPARATOR CO., Branch OMe! General Offices! ELON, ILL. 74 CORTLANDT ST., NEW YORK, Weak Mothers and all women who are nursing babies, derive almost incon. ceivable benefits from the nourishing properties of Scott’s Emulsion It en- It also makes babies fat and gives more nourishment to growing children than all the rest of the food they eat. Scott's Emulsion has been prescribed by physicians for twenty years for Rickets, Marasmus, Wasting Diseases of Ohildren, Ooughs, Colds, Weak Lungs, Emaciation and Consumption. Send for pamphlet on Scoll’s Emulsion. FREE. Scott & Bowne, N. Y. All Druggists. 50 cents and $1. Oak ti hie! eye tion, for of. fo v of deftly Por Cree pen Se cep NINE e prem pmpve i lostrations, ic the Welter of 188 nts of This is the most nourishing food known to science. riches the mother’s milk and gives her stremgsh.